Issues and Answers

God's Call To Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ruthie Jacobsen (Host), Bill McClendon, Derek Morris


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000354

00:01 ¤ ¤
00:29 Hello and welcome to Issues and Answers. We are so glad that you
00:34 have joined us for this program today. We believe that there's
00:39 something so exciting, something personal, and something really
00:45 productive in our discussion today. We hope you'll be as
00:49 excited about it as we are. It's based on the text from Isaiah,
00:54 Isaiah 43 where it says, and God is saying this to us personally,
00:59 He's saying, I know what I've done in the past is magnificent.
01:04 What I have done has been incredible, almost unbelievable,
01:10 but don't just focus on the past don't just look back at the
01:16 wonderful miracles I've done. Look at me and wonder and know
01:21 that what I have done in the past I can do again. And he
01:25 promises, I'm going to do something new, watch for this
01:30 new thing. So our call to prayer as a church has a purpose
01:35 because God wants to do something big, something
01:39 enormous and something that is all-encompassing and that uses
01:44 every single one of us. Isn't that exciting? We believe it is.
01:49 I'd like for you to meet my guests Bill McClendon is from
01:53 the Oklahoma Conference. Yes. Welcome. Great to be here Ruthie
01:58 Glad you're here.
01:59 We're excited about what we're going to talk about today.
02:02 And you have some exciting things in your past and in your
02:06 future. That's right, I'm a pastor now
02:08 but I was not always a pastor. I became a Christian when I was
02:12 about 20 and it was really in a sense of that text that you just
02:17 quoted, wanting to see something new that I'd never experienced
02:21 before that God eventually called me into the ministry.
02:25 What were you doing at that time? When you were 20 and you
02:29 had not been a Christian at all before that time.
02:32 Raised in a Christian home but not a Christian, not a Christian
02:37 and I was working in business. I was a computer person, manager
02:42 of an IT department and really just everything going great in
02:46 my life. And you were very successful?
02:49 Very successful. Everything going well. I just went home one
02:53 night in the emptiness of my own home and had an encounter with
02:57 God that I really felt God was calling me to be a follower.
03:01 It was just a few days later then that I received an
03:05 invitation to attend some meetings that were happening in
03:08 the city that I was in, in Tulsa and I went to those meetings
03:12 and I really met the Lord and discovered what God was calling
03:16 me to do and that was to be a follower.
03:19 Bill that is such an exciting story. I love that. And it shows
03:25 what a personal God we have. That was a setup. He knew when
03:30 he wanted you to get that information. He said I love Bill
03:34 I've got a purpose for his life, I've got a bigger plan than he
03:38 can imagine and I've got to get him ready for it.
03:42 I'm glad God leads me one step at a time. You know it was first
03:46 to become a follower and then as I became a part of a church
03:50 there, just longing to see... You know I started reading the
03:53 Bible and was reading Acts chapter 2 and you look around
03:57 the church and you don't see things like that happening any
04:00 longer and I really had it in my heart to want to see something
04:03 like that. And then it was eventually God giving me the
04:07 opportunity to be a part of that by planting a new church and
04:10 becoming a pastor.
04:11 And you know the exciting thing of it is he himself gives you
04:16 that desire. Everything comes from him. I'd like for you to
04:21 meet my other guest that is here, Pastor Derek Morris from
04:26 the Orlando area in Florida, Apopka, Forest Lake Church.
04:32 Derek I'm glad you here.
04:33 I'm glad to be here. I'm excited to talk about how prayer and
04:37 mission go together in life changing ways.
04:39 What does this text mean to you that God is going to do
04:43 something new and that he's calling us, especially right now
04:49 right today. We're here in 2008 and we have a special sense of
04:56 urgency. How does that text fit into what we're doing?
05:00 I've always believed in prayer but the more I study the New
05:05 Testament I see prayer and mission inextricably linked
05:09 together. And there's a text that has particularly impacted
05:13 me in the book of Acts chapter 4 and it says there, speaking
05:17 about the believers, it says after they prayed, so prayer was
05:21 crucial, prayer was foundational but sometimes Christians say
05:24 well I'm not into mission I'm just into prayer. But the text
05:28 says after they prayed the place where they were meeting was
05:31 shaken, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. People say
05:35 oh I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but it goes on
05:38 and says and spoke the word of God boldly. And you read the
05:42 book of Acts and it's all about mission. It's all about telling
05:45 people about Jesus, that he died for their sins and rose from the
05:49 dead, that he is indeed the Christ, Son of God. So I think
05:53 the new thing is saying we need prayer. To go out and try to
05:57 serve Jesus without prayer is foolish but we also need to go
06:02 from prayer. Get up off of our knees and do missions.
06:05 I think we as Christians have always believed that prayer is
06:10 vital and we sometimes have the mistaken idea that if we pray
06:15 and we're studying the word that's really all there is to
06:19 being a Christian. That's just the first beginning steps. We've
06:24 got to move on from there because it's all for a purpose.
06:27 God wants us to know him.
06:29 That's right. The other extreme, Acts chapter 6, is where the
06:32 church is growing rapidly and the number of disciples is
06:36 increasing greatly. Then the leaders say, we need to delegate
06:40 responsibility to people full of the Holy Spirit and we must
06:44 remember to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of
06:48 the word. So there's a balance. We need both. We need a
06:53 foundation in prayer all of us and we also need to be involved
06:56 in mission.
06:57 And I love the text in Daniel, Daniel 11:32 that says, and the
07:02 Lord is speaking through Daniel to us even our day. He's saying
07:08 if you know me intimately and he uses yadah, the knowing of
07:13 the intimacy of marriage, he says if you will know me
07:17 intimately I will make you strong and I'll make you able
07:22 to do bold and daring things. So it's always that God says
07:26 yes I love you and I've got a plan for your life and a purpose
07:31 for your life just as I have a place for you in heaven, a
07:35 mansion, a place for you to live in heaven, I have a place for
07:39 you on earth, but you have to know me. You have to talk to me.
07:45 I'd like to know, tell us, why is it so vital right now for us
07:50 as Christians and Seventh-day Adventists.
07:53 You know, as we're looking to the future, before we can really
07:56 look at the future, oftentimes we look at the past and there
08:01 has been a trend growing in, I think, all churches and that is
08:04 that things have gone pretty much the way they have. One only
08:07 has to come into the church. When I joined the church and
08:11 became a Christian and started attending 20 years ago it just
08:14 seemed like something was missing. Yes, people loved Jesus
08:18 and there's a spirit of desire to want to serve the Lord, but
08:23 yet God has a purpose for us. As I became a Christian I
08:26 realized that God added me to his family because he wanted to
08:33 use me for a reason.
08:34 He doesn't every want us to be so satisfied that we just settle
08:38 down in a rut and say wow this is good. I'm glad for what I've
08:42 got. This is enough. Because God says no, no, no, don't stop
08:47 there. I've got a huge plan for you.
08:49 That's right for 20 years of my life I was not a follower of
08:53 Christ. As I became one, my heart's desire was that I would
08:57 have been one earlier. And God lays that burden on all of our
09:01 hearts that there are people in our world, in our neighborhoods,
09:04 in our work places that we need to reach for the gospel. So that
09:08 I think is really where we're looking at. What does God call
09:12 us to do. Yes, he calls us to pray, he calls us to study the
09:16 Bible, but all of that is to prepare us for the work that
09:19 God wants us to do and that is to share him with the rest of
09:22 the world and I think that's the focus that we're looking at
09:27 in the future is how can we change the world and tell others
09:31 about him? That's right. And it must be
09:33 with a sense of urgency from him because he says that he's not
09:38 willing that any should perish. And just as he had a plan for
09:42 your life and for each one of us he has a plan for the people out
09:46 there who don't know him. And we're responsible. We have the
09:51 joy of working with him to take that to them.
09:54 The great commission was not the great punishment. You know, go
09:58 and tell everybody. It's a privilege that God gives to us
10:02 and for I think many Christians they never really embrace that
10:07 in a personal way. That's something that the pastor does,
10:11 or my minister does. But God calls all of us to do that and
10:15 we're looking forward to the time when the church will really
10:19 awaken and take a hold of that.
10:22 And it's time now, isn't it right now. It's time.
10:26 We've got to say all right we're going to stop doing
10:29 business as usual, we going to depend on God for
10:32 something huge. Tell us about that.
10:35 Well you know the church in North America and Europe is not
10:40 making the impact the way other places are. You know we read
10:43 about what goes on overseas, (South America, Interamerica)
10:48 and how 10s of thousands, but if you look at North America in
10:51 places like that it just isn't happening and you've got to ask
10:55 yourself why not. Is God not interested in people here or
10:59 is it us, that we no longer have that passion to reach people.
11:04 So there's been a nominal amount of growth that has occurred here
11:09 in North America, but in a meeting that I think Derek and I
11:12 were both in recently, thinking about the future you know it was
11:17 just a God thing as we met there and everybody sensed it but as
11:21 we looked to the future and setting some goals and some
11:24 ideas about what God could do, it wasn't just a 10 percent
11:27 increase, it wasn't just a 50 per cent increase but about
11:31 30,000 people are added to the Adventist church every year in
11:33 North America and by the time that meeting was over we were
11:36 believing God for 100,000 souls, 100,000 people.
11:42 In one year? In one year. And we have never come close.
11:45 Never. But something has to change in
11:48 order for that to happen. You've got to have the foundation of
11:51 prayer, but then everyone has to be engaged and talk about
11:55 how to build bridges with people and how to pray a radical prayer
11:58 that's going to change people's lives. But it can't be just
12:02 looking at the pastor or it's can't be a pastor just saying
12:05 well we'll have an evangelist come in. It has to be every
12:09 follower of Jesus first seeking God and then being part of that
12:14 miracle. That's what I like about that
12:17 goal. Everybody that looks at this and it's just such a God
12:21 sized thing that we know we cannot do it. We cannot do it
12:25 the way that things have always been done and this is really not
12:29 only asking all of God's people to get involved but asking God
12:34 to do something new like you just mentioned.
12:36 That's right, that's right. And you know every Christian has to
12:41 say Lord, I really, really want to be part of this. I don't want
12:47 this to pass me by. You know it's like the hymn, While on
12:50 others thou art calling, do not pass me by. I need this. I think
12:56 every Christian has to say Lord I want to be part of this. You
13:01 gave me life for a purpose. This is so exciting. How do you want
13:07 to use me and now what can be the next steps for them.
13:13 After I became a Christian I had a pastor who really took me
13:17 under his wing and he showed me what being a Christian was all
13:21 about and it wasn't just sitting there week by week but it was
13:25 sharing your faith and I had an opportunity to start giving
13:28 Bible studies. So you were growing.
13:30 I was growing but I've got to tell you I was going along
13:35 reluctantly. But really it changed my life when it was over
13:39 When I was sitting in church one day and I watched somebody walk
13:43 down the steps of the baptistery and I saw a person give their
13:47 heart to the Lord and to be baptized. It's then I understood
13:50 what God's will is for everyone, not just pastors but everybody.
13:54 Was that one of your friends, one of the people that you had
13:57 been sharing with. It was. It was somebody that I
14:00 had established a relationship with and I'd been able to give
14:04 some Bible studies to and it just made me understand now that
14:09 my life is not about making money or doing a certain job.
14:12 It is about ministry. It is about leading others into the
14:17 same experience that I had. And I can't help thinking that if
14:21 our people would just experience that. Our pastor talked about it
14:26 as a drug, the drug of winning people to the Lord, that once
14:30 you've experienced it, it's addictive.
14:32 It's a high, it puts you on a high. And you know the Lord
14:37 himself takes you from the state of reluctancy to the joy and the
14:43 excitement and the rewards of actually seeing somebody make
14:47 progress and growth. And you understand that growth because
14:51 you've been there and you want them to just experience that.
14:55 And then to keep sharing it and then it becomes exponential.
14:59 You know, the Lord leads one step at a time. If he had shown
15:02 me everything, I would have run so far the other direction so
15:06 fast. But it seems like one step If you're willing to be faithful
15:10 to the Lord and take that next step then you're amazed when
15:13 it's over and how far God has led you.
15:15 And you know when you realize that scripture is true, he
15:20 really does take you where you never could have gone. He really
15:25 does help you to be what you never could have been and he
15:28 helps you to do what you never could have done. That's great,
15:32 Bill. But I can just hear somebody say that's wonderful
15:36 that's exciting, but how did you get there? I'm still a little
15:41 bit fearful. You know fear is not necessarily
15:45 a bad thing. You know when we are a little bit fearful when
15:49 we're doing something for the Lord, it drives us to our knees,
15:53 it helps us to know that we are depending on him. Everything in
15:57 life is fearful the first time that you do it and this is not
16:01 about everybody going to have their own evangelistic meeting
16:05 or even knocking on doors. This is about everybody praying and
16:09 asking God what is it that you would have me to do? As we all
16:13 work together and God adds his blessing then anything is
16:17 achievable. But what would happen if God is calling me to
16:21 be a part of this and I remain inactive?
16:24 Then you miss something huge that only he can do because I
16:28 believe he's calling us to something supernatural. Sure.
16:33 But a supernatural mission calls for supernatural resources and
16:39 only he can do that. That's why prayer has to be the basis and
16:45 then he leads us step by step. Wouldn't you agree?
16:48 You know to come back to something that Bill said that
16:51 Jesus... Luke 10 is a passage that's profoundly impacted my
16:55 life. When the disciples joined Jesus in what he was doing, it
16:59 says they returned with joy and so...
17:03 They probably went out with fear they returned with joy.
17:05 He said they were lambs so they didn't feel totally adequate but
17:09 as they joined him in his work they came back with joy and the
17:14 beautiful think is that God places us where he knows we're
17:17 gifted to serve and he gives us the gifts that we need.
17:21 I'm glad you said what you did about fear. A friend of mine
17:25 who's a pastor in
17:26 Tampa, Florida told me recently, he said you know what I had a
17:30 member that came into my office the other day and he said pastor
17:34 you wanted us to go out and do something with you, I think it
17:38 was a car wash or feeding parking meters, or something
17:43 maybe it was handing out water at some event. He said I've
17:47 never done this before and I'm kind of scared. The pastor, I
17:52 thought, his response was perfect. He said you're scared.
17:56 I'm scared too. Let's be scared together. But let's just do it.
18:00 And once you do what you're afraid of you discover that that
18:06 was just a farce. Do what you're afraid of and the death of fear
18:11 is certain. That's right. That's right. I
18:13 think anytime we do something... You know it's a supernatural
18:17 thing. When you start talking to somebody about their
18:20 relationship with God and we're entering into ground where we
18:24 know we are not able to do this and that's when God joins us.
18:27 When we get out of the boat or crawl out to the edge of the
18:31 limb. We are safely in God's hands and we don't always have
18:34 the right answer. We don't always know exactly what we're
18:37 going to say but I have found it's in times like that that God
18:41 really does his work in our life and when it's over then it's not
18:45 about what I've done or what Derek has done or anybody, it's
18:49 about what God did in that experience.
18:51 That's right. There's a gospel song and the words go like this:
18:55 Get out of the boat and start walking on the sea, because out
18:59 of the boat is the safest place to be. When you're walking
19:03 toward the Master, he will keep you afloat. Never mind the wind
19:08 or the waves, get out of the boat. So what would you say
19:12 to somebody who's saying I really want to get out of the
19:16 boat? I'd encourage them to begin to
19:20 pray and I've been led to very radical prayer in Luke 10 where
19:24 we give the Lord of the harvest permission to throw us out into
19:28 his harvest. The beautiful thing is instead of saying I'm
19:32 supposed to do what everybody else is doing, is to say Lord
19:35 you show me what you want me to do. You put me in the place that
19:38 you want me to be. I think of my wife who had a small Bible
19:41 study group with three or four ladies and they felt convicted
19:45 to encourage people to come and study about the great prophesies
19:49 of Daniel and Revelation and something happened as they were
19:52 willing to step out to use your words, step out of the boat,
19:57 the group has grown. They have 30 to 50 people coming and you
20:01 know how my wife feels? She's joyful. She's excited.
20:05 Because she knows that she can't do this and the other ladies
20:09 that are there, they know that they're joining God in what he's
20:14 doing. Now all of that is going to bless them as well as bless
20:19 the people that are learning more about the word.
20:21 And it grows because the people who are there studying now get
20:26 excited. Success is its own reward, because the people who
20:32 are there are saying, oh I know somebody who ought be learning
20:38 what I'm learning. This is life changing stuff.
20:39 That's exactly what's happening. And so we're starting... They're
20:43 going to start the study again and have a second group studying
20:47 some other things and this Daniel and Revelation group's
20:50 going to start again in January a different time of the week
20:53 when other people can come. And they're continuing to see God
20:57 work. And back to what we started with, that's taking my
21:01 wife and others back to prayer and saying God we really need
21:05 you. We really need you and yet we also want to come and praise
21:09 you. Great and awesome God the scripture says. Bless the Lord
21:12 oh my soul, all that is within me bless his holy name. So we're
21:16 experiencing a deeper relationship but prayer and
21:20 mission are inextricably linked together.
21:22 And don't you believe that when you're involved in something
21:26 this big, I mean this kingdom business. And the kingdom
21:32 advances among friends. When you are involved in a friendly
21:37 ministry, a mission that has eternal consequences, the Lord
21:43 himself gives you the sense you're just watching me work.
21:48 I'm doing this whole thing but I'm giving you the privilege of
21:52 watching me at work.
21:53 That's what it has to be. We cannot look back on this
21:57 experience and say look what we did. We worked hard and we
22:02 invested a lot of money. It has to be look what God has done.
22:06 And it's a faith building exercise because as broad and
22:12 as aggressive as some of these objectives are that's still
22:16 nothing compared to what God wants to do one day. So this is
22:20 another step where we'll look and say God has honored our
22:24 faith. You know think about that experience of being thrown out
22:27 of the boat or walking on the water, I was reading something
22:31 recently and just as a reminder when we are over our heads
22:35 it's under God's feet. Because God walked on the water. So you
22:39 know it's something for us to remember that we're doing God's
22:43 work, we cannot fail.
22:44 You know what's happened for me, just a personal testimony, I was
22:48 invited to go and hold a meeting for a whole city and talk to the
22:52 city about Jesus. My first response is somebody else should
22:57 do that. You know, someone maybe more capable or experienced. And
23:01 then I think wait a minute. If God is calling all of us and God
23:06 has given me some gifts, I need to be willing to let him put me
23:10 somewhere that he wants me to be and I think this initiative
23:15 of saying God is going to do a new thing. We're looking at
23:19 three times the growth prayerfully. We've got to pray.
23:23 But we've got to do more than pray. We've got to say God show
23:26 me what you want me to do.
23:28 And you know Derek, maybe the first prayer ought to be Lord I
23:33 love you. Make me willing. Give me a willing heart so you can
23:37 just pour through me, put the words in my mouth, put the love
23:42 in my heart and just show people how much you care for them.
23:46 That's right. With him we move from being a passive observer
23:51 to being that active participant and when that happens something
23:55 happens in our heart. Then joy comes as we join God in what
23:59 he's doing. And that's something that we're praying that every
24:03 follower of Jesus will be willing to do; to say Lord show
24:06 me how to be an active participant in your work.
24:09 Christianity was never ever meant to be a spectator sport.
24:13 It was always for involvement and getting in there and joining
24:17 God because he's not going to let you down and he's always
24:21 going to be there with you.
24:22 That's right. Back to where we started in Acts 4. It doesn't
24:25 say that after they prayed, the apostle went out and
24:30 preached the word of God boldly. It says after they prayed they
24:34 went out, all of them, and in different settings and different
24:38 ways they are proclaiming the word of God in a life
24:43 changing way. Everybody's busy. In fact, the
24:46 whole book of Acts shows everybody was in there
24:48 together doing something. You know, I just have to share the
24:53 thought that came to me about all of this. The prayer and
24:58 going out, often, maybe nearly every time we have a prayer
25:02 event, somebody will come to me afterward and say, Ruthie, I
25:06 I know what you're saying is true but I need to have you pray
25:11 for me so that I can do that. I know the power has to come
25:15 from God but will you pray for me. And so let's pause right now
25:20 and pray for that person whom we have been speaking with.
25:26 Let's pray together. Father in heaven, what a privilege it is
25:32 to bring all of this to your feet. The things we've been
25:36 talking about today are too big for us. But nothing is
25:40 impossible with God. We ask you to come into our hearts in a new
25:45 and deep, wonderful way so that we can experience not only the
25:51 excitement of sharing with others, but the willingness.
25:55 Take us to people who you're already working with. We know
26:00 your Holy Spirit is way ahead of us. So walk with us and use us.
26:06 Surprise us with the joy of watching you do what only you
26:11 can do. Lord, we thank you, we love you and we praise you for
26:16 what you're doing. I ask a special blessing for the persons
26:21 that we're praying for just now. In the strong name of Jesus amen
26:27 This has been such a joy to have you both here today and our time
26:33 is just about gone. It goes so quickly, but you each have about
26:39 30 seconds to just encourage somebody that they can do it.
26:42 What do you want to tell them?
26:44 Ruthie, this is the most exciting to be a Christian. We
26:48 believe that Jesus is coming soon but there are yet people
26:52 that need to hear. You and I have been privileged to be a
26:56 part of that group that will be challenged to take the world
26:59 take the gospel to the entire world. I want to be a part of
27:03 that and I know others do as well.
27:05 And our best days are just ahead. Derek what are your
27:09 parting words? Well I think when we join God
27:11 in what he's doing we experience joy. So we come on
27:14 our knees and then we get up off of our knees and join him in his
27:17 work. Ah, what an exciting work.
27:19 And I want to thank you both for being here. There is an
27:24 excitement in this whole topic isn't there?
27:26 There is. Thank you for having us.
27:29 And you know we're thankful that you were part of this.
27:33 Thanks for joining us for Issues and Answers. I hope that this
27:36 will become something personal and real in your life. I hope
27:40 that you will take this to the Lord in prayer and say Lord they
27:44 were talking about me today and I really want to know you better
27:48 I want you to make me strong, I want to do this.
27:51 Thanks, we'll see you again next time.


Revised 2015-04-10