Issues and Answers

The Church & Domestic Violence

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Lizzie Harrison


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000343

00:30 Hello, I am Shelley Quinn
00:32 and welcome again to "Issues and Answers."
00:34 No matter where you're tuning in
00:35 from around the world
00:36 we are happy that you are with us today.
00:39 We are going to be talking about something that is--
00:42 I am not go to say a dirty little secret
00:44 but its something that there is some what of a cover up,
00:47 its in the closet inside the body of Christ
00:50 and that is domestic violence that happens even in the church.
00:54 It's hard to believe but yes it does.
00:56 We have to remember that the church is a microcosm
00:59 it's built of people who have many problems.
01:04 They come to church to be healed
01:06 and sometimes they bring this, this baggage with them
01:09 for which they are ashamed to admit
01:13 what's going on
01:14 and we have got to learn as the body of Christ
01:17 how to recognize what's going on
01:19 and how to minister to people who are hurting.
01:23 In 2 Samuel Chapter 22,
01:27 this is what is written verse 6 and 7.
01:30 "The cords of Sheol were entangled me,
01:33 I encountered the snares of death."
01:35 This is very much how the victim is feeling
01:40 if they are victim of domestic violence.
01:43 "In my distress I called upon the Lord,
01:45 I cried to my God and He heard my voice from His temple,
01:48 my cry came into His ears."
01:52 As the Lord responds to the cry of those who are hurting
01:57 who does He use for His hands and His feet?
02:01 He uses us in the body of Christ.
02:04 So the church needs to wake up
02:05 and really be educated on this topic
02:08 and learn what we can do.
02:10 With us today we are very pleased
02:12 to introduce you to Liz Harrison coming to us
02:15 from St. Louis, Missouri.
02:17 And Liz, you are the director
02:18 for Harrison's Referral Services.
02:21 Tell us a little bit about that ministry.
02:23 Well by the grace of God He has allowed me
02:25 to start a ministry on domestic violence.
02:28 I was a victim of domestic violence
02:30 and I decided to turn my pain into power. Praise God.
02:33 I decided to help other women
02:35 that were dealing with domestic violence
02:37 by reaching out to them
02:39 or helping them to get into safe havens
02:41 also helping with food and clothing
02:43 and spiritual counseling.
02:45 Now you were-- your's was mostly the verbal,
02:51 mental, emotional abuse
02:53 but it escalated to the physical abuse in your relationship.
02:57 Yes, that's correct. Yes.
02:59 And we are going to talk with you about
03:00 that bonds some other programs,
03:02 but today we are gonna focus in on the churches responsibility
03:07 it is something that is still
03:09 kind of in the closet in the church.
03:10 Is it not? Yes, that's correct. Yes.
03:12 So now, if we are going to address domestic violence
03:18 how do you see pastors, elders, deacons
03:20 and people becoming involved
03:22 what can the church do to recognize
03:26 and address this problem.
03:28 Well, I will think that would be more supportive
03:30 to victims of domestic violence
03:32 or family abuse or whatever is going on in the situation.
03:36 I think the church can really be a helping hand
03:39 to victims of domestic violence by reaching out to them,
03:42 having more support groups, having more counseling,
03:45 more seminars and workshops on domestic violence.
03:49 I do believe that by having ministries
03:52 on the inside of the churches
03:53 or may be you having outside contacts
03:55 for the victims would be very help to them.
03:58 I think the counseling would be good from the pastors
04:01 if they are able to counsel victims of domestic violence
04:04 or even when they do a marriage counseling
04:07 if they would talk to the couples
04:08 about domestic violence as well.
04:10 Okay, so you are heading on something now
04:11 that you are going to get me going
04:13 because the way the best way to prevent
04:17 domestic violence is education. Yes, that's correct.
04:20 And if we are working with couples
04:23 who are even young people,
04:25 teenagers you need recognize this
04:26 because we are hearing a lot about
04:29 abusive relationships between teens.
04:32 And so I think that part of the reason
04:34 the church is afraid to become involved,
04:38 many are uneducated but if the pastor,
04:41 the elder or if they have church counselor
04:43 or someone who is working with young adults
04:47 you are saying, get out there teach them the warning signs,
04:50 teach them what the biblical prospective is on this,
04:56 that it is not acceptable to be in a abusive relationship,
05:00 to be abuser and teach them in advance
05:03 and even if they are coming in
05:04 from marriage counseling share this
05:08 so that when women or men go into a marriage
05:12 they recognize that got some foundational rules
05:15 right from the beginning.
05:16 Exactly, I think that would be awesome for them to have that
05:19 because a lot of times we don't talk about domestic violence
05:22 we just talk about the relationship
05:24 and yourself and what marriage really means to a couple.
05:27 And, you know, they talk about
05:28 how we need to treat one another
05:29 but nobody really talks about domestic violence or abuse.
05:33 Well, if the abuse starts were do we go from here?
05:36 How can the church help us with domestic violence?
05:39 What does the church do about the abuser?
05:42 What more can we do to be a more of a support?
05:45 We are here to support the abusers as well.
05:47 We don't want to exout the abusers
05:50 or anything of that sort.
05:51 We want to be able to bring them in,
05:53 to work with them, to get them in the counseling
05:55 and help that they need if that's what they want to do.
05:58 And I just think that will be more helpful as a body of Christ
06:01 and its all about responsibility,
06:02 not just a pastor it's everyone's responsibility.
06:05 Even the members we shall look after one another,
06:08 we shall listen to each other more.
06:10 Pay attention to what each other
06:11 is going through on a daily bases.
06:13 And I just think we happen to be more help
06:15 if we just reach out more and just have a open mind
06:18 to domestic violence sort of a close mind.
06:20 Okay, now you when you were in your relationship
06:25 in your marriage you had three children. Yes.
06:27 And how old were your children when you divorced?
06:29 Oh, my son he is two years old at the time,
06:32 he is eight years old now.
06:33 And my two daughters are 16 and 17
06:36 at the time they were 11 and 12.
06:38 But you were in the church at the time?
06:40 No, I was not in the church.
06:42 So how was it for you-- how did you reach out?
06:45 Did you find it difficult to lead
06:47 that abusive relationship?
06:50 Actually, I did.
06:51 You know, I felt that I could make it on my own.
06:53 I felt that I couldn't take care of my children.
06:55 I was so used to both of the incomes in the house.
06:58 I was a working mom, I worked two jobs actually
07:02 and at the time my husband he worked a really good job
07:06 and ever thing but I just felt that
07:08 I couldn't leave because I didn't think
07:09 I could take care of my children on my own.
07:11 I didn't think I will survive and my abuser actually told me
07:14 I wouldn't make you without him,
07:15 I wouldn't survive without him.
07:18 And I just thank God that that was not true
07:21 and I just steeped out on faith.
07:23 And you did finally, so you had that belief in the Lord
07:26 but you just weren't in the church at that time.
07:28 Exactly I knew that God loved me.
07:30 I knew that there was a way out.
07:33 I just had to, you know, to get the connection with Christ
07:37 and to, you know, just to really talk with Him
07:41 and speak with Him and ask Him to guide
07:43 and to lead me because I want to do the right thing.
07:44 I had children they were there
07:47 I want to be a good example to my children.
07:49 I didn't want more violence to be escalated
07:52 out of the separation or whatever
07:54 and I spoke with my children about the abuse
07:56 but then never really understood the abuse
07:59 but I just thank God
08:00 that I was able to be strong in Christ Jesus
08:03 and was able to escape domestic violence.
08:06 When people in the Church why do you think that
08:10 this is such a dirty little secret
08:12 in the church out of that?
08:14 Why are people so afraid?
08:15 Why are women and its not always the women
08:19 who are the victims sometimes men are the victims.
08:21 Yes, very much so.
08:22 And that's a very difficult thing,
08:24 because a man I think he is particularly embarrassed
08:27 if he is-- if he is the victim.
08:30 But why is this something that there is such a cover up?
08:35 Well, in my opinion I would say that a lot of times,
08:39 you know, we are couples
08:40 or we are in the church we seem to be happy.
08:43 Have the excellent marriages and everything
08:46 it's an-- its an embracement.
08:48 Because, you know, we show this
08:50 we wear this mask on the outside
08:51 and we pretend that everything is all right
08:54 and, you know, the relationship is just really,
08:58 really flowing and so happy.
08:59 But all along it's a secret that you cover up
09:02 that you don't want anybody to know
09:03 that you are been abused a lot of times.
09:05 You might not see the physical bruises on the outside
09:09 but the mental and emotional abuses
09:11 and physiological abuse is of course that you can't see.
09:13 But if some body reactions and things of this sort
09:17 but it's just a hidden secret
09:18 because nobody wants to talk about it.
09:20 About the shame factor is that what it is? Yes. Yes.
09:23 And nobody wants to talk about
09:25 to really actually open up to say
09:27 the domestic violence actually exist
09:28 in the body of Christ, but it does.
09:31 It's just a secret it is hidden a so deep secret
09:34 that is hidden it's a suicidal secret is I will call it.
09:38 What do you mean?
09:40 I mean that when you have it bottled up in you for so long
09:44 and you don't really know who to talk to.
09:46 A lot of times, you know, there is gossip in the church
09:48 you really don't know who to talk to.
09:50 You really don't know who to tell your secret to.
09:52 And also to if the person
09:54 or to the leadership in the church
09:56 or anything of that sort
09:57 you really don't want to expose that person
10:00 because everybody has this image of this person is so loving
10:03 and so kind and so respectable so you keep that image.
10:06 You know, because it's just something
10:09 that you just don't tell.
10:11 You know, I interviewed a pastor and his wife
10:14 and he had been abuser mostly verbal,
10:17 physiological, mental, emotional
10:19 whatever you term you want to--
10:21 it had really escalated to physical violence
10:23 but it wasn't incredibly abusive situation
10:27 and he said that he kept telling her
10:30 you can't talk to anybody about this
10:33 because if you do I will lose my job.
10:35 And so there was so the abuser frequently
10:40 will use that type of a controlling factor.
10:45 It's kind of like, you know,
10:46 whether you are a doctor in abuse--
10:49 let me finish one topic then I go with the second.
10:52 Whether you are a doctor or if you are the genitor
10:55 or who ever, whatever your position is in life
10:59 its something that people don't want
11:03 others in the church to know,
11:04 because everybody seems
11:05 so loving and friendly in the church.
11:07 They are ashamed of this little secret
11:09 that's going on at home. Yes, that's correct.
11:11 But what it does cause all social economic classes
11:18 abuse happens just as much in the very well to do homes,
11:22 as it does in the poverty striking home,
11:24 it doesn't matter what education.
11:26 So what are some of the signs
11:30 and I know we are going to do a program later
11:32 and talk about the warning signs
11:34 but for a church
11:36 what are some of the signs that you might notice
11:39 if a person is being abused in their marriage?
11:43 How would you--
11:44 if some is not coming forward to talk about it,
11:47 how would you recognize
11:48 that they are being abused by possibly.
11:50 I will say that if our eyes were opened more a lot of times
11:53 when we come to church sometimes,
11:56 we have our eyes focus on ourselves sometimes
12:00 and what we came for and what's going on
12:02 we really don't look at the body language and the reaction
12:06 and the different appearance of our sisters and brothers.
12:09 A lot of times if you notice that
12:11 this sister or brother is distinct
12:13 don't give you eye contact a whole lot.
12:16 You know, tries to escape the same
12:18 when you are trying to bond with them
12:21 or whatever a lot of them,
12:22 you can just see the stress in their bodies.
12:25 I think if we just pay more attention,
12:27 excuse me to the individuals in our churches,
12:31 we sit next to them
12:32 and just really pay attention to the atmosphere
12:35 how they interact with you, how they react with you,
12:38 do they hold the conversation or they distance.
12:41 A lot of times if the ladies are wearing more make up
12:43 or won't make-up actually at all,
12:46 they are wearing more than they usually wear
12:48 if you see if the brother who stand off
12:49 and he is very quite and distant.
12:52 You know, a lot of times
12:53 it doesn't mean that its always abusive going on
12:56 but there is most likely something going on there
12:59 that they don't really want to talk about it.
13:01 So like you said its just a secret
13:02 that you just don't tell.
13:04 The abuser puts that guilt trip burden on you
13:08 to make you think if you tell not I only would be exposed
13:12 but you would be exposed
13:14 and then you gonna make us look bad in front of everybody
13:17 and they put the guilt trip on the individual.
13:19 Even though the victim wants to speak out
13:22 she or he cannot speak out because it's exposing the family
13:27 and you don't put the families business
13:28 out in the open, you know.
13:30 But sometimes we have to do that
13:32 in order for to heal and to have survival.
13:35 You know, it's so amazing
13:36 how dysfunction in a family its like,
13:40 I use this terminology about alcoholism.
13:44 Quite frequently there is this
13:46 white elephant in the living room
13:48 and you are living with this white elephant
13:50 but you can't go out and talk about this white elephant
13:53 that's in your home, you know. Exactly.
13:55 Its something that there is always it's cloaked
13:57 and sealed often dysfunction is cloaked in secrecy.
14:01 It's something that you can't go out
14:03 and talk about, as you told that. Yes.
14:05 But until you reach out for help
14:08 then you are not going to get help. It's true.
14:10 So now what happens though in the church
14:15 if someone does come to the pastor
14:17 and the pastor hasn't been trained as a councilor,
14:20 I've heard from many different denominations
14:23 as I am gone out ministry that woman
14:26 who have approached their pastor has just said,
14:29 well, I'll pray for you or I will you the scripture
14:32 I don't know what to do.
14:33 So how does a church go about equipping them self to do this.
14:40 How do they get trained you are saying hold seminars,
14:43 or workshops just bring it up.
14:45 How do you go about finding the information?
14:49 How did you start your business?
14:51 Actually I started from scratch
14:52 I started from not this, I started from not knowing
14:56 and the Lord said if we ask, you know, we shall receive,
14:58 if we knock, you know, the door be open.
15:01 And what I did was just started calling number
15:03 and getting in the phonebooks and things of this sort.
15:06 Just reaching out for help,
15:07 finding who I can talk to where I can go
15:10 and I started from there forced to the church
15:14 just like we have workshops on stewardship
15:16 and better marriages,
15:18 better family, things of this sort.
15:20 We can also have educational programs on domestic violence.
15:24 The pastors can be trained on how to be
15:27 a better leaders in domestic violence
15:29 just like when they get training for pastoralship,
15:33 they can also get training on domestic violence
15:35 and most of our pastors
15:36 or most of majority of them any way are counselors,
15:39 marriage counselors.
15:40 And I think that they could be part of counseling,
15:42 they can get training on how to council on domestic violence.
15:47 Or perhaps find someone in your church like you
15:50 who has a real passion for this ministry,
15:53 to some one to stand up and take at the lead in--
15:57 in organizing and focusing on such things. Yes.
16:00 What happens in the church
16:04 when it is an elder or a deacon
16:07 or even the pastor of the church,
16:09 how should the church be dealing?
16:10 Let's say that the pastor has a good marriage
16:13 but he finds that an elder or a deacon has a problem,
16:19 what do you believe the Bible says about that?
16:22 Well, I believe that the Bible say that
16:23 we should be the head and not the tail
16:27 also to that the Lord
16:28 puts the pastor into out of his flaw.
16:31 And that means that we should--
16:32 the pastor should counsel and to lead and to guide.
16:36 In my opinion if there is a pastor or deacon
16:39 or elder that's in leadership in the church
16:41 and they are abusive to their spouse
16:43 or the children or whether its male of female,
16:47 it think that they shouldn't hold
16:48 a leadership position in church.
16:49 They should not be allowed
16:51 to stand in front of the congregation
16:53 they shouldn't be allowed to minister
16:55 when they are abusing.
16:57 I don't think the God allows that.
16:59 I know he doesn't allow that.
17:02 God ordains his children to be pastors and elders.
17:06 So when you ordained by Christ Jesus
17:08 you will not abuse, you will not allow abuse to go on.
17:12 Abuse shouldn't be anything that the pastors
17:14 or the any one should close their eyes to.
17:16 I just think that if anyone that's in leadership,
17:18 any church, any denomination that is known to be an abuser
17:23 shouldn't be able to hold leadership position.
17:26 No I am not saying them they can't back to that position
17:29 if the abusers are willing to get the help.
17:31 But to get counseling and support of that sort
17:34 because God is healing in Christ Jesus
17:36 and He can heal us from all things.
17:38 But if the abuser is not willing to get counseling
17:41 or help then they shouldn't be allow back in leadership.
17:44 I just don't think its godly at all
17:45 and it shouldn't be allowed.
17:46 Well, I think the Apostle Paul would agree with you 100%
17:49 because he gives very distinct qualifications
17:53 for elders and for deacons-- Exactly.
17:55 And they are not to be--
17:57 they are to be up right Christians. That's right.
18:00 And so they should be serving Christ
18:02 and anyone who is serving Christ
18:04 and living for Christ trying to be Christ like
18:08 any person who loves his,
18:10 his wife as Christ love the church
18:13 would not be doing this. Exactly.
18:14 So if they are-- its an unchristian activity
18:17 so they certainly shouldn't be in leadership position. No.
18:21 And for some reason I feel compelled right now to say
18:24 if you find yourself falling into this category,
18:27 if you are a pastor or a deacon or elder
18:31 or Sabbath school superintendent,
18:33 whatever church you belong to
18:35 if you are in this category
18:37 you should go and talk to someone
18:40 and say I need to step down for a while
18:43 because I am not qualified to be in leadership
18:45 because I am following the Lord Jesus.
18:47 I need healing.
18:49 I need someone to counsel with me,
18:51 help me to get over my anger issues,
18:53 help me to get over this rage, this rages.
18:56 Help me to get beyond
18:59 whatever it is that is causing me
19:01 to act out in such a way.
19:03 And that takes us to what you are saying is that
19:07 we are not trying to say,
19:09 ha, we are gonna label you as an abuser
19:11 out the door with you.
19:13 We are going to recognize
19:15 you are asking the church to stand up
19:17 and recognize give help to the person-- Exactly.
19:20 Who needs to the victims
19:22 but also to help the abuser? That's correct.
19:26 So the church then if they are not qualified
19:29 to counsel with that they should what
19:32 seek outside council
19:33 find Christian councils to work with them.
19:35 Yes, we do have a lot of agencies
19:37 that's available for outside counseling
19:40 that we can refer, you know, abusers to.
19:43 You have so many different ones
19:44 that we can do to send them to
19:46 and they are very excellent. They are out there.
19:49 I have spoken with them,
19:50 I have worked with them they are very good.
19:53 There's always a solution
19:55 for anything that we are going through.
19:56 Especially when we recognize that we have a sickness,
19:58 recognize that we have a illness
19:59 and recognize that we do have a problem that we are abusive.
20:04 And you know abuse can extend
20:06 not just in a personal relationship over the marriage
20:08 it can extend to leadership towards one another.
20:12 It can also be a part of members of the charity
20:16 or the body of Christ abusing one another.
20:19 It can also instant to abusive to children of any sort.
20:24 But in this particular case,
20:25 you know, we are taking leadership.
20:27 You know leadership is supposed to the head
20:29 and not the tail.
20:30 We are suppose to be the example
20:32 of what the body of Christ represents
20:34 and I think that we should keep that on point
20:37 and stay focus on all times.
20:39 Not I would say defiling the leadership position
20:44 that God has ordained for you to have.
20:47 Now, some people take the physician that
20:51 if a couple are married
20:52 and there is an abusive thing that
20:54 as just pray this through you don't need to separate,
20:58 you know because that's--
20:59 they will say that's not really scriptural.
21:01 You know, God doesn't give you permission to do that
21:03 but I know that for our church we recognize that
21:07 if its any dangerous situation
21:09 if someone is in danger that really
21:11 we almost not almost but we are responsible
21:15 and held accountable
21:16 before God to step in-- Yes we are.
21:19 And give that protection to that person.
21:22 So what I am trying to set up here is Liz,
21:25 is if some one is if there is a woman watching right now,
21:30 who is in that abusive situation
21:32 and she goes to the church
21:34 and says I have, you know, I am been physically abused.
21:38 I am worried about my children.
21:41 How do you recommend that
21:42 the church helps her to get to a safe place?
21:47 What do they do?
21:48 Well, what they can do is
21:49 first of all prayer is always good.
21:51 We got to have prayer first.
21:53 And it's a blessing to be want to recognize the victim,
21:55 to let her know or him know that
21:58 they are already victorious with what they are dealing with
22:00 because they was able to open up their mouth
22:02 and to say that they are been abused.
22:05 So when the silence is broken
22:07 that actually opens up the door for healing.
22:10 So what they can do is when they talk to the pastor
22:12 or leadership about that they are going through
22:13 a domestic violence relationship.
22:15 The church should pray for them.
22:17 They should be always first, prayer first and prayer last.
22:20 But we don't want to send them back
22:21 into the abusive relationship to say
22:23 well, we will just pray for you
22:25 and let the Lord deal with it.
22:26 No, we recognize the situation and what's going on
22:29 and what we do is to lead and guide.
22:31 We want to ask the victim what do you want to do.
22:34 Because we don't want to tell them
22:35 what they should do.
22:37 Because a lot of times they already know
22:38 what they should do they don't want to hear that.
22:40 You want to tell them what they--
22:42 what you suggest that they would do.
22:44 And what we can do is to find out
22:46 do they need to get into a shelter,
22:48 do they need to separate themselves
22:50 from the abuser which will be an excellent idea
22:53 for them to do that.
22:54 Especially if he is physical abuse
22:56 as their life is on the line.
22:58 What we will do is call a shelter
23:00 and get them into a safe haven
23:01 where they-- in a safe environment
23:04 where they can get constant healing,
23:06 constant prayer
23:08 and they can start to clear their mind
23:10 on what they need to do
23:11 in the direction that they need to go for healing.
23:13 Well, let me ask you this
23:14 if I know that we will talk some more
23:17 but my sister
23:20 was in an abusive relationship her first husband.
23:23 And if you would have asked her
23:25 what does she want to do?
23:27 She was truly had the battered like syndrome. Yes.
23:30 If I had to ask her what do you want to do,
23:33 she would have said tell my fault
23:35 and I need to stay in.
23:36 And I mean, she was been hospitalized.
23:38 He was so physically abuse.
23:41 Is there that time that it's okay to stand forth
23:44 and say, you know, you are not recognizing the danger?
23:47 If you see and feel that some ones life,
23:50 at least my practice is I will say,
23:52 are you afraid for your life? Yes, that's correct.
23:54 And if they say, yes,
23:56 I am going to tell them that
23:58 let me find you a place to stay
24:00 until your husband and you can get counseling
24:02 and I am going to do everything
24:04 I can to get them out of that situation
24:05 with out leaving it up to them.
24:08 Would you agree with that?
24:09 Yes, it's not really leaving it up to them,
24:12 you first want to give the respect
24:14 to the victim to ask them
24:16 what they would like to do.
24:17 And they will let you know
24:18 what they will like to do then you just,
24:21 you know, suggest what would be best.
24:24 So that way it keeps you from telling them
24:27 exactly what they should do and if they go and do it
24:31 and it doesn't work out who gets blamed,
24:33 the individual that say, what you should do.
24:35 We are there to lead and to guide and to nourish.
24:38 Even though we know what the best route is,
24:41 it's just out of respect to ask them
24:43 what do they want to do.
24:44 And they want you to listen to that,
24:45 because you won't let them know that they are in charge.
24:48 You don't want to take over
24:50 like the abuser has already taken over the conversation.
24:53 Doesn't allow them to speak, doesn't give them opinion,
24:56 don't give them freedom of speech.
24:58 So what we do is to make sure the setting is not controlling.
25:02 We ask them what they want to do
25:03 which the abuser never asks them to what they want to do.
25:05 It's all about what the abuser wants.
25:07 So once we open that door to say,
25:09 what do you want
25:10 and we listen to what they want
25:11 and there we suggest what will be the best route.
25:15 And use the intertwines where what they want to do
25:18 and we come out with the best solution
25:19 which is you know is healthy the healthy solution
25:22 which is getting out of relationships
25:24 separating from the abusive home, yes. Amen.
25:27 You know, our time has gone so quickly
25:29 and we are almost there
25:31 but at least this is like a little eye opener
25:34 if you will that for people in the church
25:38 to recognize this is a problem
25:41 going on in the body of Christ
25:43 across those all denominations.
25:44 Yes it does.
25:45 And it's more-- it probably happens
25:48 with greater frequency than we might dare to
25:51 allow ourself to think. That's correct.
25:53 So the bottom line
25:55 if we were gonna sum up this program
25:57 is you're making a call to churches to wake up
26:02 and even though you might not think
26:03 it's going on you may just not be educated.
26:06 So you're basically telling every church
26:08 they are to have some type of program
26:12 to do this, right? Yes.
26:13 A work shop or program and we want to keep it going.
26:16 We don't want to be a one time thing
26:18 but we want to be keep it going
26:19 to recognize domestic violence
26:21 and let the victims know that we do care for them
26:23 and the church is available to support them.
26:26 Oh, I am so thank full that you come today.
26:28 Thank you, so much.
26:29 And I just help that there is many
26:31 who are missing they will get these wake up call
26:33 because it is a problem that seems to be escalating.
26:36 Yes. Thank you.
26:37 You know, for those of you at home in this world today
26:41 I heard a report just last week that said
26:45 Americans are the loneliest people in the world.
26:50 I know I am talking to people around the world
26:52 but I am going to just talk
26:53 to my Americans brothers and sisters right now.
26:56 I think what we are seeing is that
26:58 we are so artificially connected
27:01 through the web, through I pods,
27:05 people are becoming a little more isolated
27:07 and its actually creeping into the church
27:10 this kind of social isolation
27:13 and what the Lord would have us do
27:14 as brothers and sisters in Christ
27:17 is to start bonding in a very deep way
27:21 with our brothers and sisters
27:22 who come to our church
27:23 and to learn to watch for these kind of changes.
27:26 And I want to recommend to every church that
27:30 no matter where you are
27:31 you should start a program like this.
27:33 Educate your youth
27:35 so that they don't get into abusive relationships.
27:38 Educate young couples
27:39 who are going through marriage counseling's
27:41 so that they don't get into this
27:43 and have a solution for someone in your church
27:46 that may be suffering this problem.
27:48 I pray that God will multiply
27:51 His mercy, love and grace to you.
27:52 Thanks, for joining us.


Revised 2014-12-17