Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Julie Norton, Ken Norton
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000341
00:01 If you were to take atheism, monotheism,
00:03 polytheism, pantheism, Universalism, spiritualism 00:08 and eastern religions and a few more ingredients 00:11 and if you were to blend them all together 00:13 in the blender what would you get? 00:15 You would get the New Age Movement. 00:17 Please join us today on Issues and Answers 00:20 as we face the New Age Deception. 00:48 Hi, I am Shelley Quinn and we're so glad 00:50 that you're joining us today no matter 00:52 where you're tuning in from around the world. 00:53 We're going to be looking at a very popular 00:58 but difficult subject today and I wanted 01:01 to begin with a scripture that would kind of set 01:03 as up for this in the appropriate way. 01:06 Today, we're gonna be looking at the 01:08 New Age Deception but in the Bible, 01:10 in Isaiah 43 in verse 10, this is what 01:13 the Lord says, You are my witnesses, says the Lord, 01:18 and my servant whom I have chosen, 01:20 that you may know and believe me and understand 01:24 that I am he. Before Me there was no God formed, 01:28 Nor shall there be after Me. God is the only God 01:32 and yet today in our society, in societies 01:36 in the cultures around the world, 01:38 there are people who are trying to make men as Gods 01:43 and today we have with us a very special guest 01:46 it's my privilege to introduce her to you 01:49 and she is not a stranger to 3ABN, 01:51 Dr. Yvonne Lewis, Yvonne we are so glad 01:55 that you've come from Dallas to join us today. 01:57 Thank you Shelley, it's my pleasure to be here. 02:00 Yvonne, you have such a fascinating life story 02:03 and although we don't have time to go 02:05 into it in a deep way. I would like for you 02:08 to share with our viewers just a little bit 02:11 about who Yvonne Lewis is, what your doctor, 02:14 your degree is in and how did you become 02:19 interested in this topic of the New Age? 02:23 Well, okay I am board certified in 02:27 Traditional Chinese medicine I am 02:30 an Naturopathic doctor and I also have a 02:33 music ministry and I was a singer for about 20 years 02:39 in the jingle business and while I was 02:43 in the music business, I started pursuing health 02:47 and it was just it became a passion of mine 02:50 I started, I had been singing at a camp meeting 02:53 and someone came and gave me a book 02:55 and a tape and I thought okay that's really nice 02:59 and I put it somewhere you know how people 03:00 give you things and I took it out 03:02 and I listened to the tape and I read the booklet 03:05 and it was about health and sugar. 03:07 And how sugar can destroy the body 03:10 and that kind of thing I thought 03:11 this is really interesting and that began 03:13 my quest for health information 03:17 and alternative health and so, 03:19 I started with iridology and started studying 03:25 iridology and I always had had this panic and, 03:28 can you explain what iridoloy 03:29 be used for those, that's a good plan 03:31 iridology is actually the study of the iris 03:34 or the eye and the theory behind it is that 03:36 the eye is a micro system much like they feed 03:39 the ears, it's a small map of the entire body, 03:42 okay, so you can kind of get a picture 03:43 what's going on in the whole body 03:45 by looking into the iris of the eye. 03:48 Now, we're not still saying that, we're saying 03:50 that's what the belief was and, 03:51 that's what the belief was and that's what I, 03:53 I started studying that and then I started, 03:57 I went into massage therapy and so I began 04:01 this path of learning about alternative medicine 04:06 and that kind of thing. And I do want you 04:08 emphasize you were a Christian at this point? 04:10 Yes. Were you an Adventist Christian? Yes. 04:13 You were already an Adventist Christian 04:14 and as you were studying these things 04:17 there were any red flags that came up immediately? 04:20 No, not really, no, no with iridology, 04:23 no. Massage therapy, a couple of red flags 04:28 but I just, I had this way of kind of sweeping 04:31 something's under the ragging thinking, 04:33 well, I'll hold on to what is consistent 04:37 with my world view and then kind of discarded 04:40 all the rest and then while I was doing massage 04:43 therapy, I had met someone that said 04:46 you need to check out my school, 04:47 it was the Dallas College of Oriental Medicine. 04:49 So, I thought let me, let me see what that's about. 04:52 So, I went over there and I prayed about it first 04:55 then I asked God if it was his will for me to do it, 04:58 then to make a way for me to do it. 05:00 And somehow, in retrospect I kind of understand 05:06 now why I was allowed to do it because now I can 05:09 really look at it with a different eye 05:11 but from the inside but I went to the school 05:16 and the gentleman that was doing the open house 05:20 for the school was talking about acupuncture 05:23 and I asked him, I remember asking him 05:25 is it associated with any particular religion 05:29 and he said well there are some Taoist 05:32 kinds of associations but you don't have to be 05:37 a Taoist and it's not, you're not 05:39 learning religious principles. So, I thought, 05:42 okay, well it may be its okay. 05:44 So, I started taking the classes and learning 05:48 about acupuncture and all the different 05:51 eastern medical modalities that are under 05:56 that umbrella of traditional Chinese 05:57 medicine and I studied it and praise the Lord 06:01 I did well in studying it, but I learned some things 06:05 that again that were inconsistent 06:08 with my world view but yet I just kind of swept them 06:11 under the rug thinking that well, 06:13 I don't have to embrace this in order 06:16 to practice it. Okay Yvonne, let me stop you 06:19 just a second, you have said a couple of times 06:21 inconsistent with your world view. 06:23 Through what lens do you see the world? 06:29 Through a Biblical, from a Biblical prospective, 06:33 realizing that there are certain 06:39 especially in the end times spiritualism 06:43 is going to be a part of what's going on 06:46 and they were some spiritualistic teachings 06:52 that were given but it was just, 06:55 it was just a little bit in the beginning. 06:57 And I thought well I don't have to embrace 06:59 that in order to practice acupuncture. 07:01 Okay, so you just tried to divorce 07:03 the spiritualistic principles from the 07:06 practice itself Yvonne, yes, okay. 07:07 I don't have to pay attention to this 07:09 but I can go forward with these different modalities 07:12 and exactly, perhaps help people, exactly, okay. 07:16 And that was my, that was my burden to help people, 07:18 I know you well enough to know that here, 07:20 yes, thank you. And I would, I would pray 07:23 before all of my, I know that people in school 07:26 thought I was just over the top because 07:28 I would pray before my sessions and everything, 07:31 thinking that I was bringing God 07:34 into whole thing because I knew that 07:37 I am not the healer that God is a divine physician. 07:40 Yes, so I would see tremendous things happen 07:43 as a result of my therapy, my treatments. 07:47 So, that's how I kind of got into the whole 07:52 acupuncture and traditional Chinese 07:55 medical realm. Just by this path, 07:58 this health path that started with just learning 08:02 about nutrition and then learning about Iridology 08:05 and then going into naturopathic medicine 08:08 and then oriental medicine. 08:10 In fact at one point you were doing extremely well 08:15 as a practitioner of acupuncture this was about 08:17 95 percent of your income, yes, 08:21 and I gonna save this story for a little later 08:25 in the program that you have actually got to open 08:28 your eyes, yes, and you completely divorced 08:31 yourself from the practice, yes, 08:33 and then now you have I mean you've lost 08:37 95 percent of your income because of this, 08:40 but which says that speaks something to, 08:43 that speaks to me about your loyalty and your, 08:48 to God and your integrity as a Christian 08:50 when you did finally have that awakening 08:54 that you would actually depart from that. 08:57 Now of course the Lord, but let's get into 08:59 our topic on hand we'll blend your story 09:01 then as we go along, sure. What is the 09:06 New Age Movement? How would you define 09:08 because this is something that 09:10 I think a lot of people don't realize 09:13 how broad the definition is? Yes. Yes, 09:15 and therefore they are at risk of being deceived 09:20 if you will? Yes, okay, absolutely 09:22 the New Age Movement is really an umbrella 09:24 it's kind of a catch all for a western social 09:28 decentralized kind of spiritual movement 09:32 that has its route, pantheism, the isms that 09:38 you have named. Pantheism, panentheism, 09:42 neopaganism, astrology, all of these things 09:47 are under one umbrella. There's no central figure, 09:51 there is no one set of believes necessarily. 09:56 It's really catch all, there are a lot of 09:58 different spiritual paths if you will. 10:01 That are, kind of all under this umbrella. 10:04 So, it's a very wide broad kind of movement 10:08 that affects everybody in western culture 10:11 really has been affected by the movement. 10:14 Oh! It's pervasive. Yes, yes, it's pervasive. 10:17 So, what are some of the, I mean 10:21 kind of give us a definition if you can 10:23 or who is practicing this? Again it has touched, 10:30 it's really touched all of us, 10:32 if you really look at it through books, magazines, 10:35 movies, through yoga and through acupuncture 10:42 and holistic healing and all, 10:46 contact with the dead, contact with the dead 10:49 absolutely, absolutely, they are all meditation, 10:53 I mean it's, it's, it's penetrating business 10:57 you know the whole idea of the human potential 11:00 movement and creativity. It's so broad 11:05 and it's so wide and we don't really realize 11:09 how it's creeping into our lives but it is. 11:12 We know it's more than creeping in some ways, 11:15 I mean it's creeping into the church. 11:16 Yes, as far as for many corporate 11:20 and in corporate environments 11:22 its almost being force fed because many corporations 11:25 are hiring these guru type people 11:28 they don't call them gurus but they come in 11:30 for self improvement classes 11:31 and they're teaching a lot of this you know 11:35 we think of yoga I mean some people see yoga 11:38 as being something that is totally benign 11:40 and yet there is a very definite route 11:43 that's bitter and dangerous when we would 11:47 route to that, absolutely, then there is, 11:49 there is this whole practice of mediation 11:52 and this self what's the word? Self defecation, 11:56 self defecation, self realization is the word 11:59 they usually, they don't go so far to say 12:02 self defecation which that is the principle, 12:05 but it's the self realization and corporate 12:10 administrators are seeing this as a way to may be 12:13 enhance the productivity of 12:15 their people and they're breaking the men. 12:18 That's exactly right, you see with metaphysics 12:21 you have to change the wording. 12:24 If you change the wording it becomes more palatable 12:28 to people, so you change the wording 12:30 for co-operations and you make it self actualization 12:34 You know creativity, production enhancing 12:38 and productivity enhancing and that becomes 12:41 attractive to business people, 12:44 if you're in schools you might call it centering 12:47 or getting children to be more centered 12:50 or to calm down and bringing in mediation 12:53 practices into schools or you know with television 12:58 that's, they're just doing straight up psychic things 13:02 and mediums and there is a show called medium. 13:06 And we're looking at a total invasion 13:09 of our society by these kinds of ideas 13:12 and even don't you think Wicca the witchcraft tend 13:16 to falls in under this absolutely, 13:18 as well, absolutely, that's again 13:19 a great popularity, absolutely 13:20 and that's it's, we are not as afraid 13:25 of the supernatural as we once were, 13:28 we've been desensitized to it and in fact 13:31 some people crave experiences 13:33 with the supernatural and you cannot, 13:36 you cannot deny experience and that's where 13:41 the Christian really has to take 13:43 Biblical principles and the Bible says 13:47 try the spirits you know because experience is what 13:52 meta-physicians will really focus on, 13:56 you experience something that is transforming, 13:59 it is a way to alter your consciousness 14:05 and that is the whole aim of mediation to alter 14:08 your consciousness. And I'm gonna come back 14:10 to mediation in just a second 14:11 but I want to share this, in some ways our fear 14:15 of the other side of the spiritual realm 14:21 in some ways has been something that has held 14:25 Christians back or held the western population, 14:31 I'll say that we're glad, but the western population 14:35 back in some ways because they almost didn't want 14:40 to believe in the devil or in demons like you know 14:43 you go to Africa and when people become Christians 14:46 there and understand about the Holy Spirit 14:48 they are so willing to accept his working 14:53 in your life. God working in you through 14:55 the Holy Spirit, 'cause they've dabbled, 14:57 they more than dabbled, they have lived 14:59 their lives by these other spirit beings, yes, 15:03 evil beings so they understand the good, 15:06 the difference between the evil and the goodness 15:08 of God, but now in the United States, 15:11 we were afraid of the spirit realm 15:14 so we just kind of denied it existed 15:17 and Satan did something that was so surreptitious 15:21 and so he's a wily person, he brought it in under 15:26 the guise of something positive, 15:29 so now all of a sudden the fear is gone 15:32 but we're looking at it as a positive 15:34 and it's drawing us away from God 15:36 where as the people in Africa 15:38 look at these practices and say, yes, 15:40 you know this is, these are things 15:42 that will lead you into dark places 15:44 and into trouble. Yes, so let's pick up on mediation 15:48 because the Bible clearly says God says 15:51 frequently meditate upon these things, 15:54 meditate upon my word, there's a big difference 15:57 between what God is saying for meditation 16:00 and the type of meditation that is done in the 16:04 New Age Movement, talk to us about that. 16:07 Absolutely and that is such a great point, 16:09 we always, there is always the counterfeit, 16:12 yes, there is the real which is God's way 16:15 and then there's the counterfeit 16:16 which is the enemy's way. God says to meditate 16:20 as you just said, mediate on my word, 16:23 fill your mind with scripture, 16:27 fill your mind with my word. Eastern mediation 16:31 says empty the mind, rid yourself of thought, 16:36 subdue thought so that your mind 16:39 is open and free. Now, what does that do, 16:42 the emptying of the mind allows 16:45 another spiritual force to fill it. 16:48 You know that sounds almost to some people who 16:51 some of you may be and saying oh yes 16:54 you're gonna demonize everything, 16:56 but I remember when Pastor Rick Howard 16:58 was on 3ABN and I interviewed him 17:01 and he used to be very strongly 17:05 involved in Hinduism. The religion of Hinduism 17:09 and he said that when you empty 17:13 the mind you're doing the mantras, 17:15 you're doing the you know chanting, chanting 17:19 and things he said it actually scientifically 17:22 has been proven this puts the mind 17:25 in the alpha states that marijuana 17:29 does chemical induces this alpha stage. 17:31 And he said that is the only stage in which 17:36 people can channel spirit beings, 17:40 interesting from the other side, 17:42 yeah from God's side that's the, yes, yes. 17:45 But it is opening your mind to be taken over 17:49 by other spiritual forces other than God 17:52 because when we know that it's absolutely 17:55 against God's word to this type, absolutely, 17:57 and we're told to you know relax, to breathe, 18:03 this is an eastern mediation its through 18:06 breathing and mantras that you are, 18:10 you become you end that Alpha state 18:12 and you become susceptible to demonic influences 18:17 and then ultimately demonic position, yes, 18:20 and it is just it is, mediation is the activity 18:26 through which this is done, through which one 18:29 is connected to the higher self 18:32 and the higher self is the whole idea of the, 18:37 it's the defecation of man, you become God, 18:41 you become your own God. You know, it's scary, 18:44 it is very scary, but I am gonna share something 18:46 I have never shared in public before, 18:48 when I was just first in college 18:51 I worked part-time for a car dealership. 18:54 An automobile dealership in their accounting 18:57 department and the office manager there invited me, 19:02 she said hey the car dealership, 19:04 the auto dealership is going to pay for us 19:07 to go to a mind control class, 19:09 I won't give the name of it 19:11 but it's quite well known and she said 19:15 and I said a mind control I don't think 19:17 that sounds too interested oh yeah 19:18 look at the brochure, it'll teach you 19:20 how to disciple yourself to get up 19:22 at a certain hour, do all of these different things 19:25 you know without an alarm clock 19:26 that you could get up. And it sounded so positive, 19:29 even so good that way you can sleep better 19:32 and so I went for several classes 19:36 and it was this emptying thought that 19:39 it was also getting in touch with the inner me 19:42 like you visualization that, 19:45 that's new technique, and then I saw 19:49 some manifestations that were extremely frightening 19:54 and I realized I was, you know, a young teenager 19:58 and I had studied much in the Old Testament 20:00 I considered myself a New Testament Christian 20:03 and I started looking to the Old Testament 20:05 and I realized this is against God's word, 20:08 but it was very at first it seemed so benign, 20:13 yes, it seemed helpful, yes, until then suddenly 20:17 you got into a little bit deeper level. 20:19 So, the idea of visualization, 20:22 you're seeing some of this techniques 20:26 actually began to infiltrate the church 20:31 aren't we? Yes, we are through again mediation 20:35 you know we are, we're in contemplative prayer 20:38 mediation and we're seeing and visualization. 20:45 Satan is so shrewd and you know use the term wily 20:50 or he is so wily and shrewd. He makes things 20:55 seem innocuous and harmless and once 20:59 he reels you in you realize there is 21:02 something else going on here. 21:03 This, the visualization and the whole idea 21:10 of the mediation is a way for Satan to come in 21:14 and to impact the church too through individuals 21:19 and transform our consciousness about 21:22 what he's doing, we think it's harmless and its not, 21:26 we think that practices like yoga are harmless 21:29 it's just stretching its not the word 21:31 yoga means union. We are, you know anyone 21:36 that is seriously involved in yoga 21:38 will tell you it is a spiritual activity 21:41 as well, its not just a physical activity, 21:44 the breathing and the stretching apart of Hindu, 21:48 the Hindu religion. So, when we practice that 21:52 and I know that some of the viewers are gonna, 21:54 you're gonna get a lot of emails 21:55 about the show probably, but when we practice 21:59 these things we are actually practicing 22:03 aspects of Hinduism and it is we really have to look 22:09 at as Christians what we're doing 22:11 and not be deceived, these are the last days 22:15 that we are living in, amen. Deuteronomy 18: 22:19 we're told these practices that God told 22:23 the children of Israel to abandon, 22:26 to not deal with, to not associate with people 22:29 who are doing these things and we have to look 22:32 at spirit guides, familiar spirits 22:36 that are discussed in Deuteronomy 18 22:39 that spirit guides and there are people 22:42 who are unashamedly saying well you know, 22:46 you can get in touch with your inner self, 22:49 your spirit guide your inner wisdom, 22:54 all of these are euphemisms 22:55 for demonic invasion. Absolutely, that's exactly 23:00 what I experienced as been trying to get in touch 23:02 with this, 'cause I didn't realize I was inviting 23:04 one into, yes, yes and it was not the Holy Spirit, 23:07 exactly. So, we are seeing that because 23:12 it has been painted with such a board stroke 23:15 is as you know some times, especially the youth 23:19 they'll say you demonize everything 23:22 but when we look at things like oh 23:27 the Harry Potter films, which are popularizing 23:31 the wiccan movement, yes, or the vampire, yes, 23:34 you know these trouble was twilight things, 23:36 which all of this seems so make believe its like, 23:44 yes, just for fun, one of the fantasy, yes, 23:46 this is fun. But what we don't realize is that 23:49 we are actually programming our minds 23:52 to follow the path of Satan. 23:54 You've heard of ancient paths Theophostics, yes, 23:58 where you have this okay, this has even had 24:02 its infiltration into the Christian Church, 24:06 I think the, whether you want to say contemplative 24:09 or contemplative prayer, this is something 24:12 that has infiltrated the Christian Church 24:14 and it's being actually such that there's people 24:20 who are actually looked upon as Christian leaders, 24:24 yes, authors of big books, yes, 24:28 and very popular authors who are propagating 24:31 this whole idea of contemplative prayer 24:34 where you have the, the mantras and the visions 24:37 and the you know the mediation type thing, 24:40 so we're just running out of time so fast but, 24:44 what do you think as Christians 24:48 that we can do to guard ourselves, because, yes, 24:52 when it comes under the guise that something seems 24:56 very simple and it seems like it could do no harm 25:00 and yet we're opening our self to demonic influence. 25:04 How can we as Christians take heed not to become 25:10 involved in something like this. 25:11 Well, the first thing we have to do is to pray 25:15 and ask God to renew our minds we have to 25:21 have our minds renewed, we cannot be conformed 25:24 to this world as we know but transformed 25:27 by the renewing of our minds, so we pray 25:29 and ask God for enlightenment, 25:31 not the enlightenment of the new age movement, 25:35 but he's an illumination on, yes, on what it says, 25:40 because the word says try the spirits to the law 25:42 and to the testimony if they speak not according 25:45 to these words, there is no light in them. 25:47 So, we have to try the spirits 25:50 and we have to read the word of God, 25:52 that's how we renew our minds, many times, 25:53 that's how we renew our minds, okay, 25:55 and if we don't, if we are not doing that 25:59 we can be subject to the great deception 26:02 that is going on right now. So, we have to pray 26:05 and read and you know I have to interject 26:07 because you can't just stop praying, 26:09 that's right. He right, that's right, 26:11 just as you felt led to our God didn't stop you 26:14 or the doors were open for you to study this 26:16 and God's made something good of it, 26:19 but sometimes if we pray I think sometimes 26:23 the devil is trying to setting its up 26:25 almost to say here I will help you answer 26:28 that prayer, yeah, yeah, exactly, but we pray, 26:32 but we go the word of God, yes, and I always pray 26:35 for leading in his word study out 26:38 whatever the topic is, because God will speak 26:41 to us through his word, yes. And I don't trust 26:44 you know sometimes the Lord's taught me to press 26:47 into his presences and listen for his still 26:49 small voice, yet he sends me back to the word. 26:52 That's right, he will tell me something 26:54 and say look it up, that's right, 26:56 we don't trust just what we're feeling 26:58 or think we're hearing, we can't, you cannot trust 27:01 experiences because the enemy, 27:05 if the enemy transforms himself 27:08 into an angel of light, so we know that 27:11 he is darkness and we cannot trust what we see, 27:15 we have to read the word and we have to ask God 27:18 for his spirit which is going to convict, 27:21 which is going to you know help bring back 27:25 to our memories, the things that we studied, 27:27 He the Holy Spirit is our guide, Amen. 27:30 And that's what we have to hold on to. 27:32 Dr. Yvonne Lewis, our times has flown by, 27:35 it has been fun, it's been such a pleasure. 27:37 Well, please come back because I feel like 27:39 we have just barely touched God. 27:41 I would love to, okay thank you. 27:43 Well, thank you so much for being here 27:45 and I wanted to close with a scripture, 27:48 if I got time to look it look it up, Acts 4:12, 27:50 I'll just tell you what it says, 27:52 oh yes, Act 4:12 says there is no other name 27:54 under heaven by which men can be saved 27:58 and that is by Christ Jesus. 28:00 Please look to the Lord and keep your eyes 28:03 focused on Him, trusting in Him 28:05 and be vary of going outside of 28:09 His will. May God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17