Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Julie Norton, Ken Norton
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000340
00:30 Hello I am Shelley Quinn
00:31 and welcome again to "Issues and Answers." 00:34 This is a program where we talk about issues 00:36 that are facing the Christian church 00:38 and try to find some answers. 00:40 And today I think we are going to have 00:42 a very informative program 00:44 as we talk about the role of laity the lay person. 00:48 What is our role in the church? 00:50 You know, Paul wrote to the Ephesians in Ephesians 4 00:54 he talks about as Jesus ascended 00:57 that He gave gifts to all men. 01:00 And then he says in verse 11 he actually identifies 01:04 a five-fold ministry and he talks about 01:07 how He gave some to be apostles, 01:09 prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. 01:14 But what was the purpose of these officers in the church. 01:19 Is the pastor supposed to do everything? 01:21 Is the evangelist supposed to do everything? 01:23 Here is what he says. 01:25 His intention, his reason for giving these gifts, 01:29 was for the perfecting and full equipping of the saints. 01:33 So what Jesus intended as he set up this five-fold office 01:38 was that these individuals 01:40 that were appointed to these offices 01:42 would turn around and train up the laity to go out 01:46 and fulfill the great commission. 01:49 Please help me welcome our returning guest 01:52 we have Ken and Julie Norton from Orlando, Florida 01:55 and it's so nice to have you all back again. Thank you. 01:58 Julie, why don't you tell me, 02:00 what do you do in Orlando and tell us about the ministry 02:04 that you and your husband are currently working in? 02:07 I am blessed to help out in the office. 02:12 I am technically assistant administrator and-- 02:17 And what is name of the ministry? 02:18 Oh, I am so sorry. That's okay. 02:20 Lay Institute for Evangelism. 02:23 The Lay Institute for Evangelism. 02:24 Now, Ken what do you all do? 02:26 We train laypeople that's the institute was set up 02:30 to be able to equip laypeople to have the tools they need 02:34 to finish the great commission. 02:36 Amen, and this is a-- 02:39 this institute you actually train online, 02:43 you got some online training. We do have some online training. 02:45 And then onsite as well, that's where you have-- 02:48 where you are doing special programs 02:50 for youth and for other people, 02:52 who youth to train them to go and have to share Bible studies 02:56 and share the gospel with people in their own neighborhoods 02:59 and then others to go actually into foreign countries, right? 03:02 That's right. That's so wonderful. 03:03 Get the churches active, get out there. 03:05 And you all are teaching not just theory 03:07 but by experience because you've been out there 03:09 and done it yourself, have you not? Yes. 03:11 Okay, now I know that you were a pastor before seven years? 03:18 Hmm, that's correct. 03:19 Seven years before you came into this ministry 03:21 which is operated by ASI, Adventist-laymen Services 03:25 and Industries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 03:28 But as a pastor did you find 03:32 that Ephesians 4:11 and 12 03:36 was being fulfilled in your church? 03:38 Did you find that people expected you as a pastor 03:42 to be doing it all or were the people 03:46 the members of your congregation, 03:47 eager to be trained so they could go out and do it? 03:50 The answer is yes. You've done the both. 03:52 There is both, that's right, there is both 03:54 and there is always a group that's excited 03:56 and willing to go out and that's the ones 03:59 that we ended up in our ministry 04:00 really trained to focus on this. 04:02 Fulfilling our part of just training them to get out there 04:05 and share Jesus with their friends and neighbors 04:09 but there is a certain element that they want, 04:12 many church members just want the pastor to do it all. 04:15 And I think, I think that we are working now 04:17 and our discussion today we will talk about a mind change. 04:21 You know a mindset change that needs to happen, I think. 04:23 Paradigm shift that this thing is called now, 04:26 so tell us what the Bible I mean when you 04:29 as you have studied the Bible 04:30 and I know you have done a lot of studying, 04:32 what do you see the model that Christ 04:34 wanted to set up for the church? 04:37 You know as we're preparing for this, 04:39 ah, we came up with kind of a title for it 04:42 and it's called the Fatal Mistake. 04:45 And it's based on actually a passage 04:47 we are going read near the end by a Christian writer 04:49 who talks about how it's a deadly mistake 04:53 to think that the pastors or the church officials 04:56 are supposed to do everything when it comes to sharing Christ. 05:00 And so as we got in and we started looking okay 05:02 what does a New Testament say about what church members 05:07 are supposed to be doing, what's their role? 05:09 Because I think that's the big problem as we-- 05:11 we might have a misunderstanding 05:13 of what the role is of Christians, 05:17 what are we called to when we accept 05:19 Jesus Christ as our savior. 05:20 So we want to look at some text today 05:22 and just have a good Bible study. 05:23 Let's get into them. 05:25 Let's look at 1 Peter 2:9 05:32 when we first start talking about the role, 05:34 this is one of the most famous passages 05:35 that talks about the role of the laity. 05:41 And it's a really neat chapter because this is where 05:43 Peter sets up Christ as the foundation, he is it. 05:48 So we are not building on any man, 05:49 we are building on Christ as a cornerstone 05:52 and building up into a lively building 05:55 you know with lively stones we uses that term. 05:58 But then he says in verse 9 he says, 06:00 "But you are a chosen generation, 06:03 a royal priesthood, a holy nation, 06:06 His own special people, 06:08 that you may proclaim the praises of Him 06:11 who called you out of darkness and to his marvelous light." 06:16 Its beautiful, two things we catch there. 06:18 We catch that we are-- He first uses his term 06:21 we are royal priesthood. 06:24 Well, Royal means kingly you know 06:27 and then priesthood means we are priests. 06:30 And this is where actually we got 06:31 you know in Martin Luther when he first had his inspiration 06:35 that set forth the fire of the reformation 06:39 was based on this that, 06:41 wait a second if we are all priests, 06:43 then what are the priest doing and we are just sitting here 06:46 and taking mass and so forth of course 06:48 as they did in the Catholic Church. 06:50 And he said no there is a problem, we are all priests. 06:54 Absolutely. So what's a priest? 06:57 What is the role of priest? Right. 06:59 And I think-- I think that he is referencing back 07:02 to the Old Testament because in the New Testament 07:04 priests were the only priests that are talked about 07:08 were the ones of course in the Jewish nation 07:10 that persecuted, you know, Christ 07:12 and then set up persecution for his disciples. 07:16 But, Jesus is the only priest in the New Testament, 07:19 He is the Priest, He is the High Priest, 07:23 but it talks about us being priest in a way that 07:27 not like we think of a normal priest today 07:30 that we use that term today. 07:32 So as we were discussing last night, 07:34 what did priest do in the Old Testament. 07:36 Let's talks about that for a minute. 07:38 What did they do? 07:39 They ministered in the sanctuary, 07:41 they ministered to the people. 07:42 Yeah. And they-- 07:44 They offered sacrifices. Offered sacrifices. 07:47 They were, you know, the people look to the priest 07:51 as one who was between them and God, right. 07:56 Well, in the New Testament its interesting 07:57 that we become the ones to connect people to God, 08:03 so it becomes a role not so much as in a you know, 08:07 I can't go to God, I have to, you know, 08:09 I have to go through the special person, 08:11 it becomes what we say you know what, 08:13 you can be connected to God. 08:15 You can have a relationship with Him, 08:17 that's a priestly role. 08:18 So basically you are saying that if someone 08:20 is outside the church that we as a royal priesthood, 08:24 we are to go in kind of in intercessory way 08:27 help bring them to the Lord. 08:29 Get them to join in this royal priesthood 08:31 where they got that direct relationship within. 08:34 That's a good summary of it. Okay. 08:36 And Paul uses a term ambassador that's another one. 08:38 But he uses a lot of these different terms 08:40 and Peter uses this term to talk about, 08:43 you know, we have a role to play 08:45 in connecting other people to Christ. Amen. 08:48 And that's beautiful, 08:49 so I think first, the first role 08:51 we find laity ought to play are the connectors. 08:55 They are the ones to say you don't know Jesus Christ, 08:58 let me connect you to God 09:00 and that's kind of a priestly role that we play. Okay. 09:04 The second one was that laypeople are ministers. 09:08 Now this sounds funny, but let's go back to the text 09:10 that you started out with today. 09:13 Ephesians 4. Ephesians 4:11. 09:22 In Ephesians 4:11 we talk about those five roles 09:27 that those who give themselves full time to the ministry play 09:31 and we find them in verse 11 but, I like the way 09:34 and I am not sure the way your Bible put it, 09:36 I like to finish out verse 12 because it says 09:39 that they do this for the equipping of the saints 09:43 for the work of ministry. 09:45 Yes, I actually stopped too soon. 09:48 No, that's okay. But that's-- 09:49 the emphasis is that they are that the clergy 09:52 is trainers and equippers 09:54 but for the laypeople to do what? 09:57 To fulfill a great commission to go out and minister. 10:00 To be ministers. Yes. 10:02 So you know after I started learning this, 10:04 I was like I don't like it when people call me a minister, 10:07 because we are all ministers 10:11 if you clean the name of Christ, you are a minister. Amen. 10:15 I will never forget, ah, it's been a couple of months ago, 10:18 Ken and I were sharing our testimony to a group of people 10:21 and afterwards, one young lady came up and said. 10:25 I was just so impressed by your testimony 10:27 and but I can never do that, 10:30 I will leave it to you professionals. 10:32 And I thought, I am not a professional, 10:34 I wasn't trained to be a pastor either, 10:36 I am just a normal person. 10:38 Carried away that was something completely different 10:41 but I am, I just when I want to share, 10:45 I just ask Lord help me, help me to be not like Moses. 10:49 Well I say I can't do this my tongue is tied, 10:52 you know I don't know the language, 10:54 but Lord use me as a vessel that you can speak through 10:57 anyone can ask that 10:58 and that gift he wants to give anyone 11:01 who is willing to open up and share their testimony, 11:04 so it's not just for the professionals. 11:07 He wants everyone to be. 11:08 It's for the one who I believe that the call to ministry comes 11:12 when we press him to the presence of God 11:14 as we really getting into his presence in prayer 11:18 as Isaiah did in Isaiah 6 11:21 when he said I saw the Lord high and lifted up. 11:24 He was pressing into God's presence 11:27 and then he hears God's conversation 11:31 who shall I send and he says here am I, send me. 11:34 And I think that that's you know as we come to near to the Lord 11:38 and coming to His presence 11:40 and recognize the majesty of the law giver, 11:44 the majesty of the life giver. 11:46 Then when we know that he says, 11:49 I've got this work that's unfinished, 11:51 we are just looking up and saying oh, Lord 11:53 whatever it takes, send me, equip me. 11:56 That's right, that's beautiful, because it just our-- 12:01 at the Lay Institute for Evangelism, 12:03 we decided that the greatest thing 12:06 that we can do for laypeople is to let them know 12:10 God needs you, he need you as ministers. 12:13 He need you to be the reaching hand out, 12:16 don't leave that up to your minister 12:18 or to a Bible worker in your church, 12:20 this is something biblically you're called to do. 12:23 We as pastors and others are here to help you 12:26 and equip you and train you for the work of ministry. 12:30 If we are to hold the ministry all to ourselves, 12:33 not only is it not biblical, but it's not healthy. 12:36 It's not healthy for people spiritually 12:38 God wants all lay people. It's not healthy for the pastor. 12:41 No, its not. It's not. 12:43 So we are to be priests, we are priests, 12:47 we are ministers and that's more than just 12:50 ministering to people's spiritual needs. 12:52 Don't you believe that-- that also has something 12:54 to do with ministering? 12:56 Loving not only inwards but in actions, 12:59 ministering to the people's physical needs 13:01 as Jesus did so often. 13:03 What are some of the other roles of laity? 13:05 The next one is interesting, 13:07 because laypeople should be involved in church planting. 13:10 Okay, give us a scripture. 13:12 And let's look at the scripture, that's 1 Corinthians 16. 13:18 My Bible is in so many pieces, 13:20 it's hard to turn sometimes to-- 13:22 That's a good sign, it's been gone through a lot. 13:24 1 Corinthians 16. All right. 13:27 And verse 19 we find two very active laypeople 13:31 who were tent makers, good friends of Paul, 13:35 but they were serious about the religion, 13:37 they were serious about other people knowing about Jesus 13:39 and we find in 1 Corinthians 16:19. 13:43 Why don't you read that? 13:44 "The churches of Asia greet you. 13:46 Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, 13:49 with the church that is in their house." 13:52 So there was a church meeting in their house, 13:54 they were church planting. That's right. 13:56 They may not-- we don't know it doesn't give us 13:58 lot of details that may be, may be someone like Paul 14:02 had come through and preached, 14:03 helped to establish the church but they were involved 14:06 in church planting and this is, 14:09 this is something that laypeople need to know. 14:11 Well, I am not going to wait for my pastor 14:13 to go out and start up a new church, 14:15 I can be involved in doing 14:16 starting a small group in my home 14:18 and then bringing them to church, that's the spirit. 14:20 And you know there are so many people 14:21 and we touched on this a little when you were here before 14:24 talking about the problems in the church in America 14:28 and the unfinished business around the world 14:31 is that there are some people 14:33 who just don't feel conformable coming to church, 14:36 it's unfamiliar to them, they don't understand 14:38 the "lingo" the language that we use 14:43 and they will come into someone's home 14:46 and there is an intimacy in the fellowship there 14:49 and as they become comfortable 14:51 with knowing the Bible and knowing the Lord, 14:55 then they easily transition into the more 14:59 typical church's model setting. That's right. 15:02 So that's something that we can all do. 15:04 You know even though I am a pastor, 15:07 now I am not in that position, 15:09 but we have a small group that meets in our home 15:11 and just this last week one of them said 15:13 they want to be baptized. Praise God. 15:15 And that was exciting for us, because it's a young man 15:17 that's come out of the drugs scene, 15:19 the party scene and everything 15:21 and so comfortable to meet Friday night, 15:23 we sit around, we open our Bibles, 15:25 we talk about the real issues 15:27 that are effecting us everyday in scripture 15:29 and he is like I am ready, ready to take my stand 15:32 and it shows the power of doing something 15:34 like this that Aquila and Priscilla did. 15:36 You know, when we were in England not too long ago, 15:38 one of the churches over there had separated 15:42 as we have here, we have what we call a TLC groups, 15:46 I just say it stands for Tender Loving Care groups 15:48 but what they did was they actually chose people 15:54 and train people up as teachers in their church 15:56 and they started these little home groups 16:00 for their midweek service 16:01 in place of their midweek service, 16:03 but they assign people to these groups. 16:06 And I am sure it was geographical 16:08 and was part of the consideration, 16:10 but they would start off with 8 to 10 people 16:13 in this little home groups 16:15 and what everyone's assignment was is that 16:18 your assignment is to bring some else to this group, 16:21 that's not a Christian. 16:23 And they started bringing and these groups 16:26 when they would get up to like 25 16:28 then they break them off and start over again. 16:31 This church quadrupled in its memberships 16:34 in just two years by doing this. 16:36 So there is something about that one-on-one study 16:39 and the or the intimacy of the small group 16:41 that can be very effective than church going. That's excellent. 16:45 That's why I feel that you know the Lord blesses us 16:49 so that we can bless others. Exactly. 16:51 So, you know, our house that we have, 16:53 our apartment that we have, 16:55 whatever we live in or the car that we have are all resources 16:59 that I feel that he has blessed us with to bless others. 17:02 So in taking whatever you have, 17:04 whatever a little thing or whatever great thing you have 17:06 and lay it before the Lord and say 17:08 I know that you are giving this to me, 17:10 to bless others, how can I, how can I use this, 17:14 then you open up your house 17:15 you know this house is not for you, 17:18 it's so that he can bless others and or this car you know, 17:22 may not have anything else but I have this car 17:24 may be you can car pull someone. 17:26 It's using all resources, 17:28 understand that this isn't something that's my own, 17:31 it's something that's a gift from the Lord 17:33 and I really think it can bless others. 17:35 Now we had a friend just tell us that two weeks ago 17:37 remember she said they moved into a neighborhood 17:39 bought a new house and it was much bigger, 17:41 you know her husband is making good money, 17:43 but it's much bigger than what she had wanted 17:45 but as she is there, she started thinking, 17:47 I have so many neighbors around here 17:49 that would probably love to have a Bible study, 17:52 you know in this house, 17:53 and even though it's too big for us, 17:54 could be a perfect place to bring people 17:56 and introduce something. 17:57 So the Lord, the Lord impresses 17:59 and we see all over people call us in different place, 18:03 we get emails from people around the world. 18:06 We see God moving on laypeople's hearts 18:09 to become active and to begin working 18:12 in their communities and that's inspiring. 18:14 I think people are taking it seriously 18:16 that the Lord is coming back soon. 18:17 And sometimes I hear myself cry out, 18:19 O Maranatha, come O Lord. 18:21 And then I think will give us just a few more days, 18:24 dear Lord because there are so many people 18:26 yet to be reached and some of the statistics 18:28 that you shared in earlier programs with us 18:31 about the church in the world condition 18:33 is just alarming to us. Yes. 18:36 Okay, so we have got priests, ministers, 18:39 church planters, what else. 18:41 We have laity as overseers in the church. All right. 18:46 Now this is interesting one, 18:47 because this is going to tie into some things 18:49 we are going to talk about in future programs too, 18:51 but I want us to look as Titus 1:5. 18:58 Many churches feel that they are robbed when, 19:03 let's say a conference or denomination 19:05 doesn't send them a pastor to come 19:07 and to preach to them and it's interesting 19:09 that the New Testament pattern that we find it, 19:12 that was never the point in the New Testament 19:15 where these groups would ask for somebody to come 19:19 and just specifically be over them. 19:20 But we find that Paul when he was setting up these churches, 19:25 that he asked Titus to do something. 19:27 I want you to go head and read this, I'm trying to find. 19:29 Titus 1:5, "For this reason I left you in Crete, 19:32 that you might set right what was defective 19:35 and finish what was left undone 19:36 and that you might appoint elders 19:38 and set them over the churches 19:41 in every city as I directed you." 19:44 Very interesting that the elders were the term for elder, 19:49 there is a couple of Greek terms but it means overseer, 19:52 those that were responsible for that local congregation. 19:55 So Paul when he would go and he would preach 19:58 and he would raise up a group. 20:01 In this situation when Titus was left there 20:03 to help in the organizational 20:05 to make sure things were going okay, 20:06 he told them okay, 20:08 it's time to set up elders in those churches. 20:10 And then basically to move on that was how they would do 20:14 in establishing the kingdom of God 20:15 and expanding the work in the church. 20:18 These elders came from the laity, they were not. 20:21 So when you said, to set up elders 20:22 and then basically move on, who was moving on? 20:25 The clergy, the itinerant preachers, 20:28 like Paul and Barnabas and those John, 20:30 there were many of them that that's what they did, 20:32 they would go and just establish churches. 20:34 But they would set up in the church, 20:36 if they were there let's say six moths 20:37 or eight months or a year. 20:39 They would find men and woman 20:42 that would bubble to the surface, 20:44 that were spiritual, that were good leaders 20:47 and then they would appointment them 20:48 as elders in the church 20:50 and the elders would oversee the local congregations 20:53 and take care of shepherding those little flocks. 20:56 So they were laypeople though, 20:58 they were people like Aquila and Priscilla 21:00 that would be in charge of a church in their home 21:02 or church in their locality and that's significant. 21:05 It is significant. 21:07 I think that lets us know that 21:08 that God wants to put his burden of responsibility 21:11 upon the shoulders of laypeople 21:13 that are willing to take responsibilities like that. 21:16 Okay, so now we have got priests, 21:19 ministers, church planters, overseers 21:23 and lastly the laity were to be 21:26 the primary caregivers for each other. Okay. 21:30 And this goes along with the last one but this is, 21:33 these are all the one in another text 21:35 that we find in the New Testament, 21:37 I think the heart of them would be in Romans 12. 21:43 Romans 12:9 through 18. 21:51 Romans 12... 21:53 And that's a long, we probably don't have to read 21:55 the whole thing but... Go ahead. 22:00 All right, let just read it quickly here it says 22:02 "Let love be without hypocrisy. 22:05 Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. 22:07 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, 22:11 in honor giving preference to one another, 22:13 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, 22:16 serving the Lord rejoicing in hope, 22:19 patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer 22:24 distributing to the needs of the saints, 22:27 given to hospitality. 22:28 Bless those who persecute you 22:30 bless and do not curse. 22:31 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 22:34 Be of the same mind toward one another. 22:37 Do not set your mind on high things, 22:39 but associate with the humble. 22:40 Do not be wise in your own opinion. 22:43 Repay no one evil [] for evil have regard 22:46 for good things in the sight of men. 22:48 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, 22:52 live peaceably with all men." 22:54 Now there is a lot of things that Paul mixed in there, 22:56 but the point is this is a little synopsis 22:59 of what he says all through his letters 23:01 and that the laity will be-- 23:03 to be the ones that were to care each others burdens. 23:07 Edify, build up. Share. 23:09 Contrasted with sometimes the mindset 23:13 that the pastor is the one that is to come 23:16 and be my spiritual, my primary spiritual caregiver. 23:20 So I went to a church that there was a little-- 23:27 I will say the people were little disgruntle 23:29 because it's a very busy church 23:30 and the pastor didn't have time 23:32 to go do all the hospital visitations 23:35 and people would whisper and say, 23:37 he isn't going and taking care of his hospital duties. 23:40 Now, I have gone to another church 23:42 that what the pastor did was train people how to go out, 23:47 I mean literally train them how long to stay, 23:49 what not to do, don't sit on their bed. 23:51 What to do when you are going into hospital 23:52 for a hospital visitation, 23:54 which I think is an excellent thing 23:56 to do as trainee. Yes. 23:57 Because then people don't outwear their welcome 24:01 and weary the patient, 24:02 but there was a group of people, 24:05 because there are some people that aren't comfortable 24:07 going and doing hospital visits, 24:08 and there are some people who just it's in them 24:11 and so what we are coming to in all of this is that-- 24:15 that five-fold ministry that we discussed 24:18 is talking about Jesus who gave these offices 24:21 if you will in the church that they may train the laity 24:26 to go out and do all of these things. That's right. 24:29 Now, I believe that you have an important quote 24:33 from Christian author Ellen White 24:36 and I would like you to read that quote to us. 24:39 'Cause this is fatal mistake quote, and here is what it says, 24:42 this is from Acts of the Apostles, on page 110. 24:45 "Not upon the ordained minister only rests the responsibility 24:49 of going forth to fulfill the great commission. 24:52 Everyone who has received Christ 24:55 is called to work for the salvation of his fellowmen. 24:59 It is a fatal mistake to suppose that the work of soul saving 25:04 depends alone upon the minister. 25:08 Those who stand as leaders in the church of God 25:11 are to realize that the Savior's commission 25:14 is given to all who believe in His name." Amen. 25:17 "God will send forth into His vineyard 25:20 many who have not been dedicated to the ministry 25:23 by the laying on of hands." 25:26 That word fatal means fatal. 25:29 It's a deadly mistake to think. 25:32 And when you go to a church 25:34 where they expect the pastor to do everything, 25:36 what you do find is it is deadly that the church is not growing, 25:40 it's just, it's just like the Dead Sea. 25:43 You know, there is just nothing really coming I mean, 25:46 It's coming in but nothing going out. 25:47 Nothing is going out, so essentially let's go through, 25:51 why don't you recap very quickly. 25:53 Okay, laity are be as priests, were to connect people to God. 25:56 Number two, laity are ministers that wants to do the ministry. 26:00 Number three, laity can be involved in church planting 26:03 as Aquila and Priscilla. 26:05 Number four, laity were appointed 26:07 as overseers of the church, 26:08 they were the pastors in many of the early churches. 26:12 And number five, 26:13 laity are the primary caregivers for each other. 26:16 Simply put it's impossible for a minister, 26:19 I am not going to use that word, 26:20 it's possible for a pastor to be responsible 26:23 to give the spiritual primary care 26:25 to be the primary caregiver for 100, 200 people, 26:29 it's just impossible. 26:30 God wants mutual care giving among laity. 26:33 Amen, so that means that we all has some growing to do 26:37 and I bet I would like to know the difference 26:41 when you first arrived at your church. 26:44 Did you see as you began to teach from the Bible 26:48 what God meant the church model to be? 26:50 Did you see your church come alive 26:53 and begin to thrive in this? 26:54 It created warfare. Of course, always. 26:57 Because you have a group that doesn't, 26:59 that doesn't want to change the status quo, 27:02 but then you have a group that realizes, 27:03 you know what, God is calling me 27:05 and I do have friends and neighbors that need Jesus 27:08 and so praise the Lord, blessings happened. 27:11 Well, thank you so much, Julie. 27:13 Thank you, Ken, for coming and sharing today. 27:15 We want to have you comeback 27:17 and we are going to discuss a few more things about this. 27:20 But for those of you at home I hope please lets, 27:24 let this be a wakeup call. 27:25 You know I am a layperson, I am not a professional person 27:28 and really all I did was pressing 27:29 to the presence of the Lord and said, 27:31 Lord, here I am, send me. 27:33 And you know what, he did it. 27:34 I never had to do anything to open the doors for ministry 27:37 God just took me seriously and He sent me out. 27:40 And He wants to do that for all of us, 27:42 it may be just reaching your 27:43 next door neighbor or a coworker, 27:46 but God wants to use you and He can, 27:49 all you have to do is share your testimony 27:51 about what He had done in your life. 27:53 Thanks for watching. |
Revised 2014-12-17