Issues and Answers

Identity Theft And Securing Your Computers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Ernest Staats


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000331

00:30 Hello and welcome to again to "Issues and Answers."
00:33 We're so glad that you could join us today
00:35 and you're going to be glad too.
00:36 I want to encourage you to get a pencil and a paper,
00:39 no matter where you are.
00:41 And if particularly if you're a parent,
00:43 we are going to be talking today about identity theft.
00:47 And this is something that is happening
00:49 to all age groups, not just adults.
00:52 You're going to be shocked, at least I was.
00:55 And I want you to sit down and write down
00:58 some of this information,
00:59 so that you will know how to protect your identity.
01:02 This is something that identity theft is becoming
01:06 much more prevalent than we realize.
01:08 And it can be very dangerous
01:10 and cause you a lot of problems.
01:12 You know, the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 10:16.
01:16 He said, "Behold I'm sending you out like sheep
01:19 in the midst of the wolves, be wary,
01:23 be wise as serpents and gentle as doves."
01:27 We've got to become wise as those serpents
01:30 who are trying to steal our identity.
01:32 And here today to tell us how we might protect
01:35 that identity is Ernest Staats.
01:38 Ernest, thank you so much for joining us again.
01:40 You're welcome.
01:41 You know, I always enjoy when you're here
01:42 because you're very knowledgeable on this topic of.
01:46 You're, I mean your degree is in actually,
01:49 your masters, isn't it?
01:50 My masters, yes. Is in internet--I mean--
01:53 Network Security. Network Security.
01:56 And so you are the IT Director
01:58 for the Georgia-Cumberland Academy.
02:01 And that is in...
02:04 Calhoun, Georgia. Calhoun, Georgia.
02:06 I had a brain freeze in. Anyway, we're glad you're back.
02:10 So tell me you and I were talking before the program.
02:15 And you shocked me because I've only thought
02:18 of identity theft as being an issue for adults.
02:22 You said, otherwise. That's right.
02:24 I wish it was just an adult issue
02:26 because I know it would be one less thing I have to do.
02:28 But I have, I have young girl, 4-years-old, Nariah.
02:31 But the statistics are proving out
02:33 the last few years has been really a surprise.
02:36 People have been turning 18 and they'd be finding out
02:38 they have a horrible credit rating.
02:40 And they're trying to figure what's going on
02:41 and they found out that,
02:43 they found that social security numbers
02:45 were not that protective of young people.
02:47 Schools, public schools, you know that different areas
02:50 where it's-- they were people getting--
02:51 if we can hold of the social security number,
02:53 they then just change the birth date.
02:55 So they're finding that the actual largest growing
02:57 market of identity theft right now today
03:00 is in young children.
03:01 And I don't suppose people think to even,
03:04 I certainly wouldn't think to check
03:06 the credit reports on my child.
03:10 Right. I wouldn't have thought about it either.
03:12 When I was at cyber crime seminar
03:13 which is a gathering of all the top FBI people,
03:15 dealing with this type of issue in Atlanta,
03:17 year ago they talked about the fact
03:19 that this is becoming such a large issue now
03:21 that they are recommending every parent,
03:24 if your child is over 2 years of age
03:26 to start checking their credit report
03:28 history every year, once a year.
03:30 There is just one more thing to worry about, isn't there?
03:33 So what can we do to protect our family's identity?
03:37 There is a lot of steps you can take.
03:38 First of all, you're going to be careful about
03:39 who you give your information to.
03:41 You want to make sure that they're being careful
03:43 with the information and you have every right to say,
03:46 how is this going to be stored?
03:48 You know, if you walk into a place
03:49 where you see credit card number is just stacked up,
03:51 there's a problem. Okay.
03:52 You know, if nobody's there watching the counter.
03:54 But you want to just take some precautionary steps,
03:57 we recommend and actually the FBI also recommends
04:00 that you don't receive any type of mail
04:02 to your mailbox unless it's a locked mailbox.
04:05 Or you have it deliver to a post office box.
04:08 You just have your personal mail coming there,
04:10 but no financial information whatsoever.
04:12 We've gone at our house, we've gone to all online banking
04:15 and we even get our statements electronically.
04:18 You see, there's something think
04:19 oh, mercy now that's really dangerous to do online banking.
04:23 But you are saying it's actually safer.
04:25 I think it's a lot safer in lot of ways
04:26 because a lot of people are doing
04:27 what are called, what's called dumpster diving
04:29 or trash diving where there's actually companies
04:32 that hire people that when your trash gets taken out,
04:34 they go through the trash
04:35 looking for that type of information.
04:37 Now say I use a shredder at home,
04:39 I mean, for everything just about
04:41 that has to do with any kind of personal information,
04:43 any kind of I use a shredder for credit card offers,
04:48 you know, anything like that.
04:50 And that's what you should be doing.
04:51 That's excellent.
04:52 Because shredders are cheap,
04:54 you know, compared to someone who has lost their identity.
04:56 And I had someone you know, take my identity once also.
04:59 And it took me months to re-gather
05:01 all the information that they took
05:03 and they charged up stuff on my
05:05 and it was going straight out of my debit card,
05:06 so it came straight out of my account.
05:08 So with that paper shredder, you know for 20, 30,
05:12 even 50 bucks if you go buy an expensive one
05:14 that will shred CDs that has electronic data.
05:16 You know, that's not a huge expense.
05:19 And the other thing that I do is recently
05:21 we had a laptop computer that was beyond repair.
05:26 And so before I donated it to someone else,
05:30 I took out all the hard drive, I took out anything that could
05:34 have any kind of data,
05:35 even though it had been erased stuff out now,
05:37 I know somebody could be smart enough to retrieve it.
05:39 So I'm very careful that way.
05:41 And that's really important, because like for us,
05:43 the financial computer we retired last year,
05:46 one of the computers at GCA.
05:47 We formatted the hard drive. Right.
05:49 Then we formatted it was a drill
05:52 and we took a drill and went through it several times
05:54 with a drill and literally went through physically destroyed it,
05:58 because it had the financial data
06:00 of people who came to our academy and stuff.
06:01 That's the only way to truly be make sure
06:04 that it is beyond anybody getting information
06:07 of if it's physically destroyed.
06:08 Even if you format it,
06:09 I have software where I can unformat it.
06:12 And it's open to the public, it's online.
06:14 All right. So we got to be careful.
06:16 What are some other ways?
06:17 Besides we want to make sure
06:18 that you protect your information,
06:20 you want to make sure you receiving stuff
06:21 in a secured fashion.
06:23 If you receive stuff on your computer
06:25 and people say oh, you know,
06:26 you do any electronic transactions
06:27 you need to be really worried about that.
06:29 To me, I'm more worried honestly
06:31 than the electronic transactions,
06:32 I'm more worried about handing my debit card
06:34 to someone at a restaurant.
06:36 You actually had an experience, didn't you?
06:37 I had an experience and it bit me.
06:39 And I handed a debit card
06:40 and they charged a bunch of things
06:41 and it came straight out of my account.
06:43 Now I always make sure it's a credit card
06:45 that I can go back and I can dispute the charges.
06:48 Debit card never leaves my hand, it's my philosophy.
06:52 So but a credit card then I can get of someone,
06:55 because you get something to stand on.
06:56 The other issues you want to look at
06:58 as you're doing this and you're trying to keep yourself safe,
07:01 you want to make sure that you have everything secured
07:03 including your computer, most people think about this,
07:05 they will go home and they will put wireless in their house
07:08 because it's convenient, they don't realize
07:10 that their neighbors over there can see everything
07:11 they're doing on their wireless network
07:13 including their banking transactions
07:15 and other thing, so you want to be--
07:16 Oh, really, I was just thinking of having wireless
07:18 in my home but you're saying that's not a good.
07:20 No, it's not bad to do it all, I've got wireless
07:23 but on my website
07:26 I have narrative PowerPoint that tells
07:28 you how to secure you wireless.
07:30 If you don't secure your wireless,
07:31 then you're asking for trouble.
07:33 But if you secure your wireless, it's not a problem at all.
07:36 Because there's not too many,
07:37 I know that sophisticated hackers might get beyond
07:41 some firewalls and the decryption things
07:44 but for most of your neighbors
07:46 are not going to have that kind of look.
07:49 And that's probably, you know, you need to take
07:51 in consideration where you are at,
07:52 if you're living in downtown, metropolitan area.
07:54 You know, if you're living out in the country,
07:56 I still would put security on it.
07:58 But you know I won't be quite so worried
07:59 as going to the high level,
08:00 I always put what's called WPA security.
08:03 And if you go on to my website,
08:05 you can look at the PowerPoint it will explain all this to you.
08:08 And that's more than we have time for today
08:10 And one thing that I learned not to do many years ago,
08:13 I used to carry my social security card in my wallet
08:17 and I had my credit cards
08:18 and you got the checkbook in there
08:20 and I have my social security card.
08:22 And all of a sudden it dawned on me.
08:24 Well, if I ever lost my wallet my identity is gone.
08:27 It is.
08:29 And but I recommend also for people to do
08:31 and I've done this because we do quite a bit of traveling,
08:33 my wife and myself with our little girl.
08:35 I've taken out everything that's in her purse
08:37 and everything that's in my wallet and I've photocopied it.
08:40 And then I sent it to a friend who I know
08:42 he's got a fire safe and I trust him implicitly.
08:45 He's an accountant.
08:48 He has it saved there, so it's inner fire safe,
08:51 so if something happens, I can call him
08:52 and get on my numbers right away.
08:54 Oh, that's smart.
08:55 So, or you know, we've also sent stuff,
08:57 we've got pictures of our first little girl who passed away.
08:59 I've got copies of those at my house
09:01 and then I've also have a copy at my parent's house
09:03 in case we had a house fire.
09:05 You know, there are some things that you want them
09:06 that are a worth more value to that you
09:08 want to make sure that you have copies or duplicates of.
09:11 And that's one of the things I recommend is
09:12 if you do a lot of traveling to do that,
09:14 if you're going to be leaving the country,
09:15 that's very important. Okay.
09:17 So how about, can't you place a fraud alert
09:22 on your credit cards?
09:24 Yes, you can.
09:25 And matter of fact I just received the notice
09:26 because I used to work for the State of Georgia
09:27 that I need to put a fraud alert alarms,
09:29 because they just lost the hard drive that had all the data,
09:31 all of those personal information on
09:33 for all the employees of the state of Georgia
09:35 for the last 15 years.
09:37 So but when you do that,
09:38 you want to place your fraud alert,
09:39 you can also go to
09:42 You know, and your,
09:44 it's on my website, you can link from my website.
09:47 If you don't remember the URL and it will take you out
09:48 and there's 3 different companies out there
09:51 that you can go through and check your credit reports.
09:53 I only check one at a time, I don't do all three.
09:55 Explain why?
09:56 Because I check the first one, I wait about 3 months
09:59 then I check the second one.
10:01 Then I wait about 3 months and then I check the third one.
10:03 So that I'm kind of getting them throughout
10:05 the whole year, not just once a year doing it.
10:07 That way I can go through just because if something shows up
10:10 kind of funky on one then I can say,
10:11 okay, there is something going on, I can go ahead if I need to,
10:13 I can run the second one against it,
10:15 because it's been long enough time period.
10:17 So if you do that every 3 or 4 months you know,
10:19 you can kind of go through and check through
10:21 and see exactly what's happening with your credit reports
10:23 and like I said I check my daughter's too
10:25 and she's only 4-years-old.
10:27 And what is the charge for something like that?
10:30 If you're doing the,
10:31 it's nothing, it's free.
10:35 and you can go through
10:37 and pull it off once a year
10:39 from each of those different agencies for free.
10:41 We can get all three for free.
10:43 You get all three as long as you only do one at a time.
10:46 So you spread them every 3 or 4 months, you know.
10:48 I just have got-- there are certain months
10:50 where I do things like taxes, when I do my taxes,
10:52 I do the credit reports at the same time.
10:54 How can you secure your online connections
10:56 when you're talking about the banking
10:59 and all of the stuff, let's talk about this more.
11:02 When yours, first of all you want to make sure
11:03 that your bank has good security in place
11:06 or if you're buying something online.
11:07 I mean, like we were talking offline,
11:09 I even buy my groceries online.
11:12 When I do that I got to make sure that it's a secure site.
11:15 It will usually say in the URL, https and it will have a colon.
11:20 And then it will have you know, and they will have a colon
11:22 and then have the rest of the website,
11:23 you know, www, whatever.
11:25 But the "s" means it's a secure connection.
11:28 Typically you will see if you have an older browser,
11:31 you will see a padlock down at the bottom right hand corner,
11:34 a golden padlock.
11:35 If that padlock is gold and it's locked it's secure.
11:38 If you have a newer browser
11:40 and it's not a secure connection,
11:42 it will pop up with an alert
11:43 and it will tell you Internet Explorer, Mozilla,
11:45 these newer browsers if they're latest versions they will say,
11:48 this is an unsecured connection,
11:49 do you want to go here?
11:51 If it's you bank or something you're buying from, no way.
11:54 You don't want to go there because there's a problem
11:55 that is being compromised.
11:57 You also want to make sure that any place
11:59 you're going to has a physical address.
12:01 I would never buy something
12:02 that's just purely an online site.
12:04 They don't have some type of physical address
12:05 that you can reference back to.
12:07 Because you have no idea who are you dealing with?
12:10 And where they are at, once you've done those steps,
12:12 then you want to make sure your basic computer is safe.
12:15 You want to make sure you've got all your Microsoft updates
12:17 if you're running Windows, if you're running Macintosh
12:19 or what, you know, Linux, one of these others,
12:21 you can also got to update those too.
12:23 You know, I'm rather, when you take Microsoft
12:26 updates I always get my entire virus software updates
12:30 just where it's an automatic thing.
12:32 But I'm reluctant about getting the updates on the Microsoft
12:36 because one time I didn't update it
12:39 and it messed up my computer so badly
12:41 and it took a week practically to get it all straightened out.
12:45 But you're saying that that is a good idea,
12:47 because there are new security enhancements in these updates.
12:51 What I typically do is I just make sure
12:53 it's the security enhancements,
12:54 I don't always go down like
12:56 they got a new player of windows media player
12:58 or something that, you know, it's an optional download,
13:00 I don't always do that, I only do the security enhancements.
13:03 You still can run into a problem but if you go to my website,
13:06 I'll step you through on how to do what's called
13:08 a restore point in Windows.
13:10 And let's talk about your website
13:11 because this is a free resource
13:13 that you just a part of your ministry.
13:16 And that website address,
13:17 if you want to write this down is
13:24 Let me repeat that
13:29 Not trying to sell you anything
13:31 but there is a narrative, there is a narrative PowerPoint
13:34 on there that will walk you through some of these things
13:36 as well as some good links.
13:38 It's very educational and it's free.
13:41 So that's quite a service and we thank you for that.
13:45 One of the things that when people are looking to save,
13:48 sometimes we get concerned because of its terminology,
13:50 well, I don't know that, you know,
13:51 people say I have Microsoft.
13:53 You know, I don't know if I got Windows or you know what I have.
13:56 But if you go through I would also,
13:58 you know, talk to young person at the church
14:00 who you go to church with you or some young person
14:02 that you feel like is a trustworthy young person,
14:04 they can help step you through this,
14:06 they can your antivirus up to date.
14:08 And you need to have antivirus software.
14:11 You need to make sure that your firewall is turned on.
14:14 Windows comes built with a firewall.
14:16 You know, Macintosh comes built with a firewall.
14:19 They need to be turned on. They are not always turned on.
14:22 I'm not even sure, I didn't know that it came with the firewall.
14:24 So I'm sure mine is turned on.
14:26 But most of time in the newer version of Windows,
14:27 they will be a nice little red icon down
14:29 at the bottom right hand corner
14:30 if your firewall is turned off alerting you,
14:33 if you have a newer version of Windows.
14:34 You know saying there's a problem,
14:36 your firewall is off, do you want to turn it on?
14:37 Okay. And then you can say yes.
14:39 What about encrypting files that sounds
14:42 so sophisticated and difficult?
14:45 It sounds it but it's really not.
14:47 There are several different software packages out
14:49 in the market that make encrypting very easy.
14:51 I encrypt all of our personal banking, our tax records.
14:54 They go to a certain section on my hard drive
14:56 that I encrypt and I have to put a password to get into it.
14:59 And on my website there are several
15:00 different software packages
15:01 that I list out and I go for the ones that are free
15:04 because I like the price.
15:05 So explain that because some people may not know
15:07 what we're talking about encrypting a file.
15:10 When you encrypt a file basically it takes all
15:12 the data and it scrambles it into a mathematical formula.
15:15 And what it does it makes for somebody else,
15:17 it's very hard for someone else
15:18 to figure out what that data was.
15:20 So if you're at the airport
15:22 and your laptop is stolen as Cherri Peters
15:24 was recently traveling here
15:26 and she was running late for the airplane.
15:29 And so, and she went through security somehow
15:31 she got delayed for a moment.
15:33 And she picked up everything
15:34 and went dashing off to the gate
15:38 and realized, I got a light load.
15:40 She left her computer back on the belt and it was stolen.
15:45 So if your computer is stolen and your files are encrypted
15:49 there's important files they can't read it.
15:52 And I--we do that for all of our financial
15:55 or personal data on laptops.
15:56 And actually the North American division
15:58 and the general conference is highly recommending
16:00 for all the ministries.
16:01 If you have any personal information about people
16:04 that your laptop should,
16:05 your entire hard drive should be encrypted.
16:07 And that--did we just recently have something
16:10 with veterans that laptops were stolen
16:12 and all these identities were stolen because or at risk,
16:16 because this information had gotten out.
16:20 And that's what happens with me,
16:21 because I used to be a employee of the State of Georgia.
16:23 When I worked for the State of Georgia
16:24 that was non encrypted hard drive.
16:26 They did put it in the letter that what besides
16:28 letting us know this would happen they said
16:29 they are now making a policy to encrypt
16:32 all the removable storage, which I was,
16:35 should have happened before but you know,
16:36 that's something that is becoming
16:38 more and more part of life.
16:39 And it's not as hard basically just makes
16:41 one more password you have to remember.
16:44 You have the state method,
16:45 you say being online is like being in--
16:48 The worst crime neighborhood in the world
16:51 and you need to realize that.
16:53 Because you have all of the criminals out there,
16:57 you also have some really great people.
16:58 But you seem to realize it's a high crime neighborhood.
17:01 And so we just have to learn how to protect ourselves
17:03 when we are online. That is correct.
17:06 Part of this is being smart when you are online,
17:09 but also just using a little bit of common sense
17:11 when you go out there.
17:12 If it's the site you've never seen,
17:13 if it offers too good to be true.
17:16 It's too good to be true.
17:17 If you get contacted by some brother
17:19 in another foreign country it says, brother in Christ,
17:22 I've got this money that we need to get to the United States.
17:25 I can't tell you how often those come to me.
17:28 They are not a brother and they are,
17:29 you know, not really in Christ.
17:31 All they want to do is get your money.
17:33 One of the new type of things that's really happening
17:35 more to the retiring generation is called phone fishing.
17:39 Where they will call you up on the phone
17:40 and they will say I'm from your bank,
17:42 I need to verify such and such information.
17:45 And they will think okay, it's from my bank.
17:48 Hang up, call your bank back,
17:50 don't call back any number they give you
17:51 because they also have someone else on another line.
17:53 Say yes, I'm from your bank
17:55 and they want your information, they want your money.
17:58 So it's more important to always never
17:59 and any email you get that comes supposedly
18:02 from your bank or from Yahoo or Amazon,
18:05 delete it and then go, go straight to their website
18:08 and then find a number where you can call someone.
18:10 You know, I was getting some emails that said
18:12 it was from such and such bank and trying to verify
18:15 my account information and I thought
18:16 I don't have an account with that bank.
18:19 So I called the bank and they aren't even locally around here
18:23 and I called them and I said you know,
18:25 I'm on your email list and they are saying that and they said,
18:27 oh, this is a scam, you know, fraud alert, fraud alert,
18:30 we want you to talk to such and such department.
18:33 Well, it keeps on happening and now it's not just
18:36 with that one bank that I have four, five emails
18:39 from "supposed to be from different banks."
18:42 People and they look so official
18:44 and they got official logo and they wanting
18:47 to verify my account information.
18:50 Now it just so happens I didn't have one
18:53 but had my bank, the email come under
18:56 the name of my banks saying that, you know,
19:00 if you were just like you do so many emails
19:04 you just dash off response.
19:06 I could have accidentally leaked out
19:10 some information to some crooks.
19:11 And they're counting on that.
19:12 They're counting on do you want to be helpful.
19:15 And as one of the things it's called social engineering.
19:17 Where people they go on normal customs
19:20 where people are sitting here it's socially polite to hold
19:22 the door open for someone. You're right.
19:24 But if it's a locked down facility you better not be
19:26 holding that door even if they have a batch.
19:28 You know, even if they say
19:29 they are from the telephone company, you have no proof,
19:32 you need to call and verify.
19:35 Recently we had AT&T came into our building
19:37 and I--and the secretary comes in
19:39 and said AT&T is in our building.
19:40 I said, we have no scheduled repairs.
19:42 I immediately called off them and I said, what's going on?
19:45 And they start tracking down and said,
19:46 oh, we're switching you over to fiber optics from copper.
19:50 And I said we were not informed of this
19:52 that person I want to know make sure
19:54 this is the right person and all they are like,
19:55 you're the first customer out of t the 50 different places
19:59 they been to that day that would actually ask, questioned it.
20:02 And these were big businesses
20:03 that they'd been to that they were telling me about.
20:06 So it could've been some crook.
20:07 It could have been any crook they walk-in just
20:08 because he had AT&T batch,
20:09 they were letting him go right into
20:11 where all those data is stored.
20:13 Now you know we often hear about personal computers
20:16 being compromised, what's the number one avenue
20:20 to compromise your personal computer?
20:22 The number one way, typically,
20:23 your computer gets compromises usually by something you do.
20:27 My wife loves to do different fonts she's a teacher,
20:31 she likes to have different pictures,
20:32 she's always going out saying,
20:33 oh, if I can make this look pretty
20:35 and she's in a quilting guild, she likes to,
20:36 you know, she makes the brochure for them.
20:39 Well, where she's going out
20:40 and getting these different funds,
20:41 often times you don't about the sites you're getting stuff from.
20:44 You have no guarantee that
20:45 they didn't pack a virus in with the font,
20:48 or they didn't pack a virus
20:49 in with that pretty picture or design.
20:50 So you're saying it's just a free download,
20:52 is that what you're saying? Yeah, right.
20:53 So this free downloads are risky.
20:55 They are risky.
20:57 You have to realize that, you keep your antivirus running,
20:59 make sure your firewall's in place.
21:02 You know, I use special software to lock down the hard drive,
21:05 so if something like that happens on your computer,
21:07 I go back to the previous state without the virus there.
21:10 So and we've had a multiple times.
21:13 Really? Yes.
21:15 Now you know that's two things that I've learned
21:17 from you because that an encrypting.
21:19 I don't encrypt my files, but that's you're saying
21:21 that's easy, it sound difficult
21:23 but it's just a piece of software
21:25 and you just have to have the password,
21:27 and when the password's put in
21:28 and then it brings it back into a readable format.
21:31 Right. That's interesting.
21:32 So where there is there some of the safety,
21:35 let's talk about some of the safety consideration
21:37 for digital media and just too in general.
21:44 When you're dealing with digital media,
21:46 you want to make sure that you, if you're like say
21:50 for example a ministry, you want to make sure
21:52 that you've looked at all the considerations exactly
21:56 how we kept the data safe.
21:58 What are we doing with it, how are we storing it,
22:00 how are we transmitting it,
22:01 are we letting people know if something happens.
22:04 And also making sure that there could be
22:05 no other affiliation with your name,
22:08 it's very important to protect the name.
22:10 Then as an individual,
22:11 you want to take those same type of precautions to you,
22:14 with your identity, you're going to be very careful with,
22:17 who you give your information to, your private information,
22:20 your health data, your, you know, physical address,
22:23 your telephone numbers, your cell phone numbers.
22:25 Yeah,-- I just realized
22:28 I'm having a little procedure done in a couple of days
22:31 and I received a phone call on the way here to the studio today
22:35 that I wasn't expecting and they said this is the hospital
22:38 we want to pre register you and went through
22:41 and I gave them all my personal information
22:44 including my social security card
22:45 and then they asked for my husband
22:47 and his social security card and it was until I hung up
22:50 because I was just in the mad dash over here
22:52 from to the studio and I realized,
22:56 I hope this was really the hospital
22:58 because they just called me on my cell phone
23:00 and I started answering all this personal information.
23:05 Right and that's a very common thing that's happening.
23:08 And there's a gentleman who's actually being going
23:09 between America and Canada, we finally --
23:12 and FBI finally caught him in Canada
23:14 but he was doing this exact thing,
23:16 doing phone fishing, he would pull
23:17 records out of hospitals this type of stuff
23:20 and they would pay different people on their salary
23:22 to give them this type of information
23:23 and then they would start calling people
23:24 and asking that type of information.
23:26 I know several people including people who work for the FBI,
23:29 when they go into a hospital,
23:30 they refuse to give their social security number.
23:33 Really? Refuse.
23:35 And they have to go ahead and, I mean...
23:37 They start to treat him, I'll give you my driver's license,
23:40 I'll give you that but I'll not give you
23:41 my social security number.
23:42 These are people who work
23:43 for the government in cyber security.
23:46 So they've gone to that approach
23:48 and they said makes the hospital grumpy
23:49 but they eventually get over.
23:53 Now you tell me.
23:55 If only we'd had this conversation
23:57 just a few hour earlier.
23:59 But now it's interesting that you're talking about ministries
24:01 because I know that we do a lot here at 3ABN before firewalls
24:05 and protecting all this information,
24:07 make sure they're secured.
24:09 But are there templates and recommendations
24:12 from ministries about how they should handle
24:15 and protect the personal information that they receive?
24:18 They're and I actually have them on my website.
24:21 What I've done is they are legal office of the general conference
24:25 has developed a bunch of templates for the ministries.
24:27 As far as a privacy policy, as far as a release
24:31 form for pictures or media release,
24:34 they've made all these policies
24:35 and I've just put them on my website
24:37 because I've been working with them
24:38 as we've been making these different
24:40 media release forms and stuff like that.
24:41 So they're listed on my website,
24:42 you can download them for free,
24:44 you can go and change them,
24:45 modify them for your particular ministry.
24:48 Now we're talking today about protecting your identity
24:52 from identity theft and particularly,
24:54 your young children that because that's becoming prevalent.
24:57 What can we do if your identity
25:01 in the security has been breached
25:03 and your identity has been stolen,
25:04 what does somebody do?
25:06 First thing you do is you want to put a fraud alert
25:08 on your credit history.
25:10 Then you want to start calling all of the different people
25:12 that you have lines of credit with
25:13 and let them know what's going on.
25:15 You know, maker sure you're using numbers
25:16 that you know are valid and are good.
25:18 After when you've done that then you need
25:20 to take an assessment of where are you,
25:22 what's being impact often times it will,
25:24 you need to take a day off work to just sort of through
25:26 all the different complications we have
25:28 because you know some person will have a mortgage,
25:30 they will have you know, maybe a car loan or, you know,
25:33 college loan depending upon if they just got out of college.
25:35 You know, there's always different things
25:36 that have to be taken in consideration,
25:38 so you go through each one of those one by one
25:40 and be very careful and then really pay
25:42 close attention to your credit history.
25:45 After you've done that then the best thing you can do is try
25:47 and see how is it compromised,
25:49 try to determine exactly what, where it came from.
25:52 Once you know where it came
25:53 from then you can hopefully use your personal computer
25:55 if you're pretty sure it was there then deal with it there,
25:58 but I always try to track it back down
25:59 to its root source that way it won't happen again.
26:02 Okay, you know we had a gentleman here
26:04 at the ministry who had his laptop stolen.
26:08 He was on the road crew and traveling
26:10 and he had his laptop stolen from the hotel room
26:13 and literally it took him over a year
26:16 to get everything restored and back in place
26:19 when his identity was stolen.
26:21 And I'm sitting here thinking
26:23 that may be one good piece of advise
26:27 is don't get in a rush about things
26:28 because today I realize that I had,
26:33 I did two stupid things in giving out all this information
26:36 when I wasn't sure it was the hospital,
26:38 but I also got online paid a credit card bill without this,
26:42 usually I always look to make sure all the charges are mine
26:46 but this time I just paid it because I was in a hurry
26:49 and that's one way we need to check all of our charges too
26:52 to make sure someone's not out there using our charge.
26:55 Very much so that's actually
26:56 how I found that my identity had been stolen
26:58 because mine the time when mine happened was,
27:00 I gave someone a debit card.
27:02 Yeah, so that's something.
27:04 Thank you so much and let me give your information
27:06 at one more time if you want to go to this website,
27:08 it's and there is free information
27:14 on how to protect yourself in this.
27:16 Ernest you had just been a wealth of information
27:19 and we've learned so much,
27:20 I'm so glad that you made this your ministry.
27:22 Thank you. And thank you for coming.
27:25 For those of you who are at home,
27:26 remember and share this with all the parents that you know.
27:30 It's not just as adults we're working
27:32 and having banking information that get our identity stolen,
27:35 but the identity thefts are going after children's identity
27:39 and kids by the time they are 18 are finding
27:42 they've got horrible credit reports
27:43 because someone has been using their identity.
27:46 Let's protect our identity and be thankful
27:49 that we have a new identity in Christ Jesus.
27:53 Thank you for joining us.


Revised 2014-12-17