Issues and Answers

Spiritual Impact Of The Internet And Media

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Ernest Staats


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000328

00:30 Hello, I'm Shelly Quinn
00:31 and welcome again to "Issues and Answers."
00:33 Today we have something that you won't want to miss.
00:36 We're going to be talking about internet safety
00:39 and we'll specifically be talking about the spiritual
00:42 impact of the internet and media on our families.
00:47 You know, there's really I look at media as a great blessing
00:52 because obviously this is the tool
00:54 through which God is using 3ABN
00:58 as a tool of evangelism in His hands.
01:01 And because we're media, we're broadcasting
01:04 to every inhabited continent around the world.
01:08 What an incredible opportunity.
01:11 And I think of the internet and all the good
01:13 that's on the internet and it's a wonderful tool.
01:16 But at the same time
01:18 if we don't keep our lives in balance
01:20 and if we aren't aware of the dangers
01:25 and the evils that are lurking out of there, out there.
01:28 Then what can happen is the internet
01:31 and media can become our enemy.
01:34 And Peter, wrote something interesting in 1 Peter 5:8,
01:38 he says, "Be well balanced, be vigilant
01:42 and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours,
01:46 the devil is roaming around like a roaring lion,
01:51 seeking whom he may devour."
01:53 So we got to be cautious and be vigilant.
01:55 And here to do some instruction for us today
01:59 and share some of the wonderful knowledge
02:00 that he's gained is Ernest Staats
02:03 and he is the IT or in--What is IT?
02:07 My mind went blank, is something technology.
02:09 It's the computer information technology.
02:12 And you are the information technology director
02:15 at the Georgia-Cumberland Academy
02:18 in the great town of Calhoun, Georgia.
02:22 That is correct.
02:23 Well, we are so glad that you've come here
02:25 and that you've come safely
02:27 and so is this how you got interested
02:32 obviously in what the internet and media is what kind of impact
02:37 its having on our spirituality.
02:39 Part of it was from academy,
02:40 I started getting into network security
02:42 when I worked for the State of Georgia.
02:44 And then-- when I came on fulltime staff
02:46 on to the academy staff,
02:48 I started seeing some real issues
02:50 and then I went on to get a masters in network security.
02:53 And while I was doing that I was challenged by Nancy Limbro
02:57 who is the division IT director to not look,
03:00 just look at it as technology.
03:01 See I always thought of myself as a technologist.
03:04 I am into data bits, bytes, zeros, ones.
03:07 She was more saying look at it as a ministry.
03:09 I always just thought
03:11 I was a technologist helping a ministry. Right.
03:12 And she challenged me to look at more as a ministry
03:14 and I said okay, if I'm gonna have a ministry,
03:16 where would this fit in.
03:18 And since I kind of got a--
03:19 I really got involved with security.
03:21 I said, well, how would that fit into
03:22 and I saw there was a huge gap in our church
03:24 with the lack of understanding.
03:26 And not just inside our church,
03:27 I've spoke to other congregations too,
03:29 non-Adventist congregations.
03:31 And there is just a huge lack just across the Christian world
03:33 of understanding the security implications
03:35 of what's online, what they're doing,
03:37 what to do with their cell phones, all of that involved.
03:39 Oh, I'm really, I know that I'm going to be educated as well.
03:43 But let me ask you this because when I think about it, Ernest,
03:46 here we're talking about the spiritual impact
03:49 of media and television and the internet,
03:52 how that's impacting us.
03:54 But first we have to establish is it really becoming a problem.
03:58 I mean, are we-how much time are people spending
04:02 in watching the media and being bombarded by these influences.
04:07 Well, for example my watch here also plays mp3's
04:11 so I can have music on it.
04:13 This is Dick Tracy, aha.
04:14 And I have another watch that I can actually watch movies on,
04:18 that I can sit here and I've got my head phones
04:20 and I can sit here and watch movies.
04:21 You really are a techie, aren't you?
04:22 So, yes, but I mean its just everywhere,
04:25 there are more then 56 unique devices
04:28 that are being tracked by the consumer reports
04:30 right now that are electronic media devices.
04:33 So and that means totally different, I mean,
04:34 an mp3 is and mp3 player
04:36 but there's an mp3 player then there is this,
04:37 then there is this, I mean there is all these.
04:38 There's iPod's and the Blackberry's and that.
04:41 There is everything, exactly.
04:42 So most people are consuming between 8.5 hours a day of media
04:47 and this is children from the ages of 8 to 18.
04:49 8.5? 8.5 hours of media a day.
04:53 Where do people have time to do that?
04:55 Yeah. That's amazing.
04:56 Well, and kids complain about homework
04:58 but they don't spend 8.5 hours on the whole
05:00 but when they are doing homework
05:01 they are listening, they are watching stuff on TV.
05:03 There's most--lot of times people are--right now
05:06 60% of young people that were pulled
05:08 when they rather eating their meals, they are watching TV.
05:11 That's unbelievable.
05:12 So that means the communication that used to happen, you know,
05:15 when people sit down at the table
05:16 and talk as a family, that's not there.
05:18 You know I say that's unbelievable but I'm thinking,
05:21 my husband and I really don't eat a large supper,
05:24 we just have a little snack and often that's the time
05:27 that we turn on only bit of news
05:29 that we'll get to see for the day or something.
05:31 So it's really become-in the family
05:34 though you kind of think that a family is gonna sit down
05:36 and take that time but it's just not happening.
05:37 It's not happening, no.
05:39 And actually my wife and I were quite surprised
05:41 couple of years back when we invited
05:42 several students over for more of a formal,
05:44 just sit down, just nice dinner supper,
05:46 and the kids weren't, it was a foreign concept
05:48 to the few of the kids that were there
05:49 to actually sit down as a family
05:51 and talk without anything else on, no radio, no TV.
05:55 And they expressed that this was a real culture shock for them.
05:59 And it was real, I didn't think much about at the time,
06:01 I was like, okay.
06:02 You know it seems like there's different personalities
06:04 and I'm not sure but like I'm the type of person
06:07 when I get up in the morning, I appreciate some quiet time,
06:10 so I even get up an hour earlier than my husband,
06:14 at least 45 minutes early to have that quiet time.
06:17 He on the other hand is the type that he wants to get up,
06:19 he's got the TV on and the radio going on
06:21 another room and that constant,
06:23 he doesn't like to driving the car without it.
06:26 Now there is--has something to do with personality
06:30 but I've also noticed that this generation
06:33 of youngsters that are coming up,
06:35 they feel like they have fallen off the face of the earth
06:38 that they're in a vacuum
06:40 if they don't have some kind of media input. Right.
06:43 If they're unplugged, they're almost like
06:45 they're having a culture shock
06:46 and a environmental shock. Yeah.
06:49 'Cause it is, it's on your cell phones,
06:51 you know, cell phones, you can surf the internet.
06:53 You know, so even like
06:54 a Georgia Cumberland Academy,
06:55 we tried real hard to keep good filters on the system.
06:58 But if the kids come with internet on their cell phones,
07:00 they've unfiltered internet. Yes.
07:02 You know, so there's a lots of different aspects
07:04 where they can reach
07:05 and where they're just constantly
07:07 being bombarded by images, by different media and music.
07:11 We're also using it as an education,
07:13 we've got-- our chaplain does,
07:15 you know, a podcast and the kids listen to it
07:17 and they really enjoy it.
07:18 You know, we do a virtual newscast on our website,
07:20 you know, the kids tune into and they enjoy it.
07:23 So, you know, we tap into that
07:25 because we see that this is where the kids are at
07:27 but we also realize that there is also
07:29 some issues along with this.
07:30 So internet use is just continually growing,
07:34 isn't it? It is.
07:35 And there's something I think
07:36 you had a statistic about 150,000 new users a day.
07:40 Right, they were coming on to MySpace.
07:42 On to MySpace. Just under MySpace.
07:44 And MySpace itself has over 13 million people
07:48 viewing it a day which is twice the number of use of Google,
07:51 if you can imagine that.
07:53 And that's so amazing to me
07:54 'cause I guess I'm gonna sound like an old folk,
07:56 yeah, I use the internet all the time
07:57 but I've not been on MySpace
07:59 or any chat room or anything like that
08:00 because I just don't have time,
08:03 so that's interesting. Go ahead.
08:05 I was gonna say that well,
08:06 I have multiple MySpace accounts.
08:08 It amazes me.
08:09 I use it for different things at the school
08:10 'cause we go and check MySpace profiles of young people
08:13 who are interested
08:14 because we find some pretty alarming things
08:16 when we're there sometimes
08:17 and sometimes students are told that
08:20 no, thank you, we don't think
08:21 you'll fit into the program of GCA.
08:23 But what happens is they don't realize that,
08:25 that's also all the companies now are searching that
08:27 when you go look for your next job,
08:29 most of the time they'll check on MySpace profile
08:31 and see what you put out there.
08:33 Oh, you know, and here's something that I think
08:35 that most young people don't recognize
08:38 and many don't is that once it's on the internet,
08:40 it's pretty hard to get it off the record,
08:43 I mean, it's going to be cashed somewhere.
08:46 Well, I've gone around the country
08:47 and I've spoken to different young people
08:48 and they say, we know all about internet,
08:50 we know about security and stuff like that.
08:52 I said how many of you know about worldwide web archive.
08:55 And I get completely dumb looks.
08:57 You know, like I don't know what you're talking about
08:58 and I said, everything you put on the internet,
09:00 even once it's taken off,
09:02 it's still on the worldwide web archive,
09:04 so I can go back and search that.
09:06 Isn't that interesting.
09:07 And the kids are like oh, you mean that picture.
09:09 I said, yeah, that picture.
09:11 And we've don't it before where I asked one girl,
09:13 we came across media cart from the camp
09:16 where they had a bunch of inappropriate contact ones
09:18 and inside that media cart was one of our female students,
09:22 a picture of her in a bathing suit.
09:23 And I said, did you realize this is being passed around the dorm?
09:27 And she's like no.
09:28 And I said, she's like I never gave that picture out.
09:30 And I said, you didn't post it anywhere.
09:33 Oh, was on MySpace. Oh, merciful.
09:35 So she was put in there
09:36 with a bunch of really horrible stuff
09:39 and she didn't realize it.
09:41 You know, and she didn't think about the fact
09:42 just 'cause she put on MySpace,
09:43 she's like I need to get that off
09:45 and I said, oh, okay, good.
09:47 And once it's up there, you can't erase. Right.
09:48 There's no retrieval process that you can reduce it.
09:51 And you know, there's things that are going
09:52 on in high school, you hear about this, that,
09:55 where kids are taking in their cell phones
09:58 and they go into the locker rooms after gym or something
10:01 and they're taking compromising pictures
10:03 and then they put these up on something like MySpace account.
10:08 And they're doing so much damage,
10:10 so there's all of these issues
10:12 that schools have to think about,
10:13 but it's not just schools nowadays,
10:15 I mean, we really--our privacy is really being interrupted here
10:20 and intruded upon.
10:22 Now what kind-because of this large percentage
10:26 of families and teens who are spending time
10:31 in front of the television and on the internet,
10:35 what kind of trends do we see coming out of this?
10:39 Some pre-alarming trends
10:40 as I've taught with different colleges,
10:42 Adventist and non Adventist
10:43 and there's been studies done around the world
10:45 looking at young people and what's happening to them.
10:48 They're finding that they're having high anxiety,
10:51 high depression rates, eating disorders.
10:55 They're also finding that self abuse is going up
10:57 in several different form factors.
10:59 And self abuse can be anything
11:01 from the cutting to they're choking,
11:04 there's all different kinds of things they are doing.
11:05 There are several different forms
11:07 and just and putting themselves down
11:09 and beside what's one of the big issues
11:10 it's kind of spun out of this,
11:12 was something we didn't expect,
11:13 it's called cyber bullying. Yes.
11:15 And that's where they're text messaging each other
11:17 or they get on to MySpace,
11:18 they say horrible things about each other.
11:20 And, you know, people are getting hurt,
11:22 that's happening, that's very common.
11:24 Kids are committing suicide because of cyber bullying.
11:27 We heard of that famous case of a young 13-year-old girl
11:33 who thought that she was interacting with a young boy
11:36 and he was kind of--that language was luring her in
11:40 and it turned out then that the person
11:43 that she was communicating with on MySpace
11:46 turned on her viciously and she committed suicide
11:50 because of this and unfortunately,
11:52 I mean either way it's horrible.
11:54 But it turned out that this was not a young boy
11:57 but a mother of young boy
11:59 who was upset with this little girl
12:01 and so she done this vicious things
12:03 and you know, it's so hard to police.
12:06 Right. So it's very difficult situation.
12:09 And, well, and the FBI are short in staff.
12:12 They have a directive to hire
12:13 literally thousands of people to help them
12:16 but there's not the people out there to do it.
12:18 You know, so the security is the hot topic,
12:20 it's a good job, you know, interest,
12:22 if someone's interested in it but right now,
12:23 there's just a huge demand
12:24 because it's growing exponentially.
12:27 So what are the kind of trends are we seeing?
12:29 Some of the other trends we're seeing is the young people
12:31 are becoming--really specially towards the young people
12:33 that's more of my passion would lie honestly
12:36 working on in academy. Yes.
12:37 We're noticing that the young people
12:39 are getting really disconnected
12:40 from church and from God.
12:42 They're not, they're spiritual seekers
12:44 that we thought they were.
12:45 We're actually finding they would rather
12:47 go to car sales than go to church.
12:49 Well, you know, you're finding when you said that they,
12:51 you know, I was thinking this is a plugged in generation.
12:54 But they're plugging into the wrong power source.
12:57 They're not plugging into God. Right.
12:59 And so it's just another one of these distractions,
13:03 you know, Ernest, I have a saying that sin--
13:08 what the devil does with sin
13:10 is he puts this beautiful shiny foil wrapping paper around it
13:15 and big old bow and then he serves it up to us
13:19 and it looks so attractive
13:21 and it's nothing more than gift wrapped garbage
13:23 but we don't recognize it.
13:25 And so these kids, they seems innocent
13:28 and they get involved in all of these
13:31 various electronic activities
13:34 and it just is changing their priorities taking,
13:38 robbing them of the time that they could spend with God.
13:41 And not only the time but one of the things
13:43 that's also we've seen a big change
13:44 and I've seen it even through teaching.
13:47 The author Leonard Sweet talked about this generation,
13:50 generation wise being epic, they're experiential,
13:53 if they don't experience it, it's not true.
13:55 They don't have ultimate right and wrong.
13:58 It's what they experience, it's what they participate in.
14:01 yeah, they've been involved in it.
14:02 They're very image driven and that's where the online,
14:06 the text messaging with pictures and videos even.
14:09 You know, all that's part of it and they want to communicate.
14:11 They want to talk about their experiences
14:13 and that's one of the areas
14:14 where I feel like a lot of times as a church,
14:16 we need to look at how we're treating our young people
14:19 because if we don't tap into realizing that they're epic,
14:22 that they want to have images,
14:24 that their communication that they want to participate,
14:26 they want to experience it but there's a problem here
14:29 because that's where they go to places what they do,
14:31 what they do experience, they say,
14:32 oh, that's my reality, that's my truth.
14:35 So they're looking at it differently than we do.
14:37 You know, and how interesting
14:38 because what you just said
14:40 is really what's created this mindset,
14:44 this trend within this younger generation
14:46 is all of these things that we're discussing
14:49 has created this attitude.
14:52 But now, instead of us trying to combat it
14:55 because how do you combat it once it becomes,
14:58 so what you're saying is that
15:00 we actually have to feed into the technique
15:03 if you will, if you're going to reach them.
15:05 I think so, yes. Okay.
15:07 Ellen White in Evangelism talked about in her day
15:10 the big thing was the press.
15:11 There's people who really said
15:12 maybe we shouldn't get into the press
15:14 'cause there was bad books being printed and stuff.
15:17 And she said, no we need to reach the people
15:18 where they were or where they are excuse me
15:20 and that's exactly right.
15:22 Our young people are online.
15:24 At GCA we have over 150 rules just blocking MySpace.
15:30 But I also encourage all of our staff to go out to MySpace.
15:34 Because that's where our kids are.
15:36 While we block it on campus
15:37 to keep them safe and stuff like that.
15:39 We realize when they go home
15:40 when they are on their cell phone,
15:42 they are on MySpace.
15:43 So we try to make a positive outreach there.
15:46 So you're telling me that somebody like myself
15:48 even should learn the use of MySpace
15:52 and to learn how to know what kids are doing online.
15:56 Political candidates are doing it.
15:59 You know, if they are trying to reach
16:00 and they are trying to reach the younger generations,
16:02 I think if you want to reach the younger generations,
16:03 I think we should, yes. That is amazing.
16:06 So what are some of the specific
16:09 implications of on our spiritual life.
16:13 You said that children are tuning out from God somewhat,
16:18 what about these online lives,
16:21 what are the kind of spiritual implications does this bring?
16:25 A lot of people are getting a lot more disconnected.
16:28 Substituting real life relationships,
16:31 that's happening sometimes between spouses,
16:33 that sometime happen between kids and parents,
16:36 that's happening between us and the Lord. Yeah.
16:38 Because even if I'm looking up at spiritual stuff,
16:41 I'm always doing spiritual stuff online,
16:43 that's a different type of medium.
16:45 If there's not some quite time to hear the voice of the Lord.
16:49 Then there's a problem and people are not realizing
16:52 and I call the big G's and little G's.
16:54 I say we need to go back to the big G
16:56 which is the Word of God. Okay.
16:58 And we need to unplug from the little G's,
16:59 the Google's, the MySpace,
17:01 all these other G's that are part of our life.
17:04 So I think there's a certain amount of time
17:06 that we need to detoxify basically.
17:09 When I was in Union College,
17:11 one of our professors there
17:12 always told us in literature class
17:14 that while she read a lot of literature for every hour
17:16 she spent in secular literature,
17:18 she would spent two hours in the Bible. Amen.
17:21 If I did that with my media life,
17:22 that would be an amazing amount of time in the Bible.
17:26 And, you know, the one thing about the Word of God is,
17:29 it is inexhaustible but it takes--it's interesting that,
17:34 you know, the Psalmist said,
17:35 taste and see how good the Lord is.
17:37 But it takes more than just dipping
17:40 your toe in occasionally to really enjoy.
17:43 You've got to learn how to jump into it
17:45 and really to swim but I will say one thing,
17:48 I love Bible software.
17:50 I mean, to me Bible software has changed the way I study,
17:55 it's made my study experience so much richer,
17:58 so there's some really good things about this as well.
18:02 Some excellent things,
18:03 I use these sort a lot, I really like it.
18:05 I have it on my laptop,
18:06 you know, it's got different maps,
18:07 I can pull up the Greek, I can still say, you know,
18:09 what was the real meaning behind this.
18:11 And try and dig a little bit deeper into that.
18:14 And there's so many resources out there
18:16 and the nice thing I like seeing in our church now,
18:19 as I'm starting to see more resources for young people.
18:22 You know, Review and Herald, several other sites,
18:23 these children sites up that are fantastic.
18:26 And I think we need to have more and more of that
18:28 not less that are plugging and pulling young people
18:31 'cause they're already gonna be out there online.
18:33 My 3 year old girl Nariah, you know,
18:35 she's four now but when she was three years old,
18:38 she called me said, daddy,
18:39 I was at today with mommy.
18:42 And I was like, oh, know,
18:44 she's already getting used to it
18:45 and she can drive a mouse very well as a four year old.
18:48 And they do it-- And they do it.
18:49 She knows her way around.
18:51 So of course besides having some educational stuff,
18:53 I want to make sure she's getting
18:54 some spiritual content also in there too.
18:56 Amen, amen.
18:57 So what are some of the--with the teens,
19:00 other than the fact that they're just unplugging,
19:04 what are some of the implications for youth
19:07 when it comes to the media online lives
19:12 that they're living?
19:13 As I mentioned before we're seeing higher anxiety,
19:16 higher depression rates
19:18 but lot of them are now on medication, for things,
19:22 you see a lot more of that what used to.
19:24 We have small numbers of hyperactive children before.
19:27 Now we're seeing a lot more or higher numbers
19:29 and they're more medicated.
19:31 And, you know, I rarely watch television
19:34 but as I sometimes I'll flip the channels
19:37 to be looking for a specific program
19:39 and I saw a commercial the other night
19:42 and noticed this increasingly
19:44 so lately is that commercials
19:47 within that 30 to 60 second timeslot,
19:51 you're bombarded with a couple of hundred images,
19:54 they just bam, bam, bam, bam.
19:55 Now this is what's happening to little kids
19:59 who are watching television all the time,
20:00 they're having all of these images
20:03 and I'm wondering if that's not what's giving
20:04 them the ADD and ADHD,
20:07 it's just their brains don't learn to go
20:11 from step A to step Z, it's kind of like A G B F
20:16 and it's just back and forth
20:18 and it's shooting that at all the time.
20:20 Yeah, and that's what we're finding
20:21 a lot of them are pulling their spirituality from to,
20:24 as far as who they are with the Lord,
20:26 what they do is they pull little from here,
20:29 a little from there, they pull little from this
20:31 and I'm talking not even just from one religion.
20:34 Because they're seeing all this stuff is out on the internet.
20:37 There's a little bit of Hindu mixed in here,
20:38 a little bit of Buddhism mixed in here,
20:40 it's on the TV shows, it's on their favorite movies.
20:44 So they pull all these little trends in and out
20:46 and that makes who they are.
20:48 So they're now being coming very pluralistic
20:51 in their philosophies and their religion.
20:53 Oh, mercy, that's dangerous. That is very dangerous.
20:55 And I saw when we go on, go on for four years,
20:58 lot of the kids there, they were Adventists
21:00 because it was such a catholic society,
21:01 call themselves Catholic Adventist,
21:03 which at first I said, this is a contradiction.
21:06 It was really hard for me to wrap my head around
21:07 but because their families were so catholic,
21:10 they would go to rosaries, they would do all this.
21:12 They would sit here and then they would come back
21:14 and it would go back around, so I would see how,
21:16 they would see even opposing views
21:18 on the State of the Dead for example.
21:20 They will say, they were Adventists
21:21 but they talk about so and so
21:22 being in heaven right now with Jesus.
21:24 So the kids are pulling these little pieces
21:27 from here and there. That's so dangerous.
21:29 And so what can we do if there's parents
21:32 out here watching or even teenagers
21:35 who might be watching.
21:36 What can we do to make sure that we're not squandering
21:41 our spiritual health if you will online?
21:46 First, I would recommend unplug and detoxify,
21:50 for a while, I mean, I work,
21:51 you know, I've all the great geeks
21:54 at the school work for me
21:55 and they're great group of people.
21:57 I've got one girl and a bunch of guys
21:58 and they do fantastic work.
22:00 But even there, people think of them as the nerds.
22:03 They enjoy going out and going rock climbing.
22:04 I got a climbing wall behind my house,
22:06 they enjoy doing that.
22:08 You know, they enjoy doing some stuff
22:09 that's totally non technological at all.
22:12 And we need to find avenues, so we can plug in there.
22:15 We need to spend time with them.
22:16 The biggest thing that I tell parents,
22:18 it's not rocket science, you don't have to understand
22:20 all the super intricacies of technology
22:22 that maybe someone like me
22:23 or other people may know but you need to know is,
22:26 its good parenting is good parenting.
22:28 You spend time with your kids.
22:30 Even online that's what you're saying, okay.
22:32 Right, you spend cyber time. Okay.
22:34 And just like my little girl Nariah,
22:36 she's 4 years old I know who all her friends are,
22:38 I know their parents.
22:40 I need to know when she gets older,
22:41 who her friends are online.
22:43 I want to know who they are.
22:45 I want to be involved with her life.
22:46 Now how does a parent, I just know there's someone out there
22:49 saying, you got to be kidding me,
22:50 my teenage daughter and how does she see it,
22:52 if I sat down and try to be her online partner
22:56 and see what she's doing.
22:57 How does a parent go about doing something like this?
23:00 And I'm not going to tell you that its that's the easy walk,
23:03 it's a challenge, there are several different ways,
23:05 one of the thing is to open the two way, two line communication,
23:09 you can't just pull the plug
23:10 and rip the computer out tomorrow.
23:12 If you do what will happen is the kids will go underground
23:14 with it and you have just lost the battle
23:16 'cause now you have no idea what they are doing.
23:18 So my suggestion is you start talking say
23:21 hey, if you are not involved with their daily life friends,
23:24 you need to start there.
23:25 get involved with their friends
23:26 that they have that are coming around the house
23:28 and then it will just be a natural transition
23:30 into what are your friends like online.
23:32 I want to be a part of your online life too.
23:35 Because I love you, you're my child,
23:36 I want to be involved in your life.
23:38 So that's where you kind of have to make the transition.
23:41 And that is a lot of prayer to go into that--
23:44 And a lot of prayer, a lot of prayer.
23:46 Okay, what are some specific steps that parents can use
23:50 to learn to help their children balance their online time.
23:54 You know, 'cause as you were talking,
23:56 I was thinking one thing I would do maybe as a parent,
23:59 if I knew my child is spending too much time plugged in.
24:03 Is that I would entice him to do exciting things,
24:08 have some exciting adventures to go
24:10 through that something we'll have to use both hands
24:14 and feet and can may be plugged in.
24:18 I worked in summer camp for Nariah's summer,
24:19 so my first answer is gonna be summer camp.
24:22 Because and then make sure that the summer camp
24:24 has a policy were they are unplugged.
24:25 And I found several Christian Adventist and non Adventist
24:28 camps where they say, no headphones allowed.
24:31 You know and that's part of the importance to make sure
24:34 the kids are out doing stuff in nature
24:37 being involved in the real world
24:39 giving them opportunities to lead.
24:41 That's one of the things we strive very hard
24:43 for at the church that I attended,
24:45 we make sure that the kids,
24:46 they are not junior elder, they are elders. Wonderful.
24:49 They are part of the church board
24:51 so they see everything they become a part of it.
24:53 They are just you know board associates
24:56 they actually sit on there full votes,
24:58 they are full board members.
25:00 But you give them leadership, you let them experience it,
25:03 you let them participate, you have some image
25:05 and you know, you let them communicate
25:07 that's how you pull them in.
25:09 You know, it's so amazing,
25:10 my husband and I were in the Cayman Islands
25:13 just recently and I want to say
25:16 hello to all of our brothers and sisters down there.
25:19 And we had such a wonderful time and wonderful people
25:22 and wonderful hospitality.
25:23 But coming back in the airport, I believe we were in Miami
25:27 and there was a soccer team,
25:30 young men they were sitting all around
25:33 and I punched JB on his shoulder and I said, honey,
25:36 look out of about 18 boys that were sitting around us,
25:40 only one of them was not plugged in doing something
25:43 as we were sitting there.
25:45 And the thought comes to me there's some parent out there
25:49 who's saying, you know, there's so many dangers
25:52 on the internet and if this is,
25:53 if my child is going to maybe be introduced to pluralism
25:57 as far as worshipping many different forms of a god
26:01 or different gods, would it be best just to say
26:06 okay, unplug, none other stuff.
26:10 And I would say no
26:11 because you're gonna get have straight rebellion.
26:14 At least I'll be really surprised if few wouldn't.
26:17 And that's were I think that's the easy road
26:20 is to say we're just unplugging we're done.
26:22 The better road which often times the harder road
26:26 is to get involved with there online life
26:28 and to sit there and say, how can I help you lead you.
26:31 Ask them about their philosophies,
26:34 you might be surprised. Amen.
26:35 And so it mean, we start talking to them just communicate
26:38 and say what do you believe about when you die
26:41 and listen, don't try to correct.
26:44 You know when you said that might be the easier way,
26:48 it's just kind of like when you want to teach
26:50 your child how to cook.
26:51 I mean, it's actually easier to get into the kitchen
26:53 and do the cooking yourself than to teach them to cook
26:55 but that's where we have to model various skills to then,
26:59 so I agree with you.
27:00 Ernest, I can't believe this has gone by so rapidly
27:03 but we really do want you to come back
27:06 because we want to talk some more about
27:08 what's going on in the internet.
27:10 I think next time we're gonna be talking about
27:13 predators and bullying on the internet.
27:15 So, Ernest Staats, thank you so much for coming
27:18 and sharing this with us today. You're welcome.
27:21 You know for those of you at home,
27:23 if you take away anything thing from this program.
27:27 If you are parent, get involved with your kid's online life
27:32 and don't be surprised that they are lot deeper involved
27:36 than you might think they are, very young
27:38 and part of this younger generation particularly
27:40 25 and under and so get involved
27:44 make it your point to really learn about the internet.
27:48 Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
27:51 the love of the Father
27:52 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
27:54 be with you always.


Revised 2014-12-17