Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Ron and Nancy Rockey
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000318
00:30 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:31 And welcome again to "Issues and Answers." 00:33 No matter where you're tuning in from around the world, 00:36 we are so glad that you are with us today. 00:39 And I'm really thrilled because we have Doctors Ron and Nancy. 00:43 Rockey back with us today. 00:44 We're going to be talking about fear. 00:47 And how wounds from the past can make us fearful 00:52 and how they could set up self-destructive behavior 00:55 but more than that how we can get rid 00:57 of that self-destructive behavior. 00:59 And you know, the Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7, 01:03 "That God didn't give us the spirit of fear 01:05 but He gave us the spirit of love 01:07 and power and sound mind." 01:09 But there is a scripture that's even better than that 01:12 and it comes from 1 John 4:18. Let me read it to you. 01:16 It says, "There is no fear in love, perfect fear--" 01:23 Let me say that again, "Perfect love casts out fear." 01:27 And that's what we're gonna be talking about today. 01:30 So help me welcome Doctors Ron and Nancy. 01:34 And I looked at--I looked at you and I said Ron 01:36 and him when I say Nancy. 01:38 But anyway, two Rockey's. We don't mind. 01:39 We are so glad that you are back. 01:41 Move on, anyways this doesn't matter. 01:42 That's right. Call me Nancy, I don't care. 01:45 What was that-- oh, there was a song, 01:48 a boy name Sue or something like that from away back wind. 01:52 I guess, I don't remember that one. 01:54 You were never a Jonny Cash fan then. 01:56 Probably not. Anyway. 02:00 We have had some good times with you guys. 02:03 It's not your first visit to 3ABN. 02:05 But there are some people who may not know you, 02:08 so let's just talk about what you are doing right now. 02:12 You've got the Life Renewal Institute, you are the founders. 02:18 You've been a pastor-- you're a pastor for 20 years. 02:21 Master's degree in Family Therapy, both of you, 02:26 doctoral degrees and psychology and counseling. 02:30 And now you've been spending, 02:33 how many years going around the world 02:36 giving seminars 45 weekends out of the year? 02:40 Well, let's see. 02:41 We started that in 1995-- All right, has been a long-- 02:45 But have been teaching seminars since 1980. 02:48 Since 1980. 02:49 Well, that's--you know, for those who may not know 02:54 and if you haven't seen the Rockey's on 3ABN before. 02:57 They came from, both of them, very dysfunctional backgrounds, 03:01 brought their dysfunctions into their own marriage. 03:04 And at the time that they were just almost had a split, 03:10 pastor and his wife. 03:11 That's when they went into this furtherance 03:14 of their career, thinking for Ron, 03:17 thinking that he may not get to be a pastor 03:19 if he was divorced. 03:20 And it was actually then that, 03:23 what did you say to me 'cause I ask you, it wasn't, 03:26 when you went to-- to train for family therapy? 03:31 Is that what woke you up? 03:32 But what did you say woke you up? 03:34 I saw that there were, first of all there's hope for Nancy. 03:39 So you still didn't see your own problem. No. 03:41 I was only as I began to understand my beginnings 03:46 that I was able to see. 03:47 Maybe I did have some issues, that wasn't all Nancy. 03:49 Because to me with my background she was a nutcase 03:53 because I married a happy-go-lucky 03:55 sweet smiling person. 03:56 After we got married she's crying 03:58 and tearful and sick all the time. 04:00 And every time I turned around, 04:03 she has some other ailment going on with her 04:05 and to me with my rejection issues, 04:08 severe rejection issues in childhood. 04:10 She was getting sick all the time, 04:12 so she wouldn't have to kiss me or hold me 04:15 or just be around me, she was always sick so-- 04:18 And to be a good husband and a good father, 04:21 being German, I worked, so I was gone all the time. 04:27 Which of course made me physically healthy, right? 04:30 Yeah. Not. 04:31 So she got more sick, I worked more. 04:34 She got more sick, I worked more. 04:36 It's a merry-go-round. 04:38 So was it stressed related illnesses? 04:39 Oh, absolutely, every one of them. 04:41 Every one of them. 04:43 And here he was being a very controlling person 04:46 which most people who are fearful 04:48 of rejection are controlling. Oh, absolutely. 04:51 Because when childhood is out of control 04:53 and adults would take control. I was so controlling. 04:56 Remember when I was in prison, 04:57 when we talked the last time being in prison 05:02 that was in Tennessee. 05:04 I was a Yankee in a southern prison. 05:06 Not a good place to be 45 years ago. 05:09 And they were--the brutality was off the charts. 05:14 And I went to the warden. 05:17 And I said, "If you don't get these guards off my back, 05:19 I'm gonna leave." 05:21 No arrogance in him, right? 05:23 And he's sitting there with his belly out here 05:25 like this is the 38 up on top 05:27 and chewing tobacco coming down both sides. 05:29 And he laughed at me. 05:31 And he went, "Boy, you think you can leave-- 05:34 you go ahead and leave, nobody leaves this place." 05:36 I said, "Glad to hear. Thank you for the permission." 05:39 That was on Saturday, 05:41 the following Friday, I was gone. 05:42 To this day, they didn't know how I got out of there. 05:45 But they caught up with you. 05:46 They caught up with me, the FBI did. 05:49 And you know, then you gave your-- 05:52 well, wait a minute, I start to say 05:53 you gave your life to the Lord but you became a pastor. 05:56 You were actually a pastor for many years 05:57 before you developed a very personal 05:59 relationship with the Lord. 06:01 And yet in prison, he said, "It's where he found home. 06:08 Where he found the safety of a relationship with God." 06:13 But just because one has a relationship with God 06:17 or what we think or consider to be a relationship with God. 06:22 It does not mean that our history and all of the things 06:25 that cause our dysfunction magically get erased? 06:31 There is that process of sanctification, isn't it? 06:33 Absolutely, and one of the laws of the mind is 06:36 with every period of exhaustion, 06:38 there's a course binding period of depression 06:39 that goes for a weakest point. 06:41 Now, wait a minute, don't just rush pass that 06:43 'cause I think that that speaks volumes and I-- Oh, it does. 06:47 With every period of exhaustion 06:48 and it doesn't matter what cause of the exhaustion, 06:50 it could be stress, overwork, studying too hard, mental-- 06:53 Physical, mental, spiritual, the whole thing. 06:55 With every period of exhaustion, 06:57 there's a course binding period of depression. 06:59 That depression is manifested in our weakest point. 07:02 And the weakest point to me-- 07:03 For me was rejection. All right. 07:06 So--when she is sick all the time, 07:09 I'm feeling, what? 07:10 Rejected, so I work more. 07:12 Which makes you exhausted? 07:14 So it makes me more exhausted. 07:15 Which brings on depression, 07:17 which brings on more about rejection. 07:18 Absolutely, and I didn't-- depressions for me. 07:21 Each one of us displays depressions differently. 07:24 For me I just played depression in rage. Okay. 07:27 Oh, off the chart, I was at a number 10 in rage 07:31 before my feet hit the ground 07:33 coming out of bed every morning, every morning. 07:35 And when I woke up-- 07:37 I wonder you were sick all the time. Oh, yeah. 07:39 Who made me rageful every morning? 07:41 I opened up my eyes and there she was. 07:43 Oh, mercy. 07:44 I mean, she couldn't do anything right. 07:47 She couldn't sneeze right. 07:49 And this is someone-- this is-- 07:50 oh, you can just see the dynamics here. 07:53 Because here you are with all of your issues in baggage, 07:57 and this rage, and everything, 07:58 and you think she can't do anything right. 08:00 And here she is with all of her dysfunction, 08:02 a perfectionist wanting and desiring 08:06 and craving the approval of a man. 08:10 And so suddenly you just keep getting 08:12 more and more perfectionist oriented 08:14 and trying to do performance oriented. 08:16 You keep thinking she is rejecting you. 08:18 So she is working over here, you working over there 08:20 and you just keep going in the opposite direction. 08:23 Absolutely. Oh. 08:25 And yet, you know, 08:26 there was something about our relationship. 08:30 Maybe it was the way we met. 08:33 I mean, how many people actually meet in a courtroom, 08:38 the day one of them is released from prison. 08:41 It just doesn't happen. 08:42 And how many people do you know say that, 08:44 "How many children you want 08:46 within 30 minutes after meeting her?" 08:49 You say, you knew, you were gonna marry her, huh? 08:51 Yeah, he did. And you know-- 08:53 And you thought you're gonna marry this jailbird 08:55 to straighten him out or what? 08:57 Well, tell her the rest of the story. 08:59 I honestly thought that, that was my job. 09:02 Oh, you did think. Oh, absolutely. 09:03 But all of her life-- 09:05 Unless your little diluted heart. 09:06 All of her life she was told, 09:08 she will never marry any good man. 09:10 That's right. No good man will ever want you. 09:13 Oh, that's hard. 09:14 So what did she wind up doing, she married a con. 09:16 Oh, bless your heart. 09:18 And you know it's very interesting. 09:20 We don't know the depth of the wounds 09:24 we cause with the words we say. 09:26 Oh, Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 that 09:29 "The power of life and death is in the tongue." 09:31 And parents speak these words into a child's life 09:35 and they speak death into them. 09:37 So no good man is going to want you, why? 09:41 You are too fat. 09:44 Why was I? Why was I overeating? 09:49 I was looking for comfort. 09:50 I was feeling the giant hole in my heart. Yeah. 09:54 Where my parents or more primarily 09:57 my father should have been. 09:59 And I was trying to comfort myself from the sexual abuse 10:03 that was going on across the street. 10:05 Okay, so all of this fear, 10:07 you have a story about black ice that I like 10:09 because when we go through 10:13 these really negative childhood experiences 10:17 and even early adulthood, 10:19 just any negative experience can setup fear, 10:22 fear can setup this self destructive behaviors. 10:25 We find ourselves on a slippery slope. 10:28 We've been here with black ice running on. 10:31 I remember the first time we saw black ice, I heard about it. 10:34 I don't mind I'm from Wisconsin, 10:37 I know how to drive on ice. 10:40 But black ice means you can't see it. You don't see it. 10:44 You don't know it's there 10:45 and you don't know what it can cause. 10:48 I'm from Texas, so I know about black ice. 10:51 We were driving in Texas. Yes. 10:55 And we were heading up north to our home with a trailer 11:02 we were pulling behind us with a refrigerator and a stove 11:06 and all the appliances necessary to outfit a kitchen. 11:11 And all of a sudden we hit black ice. 11:14 And that trailer was dancing all over the highway, 11:17 our car was dancing all over the highway 11:19 and we didn't know had we blown a tire, 11:22 what had we done, we couldn't see the black ice. 11:26 And that's the way it is with fear. 11:29 It is imperceptible to us. 11:31 We don't realize that fear 11:35 is at cause for what is going on. 11:40 Fear is-- well, let me start again. 11:43 There are two basic emotions, 11:45 one is love and the other is fear. 11:48 They are total opposites from each other. 11:52 And when we have been wounded, 11:55 the brain goes into survival mode, I must survive. 11:59 I fear that no one else will take care of me, 12:02 they will not protect me. 12:04 And fear sends us down that slippery road to self defeat. 12:09 To developing techniques, in order to survive, 12:13 addictions to numb our pain 12:16 and behaviors that are destructive to others 12:19 and destructive to ourselves. 12:22 So-- you know, I have a teaching that I do 12:25 and I haven't done this in a long time. 12:28 But what you were saying, I think I'm really getting. 12:32 The Bible tells us that we are to be rooted 12:34 and grounded in the love of Christ. 12:37 If we are not rooted and grounded in love-- 12:39 and that's the tap root. 12:41 Then if our taproot is fear from that insecurity, rejection, 12:47 all of these other things are rooted off there. 12:50 That is exactly right. 12:51 And what you're saying is that, 12:53 when we have-- our taproot is fear 12:57 then what actually starts branching off 13:00 is all of these self destructive behaviors 13:03 that are not only driving us further away from God, 13:07 but they also cut off any meaningful relationship 13:11 with another human being. Well, exactly. 13:13 We pay a price for the techniques we develop. 13:17 If it's an addiction like to drugs or to alcohol, 13:20 we're gonna pay a price. 13:22 We're gonna lose relationships. We're gonna lose money. 13:24 We're gonna lose our jobs. Okay. 13:26 But there is one point also 13:27 that we could perform and look phenomenal. 13:30 We can be absolutely perfect as a Christian 13:33 and look wonderful. 13:34 Well, we could put a perfect front, so we put it that way. 13:37 Unless we do off, we come in the church in the morning. 13:39 How are you doing? What's your answer? 13:41 Yes, of course. Fine. 13:43 Everybody is fine. But underneath we are dying. 13:47 Exactly, But, you know, 13:49 I tell people that part of the reason that-- 13:53 I mean it is fear that we won't tell anyone 13:55 because part of the reason is we're afraid 13:58 if we tell people, they're gonna start gossiping about us. 14:00 Or the other one is that they won't listen to me. 14:03 Yeah, 'Cause a lot of times when people ask that question 14:06 they're not really interested in the answer, 14:08 it's just a social-- 14:10 It's a social reading. Yeah. 14:12 When I'm hurting today, today 19-- 14:16 No, it's 2000 honey sweet. 14:20 When I'm hurting today, 14:21 there's two people I can go through. 14:23 Now you are only a decade off for a sec. 14:24 That will listen to me, Him and her. 14:25 Yeah. She'll listen to anything. 14:29 It doesn't matter and I spill that out to her of my pain, 14:33 what am my feeling or whatever because of overdoing. 14:36 Matter of fact, when we overdo something we-- 14:38 we cut each other slack of that law 14:40 with a period of exhaustion. 14:42 Of course, my impeded depression that was for a weakest point. 14:45 Her tendency is to-- is to get into something 14:48 that would regenerate her by creativity. 14:51 I go to the computer and I do editing 14:54 and creativity on the computer. 14:56 You know, I have to go back 14:57 'cause I know we are talking about fear. 14:59 But boy, you really hitting something here, 15:01 it's a hitting a nerve for me 15:02 because I'm a driving personality, 15:05 I drive myself, you know, I'm always over schedule. 15:08 And nobody really wants to say, 15:12 I mean, there's this thing about-- 15:13 in our society there's two things that are interesting. 15:16 If we are independent you get a pad on the back. 15:20 And being that independence is what keeps you sometimes, 15:23 I mean, it keeps you distant from God. 15:26 But also being a person who is a high performer, 15:32 its pad on the back. 15:34 And you don't want to ever tell anyone that-- 15:36 'cause I actually asked myself this question the other day. 15:39 Am I depressed? 15:41 And I thought I don't act depressed, 15:42 I don't feel depressed, 15:44 but I'm doing some things that are self-destructive. 15:47 I-- I've kind of like, 15:48 I've gained a little weight 'cause I'm not eating-- 15:50 you know, I'm eating things that are not good for me. 15:52 But also I'm not motivated right now to do the things 15:57 that normally just, I'm passionate about. 16:02 And I thought may be I've just pushed so far so long 16:06 and I've got one deadline after a next 16:08 that I never have this lapse. 16:10 So are you really saying 16:11 that this is just a general principle 16:13 that over exhaustion when you over exert yourself 16:16 and you get exhausted, every one of us, 16:19 whether we want to say it out louder or not. 16:22 We go through kind of a little depression 16:24 and it hits us at our weakest point. 16:26 And our weakest point is usually the trauma 16:29 that's happened to us in childhood 16:30 and the experience that we come out of that way. 16:32 Mine was rejection. Okay. 16:35 So I feel rejected. 16:36 So when Nancy and I do a seminar even to this day, 16:39 all the recovery we've done. 16:40 And we really spent, we do two, 16:42 three up in a row, where we spent. 16:45 We create at least two or three days, 16:48 where she does her thing and I do my thing. 16:50 And we just come together in the evening 16:51 and we go out to eat, 16:53 knowing that we need to take the time to rest 16:57 and to regenerate, recoup 16:59 and in the evening we spent a few, 17:00 how are you feeling again? 17:02 I'm feeling all right. 17:03 But I little--yeah, and we just kind of walk each other-- 17:05 each others you know, cuffing on. 17:07 And then go to bed and go to sleep, 17:10 just create the time for each other. 17:12 Okay, so this is the kind of fear 17:14 from driving in exhaustion. 17:15 What a--what would you talk to the people out here 17:20 who are listening in on this conversation and watching. 17:24 What about the people who have real issues of fear 17:27 in their life, not just from exhaustion. 17:30 But maybe they've got someone that-- 17:33 and it's not just rejection 17:35 but there is physical things going on, 17:39 there is maybe abuse going on. 17:41 How do people--? 17:43 And fear can be a good thing too. 17:45 Yes, absolutely. 17:46 Fear is something that's a natural-- 17:48 It's a motivator at some point. 17:53 We have to understand that fear paralyses most people. 17:58 Paralyses our ability to think rationally. 18:02 Fear tends to predict its own end. 18:04 In other words usually the things we're scared to death 18:07 about end up happening, 18:09 because we set the stage for it to happen. 18:13 Fear makes us emotionally or fear makes us physically ill. 18:18 And God never wanted any of these things for us. 18:21 He wanted us to live in love. 18:24 Amen. Not in fear. 18:27 Amen. And I tell women. 18:30 And I'm often asked this question. 18:32 If you had it to do over again would you have divorced Ron? 18:38 Big question. 12 years. 18:41 12 years. But it wasn't physical. 18:45 And that was a rule I had set in my own mind. 18:49 The second it turns physical I'm gone. 18:53 As I look back on it, 18:55 I realize that the emotional abuse took a toll on me. 18:59 And because we live in this "cat kicking society" 19:03 I then took a toll on our children. 19:06 That's the way we do. 19:07 And our children took it on our dog- 19:10 and the dog on the cat. 19:11 And that's kind of the way it goes. 19:15 But I always tell women, if you are living 19:17 in a physically abusive relationship, 19:21 you need to separate from the abuser 19:24 for the purpose of reconciliation. 19:27 God hates divorce, but He never said 19:31 we have to stay there and be beaten. 19:34 You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Absolutely. 19:36 And we are teaching our daughters 19:38 how to be doormats and we are teaching our sons 19:41 how to be abusers, if we stay. 19:43 You know, and it talks about in Timothy about the-- 19:46 isn't it Timothy, 2 Timothy where he's talking about 19:48 the end times and the godless people 19:50 and they're gonna be so abusive and he says, 19:53 have nothing to do with those kind of men. 19:55 So I use that scripture to say 19:56 that supports getting away from them. Right. 19:59 So that you can at least, 20:02 you cannot reconcile with someone who-- 20:05 I'm gonna use you as an example Ron. Sure. 20:07 Because you said earlier, you didn't even recognize, 20:11 this was your normal pattern of behavior, 20:13 it's what you grew up with. 20:15 And so you thought she was a nutcase, 20:18 you didn't realize that all of your controlling 20:21 and verbal abusive, 20:22 you didn't even recognize you were doing that. 20:25 And because this is, it's get really hairy, 20:30 and it cuts pretty deep inside of me. 20:36 Because Nancy did stay, 20:38 we've got a ministry in each other. Yes. 20:41 But because she did stay, 20:43 both of our girls married abusers. 20:45 Oh, boy. I can see where that comes through. 20:47 And actually what was so difficult 20:51 is that our eldest daughter, a very beautiful woman, 20:56 was married to a man who beat her for 6 ½ years. 21:00 He was unmerciful to her. 21:03 And she hid that from you. Oh, yes. 21:05 Well, we were living 2400 miles apart 21:07 so that's pretty easy, you know. 21:08 But I mean she still hid it from you, she did-- 21:10 She did not tell us the story, no. 21:13 Didn't even given any inclination, 21:14 'cause she knew her dad. Yes. 21:16 And she knew dad's response to that. Yeah. 21:19 And so finally she called 21:21 and left a message on her answering machine 21:23 that she had escaped from her husband. 21:27 Well, in instantly we tried to call her, 21:29 could not get her so we hopped in the car 21:32 and drove 2400 miles straight through, 21:34 until we got to the town where she was. 21:38 And I sat up all night and listened to her 21:41 and listen to what had transpired in these 6 ½ years. 21:45 And finally towards morning I said 21:47 Sara, "Why? 21:49 Why would you stay with a man 21:52 who would do these despicable things to you?" 21:56 She said, "Mama, you fixed daddy, 21:59 so I figured I should be able to fix him." 22:02 She didn't realize it weren't you who fixed daddy. 22:04 Wasn't me who fixed daddy? No. 22:08 Heavens know I stayed, yes. 22:10 Because at some level, meeting in a courtroom. 22:15 I felt God had brought us together 22:19 and He doesn't change His mind. 22:22 So why would God bring us together to tear us apart? 22:27 It made no sense. 22:28 And I used to plea, "God, You've got to have a purpose in this. 22:32 I just don't know what it is. Yes. 22:34 Please show us, please show us. That's painful. 22:36 And finally He gave us Isaiah 42. Praise God. 22:41 Which says, "I have chosen you to--" 22:46 And there is a list. 22:47 Heal the broken hearted, set the captives free. 22:53 And I said, "Well, if that's the case, 22:56 you better get busy, 22:57 because I'm hanging out with my fingernails." 23:00 Now, you know, we only have a few minutes left 23:03 and I don't want-- I mean, your story is so moving. 23:06 And I know you are touching 23:07 a lot of hearts out there right now. 23:09 And there are people who are saying, 23:11 "Help, you are identifying me, what do I do?" 23:16 How do I get--you know, here I quoted 2 Timothy 1:7, 23:20 "That spirit of fear doesn't come from God." 23:22 You know, God's not the kind of God-- 23:25 and I want to tell you this. 23:27 He is not the kind of father who is up there 23:29 trying to control you or manipulate you 23:32 or zap you when you do wrong. 23:35 He is love and He wants you 23:38 to understand your great value to Him. 23:41 How does someone get there? 23:43 How do they get from that point of being paralyzed with fear 23:48 to where they can move beyond? 23:51 Let me say one thing before Nancy open--finishes with that. 23:56 There's a lot of people out there, 23:57 they have been praying about their issues, 24:00 praying and praying and reading scriptures. 24:03 And they don't seem to feel like God answers their prayers. 24:08 And what I want them to hear is, 24:11 He's answering them but they don't recognize it. 24:14 For me to recognize that God loved me was impossible. 24:18 For me to recognize that God accepts me, it was impossible. 24:22 So any prayers that I had was totally unrecognizable. 24:26 He works with and for us in spite of ourselves. 24:30 So don't give up on the prayers because you can't see it, 24:33 doesn't mean He is not there. Amen. 24:36 But prayer isn't the only solution. Yes. 24:39 Lord tells us we need to examine ourselves 24:42 to see how we got where we are. 24:46 And He tells us that wisdom is in the council of many. 24:50 That we should go to a godly counselor and get some help. 24:56 There are recovery programs out there. 24:59 Our program "Binding the Wounds" 25:01 another one with "The Journey" 25:03 both have been available now for some time 25:06 and have been used by countless people 25:09 to find hope instead of having to live in fear. 25:15 And it's partly just knowing-- 25:18 if we can get to that point, 25:20 you know, there's something and I say it so often, 25:23 I don't want anyone to think 25:24 that I'm using this in a try fashion. 25:27 But the Lord told me when He called me to fulltime ministry 25:30 to always remind people of this, 25:32 that you are worth nothing less than the price 25:35 that He paid for you 25:37 with the precious blood of His Son Jesus. 25:39 So no matter how often someone's told you, 25:41 you are worthless, God doesn't see you as worthless, 25:44 He puts a great worth on you. 25:45 You have great value to Him. 25:48 He loves you and He does have a plan for your life. 25:51 And what you are saying is go to someone 25:54 who can help you with the past. 25:58 You know, I teach people 25:59 to confess the word of God over their life. 26:02 This is almost-- I didn't realized 26:04 this still the other day, but it's kind of like 26:06 cognitive behavioral therapy, I mean. 26:08 Oh, it's scientifically correct. 26:11 Your reply is-- that's the only way 26:12 you can capture your thought and make it obedient to God. 26:15 You change, you program, you reprogram your mind. 26:19 But I just cannot believe 26:21 how fast the time flies when you are here. 26:25 And we're almost, all the way out of time. 26:28 I just want to thank you so much and tell me again, 26:30 what are the names of your seminars? 26:32 Sure, we have two, 26:33 one is entitled "Binding the Wounds" 26:36 taken from the Book of Psalms, where God heals 26:38 the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. 26:41 Our newest program is called "The Journey." 26:44 And it's a more complete program, 26:47 it's taught by video and by 40 chapters 26:51 and 40 workbook sessions. 26:53 Okay, now what is your website address? 26:55 And that's www.your, Y-o-u-r-l-r-I, 27:02 life renewal 27:05 so it's 27:11 Well, Nancy and Ron Rockey, thank you so much for coming. 27:15 You are welcome. It was a joy. 27:17 You know for those of you at home 27:18 I hope that this program has benefited you, 27:22 we've all got some baggage from the past. 27:25 And it's just a matter of, you know, 27:27 one of my favorite scriptures is Psalms 129:4, 27:30 that says, "God is righteous, 27:32 He will cut you free from the cords of the wicked" 27:34 that's binding you. 27:36 So I want to encourage you, if you've been living in fear, 27:39 seek help, find a Christian counselor 27:42 or find someone that can help you, 27:45 point the way to God because perfect love cast out fear. 27:50 Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, 27:52 the love of the Father 27:54 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit 27:55 be with you always. |
Revised 2014-12-17