Participants: J.D. Quinn (Host), Dr. Howard Weems
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000311
00:30 Welcome to "Issues and Answers".
00:32 My name is J.D. Quinn. 00:34 We have a wonderful program today. 00:36 I think one that you will really enjoy. 00:39 We are going to be talking about 00:40 "Families in the Last Days." 00:42 And I'm so honored to have Dr. Howard Weems with me today. 00:47 It's Dr. Howard Weems Jr. It is me. 00:51 Welcome to "Issues and Answers." 00:53 Thank you. I'm happy to be here. 00:55 First thing that I'd like to do Dr. Weems 00:57 is find out something about you. 01:00 Tell our audience who you are? 01:02 Where do you work? 01:03 Who did you get-- what caught 01:04 your interest in "Families in the Last Days?" 01:08 Well, first of all I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. 01:13 About two-and-a-half, 01:15 three I was from Huntsville, Alabama. 01:17 And there I grew up among seven siblings. 01:23 And I'm the only son in the family. 01:27 Yes, and so Pentecostal background parents, 01:31 you know, where our father minister and so forth. 01:34 So your father is a Pentecostal pastor? 01:37 Minister, yes. Okay, wow. 01:39 Yes, so it's kind of an interesting story 01:41 how I became part of this faith. 01:44 You know, I was at home one Sunday, 01:46 and a literature evangelist came and gave 01:49 Bible studies, you know. 01:50 Pastor Harris Malone, he is a pastor today. 01:52 Amen. And he brought me in 01:54 and interestingly I was considering going to school, 01:59 but was not decided on the right one to attend. 02:03 And he told me about Oakwood College 02:06 and how wonderful it was 02:08 and I enrolled in and was accepted. 02:11 And from there, you know, my ministry started, 02:15 from there to South Atlantic Conference 02:17 and then Northeastern Conference. 02:19 And in Northeastern I was confronted 02:20 with all kinds of issues in the church. 02:23 You know, many times we think the church is sanitized, 02:26 no problems, but the church 02:28 is a hospital for sick people. 02:31 You know, sin sick souls. 02:32 And so we have all kinds of issues 02:34 and people don't understand that. 02:36 And so being confronted with certain issues, 02:39 you know, and it says pedophilia, 02:42 divorce, family violence, 02:44 you know child abuse and all kinds of issues, 02:47 you know, chemical or substance abuse. 02:50 I wanted to understand better, 02:52 how to carry out my functions. 02:54 So I went back to school, 02:55 already I had a Master's Degree from Andrews University 02:58 and a B.A. from Oakwood College. 03:01 And so I went back and I studied psychology, 03:04 organizational psychology that really 03:07 helped me to put it in perspective. 03:09 And two wonderful books, "Mind, Character, and Personality" 03:12 those two volumes, you know, 03:14 really helped me to keep-- 03:15 And who writes that? 03:17 Ellen G. White. Ellen G. White. 03:18 Right. So you'd recommend reading 03:21 that book? Absolutely. 03:22 And what's that name of it? 03:24 "Mind, Character, and Personality." 03:25 It gives you a psychological perspective 03:29 of... theology so to speak. 03:33 It brings both together. 03:34 She talks about hereditary tendency trace 03:37 that we can pass on. 03:38 The importance of eating right 03:41 and creating the proper environment conducive 03:43 for rearing God centered children and discipline. 03:47 I mean she talks about pretty much 03:50 what I studied on university level. 03:52 Amen. Yeah. 03:53 So now you were a pastor, you go back and then 03:57 you get a Ph.D. in psychology, an organizational psychology. 04:00 Yes. Then where does that take you? 04:02 That took me to Oakwood College or Oakwood University. 04:07 Okay. As it stands now-- 04:09 And that's where you got your B.A. 04:11 That's where I got my B.A. Was kind of like 04:12 you went back home. I went back home to give back. 04:15 Okay, amen. To make a contribution 04:18 to the school, that was so wonderful to me. 04:20 Amen. Yeah. They give me my start. 04:21 And I think that's were you are today, is that right? 04:24 I am, I'm there teaching. 04:27 Many people say, 04:28 "What are you teaching, theology department?" 04:29 I said no, physiology. 04:31 And that really takes a lot of people 04:32 by surprise to know that a minister 04:35 for 17 or 18 years is teaching psychology. 04:39 But I do see where I can be true to the principles of God 04:41 in teaching, using those two volumes 04:44 "Mind, Character, and Personality" 04:46 to keep things on track. 04:48 Another book that I really 04:49 like that I-- that I read, oh, I go through 04:53 at least three or four times a week it's the Adventist Home 04:56 and it's also written by Ellen G. White. 04:58 Oh, that's a beautiful volume also. 05:01 I use it you know, when I talk about children, 05:04 discipline, you know, rearing children and so forth. 05:08 Beautiful book, it keeps you focused. 05:11 It keeps you from straying-- Amen. 05:14 Too far. And it's so well written 05:16 and it's so practical that it's easy to understand. 05:19 It is very practical. 05:21 I mean a physiologist cannot compete 05:24 what she says in that book. 05:26 I mean it's-- and interestingly 05:30 she says the same thing that many in the field, 05:34 you know, we say, Ericson and you know, 05:37 and those individuals. 05:38 They believe the religion is important to child development. 05:41 Yes. Now our topic here is on Last Day Families. 05:47 Correct. So first of all, 05:49 we're in present day, but we are looking forward 05:52 to the troubled times ahead. Right. 05:53 And how does the trouble that we experience today? 05:57 How is that going to be multiplied into the future? 05:59 But before we go there, we have to see 06:01 if you have experienced. 06:03 Do you have children? 06:04 Oh, yes, I do. I do, the Lord has blessed 06:06 with two wonderful children. 06:08 I have a boy, or male, 06:10 he probably would like me to say boy, and a female. 06:15 Amen. You know, my son is at Oakwood, 06:17 studying theology and business. 06:19 Amen. And my daughter 06:21 is at Andrews University. She's doing her 06:22 Master's Degree in Education. She wants to be a missionary. 06:26 Wonderful. Teach education. 06:27 Wonderful. And your wife? 06:29 My wife is a nurse practitioner. 06:31 And she has a doctorate 06:32 also in Curriculum Development in Education. 06:35 So two Ph.D.'s in one family. 06:38 This is a smart family. 06:39 Well, I guess, you might say that. 06:42 Amen, I love that. 06:44 Let's go now. 06:46 We are talking about the sacredness of family. 06:48 So you think because God ordained family 06:51 that if we are indeed children of God, 06:55 then we should not have any challenges. 06:57 Everything should be just on rosy street. 07:00 Is that the way it was? 07:01 No, incorrect, incorrect. 07:04 God created two sacred institutions. 07:08 In the very beginning the Sabbath and family, 07:11 they both were sacred. 07:14 The devil attacked the Sabbath and He would continue to, 07:17 it will be a point of contention we're told, 07:20 until the second coming of Jesus Christ, 07:23 it's a testing truth. 07:24 So likewise the family, you know, would be tested, 07:27 a point of contention and the enemy will attack 07:30 also the family, because it is a vehicle for salvation. 07:34 If you have well trained children 07:37 in the way of God, they are 07:39 powerful force in God's army. 07:41 Otherwise if we have children that are not trained 07:44 that well anything to God, you know, 07:46 they become instruments 07:48 in the hands of the kingdom of darkness. 07:50 And what you want to do 07:51 is try your very best to put good principles, 07:55 and rear children, and the family is designed 07:58 to protect children and to send them out 08:02 as missionaries in the world. 08:04 You know, to make other Christian families. 08:07 Amen. You know, 08:09 and it perpetuates and it goes on and on and on. 08:12 And so we have to do our jobs. 08:14 We have to make sure that we don't take chances 08:17 and I'm very passionate about certain aspects of it because 08:20 I've talked to people, I've spoken to people 08:22 who are-- one lady said to me, 08:24 "I love my daughter to go and spend 08:26 the night with a friend." 08:28 And there someone came in and from the other room 08:34 I was suppose and molested her, a 10-year old. 08:38 And when we make unwise decisions, 08:41 you know, for our children, we are actually setting them up 08:45 or programming them for tools of the devil. 08:49 You know, we could program 08:50 them for heaven or hell. 08:52 And so again I'm using my keyword, 08:54 we have to be intentional and understand 08:56 that we are in a spiritual warfare. 08:58 And so we just don't help hazardly 09:01 or casually go through, 09:05 you know, the motion of being a parent. 09:08 But we have to understand 09:10 what a true parent is and this is sacred responsibility. 09:14 Amen. And I'm assuming 09:16 the church children are healthy, 09:17 balanced children, is that right? 09:19 Well, they are fairly balanced, 09:20 they have their issues too, 09:22 but it's a thing that teens go through, 09:24 you know, they grow up 09:26 and they have different, you know, 09:28 it's normal for teenager 09:30 to challenge authority to an adolescent, this is normal. 09:34 You know, they are trying to develop 09:36 their own philosophy of life. 09:38 And so they are thinking like adults. 09:39 And that's why we have conflicts and certain conflicts, 09:42 because now they can think 09:43 like we do and so they tend to challenge. 09:47 Utmost, so there is normal, there is normal. 09:48 Amen, so you are bringing in here 09:50 that you need have an intentional game plan. 09:53 In my mind when you say intentional, 09:56 the word comes to my mind is deliberate. 09:58 Yes, yes. Okay. 09:59 So we have a deliberate game plan. 10:01 And that we want our children to grow up 10:03 and be responsible men and women. 10:06 Men and women who have a balanced sense, 10:10 of who are they are in Jesus Christ. 10:12 Absolutely. That they want to serve 10:14 and yet they want to be served, is that right? 10:16 Right, absolutely. 10:18 And so how do you do that? 10:20 You've been there, you've done that. 10:21 So whenever your son, whenever your daughter, 10:25 they decide they want to do it their way. 10:29 Now, being that you have 10:31 an intentional direction for their life. 10:34 I mean, I don't expect you to give me 10:36 your whole family history in five seconds. 10:38 But I mean, how do you handle that? 10:41 Well, I wouldn't see that I have 10:45 a intentional or an intentional direction for their life 10:49 in terms of career path. Okay. 10:52 You know, the Bible says train up a child 10:54 in the way that he or she should go, 10:56 you know, when the child is old, 10:59 he or she will not depart far from that. 11:01 So the Bible is actually talking about 11:04 vocational tendencies here. 11:06 You know, you see the strong points, 11:08 the strengths in a child and you try to foster 11:11 that and kind of nudge 11:14 a child gently in that direction. 11:16 You know, and so that they can better serve God. 11:19 And the most important thing to understand as a parent 11:23 I think is that there will be conflicts. 11:26 There are no conflict free families. 11:29 There are no conflict free relationships. 11:33 You know, a person said it to me once, 11:34 well I've been married for 20 years, 11:36 and we never had an argument. 11:37 And I am saying, wow, 11:40 Someone does not have a personality here. 11:43 You know, a good relationship, 11:45 you know, you will experience conflict. 11:48 You know, that's where growth takes place. 11:51 But you stay on board, you don't abandon the ship. 11:54 You stay on boarding grow. Amen. 11:57 And often I say that relationship plus salvific. 12:00 You know, you're growing, 12:02 you're becoming more like Christ, 12:03 you know, as you love your spouse 12:06 in spite of the weaknesses. 12:09 Your children in spite of the negative things 12:11 they do that you don't like. 12:13 You continue to love. 12:14 You're becoming more like Christ. 12:16 And that's the time that many people 12:18 want to go out and get a divorce and abandon the relationship, 12:23 things are going wrong. 12:24 But it's okay, you will have struggle, 12:26 expect struggles. Amen. 12:27 That's what makes you strong in Jesus Christ. 12:29 And this will makes salvation more realize. 12:33 I like that-- Salvific relationship. 12:36 That's salvation, is that take from salvation. 12:38 Yes, it is, it is taken from salvation. 12:40 Amen. So that I have 12:42 to fall to salvation, you know, 12:43 trials are not bad in a relationship. 12:46 And if you don't understand that you are in one relationship, 12:49 and get into another one, and have the same problem, 12:52 because you take the same baggage and the same problems 12:55 that you didn't overcome in other relationship 12:57 and they compound and you find yourself 13:01 going in and out of relationships. 13:02 So stay in it, stay in the fire in the crucible as we say. 13:07 So in your family you are the "House Man." 13:11 Yes, the house band. 13:12 House band? Yes, the husband. 13:15 The husband. Yeah. 13:16 And that basically is the priesthood 13:19 of believers, is that right? 13:20 Absolutely. Okay. 13:23 So what is your role? 13:25 Well the role of a priest is that of fostering. 13:28 The principles of God in your home 13:32 upholding the standards of God, 13:35 you know, giving spiritual insight 13:37 and guidance, it's not to rule over or to Lord over. 13:42 You know, but it is to foster 13:44 good godly characteristics. 13:46 And I do think that God will give you the influence 13:49 to do what you need to do as a priest, 13:51 if you're living the life. 13:53 You know, God puts a man in that position. 13:57 He has to do that. Amen. 13:59 You know, and a man earns the respect 14:01 of his family when he is not hypocritical. Yes. 14:04 You know, when he is living a life 14:06 the best that he knows how. 14:07 So the keyword is consistency. 14:09 Consistency. Don't say one thing and do another. 14:13 Yes. Yes, it's very important. 14:15 Now, your wife as the mother of the house, 14:20 what is her role? 14:22 We see what the house band is? 14:25 Right, and now, yeah both are very important, 14:27 because if the house band's role is not carried out properly 14:31 or the husband's role is not carried out properly. 14:34 If the man drops the ball and then 14:36 the devil comes in and he, you know, 14:39 God gave children male and female. 14:41 And it's very important to understand 14:43 that the male is very important at home. 14:45 So if he is not there, you know, 14:47 I'm gonna come back to the wife, 14:48 but I want to say I used to do prison ministry. 14:50 And in the prison 90%, you know, 14:54 of those they came from a broken home, 14:56 in which the father was not there. 14:59 So that tells me something about the importance you know, 15:02 that male's roles, so if he drops the ball 15:05 you know, it's a catastrophe. 15:08 But the woman's role is to, the Bible says 'help meet.' 15:12 So they have to work together, you know, 15:15 not one being above the other, you know. 15:17 But now if the others want to stray from God's principle, 15:21 it is the husband's responsibility to say, 15:24 look God says, we should do this, 15:26 and I think we should obey the voice of God. 15:28 Amen. I am going to jump to a totally 15:31 different direction right now. 15:33 We are going to talk about the exploitation of women. 15:35 Sure. And mainly 15:37 that exploitation of women comes from the media. 15:41 It does. Now how do we get around that? 15:44 What's healthy? What's not healthy? 15:46 Well, the media puts a lot of research 15:51 into commercials, into videos. 15:54 They know what appeals 15:55 to the human eye especially males. 15:59 You know, they know 16:01 that when a man sees an attractive female our chemicals, 16:05 dopamine, you know, the brain is washed 16:07 with dopamine and he desire to repeat that behavior. 16:11 You know, over and over again 16:12 they know the psychological ramifications involved 16:15 and it so women are exploited. 16:17 They sell anything from what automobiles 16:20 to real estate to appliances. 16:23 You know, they sell everything 16:25 and so I think this is a form of exploitation. 16:28 You know, even in musical videos 16:30 I mean some of the stuff I see 16:31 on TV now it's just breathtaking. 16:34 You know, I'm ready to throw out 16:36 my television, I cannot even watch 16:37 it in peace anymore, because I have to watch 16:40 it with my finger on the control switch. 16:43 I don't know what's going to jump up, 16:45 even in a commercial. 16:48 I know that in pastoral we got lots of calls, 16:52 that that's the reason that they have landed on 3ABN, 16:55 because it is a family centered Christian programming. 17:01 And they love it, because they are not like 17:04 going to certain other 30 minute-sitcoms. 17:08 Once you just sit there and if you are accidentally 17:10 channel surfing and you catch it, 17:12 and my goodness the language that they are using. 17:15 And much well, what they are inferring. 17:18 And it doesn't take long before Satan fans way 17:21 to slip right in there. 17:22 If you decide, oops, what is this about, you know? 17:25 And so that's the reason, that's one of the reasons 17:28 that 3ABN is becoming so popular. 17:31 Absolutely. It's because, you know, 17:33 it's not sitting there flirting with things 17:36 that will invite Satan into your home and into your life. 17:39 But I can imagine a poor lady out here, 17:42 just trying to do the very best that she can. 17:45 Maybe that she was a little prettier than 17:48 maybe her next door neighbor something like that. 17:51 But yet, she can get a lot of baggage 17:53 that she's going to carry along, 17:54 because of all this exploitation. 17:56 Right. The media, you know, praise God for 3ABN, 18:00 I think God's blessings of finding the program 18:04 and I pray, you know, that He will continue to lead. 18:06 I love the direction it is going. 18:09 But we have to also understand 18:11 I guess that this system of the world, 18:14 you know, we talk about the world. 18:15 What do we mean when we say come out of the world. 18:18 You know, there is a worldly system 18:20 that Satan is working through. 18:21 You know, that's not meant to foster 18:25 any positive characters, you know, in children. 18:28 You know, it's a worldly system, 18:30 you know, even in Hollywood. 18:34 So I guess we need to be a aware 18:37 of that so as we get closer to the end of time, 18:40 I do think many program like 3ABN will develop, 18:44 you know, because of the need 18:46 or the desire for those sincere people 18:48 who are trying to obey God, you know. 18:51 To have some type of alternative, you know. 18:54 And 3ABN provides that alternative. 18:56 Amen, amen. Well it's just amazing 18:59 how the doors are opening up. 19:01 God is opening up the doors, because people 19:03 are looking for an alternative. Right. 19:05 They're looking for something that's clean for something 19:07 as descent that the whole family 19:08 can watch--and not only that it's educational. 19:11 Absolutely. You know, 19:13 of which I don't understand the dopamine 19:15 and all that kind of stuff. 19:16 Right, I guess I should have explained it better. 19:20 It is a chemical that is also in the brain. 19:23 See the body naturally has certain chemicals. 19:27 You know, cocaine really does that make us high. 19:30 What it does it blocks the receptor so that the --well, 19:36 I don't want to get into the biological book, 19:38 but it keeps the chemical in our nervous system longer, 19:41 so that we would feel elated. 19:44 Okay, so it's a pleasure drug is-- 19:46 It is involved when there is the addiction to sex 19:50 or to drugs, alcohol, you know, 19:53 that's one of those chemicals that's involved. 19:56 And that's what makes you want to repeat, 19:58 that's your incentive for repeat in the behavior. 20:00 Amen. Boy, it's complicated. 20:03 Yeah, I'm trying not to be complicated. 20:05 I'm trying not to be. 20:06 Now whenever you are in the academic world, 20:08 you know, you are so bright. 20:11 Our word is trying to keep up over here you know-- 20:13 I'm trying to stay simple, yeah. 20:14 You are doing wonderful. 20:15 Let's go to, because of all of this happening, 20:20 all this peripheral activities going on. 20:22 Exploitation, drugs, media, you know, 20:26 sex, rock and roll. 20:30 We got divorce. Right. 20:32 We have divorce and-- 20:35 And the broken dreams. 20:36 Broken dreams and many and I must say the ministry 20:41 is not exempt from divorces. 20:44 You know, when key people 20:46 in key positions, young people 20:48 see it and they say, well, wow, you know, 20:51 if they can't keep it together 20:53 there is no hope you know, for us. 20:55 And so we just as well cohabitate and, 20:58 you know, not cross the line. 21:00 And that's another dangerous thing to do. 21:02 So we have to pray. 21:08 We have to pray. Amen. 21:09 Amen. Because we do hear stories 21:12 all the time, well this didn't work out, 21:15 this didn't work out, you know. 21:16 And so it does catch us in a net, 21:18 it's kind of like a spider web out there, you know. 21:21 It just seems like, you know that, 21:23 if you are not careful, you can just--oh I'm going 21:26 to push the envelope a little bit, you know. 21:28 And may be step over there 21:30 and get yourself caught in that web. 21:31 Absolutely, and also we have to look 21:33 at it from a eschatological perspective, 21:37 sorry about that word. 21:38 And what does it mean? You know, 21:40 live in time perspective, the great controversy. 21:43 See if we can look at this situation 21:45 from the standpoint of the great controversy. 21:49 You know, we are involved in great conflict, 21:52 and the devil is after the minister. 21:54 Amen. In the pulpit. 21:56 Amen. You know, he would 21:57 get in your children. 21:59 He would get in your spouses, 22:00 so that you will lose your moral authority, you know. 22:03 But my encouragement is keep on ministering, 22:06 you know, keep on ministering 22:07 and make it a character-building moment, you know, 22:10 because God can still use you, although you go through 22:12 those experiences, God can use you in a greater way. 22:16 And so no one is exempt from the problems of life. 22:21 Because you know, we talk about 22:23 the great controversy and it seems 22:25 like with many people that may just go over your head 22:27 that's one of those Christian terms. 22:29 Right, right, right. Between good and evil 22:30 that there is indeed a war that's going on. Yes. 22:34 And these are the repercussions of that war that's going on. 22:39 Absolutely. You've got reality here, 22:41 and you got deception over here. 22:43 Right, right, right. And you know, and people, 22:46 and probably going back to what you first said, 22:50 talking about, if they are not intentionally, 22:52 if the parents aren't deliberate bringing their children up. 22:55 Listen, God has a plan for your life. 22:57 Absolutely. You know, 22:58 if you will turn your life over to Him, 23:00 if you will invite the Holy Spirit 23:02 in through His grace, He will direct you. 23:06 And seems like that taken the high road. 23:08 Absolutely. Verses you know, 23:11 you got the other set over here, 23:12 just want to do at their own way. 23:14 Oh, daddy, you don't understand, 23:15 I'm a little bit different. 23:16 Now how we are going to bring that backup here? 23:18 Well, son I do know, you know, 23:21 Jesus Christ knew, He walked 23:22 the same earth as we do. Absolutely. 23:24 And the Bible is perfectly clear, 23:26 if that there wasn't anything we are going through today 23:27 that He didn't go through. 23:29 All points attempted, you are right. 23:30 How in the world-- how do we balance all of this? 23:34 We balance it by understanding 23:35 that we are in a great war between good and evil, you know. 23:40 And our hope is that we would hang in there 23:42 and keep serving God. 23:45 You know, we will come through, 23:47 you know, but the greatest mistake 23:49 we can make is to let go off the arm of God 23:53 or to step back from ministry. 23:56 You see, you remain faithful to God 23:57 regardless of what comes your way? 23:59 And I think that's where the reward is. 24:01 Amen. Now we are so happy 24:04 because mom and dad had made it through 24:07 their first seven years of marriage 24:09 or eight years of marriage. 24:10 Is this the easiest time of their relationship 24:13 or is this is the hardest time of their relationship? 24:15 Is it still going uphill after a year eight 24:18 or is it going downhill? 24:19 Have they reached the plateau? 24:21 What's going on? 24:22 Well, there are many dynamics here. 24:24 We are dealing within the first seven years. 24:27 And the most difficult part I would say for seven years. 24:33 Number one, the euphoria of that first love, 24:37 you know, people get on this love high. 24:40 And they tend to think it's going to last forever, 24:44 but at best you get a year out of this, 24:46 six months to a year. 24:48 After that, what? 24:50 You know, if you have not built 24:51 a strong foundational Jesus Christ, 24:55 you are in trouble, or the marriage is in trouble. 24:59 God pays is the love you want to operate in. 25:02 Love because it is the right thing to do. 25:04 Love because this is what God would have you to do. 25:08 And so the euphoria is gone. 25:10 Now you're going to have conflicts, 25:12 you're seeing the side of your spouse 25:13 that you've never seen before. 25:16 You know, and the biological changes, 25:18 midlife crisis, and menopause 25:21 and all kinds of things going on. 25:23 You know, where spouses will gain weight 25:25 and different features will begin to change. 25:29 And who are men and men if they are not rooted 25:30 in Jesus Christ will look for younger females 25:34 to make sure they still have it or they are not losing it. 25:37 So we have physiological, spiritual things 25:40 that is going on you know, 25:41 and we have to be aware of that, 25:43 and we, I believe, if we are aware, 25:46 we can avert many problems, you know, that we're having, 25:50 because a grass is not as green as it looks. 25:52 It's a deception, it is a mirage, 25:55 they say it creates, you know, to deceive us. 25:58 And once we go chasing it, he leads us to destruction. 26:01 Amen. All our life it is so miserable 26:04 that we wish we had never gone. 26:06 Amen. What a neat-- what a neat word mirage, 26:09 'Cause I think that boy, the light came on 26:13 when you said 'mirage.' 26:14 Because I remember you know, 26:16 as you're lost walking through the desert you know, 26:19 and you think that you see the oasis. 26:22 And so you know, you buy into it and boy 26:24 it gives you that extra little after get to the oasis 26:27 and of course you get there. 26:29 Disappointment. Yeah. 26:30 Let's talk about in the last say... 26:32 minute, 'spiritual preparation.' 26:36 Okay, for the common or for families? 26:39 For families. Okay. 26:41 Spiritual preparation is very important. 26:43 It's the only way we are going to be spared 26:45 many of the social yields in the world today, 26:47 although, we are influenced by them greatly. 26:50 Number one, we have to create 26:52 an environment in our home, 26:53 it should be spiritual and nurturing. 26:55 And now just enforcing the love 26:57 you know, in a negative way. 26:59 But in love, you know 27:00 love your children, love your family. 27:02 Number two. Make sure they go 27:04 to a Christian school as much as possible. 27:06 Christian schools do have their downside, 27:09 you know, but I rather have my children 27:11 in a Christian school then in a secular school 27:14 any day where God is freely talked about. 27:18 Number three, make sure 27:19 when you are starting a family that you don't do 27:22 it prematurely. Amen. 27:24 Take time. You tell some people 27:27 that it takes three years to get to know someone, 27:30 they want to drawback, but it takes time. 27:33 And make sure you're following God's direction. 27:37 Dr. Weems, I just want to thank you 27:38 so much for being with us today on ''Issues and Answers.'' 27:42 Yeah, thank you for having me and I look forward 27:44 to do it in again sometime. 27:45 We will do it again sometime. 27:47 Thank you. I just want to thank each one 27:49 of you for being with us today on "Issues and Answers.'' 27:52 I know that we all learned 27:53 something special today, God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17