Participants: J.D. Quinn (Host), Tim Riesenberger and Raena Ewing
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000304
00:30 Welcome to "Issue and Answers."
00:32 My name is J.D. Quinn. 00:34 Glad that you're here to join us today. 00:35 We've got a wonderful topic today, 00:38 we're talking about relationships. 00:40 But before I start there I want to go to Proverbs 16:3 00:45 "Commit your works to the Lord, 00:48 and your thoughts will be established." Amen. 00:51 What inspiration, you know, 00:52 that we have received from our holy Bible. 00:55 I've got two wonderful guest here today with me. 00:58 Dr. Tim Riesenberger. 01:00 Thank you. And Racna Ewing. 01:03 And first of all, ladies and gentlemen, 01:05 they are not a couple, they like each other, 01:09 they communicate well together, 01:12 but they are coming from different directions I guess. 01:17 One comes from a stable home, 01:19 one comes from a home that has been broken. 01:22 And so I would just like for us to, 01:24 first of all learn a little bit about you. 01:27 Dr. Tim, tell us about yourself? Sure. 01:30 I work as an Emergency Medicine Physician. 01:33 For many of you that means, I work in the ER, 01:36 so I take care of men, women, and children, 24/7 01:40 whenever there is a problem. 01:42 And my interest in relationships as you mentioned comes from 01:45 not wanting to make the same mistake. 01:47 My parents are divorced and both remarried 01:50 and I want to establish my relationship on God. 01:54 I don't want to make the same mistakes. 01:56 And my interest also comes from studying this issue. 01:59 I became a Christian later in life 02:01 when I was a junior in college. 02:03 And so I got a hold of anything I could about relationships, 02:08 about being a good father, being a good husband, 02:10 approaching relationships from a Godly standpoint. 02:13 And then as I began doing that 02:14 people were interested in my sharing, 02:17 perhaps for churches or youth groups. 02:19 And as I began sharing, 02:21 more and more of that interest grew 02:23 as I began asking other people 02:25 what they were looking for in relationships. 02:27 What they found to be the problems and the successes 02:30 that they were having, 02:31 as they strove to have Godly relationships. Amen. 02:35 Racna? 02:37 Well, I'm an accountant and over this past year 02:39 I've been taking different portions of the CPA test. Yes. 02:43 I passed three of them and just took my last one 02:46 just a few days ago and so I'm hoping and praying 02:49 and maybe you can join me in praying 02:50 that I did all right on that one. Amen. 02:53 Looking forward to pursuing a career as the CPA and-- Yes. 02:57 And my interest in relationships was sparked 03:01 a lot during my time at college when I spent time, 03:04 you know, watching my friends 03:05 going in and out of relationships. 03:07 And also inspired by the fact 03:10 that my parents have a great relationship 03:12 and watching their love 03:14 made me want something more like that. Amen. 03:17 So we know you know what you're looking for 03:19 because you have a good role models. 03:22 You know what you're looking for 03:23 because you don't want to get 03:25 caught up in the same situation. That's right. 03:27 And, you know, they're both very valid 03:29 and I have no doubt that people in our audience 03:32 can identify with one or the other. 03:34 Absolutely. So consequently-- 03:38 Let's start off you're both professional people, 03:42 certainly both educated, 03:44 very handsome, very pretty. Thank you. 03:46 And so you work with people all the time. That's right. 03:50 So tell me about relationships in your workplace? 03:55 Who would like to jump in first on that? 03:57 Well, I can definitely-- We're looking at you, Racna. 03:59 Definitely say this past year 04:01 I did a lot of tax returns for people. 04:03 And couples would come into my office 04:05 that had just split out 04:07 but were going through a divorce. 04:08 And they'd come in and the question was 04:11 who was going to deduct the child. 04:15 How are they gonna split things up 04:17 and, you know, one parent would be crying, 04:19 the kids would be crying, everybody was upset 04:22 and I was suddenly the mediator for a situation 04:25 that was very sad and it really hit me 04:28 after spending time with so many couples. 04:31 That was something that I never ever wanted 04:33 to experience, was a divorce. Amen, amen. 04:38 That's real life out there on the frontline. 04:40 Definitely. Yes. Tim. 04:44 Well, my job as a physician is often very fast paced. 04:48 I see close to 20 to 40 patients every day. 04:51 And so I've been a physician now 04:53 for almost 8 years, did several thousand people. 04:56 Amazingly enough you would think that people want to know, 04:59 "what's wrong?" when they come into the ER. 05:02 But I can tell you there is a big percentage of people, 05:05 after I'm done examining them, they want to know well, 05:08 Doc is every thing okay, is everything normal, 05:13 that's what they want to know. 05:15 And that's a very common question. 05:17 Is that people will be concerned that things are not normal, 05:20 but it's not just for the complaint that they came in, 05:24 they will always think well, this seems too big, 05:28 this seems too small, this is too tall, 05:31 this is too short, this is too round, 05:32 this is too flat. 05:34 They'll have all of these question 05:36 and honestly 99.9% of the time 05:39 all I end up saying to these patients is, 05:42 "yes, that's normal, 05:43 yeah, that's fine, 05:44 yeah, that's small enough, yeah, that's big enough, 05:47 oh, yes, seen lot's of those." 05:49 What I end up doing is I give people reassurance 05:53 that they are normal. 05:55 Now my interest in this is it why so many people ask. 06:00 Why we're all thinking that we're not normal. 06:03 And I will start with myself. 06:06 When I was very young I had an experience 06:09 that really made me think that perhaps I wasn't normal. 06:13 Many people ask me about my last name, 06:15 Riesenberger doesn't quite fit 06:17 with my facial features, does it? 06:19 People will call and then say well, are you adopted? 06:22 And no I'm not adopted, my father is of German descent 06:26 and that's where the last name Riesenberger comes from. 06:29 My mother is Chinese of, Asian descent 06:32 and I tend to take after my mother. 06:35 Now the other problem is that 06:37 some of my facial features are Caucasian, 06:40 some are Asian. 06:42 Some of you may have noticed that eyelids are different 06:45 between people that are Asian 06:47 and people that are Caucasian. 06:49 In fact some people in Korea are so much wanting 06:54 the western eyelid is a girl will get 06:56 what's called a blepharoplasty. 06:58 Or a fold placed in her eyelid when she is a teenager, 07:02 so she can have the western eyelid. 07:04 Now the difficulty is with me is it I actually have both. 07:09 If you look closely 07:11 one of my eyes has a fold in it and one doesn't. 07:15 Now that is just a part of my unique heritage 07:18 and I've coming to be proud of it. 07:20 However when I was young 07:22 my parents didn't always think of it that way. 07:24 One of my parents God bless them, 07:26 in an effort to try to make one look like the other 07:30 would take a clear piece of scotch tape 07:32 and scotch tape of fold in one of the eyes. 07:36 Now this is when I was five, six, seven, 07:39 so in their efforts to make me look better 07:43 what do you think I began thinking about my eyes. 07:46 There was something wrong with them. 07:49 And so if those kind of experiences happen to us 07:52 when we're young, we end up growing up thinking 07:54 we're not attractive and I can tell you 07:56 that is how I felt for many years. 07:59 I felt that something was wrong. 08:01 And of course even when I was about seven or eight 08:03 and I took off that tape saying 08:04 I'm not wearing this anymore, that's silly. 08:07 The message still remains in our minds 08:10 that we are not normal, we are not up to snuff. 08:14 And I'd say that that message is reiterated by the media. 08:19 The problem is, is it starts very early. 08:22 Let's give an example. 08:23 You women, they play with dolls, right. 08:26 Many do and the most popular doll is Barbie, exactly. 08:31 Now if you look at Barbie just from a medical standpoint 08:35 and anatomical standpoint 1 out of 1,000 women 08:40 even has the chance genetically to look like Barbie 08:45 where as 999 women no matter how much they diet, 08:49 no matter how much they exercise, 08:51 no matter how much surgery they going to get, 08:53 they're not going to achieve Barbie. 08:55 And so we end up feeling that we are inadequate. 08:59 We end up feeling like we're not normal 09:02 where as in societies 09:03 where we are not exposed to the media 09:06 it's a totally different story. 09:08 I can give you an example from the Vietnam War. 09:11 The Vietnam War was in Southeast Asia 09:15 and so the GIs would come there from our country, 09:19 but they would bring with them magazines, 09:22 pictures, media of women that were considered attractive. 09:27 Now before this time 09:29 in Vietnam plastic surgery was almost unheard of, 09:33 but after this war, the women of course 09:36 start to get a hold of some of this media 09:38 and think that they were not adequate. 09:41 Plastic surgery boomed 09:43 just as a result of people feeling, 09:45 they weren't attractive or were not normal. 09:49 I'd say that this comes into play 09:52 in a very serious fashion in my job. 09:56 Let's say I'll see a girl who is 14, 15. 09:59 She comes in because her mom is worried, 10:02 she's so weak, she's losing weight, 10:05 she seems to be losing control of her life, 10:09 her studies are going poorly 10:11 and you ask the girl what's wrong 10:13 and she is kind of evasive in the answers. 10:15 Well, I've been vomiting a little bit. 10:19 Maybe I have felt a little sick 10:20 and all of your tests are not giving any answers. 10:24 I can tell you, I watch very carefully to this girl 10:27 and I see the enamel is worn off, 10:30 off her teeth and you could say that 10:32 well, that's maybe just from the vomiting that she's having. 10:35 But then I watch these two fingers, 10:37 there will be a little discoloration on the nails 10:40 and I'll know what this girl is doing. 10:42 She is actually forcing herself to vomit, 10:45 because she feels that she's too fat. 10:48 Society has told her 10:50 that her body is not acceptable. 10:52 This is so common, not just among women, 10:55 but even among men and why do they do it? 10:58 The media, the messages they have 11:00 when they're growing up. 11:02 They feel like they're not adequate, 11:04 they're not normal, or they're not attractive. 11:07 And so I'm dealing with life threatening abnormalities 11:10 in the electrolytes of these young people 11:12 where their hearts can stop as a result of all this vomiting 11:17 that they are doing. 11:18 So I see a problem 11:20 where people don't feel that they are normal 11:23 and that is what sets us up for disaster in relationships, 11:27 because if we don't feel we're beautiful, 11:29 if we don't feel we're normal, we're always insecure. 11:32 We're always looking for a reason 11:34 for that person to leave me or reject me 11:37 and of course if we think that way 11:39 it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Amen. 11:42 That off, all too often becomes true. Yeah. 11:45 And we certainly know that the power of life 11:47 and death is in the tongue. That's right. 11:49 And so, you know, what we believe 11:51 in everything sometimes and takes over 11:54 and then we're speaking things over our life 11:57 that really we didn't mean to do, 11:59 but we get caught up 12:00 and what you're talking about here. 12:02 Well, let me just ask you a very simple question. 12:05 Now, you're an adult, how do you see yourself? 12:09 Are you still hung up on the eyelid situation? 12:14 Do you see yourself as having a wonderful smile? 12:17 What, where do you fit in now? 12:19 Well, I can tell you 12:20 that I feel much better about myself now. 12:24 But again, that has come from a long time 12:27 of reading what is true, 12:29 of understanding, why I felt the way I did. 12:33 That's taken time and a lot of people telling me, 12:38 that I look okay. 12:39 But that is not going to change what's really in the heart. 12:43 The problem is, is that 12:45 we find that the lessons children learn, 12:47 when they are very young 12:49 are almost impossible to unlearn. 12:51 Have you ever heard of someone refuse a compliment? 12:55 No matter how many times you try to tell them, 12:57 "they look good" they continually tell you, 12:59 "Oh, I'm no good." 13:01 Or you play that wonderfully, 13:02 "Oh no that was the worst thing I've ever done." 13:05 There are some people that no matter 13:06 what you say to them, nothing will ever change. 13:09 And I believe with all my heart, 13:10 the only reason why I can say 13:12 that I am someone who is attractive, worthy 13:16 is because I was created by God. Amen. 13:18 He creates what is beautiful. Amen. 13:20 Not what is ugly. Amen. 13:23 So how do you think that God looks at relationships? 13:27 Well, I think God has a very special plan 13:29 for our relationships in our lives, 13:31 because our lives affect, 13:33 our relationships affect our lives for eternity. 13:36 So I think that He wants us 13:38 to have a relationship here on this earth, 13:40 that is healthy, that will lift us up spiritually 13:44 and will make us happy. Amen. Amen. 13:47 So this kind of segues in. 13:49 Let's say that we've got two people over here 13:51 that really are not attracted to each other, 13:54 but for some reason they are put together 13:57 and so, how do a relationship flourishes. 14:02 Is there a chance for this relationship to work? 14:05 Absolutely. 14:06 I don't think it takes initial attraction 14:08 to make relationship work. 14:10 Love is a choice 14:12 and the beauty of a person is really 14:14 what's on the inside, not what's on the outside. 14:17 It's the character that counts. Amen. 14:20 That's the age-old question isn't it? 14:23 Can there be love? 14:24 Can there be a lasting relationship 14:27 when there is no initial spark. Yeah. 14:29 When there is no initial attraction, 14:31 where there's not that love at first sight 14:34 that the media tells us has to be there. 14:36 You know I even had my friends of mine 14:38 and I've tried to reason with them 14:39 and I said" Well guys, 14:41 don't you think girl is worthwhile?" 14:43 Oh, Tim but there is just no chemistry. 14:46 Oh, come on have you heard the song, 14:48 "It only takes a spark." 14:49 And I said," Well, wait a minute, 14:51 that's a song and I don't think 14:52 we should live our lives by a song. 14:54 But what I tell people is that there's an illustration 14:57 that can be used, 14:58 that will convince Christians, non-Christians, 15:01 believers, non-believers 15:03 that you can fall madly in love with someone 15:07 who you are not initially attracted to and here's a story. 15:11 The highest grossing movie of all time was the Titanic. 15:16 It has earned more money 15:18 than any other movie in the history of time. 15:21 I can tell you that, that common scenario will help us, 15:25 can be convinced that this truth is exactly what it says. 15:28 A ship goes down. 15:30 Let say there's only two survivors, 15:33 a man and a woman. 15:34 They are struggling on a piece of drift wood 15:37 and they wash ashore on a deserted, 15:39 desert island, typical story, 15:42 typical story line for any movie or book. 15:45 They are sputtering, they're coughing, 15:47 they're arguing, they're saying, 15:48 "Oh, you forgot to bring the food, 15:49 we're going to die. 15:51 Oh, why didn't you do this?" 15:52 they're arguing and they maybe 15:54 getting so upset with one another, 15:55 that they choose both ends of the island 15:58 and they are separated 15:59 because they don't want to talk to each other anymore. 16:01 Now you and I both know 16:03 what's going to happen at the end of the movie, 16:05 no matter how much they initially disliked each other, 16:08 they're going to be together at the end of that movie. 16:12 Because we all in our hearts know that 16:14 if we spend enough time with someone, 16:16 especially time alone, it's only a matter of time 16:21 before you are attracted to that person. 16:24 And that can work to your advantage. 16:25 If you have someone who is truly virtuous, 16:28 truly godly, who fits in every way 16:31 with God's plan for your life and theirs, 16:34 but there is just not that attraction. 16:36 Give it some time. 16:38 It'll only be a little while 16:40 before you start to see that person with new eyes, 16:43 but the opposite is also true. 16:46 We hang out with someone that our parents say, 16:48 Oh, I don't want you calling that person anymore, 16:50 that person is taking you away from church, 16:52 away from God, away from school. 16:55 But the longer we hang out with them, 16:57 the better they appear in our own lives 17:00 and eventually we believe and we are convinced 17:02 that we won't be happy any less with that person. 17:05 So the answer to the age-old question is very simple. 17:09 Spend enough time with them 17:10 and any one will become attractive to you. Amen. 17:13 I know that when I was growing up, 17:14 my mother was emphatic to us, 17:16 with I have a brother and a sister also, 17:18 that be careful who you date, 17:21 because you will create memories, 17:23 you will create a history together 17:25 and then you'll wake up one day with this person 17:27 that you won't even attracted to, 17:28 but you were hanging out with, 17:30 that something happens and then you found out 17:34 that that you're a couple then you-- 17:36 but I don't even like that person. 17:38 You know, so you have to be careful-- 17:40 and following that Racna 17:42 you were brought up in Christ-centered home. 17:44 Do you listen to your parents? Definitely. 17:46 I mean if they are certain-- 17:47 if you find someone that you're attracted to 17:49 and you bring it up to their attention 17:51 and they say "oh, Racna, that's not affair? 17:53 How do you handle that? 17:55 Well, I always talk to my parents 17:57 about the relationships that I've been in 17:59 and they always give me their advice. 18:01 And sometimes it hasn't been what I wanted to hear, 18:05 but I have always listened in the past to them 18:08 and in the end it's always something that I am happy with, 18:11 you know I can look back and see their wisdom now, 18:14 whereas at the time I really didn't see in it, 18:16 it didn't seem like something that I wanted to obey. 18:19 And I think probably the benefit of that is that 18:22 whenever you find Mr. Right, and you settle down 18:25 and you have children, 18:27 you have a good role model to draw on. 18:30 I do, definitely. 18:31 And it's about how much you are willing to give, 18:33 you know growing up I watched my mom a lot. 18:36 And in my parent's relationship, 18:38 my mom didn't give 50%, my mom gave a 100%. Amen. 18:41 And I think that's what its all about is, 18:44 are you willing to give your all. 18:46 The other person that they may not be able to give as much, 18:49 but if you can give more that's what really counts. Amen. 18:53 Is there wisdom in that, Dr. Tim? 18:54 I think that ultimately when the music stops, 18:58 and the party is over 19:00 and you have been married to someone for a along time, 19:03 it is just those things 19:04 that are going to keep you going. 19:06 And I'd like to actually read a statement 19:08 from the book "Steps to Christ" 19:10 that I think illustrates 19:11 what is most important in relationships, 19:13 it's a perfect balance, this is on page 97, 19:16 it says that God is a lover of the beautiful. 19:20 God does not ignore that physical attraction, does He? 19:23 He creates beautiful beings. 19:26 Now watch this "He is a lover of the beautiful 19:29 and above all of that is outwardly attractive, 19:31 he loves beauty of character. Amen. 19:35 It's not that God ignores the outside, 19:37 but He wants us to place the emphasis where, 19:41 where it's most important, what's going to last. 19:44 This devotion that Racna's mom has to her father, 19:47 the character is what's going to endure 19:50 when the outside has faded away.i 19:52 So let me ask you this, 19:54 and following this particular thought process. 19:58 Do you think that being pure is important? 20:02 Absolutely. 20:05 I think that God has a plan for each one of us 20:08 and He wants us to remain pure, 20:11 so that we are able to stay close to Him 20:17 and not have a fall relationships along the way. 20:22 I think about this all the time in my job. 20:25 Because the common question that we'll ask the patient, 20:28 especially when they're dealing 20:29 with more private issues is "Are they sexually active." 20:33 And I have had physicians actually laugh at patients, 20:37 if they'll say that they have been sexually pure. 20:39 They'll say "Huh, you're in your 20s, okay, that's fine." 20:43 It's become so common that we just assume 20:47 that people are not sexually pure. 20:49 Why is that? 20:51 Well, it's actually becoming embarrassing 20:53 to be sexually pure. 20:55 The media promotes that we should, 20:57 you know, not be that way, experiment, try things out. 21:02 Why are these things harmful? It is so obvious. 21:05 If you think about, from the standpoint of men per se. 21:09 I'll give you an example, I was asked at a church, 21:11 one time to talk about the Ten Commandments 21:14 and they've asked me, 21:16 a single guy to talk about the Seventh commandment, 21:19 "Thou shalt not commit adultery." 21:22 And initially I thought, well, why would you ask me? 21:25 I am a single guy, that has nothing to do with me. 21:28 But as I prayed about it, God impressed me. 21:31 This has everything to do with you as a single guy. 21:35 Because the problem is, is that single men 21:37 have battles for their purity, 21:40 just as much as married couples would. 21:43 A single guy is struggling with the media 21:45 that is clamoring for his attention. 21:48 And I would venture to say 21:50 that this is the reason why it's so dangerous. 21:53 The media portrays all of these magazines and movies, 21:56 where a guy is looking and lusting after these women. 22:01 Now the problem is, is that we don't realize 22:04 all those pictures, all those movies are airbrushed. 22:08 People with plastic surgery, the camera angles are changed. 22:12 Those people don't even look like that in real life. 22:15 And so what are we building? 22:17 We're building an attraction 22:18 to something that doesn't exist. Amen. 22:21 We are setting ourselves up to be dissatisfied, 22:25 because we have fallen in love with a shadow, 22:28 and that is why this media is so devastating. 22:32 Why guys who are hooked on these types of things 22:35 will destroy their relationships. 22:37 The other reason is, is it who are you with 22:41 when you are indulging in these fantasies. 22:43 You are with just one person, and that's you. 22:47 And so you are focusing in pleasing yourself, 22:51 whereas God designs in 1 Corinthians 7, 22:55 it says that the husband's body belongs to the wife. 22:59 And the wife's body belongs to the husband. 23:01 God's design is that we are other focused, 23:04 and so if you begin to build these experiences 23:08 based on pleasing yourself, 23:10 you begin to have a selfish output to love. 23:14 There is nothing more devastating 23:16 a man can do to ruin his future marriage 23:19 than sexual impurity before marriage. Amen. 23:23 Proverb 23: 7 gives a very clear insight with this. 23:29 It says that, as a man thinks in his heart, 23:32 so is he our thoughts, what we see, 23:36 what we think about is going to make us changed 23:40 into whatever we are beholding. 23:42 Jesus also reminds us in Mathew 5, 23:46 that to look at a woman, to lust for her, 23:49 is to commit adultery. 23:51 We don't even actually have to commit the act, 23:54 but we are committing sin and marring our souls 23:57 just by the thought. 24:00 I would approach this from a woman's perspective as well, 24:03 and I will use this with a very common problem in medicine. 24:09 In California where I used to practice, 24:11 did you know that if you took 24:13 a patient out for a cup of coffee, 24:15 you could lose your license? 24:17 It is so strict because the problem is 24:20 is there are physicians 24:22 who'll have inappropriate relationships 24:24 with their patients. 24:26 And I ask people, think of all the medical specialties, 24:29 think of your regular doctor, think of a specialist, 24:33 what specialty would you say is the most sexual misconduct, 24:38 is it perhaps family practice where a woman trusts a guy, 24:43 where they have a relationship 24:44 over a long period of time, it's not. 24:47 Is it may be OB/GYN, where a doctor is doing 24:50 very intimate types of exams on someone. 24:53 No, it's not. 24:54 The highest incidents of inappropriate relationships 24:57 between a physician and patient is psychiatry. 25:00 And that gives us insight 25:02 where a woman need to focus on their purity, 25:05 because what does a psychiatrist do, 25:07 he or she-- That's right they're listening. 25:10 They're paying attention to you. 25:12 They are talking about deep and personal issues, 25:16 and that's where a woman is going to get hooked in, 25:19 and that is where young ladies need to guard their purity. 25:22 Obviously need to guard the sexual purity as well. 25:25 But I think the Achilles' heel, the weakness from most women, 25:29 it's not necessarily what they see, 25:31 but they what they hear and what they read. 25:35 We're all very familiar with internet dating now. 25:38 And I can tell you, I have known friends 25:41 who have gotten letters back and forth, 25:43 they've chatted on the phone, 25:45 and they're so close to this guy over the internet, 25:49 they haven't even met him 25:50 but they're ready to get married, 25:53 just from what they've read and what they've heard. 25:55 This is very common. 25:57 There is a very interesting historical perspective, 26:00 the story of "Cyrano De Bergerac." 26:03 There was a man who was courting a young fair maiden, 26:06 but he was very nervous, he had no words, 26:10 he was not clear in the way he could communicate, 26:13 so Cyrano would hand him these poems 26:16 and he would give him the lines to speak. 26:19 And now this young woman fell in love, 26:21 but she didn't fall in love with the good looking hunk, 26:23 she fell in love with Cyrano, because of what she heard 26:27 and what she felt, 26:28 as long as her emotions were being drawn out. Yes. 26:31 So the answer is yes, 26:33 both men and women need to guard that purity, 26:36 because if you don't, 26:37 you are going to have expectations 26:39 in a relationship that just aren't real. Yeah. 26:43 My goodness I can't believe how fast time goes by. 26:45 We haven't even got started out, 26:47 I was going to ask what you both are looking for 26:49 in a relationship, 26:50 but we are not going to have time to do that. 26:53 In 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 26:56 sum up what you think is important today. 26:59 I think it is very important 27:01 that we approach our relationships 27:02 by becoming the right person, 27:04 by seeking what we can put into the relationships, 27:07 by avoiding the negative things, 27:10 that the media has for us and embracing God's idea, 27:13 because as bad as the odd seem, 27:15 this is what we have. 27:18 I'll read a quote here from Adventist home, page 112-- 27:21 We got 30seconds. 27:24 "When you reach the condition that God desires you to reach, 27:27 you will find heaven below and God in your life." Amen. 27:32 We can have heaven on earth if we follow God's plan. Amen. 27:35 I want to thank both of you for being here today. 27:38 This is just, this has been wonderful. 27:40 It's our pleasure. 27:41 I want you to come back again, okay. Thank you. 27:43 We got so much more to talk about. 27:46 Just want to thank each one of you out there 27:48 for being with us today on "Issues and Answers." 27:51 We love you, God loves you. 27:53 We only wish you the very best that He has to offer. |
Revised 2014-12-17