Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Francine Bell
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000296
00:30 Hello friends and welcome to "Issues and Answers."
00:32 My name is John Lomacang 00:34 and thank you for taking the time to sit down, 00:36 as a matter of fact I said sit down, don't rush 00:39 because this a program you do not want to miss. 00:42 There are so many people locked 00:44 into the cycle of the sameness and the same day 00:47 and it seems as though they're stuck 00:48 in the proverbial repeating Groundhogs Day Scenario. 00:52 But God has a tremendous life in store for you 00:55 that you're about to discover today, can be your reality. 00:59 That's what makes our guest so special today, 01:01 because she has been in the past, 01:03 the present and the future 01:05 and the ceiling has been removed from her restrictions. 01:09 God has opened to her the world. 01:11 And I believe that her life is going to inspire you today. 01:14 So let's welcome our guest right now. 01:16 Good to have you here, Francine. 01:17 Thank you, John. It's lovely to be here. 01:18 Francine Bell, it's a pleasure. Thank you. 01:20 I have had a chance to thumb through your book, 01:24 "Lights! Camera! Action!" 01:26 I mean that's just what the director says. 01:29 Just about life-- Just about when life is about to happen. 01:32 Absolutely. 01:33 And life has been happening for you 01:35 the way that you have planted 01:37 but even more importantly the way that God has planted. 01:40 Absolutely. 01:41 You know, it's all about taking hold of the promises of God 01:45 and believing what He says, John. 01:47 Brooklyn, New York. Yes. 01:49 That's where you were planted. That's right. 01:51 And that's where you're sprouted. Yep. 01:53 Walk us through your background just a little bit there 01:56 for those who are saying, 01:57 "Francine Bell, who is Francine Bell?" 02:00 Francine Bell is a child of God. 02:04 I always like to start there 02:06 because everything trickles down from there. 02:09 She was born and raised in Brooklyn. 02:11 I was born in Crown Heights. 02:13 And I spend a lot of my formative years 02:16 in Fort Greene and in Bushwick. 02:19 And I even had a little stint on Flatbush Avenue. 02:23 You're taking it back. Oh, yes. 02:25 And I mean, I think of life in Brooklyn. 02:29 I think of the botanic gardens and botanical gardens 02:32 and I think of the Brooklyn Museum 02:34 which interestingly enough someone in Australia 02:37 where I'm now living, brought up saying that 02:39 it was the best place for Egyptian art outside of Cairo. 02:43 Hmm. Yeah. 02:44 Never thought about that. Yeah. 02:46 I never knew it but here it was someone that knew 02:49 and Grow Brooklyn is on the map. 02:51 Hmm. Yeah. 02:52 You know, Brooklyn is so large. 02:53 It could be one of the five largest cities 02:56 in the United States if it stood by itself. 02:58 That's right. That's right. 02:59 But it's just the component 03:00 in the five burrows of New York City. 03:02 And what a component? Hmm. 03:04 There is no city like New York City. No. 03:07 But you live in Australia. I do. 03:11 Let's walk through that track. 03:12 Take us briefly through your track 03:14 because you didn't just get up one day 03:15 and move from Brooklyn to Australia. No. 03:18 I mean, you've had-- 03:19 Take us to some of your background 03:21 because you've had an illustrious career 03:23 and you continue in the way that God is leading you. 03:25 But for those watching the program they may say, 03:27 Brooklyn, Australia. 03:29 Come on now that's just-- 03:31 that's not just a piece in the puzzle of monopoly. 03:33 How do you get there? There were bits in between. 03:34 Okay. You know. 03:35 Okay, so it was Brooklyn, Manhattan. 03:38 Okay. Okay. 03:39 Then from Manhattan to Paris 03:41 where I lived for six and half years. 03:43 And then from Paris, 03:46 I was working in Istanbul in Turkey 03:48 and met some Australians 03:50 and that's what took me to Australia. 03:52 'Cause I was trying to figure out, okay, I can see Paris 03:55 but Australia is down under, down under. 03:58 Yeah, it is, it is. It's way down there. 03:59 And you know I think about 04:01 God strategically placing His people, you know. 04:04 And I wake up sometimes, 04:06 I roll over and I look at my husband there 04:09 and I look out at the lake 04:12 and I think I'm in Wangi Wangi, Australia, Lord. 04:15 And it sort of like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz, 04:17 I'm not in Kansas anymore, Toto. 04:20 But that's where God placed me 04:22 and that's where I'm sprouting and blooming now. 04:25 That's right, you know, 04:26 plants grow well when they stay where they are planted 04:29 and are watered and they bloom and blossom 04:32 and become all that God wants them to be. 04:35 And you're a Christian. 04:37 And you've always been a Christian 04:39 but you're a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. 04:42 But you've got the extra added components of the gifts. 04:45 I mean, you're a singer. You're a model. 04:50 Many kilos ago. Okay. 04:53 I think they say pounds here in America now, many pounds ago. 04:56 Okay, I like that kilo that takes us overseas. Yes. 04:59 But walks us through that because you have in your book 05:04 talked about the limitlessness of God. 05:08 You don't see limitations the way 05:10 that many people look at something and say, 05:12 "Oh, I can't do that." 05:14 Francine Bell doesn't think I can't do that. 05:17 Oh, no. No. 05:18 Francine Bell as a child of God doesn't think she can't do that. 05:22 Francine in her own strength 05:25 can think she can do a lot of things. Okay. 05:27 But one of the greatest words that I've ever read 05:30 in the Bible is believe, I believe God. 05:35 I believe that He can do and will do 05:38 what He says He will do. 05:40 So that's where my strength comes from 05:42 to go ahead and to seize the day. 05:46 Because you're living now in Australia 05:49 in a place where many people say, "That seems a world away. 05:55 I've heard about it but I don't know much about it." 05:57 How does Francine Bell live her daily life 06:02 in the realm of the spiritual world 06:05 when there's so much calling you from the flesh world 06:09 that is the cameras, the light, the action of life? 06:13 I really believe that we are all in the army of God. 06:19 And that each one of us has a role to play. 06:23 And that if we don't break ranks we have a strong army. 06:27 The Book of Jeremiah talks about not breaking rank. 06:31 I sit at the feet like Mary and I ask God to tell me 06:36 what He wants me to do on a day to day basis. 06:39 Now having said that 06:41 as an African-American woman in Australia 06:44 which is a long way from Brooklyn. 06:46 I know that God has placed me there 06:50 because I am an African-American woman 06:52 who's practically 6 foot tall and black. 06:57 And as Australians would say, "And a yank," okay. 07:01 And for that reason they very often think you're crazy. 07:05 Oh, she's a yank, man. She's crazy, all right. 07:08 Well, not everybody thinks that way 07:10 but I ride the wave of being different, 07:15 I let that be an advantage for me. 07:19 So I can say, "because of my culture," 07:23 let me pray for you. 07:25 I can say because of my culture, bless you and mean it 07:30 and get away with it. So I do. 07:33 So the catalyst then is you see some things 07:36 that may be seen as a disadvantage as a catalyst-- 07:40 Absolutely. To grow on. 07:41 Absolutely. Absolutely. 07:43 I'm sparked by what may seem an obstacle 07:48 because you know in the Book of Zechariah, 07:49 they say, "Grace, grace to the mountain." 07:53 So God has taught me to look with God colored glasses. 07:58 He gave me a wonderful poem on my birthday that says, 08:00 "I'm looking at the world through God colored glasses. 08:03 I'm seeing everything the way it should be. 08:06 The beauty in the world, the love among the masses 08:09 with God colored glasses my way is clear and free." 08:13 I tried to see things through God's perspective 08:17 and I can only do that by sitting at His feet, 08:20 soaking in the word and asking for the Holy Spirit's guidance. 08:24 So you've really embodied Philippians 4:11 which Paul says 08:27 "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." 08:30 Absolutely, you know, 08:32 God is teaching me to look for the good in every situation. 08:35 Romans 8:29 talks about being molded into the likeness of God. 08:40 And when you're molded, you're getting prodded. 08:42 You know I heard an evangelist talk about this 08:45 with regards to play-doh and you know, 08:47 bit of this is taken away and that is taken away 08:49 and you pushed in and pushed there. 08:51 Well, as a Christian we are molded and sometime pruned 08:55 and those things are sometimes painful. 08:57 But if I have put my life into the hands of God, like Job, 09:03 "Though He slay me," you know. 09:05 Then I've to believe that everything 09:08 is for my eventual good according to the plan of God. 09:14 When you wrote this book I was, I was taken by a chapter 09:17 because of it being real in my life and I won't go into that. 09:21 But in the midst of talking about the way 09:23 that you have succeeded and continue to succeed. 09:26 There's a chapter called, forgiveness. 09:28 I have to find out what that's about. 09:31 I was singing once at a big regional day 09:37 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in my area in Sydney. 09:40 And it was actually at Homebush Stadium 09:43 where they had the Olympics later on. 09:46 And I'd sung my version of "Amazing Grace" 09:51 which was a little bit too embellished 09:55 for one of the people in the church. 09:58 And if you know Homebush, it's a very, very big stadium. 10:02 And for anybody to want to be backstage, 10:05 it meant that they had to fight through, you know, 10:09 hoards of people in order to get there. 10:11 So this person founded 10:12 really, really important to come backstage. 10:15 And I say with the determination of a salmon 10:19 to swim upstream through all those people 10:22 to tell me of their displeasure of my rendition of the song. 10:27 I was so crushed in spirit by that 10:31 because if you know anything about show business. 10:33 And I know that you have some understanding of my industry. 10:39 You're very vulnerable at the end of a performance. 10:43 All of your emotions have been given out to your audience 10:46 and if there's going to be a time 10:48 when you can crush someone with criticism it's them. 10:51 The person had they waited till the next day, 10:54 they probably could've said exactly the same thing. 10:56 And I would've just thanked them very much for their offering. 11:01 And I would've taken from it what I need to 11:05 in all humility and discarded the rest. 11:08 But you know, at that point is when you're vulnerable. 11:12 So I had resentment in my heart that 11:15 I didn't even know it was there 11:16 until I started writing that book. 11:19 And a friend read the chapter and said, 11:22 it was actually the chapter on discouragement. 11:25 She read that chapter and said, 11:27 "You are still harboring resentment in your heart, 11:29 you need to forgive." 11:30 And I had to confess and repent of that 11:33 that unforgiveness in my heart because the Bible says, 11:36 "If you don't forgive, you won't be forgiven." 11:39 That's a pretty big, you know, pretty big thing. 11:42 That's a road block that cannot be passed. Absolutely. 11:44 So I had to see what was going on. 11:48 I had to accept what was going on. 11:51 And I had to confess what was going on. 11:55 And I had to repent of what was going on. 11:58 And it meant calling that person and saying this is what-- 12:02 this is what's been going on for me. 12:04 They were not even aware, you know. 12:06 So often when you've got something, 12:08 a case where you're angry with someone, 12:11 very often people are not even aware that you've taken offense, 12:15 that's why we really need to get over offense. 12:19 But praise God, He showed me, I was able to be healed. 12:24 And it was really interesting because the person 12:27 that I had the problem with had a wife that was an author 12:35 and she was able to pick up an error in my book 12:39 that I would not have seen if I had not followed God's will. 12:44 So it worked out for the blessing that was somehow 12:48 crouched in the continued resident unforgiving spirit, 12:53 but the Lord removed that so that you can move on. 12:56 Absolutely. 12:57 So are you saying to me then that forgiveness is something 13:01 that we have to extend even if the person doesn't know 13:05 we have that feeling toward them? 13:07 Well, I can't speak for everyone. Okay. 13:09 But I know that the word of God says, 13:12 if you have something in your heart don't come to me, 13:18 you know, go and fix it with your brother and then come. 13:21 I took it very seriously, so whenever I feel that-- 13:26 and there's an opportunity, you know, 13:28 it's not always possible to go back to someone. 13:30 But, you know, that God made it possible for me 13:33 to go back to that person 13:34 and say this is what's going on, so I did. 13:37 Now as you continue growing to become in fruition I would say, 13:43 the Francine Bell that God envisioned you to be. 13:47 There are components you are living in a world 13:49 where many of us would never get a chance to rub shoulders 13:52 with people that are in the same room with you, 13:55 on the same stage with you, in the same movie with you, 13:57 on the same set with you. 13:59 How do you balance that, that's at best for some people 14:04 they would jump at that opportunity 14:05 and forget everything behind them, 14:07 but you've come to the place 14:08 where you've learned to balance that? 14:09 How do you do that? 14:11 My relationship with God is first and foremost 14:15 and if I dishonored God, you know, 14:20 I dishonored myself, you know, 14:22 I dishonored everything that is worth anything. 14:26 So you have to prioritize. 14:28 We talked a little bit, you and I 14:30 in one of our private conversations about priorities. 14:34 God is number one and everything, you know, 14:37 comes after that, you know, 14:39 even my relationship with my husband. 14:40 It's God first and then my husband. 14:43 And it has to be that way. 14:46 In show business we're tempted by so many different things. 14:49 There's always, you know, I've written in my book, 14:52 there's always somebody that is wanting to help you 14:55 to get to where you want to go. 14:56 There's always a high on offer. 14:59 You know, I have discovered 15:00 that the only way I can get to where I want to go 15:03 is by the leading of the Holy Spirit. 15:05 And the only high I want is that one, 15:08 the Holy Spirit, you know. 15:09 So I praise God for the circumstances 15:12 that I've been in and potentially in 15:15 because I can see the hand of God on my life 15:17 and how He's protected me and shielded me 15:19 in situations that have killed others and continues to do so. 15:25 However, you know, I want to honor God wherever I go 15:30 and I want to take Him. 15:32 I want to be the messenger 15:34 whether I speak His name or not wherever I go. 15:37 You know, the Bible talks about Bethel. 15:39 It talks about Ebenezer. Setting up your Ebenezer. 15:42 Brooklyn is your Ebenezer. Yeah. 15:44 After these experiences you go back to Brooklyn 15:47 and you look at it through fresh eyes. 15:49 What do you see? I see. 15:52 Let me put that in a context. 15:54 I didn't mean to interrupt you 15:55 but what do you see not only just structurally, 15:58 but what do you see through the new Francine? 16:02 I see that God had to prepare the soil 16:08 for the things that He was going to be doing in my life today. 16:13 If I had not lived in the ghettos of Brooklyn, 16:16 I could not speak to people in the ghettos of Brooklyn 16:20 with an understanding that I have 16:22 as a person from that situation. 16:26 So I go back now and I see people 16:29 and I see the homes that I lived in. 16:35 And I know that God has blessed me, 16:37 but He's blessed me to tell other people 16:40 that He's no respecter of persons 16:42 and if He did it for me, He can and He will do it for you, 16:46 if you will allow Him and if you will follow the script. 16:49 And that's what "Lights, Camera, Action," talks about. 16:52 Relying on the word of God, clinging to the promises. 16:55 And you know, in order to reap the blessings of God's word, 16:59 you have to walk according to God's will. 17:02 And I really stretch that with people, 17:04 because people want to speak the words 17:06 and not follow the director. 17:09 The director and the ultimate star of the show is God. 17:13 But if you hold on to what He says 17:16 and you believe what He says, not what the world tells you, 17:19 not what the enemy tells you, but what He tells you, 17:22 then there is definitely not a pot of gold 17:26 at the end of the rainbow but there are streets of gold. 17:29 I like that. 17:30 And I plan to moon walk down those streets. 17:33 I like that. Oh, yeah. 17:34 There are some people that are so tame when it comes to their, 17:36 when I get to heaven I'm gonna be happy. 17:38 You know, when I get to heaven, 17:39 you're gonna know exactly that you're gonna know I'm there. 17:41 Hallelujah. 'Cause we're gonna rejoice. 17:43 Well, you know, eternal life starts now. 17:45 You see this is what I believe. So I'm happy now. 17:49 Okay, I go through some trials and some tribulations, 17:51 you know, but God said 17:53 that we would have those to contend with. 17:56 But I have hope over future 17:58 because I know in whom I believe. 18:02 And I'm just happy now. 18:05 You've got to be happy now because you're gonna get the-- 18:08 you're gonna get the trials and the tribulations, 18:10 the arrows of life are gonna be shot your way. 18:13 And especially when Satan sees that where you're aiming 18:17 is exactly where God wants you to be. 18:19 He's gonna try to create that-- 18:21 Let me use a Brooklyn word, that pothole. 18:22 Hello. Okay. 18:24 There are some nice streets outside of Brooklyn 18:26 but periodically I'm reminded when I speed down the street. 18:29 Well, you're in Brooklyn, there is that pothole. 18:31 Well, no, I got a news for you. 18:32 I have found the potholes in every place I have ever been 18:36 Because I'm very well aware that we are dealing with forces, 18:40 demonic forces in the heavenly realms. 18:42 You know, people want to blame God for stuff, 18:44 they forget about the fact that 18:46 there are something else in that picture, 18:48 or someone else in that picture. 18:50 So I know about the potholes of life, 18:52 but I know that praise and worship 18:55 and the blood of Jesus fills the cracks. 18:58 Amen. You know. 18:59 So I just get very excited and yeah, I go through pain. 19:02 That book is born of pain, my music is born of pain. 19:06 My graphics, you know, 19:08 that we have not discussed are born of pain. 19:11 But the cross was about pain born for our sin, 19:18 so that we could have the hope of tomorrow. 19:21 And I have that hope today because I believe today 19:25 what the Lord said about tomorrow. 19:28 You know, the chapter entitled "Image." 19:30 Now let me put this together here. 19:32 We have scars in life. 19:34 Every one is gonna get a scar, but briefly talk about the scars 19:38 but then also let me ask you, is the pain still there? 19:41 I'm talking about in the context of image. 19:44 Because I thought that was a very unusual title, 19:46 so many things but image in that. 19:48 Tell me how is that fit? 19:49 Well, you know, that came out of as a kid, you know, 19:52 you look at show business from a different point of view. 19:54 You can only see the glamorous side, 19:56 you don't know about the hard work that's involved there. 19:58 But, you know, in this whole context 20:02 you really concerned about the outside. 20:04 God wants us to be beautiful on the inside 20:07 and to radiate that beauty from within 20:10 His beauty, His glory. 20:12 But at the same time I remember being in Monte Carlo 20:16 and bumping into the very well known designer Karl Lagerfeld. 20:22 And I was so thrilled, you know, 20:24 I was so very much, you know, into fashion and haute couture, 20:28 this was the French days. 20:30 And I remember being so excited and saying, 20:32 "Oh, Mr. Lagerfeld, Mr. Lagerfeld. 20:34 I'm so excited to meet you." 20:36 And he was very, very refined and he had his fan 20:39 and he has his dark sunglasses and his black suit 20:42 and white tie and you know. 20:44 Tugged together. Yeah, he was just done. 20:46 And I remember that Mr. Lagerfeld did this. 20:50 Thank you. 20:52 He looked me from head to toe in 30 seconds 20:55 but it just occurred to me, 20:57 how people can makeup their minds about you 21:00 and make judgments about you 21:02 based on the outside that quickly. 21:06 The Book of Samuel says, 21:07 "Thankfully God looks at the heart." 21:10 You know, but your hearts got to be right. 21:12 Because it also says that 21:13 the heart is deceitful above all things. 21:16 So we have to be filled with God's word 21:20 so that we're radiating the right image 21:23 no matter what we're wearing, 21:25 because what we're wearing is the love of God. 21:29 So would that lead you then 21:30 to one of the chapters in your book? 21:31 And I really like this one, 21:33 you talked about praise and thanksgiving. Yes. 21:35 Praise and thanksgiving is a weapon, a weapon. 21:39 I've just learned that we have a choice about what we think 21:43 and I didn't know that until just recently. 21:45 I have a choice, if a thought comes into my head, 21:48 I'm depressed, I don't have to go there, 21:50 I don't have to believe that, you know. 21:53 The Book of Matthew says, "Take no thought in saying." 21:58 Okay, in Matthew 6:33. That's good. 22:01 "Take no thought in saying." Once you've said it you own it. 22:04 So I don't have to go there. 22:06 I don't have to agree with the enemy's 22:10 little whispering in my ear, you know. 22:13 So I can go-- you know, 22:15 God has given me a garment of praise 22:18 for the spirit of heaviness, I pull out the sword. 22:20 You know, I really was impressed by hearing another evangelist 22:24 talk about Christ in the wilderness, you know. 22:28 He never tried to speak his own words. 22:30 He always said, it is written. 22:33 But you got to know what's written in order to say it. 22:36 So I've written this book as a map for people 22:39 in these 14 different categories, 22:42 so that they have some swords 22:44 that are praise and thanksgiving against the enemy. 22:48 I'm so mindful of that sword, because the children of Israel, 22:51 the people of God and it's not just exclusive to them, 22:55 but whenever the people of God go through trials, 22:58 praise and thanksgiving is a weapon. 23:00 It's not what you do after the battle. 23:03 This side of the Red Sea. There you go. 23:04 This side of the Red Sea. 23:05 But see what we get caught up in 23:07 and God have shown me in my own life, confession. 23:10 Everything in the Bible is based on the sowing and the reaping. 23:15 God will not be mocked, okay, as you sow so shall you reap. 23:20 But if you say a negative words, 23:22 you're gonna get a negative tree, okay. 23:27 So you want good trees, you got to start sowing, 23:29 you got to start speaking what the word of God says. 23:32 So praise and thanksgiving is a weapon. 23:34 I worship You, Lord. Why? 23:36 Because You are awesome. You are powerful. 23:37 You are my deliver. You are my strong tower. 23:40 But if I'm there I can't be in, oh, I'm depressed. 23:44 And how fitting it is to be in a high place. 23:46 And let me just put this together here. 23:48 You know, a visible role in life 23:51 that God has given you to walk in to play to His glory 23:55 it's not a safe place for a lot of people, 23:57 but a person who is in the will of God 24:00 can occupy a visible world safely. 24:04 You know what? I humble myself. 24:06 I thank you for even articulating 24:09 words like that relating to me at all. 24:12 Anything that I am is because of Christ in me. 24:16 And I've gone through some real pain. 24:19 I've been through clinical depression. 24:20 I know what that's like. 24:22 You know, I have first hand experience. 24:27 You know, weight gain and fighting 24:30 that problem, you know. 24:32 I have been in a situation 24:34 where I've been physically abused not by my husband, okay. 24:38 But I've been hurt by people, you know, 24:42 physically and emotionally and even spiritually, 24:46 because I didn't understand the word of God. 24:49 But God takes me to all those places 24:52 so that I can be a fit whistle for Him. 24:54 When I realize that everything I do 24:57 is because of Him and not because of me 24:59 then I can be, you know, of use to someone else. 25:04 So high place only in the palm of God. 25:10 And that's why I said that because the Lord will-- 25:13 He is the one that holds us there, 25:16 not for our glory but for His glory. 25:18 Absolutely. 25:19 You know, 2 Peter 3:9, 25:21 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise." 25:24 As we're winding up here, tell me why did you write this book? 25:28 I want to pull that whole picture together. 25:31 We talked about a lot of things. 25:33 I wrote this book because one day I was desperate 25:37 it's efore I was a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, 25:39 before I knew the word of God. 25:41 And I walked into a church on the Corso in Manly in Australia 25:46 which people that have visited Australia might know. 25:49 There's only one church and there was a stand 25:52 that had little pamphlets and little pieces of paper. 25:54 And on that stand I found a piece of paper that said, 25:57 "In times of sorrow, look here in the Bible. 26:00 In times of this look there in the Bible." 26:02 I had a Bible but I didn't know where to look for comfort. 26:06 So I soak that up like water on dry land. 26:12 And then years later I was in my home in Wangi 26:15 and God said to me, "You know how you felt that day daughter." 26:17 He said, 'How many people feel like you did that day? 26:21 I want you to write a map.'" So I did. 26:24 Wow. And this book is that map. 26:26 This book and the upcoming DVD are indeed those maps. 26:29 We're looking forward to that DVD 26:30 'cause the book is tremendous. Thank you. 26:32 How could we get a copy of this book? 26:34 It's available on my website which is heartext, 26:37 you know, heart, the heart of God. 26:39, for Australia. That's right. 26:45 Well, it's always a blessing 26:46 to see that the Lord is still in-charge. 26:49 And as you said earlier, He is-- 26:51 we are like play-doh in His hand, like puddy. 26:53 He's shaping us but whatever doesn't resemble Him, 26:56 He's tossing it away. 26:58 A pleasure to be able to have you on this program. 27:01 And may the Lord continue blessing you 27:02 as you move forward in His everlasting will. 27:06 Thank you, John. 27:07 You know, friends, the Lord is amazing 27:08 in what He does in our lives. 27:10 And as you have heard 27:11 Francine Bell has that connection with God, 27:14 that is indelible, one that cannot be broken 27:17 regardless of the Lights, Camera, Action. 27:21 And I want to encourage you, if you're in a place today 27:23 where you feel that the will of God 27:24 is not yet being experienced in your life, 27:28 trust the same Lord that Francine continues to trust 27:31 and you will discover that no matter what the issues of life, 27:34 the Lord has an answer for that issue 27:36 whether depression, doubt, loneliness, 27:40 fear, whatever it maybe, 27:41 today is the day that God wants to propel you in the direction 27:45 that will give you lasting joy and lasting peace. 27:49 So whatever the issues, remember Jesus is the answer. 27:53 God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17