Issues and Answers

Jewish Roots Of Christianity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jeff Zaremsky


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000294

00:31 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
00:32 and welcome again to "Issues and Answers."
00:35 Today, we are going to be talking about
00:38 some Jewish traditions
00:40 and looking at the spiritual analogy of these traditions.
00:44 You know, we've really been enjoying
00:47 a number of programs with Jeff Zaremsky.
00:50 Jeff, I just want to thank you for coming back again.
00:53 Now you are the president of Jewish Heritage. Right.
00:59 And that's
01:03 .net. Okay.
01:04 And you're also a pastor,
01:09 rabbi teacher for the Beth-El Shalom Church
01:13 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Right.
01:16 And we're just so excited
01:17 that you've come back again. All right.
01:20 Jeff, you know what I want to do,
01:21 I want to share scripture with our viewers.
01:23 And I know you know this one, it's one of my favorites
01:26 and I think it goes along with our program today.
01:28 It's Isaiah 61:10.
01:31 Isaiah writes, "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord.
01:35 My soul will exalt in my God
01:37 for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation.
01:42 He has covered me
01:43 with the robe of righteousness." You know what?
01:45 Salvation has always,
01:48 always been by grace through faith.
01:51 And this Isaiah proves it, doesn't he?
01:53 That's right. That's right.
01:54 It's right there throughout the scriptures. Yes.
01:56 Now we've been talking with you in some past programs
02:00 about various ways to reach Jewish people for Jesus.
02:05 And we've been talking about a lot of interesting things
02:08 that have to do with Jewish customs, Jewish culture,
02:13 not only that but with the Bible, you know.
02:15 Now today we're really going to just kind of step back
02:19 and talk about some extra biblical things.
02:21 That's right. This is outside the Bible.
02:23 Outside the Bible. It's Jewish tradition.
02:24 But we see it ties in with the Bible.
02:26 We see that it has Bible principles in it,
02:28 but, yeah, the things themselves are traditions.
02:31 And you know there's a great--
02:33 Have you noticed that there's
02:34 this great awakening
02:35 that people are really interested
02:37 in the Jewish roots of Christianity?
02:39 Yeah, that's right.
02:40 Now we have to be careful,
02:41 because we're not trying to by any means suggest that
02:46 we have to go back to all the ways of the Jews
02:48 and that's required or that keeping all the feasts
02:51 which we discussed last time.
02:52 It's impossible to do in first place,
02:54 but that this is required.
02:56 We're just looking into these things
02:58 because there is a--
03:00 it's an avenue to spiritual enrichment
03:03 as we grow in knowledge. That's right.
03:06 So let's start with some of these traditions. Right.
03:09 And some of the ones we will be looking at now,
03:10 if not all of them were ones that Jesus grew up with. Okay.
03:15 Now again just because Jesus did them,
03:17 it doesn't mean that we have to do them,
03:18 because again they're outside the Bible.
03:20 But they were the traditions of His day,
03:22 He grew up Jewish.
03:23 And so it's interesting to know as we look at these things
03:26 of what the setting was that He grew up with. Yes.
03:29 And it does then help us to understand Him a little better
03:32 and understand the spiritual lessons
03:34 that we can learn that apply to our lives today.
03:37 And so that's what we're doing again,
03:39 so we want to make that clear
03:40 for our whole audience here that we're not judaizing the church.
03:44 We're just educating and learning
03:45 and learning from this culture of the Jewish
03:48 that Jesus grew up under.
03:50 Okay. All right.
03:51 So why don't we look at one of the first things
03:52 that we can talk about is Simchat Torah.
03:55 Simchat Torah.
03:56 And that's S-i-m-c-h-a-. Right.
03:59 Ch, if you're not, 'cause it's in Hebrew letters,
04:01 so the Ch is not a sound that we have in English,
04:03 it's the guttural German Kha sound like, in l'chaim.
04:08 Have you ever seen Fiddler on the Roof?
04:10 L'chaim, good. If you hadn't seen it.
04:12 Well, if you hadn't seen it, shame on you.
04:13 You need to watch Fiddler on the Roof
04:15 'cause it's on there-- Actually, I haven't seen it--
04:16 Yeah, you need to watch it.
04:18 It's a great movie. It was applied with.
04:22 In it there was a song To Life, L'chaim.
04:25 I mean it's the same guttural sound.
04:27 Like in Hanukah or in Christmas,
04:29 you know, same Ch guttural sounds that Kha sound.
04:33 So Simchat Torah.
04:35 And Simchat is the word means celebration.
04:38 And so Simchat Torah is the celebration of the Torah.
04:41 Celebrating the Bible. Celebrating the Bible.
04:44 Celebrating God's word.
04:45 So that like--
04:46 I have a program called exalting His voice,
04:48 so it's same thing. Exactly.
04:49 That's right, that's right.
04:50 And so on a yearly basis,
04:52 well, every week in the Jewish calendar,
04:55 every week the Torah is read through in portions.
05:00 And at the end of the year, the Torah is finished.
05:03 It started in Genesis 1 Bereishit, in the beginning.
05:06 In the beginning God created.
05:07 And it comes all the way around and we finished reading Torah
05:10 on the last day on Simchat Torah.
05:12 We celebrate the Torah. We march it around.
05:14 We rejoice in God's word.
05:16 And then we start all over again.
05:17 Huh, that's interesting. That's right.
05:19 So it's kind of--
05:20 That would be an interesting thing to do at our home,
05:23 you know, with your children
05:24 and to, not gonna have to have children to do it,
05:27 but to read the Bible through every year
05:30 and as part of your personal devotions everyday
05:33 and then to celebrate the sanctity of this word.
05:36 We have the Bible story books, the blue covered by Maxwell.
05:40 We had the full 10 set volume and we read through that
05:42 with our daughter of our worship.
05:44 We read through that at least three or four times.
05:46 And every time we finish we read it again
05:48 and that's what we should do with our Bible
05:50 and that's the point I want to get at.
05:52 That we have this already Simchat Torah
05:53 and it's just a good reminder for us as Christians as,
05:57 you know, revere to believe us in the word of God,
05:59 to stay in the word of God. Amen.
06:01 It should never be, I read the Bible. Amen.
06:04 I have read it and I am continuing to read it.
06:06 Amen. Right.
06:08 And until we do that on that yearly basis
06:10 and that's a good thing for us to do. That's beautiful.
06:12 And to then honor the word of God.
06:14 Have respect for it.
06:16 And that's one of things in Rabbinic Judaism
06:19 there's this respect for the Torah,
06:21 there's respect for the word of God. It's honored.
06:24 You know where I got the title for the book
06:27 I wrote Exalting His Word of Psalm 138:2
06:30 where it says that, "God exalts His name
06:32 and His word above all things and He magnifies His word it
06:36 and above His name. That's right.
06:38 So if this is the thing that God exalts the most
06:41 and this is something that we should exalt as well.
06:43 I had a person say to me just a few weeks ago.
06:48 Young man, he said, "You know that sometimes
06:50 the Bible can get in the way of hearing God."
06:55 That is dangerous.
06:56 That is dangerous. That's what I thought.
06:58 Because the Bible is a number one way
07:00 that God speaks to us. Right, exactly.
07:02 That He's just going by impressions
07:04 and feelings. All right.
07:06 The Bible is exalted and centered stage all the time.
07:10 Jesus, of course, being the whole,
07:12 He is the word and that's a wonderful thing too.
07:15 As we think of the Torah,
07:16 the Torahs are written on lamb skin.
07:18 Yeah. Oh. Yeah.
07:19 And He is the word.
07:21 And He is the word made flesh.
07:22 And so as we celebrate Him, He is the living word.
07:26 It is very powerful.
07:27 The whole analogy, the whole symbolism there.
07:31 And so again getting us back into the word,
07:32 remembering the word, reading the word on a yearly basis.
07:36 Simchat Torah.
07:37 Right, very good. Now you're getting it.
07:38 You'll know the Hebrew by the time we're done it.
07:41 And another one that's always asked is the Yamaka. Yes.
07:44 Because it's visual, it's seen.
07:47 And it's also called that's the Irish terms is Yamaka.
07:52 Irish is a German Hebrew mixture
07:55 that came out of when Jews were living,
07:57 well, still living in Europe, but added European Judaism.
08:00 Ah, but in Hebrew it's called the Kippah.
08:03 And Kippah is the same,
08:05 has the same root as in Yom Kippur.
08:09 Yom Kippur matches up at the Day of Atonement
08:12 that literally means day of covering.
08:14 And so it's this covering,
08:15 it's just reminder that God is covering us at all times.
08:18 You know that's so beautiful
08:19 because there are so many people
08:21 who are so fearful of Yom Kippur and the judgment of God.
08:24 But He judges in favor of us
08:27 because of the atonement that the mercy--
08:29 the propitiation of Jesus
08:31 in applying blood to the mercy seat.
08:33 That's right. And praise the Lord.
08:35 That's right that His grace covers us.
08:36 His grace covers us.
08:37 And so that's a reminder there of His covering,
08:40 His love covering us, His grace covering us.
08:43 It is beautiful analogy
08:44 that we don't have to fear the judgment. Amen.
08:46 We don't have to fear Yom Kippur.
08:47 We don't have to fear the Day of Atonement.
08:49 Now do you wear your Kippah always?
08:51 I don't. Personally, I don't. Oh.
08:53 I wear it at services.
08:54 And I'm wearing it for the show today
08:55 'cause we're talking about these things. Yes.
08:57 But no I don't. It's not in the Bible.
09:00 Oh, I mean it does mention in the Bible.
09:03 And some people get confused with these when Paul says,
09:05 "A man should not have his head covered."
09:08 Now Peter says that Paul says a lot of things
09:11 that are hard to understand,
09:12 in 2 Peter 3, one of the last verses.
09:16 He says, my beloved Paul, my beloved brother Paul
09:18 says a lot of things that are hard to understand.
09:20 And many people have taken
09:21 and twisted for their own destruction.
09:23 If Paul was saying that men shouldn't have his head cover.
09:26 He's taking about hat.
09:28 You shouldn't have his head anything on his head,
09:30 if that's what Paul was saying
09:31 and I don't believe that's what exactly what Paul was meaning.
09:34 If he was saying that then that would put him
09:37 in the classification of the false prophet,
09:39 because he'd be disagreeing with what God told Aaron to do.
09:42 God specifically told Aaron to put something on your head.
09:45 Now wear a mightier on your head
09:46 and Holiness to the Lord.
09:48 So obviously Paul was talking about
09:49 something else other than a hat on his head.
09:53 Throughout the chapter he talks more about hair
09:54 and it seems to have to do with this hair
09:56 and how they were cutting their hair
09:57 and pagan may be believes of doing their hair
10:00 or something like that more.
10:02 So it's not against the Bible but we don't need to, it's not--
10:06 that was for the Levitical.
10:08 And again it's just that symbolism of cover.
10:10 And it's just now a tradition.
10:12 Right. It's a tradition.
10:13 And traditions that replace the Bible are bad.
10:16 Traditions that are just traditions that help
10:18 magnify the Bible or bring us back to the Bible are good.
10:20 Okay. Right.
10:21 And there are plenty of Christian's traditions
10:22 that are good
10:24 and so again traditions in and out itself are okay.
10:27 Okay, Kiddush. Kiddush is another thing.
10:29 Kiddush is a blessing that we say--
10:33 of over the Jews.
10:36 And in the blessing we say the blessing
10:38 (speaking in foreign language).
10:41 Blessed art thou, O Lord our God,
10:43 King of the Universe,
10:44 creator of the fruit of the vine.
10:47 And that's exactly what Jesus says
10:49 in the Passover, the last supper,
10:52 the Lord's Supper recorded in the Gospels.
10:54 So He's saying again the same thing
10:55 that's been said for thousands of years
10:57 dated back before Jesus.
10:59 And in the blessing itself, it says the fruit of the vine.
11:03 Now is that sound fresh
11:05 or is that sound like something has been sitting
11:07 in a vine seller for few years.
11:08 Oh, that's fresh. Fresh.
11:10 Right of the vine, fresh of the vine.
11:12 And so the symbolism there that the grape juice,
11:14 grape juice, it's fresh and it's there for us.
11:16 And this blessing is called Kiddush. Right.
11:19 Saying the Kiddush, saying the blessing upon it.
11:23 And-- And you use this--
11:26 For a lot of different ceremonies,
11:27 at wedding we'll have the Kiddush,
11:29 we'll have the blessing, the husband and the wife
11:32 will both drink from the cup.
11:35 On Sabbath, they bring in the Sabbath
11:36 we'll have the Kiddush cup and the--
11:39 And as well as the hallow bread.
11:41 And hallow bread is a--
11:43 and that's again it's a tradition,
11:46 it's not in the Bible
11:47 but it's a traditional Sabbath bread.
11:49 This is the three twisted together.
11:51 Very good. That's right.
11:52 You see the symbolism there. That's right.
11:55 It's a powerful symbolism of this bread intertwine.
11:58 In Sabbaths we have two loafs,
11:59 remembering the two double portions
12:01 on Sabbath on Friday night--
12:03 on Friday of the manna that God poured out
12:05 so again reminding us of the Sabbath,
12:06 reminding us of the Bible,
12:08 reminding us of the three in one there
12:10 breaded together, blended together.
12:12 In some ways other than it has leaven,
12:13 it's kind of mini communion partaking of the--
12:16 he's the bread of the life.
12:17 So every Sabbath we have that special ceremony,
12:20 partaking of the word of God, the bread,
12:22 Jesus the bread of life, who was born in Beth Lechem.
12:26 The Hebrew word for bread is Lechem.
12:30 And so Beth Lechem means house
12:32 'cause Beth is house.
12:34 House of bread, the bread of life
12:38 was born in the house of bread.
12:40 How interesting, I've never heard that before.
12:41 Right, oh yeah.
12:43 And so He's that bread of life,
12:45 born in the baker's house, born in the house
12:47 where the bread is baked
12:49 that the bread, the living bread came forth.
12:51 "Man shall not live by bread alone,
12:53 but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."
12:56 That's right, that's right.
12:57 Yeah, and He said, "Eat of my flesh
12:58 and drink of my blood."
12:59 And so there again that Kiddush ceremony of the--
13:03 with the hallow bread and the bread, right.
13:06 And so-- And that vine,
13:08 the vine again fresh juice of the wine,
13:10 juice, symbolism of his blood. Yes.
13:14 May this cup pass from me.
13:16 And you know, because it is a symbolism
13:17 of his bread and blood.
13:18 We know that it is not fermented
13:21 because it has to be the pure.
13:24 Absolutely. Yeah, it can't be dying.
13:26 You know He's the living. He's alive, right.
13:29 That whole fermented juice
13:32 destroys the whole symbolism of His blood and His salvation,
13:35 His purity, His righteousness without sin.
13:37 And so we reminded of that
13:39 again in Sabbath as we do that ceremony.
13:41 Bringing in the Sabbath that way,
13:43 reminded of His blood, reminded of His sacrifice,
13:45 reminded of the three in one,
13:46 and so it's just a beautiful little ceremony to do.
13:49 Now the end of Sabbath,
13:51 oh, there's also the Sabbath candles.
13:53 Lighting of the candles. He is the light of the world.
13:55 He brings light into our home and again the light of--
13:59 He's the light of life and so His glory shines.
14:02 And you do that the lighting of candles Friday evening.
14:04 That's right. Okay.
14:05 Right. In the start of Sabbath. Okay.
14:07 And again these are just traditions
14:09 and they don't have to be done
14:10 but they do have some nice symbolism.
14:12 And lot-- I know a lot of Christians
14:14 who do this in the beginning of the Sabbath.
14:16 You know, to welcoming the Sabbath
14:18 and it's a nice to have these traditions.
14:21 It's good reminders. Yes.
14:22 And especially with the kids that help to train them
14:24 and it's that visual that helps them to see the living word.
14:27 And makes it enjoyable,
14:28 makes it something special and fun.
14:30 Right, right and tasteful. Yes.
14:32 So it tastes good.
14:33 You're drinking the juice, you're eating the bread
14:35 and you want to see the lights.
14:37 And at the end to the service we add the sense of smell.
14:39 At Havdalah service.
14:41 Havdalah means separation,
14:45 because God had separated the Holy from the secular,
14:50 the Sabbath from the rest of the week. Okay.
14:52 And so there is a ceremony that's ending the Sabbath.
14:57 Instead of wanting to just rush the Sabbath is over,
14:59 now I can do whatever I want, you know.
15:01 But to linger a little longer and enjoy it with the ceremony.
15:05 And in the Havdalah ceremony, there is a spice box.
15:10 They come in various shapes, forms which has spices,
15:13 when we say blessing over that,
15:15 thanking God for the various kinds of spices,
15:18 so you have the sense of smell.
15:20 And so we sniff that and it's kind of like--
15:24 they say our sense smell is--
15:26 we've the longest memory on sense of smell.
15:29 You smell something like, you know, grandma's cooking
15:31 and then years and years and years later
15:32 you smell that again,
15:33 your memory goes right back to it.
15:36 And so remembering of God's creation,
15:38 flowers that He created,
15:40 the ability to smell things that He is the blessing,
15:43 it's kind of like lingering,
15:44 that lingering smell that-- Aroma.
15:47 The aroma, just longing to keep the Sabbath,
15:49 to hold on to the Sabbath, did not want it to end.
15:52 And so we have that beauty of that--
15:54 Christ, the aroma.
15:55 He is the aroma, He is-- that's right.
15:57 That sweet aroma, that's right, very good
15:59 that He's sacrifice for us, so we're smelling aroma.
16:02 Again you think of the sacrifices.
16:04 God calls that a sweet smelling aroma. Yes.
16:06 I doubt that the burning flesh
16:08 and the burning hair really was sweet smelling to the human
16:12 but the God-- because it represented Himself
16:15 dying for our sins. Amazing.
16:17 And making atonement for us, granting us forgiveness
16:20 and opening the way for us into heaven.
16:22 And that's the Havdalah.
16:24 Right, Havdalah. Say it again.
16:26 Havdalah.
16:27 Havdalah. Right.
16:28 And it's emphasis on the first syllable Havdalah.
16:31 Um, Havdalah.
16:34 I don't know whatever is there in that.
16:35 That's close, Havdalah, yeah, okay.
16:37 And then so we got the spices.
16:38 And then we also again have the juice.
16:41 And so we drink the juices,
16:43 he had the blessing on the juice, the same thing.
16:44 Then when we poured overflowing.
16:46 God's blessing, we had the Sabbath,
16:48 it's just been an overflowing time of God's blessings.
16:50 He's promised to bless the Sabbath
16:51 which we enter into, we receive His blessings.
16:54 And then we light a--
16:55 And what are you doing overflowing, I miss that.
16:59 The juice, pour the juice in
17:00 and it's overflowing on the cup now. Okay.
17:02 Into other cup,
17:04 into like a basin or a cup under and so it overflows.
17:07 And then we take this Havdalah candle
17:09 which is a braided candle, not always three,
17:13 but it's a braided candle,
17:14 but again more than one braided together,
17:16 has to be at least more than one wick
17:18 and it's braided together like the challah bread,
17:20 twisted together, but it's one candle,
17:23 still one with several wicks.
17:25 One because it's braded as one,
17:27 it's soled in one box, it come together as one.
17:29 And it's lit and its bright light,
17:31 so all those wicks.
17:32 And again He is the light of the world
17:35 and the light of the Sabbath.
17:36 And then we take it and we extinguish it
17:40 out into the juice that overflowed
17:45 as the Sabbath is ending,
17:46 Sabbath light is being extinguished for the week
17:50 until we light it again at the end of next week,
17:53 yeah, the end of the week.
17:56 But also Jesus our light, the light of the world,
17:58 the three in one was extinguished
18:00 His blood were shed for us, He died in shedding His blood,
18:04 He's extinguished for us.
18:07 And He-- you know,
18:08 but then He has been resurrected and lives again.
18:10 And so we start it fresh and start it new
18:12 and so it's separating--
18:14 I bet as you're explaining all of these traditions
18:16 to the Jewish person who's really never embraced the gospel
18:22 or never embraced Christ as Messiah.
18:25 It must be so amazing.
18:27 Oh, it's mind blowing, it's mind blowing
18:28 because otherwise it's just kind of the routine tradition
18:31 we just do it.
18:32 We don't know often I say now why.
18:34 When you look at it in light of the cross,
18:36 in light of the Bible,
18:37 in light of all that is there in the scriptures,
18:39 in light of-- especially in the light of the Jesus,
18:42 it's a very, very powerful as we see it.
18:45 Now at the end of Havdalah we sing a song
18:47 and the song is called Elijah the Prophet,
18:52 Eliyahu HaNavi. Eliyahu HaNavi.
18:56 Right, right. Elijah the Prophet.
18:57 And it says, "May Elijah come quickly
19:01 in our day with Mashiach ben David,
19:05 with Messiah the son of David."
19:07 This song goes way, way back and that's why the disciples
19:10 and everyone ask this to John the Baptist.
19:13 Are you Elijah?
19:15 So this song is sung at the Havdalah service--
19:20 Havdalah service at the end of the Sabbath. Okay.
19:21 At the end of Sabbath service.
19:22 So still today and it dates back again thousands of years,
19:26 it's something that Jesus heard,
19:27 it's something that Peter heard,
19:28 Paul heard, they sung and did
19:30 and that's why again they all knew
19:33 that Elijah had to come before the Messiah,
19:36 Son of David. That's interesting.
19:38 And so it's always been there and of course,
19:40 Elijah did come, Jesus said, it was John, the Baptist,
19:44 the message of Elijah anyway and then he is the Messiah,
19:46 Son of David.
19:48 That is so interesting. That's fascinating.
19:50 And then we'll say, Shavua Tov which means have a good week.
19:53 So again very, very visual, very clear demarcation
19:57 that the Sabbath is ending, we're going out,
19:59 and we're remembering it,
20:00 pausing here before we go on into our secular week,
20:04 the Holy and the secular.
20:07 Another thing we can talk about is mezuzah.
20:09 Are you familiar with mezuzah, does it sound--
20:11 You know, actually I don't know what the mezuzah is? Okay.
20:13 It's a-- have you ever seen on a Jewish home
20:15 a little box hung on the door.
20:17 Oh, yes. Okay.
20:19 Tilted at kind of a 45 degree angle
20:21 and this is the blessing symbols,
20:23 and we've the blessing going in.
20:25 And this tradition is taken from Deuteronomy 6,
20:28 actually few different places where--
20:30 Put it on your doorpost. Right.
20:32 Write these laws that I command you
20:33 this day on your doorposts,
20:35 on your hands, on your forehead,
20:37 on your heart. Yes.
20:38 Now obviously He's saying write it on your heart.
20:40 He's talking symbolic all throughout. Right.
20:43 He doesn't want us to have open heart surgery
20:45 and put a little box in there with the scriptures inside it.
20:48 But traditional Judaism
20:51 or Benedict Judaism has place
20:53 with the box on the door tilting in.
20:56 And the scriptures from Deuteronomy 6 inside it--
20:59 well, some other texts.
21:03 But there is that symbolism of having God's word
21:07 taught in our home
21:08 and that's what I believe God was meaning,
21:10 write these laws not just on the doorposts
21:13 but as you enter and as you leave,
21:15 have it spoken in your home, have it lived out in your home,
21:18 as you go out into society,
21:20 be living out the word of God. Amen.
21:23 Allowed to fill your heart
21:24 and life and comes through fully and completely.
21:28 And the interesting thing is where it says,
21:30 this is where again were the tradition goes off.
21:33 The text says, "Write these laws that I command you this day."
21:37 But you know which laws he commanded this day
21:39 that's in Deuteronomy 6 which was the laws
21:40 that He commanded that day.
21:42 Hebrews, we're viewing the Ten Commandments.
21:45 The Ten Commandments, Deuteronomy 5 right,
21:46 so obviously referring to the ones in Deuteronomy 5.
21:49 But that's not unfortunately
21:50 what's put into traditional Jewish mezuzah.
21:52 Instead of the Ten Commandments of Deuteronomy 5 put in,
21:55 the texts from Deuteronomy 6 that are the instructions,
21:58 let's say put these laws on your doorpost
22:01 that's what put inside.
22:02 But God's wanting the law not again just on the doorposts
22:05 but in the home, lived out in the home.
22:07 Sometimes it's easy to be nice at work or at church
22:11 or at services and then to be miserable at home--
22:15 and so in the privacy--
22:18 God wants to be lived out inside and out.
22:21 And then T'fillian, T'fillian.
22:23 Jesus talks about T'fillian,
22:24 so obviously again they were wearing it back in His day--
22:26 T'fillian. Right.
22:30 Phylacteries is where it's translated sometimes.
22:33 It says you may broad your phylacteries,
22:35 the boxes on the head and on the arm.
22:39 And what's interesting with that,
22:41 okay, there again from the same commandments
22:43 to write these on your hands and on your forehead.
22:46 Well the Mark of Beast is on the forehead
22:50 and on the hand as well. Yes.
22:52 So here's, we got the two,
22:54 God's saying write my laws
22:56 that I command you this day on your hand
23:00 and on your forehead and on your heart
23:03 and on your doorpost.
23:04 So He's wanting His laws lived out in our homes,
23:06 lived out in society, in our actions,
23:09 in our thoughts in the forehead, in our thoughts,
23:12 that what we decide and in what we do,
23:15 all that your hand find it to do,
23:17 do it with all your mind.
23:18 And so the hand representing our actions.
23:21 So write these laws into your actions,
23:23 live them out, live out my laws
23:25 and then write them on your heart love them,
23:28 that God will write His laws into our hearts and minds.
23:31 He's not forcing us to do it.
23:32 He's not stirring up our own passion
23:37 to make us to do that's legalism.
23:39 But when Jesus is in the heart and Jesus is in there
23:41 and Jesus is then writing His law that He wrote,
23:44 it was with His finger that wrote it.
23:45 He's in there, He's living the law out of us
23:48 and through us in our actions, in our thoughts, in our life.
23:52 And so then that makes the Mark of the Beast.
23:56 I will get into that whole big topic
23:57 on your show here today.
23:58 The counterfeit is just the opposite
24:01 in a brief synopsis of what the Mark of Beast is?
24:04 It's the seal of God, it's breaking the laws.
24:06 The seal of God is write this laws on your forehead,
24:09 on your hand and then on your heart.
24:10 And the opposite is teaching
24:13 not to or breaking with your actions
24:15 and with your thoughts and choosing to break the law.
24:17 That's a simple way to put it.
24:18 Simple way to put it, right, right.
24:19 And then we can look at the prayer shawl.
24:25 Everybody has been waiting for you
24:26 to get to that. That's right.
24:27 Looking into that, the tallit. The tallit.
24:30 They are white, most of them are white.
24:32 And again the symbolism of the colors,
24:34 white representing the purity,
24:36 spotless, Jesus is pure and holy,
24:39 blue and that all meant blue,
24:41 but blue represent the law
24:42 and gold faith and these coverings
24:44 and now we see throughout the scripture.
24:46 Okay, now you said that a little bit fast. Okay.
24:48 White is purity, the blue is for the law
24:51 and gold is for faith.
24:52 Right. Okay.
24:53 Gold tried in the fire.
24:55 The faith that goes through trails
24:56 and lives through. Right.
24:58 And the royalty of the law representing in the blue.
25:02 Now we see the tallit used throughout the scriptures.
25:07 And I don't even know we have the time to cover them all,
25:09 but we see a lot, you see Elisha,
25:11 when he comes he calls Elisha
25:14 and he throws his mantle over on him.
25:17 Tallit. Yeah.
25:18 It's that authority, you gonna be
25:20 the next prophet, take my tallit.
25:23 They go down the Jordon River
25:24 and he takes it off and he--
25:26 Slaps the river. Right.
25:27 And then he ascends up into heaven in the chariot,
25:30 and he says to Elisha, if you see me, go up
25:33 and you'll get a double portion of my spirit.
25:35 He goes up, Elisha sees him and he drop his mantle.
25:39 And Elisha picks it up,
25:41 goes back to the Jordon River and says,
25:43 where is the God of Elisha
25:46 and so that tallit, the covering.
25:49 And then when Elisha, then goes into the cave
25:55 and he's hidden in the cave. 1 Kings 19.
25:58 Right, after the Carmel experience,
25:59 Mount Carmel experience.
26:01 It says that he covered his face with his mantle. Yes. Yes.
26:04 And that's when he heard God's still small voice speak to him.
26:09 Other experiences we have, well, seeing on time,
26:12 we're going to just cut, I'll go to Jesus.
26:16 First explain, why are the knots? Okay.
26:18 Yes, the knots are, those are some traditions
26:21 and the knots on the ends here are way of counting up
26:24 to the laws in the Torah.
26:26 613 and so there is a method of a knot
26:30 and certain twist and so again back to the Bible.
26:33 Now when someone is praying with a prayer shawl.
26:36 Do they do what--Elisha did and covering their face.
26:39 That's why Jesus calls it your prayer closet. Okay.
26:42 Entering into your prayer closet,
26:43 you're cutting out and then you can physically hear through
26:45 but it is symbolism of closing your eyes,
26:47 covering your eyes, covering your ears,
26:49 covering the avenues to the soul.
26:51 Entering in under God's righteousness,
26:53 under Jesus' righteousness
26:55 and that's back to that text
26:56 that you talked that you read in the beginning
26:57 that God has cloth, that He is clothed
27:00 and then you have Zachariah, take off the filthy garments,
27:04 clothe him in righteous garments--
27:06 These are so fascinating and I can't believe
27:08 we are already out of time
27:09 but what we've talked about today
27:11 is just these are some traditions of the Jewish people
27:16 that have a great spiritual analogy
27:18 and we're not saying you have to do them
27:20 but these are just so wonderful things to learn.
27:23 Thank you so much for being with us today again.
27:26 Thank you, Shelly. All right.
27:27 I'm sorry we are all out of time.
27:29 You know, I hope that you've enjoyed this,
27:31 I think it's been fascinating to see these are things
27:34 that Jesus did when He was growing up
27:37 and when he walked the face of the earth.
27:39 These are some of the traditions that He followed.
27:41 Now they are not in the Bible, they are extra biblical.
27:43 But they certainly don't contrary
27:46 to what's in the Bible.
27:47 Well, for now we have to say good bye.
27:50 May the grace of our Lord Jesus, the love of the Father
27:52 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.


Revised 2014-12-17