Issues and Answers

Feasts Of The Bible

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jeff Zaremsky


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000293

00:31 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:32 And welcome again to "Issues and Answers."
00:35 Today, our issue is going to be "Seeing Jesus as the Fulfillment
00:40 of all of the Biblical Feast of the Old Testament."
00:45 And I'm really excited about our guest
00:48 who is going to be joining us.
00:49 And before I introduce him,
00:51 let me give you the scripture from Paul's writings to the--
00:54 His first letter to the Corinthians
00:56 and this is Chapter 5:7.
00:59 And Paul says, "Purge the old leaven that you may be fresh,
01:05 uncontaminated if you will for Christ,
01:10 our Passover lamb has been sacrificed."
01:13 So Paul saw Jesus Christ as our Passover lamb.
01:17 And we have with us today Jeff Zaremsky.
01:21 And, Jeff, we are excited that you've come back.
01:24 It's good, good to be here.
01:26 Now you are the president of Jewish Heritage.
01:28 You're also as I said before.
01:31 I don't know what to call you, Rabbi Teacher or pastor.
01:34 But you have-- You call me Jeff.
01:35 Call you Jeff?
01:37 You have two congregations,
01:38 one in Saint Petersburg, Florida and the other in--
01:42 New Port Richey. New Port Richey.
01:44 And this is called Beth-El Shalom. That's right.
01:48 "Beth" meaning house, "EL" God
01:51 and "Shalom" peace. That's right.
01:52 So this is the house of God, our peace.
01:56 That's right. Okay.
01:57 We are excited that you're here
01:58 to talk to us today about a Biblical Feasts.
02:02 Do you in-- Since you are reaching out
02:05 and your ministry is to Jews. Right.
02:09 Do you keep the feasts at your church?
02:13 We don't keep them. Okay.
02:16 We do utilize them, we do use them,
02:19 we do observe them with our eyes and our ears and our studying.
02:25 We do enjoy them and again, remember them. Okay.
02:31 But we don't keep them. All right.
02:33 There's a fine line distinction, but a very important one
02:35 which we'll be talking about throughout the show here.
02:37 So we do utilize them.
02:40 Because it's a wonderful way of teaching
02:41 like you just introduced, teaching Jesus. Yes.
02:44 Because He is the fulfillment of them all.
02:47 And so if we rip out that whole section of the Bible
02:50 and forget about that then we are losing a whole lot of the--
02:57 The essence and the framework of Jesus' foundation.
03:01 It's like we can build a house and so yes, necessarily,
03:05 technically need the blueprints anymore.
03:08 But having those blueprints around,
03:09 I don't know if you've ever used them.
03:10 Sometimes I'll pull them out, when we want to do
03:12 some electrical or some plumbing
03:13 or something happens, something breaks,
03:15 you need to find where the originals are
03:17 and it still gives you a good understanding
03:20 of what's behind the walls and where everything is.
03:23 And so you know the house better by having--
03:25 Still having the blueprints, technically you don't need them,
03:28 but still having them really helps you
03:30 to understand the house a whole lot better.
03:32 Okay, so what we want to very clearly
03:36 make known today is that we're not here
03:40 to try to say that you should keep
03:43 or must keep the feasts of the Old Testament.
03:46 Right. In fact--
03:47 You can't, you can't.
03:48 You can't. Right.
03:49 If someone wanted to keep the feasts,
03:52 keep it like the Bible says, the letter of the word.
03:56 For three of them, three out of the seven
03:58 we'd have to go to Jerusalem.
04:00 And which is okay, you know,
04:01 if that's what God said then that's what we should do,
04:03 but then when we got there we had to sacrifice,
04:05 we'd have to sacrifice animals.
04:07 And it gives a specific number
04:09 and types and everything like that.
04:10 Well, people can say, "Well, Jesus is now our sacrifice."
04:13 Like you read. Well, that's fine, He is.
04:15 But then we're not exactly keeping it
04:17 exactly as it said to do.
04:19 We are spiritualizing it
04:21 and we are applying Jesus as those sacrifices.
04:24 And so once we start applying Jesus as those sacrifices
04:27 then we're not doing exactly what it said,
04:29 we're doing the fulfillment of what it's--
04:31 by applying Him to it, but we're not actually doing it.
04:35 Okay, so let me make sure that
04:36 we understand exactly what you just said
04:38 is that we cannot keep the feast
04:42 because we'd all have to be going to Jerusalem for--
04:44 at least three of them but furthermore
04:47 we would have to reinstitute the sacrificial system
04:50 which we know has come to an end that Jesus is the end of it all.
04:55 He is the fulfillment,
04:57 the filling to the fullest of this.
04:59 So what you're saying is that when you look to the feasts
05:03 at your congregation that what you're doing
05:06 is looking at it as the blueprint to see this is--
05:10 Who Jesus Christ, this is all that He's doing
05:13 and you're showing the fulfillment. That's right.
05:15 So basically when you-- Would you say then that
05:20 because some of us don't--
05:23 I mean, you know, there's some-- I'll just be really frank.
05:26 There is you know a movement that's going on with futurists
05:31 who have the futurists interpretations of Revelation.
05:34 And they believe that the feasts days
05:37 have to be celebrated.
05:38 They believe that the sacrificial system
05:41 will be reinstated before Jesus returns.
05:43 The temple has to be rebuilt and take out the tomb of the rock,
05:46 the mosque there and build the temple there,
05:48 so that that can be done, right.
05:51 And when we run into these people
05:53 and some of what they've misconstrued in scripture,
05:56 we all kind of, oops. Right.
05:58 You know, we don't want-- And we want to make sure
06:01 that everyone is understanding us today
06:02 that we're not saying anything like that.
06:05 A great study for those people and for all of us.
06:07 You just take it in congruence,
06:09 look up the word Jerusalem, look up the word temple,
06:13 look up the word sanctuary, everywhere in the New Testament.
06:17 And every single time, group those together,
06:21 make your groupings, it applies to several things.
06:24 They apply to either Jesus.
06:26 Jesus is always the temple or the sanctuary
06:30 or Jerusalem is always the New Jerusalem.
06:32 I mean, listen to gospels that's saying
06:34 disciples went to Jerusalem.
06:35 I'm talking about the literal Jerusalem
06:37 that was there in His day and it's same with the temple,
06:40 but then after that it's always the New Jerusalem,
06:42 the heavenly temple, Jesus as the temple
06:45 and then our body as the temple,
06:48 all throughout the New Testament.
06:49 Those are the only ways.
06:50 Those words are used, those three words.
06:52 Jerusalem, Sanctuary and Temple.
06:55 And so there is no basis anywhere in that---
06:57 In the Bible for futurism. Okay.
07:01 Now, what are some of the benefits?
07:05 Especially, when you are--
07:06 I know we talk in one of the early programs
07:09 how you have made your church more like a synagogue
07:14 to meet the cultural needs of the Jewish people
07:19 that you're trying to win to Jesus Christ.
07:21 Some of the great benefits that we miss out on,
07:23 if we just throw it away and ignore them
07:25 and forget about that whole section of the Bible
07:27 which is pretty big section of the Bible.
07:28 There are a lot of benefits.
07:29 We can share one other things, Shelly, with the--
07:32 How we can know which one,
07:34 which laws in the Jewish counting?
07:37 613 laws in the Torah,
07:40 in the first five books of Moses.
07:42 So now do all of them still apply till today?
07:45 And if not, how do we know which ones do.
07:47 Are all of them thrown out? Are all nailed to the cross?
07:50 What-- How we do know?
07:52 And how can we distinguish that the Ten Commandments still apply
07:54 and the health principle still apply?
07:57 But circumcision doesn't and, you know, how can we know?
08:00 Is there a parallel?
08:02 I think there's a very simple formula
08:04 for being able to delineate for 613 commandments.
08:07 Which ones still apply today?
08:09 Which ones are eternal, last forever
08:13 and which ones are universal apply to all people
08:17 and then which ones are not? Very simple.
08:19 If the law was there in the Garden of Eden before sin.
08:26 And if the law continue to be an existent after sin
08:30 and if the law will still be there in heaven,
08:33 then it has to be those three criteria
08:34 that it's eternal before time, during time, after time,
08:39 before sin, during sin and after sin and universal
08:42 because it was given to Adam and Eve, the parents of mankind.
08:45 So apply to all humanity.
08:47 Well, we see the Ten Commandments
08:48 were right there in the Garden of Eden.
08:50 Maybe not on storm, but they were there.
08:52 You weren't allowed to kill.
08:53 And Eve gave her husband the poisonous fruit,
08:56 she killed him and she committed suicide in a sense
08:58 and Adam chosen to.
09:00 They stole, they coveted,
09:02 they took what didn't belong to them.
09:04 The Sabbath obviously was there in the Garden of Eden,
09:06 it mentions it being there.
09:07 So the Ten Commandments we obviously see honoring God,
09:10 having no other God, they made God,
09:11 Satan their God by listening to Him.
09:13 So the Ten Commandments
09:14 are obviously there in the Garden of Eden.
09:16 Did God say in the Garden of Eden
09:18 what they could eat and what they couldn't eat?
09:19 Yes. Yeah.
09:20 So the principles of God having the ability to tell us
09:23 what to eat and what to not eat are there from the beginning.
09:26 And it was even more restricted, not to eat from this tree
09:28 and really just fruits and grains at that point.
09:31 So that part is still under God dominion
09:34 for all people universal and eternal.
09:38 Now were circumcision there?
09:40 No, it's not mentioned for about 2,000 years till Abraham,
09:46 after it's over 2,000 years, Noah, Methuselah,
09:50 none of them circumcised so it's not there until Abraham.
09:53 So obviously, it can't be eternal,
09:55 if it has a beginning.
09:57 And it can't apply to all people,
09:58 if it didn't apply to the first people
10:00 for the first 2,000 years of earth's history.
10:03 Well, now, how about the feasts?
10:05 The feasts don't come into existence
10:07 until even later than that.
10:09 They don't come until Moses
10:11 which is about 400 and 500 years after that.
10:14 So for the first 2,500 years nobody has kept a Passover,
10:17 nobody has celebrated Passover,
10:19 nobody has done any of the feasts.
10:21 So they were there for a purpose.
10:24 Now just as circumcision still has its medical benefits,
10:27 the feasts still have their benefits,
10:29 but they're not even eternal and they're not universal.
10:33 Right, and they're not required for universal,
10:35 but they're still good, they're not necessarily bad.
10:39 It just not on the same level as let's say the Sabbath or those.
10:43 That's how we can distinguish
10:44 which one's still apply today and which one's don't.
10:48 So what are some of the benefits of the remembering the feast?
10:51 Okay, let's look at what are some of the loses of--
10:55 Let's look at the typical calendar year,
10:57 look at the church calendar year.
10:59 And starts of with New Year, so New Year's resolution
11:02 there might be a sermon on that,
11:03 there might be a newsletter, article and that is not bad.
11:06 I'm not saying that this is a bad calendar year or,
11:08 you know, that this is wrong, it's just a typical.
11:11 It starts with New Year's resolution
11:12 then comes what, Valentine's Day
11:15 and so there's a sermon on love and then comes Mother's Day
11:19 and so we honor all the mothers
11:20 and even the poor woman that, you know,
11:22 maybe never got married and never had children.
11:24 And so Easter for Mother's Day.
11:25 And it maybe then Easter and in case then we got Easter
11:27 and then whole gamut of that whole history
11:29 and all that stuff.
11:31 And then passed that then there's Independence Day.
11:34 Always wonder about Independence Day.
11:36 You know, when I became a believer in the Lord
11:37 that we became-- I became dependent on God.
11:39 And now this independence, I'm remember going to church
11:42 I had a big whole thing on it on independence and until we--
11:45 We've replaced it with these nationalistic holidays.
11:48 Which again in and of themselves are not necessarily bad,
11:50 but they only apply to the nation that you're at.
11:54 And we can make spiritual analogies,
11:57 but they're really not coming right out of the Bible.
12:00 And we can go on with the whole year that way.
12:05 But if we look at what a calendar year would look like,
12:08 you can still have all these other things that they like them
12:10 but also including the seven
12:14 and even other feasts that are mentioned in the Bible,
12:18 it keeps us on track because all of them point to the cross.
12:21 All of them point to Jesus, so it keeps us track with Jesus.
12:25 Instead of the focus going to independence
12:26 or our personal resolutions or honoring people,
12:30 it keeps us focused on Jesus.
12:32 And so the calendar year,
12:34 when you're coming to the spring time there's the Passover.
12:37 And the Passover is certainly
12:39 is a whole lot more than just Easter.
12:42 It's not Easter at all, you know.
12:43 And it's a whole lot more than even just communion.
12:45 There is just so much to the Passover.
12:47 Always just so powerful
12:49 to have a communion in light of the Passover.
12:54 It's just tons of stuff in there
12:56 that point us again all towards Jesus.
12:58 Jesus, you know, at the cross and His death for us.
13:03 And so we're remembering that then we--
13:06 After that is the resurrection, the feast of wave He's offering.
13:09 So we have the cross and the resurrection,
13:11 the first fruits and then you go 50 days after that,
13:14 you have Shavuot which is Pentecost.
13:17 And so you got the remembering of the Holy Spirit
13:19 then we need the Holy Spirit,
13:20 we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit,
13:21 we need go out and evangelize,
13:22 we need to share and bring people in
13:24 and added to the number, and so that's reminded also.
13:28 And then we come to in the fall.
13:31 And there are the-- then there's Rosh Hashanah
13:35 which is in Jewish, it's called Rosh Hashanah,
13:37 but it's the feast of trumpets.
13:39 Feasts of trumpets-- No--
13:43 Okay. Yeah, that's--
13:44 But first the feast of trumpets and that is the loud cry.
13:47 Just before Yom Kippur. Right, exactly.
13:49 So you get a loud cry, reminding us again to go out
13:52 and shout that Jesus is coming again
13:54 because the fall of feasts represent,
13:55 the last days represent, Jesus' second coming.
13:58 The spring one's representing His first coming,
14:01 His death, His burial,
14:02 His resurrection and then the early believers
14:06 are the early church and then the fall feasts
14:08 all representing the second coming of Jesus.
14:11 And so you have the loud cry, the message going out.
14:14 Jesus is coming again, Jesus is coming again.
14:16 Get ready, get ready, get ready.
14:19 And then that's followed by Yom Kippur,
14:23 it's known as the Day of Atonement
14:24 which will brings us back to the Day of Judgment
14:27 and the whole judgment message.
14:28 The First Angel's Message talks about
14:31 that fear God and give glory to Him
14:34 for the hour of His judgment has come.
14:36 And so it brings us back on yearly basis,
14:38 reminding us to not to forget
14:40 to preach the advent message,
14:44 the Three Angels Message, the coming judgment
14:48 and to get ready for the judgment, be prepared.
14:50 And we can look at in light of grace,
14:52 we can look at in light of love,
14:53 we can look at in light of God's covering over us,
14:56 but that we still need to remember it and not forget it.
14:58 And then right after that is the Feast of Ingathering
15:01 also known as the Feast of Tabernacles,
15:03 also known as the Feast of Booths
15:06 or Sukkoth we say in Hebrew.
15:08 And so that represents heaven
15:11 which can after the judgment, after the loud cry,
15:13 after the message goes out to all the world,
15:15 to every nation, every tribe, every kindred,
15:17 every people, then the judgment will come
15:19 and then after the judgment is completed.
15:21 And the judgment is a long process
15:23 just like in the Unties States or judge--Court system is a--
15:27 You know, just go and arrest the guy
15:29 and then sentence and hung that same day.
15:31 You know, there is a process.
15:32 The same with God's laws.
15:34 Man is no more jesting-- Man is not more jesting God,
15:37 so God has His investigative judgment
15:39 and the whole judgment process.
15:40 And at the end of that then there's heaven forever.
15:43 And that lasts seven days that the--
15:46 Bible mentions it, "Sukkoth to the feast of ingathering
15:50 and feast of harvest last in seven days."
15:52 Well, there you get that number of totality
15:54 that forever and ever will be in heaven
15:56 with the perfection and no more and in judgment.
15:59 So again it's great time to remember heaven
16:01 and have a sermon right on heaven.
16:03 And so we've got that theme all throughout.
16:06 And coming-- We have some pictures
16:08 actually I can show you how we do it now.
16:10 Now of course, how we do it
16:12 is how we do it in the Jewish way.
16:14 And I'm not saying that, again not all churches
16:17 have to do this at all, but if they want to,
16:19 remember they don't have to remember it
16:21 with the same Jewish because a lot of what we do
16:23 is Jewish traditions that are been meshed in
16:27 with the holidays, which is not necessarily bad,
16:30 any worse in Christian traditions, you know.
16:32 And there are Christian traditions
16:33 whether we're gods or not.
16:36 Traditions that replaced the Bible are bad traditions.
16:39 Traditions of men that undermine
16:42 or supersede the Bible, certainly the wrong.
16:44 But a tradition, you know,
16:45 having birthday party or families like to have,
16:48 popcorn on Friday night.
16:49 You know, it's good tradition so you can have.
16:50 So we can look at some of the pictures
16:52 and we run through that
16:54 and look at some of the traditions.
16:55 We start of with Hanukkah.
16:57 Hanukkah takes place in December.
16:59 That's festival of lights. Festival of lights.
17:00 And there we are lighting our candles, lighting our--
17:02 Now that's not in the Bible though.
17:04 Well, that's what I was gonna ask you.
17:06 Where in the Bible is that?
17:07 You just said, you know, no.
17:08 It is in the Bible. Where is it?
17:10 It is mentioned in the Bible.
17:11 It is? Yes.
17:12 It's mentioned in the Book of John Chapter 10,
17:15 I believe it is verse 8.
17:16 I mean we got that backwards, I don't know, where it says,
17:19 "It was the winter time and Jesus came to the temple
17:23 during the Feast of Dedication."
17:26 And the word "dedication" in Hebrew is Hanukkah.
17:29 So it is. I heard it wasn't.
17:31 Right. That's the whole line.
17:33 That's the whole line on what it was.
17:35 Jesus went in the temple,
17:36 it was being celebrated in Jesus' Day
17:37 or observed in Jesus' Day and remembered in Jesus' Day.
17:40 And very powerful, there are--
17:43 And celebrated Beth El-Shalom.
17:44 That's the front of one of our buildings of thing.
17:46 Pre-congregation, that's right.
17:47 And now we light the big menorah
17:49 and it has to eight the-- It has nine candles on it.
17:52 And Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days.
17:56 And many people will ask, "Well,
17:59 I've seen menorah is with seven branches.
18:02 Why does that one have nine
18:03 and why do you celebrate it for eight days?
18:05 Well, it's celebrated.
18:07 The seventh branch menorah is from the sanctuary.
18:10 That's how God designed
18:11 and told Moses to build it, seven branches.
18:16 During the time of the Greeks,
18:18 over running Israel, Israel fought back
18:22 and won back the temple,
18:24 cleaned out all the Assyrian idols,
18:26 Zeus and everything and rededicated the temple.
18:30 Hanukkah did in dedication.
18:32 They dedicated it for eight days
18:34 because in the Bible, throughout the Bible
18:36 eight means dedication.
18:37 You dedicate your child with circumcision on the eighth day.
18:40 It's also like a day of new beginnings, too.
18:42 That's right. New beginnings, that's right.
18:44 And so it was a new temple, new beginnings.
18:46 Solomon dedicated the temple for eight days.
18:48 And so throughout the Bible we see that dedication.
18:50 So it's celebrated and there is a tradition
18:52 that they only had enough oil for one day
18:54 and it lasted for eight days.
18:56 And the menorah had to be lid all the time,
18:59 and so the eight days. Well, then that,
19:01 it still doesn't explain we have nine candles on it?
19:04 I'm gonna say, "Well, we have the eight on the lower branch."
19:06 But then we have a one high one,
19:08 it's called the Shamash candle.
19:10 And Shamash means servant. It's the servant candle.
19:13 We light that one first and then we use
19:16 that one to light the others.
19:18 So in the first night--
19:19 Is that the one where they say,
19:20 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord."
19:23 That's the Shama. The Shama?
19:24 Okay. And it means here. It means here.
19:27 And so we light that Shamash,
19:29 Shamash candle, and so in the first night,
19:31 we light that and then light the first candle.
19:33 Second night we light that and two other candles.
19:35 So it's always lid and always lights the others.
19:38 Now right in the same place in John Chapter10
19:41 and right in that area, Jesus says
19:44 "I am the light of the world."
19:48 Okay. Yes.
19:49 And so, "I am the light of the world."
19:52 And so He is the Shamash candle.
19:54 "He who follows me will never walk in darkness."
19:56 Right. That's right.
19:57 Now in another place Jesus says,
20:00 "You are the light of the world."
20:02 So which is it? 'Cause He has lid us.
20:05 'Cause He has lid us, exactly. That's right.
20:06 He is the candle that lights us
20:08 and sets us on flame and shining for Him.
20:11 And so there you see it beautifully illustrated
20:14 which is amazing that Jewish people
20:15 don't see that, so we explain it out.
20:17 They don't know what the Shamash candle is?
20:18 Why do we have it? Many didn't know.
20:20 I didn't know growing up, we just did it.
20:22 And when you see it, it's very powerful.
20:25 He is the one that's sets on fire.
20:26 He is the one that lights us out.
20:28 And the oil and there's lot of analogies
20:29 that can be brought out with it,
20:31 then the next continue then we have Passover,
20:33 a little bit about Passover.
20:36 There's a Passover service in New Port Richey congregation.
20:39 And in the Passover, there're just so many things.
20:43 Well, like in the Gospel of Accounts,
20:44 Jesus is there at the Passover
20:46 and He tells His disciples one of you
20:48 are going to be betray me.
20:50 And He gives His symbol, He tells them they ask,
20:53 you know, is it a high?
20:54 And who is it gonna be?
20:55 And he tells them "That it's the one
20:58 who dips in the--" In King James it says, "Sop."
21:03 Whatever that means it's dipped in the sop.
21:05 Well, so is the--Just come up with that off is head.
21:09 What was being done?
21:10 Well, during the Passover,
21:13 there is a specific place where we dip.
21:16 And we actually have the kids come forward
21:17 and the kids ask questions.
21:19 They ask four different questions.
21:20 One of the questions is why do we dip on Passover?
21:25 And then the next question is
21:26 why do we dip twice on Passover?
21:29 The first dipping is we dip into horseradish.
21:33 We dip the morsel of the unleavened bread
21:34 which is a whole big beautiful thing on that, too.
21:37 We dip that in the horseradish
21:39 to remember the bitter slavery that we were under.
21:42 Next, we dip it in horseradish
21:45 and in what we call Haroset.
21:47 Haroset is a mixture of walnuts, apples and grape juice.
21:52 So it's a sweet tasting mixture.
21:54 Blend it up, it kind of looks like mortar.
21:55 And that's what supposed to remind us of the bricks
21:57 we had to make.
21:58 But it's sweet because even though
22:00 our slavery was bitter, it was sweetened
22:03 with the hope of deliverance.
22:05 And so we dip it two together.
22:07 So you have this horseradish, sweet.
22:09 So, you know, things have the bitter sweet.
22:12 The sweet and sour, we've got bitter and sweet.
22:15 And so we mix that together and eat that together.
22:17 I believe that's when Jesus said,
22:19 "The one who dips with Me
22:21 in that double dipping pot."
22:23 And He is saying to Judas, "Judas, you're very bitter.
22:27 You've got a lot of bitterness inside you.
22:29 You're filled with envy and you're filled with greed
22:32 and you're filled with pride,
22:33 but I can sweeten your life with My deliverance,
22:38 with my blood, My grape juice and this Haroset.
22:42 And I can make your life sweet."
22:43 And He's also saying, "Judas,
22:46 in just a little while you're going to make Me
22:48 go through a very bitter experience.
22:51 You're gonna make Me go to the cross
22:53 and be rejected and be hung and die.
22:57 But through my suffering, I will make many sweet."
23:01 And so you've got this bitter sweet.
23:03 And that's what we've doing it for thousands of years.
23:06 And not knowing why. And not knowing why.
23:08 Well, we do the bitters for the bitter slavery,
23:11 and but there's the whole symbolism, right?
23:13 And but Jesus knew and Jesus took that very symbolism
23:16 to reach through the Gospel of Accounts
23:18 and you compare it with the Passover Haggadah.
23:19 That's the Passover book that we read through.
23:21 They match up identically.
23:23 Jesus blessing the juice and blessing the bread
23:26 and dipping and reclining.
23:28 John is reclining, we don't have time for that I can see.
23:30 John reclines it's mentioned in--
23:32 It's in the Passover that it's a reclined.
23:34 Just tons of stuff.
23:35 The whole Passover, the mortar, the unleavened,
23:38 the pears, bread, the broken bread,
23:40 it's just so much to it.
23:42 So now we've got a few pictures that we're look at, so--
23:44 Okay. Yes. Let's go to the next one.
23:45 After Passover would be that's it,
23:47 then we go to the fall Rosh Hashanah
23:48 and how we observe Rosh Hashanah,
23:50 we wear white in preparation for the judgment to come.
23:55 We blow the trumpets again announcing.
23:57 Blow the shofar as announcing
23:59 that we blow it over 100 times,
24:00 announcing that judgment is coming, it's get ready time.
24:04 We've only got a few days between Rosh Hashanah.
24:06 So this is a time of fasting them.
24:08 It's a time of-- People who fast,
24:12 fasting on Yom Kippur specifically,
24:14 but fasting that whole time.
24:15 Reconciliation, writing wrongs, calling people,
24:18 apologizing, getting things straight.
24:21 We even put the Torah in a white cloth.
24:24 So white covering again that symbol of purity.
24:27 We wanted to be pure because the judgment is coming.
24:29 We want our sins purged, we want our sins forgiven.
24:33 We want to be right with the Lord
24:34 and cleanse with the Lord
24:36 in preparation for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
24:40 And then the Day of Atonement comes
24:43 and ten days later we call it the ten Days of Awe.
24:46 Ten days between the two.
24:48 When there is that the time,
24:49 the Sabbath that falls between the two we call Shabbat Shuvah,
24:55 Sabbath of Repentance.
24:57 So it's the whole message of repentance,
24:58 the whole message of forgiveness.
25:00 And then after that then comes the Sukkoth
25:02 and how we celebrate that, how we enjoy that.
25:04 We build the booths again reminding us
25:06 I think we might have a couple of pictures of that.
25:08 Here we build the booth and people get to sit
25:09 in the booth and again reminding us, right?
25:11 It reminds us backwards towards
25:13 our wondering in the wilderness, forward towards heaven.
25:16 Right. And some of our members there.
25:19 And then I think the last one
25:20 we want to talk about is Porum.
25:22 And Porum-- Now this was the Easter.
25:24 That's right, very good, Shelley.
25:25 Okay, yeah. The celebration of Easter.
25:28 And at the end of Easter it tells us to celebrate it
25:30 on this time and do it and to remember it.
25:32 And again it's so powerful
25:34 as we think of the Book of Esther
25:35 in last day events and the religious liberties
25:38 or religious freedoms were taken away and removed.
25:42 Now we celebrate them by dressing up
25:44 and make it a party time
25:46 and a happy time and a festive time.
25:48 And so we dress up in different characters of the Bible.
25:51 And it's a really fun occasion for us to enjoy.
25:56 You know, as I'm looking at these I'm wondering.
25:58 Do you-- I know you have
25:59 a lot of Jewish Christians that are here.
26:02 Do you have others who are not of the Jewish background,
26:06 have come just because they find this
26:07 so rich and exciting.
26:09 Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
26:10 A lot of people are learning, you know,
26:12 other parts of the Bible that they had never read
26:13 before or heard Bible.
26:15 Well, it's interesting.
26:16 So I just want to again make very clear
26:19 that we're not saying that the feast
26:23 must be kept impossible to be kept as a matter of fact.
26:26 We're talking about Jesus being the fulfillment of those
26:29 and Jeff is sharing some of the benefits of remembering
26:33 these feasts and seeing them
26:35 as the pictures of Jesus, the memorials of Jesus.
26:40 Now I know that right now
26:42 you and a good friend of mine, Steve Walberg we share a good--
26:45 That's right. Good friend.
26:47 And you and Steve with White Horse Media.
26:50 You're working on a project, tell us about this.
26:54 Oh, this is an exciting project.
26:55 The Ultimate Passover, when we went to Israel
26:57 and we filmed already one-third of it on location.
27:01 In Egypt and in Israel
27:03 of some of the Passover, a little bit like,
27:04 what I explained in three sections,
27:07 a Passover in Moses' Day,
27:10 Passover in Jesus' Day, Passover today
27:12 and they all blend together how they all point to Jesus.
27:15 And so we've got about two-thirds
27:16 more to go on that project.
27:18 It'll be about one hour program.
27:20 So this will be a DVD project that will explain
27:24 how Jesus is the fulfillment of all of this.
27:26 That's right, exactly. That is exciting.
27:30 What do you do in your spare time?
27:32 Oh, I don't know. Sometimes I sleep.
27:35 Jeff, thank you so much for being here today.
27:36 We've really enjoyed it.
27:38 Pleasure to be here. Thank you.
27:39 You know, for those of you who at home,
27:40 I hoped you really learned
27:42 like I have today some exciting things.
27:44 And may the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
27:46 the love of the Father
27:47 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
27:49 be with you and your family always.
27:52 Thank you for joining us.


Revised 2014-12-17