Issues and Answers

God's People

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jeff Zaremsky


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000292

00:29 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn and welcome again to Issues and
00:33 Answers. Today's Issue: We're going to be talking about
00:37 God's people and when we talk about God's people, we've got to
00:41 include the Jewish people. I talk about, what are God's plans
00:45 for the Jewish people in the last days? Let me
00:48 read you a scripture and this comes from Galatians 3:28,29.
00:52 And it says, There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor
00:57 free, neither male nor female, for all are one in Christ Jesus.
01:03 In other words, Jesus treats all with equality and if you
01:08 belong to Christ then are you
01:09 are Abraham's offspring and heirs according to
01:12 to the promise. The promise of Abraham.
01:15 We have joining us today to talk about this scripture, we are
01:19 going to be talking about dispensationalism, we're going
01:22 to be talking about replacement theology, and finding the true
01:26 balance between the two. We have coming back with us
01:30 Jeff Zeremsky with Jewish Heritage and Jeff, thank you
01:34 so much for returning.
01:36 Yeah, my pleasure.
01:37 Now we established during the last time that you visited us
01:41 that you've been an Adventist for 20 years. You are a Rabbi to
01:49 some, a teacher to some, a pastor to some and you have the
01:52 Beth El Shalom church and this is in St. Petersburg.
01:57 Right, one in St. Pete and one in Newport Richie
02:00 in Florida are the two congregations I serve.
02:01 Well, we are just really thrilled that you are here to
02:04 shed some light for us in the Jewish traditions, the cultures,
02:10 how to reach the Jews, but today we are going to be talking
02:13 about God's plan for the Jewish people in the end times.
02:17 What would you say is the basic difference between
02:23 dispensationalists' beliefs and the replacement theology?
02:28 Okay. Instead of what the differences are, I'm going to
02:30 start by sharing what the similarities are. They both
02:33 have the same basis. What dispensationalists believe is
02:38 that the Jewish people were God's people before the time of
02:43 the cross and continue to be God's people after the time of
02:49 the cross. Replacement theologists also believe that
02:53 the Jewish people were God's people before the time of the
02:56 cross, but after the cross were replaced, that's where the
03:00 term replacement theology comes from or supersessionists is that
03:04 they were superseded by the church which then comes in and
03:09 replaces. So they both have that same basis that the Jewish
03:13 people were God's people before the cross. That's one thing that
03:17 they both have in common. Okay. They diverge on what takes place
03:21 after the cross. Okay. Who then is God's people after the cross?
03:25 So what do you believe? How do you interpret the Bible? I mean,
03:29 Who's right, dispensationalists or replacement theologists?
03:33 Well what you have there is both have their texts, both have
03:36 their Bible texts and so they both are quoting their Bible
03:39 texts. I don't know how good you are with math, but if you're
03:41 familiar with common denominator coming up with a common
03:44 denominator. So you've got two groups, one saying this is our
03:48 Bible text, Bible texts 1, 3, and 5 and you've got this group
03:52 and they say our Bible texts are 2, 4, and 6 and neither of the
03:55 two will meet, you know, because they both are holding onto,
03:58 they've got their texts. But really so what's the common
04:01 denominator? Well this group have the common denominator of,
04:04 what would it be, 15, would be the common denominator of those,
04:06 and these guys, they've got their common denominator, which
04:08 would be maybe what, 12? So they are the 12 group and they're the
04:12 15 group. But in reality the common denominator is all the
04:16 Bible texts together, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 together, all of the
04:20 texts together and bringing all of the texts together and then
04:24 what, maybe we need a mathematician, whatever the
04:25 common denominator is, 36, or whatever it would be, the common
04:29 denominator, and then that's the truth, you see. Okay. And
04:32 so with the replacement theologists they've got theirs,
04:35 and they got theirs. Now we can see where they go and the
04:38 problems with both.
04:40 What are the pitfalls, I mean, what we say is they both have
04:46 some truth in them whether you are talking about the
04:49 replacement theology or dispensationalism, they both
04:53 have some measure of truth, because they are using Bible
04:56 scripture. Right. But anytime that you take scripture and
05:00 deny the other or exclude other then you would have an
05:03 unbalanced teaching. So there are two ditches. What are the
05:06 the pitfalls, what are the two ditches?
05:09 Well dispensationalists, because of the belief that the
05:11 the Jews are God's people and will always be God's people
05:13 no matter what, they are special end up lifting the Jewish people
05:17 up onto a pedestal. I've had people come up to me, one lady
05:22 called and wanted to come to our services, we gave her directions
05:25 and all that. She showed up as my wife and I were getting out
05:28 of our car, my wife is also Jewish, and got out of the car
05:31 and she came up to me and she said are you Rabbi Jeff? I said
05:34 That's right. She said, Oh I'm so excited to meet you, I'm
05:37 meeting a Jewish person. Can I give you a hug? I said, well you
05:41 can hug my wife, she's Jewish also. So, you know, this
05:44 pedestal, that if I can only touch you, you know, that you're
05:49 special. Then the replacement theologists downplay and put
05:53 down the Jewish people and we see down through history what it
05:58 has done. The medieval church, the church of the dark ages,
06:03 for 1260 years and really even longer than that said we are now
06:07 the church, I mean, we are now Israel. The church is now Israel
06:12 and we are the church and we have our head and we have our
06:16 leaders and our traditions and there can't be two Israels. So
06:20 the one has to get rid of the other and so you get
06:22 persecution; more than just persecution, you had murder, you
06:26 had massacres continually going on throughout well over 1000
06:30 years all because of that replacement theology, that we
06:34 are God's people, they are no longer God's people, we got to
06:37 get rid of them. There can't be two God's people on this earth.
06:40 So those are the pitfalls: the persecution and the pedestal.
06:44 Okay. So what, then, is the balance?
06:46 I believe the balance is: The reason that both of them go off
06:49 and both are wrong is because they both are wrong in they
06:53 agree on. Okay. They both start with the premise that the Jews
06:57 were God's people before the cross and that is not totally
07:02 correct. Okay. God's people have always been people of faith.
07:08 Abraham was called because Abraham had faith in God. God
07:12 called him, God chose him, but he was choosing God, and it was
07:17 that faith link that brought them together and he received
07:22 that calling. So we see throughout the scriptures where
07:26 we have Abraham, Isaac and then we have Jacob and Esau.
07:30 And we know that Jacob is the one who wrestled with God and
07:33 was named Israel, which is a spiritual name. That's right.
07:37 So it was a name of faith that was given to him so that was
07:40 spiritual in context right then.
07:42 That's right. Even after that he's still called Jacob at times
07:46 and sometimes called Israel. So Jacob was still his name, but
07:49 Israel was kind of his nickname or his title or what he was now
07:54 called because of his character change that took place. But
07:57 Esau was the firstborn and from eastern tradition Esau should
08:02 have been the one to receive the inheritance. But Esau didn't
08:05 have faith. Esau did not believe did not care, did not love God,
08:10 and so that privilege was removed. It was prophesied that
08:13 it was going to be removed from him and it was removed from him
08:15 and given to Jacob because Jacob had that faith. So it's always
08:20 been an issue of faith. It's never been a birth lineage.
08:27 And that's where both those two groups fall off the table.
08:30 So what you're saying is Israel, God's people, it has always been
08:36 a spiritual Israel, I mean, it's never really been a national
08:40 birthright type thing.
08:42 Well, it's been national also. There basically always have been
08:45 these two Israels running side by side. Let me give you an
08:50 example. Okay. Let's look at four individuals alive at the
08:54 same exact time. Okay, the time was Jericho. Moses had just
08:58 recently died. The children of Israel as a nation are in the
09:02 wilderness. They are crossing the Jordan. Joshua is now leader
09:07 passed it from Moses to him. He crosses the Jordan and they go
09:12 and attack Jericho. Now you've got Joshua and then you have
09:17 Aachen. Aachen was a gentile prostitute in the city, but had
09:22 faith in God, hid the spies and helped Israel to win the battle.
09:26 in a sense by her assistance to the spies. Now that was Aachen?
09:31 Rahab. Did I say Aachen. Yeah you said Aachen. I was thinking
09:35 ahead. Aachen is next. Okay, Aachen then is a soldier in the
09:40 Israeli army with Joshua and he steals some of the materials,
09:44 or some of the goods from the booty from Jericho. God says
09:48 it's the tithe, it's all mine, the first city. I want it all.
09:52 Nothing is for you. He takes some of it and buries it under
09:54 his tent. They go to the next city. They lose the battle. God
09:57 revealed it was because he was stealing and selfish. So that's
10:02 Aachen. Then we have the king of Jericho, okay, who also went
10:06 down with the city. So we've got four individuals: We've got
10:10 Joshua, we've got Aachen, we've got Rahab and we have the king
10:15 of Jericho. Okay, we have two born Jewish people and two born
10:20 Gentile people. Okay. Boy this is a great illustration!
10:24 Now who is the real Israel as far as God's concerned?
10:28 Now we have to back up after this and talk about what it
10:32 means to be Israel. But who had faith, of that group? Joshua and
10:36 Rahab. Joshua and Rahab. So we have...
10:38 And Aachen and the king are going down. One was born of the
10:42 nation, right, and one was born a gentile but neither one of
10:46 them were Israel and then Joshua was born of the nation of
10:50 Israel, but Rahab wasn't, she was a gentile, but they both
10:55 were spiritual. They had faith in God so they were really God's
10:58 people, the spiritual Israel. That's right. What a beautiful
11:00 example. So we've got two gentiles that are lost and two
11:03 gentiles that are, I'm sorry, one gentile and one Jew that's
11:06 lost and one Jew and one gentile that's saved back way before
11:10 the cross. And Rahab became part of the Messiah's lineage.
11:13 That's right. So it goes back and that's where both of those
11:17 go off. They go off their foundation. At one time it was
11:21 birth and now it's faith or at one time it was birth and still
11:24 is birth. It never had been birth as far as God's concerned.
11:27 So what then is Israel? What does Israel mean going back like
11:30 like you said: Jacob had his name changed, God changed his
11:34 name to Israel. So let's look at that in Genesis where it says
11:39 he's coming back. He spent 14 years or close to 20 years away
11:44 from his family and God tells him to go back home. He's on
11:48 his way back home. Esau, his older brother, comes out to meet
11:55 him with 400 men set on killing him and he divides his family
11:59 and his servants into groups and he goes on the other side of a
12:03 river, the other side of the brook, and God comes to him.
12:06 The Bible says, a man comes to him and meets him and he
12:09 wrestles with him all night long and then the man, another place
12:15 in the Bible he's called an Angel, and touches his hip and
12:18 it goes out of socket and Jacob grabs a hold of him. He realizes
12:22 that he's not just wrestling with any man and he's not
12:24 wrestling with one of Esau's, men, he's not wrestling with
12:27 some marauding thief or somewhere in the night, but he's
12:29 wrestling with God himself. And he says, I will not let you go
12:32 unless you bless me. All right. Then God gives that blessing
12:35 upon him, You shall no longer be called Jacob. He got the name
12:39 Jacob because he was a heel grabber, he's going to trip him
12:42 up, he's going to supplant him, he's supplant his brother, take
12:46 over his brother. So he had that name. No longer are you going to
12:49 be called the deceiver, the supplanter, but you are going to
12:53 be called Israel. Well what does the word Israel mean? Israel
12:57 literally means, el means God, isra, also like Sarah, Sarah
13:02 means princess, so prince. The root is prince with God and then
13:07 it goes on and says, you shall no longer be called Jacob but
13:11 Israel because, so now he's going to give the definition,
13:15 because as a prince you have fought with God and with men,
13:19 wrestled with God and men, and have prevailed, or overcome,
13:22 some versions have. So the literal definition is Prince
13:25 with God or Overcomer with God, or Prevailer with God. So that's
13:30 the original definition. So of all people who is then the
13:36 Prince with God? Those of faith who prevail.
13:41 Well, yes, but who is the original Prince with God?
13:44 Oh, Jesus! That's right. He is the Prince
13:46 of Peace. And we see now Yeshua come and relive Israel's
13:52 history when he comes. Now, of course, Jesus was always there.
13:54 Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. So when
13:57 Moses was up on the mount that's Jesus there. When he's over at
14:00 the bush that's Jesus there. When he meets Joshua that's
14:04 Jesus there. When he's walking in the garden of Eden with Adam
14:06 and Eve, that's Jesus there.
14:07 Now you know, some people are going to have a hard time
14:08 understanding it, but it is true, it's the Angel of the Lord
14:12 it was in the Old Testament. That was Jesus and almost all
14:17 Bible scholars recognize that.
14:19 He's not an angle, not a created being lower than God.
14:20 No, he was called an Angel, it just means messenger. So that
14:25 was Jesus. But all throughout the
14:27 scriptures when he's in the cloud, he's in the fire, that's
14:30 all Jesus. Because he is the mediator between God and man,
14:33 always has been. We have a tendency to look at the God
14:36 in the Old Testament as the Father and he was mean, you
14:40 know, but then fortunately his nice, good son comes along and
14:43 replaces his dad, you know. But no that's not how it is. Its
14:46 always been Jesus and he's the same yesterday, today and
14:48 forever. He's very merciful throughout the scriptures. He's
14:50 always the same character all through. So Jesus is the one.
14:54 He is the Prince and when he does come to this earth through
14:58 being born as a babe and lives on this earth, he starts
15:02 reliving the same life of Israel.
15:04 That's why he went in 40 days in the wilderness. We were 40
15:11 years in the wilderness. He goes into Egypt, we went into Egypt.
15:13 He goes into Egypt. There's a beautiful in Hosea 11:1, which
15:19 says, I called my son, when Israel was a child, I called my
15:25 son out of Egypt. Well Matthew quotes that referring to Jesus.
15:30 Because when Jesus goes to Egypt then he comes out and he says
15:32 and this was to fulfill the prophecy when it says
15:36 I have called my son out of Egypt. So Matthew uses the term
15:41 for this which says, when Israel was a child and puts
15:45 Jesus in there. Right. Now Jesus is not replacing Israel, Jesus
15:50 has always been the original Israel. That's right, because he
15:56 the original Prince. He's the creator and He's the one who
15:59 wrestled with Jacob. He's the one who gave Jacob his name.
16:02 The only reason Jacob was able to prevail, the only reason
16:06 Abraham was able to have faith, was because Jesus gave him faith
16:10 Jesus gave him the power to prevail. So it's Jesus who's the
16:13 original Israel and then all Israel always has been birthed
16:19 out of him, birthed out of his faith, the faith as it says in
16:23 Revelation; they have the faith OF Jesus and keep the
16:27 commandments of Jesus and have the testimony of Jesus.
16:29 Okay, so this then would... I've got so many scriptures
16:33 running through my mind right now because I know a lot of
16:35 dispensationalists will use the scripture that says ALL of
16:39 Israel will be saved. And it's true. And so they apply that to
16:43 the Jewish nation though and say that this is why we need to
16:46 protect the Jewish nation and they're all going to be saved
16:48 and I've heard them even quote this to the Jewish people; don't
16:52 worry about accepting Messiah because you're going to be saved
16:54 anyway. Now, if we go with that
16:56 reasoning, then what about Aachen, what about Judas, what
16:58 about Herod. You know, they were all Jews so ALL Israel, ALL Jews
17:04 are going to be saved. Well no obviously those guys are not.
17:07 So what is it talking about all Israel? All Israel who are
17:12 children of the Original Israel. Children of Jesus. And that
17:17 accounts for Moses, that can accounts for Noah. So it's not
17:21 just the Jesus that we think of coming 2000 years ago.
17:24 It's the Jesus from forever.
17:25 Amen, Amen. So what does that mean to us today?
17:30 Now the replacement theologists will also look at that text
17:35 like you say all Israel will say the church is now Israel. Does
17:41 that mean that all who are part of a church, what church, which
17:45 church, and what does it mean to be the church. You see, it's a
17:48 very nebulous term. Well you say well all Christians. But what do
17:51 you mean by Christians and a lot of people call themselves
17:53 Christians. Does it mean that all people who call themselves
17:55 Christians are going to be saved? Of course not.
17:57 So again, saying that the church is now Israel or the literal
18:02 Jews are now Israel, neither one of those fit that litmus test
18:06 of all Israel is going to be saved. If all Israel is going
18:09 to be saved, it's going to be all the saved of all the
18:13 generations from Adam and Eve down to the very last day that
18:16 are saved. And he said that in context in Romans the 11th
18:21 chapter. Romans 11 is the olive tree that Paul talks about and
18:25 it talks about the olive tree. Now you have this olive tree
18:29 and who did the olive tree represent? The olive tree has
18:35 its roots and it has this grafting and it mentions the
18:38 roots. The tree itself, the root of the tree, the root and the
18:44 trunk of the tree is, again, Yeshua. He is, again, Jesus.
18:48 And that's another problem with both dispensationalists and
18:50 replacement theologists; they take Jesus out of the picture.
18:52 Dispensationalists say, God's people in the end time are the
18:57 Jewish people. So it's just on the people level. Replacement
19:01 theologists say, it's the church which is again just on the
19:03 people level. Jesus is not in the equation at all for either
19:07 group. But if Jesus is Israel, and then everyone who is
19:11 adopted or birthed out of him are then his children and his
19:16 offspring, this it puts him in the center and so he is the
19:20 tree. He is the root and the offspring of David, he is the
19:23 vine and we are the branches. So he is the tree. And then it
19:28 says some of the branches, this is Romans 11:17 which says if
19:39 some of the branches were broken off, not all of the
19:45 branches, only some of the branches were broken off and so
19:49 not all Judaism, again, was cut off by unbelief.
19:52 All of the early church, I mean, the first 3000 people, they were
19:55 all Jewish. Three thousand plus women and
19:57 children and then more baptized every single day, so yes, the
20:00 majority, 25% of the people in and around Jerusalem were
20:03 believers and that's Jewish people that were believers.
20:08 Twenty-five percent. Some estimates 25%. When you
20:11 add up, when you start adding it up it would be 25,000 people.
20:14 So, yeah, people will say, again replacement theologists will say
20:18 well the Jews rejected Jesus. Well that's not true; you
20:22 you slipped that. They didn't reject Jesus. Many did not.
20:24 If we sent a team to some country that doesn't know the
20:28 Lord at all and was totally Bible illiterate and pagan, and
20:32 you know, sacrificing humans or whatever and we go in there, we
20:36 go in there, we send a team in there and they come back three
20:39 and a half years later and say, boy, they rejected
20:42 everything we did. We put posters up and
20:44 the king of the town tore them down
20:46 and they outlawed us and everything else
20:47 it was miserable. But did anybody come to the Lord?
20:50 Oh yeah, 25% of them did; 25,000 people came to the Lord, but
20:54 we're not going back. We washed our hands, they rejected it.
20:56 No, we wouldn't say that. We'd say wow! One-fourth of all the
21:00 entire place. And so to say the Jews rejected Jesus is a wrong
21:06 statement. Peter was Jewish, Paul was Jewish. Yes, some of
21:10 the leaders, not all of the leaders. Acts says that the
21:13 priests, not a few, many came in and over and over again we see
21:19 them coming in. So it's not this rejection. So some of the
21:23 branches, it doesn't say many. Paul says in Romans 11:17 some
21:27 of the branches were broken off and you were grafted in among
21:32 them. So some then also stayed attached to Yeshua, stayed
21:37 attached to faith in God. Some gentiles were grafted in and you
21:44 were grafted in among them. So now you've got the combination;
21:47 you've got Jews and gentiles combined together grafted into
21:51 this tree. Then you have, thus, all Israel shall be saved.
21:57 You've got the tree, Jesus; you've got the Jews in Jesus,
22:01 you've got the gentiles in Jesus and, thus, All Israel.
22:05 The tree, then, is all the whole body.
22:08 So Jesus was from the beginning Israel, just as now
22:15 Jesus is our new covenant. He says I will give you as a
22:18 covenant to the people. It's always been all about Jesus.
22:22 That's right. The whole time
22:24 And when it comes through to when you were asking the
22:26 question, if you're going to say like all Israel in verse 26
22:30 Romans 11:26, All Israel will be saved. The dispensationalists
22:34 apply this to the nation of Israel, the replacement
22:38 theologists say well this is the church, but we know there
22:43 are many who profess the name of Christianity who are not
22:47 Christian and basically doesn't it come back down to, and people
22:51 don't like when I say this, but God is a covenant keeping God.
22:55 The Bible tells us in several places he keeps covenant with
22:58 those who keep covenant with him. And, you know, they'll say
23:02 well that in the Old Testament. The New Testament doesn't say
23:05 that. Well Hebrews 5:9 says that Jesus became the author of
23:12 eternal salvation to all who obey him. That's right. Now
23:15 it's all by grace, I mean, we cannot obey and earn salvation,
23:20 because we're saved by grace. But we obey by grace. It's him
23:24 working in us to will and to act according to his good purpose.
23:27 It also has always been that way. Moses wasn't saved by the
23:31 law, David wasn't saved by the law. They would have been cut
23:33 off because they were both law breakers. Absolutely. They were
23:35 saved by faith also. Absolutely. There's only
23:38 everlasting gospel, there's only one gospel not different gospels
23:42 of different ages. It has always been Christ our
23:44 righteousness. That's right. That's right. Now
23:47 another text right here in Romans 11 is 11:25. Now how does
23:51 it apply today, how does this apply to last day events?
23:53 I do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of this
23:58 mystery. It's confusing, it's a mystery, it's a hard thing to
24:00 grasp, everything we've been talking about, lest you should
24:04 wise in your own opinion. Let's not think we're so wise and
24:08 we've got it down and that's it, that blindness in part, not
24:14 total blindness, but blindness in part has happened to Israel
24:18 until the fullness of the gentiles has come in. Now if I
24:24 said, Shelley, I'm going to put this blindfold on your eyes
24:27 until 2 o'clock. Then what's going to happen at 2 o'clock?
24:32 You're going to take the blindfold off. Right. So God
24:34 says a blindness has happened in part until; so there's a time
24:38 where that blindness is going to come off; when the fullness of
24:42 the gentiles come in. Now what does that mean? The fullness
24:45 of the gentiles come in; it could mean two different things.
24:48 It could mean that the full number of gentiles come in.
24:52 The gospel has to go all the world and then the end shall
24:55 come. So when the gospel has gone to every gentile nation,
24:58 tribe, kindred, and people, then the blinders will come off and
25:02 it will come back to the Jewish people. And that's happened.
25:04 3ABN is all over the world, and missionaries and gospel workers
25:08 going out and translations of the Bible are all over the
25:10 world. Now it's coming back to the Jews for the first time in
25:13 history. Also the fullness of the gentiles could mean fullness
25:17 of the message as well. And so now gentiles for the first time
25:21 in the relatively short, you know, 100-200 years, the
25:25 gentiles now after close to 2000 years are getting the full
25:28 gospel message, not just a short little New Testament, but the
25:33 entire fullness of the Bible, the fullness of the gospel, the
25:37 entire Genesis to Revelation. Jesus all throughout it all,
25:40 harmony between law and grace, and so now the gentiles are
25:43 getting the fullness of the gentiles is coming in. Now he
25:47 can come back to the Jews, and now the blinders are coming off
25:50 the Jewish people and Jewish people are coming in. If 3000
25:54 Jewish people on one day accepted at that time, God's
25:58 going to do it even greater at the end. And I believe 3000
26:01 if not more Jewish people are going to accept in one day
26:04 here in the last days.
26:05 How much of this is in your book Jewish Heritage,
26:08 the scripture study?
26:09 Yes, that principle is applied throughout the book and then
26:12 there is a whole chapter right in there on that topic.
26:16 You know, this brings us right back to where we began at
26:19 Galatians 3:28-29, There's neither Jew nor Greek, male
26:22 nor female, slave nor free, but all who are in Christ Jesus
26:26 are Abraham's offspring and heir's according to the promise.
26:32 So there is equality in Jesus Christ. It has always been this
26:37 way. Now your book, Jewish Heritage Scripture Study, this
26:40 is available on your web site. Tell us what your web site is
26:44 if people want to get in touch with you.
26:45 www. jewishheritage. net
26:51 www. jewishheritage. net Do you ever go out and do
26:57 seminars or speak?
26:59 Well, with having the two congregations, I don't get away
27:01 too often especially on weekends and that's when they
27:04 usually want seminars. So it's a little hard for me to get away
27:06 with the two congregations, but occasionally I do.
27:09 Now that's Beth El Shalom in St. Petersburg, Florida if you want
27:14 to go and visit with Jeff Zaremsky.
27:17 Jeff, thank you so much for being here today.
27:20 Oh, my pleasure, Shelley.
27:21 This has been really great and I love what you said about Jesus
27:24 was Israel from the beginning.
27:26 So for every one of you at home, I hope that this has cleared up
27:32 the difference between dispensationalism and
27:35 replacement theology to see that both of them are falling off the
27:39 in the ditch. One is putting Jews on a pedestal and one is
27:44 persecuting them. So we want to get rid of them both and
27:48 have a balanced approached from the scripture.
27:50 May the Lord bless you and keep you until we meet again.


Revised 2014-12-17