Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), James Rafferty
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000258
00:30 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn and welcome again to
00:32 Issues and Answers. You know what? I'm really 00:34 excited about today's program. We have back with us 00:37 James Rafferty who is the co- director and speaker for Light 00:41 Bearers Ministry. James thank you so much for coming back. 00:45 It's good to be here Shelley. 00:46 You know we've done two programs with you and we're talking about 00:50 the apocalypse and our previous two programs I want you to know 00:54 that I've been so excited about it, it's been hard for me to 00:57 even finish up on time. But I want to share a scripture with 01:01 you today. This is going to be the focus of today's lesson. 01:06 It is from Revelation chapter 6 beginning in verse 1. It says: 01:11 Then I saw as the Lamb broke open one of the seven seals and 01:15 as if in a voice of thunder I heard one of the four living 01:20 creatures call out, Come. And I looked and I saw there was a 01:24 white horse whose rider carried a bow and a crown was given him 01:29 and he rode forth conquering and to conquer. We've been 01:35 talking in two previous programs about the word apocalypse and 01:40 how different our society today looks at that word from the way 01:45 the Greek defined the word. Right now, James, the word 01:50 apocalypse for many people in our culture is a doom and gloom 01:54 word, a bad word. But how does the Bible define apocalypse? 01:58 The Bible defines apocalypse very simply as the revealing, 02:01 the uncovering, but almost always in connection with 02:04 Christ, with God, with the gospel, with grace, with the 02:07 plan of salvation; very positive and so what you see here is a 02:11 contrast of interpretation. I think mainly this contrast of 02:15 interpretation, this false understanding of what apocalypse 02:18 is all about, has come through a misunderstanding of the book 02:22 of Revelation. The book of Revelation is a book that is 02:24 a book that is left out of many people's reading material who 02:28 believe in Christ and who are Christians. In fact Martin 02:31 Luther believed that this book should be taken out of the 02:34 canon of scripture. He didn't think that it was a part of the 02:36 canon of scripture and his main reason: He believed in 02:39 righteousness by faith, he believed in the gospel of Jesus 02:41 Christ and he did not believe the book of Revelation was 02:44 talking about any of that. 02:45 That's so interesting because when you understand the 02:49 apocalypse is being the unveiling of Jesus Christ as you 02:52 read Revelation, you see Revelation is all about Jesus, 02:55 Jesus in the sanctuary. And we look at that even in Daniel. 03:00 Last week we looked at Daniel 9:24-27 and how the protestant 03:04 church, in particular I was mentioning about Matthew Henry, 03:08 ascribed those verses to Jesus Christ and for many years people 03:13 believed that he was the one who was going to make the 03:16 covenant and be for one week and then be cut off in the midst 03:20 of the week. We looked last week at how it really is about Jesus 03:26 contrary to what is now popular belief. But we said it before on 03:31 our program that if you understand the word apocalypse 03:35 as meaning the unveiling of God's divine mysteries and a 03:40 manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ then when you look at the 03:44 apocalyptic literature of Daniel and Revelation, you get a whole 03:48 new lens to look through and that's what we're going to do 03:51 today with Revelation 6. Why did you want to talk to these verses 03:58 in Revelation 6 about the 4 horses? 04:00 Because these four horses are lumped together. In the minds 04:03 of many people who interpret prophecy and in the minds of 04:06 many people who look at prophecy in the secular mind, just the 04:09 word apocalypse is a negative, the four horsemen of Revelation 04:13 are a negative. Many times, even on television programs, the 04:16 history channel, specials you see on prophecy, you see these 04:20 four horses lumped together as a very negative image of doom 04:23 and gloom that's coming upon the earth. So the four horses are a 04:26 perfect example of what we're trying to show in relation to 04:30 understanding what apocalypse means. Because this white horse 04:34 is not a negative in the apocalyptic picture, in the 04:39 Revelation picture. This white horse is actually a picture of 04:43 Jesus Christ, of the plan of salvation, of the gospel, of the 04:47 victory he's gained for us and his ability to go forth 04:49 conquering and to conquer. Now how do we know that? Well first 04:53 and foremost we have to look back beginning in chapter 1 of 04:57 Revelation, we have to look at the theme as it's being 04:59 developed in this book and move gradually through that theme 05:02 until we get to Revelation chapter 6. I thought we could 05:06 do that, Shelley, by starting in Revelation chapter 1 and 05:12 looking here at verse 5. Revelation 1:5 says: And from 05:17 Jesus Christ, the faithful and trustworthy witness, the 05:22 firstborn of the dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth 05:26 to him who ever loves us and has once for all loosed and freed us 05:31 from our sins by his own blood. 05:33 You are going to notice something here, Shelley, and our 05:37 listeners are going to notice something as they read the book 05:38 of Revelation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is always 05:41 introduced first. Now I don't want to say in any way that the 05:45 Revelation of Jesus does not include some negative doom and 05:48 gloom pictures; it does. It is not just a Revelation of Jesus 05:52 but it's a revelation from him and in his love for us he shows 05:56 us what's going to happen on this earth in the future. 05:59 But everything we see in Revelation is not about doom and 06:02 gloom. The main theme, the main message of Revelation is Jesus 06:06 Christ, is the revelation of Jesus Christ and that always 06:09 comes first. That's what we're seeing here in this chapter. 06:13 You know, if we looked at verse 1, it actually says this is the 06:17 apocalypse, the revelation, of Jesus Christ, the unveiling of 06:21 of his divine mysteries. As you said, it is revealing Jesus for 06:25 who he is, but it's also him revealing to us what's going to 06:29 happen in the last days. That's shortly going to come to 06:30 pass. You've got a mixture of the two and the horses is a 06:34 perfect example. You have Jesus first and then you have these 06:37 other horses. How do we know this? Well we start out in 06:40 chapter 1, the very first message of the book of 06:42 Revelation is that God loved us and washed us from our sins in 06:46 his blood. The very first vision of Revelation, the very first 06:50 vision that John is shown is not a vision of a great red dragon 06:54 with 7 heads and 10 horns. It's not a vision of the mark of the 06:57 beast or the antichrist or the 7 last plagues. It is a vision 07:00 of the Son of Man. Where is he standing? He is standing among 07:04 the candle sticks, the seven golden candle sticks. What do 07:08 those candle sticks represent? In Revelation1:19-20 we're told 07:12 those candle sticks represent the churches. The 7 churches of 07:16 God are represented by those candle sticks. So we have here 07:20 in the introduction to the book of Revelation, the introduction 07:24 to the theme of Revelation. What is the theme? The theme is the 07:27 gospel. The theme is that Jesus loves us, washed us from our 07:31 sins in his blood. The focus is the Son of Man, get your eyes on 07:35 him, focus on him, look at him. Look at Jesus and see what he 07:39 has done for you and then we move into a revealing of future 07:43 events. First of all in the 7 churches, events that are future 07:47 to John's time. The history of the churches is the history of 07:50 God's people down through the ages starting with the apostolic 07:53 church and moving all the way down to the church of Laodicea, 07:57 the church that reveals the time in which we live, a time when 08:00 everyone is rich and increased with goods and in need of 08:03 nothing. And what you find at the end of each one of these 08:07 churches is this message: To him who overcomes, to him who 08:12 overcomes. But guess what? We can't overcome, not in and of 08:16 ourselves. Only by the blood of the lamb 08:18 and by the word of our testimony 08:20 Yes! And that's what's been introduced in Revelation chapter 08:22 1 verse 5, that he's washed us from our sins in his blood. 08:25 Now notice this theme built up. Okay, you started out in 08:29 Revelation chapters 1-3 with this idea of the need to 08:34 overcome. And, of course, by the end of Revelation chapter 3 you 08:38 are clear; 7 times it's been told you you've got to overcome. 08:42 And yet in our lives we are filled with despair and 08:46 discouragement. We feel like will I ever be able to overcome? 08:49 Then we go into Revelation chapters 4 and 5. Revelation 08:52 4 and 5 reveal to us a throne scene. They show us God sitting 08:57 upon his throne and there's a rainbow around his throne. 09:00 In that context a message comes forth because he's pictured with 09:04 a little roll or a scroll in his hand that's sealed up with 7 09:09 seals. That roll represents or contains the history of the 09:12 nations of this world from beginning to end; the history 09:16 of every human being that has ever lived is recorded in that 09:19 scroll. And the message that comes forth is who is worthy 09:23 to take the scroll. There's only one. The answer at first is 09:26 there's no one; there's no man in heaven, no man in earth, and 09:30 no man under the earth that can take it. Now notice. If you tie 09:33 this in with the message to the churches, it fits perfectly. 09:36 Someone needs to be able to overcome, someone needs to be 09:39 able to take that scroll, someone needs to be able to 09:42 alter our destiny, the history of this earth. Why? All have 09:45 sinned and come short of the glory of God. The wages of sin 09:49 is death. Okay. But no man in heaven, not Moses, not Enoch, 09:52 not Elijah who had walked so close with God that they were 09:55 translated without seeing, at least Enoch and Elijah were, no 09:59 man in earth, no pope or president, no matter how 10:01 powerful or holy he claims to be, and no man under the earth. 10:04 Men like Daniel who have died in the Lord, are resting in 10:06 Jesus, who were so faultless that even their enemies couldn't 10:09 find fault with the, can take this history and alter it. 10:13 And John begins to weep and then the message comes to him in 10:17 verse 5: Weep not. Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the 10:22 root of David, has prevailed. This verse brings us the rest 10:27 of the story, it brings us the glorious gospel. But here's the 10:30 key. You know what that word prevailed means? To overcome. 10:34 Yes! It's the same word that's used through all of the 7 10:37 churches. To him that overcomes, to him that overcomes. We can't 10:40 overcome. Don't weep. Jesus has overcome. Jesus has prevailed. 10:44 Now what do we need to do? Well, we get to Revelation 10:47 chapter 6. Revelation chapter 6 is the opening up of our history 10:51 the opening up of that scroll sealed book that is in the right 10:55 hand of him that sits on the throne. Because Jesus prevailed 10:59 he took the scroll, he broke the seals. When the first seal is 11:02 opened what do we see? A white horse. Who does that represent? 11:06 According to Revelation 19, it represents Jesus. He is the 11:10 white horse rider. His name is the word of God. Yes! 11:13 A horse in Bible prophecy represents a people. There are 11:17 four horses here. Four represents the various 11:20 directions of the compass of the world, north, east, south and 11:23 west. So you have all the people of the world encompassed in 11:27 these four horses. All of them are connected with one of these 11:30 horses, whether it's the white, the red, the black, or the pale. 11:32 The white horse is the one we want to connect with. Why? 11:37 Because in the Bible white consistently is used, leukos, 11:41 for righteousness, for God, for his kingdom, for his 11:44 righteousness. All the way through Revelation that's the 11:47 way the word is used and these are the reasons why we know that 11:51 this horse represents Christ and not antichrist. Now the reason 11:55 I emphasize that is because, again, we look at the secular 11:58 society today; they lump the 4 horses together and they say, 12:01 Ah, 4 horses, these are doom and gloom. This is definitely 12:05 problems. We don't see these as differentiating from each 12:08 other. They're all negative. No! The white horse is focusing on 12:13 the righteousness of Jesus Christ. You continue on here. 12:17 A horse represents a people. White represents Christ's 12:21 righteousness. So what do you have? You have a people who are 12:23 connecting with Christ's righteousness. How do they do 12:26 that? Well the rider that sits on him has a bow. Now this word 12:29 bow is tox and it is not used but one time in the New 12:33 Testament. But it comes from another word that is used 12:36 repeatedly in Revelation 12, 5 times the root word for bow is 12:41 used in Revelation 12. It means to bring forth. Now does that 12:45 sound familiar to you? Yes. In Revelation 12:5 it says: 12:49 And she brought forth a male child. So this is talking about 12:52 bringing forth Jesus. Yes! Bringing forth Jesus. 12:56 So what you have here, if you go back to Revelation 6 and you 12:59 look at this verse and you begin to take these words and 13:03 trace them through the Bible, specifically the book of 13:06 Revelation you find the definition in accordance with 13:10 scripture. This is the best way to study Revelation. First of 13:13 all, you ought to have the eye glasses: Apocalypse, revelation 13:17 of who? Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Then because Jesus is 13:20 the Word, the Word of God, you use those eye glasses to define 13:25 the words. So what we do is we take the word white and we 13:28 define it in the Greek in a concordance and we find where 13:32 it's used. It's used over and over again in Revelation, 12 13:36 times, always in connection with God and his righteousness. 13:39 So we see that this horse is connected with Christ's 13:42 righteousness. Then we take the word horse. What does the word 13:45 horse mean? You know, this is the 13:47 interesting part because in Zechariah we find the answers 13:51 for that and in Zechariah 10:3 the Bible says my anger is 13:55 kindled against the shepherds and I will punish the goat 13:58 leaders for the Lord of Host has visited his flock, the house of 14:02 Judah and will make them his people as his beautiful and 14:07 majestic horse in the battle. So there we see that horse is 14:12 the people of God. Yes. So you have a horse 14:14 representing people. Okay? And then in this context white 14:18 representing Christ's righteousness. Okay, so we are 14:20 getting the connection here. We've got God's people connected 14:23 with Christ's righteousness. He that sat on him had a bow. 14:27 The bow here in Revelation 12 represents the message of 14:31 Christ's being brought forth as a man child, our savior, the 14:34 savior of the world being brought forth. So you have a 14:37 people who have Christ's righteousness proclaiming a 14:39 message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And it says, a crown was 14:44 given unto him. Now that word crown is stephanos. It's not 14:48 diadem. It's talking about a victor's wreath. So you have 14:52 the victory that Christ has accomplished for us given to us 14:56 as we unite with Christ and accept his righteousness 14:58 and proclaim his message and they go forth, the horse and the 15:03 rider together go forth doing what? 15:05 They are bringing forth the message of Jesus Christ. 15:08 Yes. They are conquering and to conquer. 15:11 Conquering and to conquer through his word. 15:14 Now what does that word mean? Conquering and to conquer? 15:16 To overcome. To overcome. Where have we read that previously? 15:19 We just got through reading it. You know, Revelation 12:11 is 15:21 one of my favorite scriptures that we overcome by the blood 15:24 of the lamb and the word of our testimony. You said something 15:28 earlier about the beginning of Revelation is showing we can't 15:31 overcome on our own. It reminded me of Galatians 3:3 where 15:35 Paul says, You foolish Galatians Having begun in the Spirit 15:38 you're now trying to perfect it in the flesh. It's all about 15:41 learning our total dependency on Jesus and that's what 15:44 Revelation is really showing us isn't it? 15:46 Yes. And Revelation 12:11 is a summation of what John has 15:50 already been shown. In other words, that's not the first time 15:55 that that idea is proclaimed in the book of Revelation. 15:58 The first time it's proclaimed is right here in Revelation 16:00 chapter 6 and Revelation chapter 5. You see? So by the time you 16:05 get to Revelation 12... Now here's something interesting, 16:08 Shelley. If you take the 22 books of Revelation and break 16:11 them in half you have 11 chapters on each side. The first 16:13 11 chapters never talk about a people who keep the commandments 16:19 of God, not one time. The focus of Revelation chapters 1-11 is 16:22 the blood of the Lamb, the blood of the Lamb, the blood of the 16:25 Lamb, the blood of the Lamb; what he was able to do. By the 16:29 time you get to Revelation chapter 12 you finally have a 16:32 people who keep the commandments of God. Why? Because they 16:36 overcome by the blood of the Lamb. 16:38 That reminds me of Philippians 2:13 that it is God 16:42 who is working in us to will and to act. Let me ask you a quick 16:45 question, because when I get something on my mind I can't 16:48 think beyond that. I was just thinking, where it's talking 16:51 here about the bow and you were saying bringing forth. 16:56 In Psalm 45, let me read verses 4 and 5. It says: In your 17:00 majesty ride on triumphantly for the cause of truth, humility and 17:04 righteousness and let your right hand guide You to tremendous 17:09 things. Your arrows are sharp. The peoples fall under you. 17:13 Your darts pierce the hearts of the king's enemies. So the bow 17:18 when we're talking about bringing forth it's like God 17:22 is stretching his bow to shoot forth out of his quiver the 17:26 arrows of conviction, His truth is going forth. I like this. 17:31 And Jesus said it this way, I if I be lifted up will draw all men 17:34 unto me. So those arrows of conviction, the Holy Spirit, is 17:37 being sent, John chapter 16 says to convict us of truth, Jesus is 17:42 the way, the truth and the life, of righteousness, Jesus is 17:45 righteousness and of judgment, Jesus is our judge. So you've 17:48 got the whole message summarized here in Revelation 6:1,2. 17:52 This is a summation of the gospel that is broken open and 17:56 delivered to us point by point in the rest of the book of 17:59 Revelation. Yes. Also when we were looking 18:01 here in Zechariah about a horse being compared to a people 18:05 and you mentioned that the 4 horses, you mentioned that there 18:08 are 4 directions, north, south, east and west, the 4 corners of 18:11 the earth. So it's the peoples of the earth. But also in 18:14 Zechariah, if we look in chapter 9 verses 13 and 14, here it's 18:24 talking about the bow and in verse 16 it talks about the 18:28 crown. Could you talk about the crown for a moment? 18:31 The crown in Zechariah is actually the consummation of 18:35 God's people. They are likened unto this royal crown, this 18:39 diadem. In fact, Paul tells us the same thing in 18:41 1 Thessalonians 2:19- that we are the crown of rejoicing. 18:45 We are the consummation of God's victory in a sense. Now that's a 18:50 little different from this crown. 18:52 Let me ask you a question, because here's what's going 18:54 through my mind, so correct me if I'm wrong. It says here, he 18:59 was given a crown. In here it says that God's people shall be 19:02 as the jewels of the crown. Is that the connection, is that 19:06 when he's given us crown, God's giving him this people who are 19:10 keeping the commandments who are making up this crown and 19:13 he's riding forth to conquer, to overcome? 19:16 Eventually, because when you get to Revelation 12 again you have 19:20 a woman in verse 1 who is clothed with the sun, that's 19:25 the righteousness of Christ, he is the Son of Righteousness. 19:28 The moon is under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 19:32 stars. There's the diadem. How do we get the diadem? We first 19:37 get the wreath. The wreath is the crown of victory that 19:40 brings us to the diadem. 19:42 Okay, and that's this crown in Revelation 6:2 is the wreath 19:46 crown. Yes. This is the crown that 19:49 gives us the conquering, the power to conquer, to go forth 19:53 with Christ and conquer those sins, those iniquities, those 19:56 areas in our lives that we have not been able to prevail over. 19:59 The whole message of the 7 churches is a message to him 20:03 that overcomes, to him that overcomes. Revelation 4 says 20:06 No man in heaven or earth or under the earth can prevail but 20:09 Jesus was able to prevail and now as we unite with him, you 20:13 see, and we take the righteousness of Christ and 20:16 proclaim the message of a Savior brought forth to save us 20:19 from our sins, then we go forth crowned, going forth conquering 20:23 and to conquer. Oh boy! I love this. I hope that 20:29 people at home are as excited as I am about this what we're 20:31 studying. It reminds me of Romans 8:37 where it says 20:35 amid all these things, and he's just described the tribulations 20:40 and things, he says we are more than conquerors through him who 20:45 loved us. James, if only people could learn how to depend 20:50 totally on Christ, how to depend on the transforming power of 20:54 His word, the transforming power of his Holy Spirit, and know 20:57 that God is going to do a work in us and as he promises in 21:01 Philippians 1:6 he will complete the good work that he's begun 21:05 in us instead of us trying to perform for God. You know I know 21:09 so many defeated Christians because they are trying to 21:12 overcome by their limited human power when God is saying here 21:16 it is, I'm it, I will give you the power. 21:19 Let's look at that, Shelley. I think that that is a powerful 21:22 way to elaborate on these scriptures because you have one 21:25 horse that's white. Then you have a red, black and a pale. 21:29 Those other three horses are definitely negative. They are 21:32 seeking to undermine what the white horse has accomplished 21:36 for us. The red horse represents persecution. We know it's a 21:39 negative because the word red if you look it up in the Greek 21:42 and you trace it through the Bible, you're going to find that 21:46 that word is used to describe the dragon in Revelation 12, the 21:50 red dragon. So right there it's connected with the devil, the 21:53 deceiver. And it says that this horse is going to take peace 21:56 from the earth. Now that word peace means the gospel of Jesus 21:59 Christ. Here's the dragon seeking to take the gospel of 22:04 Jesus Christ away from the earth bringing in persecution. 22:08 The black horse follows, compromise of God's word. 22:12 I think it's so powerful I'm going to summarize this. I'm not 22:15 going to give a lot of Bible verses. But the black horse 22:20 comes in and a famine develops, verse 6. A famine for what? 22:24 The word of God for the ingredients of bread and bread 22:28 represents the word of God, for barley and for wheat. The word 22:32 of God is put in a famine situation and this is where we 22:36 find the devil trying to attack us and if that doesn't work the 22:39 pale horse comes and brings death. He tries to destroy our 22:43 faith completely, not just persecute it, not just 22:47 compromise it but destroy it. He brings hell with him. So many 22:50 people have been turned away from God through death, through 22:53 hell, through a misunderstanding of God's character, through a 22:56 misunderstanding of who God is, through this idea that God will 23:00 torment people in this never- ending place of torture for ever 23:03 and ever. You see how the devil is trying to undermine the 23:06 gospel of Jesus Christ by all of these other horses. So you 23:09 have 3 horses that are negative, 1 that is positive. Now I want 23:13 to ask you a question. Is there any place that you can think of 23:16 in the gospels where Jesus gives an illustration of the kingdom 23:20 of God using 3 symbols that are negative and 1 that is positive? 23:24 Primarily what I'm thinking of is that in Revelation Jesus is 23:28 repeating a parable that he gave in the gospel concerning the 23:32 kingdom of God. The parable is the parable of the seed and the 23:36 sower. Matthew chapter 13. How many of those grounds that 23:41 the seed was sown in were positive? 23:42 There's only one. Only one. How many were negative? 23:45 Three. Three, okay. How many horses are there? There are 4 23:49 horses. How many are positive? 23:51 That's a good connection. 23:52 Okay, now let's look at the connection with some more detail 23:55 because I think this is such a powerful parallel because it 23:58 identifies... It's Matthew 13. 24:01 See I go to Luke usually when I... 24:04 You do? Yeah and I go to Matthew isn't that interesting how we 24:06 have our favorite. Matthew 13 and beginning here with verse 24:09 18. I know I'm running out of time so I'm just going to move 24:12 through this quickly. What is the seed? 24:16 The seed is the word of God. 24:17 The word of God! It is to be sown in the ground. Okay, now 24:21 the first ground that it's sown in, verse 19, when anyone hears 24:24 the word of the kingdom and understands it not, 24:26 misunderstands God, then comes the wicked one and catches away 24:29 that which is sown in his heart. This is he that receives seed 24:32 by the wayside. That's the pale horse, misunderstanding God's 24:36 character. The verse 20, then he that receives the seed in 24:39 stony places is the same as he that hears the word, receives 24:42 it with joy, yet he doesn't have root in himself. He endures for 24:45 a little while but when tribulation or persecution 24:48 arises because of the word; what horse is that? Red horse. 24:52 The red horse. Then verse 22. He also that receives seed 24:55 among the thorns is he that hears the word. The care of this 24:58 world, the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and he 25:01 becomes unfruitful. What horse is that? That's the black horse. 25:04 The black horse, compromising God's word with the world. 25:06 And then he that receives, verse 23, seed into the good ground is 25:09 he that hears the word, he understands it, he bears fruit 25:13 some 100, some 60, some 30. What horse is that? Oh, that is the 25:17 white horse. Yes! you see the parallel there? Now parables are 25:21 very compatible with prophecy. They are symbolically 25:25 representing a Bible truth. The really interesting thing about 25:28 this that I want our viewers to understand is what Jesus says 25:32 before he gives this prophecy, this parable. He says many 25:35 righteous men and many prophets have desired to see this and 25:38 they haven't seen it. They haven't understood it. I believe 25:40 it's the same thing with Revelation 6 and the 4 horses. 25:44 We are living in a time when God is unfolding, unveiling, 25:47 uncovering these symbols in the context of the gospel of Jesus 25:51 Christ and if we will look through those eyeglasses we will 25:55 see these symbols in ways that many prophets and righteous men 25:59 have not even seen them before. Daniel was told in Daniel 12, 26:02 whoever reads let him understand The wise will understand. 26:06 The wicked won't but the wise will understand. Wisdom is to 26:09 focus on Christ as we study these prophecies. 26:11 Amen. And actually we know that 1 Corinthians 1:30 says that's 26:15 because of him that we're in Christ Jesus who is our wisdom 26:19 from God. He has become our Wisdom. You notice sometimes 26:23 when you're studying Proverbs that wisdom is capitalized in 26:27 many versions and that's because wisdom is Jesus Christ. So that 26:32 just ties right into what you said. 26:33 Now let's summarize the picture. John Chapter 1: I know this is 26:37 going to be a verse that a lot of viewers understand. 26:39 In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word 26:43 was God. Okay. That white horse rider is Jesus. He is Revelation 26:46 19, the Word of God. Okay, now get the picture here. The white 26:49 horse is going forth conquering and to conquer, sowing the seeds 26:52 of the gospel, bringing the righteousness of Christ, the 26:55 message of the gospel. But 3 other horses are following, they 26:58 are pursuing that white horse seeding to undermine what it's 27:00 accomplishing, seeking to separate us. Who can separate us 27:03 from the love of Christ? Nothing Seeking to separate us from 27:09 Christ. Okay, read John chapter 1, we've read verse 1, now let's 27:13 continue to read verse 2. The same was in the beginning with 27:16 God. All things were made by him and without him was not 27:19 anything that was made. In him was life and the life was the 27:22 light of men and the light shined in darkness and the 27:27 darkness comprehended it not. Now that word comprehended means 27:31 to apprehend or take hold of. In other words, Jesus is the 27:35 white horse rider. We are the white horse. When we connect 27:39 with him the red horse, the black horse and the pale horse 27:42 will not take a hold of us. We will go forth conquering and to 27:46 conquer. Amen. This is such a great 27:48 teaching but we're out of time. So I just want you to be 27:52 blessed by the Lord today. 27:53 I hope you've learned a lot like I have. |
Revised 2014-12-17