Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), James Rafferty
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000256
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00:27 Hello, I'm Shelly Quinn and welcome again to 00:31 Issues and Answers. Today we are going to be talking 00:35 about the apocalypse. What does that word mean, apocalypse? 00:38 Let me share a scripture with you and it comes from Revelation 00:43 1:1. Actually Revelation is known as the apocalypse of the 00:47 New Testament. This is what the Bible says: This is the 00:51 revelation of Jesus Christ. God gave it to him to disclose and 00:57 make known to his bond servants certain things which must 01:02 shortly and speedily come to pass in their entirety and he 01:06 sent and communicated it through his angel, or his messenger, 01:11 to his bond servant John. You know what? When the Bible says 01:15 this is the revelation, in the Greek it is saying this is the 01:19 apocalypse's of Jesus Christ and we're going to find out what all 01:24 of that means. I am so excited to introduce our special guest 01:28 for today and he is not a stranger on 3ABN. Our special 01:32 guest is James Rafferty and James you are the director or 01:37 co-director and speaker for Light Bearers Ministry. 01:39 That's right, Shelly, and it's good to be here with you. 01:42 Oh it is good to have you here. Often when you're on 3ABN 01:45 you've got your cohort Ty Gibson We're just thrilled though to 01:52 have you here today to talk to us about this. 01:54 Yeah, this is my favorite book, the book of Revelation and the 01:57 apocalypse describing the book of Revelation is a term that's 02:01 been misunderstood especially in these last days. So I'm 02:03 really excited about what we're going to be studying here 02:06 together. Well let's just begin then and 02:09 talk about what this word apocalypse means. It seems when 02:15 I'm talking to people out in the community that most people have 02:20 very different viewpoints about the word apocalypse. 02:23 Definitely, and the reason for that is because if you go into 02:28 the secular world and especially just the basic understanding, 02:32 the dictionary definition for example of the word apocalypse 02:36 what you're going to come up with is a word that is defined 02:41 as doom and gloom, foretelling disaster, foretelling future 02:46 events that are negative. And there's no other definition for 02:50 that word apocalypse that you find in the secular world than 02:54 one that is negative. And this is in direct contrast with the 02:58 verse that you referenced there in Revelation 1:1. Not only that 03:02 it's in direct contrast with the Biblical definition of the word 03:06 as well as the Biblical use of the word. So I think for our 03:10 audience sake what we need to do is we need to go through and 03:14 look at how the Bible not only defines the word but uses the 03:17 word in various verses in the New Testament. 03:20 That's wonderful. So how does the dictionary define it. Do you 03:24 have that dictionary definition? 03:25 I do. The dictionary definition of apocalypse: It's a warning 03:29 about or predicting a disastrous future outcome. It relates to 03:33 events in the book of Revelation in the Bible involving 03:36 widespread destruction and devastation or a total 03:39 destruction or devastation of something. An instance of this 03:44 happening, or a revelation made concerning the future. All of 03:48 that when you read those definitions, all of that seems 03:51 to indicate, even the one that points to the book of Revelation 03:55 seems to indicate the negative, the disastrous, the finality, if 03:59 you will, the end of the world type of thing. 04:01 Destruction and it's an overwhelming thing. Most people 04:04 when they use that word apocalypse, it's like this is 04:07 the end of it all. But now what does the Greek, how does the 04:12 Greek define the word apocalypse? 04:14 In contrast to that dictionary definition, and it's really 04:16 interesting because you wonder well how did you get to this, 04:20 this contrast. In contrast to that dictionary definition, the 04:23 Bible actually reveals this word to be an uncovering, a 04:28 disclosure or revealing, if you will. It's a very simple 04:31 definition. There's not a lot of negative in there. It's a 04:34 manifestation, it's an appearing The word apocalypse simply means 04:38 to uncover, the revelation, to uncover, to disclose, to show, 04:42 to reveal. So there's nothing negative. There's nothing doom 04:46 and gloom about that in its actual definition. 04:49 So actually the book in the Bible, the last book in the 04:53 Bible that we know as The Revelation to John is the 04:58 apocalypse's, the unveiling to John and this verse that I 05:03 started with, this is the apocalypse's, the revelation. 05:08 His unveiling of the divine mysteries of God. 05:13 Absolutely. In fact it's the revelation, the apocalypse of 05:17 Jesus Christ. Now we know just from that verse that it does 05:22 involve end-time events, it does involve pictures or visions of 05:26 future events that some of them will be dramatic and will be 05:32 disastrous but to isolate that word to mean only that is to 05:37 take it out of the context of it's Biblical definition. It is 05:42 the revelation, first and foremost, of Jesus Christ, not 05:45 just a revelation from Jesus but a revelation of Jesus. Now we're 05:49 going to see this, this might be a little controversial, but 05:52 we're going to see this as we look at the word as it's used 05:56 throughout the Bible, the New Testament. 05:58 So really when this verse begins right here in chapter one of 06:03 Revelation, there is a blessing pronounced on anyone who reads. 06:08 In verse 3, it says: Blessed is the man who reads aloud the word 06:13 of this prophecy. And it's because this prophecy is an 06:17 unveiling of God's truth. There are warnings in it, there is an 06:23 explanation of what we can expect not only to the churches 06:27 of that time but what the churches in the history of 06:31 the church age can expect to happen. So it is a blessing to 06:35 understand what Revelation means and it is the unveiling of the 06:39 divine mysteries of God. James, do you remember and I don't know 06:44 if you're old enough to remember but I believe... First of all 06:50 growing up in the church in which I grew up we were told 06:53 not to read Revelation. The denomination that I grew up, 06:57 was reared, in told us you cannot understand it. Do not 07:01 read this book. And I remember when I first read through the 07:04 Bible for myself and I read Revelation and I got to verse 07:07 three saying blessed are you if you read this and I'm thinking 07:12 why was I told not to. But I remember, can't remember how old 07:16 I was but there was a very popular movie that came out some 07:20 time after the Viet Nam war and it was called Apocalypse Now. 07:24 And I confess that when the word apocalypse was used I 07:32 associated it with something incredibly negative, but when I 07:36 started studying the Bible and particularly looking up words 07:41 in Greek and referring to that I found out that's not at all 07:46 what God's word was saying when it talks about the apocalypse. 07:50 No, in fact, even though when you look at the book of 07:54 Revelation you do see a lot of the end-time events that seem to 07:58 be disastrous, the main theme of the book of Revelation is not 08:01 that at all. Yes. The main theme of the book of Revelation is 08:05 Jesus Christ. And it's interesting because when you get 08:09 away from that theme you are not only going to find things 08:13 that are negative taking place in relation to end-time events 08:17 but even as a Christian, as you admitted, even as a Christian 08:21 you're going to be afraid of this book. This book, unless 08:24 it's saturated with that theme of Jesus Christ, unless it 08:27 becomes a revelation of Jesus Christ will not be a blessing. 08:31 It will be a curse. My wife was raised in a Christian home and 08:34 she remembers, she can still pinpoint, her first nightmares 08:38 and they began when she was introduced to an evangelistic 08:41 series that was talking about and moving through the book of 08:45 Revelation with a focus on end- time events without the focus on 08:49 Jesus Christ. Oh, Amen. And what other books 08:53 would you consider apocalyptic literature in the Bible? 08:57 Well, New Testament specifically you've got Revelation and then 09:00 you've got one chapter in Matthew 24, one chapter in Mark 09:03 13 and one chapter in Luke, Luke 21. And then Daniel, the 09:07 book of Daniel is highly apocalyptic. In fact, many 09:11 scholars have called Daniel a twin book with the book of 09:14 Revelation. But those two should be studied together and I think 09:16 it's going to be significant for us to look at the book of Daniel 09:19 along with the book of Revelation as we look at this or 09:22 understand this word apocalypse's. 09:25 This is something that I don't want to keep us too long here 09:29 but I will say until I understood that apocalyptic 09:33 literature is very symbolic in nature, it was not until I 09:37 started studying the book of Daniel and when I found out that 09:42 was the key that unlocked the symbols in Revelation, that's 09:45 when understanding began. Well let's look at some of the 09:49 scriptures in the Bible that use this world apocalypse's. 09:53 Okay, Luke chapter 2 and verse 32 and that one is really simple 09:59 really short. It's talking here about Christ and it says that he 10:03 will be a light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of thy 10:07 people Israel. Now that word lighten is the same word 10:11 apocalypse's. It is the same word that is used in Revelation, 10:16 apocalypse. And so here we have the word lighten and for those 10:19 who don't know how to study the Bible I just want to put in a 10:21 little tidbit here because I think it's so important for us 10:24 to be able to study scripture for ourselves. You get a good 10:27 Strong's Concordance or a good Young's Concordance and you go 10:31 out and look up these words and I like to recommend the King 10:34 James Bible for study purposes because every word is there. 10:37 It's exhaustive with the Strong's. You look up the word 10:40 apocalypse in that concordance. It's A to Z so apocalypse would 10:43 be right in the beginning of the concordance and you run it 10:46 across once you hit Revelation 1:1 to a number and that number 10:50 is going to be in this instance 602. You take that number back 10:54 to the Greek dictionary which is in the back of the concordance 10:57 and when you get there you'll find the original word and how 11:01 to pronounce it and then you'll find a definition, apocalypse 11:05 disclosure, uncovering, etc. and then you're going to find as 11:08 you follow this number through the concordance, you're going to 11:12 find all the different verses, all the different places, that 11:15 this word is used in the Old or New Testament, well specifically 11:19 in the New Testament with 602. The Old Testament will have a 11:21 different number. Then you'll find all these different verses 11:25 and it will really enhance how you understand this word. So if 11:29 our listeners have a good computer, Bible program, 11:35 it's the easiest way to do it. I mean you can download that 11:38 software for free and you just click on the word, it'll give 11:40 you the number, you click on the number, it'll give you all the 11:42 different verses it's used in. 11:44 Then you can do a quick study. OK, this word means this. How is 11:47 it used? Once you go to the Bible and find out how the word 11:51 is used then you have a firm foundation for understanding 11:54 Biblically what this word means. 11:56 And so here the word apocalypse is a light to lighten, 12:01 apocalypse, it's the unveiling and it's like Psalm 119:130 says 12:06 The entrance of his word brings light. This was why Jesus was 12:11 coming to be a glory, that shining glory of God. 12:15 Very positive use of the word here. Very important. Now 12:19 Romans 2 verse 5 is another verse where this word is used. 12:22 This one is balanced, you know, with the good and the bad but 12:26 it's really good too. Paul here is speaking to Jews primarily 12:30 and talking about them hardening their hearts, he says, but after 12:33 they hardness and impenitent heart treasures up unto yourself 12:37 wrath against the day of wrath and the revelation of the 12:41 righteous judgment of God. Now this word revelation, of course, 12:44 you can see it right there. It's the same word apocalypse's. 12:48 It's the same word that's used in Revelation 1 verse 1. The 12:51 revelation of the righteous judgment of God. So again even 12:54 though the context of this is talking about the judgment of 12:58 God the primary use of the word is to reveal, to disclose, to 13:03 uncover something. And we have to remember too that 13:05 judgment isn't always... most people think of the word 13:09 judgment in a negative connotation but you know we see 13:12 clearly in Daniel that judgment is pronounced on behalf of the 13:17 people of God. So judgment can be a good thing. I used to fear 13:20 that word so much, James, and then when I studied that out and 13:24 thought wow. See this is one of those words that I did go 13:27 through and look up and thought it's wonderful that I don't have 13:31 to fear the judgment. 13:32 Yeah, the judgment is made in our behalf. That's a very, very 13:36 important study. Romans 8:19 says the earnest expectation of 13:40 the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God 13:44 Now the word manifestation here is the same word in Revelation 13:48 602. The revelation of the sons of God. That's a very positive 13:52 thing that we're talking about here in Romans chapter 8. 13:56 The apocalypse's again. The revelation of the sons of 13:59 of God. Here's a another one: Romans 16:25: Now to him that 14:03 has the power to establish you according to my gospel and the 14:06 preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation 14:10 of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began. 14:14 This is all about the gospel, this is all about Jesus Christ. 14:17 This is all about the mystery which has been kept secret since 14:21 the world began, the mystery of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 14:24 And it's talking about a revelation being made of this 14:27 gospel. Very positive use of the word. 14:30 The apocalypse of the unveiling of this mystery of Jesus Christ. 14:35 That's beautiful. And see this verse I think ties 14:38 in powerfully with the book of Revelation and really gives us 14:42 some footing as we move into the book of Revelation to understand 14:45 what the focus of Revelation really is. The next one here is 14:49 from 1 Corinthians 1 verse 7: Paul is speaking here to the 14:53 church in Corinth and he doesn't want them to come behind in any 14:56 gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, or the 15:00 revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ which is a very positive 15:03 thing, because this world is full of sin and suffering and 15:06 pain. The revelation of Jesus is going to bring that to an end. 15:09 And that revelation he wants them to have, not just at his 15:13 coming but now, have Christ revealed to us, have Christ 15:18 unfolded to us even now so the pain and suffering and sin in 15:21 our lives today presently can be alleviated by an understanding 15:25 and a focus on Jesus. 15:26 So the world coming here is apocalypse's in the Greek and so 15:31 now we're seeing that it can be lighten, this is for apocalypse, 15:36 I mean the apocalypse. To lighten, to reveal, to manifest, 15:41 and for the coming of Jesus Christ, the light of the world. 15:45 Something we really want. It's something that ties in with that 15:49 verse that you read in Revelation 1:3, the blessing; 15:51 blessed are those that see, blessed are those that receive, 15:56 blessed are those that have the apocalypse, the coming of Jesus 16:00 Christ. Amen. Galatians 1 verse 12 is the next one: Paul says 16:04 here that the church in Galatia, for I neither received 16:07 it of man, that is a revelation, neither was I taught it but by 16:11 the revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul here is talking about the 16:15 gospel. There's a lot of conflict taking place in the 16:17 church in Galatia. There's a legalism that is springing up 16:20 among the Jewish converts. It's very difficult for them to 16:23 embrace fully the gospel of Jesus Christ and Paul is 16:26 contending with this legalism. He's saying listen, my gospel 16:29 that I preach, that God gave to me, didn't come from man, it 16:33 came directly as a revelation, same word, apocalypse's, a 16:37 revelation from Jesus Christ. 16:38 And so when Jesus got Paul's attention on the Damascus road 16:45 he not only revealed himself, the apocalypse, of Jesus to Paul 16:51 on the Damascus road and he told him, I manifested myself to you, 16:56 I'm shining my light into your darkness. Now I'm sending you 17:01 out to open blind eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, 17:06 from the power of Satan to me. So again we see apocalypse is a 17:11 beautiful unveiling, a manifestation of the life and 17:15 the truth of Jesus Christ to Paul. 17:17 That's a really good connection, Shelly. In this verse we're 17:20 connected all the way back to road, the Damascus road, and 17:24 what did Paul see? He saw Jesus. It's the revelation of Jesus. 17:27 Take that same picture that same Biblical definition into the 17:30 book of Revelation and we're going to see that same picture 17:35 unfolding there as we move into that book. Galatians 2 verse 2: 17:39 I went up by revelation and communicated unto them that 17:43 gospel which I preached among the gentiles but privately to 17:47 them which were of reputation lest by any means I should run 17:51 or had run in vain. Paul here is speaking of his desire to 17:57 communicate to the brethren the gospel that he had been shown 18:01 by Jesus. He wanted to make sure that he was affirmed by the 18:04 church, that they were in harmony, he was in harmony with 18:08 the church. He had a rough background, he was a persecutor 18:11 of the church and so immediately before he engaged 18:15 fully in the work that God had given him directly, God had 18:18 communicated him directly, he went to the brethren and shared 18:21 with them what God had shown him, the revelation God had 18:23 given him which was the revelation of Jesus. 18:25 So he went to them and said this is the apocalypse. He appeared 18:30 to me, he changed my life, he converted me. I was the worst of 18:36 sinners, out persecuting the church but the apocalypse of 18:40 Jesus Christ when I saw him for who he was and I understood his 18:43 truth, I'm a converted man and this is what he taught me and 18:46 I'm here to prove to you that I'm no longer a persecutor, I'm 18:51 no longer the one... See isn't it true that, it just hit me and 18:55 I don't know if I can articulate this, James. When we don't see 19:00 Jesus in revelation, the book of Revelation, then our minds are 19:06 clouded and we don't see that, we become persecutors of the 19:12 truth. Absolutely. OK. 19:14 Without Christ, see Paul was a persecutor of the truth without 19:17 Christ. Once he saw Christ then he became a preacher of that 19:21 truth. Amen. And that is why Satan hates this word and that 19:25 we would understand this word Biblically. This is one of his 19:28 devices in the end of time so that we will misunderstand the 19:31 entire focus of apocalypse. Because apocalypse as it's 19:35 defined in the Bible, apocalypse changes lives and changes hearts 19:40 Apocalypse converts people. Apocalypse is revelation and 19:44 revelation primarily of Jesus Christ and Satan doesn't want 19:47 that revelation. He doesn't want people to gain the blessing 19:50 that's pronounced in Revelation 1 verse 3. He does not want any 19:53 of us to see Jesus for who he really is. He loves for us to 19:57 focus on end-time events, on the things that are going to happen 19:59 without Christ being in the picture because he knows that 20:03 it will either scare us or it will drive us totally into this 20:06 extremism that we see among many Christian denominations 20:11 today, just focusing on these events and wars and calamities 20:15 etc., and not really seeing Jesus in all of it and what the 20:19 gospel means in the context of all of that. 20:21 You know something, James, I was just thinking as you were 20:23 talking that when the Lord first called me to full time ministry 20:27 one of the things I did, he had me sit down and I was going 20:30 through the Bible with, trying to take off the blinders and 20:34 what I thought I understood, I found, contrary to the way I'd 20:39 been taught that Jesus Christ is on every page of the Bible from 20:44 Genesis to Revelation. If you study, looking for Jesus, you 20:48 will see Jesus, the apocalypse, the unveiling of Jesus Christ 20:53 throughout the Bible. And without that understanding I 20:56 think that's who so many people misinterpret the different books 21:01 of the Bible. 21:02 Absolutely. In fact the very study we're going through, 21:05 Shelly, was amazing to me. I mean when I began to study this 21:09 word through the scriptures, I was expecting to find oh a Bible 21:13 verse here and there and maybe a few verses that were positive 21:17 and a few verses that were focused on prophecy as a 21:20 negative destructive, doom and gloom type of thing and I was 21:23 overwhelmed with the amount of evidence that I found here and 21:26 we're skipping through a lot of these verses. We're not reading 21:28 them all, but I was overwhelmed with the amount of verses that 21:31 I found here that were all focused on Christ, on the gospel 21:35 on the manifestation of who he is, on how he impacted the lives 21:38 of people like Paul who had turned against the gospel but 21:42 were now converted through a revelation of Jesus to preach 21:46 the gospel. I was amazed at what the focus of this word really 21:49 was. I thought to myself, you know, we've got to share this 21:53 with the world because people need to see that this word has 21:57 been kidnapped, this word has been distorted and that the true 22:02 meaning of this word is something that is vital for us 22:05 especially in the end of time to understand. 22:08 Because Satan would have us fear quote, unquote, apocalyptic 22:12 literature because we're looking at it as something that is all 22:17 doom and gloom rather than as the Bible is presenting it as 22:22 this is the manifestation of the truth of God, the revealing, the 22:26 unveiling and these are the beauties of the divine mysteries 22:31 of God. Absolutely. In fact, let me just 22:33 add one more thought. Not only so, but when you misunderstand 22:37 or interpret the word itself then you will take that word as 22:41 a magnifying glass or as a way through which you will view 22:44 scripture. So what happens is instead of viewing prophecy in 22:48 the context of Christ, we start viewing prophecy in the context 22:52 of doom and gloom and antichrist So much so that we will actually 22:56 take scripture that points to Jesus and apply it to the 22:59 antichrist. Twisting scripture to our own 23:03 destruction as Peter says. 23:04 This is exactly what has happened in the context of 23:08 Daniel and Revelation. A lot of scripture that points to Jesus 23:11 and we might get a chance to look at this a little bit, has 23:14 been taken now to point to the antichrist rather than pointing 23:18 to Jesus Christ. Because we've defined the revelation as a 23:21 revelation of the destructor and the one who destroys, the 23:25 antichrist, etc., and so therefore, when we look at 23:28 Revelation, we're looking for the antichrist and we're more 23:31 inclined to interpret the verses as applying to him rather than 23:34 to Jesus Christ. Well we need that spiritual 23:37 eye salve, we need the lens through which we are focusing 23:40 and studying the Bible needs to be the Holy Spirit and not what 23:44 Satan is trying to give us as a description. Exactly, Exactly. 23:47 OK, let's go on. The more of these verses we look 23:49 at the better. Ephesians 1 verse That the God of our Lord 23:54 Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the 23:58 spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. 24:02 The spirit of apocalypse. 24:04 Yes. And the wisdom and revelation, the wisdom of 24:09 apocalypse. And notice the context again in verse 17 of 24:12 Ephesians 1: In the knowledge of him. The word revelation is used 24:16 in the context of having a knowledge of him and not a 24:20 knowledge of the antichrist or a knowledge of the doom and the 24:22 gloom and the destruction but the knowledge of Jesus Christ. 24:26 Ephesians 3:3: How that by revelation he made know unto me 24:30 the mystery; and again this is talking about the mystery of God 24:33 it's talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ and it comes to 24:36 Paul by revelation, by apocalypse, apocalypse's. 24:40 So we see this word as very positive. God is communicating 24:44 through Paul that this is what we need. We need to be given 24:47 the spirit of wisdom and revelation, apocalypse. 24:50 We need to understand apocalypse in the context of understanding 24:54 the gospel of Jesus Christ. The next one here is in 24:57 2 Thessalonians 1 verse 7: And to you who are troubled rest 25:02 with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven 25:06 with his mighty angles. Now this word revealed again is the 25:10 apocalypse and here's where we find the balance. I believe that 25:14 that word does have a balance. It's not all positive but for 25:18 everyone because when Jesus returns God's people are told to 25:22 lift up their heads, their redemption draws nigh, and say 25:25 Lo this is our God, we have waited for him, he will save us. 25:28 In the context of the Bible you also find that there are going 25:31 to be a number of people, Revelation 6:17, for example, 25:36 tells us, verses 15-17, who will run for the rocks and the 25:40 mountains and say fall on us and hide us from the face of him 25:44 that sits on the throne and from the Lamb. 25:45 Because they know they're going to be destroyed by the 25:47 brightness of his coming. This purity, they can't stand in the 25:50 presence of God. And they have been conditioned 25:53 for that by refusing to see the revelation of Jesus Christ right 25:58 now. We prepare to stand in his presence at his coming by 26:02 opening his word now and getting glimpses of that brightness and 26:06 of that glory right now. It is when that glory manifests itself 26:10 in the small glimpses that we see through the Bible that we 26:14 prepare ourselves. It's kind of like someone who's in darkness 26:18 and I go through this on a daily basis. You know, you wake up in 26:21 the morning and everything's dark. You open the curtains, the 26:24 light comes in and your eyes kind of have to adjust and 26:27 squint and it's the same way... Now I don't know about you but 26:30 there are times when I wake up late and when I wake up late the 26:32 light's already coming through the curtains. My eyes have 26:35 already half adjusted to it, so getting the rest of the light in 26:39 there is not a big deal. My eyes are half adjusted. But when I 26:44 wake out of darkness and I go into light there is a major 26:48 contrast taking place there. God wants us to adjust to that 26:51 light gradually through his word so that when Jesus does finally 26:54 appear we can look and behold his glory without wanting to 27:00 hide in the darkness of the rocks and the mountains. 27:01 We've got about 40 seconds left. Let's get a couple more of these 27:03 scriptures. OK. 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 13, 27:06 a really good one here: Wherefore gird up the loins of 27:09 your minds, be sober and hope to the end for the grace that 27:12 is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 27:15 Grace is connected with the disclosure or the revelation 27:19 of Jesus Christ. Powerful verse right there. 27:23 So we are out of time. But we see that there are two 27:26 revelations. There's a revelation of destruction 27:30 and a revelation of Jesus Christ and the devil has captured this 27:34 word. You've got to come back. We've got to do some more of 27:37 this. Yes, Yes. Let's see where this 27:38 leads us as we study more into prophecy in relation to this 27:41 definition. Thank you so much for being with 27:43 us today, James. And for those of you at home, I hope you'll 27:46 see that the apocalypse is the unveiling of God's truth. It's a 27:50 word not to fear. Now may the Lord richly bless you and 27:54 multiply his mercy, love and grace to you. |
Revised 2015-03-05