Issues and Answers

Contentment In Retirement

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), G. Edward Reid


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000248

00:28 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn and welcome again to
00:32 Issues and Answers. I don't care how old you are,
00:35 you'll want to stay tuned for today's program because this is
00:38 an issue that's going to affect you someday. We're going to be
00:42 talking about contentment in retirement. Is it biblical to
00:47 prepare for retirement? I think it is without hoarding.
00:50 So let me share this scripture with you and it comes from
00:54 Psalm 92:12: It says, The righteous shall flourish like
00:59 the palm tree. They shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon planted
01:04 in the house of the Lord they shall flourish in the courts of
01:07 our God. Growing in grace they shall still bring forth fruit in
01:12 old age. They shall be full of sap, of spiritual vitality, and
01:18 rich in the verdure of trust and love and contentment.
01:22 They are living memorials to show that the Lord is upright
01:26 and faithful. You know, if we don't plan for
01:30 retirement, we may not end up giving God the glory he deserves
01:34 Let me introduce our very special guest. Coming back to
01:37 join us again today is G. Edward Reid and he is a
01:43 Christian author, he's an attorney. He is also the
01:46 stewardship director for the North American Division of the
01:50 Seventh-day Adventist Church. Ed, thank you so much for coming
01:54 back again. Well thank you for inviting me
01:56 Shelley. I'm looking forward to this topic. I think it's an
01:59 interesting one, not just because I have gray hair, but
02:01 because everyone needs to plan for this stage of their life and
02:04 it's not just doing it then, it's thinking about it when you
02:06 are a young person even.
02:07 But now is there such a thing as retirement in the Bible?
02:12 Well that's a good question. I don't think the word occurs in
02:15 the Bible, but the principles are there and it's kind of an
02:19 interesting thing. Like the talks about go to the ant and
02:23 it says you know they gather in the summer so they will have
02:25 food in the winter and so on and so you plan for your life
02:29 time. Of course, the little ant just has to think about two or
02:31 three years, I guess. I don't know how long they actually
02:33 live but they have to plan for winter when they can't be out
02:35 when the snow and ice are out there. They have food there and
02:38 many animals do that as you know, little squirrels and so
02:41 on. So the fact is we can learn from nature even that we should
02:44 plan ahead for a time when because of advancing age and
02:48 maybe physical or mental limitations we can't do what we
02:52 used to do. It's just a common plight of man that we grow old
02:57 and die and there's a portion of our life when we don't have the
03:02 ability to do what we used to do and we call that retirement.
03:05 The reason retirement is not in the Bible is because retirement
03:09 as we know it in America is like 65 years old and no matter how
03:13 healthy you are you stop at that point and so on, because that's
03:15 when Social Security is available to many people and so
03:17 on. Of course, the age is getting older and older when you
03:20 have to retire, you know, the retirement age for full
03:22 retirement. But the fact is, in the Bible families took care of
03:27 the older folks, you know, more that we do today. But for
03:33 everybody, even Christians who are finding the whole Bible
03:35 principles, there is a time that you have to plan for your
03:38 family when you have some things stored up to take care of you
03:41 during those final years. So in that sense, yes. In the Old
03:45 Testament in the book of Judges the priests could not be in the
03:48 Most Holy Place on the day of atonement after age 50 and then,
03:52 of course, the only mention in the New Testament would be
03:54 unfortunately the story of the rich fool who gathered a lot and
03:57 decided to stop working. That's in Luke the 12th chapter.
04:00 But the principles of planning for the future and knowing the
04:03 state of your flocks and herds and knowing what your business
04:05 is doing and so on are still applying to our principles.
04:08 So we'll try to make them more practical as we go through today
04:11 You know, I was just thinking about the verse in 1 Tim. 5:8
04:15 where it says that if you do not prepare or provide for your own
04:21 that you're worse than an infidel. I have a dear friend
04:26 right now who was widowed a year ago whose husband had no
04:31 insurance, nothing set aside. She's at an age that it's
04:35 difficult to get back into the workplace and she's been left
04:38 penniless. Sometimes we look and think sometimes as Christian's
04:43 we do some pretty silly things don't we?
04:45 Well the interesting thing is I have a Bible verse for that dear
04:47 lady and it's actually Psalm 50:14-15. I have it underlined
04:55 in my Bible: Offer to God thanksgiving, pay your vows to
04:59 the most high, call on me in the day of trouble, I will deliver
05:04 you and you shall glorify me. Isn't that awesome? In other
05:07 words God says, you know, all these things happen to people
05:09 and just we're in the common problems everybody has.
05:12 Sometimes we see us all dressed up here at our studio and we
05:16 think well everything's great, but we all of us have problems
05:20 too. We have to trust the Lord to take care of us. So he says
05:22 if you've been faithful to me with your tithes, this is the
05:25 vowed offering from the old testament, you can count on me
05:27 to take care of you in the future and I want to underscore
05:30 before we get into this, and I have to say this a lot about
05:33 biblical principles of money management, and that is many
05:36 people say well if I had known what you're telling me now 40
05:39 years ago my whole life would be different. But don't despair,
05:42 God will still bless us and we can use what we can. We teach
05:46 what I call an ideal principle. But we don't live in an ideal
05:50 world. People have different things happen, medical
05:52 emergencies, a loved one dies, or whatever, but they don't
05:56 need to despair. I think put God first as we've talked about in
05:59 other sessions and then trust him to take care of us.
06:01 It shouldn't be a time where we worry and worry, worry all the
06:05 time, but the fact is we can avoid some of these worries if
06:09 we plan ahead and that's what we want to talk about today some.
06:13 Okay. A lot of Christians might say, Well the Bible says to
06:17 store up your blessings in heaven, put them in a heavenly
06:22 storehouse and if I am trying to plan for retirement how can I
06:27 do so in a way that would please the Lord where I'm not hoarding
06:31 things for myself; where I'm still giving with Christian
06:34 generosity? How do we plan for retirement without hoarding?
06:37 That's a very good question because the Bible discourages
06:40 hoarding. Let me just say that there's a difference between
06:44 savings and hoarding. Savings is saving for a purpose. Hoarding
06:49 is saving for security and if you're saving for security, how
06:52 much is enough? Well people never think they have enough.
06:55 So I'm just going to give you an illustration. In the world out
06:59 there they're talking about comfortable retirement and you
07:03 should have XYZ amount of investments and all these kinds
07:06 of things. I think it's important and we'll talk about
07:08 sources of income in the future, but you don't want to die a
07:12 millionaire. As we talked about some business people in an
07:16 program, you would like to die penniless. The trick is
07:19 dismantling, how do you do it properly? So you need living
07:22 expenses but you don't need to be a millionaire. So we'll talk
07:25 about how would you plan for retirement? How would you look
07:29 at a retirement budget and those kind of things? Another thing
07:31 is that I would tell people you need to learn to enjoy your life
07:35 now, now think everything's going to happen in the future.
07:38 When I get this done and I get that done and the other thing.
07:40 Enjoy your life now but in the process make plans for the time
07:44 when you can't work.
07:45 Yes, because no one's promised tomorrow as we know.
07:48 Yes, that's very good.
07:49 Okay as you do reach close to retirement age what legal papers
07:56 should you have in place?
07:58 Well the reason that you have documents in place is so that
08:01 your will, what you would like to have happen, will, in fact,
08:06 be done when you lose the ability to do it yourself.
08:09 Because as you know in the law, most everyone understands this,
08:13 there's a thing called testamentary capacity, which
08:17 means that you have your mental wits about you and you can make
08:19 a will, you know who your family or your relatives are, you know
08:23 what your obligations are as far as your debts and you know what
08:26 your assets are and you know what properties you own, but
08:28 there are many people alive today, maybe still living at
08:31 home even, but certainly in assisted living and other places
08:34 who really can't remember all these things. You see what I'm
08:38 saying? So if they had made arrangements ahead of time when
08:42 they had their wits about them and the kinds of things we're
08:44 talking about is a valid will, which means properly attested
08:48 and witnessed to and that kind of thing.
08:50 Now before you go any further, I always tell people I don't care
08:53 if you're 18 years old you need a will.
08:55 Yes. Kathy and I have had a will since we were in our 20s and
08:58 I think that now days' most attorneys have a computer where
09:03 your will could be in it and if you want to make even a minor
09:05 you can call him. You know if something happens, you sell a
09:07 piece of property or you have another child born, those things
09:10 should be noted in your will and you can update it very easily.
09:14 So we've updated our wills pretty seriously four or five
09:18 times over the course of our marriage and that is very
09:21 valuable for a married couple and certainly anyone with
09:25 children to have an up-to-date will.
09:27 Now I just want to make a point because you may think I don't
09:31 have anything to leave. But let's say that you're a 19-year-
09:35 old with no money, but if you don't have a will in place and
09:40 perhaps you have some kind of a wrongful death that your estate
09:46 is awarded a sum of a sizable amount what's going to happen
09:51 to it if you don't have a will?
09:52 And that would include your earning capacity for the rest of
09:55 your life and if you're a professionally trained person
09:57 that could be a large amount, so that's very correct.
09:59 Okay. So that's one of the documents you need is a valid
10:04 will. Correct. Another one is if there
10:06 are minor children particularly, there should be a trust document
10:09 to give instructions of how they should be taken care of. Because
10:14 if you don't do that or make arrangements for a guardianship
10:17 in your will and provision for the children, then the state's
10:20 laws of intestacy and descendant distribution will
10:23 come into place, especially like if husband and wife are killed
10:26 in a traffic accident. That has happened, I mean just recently.
10:29 It's been in the news and children are left as survivors,
10:32 minor children. If you don't have a will then the state
10:35 determines who you go to and how you're taken care of. You see
10:38 what I'm saying? And it may be somebody you wouldn't have
10:40 wished to take care of your children. So that's important.
10:43 Another one is what I would call a durable power of attorney and
10:47 that is between husband and wife If one passes away the other one
10:50 can sign for the other one and so one; or not just passes away,
10:53 but becomes incapacitated. They are in a nursing home or
10:56 whatever. We call it a durable power of attorney a durable or
10:59 general power of attorney.
11:00 I'm writing that down because we don't have one.
11:02 I'll make myself a note on that.
11:05 The interesting thing about it is you trust that person to take
11:09 care of you and they're not going to take advantage of you,
11:11 but just give them the legal ability to do that. And another
11:16 one that has been made very, very well known that we should
11:19 have because of the Terry Shivo case of a couple of years ago
11:22 that you should have that we call an advanced medical
11:24 directive. In other words, that could be like a living will or
11:27 something. But these are different for every state.
11:30 So whatever state you live in you need to have your attorney
11:33 make for you an advanced medical directive. For example, if it
11:37 has come to the point where I'm in a vegetative state and I'm
11:42 not going to go on, what would I like to have happen to me; or if
11:46 I can't respond what should I have happen and those kinds of
11:49 things. You can do pretty much whatever you want to, but the
11:52 fact is if you don't have it, other people make that decision.
11:55 But now you caught my attention because we had all of that in
11:57 place while we were living in Texas and then we moved up here
12:01 so you're saying it may be different in this state. I
12:03 I should check this out. Yes, it may be. In fact, if you
12:05 get on the internet you can find advanced medical directives
12:08 but it will say for Texas or for Illinois or for Indiana or for
12:11 Washington, D.C., or whatever. They are similar in many ways
12:16 but you should be as best as you can close to your state's
12:21 requirements. I'm writing that down as well.
12:23 I'm learning some wonderful things here. Are we through with
12:27 the documents? Yes. Let me ask you this question then. I know
12:31 what the world says should be your retirement budget per se,
12:35 but what would you say is a good retirement budget?
12:38 Well, this is really, really important because when I was
12:43 taking some graduate courses in financial planning I took one of
12:46 them in retirement and they asked me to make my own
12:49 retirement budget. Even though I'm a ways away from retirement
12:52 I've made my budget already. So your budget could be done on one
12:56 piece of paper. What do I expect my income to be from all sources
12:59 and we'll talk about what sources there are in a few
13:02 minutes. So whatever your income is and what do you expect your
13:05 expenses to be. Now this is very very interesting because a lot
13:09 of people feel like well Uncle Sam is going to take care of me.
13:12 But every year you get one of those things in the mail that
13:16 says if you're retired at age 62 or age 65 what it's going to be
13:20 and you'll say can I really live on $1500 a month or whatever
13:23 it is. It might be quite a bit less for some people if they
13:26 haven't paid a lot into it. You understand that situation.
13:29 Exactly I'm also thinking that I look at it now and think how
13:33 could I live on $1500 a month. But we have to remember this is
13:37 going to come into play when we are another 10 years older or
13:40 20 years older and then you're really looking at with inflation
13:43 how would you live on that?
13:45 The most amazing thing, and you asked a very good question,
13:48 my personal counsel to everyone is the very best thing you can
13:52 do to plan for retirement is to be debt free including paying
13:56 off your home mortgage. This would be even more important
13:58 I think than putting a large amount in an IRA for example.
14:01 I wouldn't discount those, they are important but your primary
14:05 goal would be to pay your house off so you can live debt free
14:08 as far as your mortgage is concerned and you would only
14:10 then have maintenance, taxes and utilities, but not a big
14:13 mortgage payment during that time, because if you're on a
14:16 smaller income, and most people will be on a smaller income,
14:19 paying a mortgage during that time is very difficult.
14:22 What are some typical sources of income during retirement?
14:26 Well for most of us in America, a few people have been able to
14:30 opt out of it, and most wish they hadn't now, would be
14:34 Social Security. Because of the contribution levels that we're
14:38 making now and deducting mortgage interest over the years
14:42 and so on, the average earner can get their income tax down
14:47 pretty low, but you still have Social Security or FICA as we
14:51 say, those taxes to pay and that's pretty big and you wonder
14:55 well, you know, isn't there a better way. Well the bottom line
14:58 is you have not only an income guaranteed during your
15:03 retirement years, but you also have disability insurance so
15:07 that if you're a wage earner and you become disabled, you'll
15:11 have a disability check come in or even surviving children
15:14 benefit, you understand, so it's not just old age pension. So
15:18 that's important. That's one. Another one could be any pension
15:21 that you may get from your business where you've worked.
15:25 In the years past, there have been many companies who have had
15:28 what we called a defined benefit plan, which means that if you
15:31 work for us for so many years we're going to give you so much
15:33 money the rest of your life each month.
15:35 But aren't those beginning to evaporate?
15:37 Oh, they are indeed. There are very few companies any more
15:40 and most of them for people my age you have part of them your
15:43 defined benefit and now what we have is defined contribution.
15:46 You say if you put this much into your plan, we'll add so
15:49 much to it, and then whatever it does during the time that you're
15:52 working that's going to be yours when you retire. So it's a
15:56 little more difficult and certainly not as much guaranteed
15:58 and you would probably want to seek the advice of a financial
16:01 planner to help you to make proper investments there.
16:04 So that's your pension thing. Another one would be like a 401K
16:09 or an individual retirement account if you're in business
16:11 for yourself, those kinds of things, but I would always
16:14 suggest to people that you have more than one source of income
16:16 because any one of them alone would probably not be anywhere
16:20 near the kind of living that you're used to, life style, you
16:24 understand. So I would think in terms of having at least two if
16:27 not more. Another thing is people who have healthy bodies
16:31 at the time that they start the Social Security... by the way
16:34 at age 65 you can draw your Social Security or at your full
16:37 retirement age whatever that may be and you can still work. You
16:41 can still have income or sources that don't count against your
16:44 Social Security income. So that is important to know. So I would
16:47 suggest any time you're... But you don't want to take early
16:49 retirement because if you take early retirement then you cannot
16:52 work, is that correct? No, no. You can still work up
16:56 to $13,000 a year, but any beyond that deducts from your
17:00 Social Security, but at your full retirement age you can work
17:03 unlimited and there's no deduction from Social Security.
17:06 Right. Now Ed let me ask you a question because long term
17:09 health care insurance has been on the market now for a good
17:12 20-plus years. What do you think of long term health insurance?
17:17 I would not want to just give you my opinion about this.
17:22 I will try to give you what I consider to be conventional
17:24 wisdom today. Obviously the insurance companies want to sell
17:28 the product and if you have the product and you have afforded it
17:31 and you need it you're glad you have it. But here's the real
17:34 truth of the bottom line of all this kind of thing; 86% of men
17:39 never spend one day in a nursing home or any long term
17:43 care facility. My wife's father and my father are both passed
17:48 away. Neither of them spent a day in a nursing home. One died
17:50 of a heart attack, the other died of a brain aneurysm and
17:52 that's the end of it for them and they were both advanced in
17:56 age and so on. Sixty-nine percent of women never spend
18:00 a day in a nursing home. That's almost 70%. So what it means is
18:04 most people never need long term care insurance. However, if you
18:08 do, only 4% of people live in a nursing home longer than five
18:12 years. So you would only need the plan for about five years.
18:16 You see what I'm saying? Now once we have that I would
18:19 suggest to people to put the amount of money that you would
18:23 normally pay for long term care insurance, which is about $3000
18:28 a year for someone in their 50's, put that away in a safety
18:31 investment or put it on your home mortgage if you're still
18:35 paying on your mortgage to get that paid off. For example, my
18:40 home is paid off. If at age 85 I realize that I'm going to have
18:44 to go to a facility of some kind I can sell my house and have
18:48 plenty of money to pay for me during those five years.
18:50 See what I'm saying? So that's what I would recommend because
18:54 if I didn't need to go to a facility then I wouldn't have
18:57 needed the insurance and if I needed the insurance then I can
19:00 use the money that I've saved or the equity in my home to take
19:03 care of it. You see what I'm saying?
19:04 Yes I do. Now what about reverse mortgages?
19:07 Well that's an interesting question and I get that a lot in
19:10 in e-mails and people asking me about reverse mortgages. Reverse
19:14 mortgages are available to people who have a large equity
19:18 in their home. Could you explain, let's explain
19:20 what it is first. Okay, sure. A reverse mortgage
19:22 means that I'm needing the extra money and I don't have an income
19:27 source; maybe I'm disabled, or I can't work or whatever or I'm
19:32 just advanced in age. So what that would mean is that the bank
19:37 will actually do it the other way instead of me paying them
19:41 they're going to pay me so much a month. But what that actually
19:47 does is it decreases the equity in my home down to a certain
19:50 level. The problem is you can only get a reverse mortgage on a
19:53 portion of the equity you have in your house. In addition to
19:58 that, it is a very high closing cost and some states it's up to
20:03 10%. So let's just say that I have a $200,000 equity, well
20:07 there may be a huge amount when I get my loan to pay to begin
20:12 with so counselors are encouraging people to do other
20:15 things generally. For some people that may be their only
20:18 source of income. But remember once you start in on it and you
20:22 get the payments, then when you pass away or say you wanted to
20:26 sell your house and go some where else, it is subject to
20:29 that mortgage that reverse mortgage. It has to be paid off
20:32 and satisfied. You see what I'm saying? So there may not be much
20:35 left to pass on to your children but of course that doesn't mean
20:38 much if you're about to starve to death. So I would just think
20:40 it wouldn't be a general thing that most everybody would want
20:44 to do. But remember that there's a serious closing cost. That's
20:48 the thing that concerns me the most.
20:49 Okay. I know they are highly touting that in some circles.
20:53 Yes well the mortgage companies love them of course because they
20:55 are not making any more real estate and America's growing and
21:01 so on, so house values are going up and if they give you less
21:07 than full value on the reverse mortgage, they're never going
21:08 to lose. Sometimes I feel like what they
21:11 come up with actually is taking advantage of the consumer.
21:14 Well that is true and unfortunately it is true.
21:16 It's too bad but it is.
21:18 Okay, now here's a question: How do we plan so that we can
21:23 give it back to God when we die?
21:25 Well that's a very good question and I will try to give you the
21:29 answer from me. I'm going to say just to pull a number out of the
21:33 air, I think that it will probably take about $3000 a
21:37 month for me to be satisfied during me retirement time, but
21:41 I'm going to be debt free. You see what I'm saying? So from my
21:44 two income sources, and that would be Social Security and my
21:47 pension funds or whatever, let's just say that together I have
21:51 $2000. So that's going to leave me about $1000 a month short.
21:54 Now what's I'm telling you now is not just me idea. I'm going
21:58 to do it but I will just tell you it's the conventional
22:01 wisdom among financial planners and that is you should annuitize
22:06 the needs that you feel you'll have in retirement. So I'm
22:09 going to explain what that means. What it means is, let's
22:16 say you need $1000 more. Well you can buy an annuity or my
22:19 idea, a better one, would be to purchase a charitable gift
22:23 annuity which means you can give your favorite charity, maybe
22:28 It Is Written or 3ABN or Adventist World Radio or
22:30 whatever, a certain amount of money, let's just say $150,000.
22:35 If you're at your full retirement age it is very
22:38 likely you can get about $1000 a month guaranteed for the rest
22:41 of your life. Now remember you want to give it back to God when
22:43 you die and that's exactly what happens to a charitable gift
22:47 annuity. So with my pension and my Social Security and my
22:51 annuity, that means I'll have a guaranteed income of what my
22:55 needs will be for the rest of my whole life and when I die it
22:59 goes to God. Also it means I have other assets likely and
23:04 most people would. So in the meantime then I can use those
23:08 to return them to the Lord and I can build a church in India or
23:12 I can make a contribution to my favorite charity or help my
23:15 local church, do evangelism, whatever it might be with the
23:18 monies that are above what my needs are. But I would first
23:21 make sure that my normal family needs would be taken care of and
23:26 then I can be real generous beyond that.
23:28 Okay. In the few minutes that we have left here are two things
23:31 that are rumbling through my mind, if you'd like to address
23:36 them. #1 I'd like for our young audience to give them the
23:40 principle, I'm thinking of the rule of 72, why they want to
23:44 start saving now and the benefit of that, but also for those who
23:48 find themselves maybe 55 and over who have not prepared for
23:52 retirement, what they might do if they've still got a few
23:56 working years, how they could better prepare for retirement?
23:59 Okay, let's take them in order. For a young person, I would say
24:04 I would only put away in a 401K or something like that monies
24:08 that would be matched by my employer and not beyond the
24:12 match amount. Because you're focus as a young person is not
24:15 so much on retirement though you start that then and then over
24:19 the years you have the magic of compound interest to build that
24:23 up to be a much larger sum at the retirement time. The reason
24:26 I say only put up to the match is because you want to take
24:29 care of your student loans, the training of your children in
24:32 Christian schools, paying off your house and those kinds of
24:36 things because a similar goal on a similar track would be to
24:39 come to that point debt free. In fact, many people say today
24:43 that if you will concentrate on becoming debt free instead of
24:47 putting aside college tuition funds for tiny children, when
24:51 they get to college you'll have your house paid off and you'll
24:54 be debt free and the money you used to be paying on your house
24:57 you can put on their tuition and you'll be debt free and they'll
24:59 have their tuition paid. You see what I'm saying. Now if
25:02 you're an older person and you're thinking about it,
25:04 I always tell people, do the very best you can even if it's
25:07 downsizing to get into a position where you're debt free.
25:10 That's important. If you live in an area where it's real
25:13 expensive to live like I do, I'm not planning to retire in
25:16 Washington, D.C. I mean, it would be madness with the taxes
25:19 and the mortgages what they are. But the fact is, plan to down
25:22 size and move to a place where the cost of living is cheaper
25:26 and do the very best you can to maximize whatever returns that
25:30 you may have. Then another thing I didn't mention earlier is just
25:34 because you're at a certain age doesn't mean you're not valuable
25:37 in society. You cannot just volunteer your time but you can
25:40 work part time some place and enjoy your life. I mean even
25:44 some of the department stores you go to today you see senior
25:47 citizens there welcoming you and that kind of thing. So there
25:50 are additional income things that you could do. If you're
25:54 older I would just think in terms of starting to live within
25:57 your income very much more so than ever. Work toward being
26:00 debt free, because if you're debt free at the time many
26:03 people... well I told you this in the break but I will just
26:06 tell you that nearly 25% of Americans, their entire
26:10 retirement is Social Security. They didn't make plans
26:14 Nearly 25%, almost a fourth of Americans, that's all they live
26:17 on is retirement. They have to be debt free at that point.
26:20 There's no way they could buy a new home or take a cruise or
26:23 anything. It's just that real simple thing. Then in addition
26:29 to that, including that group, Social Security is 90% of their
26:33 income. So if you are having a significant contribution from
26:36 your retirement plan or your savings or properties that you
26:40 can sell off or whatever, you're going to be ahead of 40% of
26:44 the people. Ed, thank you so much for
26:45 coming in. I know we've just kind of touched on the surface
26:49 of this issue. But now is the retirement planning in your
26:51 book It's Your Money. Yes, there's a chapter in there
26:54 about that also. Chapter 11 I believe.
26:57 Thank you for coming. We've enjoyed being here.
26:59 Now if you would be interested in getting in touch with Ed Reid
27:03 or seeing about his book, It's Your Money, Isn't It? You can
27:07 go to the 3ABN website and we actually have a link there that
27:11 you can click there and go and get this wonderful resource
27:15 because, you know, we all want to be good stewards of God's
27:19 money and God does have biblical principles for managing money
27:23 and God does not want you to end up at the end of your age... how
27:27 can you still bring forth fruit in your old age if all you can
27:30 do is worry about where you're going to get your next meal.
27:35 So we want you to use wise planning for the future without
27:39 hoarding. And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
27:43 love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
27:45 be with you today and throughout every day
27:48 for the rest of your life. I pray that you have gotten a
27:52 blessing out of this program as I have.


Revised 2014-12-17