Issues and Answers

A Ministry For Every Woman

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Heather Dawn- Small


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000244

00:29 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
00:31 and welcome again to "Issues and Answers."
00:32 We're so glad that you could join us today.
00:35 And today we are going to be focusing on women's issues.
00:39 Particularly, we want you to know
00:41 that whatever pain you may be going through,
00:43 you're not alone.
00:45 We all go through the same types of things.
00:47 And we want to show you
00:48 how you can allow God to comfort you in that time
00:52 and turn around and share that comfort with others
00:56 the comfort that He has given you
00:58 because God has a ministry for every woman.
01:02 Let me read to you something that Paul wrote in Titus 2:3-5.
01:09 He is counseling the women here,
01:12 the older women, the women that are more mature
01:15 and He says that-- he's telling them,
01:17 "Go out and give good counsel,
01:19 be teachers of what is right and noble.
01:22 So that they will wisely,
01:24 these older women will wisely train
01:26 the young women to be sane and sober of mind
01:30 and to love their husbands and their children."
01:33 And, you know, this is what God wants to do.
01:35 He trains us up, so we can turn around
01:37 and train others up.
01:39 We're so thrilled today to have Heather Dawn Small,
01:42 who is the Director of Women's Ministries
01:44 for the General Conference
01:46 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:48 And she has joined us here.
01:50 We're gonna be talking about
01:51 "A Ministry for Every Woman" touch and tale.
01:55 Heather, thank you so much for coming back.
01:56 You're welcome. Thank you.
01:58 It's always a joy to have you here.
02:00 And today, we've got so much to talk about.
02:03 I'd like to just hop right into it.
02:06 And let's talk about the issues
02:08 you traveled as Director of Women's Ministries.
02:12 For the last few years, you've been traveling the globe.
02:15 What are the main issues that women are dealing with
02:18 around the world?
02:20 We have identified six main issues
02:22 that all women face whether they're first world,
02:25 third world or in between,
02:27 all women face these issues at some point in time.
02:30 The six issues are and there's a slide
02:32 which is gonna come up. Okay.
02:34 Threats to health. A women's work load.
02:39 Then we have poverty. Lack of training and mentoring.
02:42 Abuse and illiteracy.
02:44 And all these are challenges
02:46 which women across the globe face.
02:48 Because these challenges are common to all,
02:51 I want to make sure that everyone understands.
02:52 So let's just take a few moments.
02:54 You brought some more slides with you
02:56 and let's discuss these in detail.
02:57 Okay, so let's go to the-- to the next slide,
02:59 Threats to Health.
03:01 And on this slide,
03:02 we're dealing with women's health,
03:04 which includes emotional, social and physical well-being.
03:08 The quality of a woman's health directly impacts on her life
03:14 and her well-being and also her family and society.
03:18 Now, are the threats to health different
03:20 as you go from country to country,
03:22 I mean that's a general category,
03:24 but obviously there is probably some more serious threats--
03:26 Oh, they are so many that are the same.
03:30 Women across the world are dealing with HIV AIDS,
03:33 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems.
03:36 Those are the main things, cancer.
03:38 I think those are the top five
03:39 which women face across the globe.
03:41 So there is no differentiation there,
03:44 and then you have a multitude of other things.
03:46 My goodness.
03:48 And, you know, it is true that if we are--
03:50 I tell people that when we are physically depressed
03:53 when we're--or there's a problem going on in our body,
03:55 eventually if that doesn't correct itself
03:58 or it's corrected quickly
03:59 then we become mentally depressed. That's right.
04:03 And when we are both physically and mentally depressed,
04:06 we become spiritually depressed.
04:07 That's right.
04:08 Even those of us who have a very close walk with the Lord.
04:13 You can't suffer these things
04:15 too long before they begin to affect your spiritual life.
04:17 That's very true. That's very true.
04:19 The second one is a women's workload.
04:22 And on this slide, you see it says,
04:24 "Women around the world and in all cultures
04:26 face the problem of work overloaded."
04:29 Now that is everywhere,
04:31 whether it's a first world problem
04:33 or third world problem.
04:34 It may be-- it may come in different shape
04:37 and forms and sizes,
04:39 but generally speaking
04:41 women around the world are worked to death.
04:44 We do too many things.
04:45 We've got the family to see about.
04:47 We've got work to go and see about.
04:49 We've got extended family members to see about.
04:52 We've got church work to see about.
04:54 We've got friends.
04:55 I mean, it's just a long list of all the things which we do,
04:58 and the truth is it's too much.
05:00 So it's same from culture to culture?
05:02 Same things everywhere. These things land on the women.
05:05 That's right. That's right. That's interesting.
05:07 Now the third point is poverty.
05:09 And statistics tells us that, 80% of the world's
05:12 24 million refugees are women.
05:16 And 70% of the world's poor are women
05:19 and this affects the children also. Amen.
05:22 So poverty is something that we find everywhere.
05:25 And it's interesting that even in the United States
05:28 there is a poverty problem.
05:30 There are people here who do not have anything to eat
05:33 and don't know where their next meal is coming from.
05:35 And I'm not just talking about the person
05:37 who is homeless on the streets, but there are communities
05:41 where people are really impoverished.
05:44 But it happens everywhere.
05:46 It's not just the third world problem,
05:48 it's an everywhere problem. That's amazing.
05:50 We don't think about that so much in the United States
05:53 other than maybe what we see on the news.
05:55 And then we go on to lack of training and mentoring.
05:58 And you read that text at the beginning Titus 2:3-5,
06:02 where Paul said to the women, "Those who are older,
06:05 you need to train the younger ones.
06:07 Education for all-- for all is a basic human right.
06:12 For women to achieve better health,
06:14 nutrition, and quality of life for themselves
06:16 and their families they need equal access to education."
06:20 And I want to throw in a little example here.
06:23 I was in a particular country recently
06:26 and I noticed something that really shook me inside.
06:30 I saw all these young women standing by the side of the road
06:34 with their little children and they were young women,
06:35 they look like if they were in their teens,
06:38 a few may have been in their early 20s,
06:40 but they had their little children by their sides
06:42 and they stood up with all these baskets of food on foot
06:46 selling by the side of the road.
06:48 And I asked the person who was with me,
06:49 "Why do all these women, I mean these long lines."
06:52 From village to village we saw this.
06:54 And they said because in the culture
06:56 of that particular area,
06:58 the man may have six or seven wives,
07:01 but the wife has to maintain herself and her children.
07:04 So when she marries the man, he gives her a piece of land,
07:08 she has to plant it,
07:09 she has to go and sell the fruit from it
07:13 and with it she has to maintain herself
07:16 and her children as well as cook for him once per week
07:20 if she is wife number six or wife number five
07:23 and he has six or seven wives.
07:25 So that it keeps going around like that.
07:27 And so these poor girls find themselves
07:30 from the time they're very young,
07:31 married off to some man,
07:34 who's already got so many wives.
07:35 And I thought the only thing
07:37 that could break that cycle is education.
07:40 Because these young girls have no idea
07:43 what life could hold for them beyond getting married
07:46 and planting a field?
07:47 Unless they are educated to see beyond that,
07:51 that I can be something more then
07:54 that's all they will do for their lives.
07:55 That's all they see.
07:56 Let's see, Heather Dawn, that's where we do
07:58 in the first world where we do have
08:00 an advantage over others. Yes, we do.
08:02 Because we have that available,
08:03 but isn't it true that so many people
08:07 here in the Unites States take for granted that education?
08:11 And quite frequently, young girls
08:13 maybe they find themselves
08:15 pregnant out of wedlock or something.
08:17 They'll quit schools and not worry about their education
08:20 or they don't put the emphasis on education.
08:22 That's right.
08:23 And then they find themselves
08:25 paying for the rest of their life. That's right.
08:27 And I also think to that one of the challenges
08:29 which we face in the system here is that
08:32 children get moved up from one class to the next,
08:34 especially in high school.
08:35 Not always having the skills which they need.
08:38 And a child could graduate from high school
08:41 and not really be able to read properly
08:43 or comprehend properly and then they go into college
08:46 and they really can't handle the work,
08:48 because it's way above what they are capable of,
08:51 and if we don't catch these problems early enough
08:54 and really do something to help these young people,
08:57 then by the time they reach college
08:59 or they reach to the end of high school,
09:01 they're finished with school
09:03 because this was just too tough, was too hard.
09:05 I know this is a very accurate statement
09:07 because I speak with a lot of college professors
09:09 who say that they're offering remedial courses. That's right.
09:12 Reading in English and the math even,
09:14 you know, so that's true. Yeah.
09:16 But now we're discussing those six main areas. That's right.
09:20 I probably just had two more and that was abuse,
09:24 which is on the next slide. Okay.
09:25 And abuse is a problem again worldwide across the board.
09:28 "Domestic violence, incest, rape and battering
09:31 are all too common burdens that women carry."
09:35 And the last one is illiteracy.
09:37 And illiteracy again is another big, big problem.
09:43 "1 billion adults across the world
09:45 cannot read." My goodness.
09:47 "And 2/3 of those who cannot read are women."
09:51 These problems are so huge. Yes, they are.
09:54 I'm just one person, what can I do?
09:57 Well, you know, that's the question
09:59 I asked myself a few years ago.
10:00 I had the opportunity to attend
10:04 a conference at the United Nations
10:07 and it was-- they were about 8,000 women
10:09 from around the world who came to this conference.
10:12 And I'm sitting there in the hall--in this big hall
10:15 and I'm listening to Kofi Annan, he's giving his opening address
10:18 and I'm sitting there
10:19 and I'm listening to all of these statistics.
10:23 And I'm thinking to myself, "Okay, Lord, you just put me
10:27 in this position as Director for Women's Ministries.
10:30 These problems are immense.
10:34 What in heaven's name can we possibly do?"
10:37 I mean, women of the world church,
10:40 how many of us are there
10:42 compare to the many multitude millions of them outside?
10:47 What can we do?
10:49 And as I sat there and I had my little journal
10:51 and I was writing 'cause I was completely overwhelmed by this.
10:54 God started to say to me,
10:56 "You don't have to solve that whole problem.
10:58 You just do one person at a time.
11:01 One person at a time."
11:03 And I think the big thing is begin doing something.
11:06 We do a lot of talking. We have a lot of committees.
11:09 We come up with a lot of wonderful plans,
11:11 but the action take so long to happen.
11:14 And while we're doing all of these people are dying,
11:16 people are starving,
11:17 and we need to become more active
11:20 when it comes to meeting the needs
11:22 and dealing with these problem areas.
11:24 Amen, amen.
11:26 If--tell me something because you struck some nerve
11:31 when you talked about the mentoring,
11:33 which the Bible clearly tells us to mentor.
11:35 Frequently, I'll have someone ask
11:37 if I can mentor them.
11:39 And with my schedule and the travel that I do
11:45 as wells as the administrative duties I have,
11:47 you know, sadly I've had to tell people,
11:49 I really don't have time
11:50 to become involved in a mentoring relationship.
11:54 What would you advice someone like me?
11:55 How can I do that?
11:57 Well, I have the same challenge
11:59 which you do with a busy schedule travel.
12:01 And I have had young woman come to me and say,
12:05 "Can you mentor me?"
12:06 Well, one of the areas
12:07 which we have been focusing on from our department is
12:11 leaders mentoring leaders
12:13 that those of us who are in leadership positions
12:16 need to intentionally mentor other young women
12:19 because when we leave the scene who's gonna take our place?
12:22 And so I've had to say yes to some of them.
12:24 And I'm gonna tell you, it was difficult.
12:27 I have some young ladies who invade my home.
12:30 You know, they come at my home,
12:31 they throw themselves on my bed,
12:33 you know, they talk with us,
12:34 and what I have done in order to make it more--
12:39 to make it easier for me, to actually do is
12:42 I've kind of included them as part of the family.
12:45 So it's not that I have to take specific time out of my day
12:48 because I don't have time.
12:50 They come to my home and as I'm in the kitchen
12:53 or as I'm in the bedroom, they chat with me,
12:56 they may come by my office.
12:58 We talk on the phone, we send emails
13:00 and that's how we do it.
13:02 And they see my strong areas and they see my weak areas.
13:06 And God has been teaching me patience,
13:08 God has been teaching me-- it's not always what I want,
13:12 but I've to sometimes got to reach outside of myself.
13:14 And there are times when I have to say to them,
13:16 you know what, I'm really not up to today,
13:18 I just need some quiet time.
13:20 And they understand that
13:21 because we have that kind of connection.
13:25 But it is hard.
13:27 But sometimes all you've got to do is
13:28 to allow someone into your life,
13:31 it's almost like if they're shadowing you
13:33 and they learn from you.
13:34 A mentor does not have to be
13:36 someone who's perfect or always strong.
13:39 They have to learn from our weaknesses too.
13:40 They've got to learn what to do and what not to do.
13:43 You know, as you're talking I feel a little better
13:45 because in some ways I realize
13:47 I am mentoring at least in the workplace.
13:51 If I was thinking more of a big brother,
13:53 big sister may be.
13:55 But when we have--
13:58 you said they don't have to see us as being perfect.
14:00 They need to recognize our weaknesses.
14:02 Actually the pain that we've experienced in our life
14:06 and how the Lord has let us through certain trials.
14:09 This is something that as we share
14:11 there's a lot of healing that goes on. Definitely.
14:13 And when we look at all of these areas,
14:16 I think of so many women in the church
14:18 who have gone through abuse or poverty, health challenges
14:24 and yet say nothing.
14:26 You know, we don't want to tell anyone our story
14:28 because it's my story.
14:31 But then whose story are you gonna tell?
14:33 Because I firmly believe that every challenge,
14:36 every trial that God has given me
14:38 is my story to the world.
14:40 That this is what God wants me to then take
14:42 and use that to reach out to someone else.
14:45 I cannot tell you how many people I have come
14:48 and contact with who have lost children
14:51 that I never intentionally went and looked for,
14:54 but that was one thing that we had in common.
14:57 I had lost a son.
14:58 They have lost a child, whether it was years ago
15:00 or recently and I'm like,
15:02 "Lord, how do these people always come into my life?
15:04 Whether it's on a plane, in an airport,
15:06 you know, a stranger somewhere."
15:08 God just keeps bringing this around.
15:11 And each time I'm able to minister from the trial
15:16 that God has either helped me go through
15:18 or He's helping me go through. Amen.
15:20 And that makes it--to me that makes all the difference
15:24 when we connect on that level.
15:25 You know, I'm just looking at the scripture
15:27 'cause I wanted to share this.
15:29 He says in 2 Corinthians, Paul writes that in Chapter 1:3.
15:36 Paul writes, "Blessed be the God
15:38 and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
15:40 the Father of sympathy and comfort.
15:42 The God of every comfort who comforts us in every trouble
15:47 so that we may also be able to comfort
15:50 those who are in a kind of trouble or distress
15:54 with the same comfort that He has given us."
15:56 You know, I always tell people,
15:58 if a woman comes to me who's lost her child,
16:01 I can sympathize and I can give godly counsel.
16:05 I can't empathize all the difference in the world.
16:10 Empathy is when you've been there,
16:11 gone through yourself,
16:14 you've received that comfort from the Lord
16:16 and the way all these people come into your life,
16:19 I'm sure it's by divine appointment
16:21 because the Lord knows that you'll stand up
16:24 and share for His glory. It is.
16:26 And I think one of the things He does,
16:28 but I should say, I think I know one of the things
16:30 which He has done for me is
16:32 He gave me that verse a few years back.
16:34 I was at a women's retreat, it was a Sabbath morning
16:37 and my daughter called me all the way
16:39 from the United States to the country that I was in.
16:41 She was going through a rough time.
16:43 She was about-- I'd say maybe about 21 then
16:46 and she needed mommy and mommy wasn't there.
16:50 And I couldn't get all the details
16:53 of what was going on from her over the phone.
16:55 I needed to see her face to face.
16:57 And I got off that phone and I remember
17:00 I sat in my hotel room and I cried my eyes out.
17:03 I had to go downstairs
17:04 and preach to these sisters of my,
17:06 encourage them when my own daughter
17:08 I wasn't there to encourage her.
17:10 I was just so distressed
17:12 and I said, "Lord, I need Your help."
17:13 And immediately I felt go to the prayer room.
17:16 So I went to the prayer room
17:18 and there was one lady in the prayer room
17:19 and she said to me, "I've a text for you.
17:22 Come, let me pray with you." And that was the text she gave.
17:25 "That God will comfort me so I could comfort others."
17:28 And he gave me that comfort that day that I needed
17:31 that my mind was at peace
17:33 that He was gonna look after everything
17:34 where she was concerned, but now I needed to do
17:37 what He had called me to do which was to comfort my sisters.
17:40 And God will do that for us,
17:42 but we've got to allow Him to use that."
17:46 And we've got to get past that that wall in our mind that says,
17:51 "No, I don't want to let people see my pain.
17:54 I don't want people to know what I've been through.
17:56 I don't want them to know that this is the real me."
18:00 So it does take-- it takes quite a bit,
18:03 but it is so rewarding
18:05 when you connect with someone at that level. It is.
18:08 We're so blessed that God has called you,
18:10 Heather Dawn, to this beautiful ministry
18:13 as Director of Women's Ministry.
18:15 Now let me just--
18:16 I'm going to for our audience' sake
18:17 recap these six things that we talked about
18:21 that are impacting women around the world
18:23 and that's, Threats to Health, A Women's Workload, Poverty,
18:26 Lack of Training or Mentoring, Abuse and Illiteracy.
18:30 What are some of the things that women,
18:33 Seventh-day Adventist Christian women
18:36 are doing around the world to help meet these things?
18:39 Oh, I couldn't begin to tell you all.
18:42 It would take far too long,
18:43 but I'll tell you some things that I see happening.
18:46 In Rwanda, that terrible genocide
18:51 left many children as orphans.
18:54 No family, I mean not even a distant cousin.
18:58 Many of them have been on the streets for years.
19:01 Our Adventist ladies decided to begin a center
19:04 where they would bring some of these orphaned girls in
19:07 and they would teach them a trade,
19:09 teach them basic writing and reading and also math,
19:13 teach them about God's word and give them that skill
19:17 to then go out to be able
19:18 to work and to support themselves.
19:21 And that has made a big difference in their lives.
19:23 Praise the Lord.
19:24 I can think about India
19:26 where our sisters do literacy training
19:27 from village to village to village.
19:29 They go and then they train everyone,
19:31 men, women and children
19:33 who need to be taught how to read.
19:35 And the amazing difference that it makes in a person's life
19:39 when for the first time they could read their name
19:42 and they can write their name.
19:43 And it makes me think of just one lady
19:46 who was working for this man
19:48 who had all these workers there on his farm
19:51 and every week she would go and she would get
19:54 her few little rupees
19:55 and she put an x and x to her name.
19:57 And the foreman was the one who was paying them,
19:59 but this one day after she had learned
20:01 how to write her name
20:03 and she was learning how to count,
20:04 she went and as she bend down,
20:06 she realized that the number of the rupees next to her name
20:11 was not the same amount that she had in her hand
20:13 and she refused to put her name down
20:15 and she began to make a big fuss.
20:17 And she went to other people and said,
20:18 "Let me count your money. Let me count your money."
20:21 Well, the owner finally saw all these confusion going on
20:23 and he came and she told him,
20:25 "We are not being paid what is on this paper."
20:29 And the owner, he realized
20:30 that the foreman had been putting it in his pocket,
20:33 giving them half and pocket in half.
20:35 Oh my goodness.
20:36 Up until that time she was never able to read and see that,
20:39 but because of our sisters who had taught her how to read,
20:43 she suddenly was able to realize I'm being cheated here.
20:46 And she was getting
20:48 half of what she should have been getting.
20:49 Oh, my goodness. That made a huge difference in her life.
20:52 I think of my sisters in other parts of Africa
20:54 that I mean, I just can't begin to tell you
20:57 all the different projects which we have going.
21:01 In Kenya, we have a Maasai Rescue Center for young girls
21:06 and we are helping those girls,
21:09 go through the school, going to high schools,
21:11 so that they can then receive an education.
21:15 And I recall one young girl,
21:17 and I went to that center and visited them.
21:19 And I said to her, "What do you want to be
21:21 when you're finished with school?"
21:23 And she said, "A lawyer."
21:24 And I thought to myself,
21:25 "What is this girl out here in the bush
21:28 know about being a lawyer."
21:29 But she had been in the school for a few years.
21:32 And I said, "Why?" And she said,
21:33 "Because I want to make laws to stop the things
21:36 that are happening to my young sisters."
21:39 Early childhood marriages.
21:40 And the mutilation. That's right.
21:42 Female genital mutilation and early childhood marriages
21:45 many of those young girls die
21:47 because by the ages of 10, 11, and 12
21:49 they've had two and three children.
21:50 Oh, my goodness. And many of them die in childbirth.
21:53 And so our sisters are going out where the need is.
21:56 Whatever part of the world it is.
21:58 Here in the United States,
22:00 I know my sisters have gone into the Appalachian Mountain
22:03 with the program call "God in Shoes."
22:05 And they have got out there and they have helped people,
22:08 they've given them health lectures
22:10 and they've taken clothes and food
22:12 and taught them about God.
22:14 Everywhere there are people in need
22:16 and we have got to do our part.
22:19 It's not for us to say, "This problem is too big."
22:23 It's for us to say to God, "Here am I, send me. Use me."
22:29 He looks after the rest. He'll bring the money.
22:31 He'll bring the people to organize.
22:33 He'll do all of that as long as He knows
22:35 we are willing to be used by Him. Amen.
22:38 And I believe that often the way the Lord trains us up
22:42 is that He will have us to be busy with our neighbors,
22:47 busy in our own community before He'll send us out.
22:50 sometimes people have these big dreams
22:53 of what they want to go and do and raise the money
22:55 and they've never even done anything on a local level. Yeah.
22:58 And I think the Lord likes us to--
22:59 He trains us up that way. He does.
23:01 I remember one sister in the Philippines
23:03 who told me her story like that because she said,
23:05 she was just-- she knew within her heart
23:08 that God wanted her to go and teach.
23:11 In her village, she and her husband
23:13 were the only Seventh-day Adventist Christians
23:15 in that village.
23:16 And she said, "Lord, I don't know what to do,
23:19 but maybe I could go over here, maybe I could do this there in."
23:22 She began to think of all the big thing she could do."
23:24 And then she said, "She had a dream one night."
23:26 And in the dream she was in the river fishing.
23:29 And she said, she had her net in her hand
23:32 and she threw the net our far and she pulled it in
23:35 and there were no fish that came in.
23:36 She threw it out far a second time
23:39 and still no fish came.
23:40 And then a voice said to her,
23:41 "Drop the fish right in front of where you're standing,
23:45 drop the net."
23:46 And she dropped the net right where she was standing
23:49 and when she began to pull it up it was filled with fish.
23:52 She said, "Sister Small, God was telling me
23:55 I needed to fish in my neighborhood first,
23:57 in my family, by my next door neighbors
24:00 before I would even think of going to some other village."
24:02 God wants us to begin just where we are,
24:05 which is the hardest thing for some of us,
24:06 because we're not always the best Christian
24:09 to the people who are closest to us.
24:12 But that's why God--
24:13 That's right. That's the good training.
24:15 That's very true, that's very true.
24:17 You know, as you're sitting here recounting
24:19 some of the stories in some other countries
24:22 that you've traveled
24:24 and witnessed some of these things,
24:26 have you ever become disheartened
24:29 because the problem is so large?
24:30 Have you ever come back from a trip
24:32 just feeling overwhelmed by the problems
24:35 that your sisters are facing around the world?
24:38 Yes, I have.
24:40 I remember going to a country in Africa
24:42 and coming home very discourage
24:44 because I felt that really I had done nothing
24:47 for my sisters on that trip.
24:48 And it was all because of one counseling session
24:51 I had with a young woman
24:53 whose husband had given her AIDS,
24:58 and she then passed it on to her child.
25:01 And this was a young woman in her '20s.
25:03 And she said to me, "Sister Small, I'm going to die.
25:05 My husband has died now, I'm going to die,
25:08 my child is going to die." I don't know what to do.
25:11 And I remember sitting opposite to this woman
25:14 and not having a word that I could say to her.
25:18 Everything that came to mind sounded weak.
25:23 God will help you. God will give you the strength.
25:25 I mean, every good nice platitude
25:29 that I could think of just wasn't gonna make it.
25:31 And all I could do was reach out
25:33 and pray for her and say,
25:34 "God, I don't know what to do for my sister.
25:36 Only You know what to do. Please, help her."
25:39 I came back from that my trip very depressed
25:41 because I felt as though what I was doing was not enough
25:46 and then God told me, it wasn't for me to do it,
25:49 it was for Him to do. Amen.
25:52 And that I should never ever feel
25:54 that I was the one who was gonna solve these things.
25:56 It was not mine to solve, it was His.
25:59 I remember my first year in full-time ministry
26:01 I would sometimes-- because I was at that time
26:04 traveling to five different cities
26:05 on a weekly basis and giving--
26:08 they call them "little home churches."
26:10 I actually-- and there would be, you know, 40 or 50 people
26:12 and I would be counseling with people
26:14 and spent a lot of time on the phone.
26:15 And my mother-in-law once told me
26:17 I was sharing a few little things
26:18 with her and she said, "You can't do this.
26:20 This is gonna drive you crazy."
26:22 And I said, "No, actually all my job--
26:25 the Lord, Lord had shown me
26:27 that my only job is to usher them
26:29 before the throne of grace."
26:30 That's right, that's right. He does the saving.
26:33 It is so amazing when you come.
26:35 How fast the time goes by, Heather Dawn?
26:38 I'm so glad that you've come back again.
26:39 I'm glad to. I've enjoyed it.
26:40 It's been wonderful having you here.
26:42 And I think this is your fourth program. Yes, it is.
26:45 Well, I am excited about the Touch the Heart,
26:49 Tell the World Ministry that the Women's Ministries
26:53 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is doing.
26:56 I'm so glad that God has called you
26:59 and appointed you to head it up.
27:01 Thank you so much.
27:02 You know, for those of you at home,
27:04 sometimes we think that
27:07 ministry is for someone more talented,
27:09 more gifted maybe with more education.
27:13 You know what?
27:14 God can use you right where you are.
27:16 You can plant a bloom where you planted
27:19 as Molly always is saying.
27:22 If you will just reach out in love,
27:25 demonstrate what God has done for you
27:28 by sharing your testimony, sharing your love,
27:31 just helping to meet someone's need
27:34 who is close by you.
27:36 And you will be amazed at how God can use you
27:39 to comfort others to bring them hope
27:42 just to introduce them maybe to Jesus Christ.
27:46 Thank you for joining us today.
27:48 Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
27:50 the love of the Father
27:52 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.


Revised 2014-12-17