Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jay Christian
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000220
00:30 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and welcome again
00:32 to Issues and Answers. Today the issue we're gonna 00:35 be talking about is New Age Deception. 00:39 And the answers are gonna come from my special guest, 00:42 Jay Christian. Jay, it's so lovely 00:45 to have you here. And I'm thrilled to be here, 00:47 thank you. You are 3ABN's 00:50 Radio Production Manager, right. 00:52 Yes. Well, I want to share a scripture that I know that 00:56 you're very familiar with, and this scripture comes 00:58 from Deuteronomy 18:10-11. Actually I am gonna read 12 too. 01:04 Deuteronomy 18 beginning with verse 10 says, 01:07 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes 01:11 his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, 01:13 or who uses divination, or is a soothsayer, 01:18 or an augur, a sorcerer, or a charmer, 01:21 and one who cast spells. Or a medium, or a wizard, 01:24 or a necromancer, that's one who talks 01:26 to the dead. For all who do these things 01:29 are an abomination to the Lord and it is because of these 01:34 abdominal practices that the Lord, your God, 01:36 is driving them out before you. Jay has written a book called 01:40 "Falling for a Lie," it's about; 01:43 the subtitle is New Age Beliefs that Nearly Killed Me. 01:47 Jay, once again, I'm just glad you're here. 01:50 Let's talk about what is the definition of New Age? 01:57 You know, I am asked that often, 02:00 and it's hard to nail it down because there is so many 02:04 different beliefs. But the general belief 02:07 of New Age is that we have an immortal soul. 02:11 And that we go through reincarnation, 02:14 different lives, to work our way to heaven. 02:18 And that there is so much more knowledge, 02:23 so much more available out there rather 02:26 just the Bible to learn. 02:27 And so the Bible is looked at as, 02:29 is really kind of a low level. If that's okay for you, 02:32 that's fine. If that's all you can handle. 02:34 But there is so much more to learn, 02:35 read this, read that, read something else 02:37 and find out about true spirituality. 02:39 And so when you start hearing things like that you're 02:41 moving into New Age. Okay, not all New Agers 02:44 believe in reincarnation necessarily, do they? 02:48 I can probably say that if we want to put an absolute 02:52 probably not every New Ager, but it is major belief. 02:55 It is. Yes. Now and this practice 02:57 of the morality of the soul, I just want to give for you 03:01 First Timothy 6:16 says, God alone has a morality. 03:06 And that's First Timothy 6:16, you might want to check 03:09 that out in Bible. So, for New Agers, 03:13 it's more or less since there such a wide array 03:18 to choose from. I mean it's kind 03:19 of smorgasbord style, you can pick and choose 03:22 what you like. And this is more or less 03:24 that whatever feels good do it. Basically yes, 03:29 Satan has devised New Age brilliantly. 03:32 Because, by the time I got out of it, 03:35 I was in it for 20 years. Okay. And by the time 03:37 I got out of New Age I was believing some things 03:40 that had you told me 20 years earlier 03:43 that I was gonna believe, I said no, 03:44 I wouldn't believe anything like that, 03:45 not a chance. Well, I was. 03:47 You just go in, step by step, and as you learn something, 03:51 then you add something else to it, 03:52 a little bit here, a little bit there. 03:54 But they are so many different direction you can go. 03:57 And, so there are some people who believe that there 04:00 are many different people from other planets walking around 04:03 on the earth. That's actually what I 04:05 was studying when I came to the truth, 04:07 when I began to understand. And so I was reading books, 04:10 having to, dealing with whether or not 04:13 there were extraterrestrials on this earth, 04:16 and what they look like? People going through something 04:20 that is... they were called a walk in, 04:23 and that's where, I am tired of this life. 04:26 I am going to turn my life over to another soul, 04:32 somebody else that had lived in a different body before, 04:33 and were ready to reincarnate. I'm tired of this life, 04:35 so rather than committing suicide 04:38 or doing anything like that, I'll just let some other soul 04:41 come along and take over my body. 04:42 So, those are the things that I was studying. 04:45 And some of them were, some of the beliefs 04:47 can get out there, okay. Did you get into channeling 04:52 of spirits or speaking with the dead? 04:54 I did not specifically do that. I went through self-hypnosis, 04:59 and I experienced former lives, and I say that in quotes 05:03 "former lives." But I was at seances, 05:07 I was at places where people were channeling others. 05:10 And, so I've seen it happen, and I did believe in it. 05:14 While I didn't believe that everyone 05:15 who did it was above board, you know there were 05:19 some charlatans in it as well. But I believed it was possible 05:22 when some people doing it were valid. 05:25 You know there are so many on television today. 05:28 There is so much about, there is so much spiritism, 05:31 yes, which is all this New Age belief. 05:33 We call it new, but it's not new, 05:36 I mean its been around for quite sometime. 05:38 But, we see so many programs on today about ghosts, 05:42 and speaking with the dead. And we've got famous people 05:47 now who built their celebrity on speaking with the dead. 05:50 Which the Bible says is impossible, 05:52 because it says the dead, dead are dead, 05:54 are dead and know nothing. But what did, 05:58 I mean what do you think is the most dangerous 06:02 practice out there in New Age today. 06:05 Well, there are so many of them. 06:07 I would say the most dangerous practice 06:09 in New Age is New Age. Because, no matter 06:12 what's in there is leading you away from God's word, 06:14 away from the Bible, away from His truth. 06:17 And so we are judged by the amount of knowledge 06:21 that we have, but we are also judged 06:23 by our ability to get that knowledge. 06:27 And so we are to study God's word. 06:29 And if we are serious about understanding what God 06:31 wants us to know, and to believe reading 06:33 the Bible has to be paramount. And when we read 06:36 these other books, these other stories, 06:41 or whatever magazines by people that tell 06:43 a different story other than what's in the Bible. 06:47 That is the wrong path, and so it's all the wrong path. 06:49 Okay, but I'm gonna play the devil's advocate 06:52 for just a moment. Okay. I hate even to use 06:54 that terminology. But I understand. 06:55 But there is someone out there, maybe that's watching 06:59 us now or listening on the radio. 07:01 Who is saying, there go those Christians again. 07:04 They don't know what they're talking about. 07:06 They are so narrow-minded, they are saying 07:08 it all as to be from the Bible or nothing else matters. 07:12 How do you address this? Now, one thing I forgot 07:15 to mention, your book, Falling for a Lie, 07:18 the New Age Beliefs That Nearly Killed you. 07:20 You've been there and done that 07:22 yes. So, you've come out of this. 07:24 But how do you address to people who are maybe 07:29 studying Hinduism. And they've got someone 07:34 who is their spiritual guide, their mentor, or not, 07:38 what do they call them even. Anyway the spiritual guides. 07:40 The guru probably. The gurus. 07:42 Which you are talking about. What would you say to someone 07:44 out there who is saying just what you just said, 07:48 that they believed that the Bible 07:50 is a lesser source. What kind of proof could 07:54 we possibly have that the Bible is the highest intelligence 07:59 that's available to man. The only proof is going to come 08:03 from the Holy Spirit. Because as people read 08:06 the Bible you can, Satan can always guide 08:09 them to different things that sometimes don't make sense, 08:11 are certainly in today's world there for us to understand. 08:14 I wish I could say there was a magic bullet. 08:17 There is not a magic bullet; the only way that anyone 08:20 ever learns the truth is through the Holy Spirit. 08:24 And so ask for the Holy Spirit, ask for God to keep Satan 08:29 and his demons away, and ask for the Holy Spirit 08:31 to guide them. Anyone who is truly seeking, 08:34 truly searching will find the truth. 08:37 But if they don't want it, they won't find it. 08:39 You know for me personally, because I am seeker as well, 08:42 and I've studied a lot of things. 08:43 But for me personally, the idea that prophecy 08:47 was told with such certainty, especially the 08:51 Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy that seventy week time 08:56 prophecy that actually told when Jesus arrival would be here. 09:01 When he would be anointed. To me, the idea that archeology 09:06 is proving the facts of the Bible you know, 09:09 I know things in my own life time. 09:12 I can remember archeologists saying, 09:14 well the Bible is not true because of such and such. 09:17 And, now within my lifetime new archeological digs 09:21 have uncovered to prove what the Bible has said. 09:25 Science has never disproven anything the Bible said. 09:28 The Bible said the earth was round when everybody 09:31 else thought it was flat. The Bible talks about 09:33 the speed of light before they knew that light had a speed. 09:36 So, the Bible to me has so much evidence, 09:41 in the fact that it foretold history and was so accurate. 09:46 As well as to see these you know the historical 09:50 evidence of Jesus, and the disciple's lives, 09:52 and to know that His disciples were changed after His death. 09:58 And they had to be real what happened. 10:00 And know they turned the world upside down. 10:03 But I agree with you, you have to pray 10:05 and ask the Holy Spirit. As far as what you're saying, 10:08 all of that is true, but they have to be able 10:12 to accept the Bible and understand, yes, 10:13 see there are when you talk about prophecy. 10:17 The prophecy in the Bible is not the kind that says, 10:20 okay on July 15th, 9:22 am this is, 10:24 this particular thing is going to happen. 10:26 And there are many people who tried to look at Bible prophecy 10:29 and had some challenges and problems with it. 10:31 And so many people today want to learn today, okay. 10:34 I want to know right now, so I am going to pick 10:36 a prophecy in the Bible, and see if it came true. 10:38 There is a lot of research that goes along with it. 10:40 And, so, and there are so many people speaking 10:43 against the Bible. There are things that different 10:47 people will say for instance that the Bible really 10:50 isn't as old as we say it is. That there are aspects 10:53 of it that were written in more modern times than that. 10:56 And nobody knows this for sure and that for sure, 10:58 and you just can't trust it. It's amazing to me how 11:01 many people will walk away from something rather than studying 11:06 and wanting to know the truth. 11:08 And so, when you study it, when the Holy Spirit opens 11:11 it up to you. And as you study 11:13 step by step, it's a life time progression of things. 11:17 It's not something that someone is going to pick up the Bible 11:20 today and understand everything in the Bible today. 11:24 Its a lifetime amount of work. 11:25 But when you look at the Bible, nothing in the Bible has ever 11:31 been disproved, and you mentioned archeology, 11:33 and that's one of the major things. 11:36 People laughed, they said King David 11:37 was a fable, was a story. Well, now they found 11:40 some old texts referring to King David. 11:44 There are so many things that now have been proven. 11:47 The Bible has never been proven wrong. 11:49 Science has been proven wrong even by science so many times. 11:52 I don't see how people can rely on that. 11:54 Yes. But the prophecy is good, but the people are not going 11:59 to believe this, until they have the right heart. 12:03 And so if they don't wanna believe it they won't 12:05 believe it, so again there is no magic bullet. 12:07 We can point to a lot of things, but the Holy Spirit has to 12:10 impress someone, like he did with me numerous 12:14 times as I was studying. That's truth, that's truth, 12:17 and I kept hearing that over and over. 12:19 Do you see in your experience, and I know you talk with a lot 12:22 of people who call in through 3ABN Radio Network. 12:27 Do you see New Age that's trying to creep 12:30 into our church? Well it's not only trying, 12:32 it's there, and it has been there for a long time, 12:35 and I am sad to say it's also 12:37 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 12:39 And if there is a Christian church that should know better 12:41 than any of that. It is us, but it happens over and over. 12:46 And I hear of some of the things that are going on. 12:48 I hear of services where a pastor is leading 12:51 a congregation in prayer, and it's basically 12:54 a hypnotic prayer. I was a member 12:56 of a New Age Church, New Age wasn't part 12:58 of the title, but they had New Age Beliefs. 13:01 And that was the prayer and mediation we did. 13:03 We would go into hypnotic trances more 13:06 or less through that, through our meditation. 13:09 And I hear some of that, I hear some of the different 13:11 concepts coming out of the church, 13:14 they just surprises me. Have you heard 13:16 of memory healing, theophostics, ancient past, 13:22 where it's all using a facilitator? 13:25 And even sometimes if they don't use a facilitator 13:28 its guided imagery. This is the part 13:30 of the New Age moment, its been around since, 13:33 well it's not that new. I mean I can remembering 13:36 in 80s when it was big in the corporate world, 13:38 where they use this guided imagery for memory healing. 13:41 But it's trying to creep into our church. 13:43 There are so many things, so, what would you tell someone 13:47 you wrote a book, Falling for a Lie. 13:49 What is your advice to one of our viewers who might 13:54 be out there, is there something today 13:55 that you would like to tell them be cautious of this. 13:58 I mean you wanna label some things or you just wanna 14:01 give them some advice on how they can avoid it? 14:03 Well, just general advice if you know the Bible, 14:06 you'll know some of the concepts that are coming to you that, 14:09 because there are so many that you could mention. 14:12 As a matter of fact, I was, a little while ago 14:15 working in my computer, and I was looking at, 14:18 this is the average Christian church. 14:20 Okay. Okay, so I am not saying that this is specifically 14:23 Seventh-day Adventist or anything else. 14:25 It's just the average Christian church, 14:27 and there are some similarities between the beliefs 14:29 in the Christian church and New Age. 14:33 There is a lot of talk about spiritual awakening, 14:36 be aware of that. But looking at 14:38 New Age in Christianity. Now wait a minute, 14:40 'cause what you're saying, I mean to me when 14:43 you say spiritual awakening, I am thinking we need 14:47 a spiritual renewal. We need to be made you know 14:50 baptized afresh in the Holy Spirit. 14:52 We need the latter rain, but what you're saying is 14:55 the word spiritual awakening. 14:58 If somebody is inviting you to a seminar 15:01 about spiritual weakening, this could be a New Age term. 15:05 Yes. Okay. And there are a lot of New Age terms 15:07 that mean one thing to them 15:08 and another thing to anybody else. 15:10 All right. And so a New Ager would hear the term 15:13 spiritual awakening and say, 15:14 oh that's a New Age concept. 15:17 And, so sometimes people not understanding that, 15:19 who have heard that phrase some place else, 15:20 they are applying it to something different. 15:23 But they don't understand exactly 15:25 what's happening with this. 15:26 So, I mean, there are a lot of phrases, 15:27 too many for me to go into now. 15:29 But there are a lot different phrases that are New Age. 15:32 But when you look at the different concepts, 15:35 okay, they, the new ages downplay the authority 15:39 and relevancy of the Bible. Okay. 15:42 So do many Christians. We hope that our church 15:46 is never guilty of that, but they are many, 15:49 there are many Christian churches that do. 15:51 Second Timothy 3:16 says that all of the word of God 15:55 is inspired, and is good for our instruction, our reproof. 15:58 And okay, go ahead. 16:01 And so that's the main thing that we have to remember 16:03 is that just because something is in New Age, 16:06 it doesn't mean it's not in the church. 16:08 because many of the concepts are in the church as well. 16:12 In New Age, there is focus on the love of God, 16:15 and if they believe in Jesus, 16:18 many New Agers don't believe that Jesus is God. 16:21 As a matter of fact most of them don't. 16:22 They just think he was a good man 16:23 or he was an advanced spiritual leader on the earth, 16:26 who came here to continue to help one of many leading 16:30 pointing people to the truth and so forth. 16:33 But they will focus on the love of God, 16:38 not salvation principles and requirements, 16:42 so everything is focused on love, 16:44 be tolerant, and so forth. 16:46 Well, that's same thing is happening 16:47 in many Christian churches, 16:49 and I've got to say that I know that their concept is 16:51 in the Seventh-day Adventist church. 16:53 Not talking about salvation, 16:56 not talking about the coming of Christ, 16:59 but just focusing on the love of God. 17:01 And you know this is what I think is the difficulty, 17:03 and maybe why some of these things creep in. 17:06 First of all, the Bible clearly tells us God is love, 17:10 and some people don't pay enough attention 17:12 to the love of God. 17:13 And it is such a huge topic, 17:15 we need to understand the love of God, 17:18 and we need to understand that He loved us 17:20 enough to send His son to die for us 17:22 while we were yet sinners. 17:25 But what you're saying is that 17:28 what's creeping into the church is 17:30 they're beginning to embrace this beautiful truth, 17:34 something that we need to spend 17:35 a lot of time understanding. 17:38 But they're doing it out of balance. 17:40 In other words, it's all about love 17:42 and not about the empowering of God. 17:45 That when God loves us and we accept Him 17:48 and yield ourselves to Him. 17:50 That He will empower us by transforming power 17:53 of His word, and of His Holy Spirit, 17:56 to walk in obedience to His practices. 17:58 So, what you're saying is when things get 17:59 out of balance even within, 18:01 yes, any church we can end up going toward, 18:05 sliding toward that slippery slope toward New Age. 18:07 Yes. Okay. And, or least staying away from, 18:11 these are similar concepts between the two, 18:13 so not necessarily if somebody for instance 18:16 in the church, 18:17 just focuses on the love of God. 18:18 Not necessarily they're going to New Age, 18:20 but they're making the same mistake as New Agers. 18:22 Okay. So, it's very similar and it does need to be 18:26 balanced and that's the challenge. 18:28 Because many times in our church, 18:30 we're very oriented toward prophecy. 18:34 Well sometimes pastors will spend all of their time, 18:36 week after week, Sabbath after Sabbath, 18:38 talking about prophecy and that just about 18:40 all they ever talked about from the pulpit 18:42 And the only time people get any relief from that 18:45 is if a guest speaker comes in sometimes, 18:47 if the pastor can't be there, he's on vacation or whatever. 18:50 A balanced message is the key. 18:52 Yes, the love of God is extremely important, 18:54 and we all need we need to learn and understand. 18:58 But if we focus just on that 18:59 and miss the keys we won't be ready for other things 19:01 as and we won't grow like we need to. 19:04 If we're focused on the other things, 19:05 we'll probably be deficient in understanding the love of God. 19:08 So, may I paraphrase what you are saying, 19:10 what you're saying is we can know 19:11 all the prophecies by heart, 19:13 but if we don't have intimate relationship with Jesus, 19:16 we won't be safe. Absolutely. Okay. 19:18 Very good, okay, something else that is similar. 19:21 The focus on emotional experiences rather than 19:25 studying scriptures. 19:27 And especially those scriptures pointing to Christ 19:29 return in the time and history where we are. 19:32 And so, how does that make you feel, is the question. 19:34 How do you feel about that, 19:36 it doesn't make me feel good, 19:37 I don't like that, well then get rid of it. Okay. 19:39 See and that's a part of New Age. 19:42 Whatever, one of things I ran across, 19:45 as I would talk to people in New Age. 19:47 I would learn things that they believe 19:50 that I thought who were really hogwash. 19:54 And so, my response to them was, it all was not, 19:58 well that's hogwash, my response to them was. 20:00 Well, that's your reality and I can understand 20:03 if you believe that to be true. 20:04 If I would tell somebody something 20:06 and they'll be looking at me, like that, 20:09 their response to me was well that's your reality. 20:12 And that's fine, whatever is reality for you is okay, 20:16 and that's happening. Anything goes. 20:17 Yes, and that's happening in Christian church 20:22 and it's happening in Adventist church as well. 20:25 The ecumenical movement find something everyone can 20:29 agree on and ignore the things that cause problem. 20:34 Like Ten Commandments. 20:36 Doctrine beliefs, doctrine beliefs based on the Bible, 20:40 and I need to make sure that you understand, 20:41 that's what I am talking about. 20:42 Because there are doctrine beliefs that are not 20:45 based on the Bible. 20:47 Are the requirement for salvation and so forth. 20:50 And so, if you're focused on trying to get along 20:55 and we're not getting along 20:57 in this particular thing, 20:58 get rid of it. Why talk about it, 21:00 if it makes you mad, if it makes somebody else mad, 21:02 we just want to get along. 21:04 So basically most New Age practices 21:06 its all about peace, peace, love. 21:10 Age of Aquarius. An acceptance is what 21:12 you're saying, yes. 21:13 Now, I want to you said this twice, 21:16 so I want make sure I understand. 21:18 When you talked about the requirements of salvation. 21:21 You believe that, I think you believe exactly 21:23 as I do and what we teach is that 21:26 salvation is only by grace through faith, yes, 21:29 in the Lord Jesus Christ where there is no way 21:31 we can work our way to heaven. Yes. 21:33 There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. 21:36 Yet once we are save by grace through faith 21:40 that as same grace empowers us to love God 21:46 in such way that we will walk in obedience 21:49 to its commitments. 21:50 And Jesus tell us in John 14:15, 21:53 if you love me, keep my commandments. 21:55 So, it also says Hebrews 5:9, 21:58 that he became the author of eternal salvation 22:00 to all who obey Him. So, we're saying, 22:03 Ephesians 2:8 says that we're saved by grace 22:06 through faith. And Ephesians 2:10 says 22:08 that we are his own handy work, 22:11 saved by grace through faith to do 22:13 the good works he prepared in advance for us do. 22:16 So the requirements of salvation are being submitted 22:20 and committed to God, trusting 22:23 that we're saved by grace through faith. 22:25 Yet yielding our lives to his leading, 22:28 being lead by His Spirit as Romans 8:14 says, 22:32 only those who are led by the Spirit 22:34 are the children of God, right. 22:35 That's right. And I'm glad you did that 22:37 because I didn't want to mislead anyone. 22:40 So I am glad you jumped in on that. 22:41 You know something else that's happening 22:43 is hate speech is being redefined, 22:47 it's being redefined by the New Age Movement 22:50 and by the Christian Movement as well. Yes. 22:53 And secularists as well. 22:55 So I mean, hate speech is being redefined. 22:58 What it used to be was, if I said something 23:01 that could cause you harm 23:03 then that was hate speech. 23:05 Where I said, this person is a bad person, 23:06 everybody beat her up. 23:08 You know that could cause you harm or worse, 23:10 and then people have done that. 23:12 Well now what's happening 23:14 is that if you say something that say, 23:18 you say something that hurts my feeling. 23:20 I can say hate speech, hate speech. 23:22 Okay, you just, you disagree with something, 23:24 one of my beliefs on in my church or whatever. 23:29 And so, you disagree with me 23:31 and the way that I can get you to shut up 23:32 and not tell people about that 23:34 is to accuse you of hate speech. 23:36 For example, the Bible speaks against homosexuality, 23:43 many people cannot preach against homosexuality now, 23:46 because it is considered hate speech. 23:48 Yes. God does not hate homosexuals, 23:51 he loves homosexuals. 23:53 But he disapproves of the practice, this sin. 23:57 And we all are sinners, 23:58 we all fall short of the sight of God 24:00 but is this what you're talking about is that. 24:02 It's getting to the point that hate speech is being 24:06 redefined that anytime you correct someone, 24:10 even using scripture. It can now be qualified 24:13 as hate speech, because there is this movement. 24:16 This ecumenical movement that lets don't say 24:19 that what you're doing is bad, 24:21 lets don't say what they're doing is bad. 24:23 But rather lets all just love one and another 24:26 and see what we can agree on, yes, that's... 24:28 And that's it exactly. 24:30 And so that's what they focus on, 24:32 that's what they want to focus on, 24:34 is all the things that we can have common 24:36 and love each other on. 24:37 And why do you wanna hurt anyone's feelings. 24:39 Okay, well people can hurt my feelings all they want. 24:42 If I am wrong, I want them pointed out. 24:44 But so many people don't. 24:45 Now this is a story I've heard 24:47 and I have to got tell you that I am other 24:49 than reading on the Internet I can't verify it. 24:51 But I've heard other stories similar to this, 24:54 and that's in Canada. 24:56 A judge has said that if anyone 24:59 from the pulpit preaches, 25:01 even reads the Bible verses 25:03 that speak against homosexuality, 25:06 that person will be arrested 25:07 and charged with the hate crime. 25:09 I've heard the same. 25:10 Okay, we know that it's like that in Europe. 25:13 We know it's like that in Scandinavia, 25:15 it has moved to Canada. 25:17 And people are pushing for that in America as well. 25:21 And so when it comes, I can take it. 25:23 If somebody looks at me and says, 25:25 you know I don't like your church and I don't like 25:26 would you guys believe in. 25:28 And go right down the line 25:29 and say that's all a bunch of boloney. 25:31 And I am just not going to pay any attention to it at all, 25:33 you're stupid and go right down the line, 25:35 okay, fine. And I just, I let it go, it doesn't me. 25:40 I don't want to stop that person from talking. 25:42 Let him say whatever they want, 25:44 they have the right to say their beliefs, 25:45 like I should had the right to say my beliefs. 25:47 Amen, Amen. 25:50 We only have a couple of minutes left. 25:51 Okay. Let me ask you a question, 25:53 why did you write this book, Falling for a Lie? 25:56 Well there were two reasons actually. 26:00 And the people who published the book, 26:02 told me they wanted to have one reason, 26:04 I kept telling them they are two reasons. 26:06 And so finally they said, okay, all right, 26:08 because I can understand, 26:09 you wanna focused the book. 26:10 But there were two audiences 26:12 that I wanted to read this book. 26:14 Number one, people who are in New Age 26:17 or share some of their beliefs. 26:20 I want to point out the errors in New Age. 26:23 The errors in some of the beliefs that people 26:26 have about the Christian church. 26:28 The second audience is Seventh-day Adventist 26:32 and there are so many people that don't understand 26:34 what's going on, that I though this might help them 26:37 to understand some of the things happening in New Age. 26:40 And it also provides a vehicle for them to hand 26:43 to someone else and say, 26:46 here's a book you may want to read 26:48 and you might find it to be interesting. 26:51 And so, it was just very important to reach 26:53 both of those segments of audience. 26:55 I do have to say it's a sad thing, 26:56 but right now the book is out of print. 26:59 There have been different times we've looked 27:00 at bringing back into print again one day. 27:02 And maybe we will. But you know I just, 27:05 it was a blessing for my family and me, 27:07 to get that book out there. 27:09 And we've reached so many people with it. 27:11 You know it occurs to be that Jesus says that 27:15 there is going be many false prophets 27:17 who will raise up and that they will deceive 27:20 the very elect if possible. 27:23 And so I know that one of your things 27:25 as you want people to know, know the truth, 27:27 not be deceived. 27:28 So, thank you so much, Jay, for coming. 27:30 You're welcome. You know it is just it's sad 27:33 how fast the time passes when we really on 27:36 an interesting topic. But I just want you to know 27:39 that God loves you so much 27:41 and he does not want you to be deceived. 27:44 And so He has give us his word, 27:46 I wanna encourage you, get into the word. 27:49 Find out the truth, so that you cannot be deceived. 27:53 May God bless you richly. |
Revised 2014-12-17