Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jay Christian
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000219
00:29 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
00:30 and welcome again to another Issues and Answers. 00:32 We've got an exciting program for you today 00:35 and to start it off, 00:36 I want to share a story with you. 00:38 If you're familiar with the Old Testament 00:39 then the name Hezekiah may ring a bell. 00:42 King Hezekiah was a wonderful godly man, 00:45 and the Lord really blessed his life greatly. 00:48 When Hezekiah had an extension 00:51 to is life as an answer to prayer. 00:53 He had a son by the name of Manasseh 00:55 and the Manasseh eventually became King, 00:57 but he wasn't anything like his Father. 01:01 In fact, King Manasseh was the most wicked King 01:04 that had ever reigned over the Kingdom. 01:07 Let me read you a verse from 01:08 Second Kings 21 and verse 6, 01:10 The Bible said, he made his sons pass through 01:13 the fire and burned them as an offering to Molech, 01:16 that's a God that he... a false God 01:19 that he was worshiping. He practiced sorcery 01:22 and dealt with mediums and wizards. 01:24 He did much wickedness in the sight 01:27 of the Lord provoking him to anger. 01:29 In fact he became so wicked that the Lord 01:32 allowed him to be carried off into captivity. 01:34 And the way in which they took him, 01:36 if they put a hook in his nose 01:37 and it was just like they were leading him off 01:40 like they were reeling in a fish. 01:42 But if you want to see grace 01:44 in action in the Old Testament, 01:45 all we have do is look at Manasseh's story 01:48 because when he was there in captivity, 01:51 finally he cried out to the Lord 01:53 and God not only forgave Him 01:55 but he restored him to his Kingdom. 01:58 And you know what? We have with us today 02:01 someone that I'm very fond of. 02:03 He is our 3ABN Radio Production Manager. 02:07 He works here for 3ABN 02:09 and he does so many wonderful things. 02:12 I want to welcome Jay Christian. 02:14 Thank you. Jay, I'm so glad you could be here. 02:17 I'm thrilled to be here. 02:18 And I'll bet when we are talking about 02:21 King Manasseh and this story I know the Lord gave us 02:25 to be just as though we were beginning this program, 02:27 this is where we should start. 02:29 Doesn't it ring a bell? Yeah, it does. 02:30 I can identify with that perfectly, 02:32 because that's pretty much what happened to me. 02:34 I wasn't a King, but I should got off 02:36 on the wrong road, and when I found out 02:39 I was on the wrong road I repented 02:40 and look where I am now. 02:42 Well, we're gonna be talking 02:44 today about New Age involvement 02:47 and how that poor Jay got stuck 02:50 kind of in a quagmire there for a while, 02:52 but how the Lord led you out. 02:54 And lets begin, tell me how you grew up? 02:56 Did you grow up in a Christian home? 02:59 I did more or less, and I say more or less, 03:02 And my mom and dad were both Christians 03:05 and there were part of a Church on, 03:08 and I don't want to make it sound bad, 03:10 I'll say that they were members 03:12 of the Lutheran Church, I'm not saying anything bad 03:14 about the Lutheran Church. Or anything bad 03:16 about my parents, but their belief was, 03:19 if we go to church on Sunday 03:22 and we go for an hour and that's it, 03:24 except for Vacation Bible School. 03:26 Now, they would send me off during the summer, 03:28 any change they had to get me out 03:29 of the house for a while, 03:31 they would do that. But other than, 03:33 most Sundays we were in church for an hour. 03:35 And there was never any talk about God at home. 03:39 We never read the Bible, 03:40 never any blessings over the food, 03:42 anything like that. And so, I had some 03:44 curiosity about God, I would hear a little bit 03:47 in sermons now and then that peaked my interest, 03:50 but I just really didn't know that much about it. 03:53 Well, what was your growing up in this environment, 03:56 what did you learn to love the Lord 03:58 or what were you feeling toward God? 04:01 Well, I was curious, at that age before I went into, 04:06 now in the Lutheran Church they have catechism, 04:08 which is very similar to the Catholic Church. 04:10 Of course we all know the history of Lutherans, 04:12 Martin Luther broke away, 04:13 he started the Protestant movement. 04:15 And so, as he still had a lot close ties, 04:19 too many of the things that the Catholics did, 04:22 and one of the things that they did was catechism, 04:24 two years of studying the Bible. 04:26 And you go through that and then 04:28 you are brought into the church. 04:31 And so, and of course I was baptized as a baby, 04:34 I was sprinkled as baby. 04:35 So there is no baptism involved 04:36 or anything like that, it was just that okay, 04:39 you're finished, here is your piece of paper, 04:40 congratulations, you're a member of the church. 04:43 And so at 13 that's when it started 04:45 and up to that point I didn't know 04:46 that much about God. And I was curious. 04:48 What was your understanding as you grew older, 04:51 did you draw near to the Lord or did you... 04:54 what was your, I guess, like for me, I grew up, 04:59 I understood who Jesus Christ was 05:01 and I had a love affair with Him. 05:03 But I was taught that God was up in the heavens, 05:08 looking down, ready just to zap me anytime 05:11 that I made a mistake. So I feared the Father 05:15 and I really didn't know anything about 05:16 the Holy Spirit. So, I grow up kind of not understanding 05:19 much at all about God, how about you? 05:21 Well, I've heard that story from other people 05:23 and I was not taught that way, 05:26 it was just, he was there, 05:28 we went to church every Sunday and that was that. 05:31 So I was curious, so when we got into 05:35 the catechism classes, I wanted to learn questions. 05:37 Now one of the things that you may know 05:39 about me in the time we've had to work together 05:40 is I'm a question asker. Yes. If there is something 05:43 I want to know, I ask questions, 05:44 that's the only way that I learn. 05:46 And, so I should say that's the only way, 05:48 but that's a big way that I learned. 05:50 And so we start studying the Bible a little bit, 05:53 and so my hand goes up and I start asking questions. 05:56 I start asking questions about Adam and Eve. 05:58 I start asking questions about this and that. 06:01 And eventually the pastor just got 06:05 a little irritated with me, 06:07 I would see him roll his eyes a little bit, 06:10 my hand would go up and his eyes would roll, 06:12 oh no, not him again. And so eventually I became 06:16 discouraged and I didn't ask as many questions, 06:19 I learned what I needed to learn along the way. 06:22 But along the way I also learned the doctrine of hell. 06:25 Okay. And that is where, if you don't do exactly 06:28 what God says then you're going to 06:31 burn forever in hell. 06:32 You're going to be writhing in pain, 06:34 you won't have a moment's peace 06:35 and you're gonna be in agony for eternity. 06:37 So, we'll say that was a Lutheran doctrine, 06:39 not really a Bible doctrine. Yes, yes that's the way 06:42 we were studying the Bible. 06:43 And that's what they were saying. 06:45 And so I didn't like that and it made me mad. 06:48 And by the time I got out of catechism 06:51 and became an official member of the Lutheran church, 06:53 I was mad at God and didn't want 06:54 to have anything to do with him. 06:56 I felt that any God who would do 06:59 that was not a loving God, I wouldn't serve Him 07:03 and even if it meant that I was going to 07:05 burn forever in hell. And so, I just, 07:09 I really hated Him, but I didn't want to. 07:11 I wanted to love him, but I hated him. 07:14 Because, you know, if we look at something like 07:17 that on a personal level, in our lives. 07:20 If there is somebody that we work with 07:22 or somebody that's our neighbor or whatever, 07:24 and if they didn't like you, 07:26 if they took a disliking to you, 07:28 they'd come over immediately and beat you up, 07:30 how friendly do you want to be with that neighbor. 07:33 It was the same way with God. 07:34 And so I just ignored Him. 07:37 I had my own personal code that I tried to live by, 07:41 don't ever do that. But at least I thought 07:44 I can be a good person if I can't love God. 07:47 You know, we don't have time unfortunately 07:49 to go into this whole issue, 07:51 but I just want take a moment and say, 07:53 I had same experience that I thought 07:56 how could he be a God of love and then burn people forever. 07:59 That would make Him worse than Hitler, 08:00 wouldn't it, to make us. 08:02 He would be then persecuting and punishing 08:06 and tormenting people for eternity. 08:09 And if that's what you've been taught 08:11 or if you're just inquiring and you don't know 08:13 what to believe. I encourage you to call 3ABN 08:16 ask for the Pastoral Department 08:18 or just call the 3ABN call center 08:20 and ask what they can send you about hell. 08:23 Because, what happened with me Jay 08:25 is even before I became an Adventist, 08:27 the Lord led me in a study in the Greek and in the Hebrew. 08:31 And as I studied these words about, you know, 08:35 eternal burning and found out 08:37 that when it says forever and ever, 08:39 that it just meant a specified time 08:41 and then I began studying the scriptures that said, 08:44 that they'd be burned to ashes 08:46 and we trample on their ashes. 08:47 Then I learned, as you now know, 08:50 that God does not punish people eternally 08:54 and in that there is never an end to it. 08:55 They're burned up. So, we'll go on from there. 08:59 Tell us how then, here you get this hatred toward God, 09:04 if you will, thinking you can't be 09:06 who you claim to be, a God of love, 09:08 if this is who you will do. Then what, how did you, 09:12 the devil kind of planted this thought in you mind, 09:14 it became his stronghold. 09:16 How did he lead you into the New Age? 09:18 Well, I will say that I wanted to find a loving God. 09:22 And even when all of this was happening 09:24 I didn't reject the fact that he existed. 09:26 Okay. I just shook my fist at him 09:28 and would have nothing to do with him, 09:29 if that's the way he was going to be. 09:31 Well, I was living outside 09:33 Los Angeles in Long Beach, California. 09:36 And the neighbor lady, the neighbor couple 09:38 came up to me, the lady was speaking. 09:40 And we talked for a little while 09:42 and they invited me to go to a meeting 09:47 they called it, in North Hollywood. 09:49 And learn about self hypnosis. Okay. 09:53 And so, I am saying, well, I wonder 09:55 what's the benefit of self hypnosis. 09:57 But I read an article in newspaper about 09:59 two weeks before, wasn't by accident 10:02 that there was this believe about reincarnation, 10:06 about having lived former lives. 10:08 And it's entirely different in Christianity, 10:11 but a lot of people believe it. 10:12 And so I said, does this meeting have anything 10:15 to do with talking about reincarnation. 10:17 And he said, well yes, actually it does, 10:20 and I said okay, I'll go. Because I was curious. 10:23 And so I went and a lot of things 10:26 happened during sessions. So I went through about 10:29 14, 16 weeks of lessons there. 10:32 And there were some things that happened 10:35 when I first walked through the door, 10:37 and some things that they made me a little bit nervous. 10:39 They were candles all over the place. 10:42 And nothing inherently wrong with candles, 10:44 but just the way that they were placed 10:45 and the way that they were used. 10:47 And the atmosphere in there, there was a little bit of 10:49 a warning in the back of my head that I ignored. 10:52 I also ignored another warning 10:54 as we got into it in Deuteronomy 18, 10:57 The Bible tells us to stay away from mediums, 11:02 soothsayers, people who speak with 11:04 the dead and all of that. 11:08 And that is the one thing, 11:10 when I got out of my catechism that 11:12 I could have told you that I learned. 11:14 Actually two things, you know number one, 11:16 I hated God because of what I believed 11:18 his doctrine in hell was. 11:19 But the second one was that, 11:23 we should stay away from people like that. 11:25 And so the text came right to my mind 11:28 when I went there and when I started learning 11:31 these things and I kept ignoring them. 11:33 So eventually the text went away. 11:35 So, now as a Lutheran were you taught 11:39 that man had an immortal soul? 11:41 Yes. So, you weren't aware of this scripture 11:43 in First Timothy 16:16 that says, 11:46 God alone has immortality and lives 11:50 in unapproachable light. Right. 11:51 So, you were already then setup, 11:53 just because you'd not been taught the truth 11:57 about man being a mortal being, 11:59 unless he receives immortality from Jesus Christ 12:02 which First Corinthians 15 says, 12:04 We put on at the time of his second coming. 12:08 So you were already setup for this idea 12:10 that man had an immortal soul. 12:13 And now you're there, surrounded by the candles, 12:16 not really paying attention to this warning, 12:19 this red flag that comes up, what happened? 12:21 Well, see and what you say is a good question. 12:23 Because there are so many people that believe 12:26 the fact that we have an immortal soul. 12:31 And so the question automatically came 12:33 into my mind, one of the justifying questions that, 12:38 or one of the answers that justified 12:40 by getting involved in this, 12:41 was the fact that if I have an immortal soul, 12:43 why couldn't it go into another body. 12:45 Right. Why not. And so, when I went 12:50 through these sessions, when I went through 12:52 the meetings, my whole goal in doing 12:56 that was to experience a former life. 12:59 Yes. And I did, a couple of times during the meetings. 13:03 And yet when I walked away from there, 13:06 I still questioned, okay, that happened. 13:09 Was it real? What was that? 13:11 But it answered a few things in my mind, 13:13 but it opened up a whole bunch of more questions, 13:16 but I got involved with it. 13:18 And the more I got involved, 13:20 the less I thought about Deuteronomy 18, 13:22 stay away from this sort of thing. 13:24 And instead I thought I found a loving God. 13:27 See I wanted to find a loving God. 13:28 Yes. That was very important to me. 13:30 And all of a sudden, he was a God that wasn't going 13:32 to burn me forever in hell, 13:34 just because over my short length of life 13:37 on this earth that I wouldn't serve Him. 13:40 And so, a million years from now I be burning in hell, 13:43 20 million years from now, I be burning in hell for the, 13:45 however, many years I lived on this earth. 13:48 A 100 plus I was hoping, 13:50 but whatever it was going to be. 13:51 I just, I couldn't serve Him. 13:53 And now all of a sudden, 13:55 here's a God who gave me all of my chances. 13:56 Because with the belief in reincarnation. 13:59 It's where we have an immortal soul 14:02 and it goes into, when we die, 14:04 it goes into, just to make a, 14:07 it can be kind of complicated, 14:09 but just to make it simple. 14:10 It goes into another baby, where we're raised, 14:13 where we grow up and when we die, 14:15 it goes into another baby. 14:16 And the concept is called karma. 14:19 And that's where when we do bad things 14:21 we make up for them in other lives. 14:23 So, say in maybe in the past life, 14:27 I killed you, I was mad at you. 14:28 You and I were together, entirely different people 14:31 and I killed you in anger, 14:34 in this life time you may get to kill me. 14:36 Only you're not held accountable for that, 14:39 it's considered to be evening, 14:42 evening it out to where what you did, 14:46 got rid of my karma. And so, what is that works, 14:49 salvation by works. And here was a God who said, 14:52 I don't care how many life times 14:54 it takes for you to live, I just want you to live 14:56 with me forever in heaven. 14:58 And I thought, wow! That's a loving God, 15:00 it's not like that guy I read about, 15:03 where they told me that the Bible said that 15:05 this guy is going to burn me forever in hell. 15:07 I can get behind this guy. 15:09 And so I started learning more and more. 15:11 Reading about reincarnation and the different things 15:15 from Edgar Cayce. And briefly he was a man 15:19 who lived until 1945, 15:21 and he went into trances and so forth. 15:24 And his trances came, the information that taught 15:27 a lot of people about the occult. 15:30 He channeled spirits, and is essentially 15:33 what was going on, he was channeling demonic spirits, 15:36 But you know, as I'm sitting here, 15:37 you know, we work together now for 18 months. 15:40 And you work in a building at a different part 15:43 of the campus than I do, 15:45 so we really don't get to spend 15:46 that much time together. And at church, 15:48 we usually don't talking about your testimony, 15:50 if we, we're talking about your family. 15:52 And it just occurred to me though, 15:54 that when someone has the wrong picture of God. 16:00 If just through the teaching, 16:03 an erroneous teaching about hell. 16:06 Someone can be setup through any error of teaching. 16:10 They can be setup to be sucked into New Age 16:13 or the occult practices. Yes. So here, you had the wrong 16:18 picture of God that you didn't like, 16:21 now you've got the wrong picture of God that 16:23 you do like and to me and I am sure to you now 16:26 it sounds terrifying to me to think that 16:28 you have to keep coming back over and over and over. 16:31 Trying to workout your own salvation. 16:34 But that sounded better than burning in hell for eternity. 16:37 So, how long did you, as you started 16:40 getting involved in this, 16:41 you became more and more involved, 16:43 what effect was it having on your life? 16:46 Well, an interesting question, because there were 16:50 some good things and some bad things 16:51 that were happening. I, over 20 years 16:55 I was in New Age and I was married three times. 16:58 So, when you go into a marriage, 17:00 thinking boy, I really love this person 17:02 and I hope that I'm going to spend 17:03 the rest of my life with her. 17:05 But, if it doesn't workout, 17:07 well, we can always get divorced. 17:09 And it was that. There is no commitment to that. 17:11 And it's not fun going through a divorce, 17:15 but you think that well and I believe, 17:17 at least if it doesn't workout we can do that. 17:18 And I am sure that they were thinking 17:20 the same thing as well. 17:21 And so, when I got married and things didn't workout, 17:27 got divorced three times. I in my first marriage. 17:31 Was there karma involved if you did something bad 17:33 in one marriage that said you had to do your. 17:35 Well, sometimes, sometimes karma stays 17:37 in the same life and sometime 17:38 it moves to different life. Yeah. 17:39 But you when, when something bad 17:42 happens to you, it's very easy to say, 17:44 oh! that was just karma. 17:47 And so my divorce, see sometimes you never know. 17:52 Am I creating karma for the future 17:54 or am I paying karma for the past? 17:56 So you just always try to do something that's good. 18:00 But I do have a wonderful daughter, Jody. 18:03 And she now lives in South Carolina 18:06 and from my first marriage. 18:07 And so that was a true blessing from that. 18:10 I was married two other times at the same time 18:13 I was building my career in Broadcast Radio, 18:17 in Secular Radio not Christian Radio by any means, 18:20 rock n roll and country and all of that. 18:24 And my career was moving up, but at the same time 18:30 my personal life was moving down. 18:33 And so, you know I guess it be kind of a pain, 18:36 after a while, when you can't workout 18:38 relationships with people. And I was married 18:40 three times and I've dated numerous times 18:42 throughout my life as well. 18:43 And for one reason or another relationships 18:45 just weren't working. And I asked myself 18:49 whether I am doing something wrong, 18:50 am I just selecting the wrong people, 18:51 is something wrong with me. 18:52 All the questions that most people ask. 18:55 But my Radio career was really starting 18:57 to blossom in many ways. 19:00 But, it sounds kind of funny, 19:02 I am saying my career was blossoming, 19:04 but I got fired several times. 19:06 And for anybody in the audience 19:08 who knows anything about Radio, 19:10 especially Secular Radio, they understand 19:12 that's part of the process 19:13 and you do get fired quite often. 19:16 But it still doesn't make you feel good, 19:18 you don't like that. And so, I was moving up 19:20 in my career and I was doing 19:23 better and better there, I was finally. 19:26 So, you were gaining more popularity, 19:27 you just get fired and have to go another station. 19:30 Yeah, I would go to another station, 19:31 and whenever I got fired, 19:32 I always ended up going to a better station. 19:34 It was like I got kicked upstairs. 19:35 Okay. And so I like that, 19:37 so I would go to a bigger station, 19:38 a better station, I'd earn more money. 19:40 And in my Secular Radio career 19:44 and I say this humbly, 19:45 but I was very fortunate to have programmed, 19:47 I was Program Director, Operations Manager 19:49 of a lot of stations. And one of the stations 19:52 that I programmed was the highest rated 19:54 Radio Station in the entire of United States. 19:57 And I did a program in the afternoons, 19:59 we call Afternoon Drive. And that was also 20:01 the highest rated Radio Station, 20:03 the highest rated disc jockey show 20:05 in afternoons in the nation as well. 20:08 So, I was... I was blessed by the Lord, 20:11 even though, and I do say that, 20:13 even though I was in New Age, 20:14 God didn't forget who I was or where I was. 20:18 And I can look back over my life 20:20 and I can see where God helped me, 20:23 even in the times when I was a 180 degrees 20:26 probably away from where he wanted me to be. 20:28 He was still with me. 20:30 And so I was doing well there. 20:33 I got married again, someone that I felt that, 20:36 we've both have felt that we've been together 20:38 in former lives and had shared different 20:39 memories of those former lives. 20:41 And she would say something, 20:43 as to all, you know, that's the dream I had. 20:45 That's the thought I had, 20:46 that's exactly the way I saw it and vice versa. 20:49 And a good woman, but we just couldn't... 20:52 and so was my first wife, all of them were nice people, 20:55 I can't say a bad thing about them. 20:56 We just didn't get along. 20:59 And so, got divorced the second time. 21:02 And I meet a young woman that was a listener of mine 21:08 and we seemed to hit it off pretty well. 21:11 And so, I decided, well I'm going to do 21:14 it again for the third time, because I'm sure 21:15 this is the right one. And it wasn't. 21:20 And just as we were getting married, 21:24 and my career was moving real, 21:27 moving real well, I got fired. 21:31 And I thought, I told her, 21:34 I said you know this might be something 21:35 you might be wanna be aware of, 21:37 this can happen. So I don't care where ever you go, 21:38 I don't care what happens. 21:40 And so, we got married, I got another job, 21:42 kicked upstairs again. Got another job. 21:46 And after about a year and half, 21:47 two years I got fired from that. 21:48 And I shouldn't have, because the ratings 21:51 were very well, we were very well received in town, 21:54 we were doing, we were getting national attention on 21:57 what were doing and everything. 21:59 And also, and just out of the blue I was fired. 22:02 So, I went to, and that was, 22:04 I was in Cleveland, Ohio at the time. 22:06 I went to San Francisco, a major jump up. 22:08 And doing very well there and just all of a sudden, 22:11 I got fired there as well. 22:12 And after that, my wife decided, 22:15 enough of this, enough of him, 22:17 I am gone. And so, she divorced me. 22:20 Okay, so now Jay, we've only got 22:22 about five minutes left. Okay. I want to pull this in. 22:25 And here you're at the end of your third marriage, 22:27 you're still practicing New Age beliefs. 22:32 You have a beautiful young woman 22:35 who comes to work for you and I say that, 22:38 because I know her personally, 22:39 and this is current wife Annette. 22:42 And there was something very different 22:45 about this woman, you're not looking for anyone, 22:47 she's not looking for anyone. 22:49 Tell us how the Lord brought Annette into your life 22:52 and how he used her to reach you? 22:55 Well, after that last divorce, 22:57 I went into a major depression 23:00 and I just gave up entirely, 23:02 relationships, marriages and everything else. 23:04 I ended up working at a small station in Tennessee, 23:07 and a woman went to work for me. 23:09 And interesting, but we didn't talk all that much. 23:14 We eventually started talking about the Bible. 23:17 And I didn't have that good of an opinion of the Bible, 23:20 you know its okay for people who can't understand. 23:22 We started discussing certain things, 23:24 I thought that she was really kind of interesting 23:27 and so we would talk some more. 23:28 She recommended a couple of books to me, 23:30 one of them was Desire of Ages and I loved that. 23:33 And the last part of the Great Controversy 23:37 and I read that. And she invited me 23:40 to come to church. Well, I wanted to do that 23:42 because I wanted bring her into New Age. 23:44 And I figured if I could discredit her preacher, 23:46 which I was pretty good at doing that. 23:48 Then she would see how wrong her religion was 23:52 and she needed to be in New Age. 23:54 And instead, the pastor, his name is John Riggs. 23:59 He talked me through the Bible 24:01 from one end to the other. 24:03 And irrefutable, everything that I had believed 24:06 that was an error was wrong 24:08 and he could show me clearly from the Bible. 24:11 And even having gone through so called 24:13 past life experiences I know that, 24:15 that was a trick of Satan. 24:17 A dilution by Satan. And so everything 24:20 from beginning to end, I could see from the Bible 24:24 and so I decided to get baptized. 24:27 Praise the Lord. And I was baptized 24:30 and welcomed into the 24:32 Seventh-day Adventist Church. 24:33 And shortly after that, I asked Annette 24:36 to marry me and she said no. 24:39 And a couple of days later, she thought about it 24:41 and called back and said, is that offer still open? 24:43 And I said, you better believe it. 24:45 So, we've been married all of this time 24:47 and a number of years now working at 3ABN. 24:50 And tell us, you were baptized in 1992, 24:54 yes, and when did you and Annette marry? 24:56 I was baptized in August, 24:58 we were married in December of 1992, 25:00 of '92. Yeah. And I know the Lord has really blessed. 25:04 Tell us, I mean here you come out 25:07 of this New Age belief. And it's hard now for 25:10 anyone to know Jay and to know of course 25:13 his wife Annette is so well anchored, 25:14 but to see this precious Christian family, 25:17 it's hard to believe that you know, 25:19 we forget that we all have a history. 25:21 And it's hard to believe you were ever 25:23 caught up in that, because you know a lot about 25:25 the Bible now and you're so solid. 25:27 Tell us a little bit; we got about two minutes left. 25:30 How you came to 3ABN? 25:32 Well, my wife and my daughter Carrie 25:36 and a lot of the people who watch 3ABN TV 25:39 see here on the news breaks occasionally 25:40 and some other things. And I, just really wanted 25:44 to work in ministry, I was working in ministry 25:48 for a while, my wife decided she wanted 25:50 to work in it. And so did my daughter Carrie. 25:52 I was working out in the of Walla Walla Valley, 25:55 I worked at KGTS for a short while, 25:57 the Radio Station and in the 25:59 Blue Mountain Television for a couple of years as manager. 26:03 And they wanted to join ministry as well. 26:05 And I met the people here, I met Danny at 3ABN. 26:09 And when they decided to start the Radio Network, 26:11 I was one of the people that they thought 26:12 of first to come here and they said, 26:15 well you know, we really like to have your 26:17 whole family come. And we prayed about it 26:19 and just felt that this is where God wanted us to be. 26:23 Well, we're excited that you are here, 26:25 because you all three of you been involved 26:27 in the ministry of 3ABN and you do such great work. 26:31 And I know, what would you say would be 26:33 the greatest caution you could give someone 26:36 in the minute that we got left. 26:38 What could you tell them to avoid, 26:40 not to get into the New Age practiced? 26:43 Boy, in one minute, the base, the best thing 26:48 that I could say is for the, 26:50 anybody that has any curiosity about 26:53 God to read the Bible. Amen. Read the Bible 26:56 and study it. And when you're ready, 26:58 ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. 26:59 Always pray before you start. 27:02 And question everything, because when you question 27:05 everything you'll learn a lot as well. 27:08 There is so many in New Age, 27:09 as well as so many different 27:11 Christian religions sound good, 27:13 they sound loving. But they're in error. Amen. 27:16 So just pray and study. 27:18 So before you take anything 27:20 and for that someone else is trying to teach you, 27:22 check it out against the Bible. 27:24 He says in Psalm 119:105, 27:26 your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 27:30 Jay, thank you so much for being here. 27:32 You're welcome. And I am so glad, 27:34 I know you've authored a book, 27:35 and we want you to come back 27:36 and talk to us about your book that has to do 27:40 with the New Age. Okay. 27:41 And now for those of who at home, 27:42 thank you for being with us and we ask that 27:45 you will tune in again next time. 27:47 And we want to thank you for your continued 27:51 prayerful support of 3ABN. Bye-Bye. |
Revised 2014-12-17