Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn and welcome again 00:00:31.26\00:00:32.98 to Issues and Answers. Today, 00:00:32.99\00:00:34.90 we have a very important issue to talk about; 00:00:34.91\00:00:37.86 especially if you are single and dating and, 00:00:37.87\00:00:40.80 and we're gonna talking about how to spot 00:00:40.81\00:00:43.40 danger signals in a relationship. 00:00:44.09\00:00:46.33 Let me share the scripture with you. 00:00:46.80\00:00:48.09 The Bible says in Galatians 6 verse, 00:00:48.58\00:00:50.46 I'll start with verse 19. It says, 00:00:51.09\00:00:53.08 "Now these are the practices of flesh and, 00:00:53.51\00:00:57.19 it goes on to say these are clear, 00:00:57.70\00:00:59.16 immortality, impurity, indecency; idolatry, 00:00:59.62\00:01:03.22 sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, 00:01:03.23\00:01:06.11 selfishness, divisions, party spirits, envy, 00:01:06.12\00:01:10.66 drunkenness, carousing and the like, 00:01:10.67\00:01:12.48 I warn you before hand, just as I did previously, 00:01:12.99\00:01:15.62 that those who do such things shall not 00:01:15.95\00:01:18.69 inherit the Kingdom of God." You know, 00:01:18.70\00:01:21.65 this is a warning more for it's, 00:01:21.66\00:01:24.60 it's a warning for all of us indeed, 00:01:24.61\00:01:26.84 but it is a particular warning that we want 00:01:27.34\00:01:29.52 to focus on today with, if you are single, 00:01:29.53\00:01:32.66 we want to talk to you about smart love for 00:01:32.67\00:01:35.43 relationships and what to watch out for in dating. 00:01:35.44\00:01:39.18 And we have a very special guest with us; 00:01:39.19\00:01:41.64 she is a certified Family Life Educator. 00:01:41.65\00:01:44.34 She's written 28 books, she's been to 55 countries, 00:01:44.35\00:01:47.62 soon to be 57 and she is a popular guest here 00:01:47.63\00:01:51.32 at 3ABN. And I'm talking about Nancy Van Pelt. 00:01:51.33\00:01:54.18 Nancy, once again what a joy to have you. 00:01:54.54\00:01:57.03 Thank you, pleasure to be here. 00:01:57.39\00:01:58.74 Well, we're gonna be talking about something 00:01:58.75\00:02:01.11 today that actually this is one that will cover 00:02:01.12\00:02:04.89 all ranges of all ages because we have heard 00:02:04.90\00:02:08.97 so much on the news and then when I go out 00:02:08.98\00:02:10.97 and minister I hear so often people who are 00:02:10.98\00:02:13.63 involved in bad relationships. 00:02:13.64\00:02:15.55 And unfortunately some people saw these 00:02:15.56\00:02:18.72 warning signs when they were dating, 00:02:18.73\00:02:20.53 but they didn't pay attention to red flags 00:02:21.11\00:02:23.23 that were going up, they thought they could 00:02:23.24\00:02:24.78 change the person they married them and 00:02:24.79\00:02:26.60 they're miserable in their marriages. 00:02:26.61\00:02:28.04 So, let's talk about the danger signals 00:02:28.54\00:02:30.66 in relationships. It is an important subject 00:02:30.67\00:02:34.07 because in interviews that have been done, 00:02:34.08\00:02:36.71 they've found that about 38% of people 00:02:36.72\00:02:40.08 recognize these dangerous signals before they 00:02:40.95\00:02:43.27 got married and they went ahead and got 00:02:43.28\00:02:45.93 married anyway. Even though they could see 00:02:45.94\00:02:48.38 all these issues. It doesn't make sense. 00:02:48.39\00:02:50.83 It doesn't make sense, no. That doesn't make 00:02:50.84\00:02:52.25 any sense at all. If you are in a relationship 00:02:52.26\00:02:56.05 where there is a whole lot of arguing and 00:02:56.06\00:02:57.98 fighting going on and you think that once 00:02:57.99\00:03:00.71 you get married it's going to get better, 00:03:00.72\00:03:02.87 somebody has pulled the wool over your eyes. 00:03:03.46\00:03:05.47 Somebody is pulling somebody, yes. 00:03:05.48\00:03:07.57 Arguing and fighting is one of the big issues, 00:03:07.58\00:03:10.95 because it's an indication that you are 00:03:11.52\00:03:13.84 conflicting on something you probably have 00:03:13.85\00:03:16.28 conflicting goals or values there and another 00:03:16.75\00:03:21.12 thing that you need to look at is how long 00:03:21.13\00:03:23.56 the arguments are and how loud they are 00:03:23.57\00:03:27.46 because we could be getting into anger issues 00:03:27.47\00:03:30.41 and this kind of thing. You know, I'm thinking 00:03:30.42\00:03:32.74 back to when our son was dating a girl by 00:03:32.75\00:03:35.55 the name of Anna. They could do more arguing 00:03:35.56\00:03:39.03 even on the telephone, but one day Anna 00:03:39.04\00:03:42.94 came it was a long distance relationship, 00:03:42.95\00:03:45.04 so she came to visit us and she got dressed 00:03:45.58\00:03:47.88 and Mark was taking her out for a dinner 00:03:48.40\00:03:51.63 that night. And they left and I started waving 00:03:51.64\00:03:55.04 goodbye and so forth. And Mark hadn't even 00:03:55.05\00:03:57.79 gotten a block away before I saw him throw 00:03:57.80\00:04:00.60 that car into reverse, back it up. 00:04:00.61\00:04:02.85 She gets out, she's crying, he drives off. 00:04:03.51\00:04:06.48 Now, I have a crying girl on my hands and I said, 00:04:07.02\00:04:09.80 what's the trouble? She said, 00:04:09.81\00:04:11.38 he didn't like what I was wearing. 00:04:11.39\00:04:13.06 These two could argue about anything and I said, 00:04:13.59\00:04:17.19 Mark, if you argue this much before 00:04:17.20\00:04:20.00 you're married, what's going to happen after 00:04:20.01\00:04:23.16 you're married? Yeah, and you know, 00:04:23.17\00:04:25.15 sometimes it seems to me that when you 00:04:25.16\00:04:28.48 have someone who is incredibly argumentative, 00:04:28.49\00:04:31.13 it is a form of manipulation and control. 00:04:31.74\00:04:34.12 It is, this is a definitely a control issue and 00:04:34.66\00:04:37.34 what we need to look at is how who's winning 00:04:37.35\00:04:40.89 and who's losing. Now, none of us mind losing 00:04:41.96\00:04:45.39 once in a while, but none of us want to be on 00:04:45.90\00:04:48.39 the losing end all of the time, so this is what 00:04:48.40\00:04:51.50 makes it a control issue. And when you eyed 00:04:51.51\00:04:55.05 to me, you know and, and I, I'm very blessed Nancy 00:04:55.06\00:04:59.32 and I think you and Harry have a great 00:04:59.33\00:05:00.68 relationship, JD and I have a wonderful 00:05:00.69\00:05:02.90 relationship. He's a peacemaker, 00:05:02.91\00:05:04.94 I'm a peacemaker. And I don't like arguing and 00:05:04.95\00:05:08.55 I think in nearly 20 years of marriage we've had 00:05:08.56\00:05:11.26 two arguments and, and what and, 00:05:11.27\00:05:13.86 I mean not that we don't disagree, 00:05:13.87\00:05:15.90 but we don't argue when we disagree. 00:05:16.73\00:05:19.26 We talk about it, we communicate well; 00:05:19.45\00:05:21.19 to me when someone breaks into an argument 00:05:21.20\00:05:24.23 it's also a signal that they cannot communicate 00:05:24.24\00:05:27.03 well and if they don't get this taken care 00:05:27.04\00:05:30.01 of while they're dating, certainly it's not 00:05:30.02\00:05:33.47 going to go away when they get here. Not 00:05:33.48\00:05:35.87 going to get any better and they do not have 00:05:35.88\00:05:38.69 the conflict resolution skills and I believe 00:05:38.70\00:05:41.58 this is number one that any couple needs 00:05:41.59\00:05:44.98 to have is the ability to talk about things 00:05:44.99\00:05:48.15 respectfully without undo anger, 00:05:48.16\00:05:52.64 if they can communicate and lay their reasons 00:05:53.30\00:05:56.42 down and negotiate to some kind of a, 00:05:56.43\00:05:58.74 a conclusion that is amendable to both of them 00:05:58.75\00:06:02.38 then we have a couple who can make a good 00:06:02.93\00:06:04.75 marriage. And isn't it true that when 00:06:04.76\00:06:07.77 couples are, are dating and usually they're 00:06:07.78\00:06:10.60 on their best behavior when they're dating. 00:06:10.61\00:06:12.10 And that's what interesting to me, 00:06:12.11\00:06:13.28 if you think someone's on their best behavior 00:06:13.29\00:06:15.26 and you see this argumentative, this 00:06:15.76\00:06:17.87 fighting, this wanting to just be at each other's 00:06:17.88\00:06:20.72 throats all the time. It, it is just a signal 00:06:20.73\00:06:24.86 that there is more under the surface and 00:06:24.87\00:06:26.56 quite often what you see particularly in young. 00:06:26.57\00:06:30.47 I'm, I mean I don't know the statistics like you do, 00:06:30.48\00:06:33.30 but I particularly when I'm counseling with 00:06:33.31\00:06:36.09 couples or and I'm talking about parents actually 00:06:36.60\00:06:39.32 who have young children, who get involved 00:06:39.33\00:06:41.86 teenagers and college aged students, 00:06:41.87\00:06:43.97 who are involved in a very heated, 00:06:44.45\00:06:46.46 what's the word that I'm looking for? 00:06:48.67\00:06:49.86 An explosive relationship is what I'm thinking of. 00:06:50.52\00:06:53.06 They're usually, that's the tip of the iceberg 00:06:53.81\00:06:56.89 and often it escalates to become something 00:06:57.46\00:06:59.71 more than just an exchange of words. 00:06:59.72\00:07:01.72 Exactly, and this doesn't always come out until 00:07:01.73\00:07:04.28 after the couple is married. And this is what 00:07:04.81\00:07:07.33 I'm trying to get couples to do, is look at these 00:07:07.34\00:07:10.20 issues before we get married. 00:07:10.21\00:07:12.36 Take your time now, not wait until after 00:07:12.95\00:07:15.67 we're married and then go into the counseling 00:07:15.68\00:07:17.95 scene. Nobody wants to take the time; 00:07:17.96\00:07:20.58 they don't like the word counseling, no, 00:07:20.59\00:07:22.52 prior to the time that they're married. 00:07:22.53\00:07:23.94 We don't have any problems, we don't need 00:07:23.95\00:07:25.66 counseling, but yes call, call a premarital 00:07:25.67\00:07:28.61 guidance, call it what you may, 00:07:28.62\00:07:30.34 but sort through these issues. And by the way, 00:07:30.89\00:07:33.09 this is one of these issues that this prepare 00:07:33.10\00:07:36.20 test that I was mentioning in a previous show, 00:07:36.21\00:07:39.64 this would point out your ability to look at 00:07:40.16\00:07:44.84 issues and discuss them and negotiate through 00:07:44.85\00:07:47.70 to a clear resolution that both of you could 00:07:48.27\00:07:50.68 be happy with. Yes! Well, now Mark and Anna 00:07:50.69\00:07:54.04 didn't get married, did they? No, they didn't. 00:07:54.05\00:07:56.01 No, they didn't. And it's a good thing they 00:07:56.02\00:07:57.13 did not. So, was this is a stage that Mark was 00:07:57.14\00:08:00.41 going through or it was something that it was, 00:08:00.42\00:08:02.60 because they had different goals maybe 00:08:02.61\00:08:05.21 what she was wearing was too revealing or. 00:08:05.22\00:08:07.46 It, it, it was a lot of different things because 00:08:08.30\00:08:10.30 Mark is an arguer. I always say he missed 00:08:10.31\00:08:12.61 his occupation, he should, he should have been 00:08:12.62\00:08:14.90 a lawyer you know. He enjoyed that kind 00:08:14.91\00:08:17.54 of things, so he would need a partner then 00:08:17.55\00:08:20.28 that would enjoy arguing because that was 00:08:20.84\00:08:23.40 kind of challenging to him and such, 00:08:23.41\00:08:26.94 it needs to be included with that, 00:08:26.95\00:08:28.94 needs to be the respect, no name calling 00:08:28.95\00:08:32.12 and not escalating to the point of anger. 00:08:32.72\00:08:35.20 So, when you're, when you're using the word 00:08:36.36\00:08:38.60 arguing then you can use the word argue 00:08:38.61\00:08:40.68 for a disagreement. See when I, when I think 00:08:40.69\00:08:42.67 of argue I'm thinking of something that's getting 00:08:42.68\00:08:45.15 a little more heated and this is a very dangerous 00:08:45.16\00:08:49.49 thing when it starts, when somebody starts 00:08:49.50\00:08:51.10 raising their voice, when they do start making 00:08:51.11\00:08:54.17 you know, some slurs or name calling to me 00:08:54.18\00:08:58.03 that's a real danger signal. I think it is true 00:08:58.67\00:09:00.84 because then we go into all your anger issues, 00:09:00.85\00:09:03.84 but yes, I would like to see people handle it, 00:09:04.48\00:09:07.47 discuss it prior to the time that it gets into 00:09:07.48\00:09:11.51 a full blown argument, its too late because the 00:09:11.52\00:09:13.84 emotions get too high, too involved at that point. 00:09:13.85\00:09:17.28 Okay. So, this is a danger signal, 00:09:17.80\00:09:19.07 we're gonna come back to this 'cause we're 00:09:19.08\00:09:20.48 gonna look at several danger signals and then 00:09:20.49\00:09:22.27 talk about these in more details. What's another, 00:09:22.28\00:09:24.06 another danger signal? Another danger signal 00:09:24.07\00:09:26.23 is abuse. Now, why would a, a woman, 00:09:26.24\00:09:30.41 men can be abused also, but major, 00:09:30.42\00:09:32.46 the major issue here is for women. 00:09:33.27\00:09:35.24 Now, why would a women stay in a relationship 00:09:35.78\00:09:38.32 that is abusive. First of all we think of 00:09:38.87\00:09:41.42 physical abuse, when we talk about the word 00:09:41.43\00:09:43.95 abuse? But physical abuse is generally speaking 00:09:43.96\00:09:47.33 not the first indication of an abusive relationship. 00:09:47.94\00:09:50.95 Generally it starts with control, yes. And 00:09:51.48\00:09:54.70 he has to know where you are every minute, 00:09:55.26\00:09:57.44 where you are going; who you are with, 00:09:58.00\00:10:00.31 is control issues? He may want to reach you 00:10:00.32\00:10:04.22 by a cell phone and people that are not 00:10:04.73\00:10:07.99 experienced relationships and the controlling 00:10:08.00\00:10:11.38 behavior of others. Sometimes think that this 00:10:11.39\00:10:14.06 is oh! He loves me so much he just can't leave 00:10:14.07\00:10:17.82 me alone, but that's how it begins is with control. 00:10:17.83\00:10:21.15 One fellow even followed his girlfriend 00:10:21.68\00:10:23.90 to a hairdresser to make sure that she got 00:10:24.38\00:10:27.39 her hair cut and styled in a way that he wanted. 00:10:27.40\00:10:31.18 So, it goes into all areas of life and later 00:10:31.71\00:10:34.51 on it can go into a physical abuse. 00:10:34.52\00:10:37.45 Now, control also can mean that maybe they 00:10:37.96\00:10:40.65 start this to me is a huge danger signal 00:10:40.66\00:10:43.44 is when you see that they start limiting your 00:10:43.96\00:10:46.71 circle of friends, yes, limiting your involvement 00:10:46.72\00:10:49.49 with your family, that's when it's really dangerous. 00:10:49.50\00:10:52.77 Yes, it gets very dangerous then and 00:10:53.27\00:10:56.00 also when it finally does explode into 00:10:56.52\00:10:59.86 a physical confrontation. One fellow, 00:11:01.09\00:11:04.18 if the girl was standing against the wall and 00:11:05.49\00:11:07.12 he comes up with his fist and he puts his fist 00:11:07.68\00:11:10.38 through the wall. He never touched her, 00:11:10.39\00:11:12.26 but what message was he sending her. 00:11:12.95\00:11:14.91 Oh! Absolutely! You, you crossed me baby and 00:11:15.85\00:11:18.05 you're gonna get, you're gonna get this right 00:11:18.06\00:11:20.27 on the face next time. Now, let's look at the 00:11:20.28\00:11:22.86 issue now, why would a woman stay in this kind 00:11:22.87\00:11:26.01 of a relationship? First of all, she maybe 00:11:26.02\00:11:28.92 desperate, she maybe used to abusive 00:11:28.93\00:11:31.69 relationships, but whatever the reason, 00:11:31.70\00:11:33.89 it is a self esteem issue. Yes. And only when 00:11:33.90\00:11:37.89 a woman has enough worth, self worth to say, 00:11:37.90\00:11:40.96 I'm not taking this any more and walking away 00:11:40.97\00:11:43.94 from it. And maybe a third category that is 00:11:43.95\00:11:47.59 that's you know the Bible says, 00:11:48.32\00:11:49.85 "We become who we Behold." Well, 00:11:49.86\00:11:52.47 if a woman has seen a in her own family 00:11:52.98\00:11:57.38 relationship between her mother and father, 00:11:57.39\00:11:59.19 if her father was abusive and controlling 00:11:59.95\00:12:02.05 of her mother then she watched her mother 00:12:02.06\00:12:05.07 take that and she has begun to get this picture 00:12:05.08\00:12:07.74 that this is what it's going to be like, 00:12:07.75\00:12:09.54 so she does take it, but that's a very, 00:12:09.55\00:12:11.90 I mean there's a lot of reasons that people 00:12:12.50\00:12:14.77 might take that and all unhealthy. 00:12:15.36\00:12:17.33 Yes! And stay in a relationship like that, 00:12:17.34\00:12:20.30 yeah. One other things that I do is talk to women 00:12:20.31\00:12:23.65 at abuse centers, right, and teach them about 00:12:23.66\00:12:26.88 the worth that God really places on a woman 00:12:26.89\00:12:29.97 and they have to learn this first or they're 00:12:30.58\00:12:32.63 going to go right back into abusive relationships. 00:12:32.64\00:12:36.04 And at a break time one woman came to me 00:12:36.05\00:12:38.47 and she said, Nancy, I have a 5-year-old son. 00:12:38.48\00:12:41.55 And she said, he has seen me be dragged 00:12:42.27\00:12:44.60 around by my hair and used as a punching bag, 00:12:44.61\00:12:47.68 is this going to effect him? Yes, of course 00:12:47.69\00:12:51.39 because we are seeing a young man he's not 00:12:51.40\00:12:54.59 going to think of women as having any worth 00:12:54.60\00:12:57.64 at all and he's growing up in that environment 00:12:57.65\00:13:00.31 and he is going to do the same thing because 00:13:00.32\00:13:02.99 he doesn't and never learned to respect 00:13:03.00\00:13:05.74 a woman. You know, it is so amazing because 00:13:05.75\00:13:08.60 truly, when the Bible says, "We become who 00:13:08.61\00:13:10.75 we Behold." You'd be surprised how many 00:13:10.76\00:13:12.81 people that I've counseled with in the past, 00:13:12.82\00:13:14.71 who were abused by their parents and then 00:13:14.72\00:13:17.19 grew up and abused their children? And they said, 00:13:17.20\00:13:19.32 I always swore I would never do this and 00:13:19.85\00:13:22.33 I can't believe that I've done it, 00:13:22.34\00:13:23.69 but that cycle does repeat itself. 00:13:24.25\00:13:25.91 And for a, there's just one thing that I have 00:13:26.42\00:13:27.98 to pick on upright now because when Nancy 00:13:27.99\00:13:30.30 was talking about the self worth issue, 00:13:30.31\00:13:32.56 I just don't want to miss this opportunity, 00:13:33.91\00:13:35.87 something the Lord really impressed upon me 00:13:35.88\00:13:37.94 once to share with others is to say this, 00:13:37.95\00:13:41.10 that no matter who you are, no matter what 00:13:41.77\00:13:43.74 your circumstances are right now, 00:13:43.75\00:13:45.36 you may not have ever even received Christ 00:13:45.96\00:13:47.90 as your Savior, but the Bible says in Romans 5:8 00:13:47.91\00:13:50.73 that He sent His son to die for you while you 00:13:51.02\00:13:53.45 were still a sinner. And let me tell you about 00:13:53.46\00:13:55.88 the worth that God puts on you as an individual. 00:13:55.89\00:13:58.93 He says, you are worth nothing less than the 00:13:58.94\00:14:02.55 price that He paid to redeem you with the 00:14:02.56\00:14:05.11 precious life blood of His son. 00:14:05.12\00:14:06.82 So, you have great worth to God and He puts 00:14:07.52\00:14:10.96 value on you and He wants you to put value 00:14:10.97\00:14:13.54 on your life. So, we've got these danger signals 00:14:13.55\00:14:17.46 that we're looking at the, the idea of, 00:14:17.47\00:14:19.96 we've, we've gone from someone that's has 00:14:20.95\00:14:23.51 anger, they're argumentative. 00:14:23.52\00:14:25.31 Now, if they become abusive we're looking at 00:14:25.91\00:14:28.74 not just the physical abuse which, 00:14:28.75\00:14:31.23 if someone touches you, my sister lived in a very, 00:14:31.24\00:14:35.45 her first husband abused her terribly, 00:14:35.46\00:14:38.33 broke her jaw, broke her ribs, broke her nose 00:14:38.34\00:14:42.74 and each time he would tell her. 00:14:43.32\00:14:44.86 I will never do this again and each time she 00:14:45.46\00:14:47.97 bought that, but that is just a sickness. 00:14:47.98\00:14:50.68 But now there is also that verbally, 00:14:51.28\00:14:53.79 I mean people can be condescending to someone, 00:14:54.35\00:14:57.85 that's a form of abuse, isn't it? Yes, 00:14:57.86\00:15:00.16 they call this an emotional abuse, verbal abuse. 00:15:00.17\00:15:03.75 People continue to stay in verbally abusive 00:15:05.14\00:15:07.86 relationships and that can be as damaging, 00:15:08.40\00:15:11.47 look at it this way. When, when, you, you, 00:15:12.04\00:15:15.48 you get hit on the arm is going to cause 00:15:16.01\00:15:18.24 a bruise. How long does that bruise stay there? 00:15:18.25\00:15:22.09 You know, a week, 10 days the bruise goes 00:15:22.63\00:15:25.32 away and soon doesn't heard anymore. 00:15:25.83\00:15:27.42 And you forget that you were ever hit there, 00:15:27.92\00:15:30.54 right, but when you are verbally abused especially 00:15:31.36\00:15:34.27 if this verbal abuse goes on year after year 00:15:34.78\00:15:37.09 after year. The wounds that come from verbal 00:15:37.10\00:15:40.71 abuse last, if it starts in childhood, 00:15:40.72\00:15:43.96 a person can be 40 years old, 50 years old, 00:15:44.43\00:15:46.80 60years old, still living in the shadow of that 00:15:47.31\00:15:51.02 abuse that happened years ago. Yes. 00:15:51.03\00:15:52.64 So, verbal abuse can be even worse because 00:15:53.29\00:15:56.21 of the lasting effects of it. Yes, 00:15:56.70\00:15:58.84 so if you've got someone who is being 00:15:59.30\00:16:02.37 condescending and acting like they think 00:16:02.92\00:16:05.66 you're stupid or I mean this is another danger 00:16:05.67\00:16:08.64 signal because. Another danger signal. 00:16:08.65\00:16:10.55 This is something that someone is not, 00:16:11.01\00:16:12.71 I mean this means that they're showing a lack 00:16:13.28\00:16:14.92 of respect for you and that they really don't 00:16:14.93\00:16:19.05 appreciate your value as a person, 00:16:19.06\00:16:20.87 so that is an abusive form. And if they don't 00:16:20.88\00:16:22.82 respect you before you were married they 00:16:22.83\00:16:24.58 are not going to respect you after you are married. 00:16:24.59\00:16:27.45 Amen, amen. Okay! So, what's another danger 00:16:27.46\00:16:30.58 signal? Another one is conflicting goals 00:16:30.59\00:16:33.10 and values, yes. And if one person wants 00:16:33.11\00:16:37.21 a home in the country with a dog and family 00:16:37.22\00:16:41.16 and home schooled children that kind of life. 00:16:41.75\00:16:44.01 And the other person likes the fast city life 00:16:44.55\00:16:47.62 with big cars and nights of the Opera. 00:16:48.19\00:16:51.76 You know, what we have a conflict of, 00:16:52.26\00:16:54.72 of goals and values here. And this couple can 00:16:55.37\00:16:59.55 pray together, they can see counseling, 00:17:00.03\00:17:02.00 they can read books, attend seminars and 00:17:02.55\00:17:05.43 you know what they are never going to 00:17:05.44\00:17:07.47 solve this problem. Amen. Their, their, 00:17:07.48\00:17:10.75 their in goals are too different. 00:17:11.27\00:17:13.25 And that's something that it people do not 00:17:14.40\00:17:16.94 have any idea till they do get married how 00:17:16.95\00:17:19.22 critical that is, I mean it may be a problem and 00:17:19.23\00:17:22.37 when we say that this is a danger signal. 00:17:22.38\00:17:24.16 This is a, a signal that your relationships 00:17:24.67\00:17:27.52 in danger that you probably shouldn't go 00:17:27.53\00:17:29.48 forward and get married until you, they say, 00:17:29.49\00:17:32.68 opposites attracts sometimes, 00:17:32.69\00:17:34.19 but if your value system particularly say that 00:17:34.20\00:17:36.71 you're of different religious backgrounds or 00:17:36.72\00:17:39.91 persuasions, if one is a Sunday keeper, 00:17:39.92\00:17:42.22 one's a Sabbath keeper, if one is a Christian and 00:17:42.23\00:17:46.10 one's an Agnostic. These are things that 00:17:46.11\00:17:48.20 the Bible says, do not be unequally yoked, 00:17:48.21\00:17:50.53 that's our, our Lord's counsel to us. 00:17:50.54\00:17:52.48 And these are things that can really make 00:17:53.05\00:17:55.35 a difference in the happiness of our 00:17:55.36\00:17:56.87 relationship. You see, we get into other 00:17:56.88\00:17:59.17 areas here, now we get into money. You see, 00:17:59.18\00:18:03.04 how we use money is a value? 00:18:03.05\00:18:05.95 How we use our time? Time is a value. 00:18:06.56\00:18:11.29 So, this is where we get into some of these 00:18:11.99\00:18:16.36 areas and spiritual these three, three are, 00:18:16.85\00:18:19.78 are three big areas that couples don't want 00:18:19.79\00:18:23.06 to look at. I just heard on the plane out here 00:18:23.07\00:18:26.39 to 3ABN. Somebody was talking about a couple, 00:18:26.40\00:18:30.20 he is a, a, a financier of some kind met somebody 00:18:30.68\00:18:34.78 at a singles retreat. The two of them married 00:18:34.79\00:18:37.39 and they're having big money problems right now. 00:18:37.40\00:18:40.65 Both intelligent people discussed many things 00:18:41.29\00:18:43.96 prior to the times that they were married, 00:18:44.44\00:18:46.06 but never discussed finances. Yeah. 00:18:46.60\00:18:49.97 I mean this is, this is craziness because this 00:18:50.58\00:18:52.88 again is one of these values and this is where 00:18:52.89\00:18:56.28 again this testing would come in very handy 00:18:56.29\00:18:59.20 because it would test you. How would you both 00:18:59.21\00:19:01.68 think about money? Who, who should handle it? 00:19:01.69\00:19:04.61 How it should be handled? How are we going 00:19:05.15\00:19:06.92 to spend this money? How much do you believe 00:19:06.93\00:19:09.39 in Credit Card use? How much do you believe 00:19:09.40\00:19:12.20 in paying by cash? How much should be 00:19:12.21\00:19:14.83 donated to spiritual activities? These, 00:19:14.84\00:19:18.54 we get into all of these areas. 00:19:18.55\00:19:20.29 Yeah, I have a friend who you know; 00:19:20.89\00:19:22.82 the Bible says that one of the gifts of the 00:19:22.83\00:19:24.61 Holy Spirit is the gift of giving. And she has the 00:19:24.62\00:19:27.84 gift of giving. I mean she usually double tithes, 00:19:27.85\00:19:30.96 but then her offerings and then what she does 00:19:30.97\00:19:33.17 to support. You know, this woman would 00:19:33.18\00:19:35.04 just literally give away the shirt off her bag. 00:19:35.05\00:19:37.45 She works hard makes good money, 00:19:37.46\00:19:39.06 but she's just a giver. It creates so many 00:19:39.07\00:19:42.69 problems in the relationship with her 00:19:42.70\00:19:44.40 husband because he on the other hand is very 00:19:44.41\00:19:46.89 tight, he doesn't want to give and he, 00:19:46.90\00:19:49.74 they stay mad at each other and each other's 00:19:49.75\00:19:51.64 throats over this very issue all the time. 00:19:51.65\00:19:54.27 Now, notice Shelley they could still both the 00:19:54.84\00:19:57.64 members of the same religious groups and 00:19:57.65\00:20:00.46 differ on finances, but if one was the Sabbath 00:20:00.47\00:20:04.89 keeper and really into giving and the other 00:20:04.90\00:20:08.10 was not and not into giving, we have double 00:20:08.11\00:20:11.25 trouble, yes, then at that point. Yes. 00:20:11.26\00:20:13.86 So, this, this likeness in spiritual values is very 00:20:15.13\00:20:19.23 important also, but money is a value. 00:20:19.24\00:20:21.95 So, we have to be very careful. 00:20:22.50\00:20:23.82 Even how we use time? Time being a value I, 00:20:24.36\00:20:27.93 I'm very time oriented. Now, if you are the 00:20:28.58\00:20:33.90 efficiency expert, who do you marry? 00:20:33.91\00:20:36.10 The slow and easy going kind, I don't know 00:20:36.66\00:20:38.92 why God put the two of us together, 00:20:38.93\00:20:40.67 but my husband is very, very slow, 00:20:41.20\00:20:43.81 but I need him to slow me down a little bit, 00:20:44.30\00:20:47.76 but here he needs me to speed him up a 00:20:47.77\00:20:50.97 little bit. So, in our case this has worked out, 00:20:50.98\00:20:54.49 but I want you to know something, 00:20:54.50\00:20:55.85 there are still times, when I would like to light 00:20:55.86\00:20:58.10 a fire cracker under Harry? But now so, 00:20:58.11\00:21:01.21 then what you're saying is, is we're discussing 00:21:01.22\00:21:03.22 this as dangerous signals. It depends on your 00:21:03.23\00:21:06.76 ability when it comes to values it's hard to, 00:21:06.77\00:21:11.53 it's hard to accept somebody who's value 00:21:13.38\00:21:15.30 system is different in yours, I mean those are 00:21:15.31\00:21:17.40 serious problems, but if your goals and like, 00:21:17.41\00:21:20.31 if he's not as time oriented as you are, 00:21:20.32\00:21:23.38 you're saying that, if you can work those out that, 00:21:23.91\00:21:26.50 it, it isn't always a signal that you're not 00:21:26.51\00:21:28.79 going to be able to be successful relationship. 00:21:28.80\00:21:31.83 You just have to know you're gonna meet some 00:21:32.37\00:21:33.39 challenges and face them. You're gonna have 00:21:33.40\00:21:35.00 some challenges. Now, with Harry and me, 00:21:35.01\00:21:37.62 I'm extremely organized and time efficient. 00:21:37.63\00:21:41.43 And he is extremely slow, so it has, 00:21:41.92\00:21:44.12 it has created a few problems for us, 00:21:44.89\00:21:46.89 but if somebody else is more moderate in their 00:21:46.90\00:21:49.65 extremes then we are, it would not present 00:21:49.66\00:21:52.39 enough problems, but this is been a real challenge 00:21:52.40\00:21:54.77 for Harry and me to workout, 00:21:54.78\00:21:56.58 we have worked it out, but it has not been easy. 00:21:57.15\00:21:59.04 Okay! You know, what about, 00:21:59.05\00:22:01.36 what's another signal that that would be a 00:22:01.37\00:22:04.18 real danger signal for relationship. 00:22:04.19\00:22:06.09 Another interesting one is what I call a BTN. 00:22:06.59\00:22:10.02 BTN. What's a BTN? A BTN is better than nothing. 00:22:11.42\00:22:16.21 Oh! It means you're settling for something. 00:22:17.07\00:22:18.61 You're settling, you know you're pressing forty, 00:22:18.62\00:22:21.92 the biological clock is running out, 00:22:22.56\00:22:25.40 your inner relationship is good looking, 00:22:26.04\00:22:28.88 he, he's been married twice before, 00:22:28.89\00:22:31.45 but we're not going to you know, 00:22:32.00\00:22:34.86 that past doesn't matter. Even he's got some 00:22:35.38\00:22:38.48 qualities that you're not too much in favor of, 00:22:38.95\00:22:42.58 but most of the time you get along pretty 00:22:42.59\00:22:45.22 good and there's nobody else around right now. 00:22:45.23\00:22:48.62 And you've been together two years now and 00:22:49.23\00:22:52.28 it becomes so difficult to break up a relationship 00:22:52.87\00:22:56.12 after a two year time frame, so we just drag 00:22:56.13\00:22:59.95 on and drag on, it's an easy comfortable 00:22:59.96\00:23:03.43 relationship. In the mean time you're building 00:23:03.44\00:23:06.71 quite a history together, so it gets very, 00:23:07.26\00:23:10.50 very difficult to break out of a relationship like 00:23:10.51\00:23:13.76 that it's not a good one, it's not a bad one, 00:23:14.30\00:23:16.36 but it's better than nothing. We have to, 00:23:16.88\00:23:18.78 we have, we can go places together, 00:23:18.79\00:23:20.96 people now see us as a couple. Yeah. 00:23:21.57\00:23:24.63 So, it just drags on. So, that's just, 00:23:25.33\00:23:27.57 that something that's dangerous because 00:23:27.58\00:23:29.20 when you get married, then if that is your 00:23:29.21\00:23:31.01 commitment or your attitude. 00:23:31.02\00:23:33.21 The commitment is very weak in the beginning. 00:23:33.77\00:23:35.87 Yes, and people who stay in BTNs really do not 00:23:36.42\00:23:41.41 have high self esteem, if they really valued who 00:23:41.42\00:23:45.81 they were, they would see that this relationship, 00:23:46.32\00:23:49.24 the relationship of this time, type would be 00:23:49.25\00:23:51.96 tearing them down. We don't stay 00:23:51.97\00:23:54.19 in relationships; we shouldn't stay in 00:23:54.20\00:23:55.85 relationships that are not contributing to our 00:23:55.86\00:23:59.38 welfare. So, if a relationship is not 00:23:59.39\00:24:02.80 positive and it's not really going some place 00:24:02.81\00:24:05.41 you know, that God cannot bless your 00:24:06.19\00:24:08.56 future together. I, I might say against 00:24:08.57\00:24:12.11 spiritual oneness people will stay in a BTN 00:24:12.12\00:24:17.24 relationship with somebody of the opposite sex 00:24:17.25\00:24:20.76 who is not of their same religious persuasion 00:24:21.29\00:24:24.61 just because, well there is nobody else 00:24:25.95\00:24:27.74 surround right now. And he's a better Christian 00:24:27.75\00:24:30.78 than others that I've known, maybe even 00:24:30.79\00:24:32.92 Sabbath keepers. So, they make up all kinds 00:24:32.93\00:24:36.11 of excuses, but if that person is not contributing 00:24:36.12\00:24:40.77 to your self worth and you know really it's a BTN. 00:24:41.27\00:24:44.75 It is time to get out. Yeah, you know when 00:24:45.26\00:24:47.76 we're talking about differences and value 00:24:48.27\00:24:50.49 systems, it just occurred to me that even, 00:24:50.50\00:24:52.38 I have one couple that I knew that he was very 00:24:53.68\00:24:56.47 physical, he liked to go rock climbing, 00:24:56.48\00:24:59.54 he liked to be in the great outdoors and she 00:24:59.55\00:25:01.86 was very much you know, she preferred to stay 00:25:01.87\00:25:04.95 home and knit you know. And they had a lot 00:25:04.96\00:25:07.18 of difficulties in their relationships and 00:25:07.19\00:25:09.98 eventually broke up over this because they, they 00:25:09.99\00:25:11.87 had two lifestyles. So, lifestyle and, and truly, 00:25:12.68\00:25:16.91 if there is a spiritual oneness with God, 00:25:16.92\00:25:19.39 which First Corinthians 6:17 says, 00:25:19.40\00:25:21.53 that those were in Christ Jesus are one in spirit 00:25:22.38\00:25:25.13 with God. If you've got one person who's got 00:25:25.14\00:25:28.34 a spiritual oneness with the Lord and the other 00:25:28.35\00:25:30.80 doesn't, the lifestyle factor comes in because 00:25:30.81\00:25:34.55 the one with the relationship with God's 00:25:35.39\00:25:37.33 gonna want to spend more time in the Bible 00:25:37.34\00:25:39.50 and prayer, devotion having that private time 00:25:40.07\00:25:42.54 with the Lord, going to church frequently, 00:25:42.55\00:25:45.19 whereas the other may say, well I don't wanna 00:25:45.75\00:25:47.45 go to your church, if they keep a different day 00:25:47.46\00:25:50.30 of worship, the tithe issues, there are so many 00:25:50.31\00:25:53.00 things that come into play and this is a danger 00:25:53.01\00:25:55.73 relationship, it is, a danger signal. 00:25:55.74\00:25:57.72 And in the early stages of dating generally one 00:25:58.22\00:26:01.41 is more accommodating, yes, and just to be, 00:26:01.92\00:26:06.21 to be easy, they'll go to church with the other one. 00:26:06.83\00:26:11.26 And they'll move along like this without any open 00:26:11.91\00:26:15.16 war of any kind. And so, the person thinks well 00:26:16.36\00:26:20.62 they're converting, they're coming around my 00:26:21.12\00:26:23.46 way of thinking. And then it does not really open 00:26:23.93\00:26:26.39 up till after marriage, when the masks come off. 00:26:26.40\00:26:30.05 I talk a lot about masking during these two years. 00:26:30.25\00:26:34.01 That's the reason I recommend two years 00:26:34.02\00:26:36.48 of dating prior to the time that a couple gets 00:26:36.49\00:26:39.48 married because a mask can't be worn for two 00:26:39.49\00:26:43.89 years, you can mask up till like a year of dating, 00:26:43.90\00:26:48.03 but after that the mask gets heavy, 00:26:48.62\00:26:50.30 it gets hard, it begins to slip, that's good, 00:26:50.89\00:26:53.95 and so that's when the real person begins to 00:26:54.44\00:26:57.28 come out. So, these three months courtships, 00:26:57.29\00:27:00.25 this just doesn't work, it just doesn't work. 00:27:01.08\00:27:02.75 Well, then let me try to recap just a little, 00:27:03.36\00:27:06.00 if you're in a relationship and you have someone 00:27:06.01\00:27:09.22 who is very argumentative maybe they are actually 00:27:09.23\00:27:13.82 fighting with you, not just verbally, 00:27:13.83\00:27:15.75 but there if it escalates to any kind of a 00:27:16.30\00:27:18.32 physical involvement where they're hurting you, 00:27:18.33\00:27:20.51 get out of that relationship, 00:27:21.02\00:27:22.41 and that is a danger signal, but the others 00:27:22.90\00:27:24.96 you want to watch out for as well because 00:27:25.47\00:27:27.25 it could be a danger that you are not going 00:27:27.26\00:27:30.04 to have a successful marriage if relationship 00:27:30.05\00:27:32.96 were to continue. Nancy thank you, 00:27:33.52\00:27:34.83 so much our time went by so fast I'm sorry, 00:27:34.84\00:27:37.44 but we're so glad you're here and we want you 00:27:38.02\00:27:39.36 to come back again. And for those of you 00:27:39.37\00:27:41.65 at home we just thank you for joining us today. 00:27:41.66\00:27:44.30 And I hope that you'll share these thoughts 00:27:44.81\00:27:46.36 with someone that you know who is single 00:27:46.87\00:27:48.32 or if you're single, please pay attention to these 00:27:48.33\00:27:51.10 warnings. Join us again next time, thank you. 00:27:51.11\00:27:54.18