Hello welcome to Issues & Answers. 00:00:29.81\00:00:31.57 I'm C.A. Murray and I'm so very glad 00:00:31.58\00:00:33.64 that you joined us today. 00:00:33.65\00:00:35.16 My guest is Dr. Clarence Schilt of the Rockwood 00:00:35.17\00:00:39.24 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Portland, 00:00:39.25\00:00:41.67 Oregon. And we're so happy that he's here 00:00:41.68\00:00:43.72 today because the subject we're going 00:00:43.73\00:00:45.74 to be discussing is a very, very important 00:00:45.75\00:00:48.39 one for Christians and their Christian walk 00:00:48.40\00:00:51.24 with Jesus Christ. We want to talk about 00:00:51.25\00:00:53.38 resurrection power. Resurrection and power, 00:00:53.39\00:00:57.45 we're gonna combine those two and see 00:00:57.46\00:00:59.31 how they affect us and how we can grow in 00:00:59.32\00:01:01.51 Christ Jesus. Good doctor, good to have 00:01:01.52\00:01:03.02 you here again. Thank you, glad to be here. 00:01:03.03\00:01:04.69 Two words, resurrection and power. Yes. 00:01:04.70\00:01:08.59 Combine them, tell them what they're all about 00:01:08.60\00:01:10.65 and the benefit they have for the Christians. 00:01:10.66\00:01:12.86 Well it's interesting that Paul in Ephesians 00:01:12.87\00:01:16.22 when he was praying for the church he prayed 00:01:16.23\00:01:19.11 for a number of things in Ephesians 1 and in 00:01:19.12\00:01:21.90 Ephesians 1:19 he said, I pray that Christ 00:01:21.91\00:01:25.50 incomparable great power will come for us 00:01:25.51\00:01:28.29 who believe and he said that power is like 00:01:28.30\00:01:32.23 the working of his mighty strength 00:01:32.24\00:01:34.09 which he exerted in Christ when he raised 00:01:34.10\00:01:36.24 him from the dead. And so he said I want 00:01:36.25\00:01:38.62 you to have power and this specific kind of power 00:01:38.63\00:01:41.87 I want you to have is resurrection power. 00:01:41.88\00:01:44.80 Now the word he used there was the word that 00:01:44.81\00:01:48.08 we use for word dynamite comes from, 00:01:48.09\00:01:50.10 dealing this, which is, that was powerful then 00:01:50.11\00:01:52.68 why now, why dynamite kind of pales in 00:01:52.69\00:01:54.78 comparison to atomic power. Why in particular 00:01:54.79\00:01:58.28 resurrection power as apposed to some other 00:01:58.29\00:02:00.69 kinds of power? Because when we accept Christ 00:02:00.70\00:02:06.19 we say that we want to surrender ourselves, 00:02:06.20\00:02:09.57 in fact we use the term we die with Christ, yes. 00:02:09.58\00:02:14.84 And only way you can live after you've died is 00:02:14.85\00:02:21.09 to be resurrected. So, we're talking about life 00:02:21.10\00:02:25.43 after death aren't we? We're talking about life 00:02:25.44\00:02:27.17 after death. Sure. A story that I love to share, 00:02:27.18\00:02:30.73 there was a little 18 month old girl in 00:02:30.74\00:02:32.83 Northern Canada who somehow wandered 00:02:32.84\00:02:35.33 out of her house in the middle of the night 00:02:35.34\00:02:36.91 when it was 40 degrees below zero and as 00:02:36.92\00:02:40.41 you can imagine she froze to death rather 00:02:40.42\00:02:42.35 quickly and when her mother found her 00:02:42.36\00:02:44.18 several hours later she was hard as marble 00:02:44.19\00:02:46.65 and when they took her the hospital they 00:02:46.66\00:02:49.48 pronounced her dead but they began warming 00:02:49.49\00:02:52.11 her up and she came fully back to life, 00:02:52.12\00:02:56.12 didn't even lose any fingers or toes. 00:02:56.13\00:02:58.59 Incredibly. And people talked about Erika 00:02:58.60\00:03:01.24 being resurrected. Yes. I mean if someone 00:03:01.25\00:03:04.22 was on their death bed with cancer and was 00:03:04.23\00:03:09.11 miraculously healed without dying we 00:03:09.12\00:03:11.85 wouldn't say they got resurrected. 00:03:11.86\00:03:14.59 We'd say, we'd say hey, they were healed. 00:03:14.60\00:03:18.08 But resurrection power is needed when there 00:03:18.09\00:03:23.45 is death and it's needed only there. 00:03:23.46\00:03:25.77 Yeah. You think, I mean when did Lazarus 00:03:25.78\00:03:27.80 need resurrection power? When he dead, 00:03:27.81\00:03:31.19 after he died. Yeah. Sure, sure. 00:03:31.20\00:03:32.69 The widow's son it named after he died, yeah. 00:03:32.70\00:03:36.32 I mean even if a person is hours from death 00:03:36.33\00:03:38.91 on their death bed resurrection power 00:03:38.92\00:03:41.45 isn't needed till after they're death. 00:03:41.46\00:03:43.19 So resurrection power assumes that there 00:03:43.20\00:03:47.03 has been a death, a death sure. 00:03:47.04\00:03:48.89 And Paul says, I want you to have the 00:03:48.90\00:03:51.07 resurrection power that Jesus had which 00:03:51.08\00:03:53.54 means he assumes there is going to be a death. 00:03:53.55\00:03:55.79 Now for those who may not be quite following 00:03:55.80\00:03:58.54 your train of thought, yeah. That death is, 00:03:58.55\00:03:59.86 walk us through what that death is? 00:03:59.87\00:04:01.27 Alright, yeah. The Bible talks about dying to self. 00:04:01.28\00:04:04.63 Yes, Paul says I've been crucified with Christ. 00:04:04.64\00:04:08.95 Hey, let's look over Romans 6 for a minute, 00:04:08.96\00:04:12.39 because Romans 6 in a sense talks about this 00:04:12.40\00:04:15.52 fairly specifically. He says in verse 3 of 00:04:15.53\00:04:18.54 Romans 6, don't you know that all of us 00:04:18.55\00:04:21.09 who were baptized into Christ Jesus were 00:04:21.10\00:04:23.52 baptized into his death? We were therefore 00:04:23.53\00:04:27.40 buried with him through baptism into death, 00:04:27.41\00:04:30.86 it's we actually, it's like we go into a grave 00:04:30.87\00:04:33.59 only it's a watery grave, oh yes. 00:04:33.60\00:04:35.61 With him in order that just as Christ 00:04:35.62\00:04:39.14 was raised from the dead through the glory 00:04:39.15\00:04:41.44 of the Father, we too may live a new life. 00:04:41.45\00:04:45.58 Yes. Now when Erika got resurrected and 00:04:45.59\00:04:48.07 when Lazarus got resurrected. Yeah. 00:04:48.08\00:04:50.19 They just got back to physical life they 00:04:50.20\00:04:52.60 had before. The Bible says that when we get 00:04:52.61\00:04:56.71 resurrected spiritually from the death of sin 00:04:56.72\00:05:01.26 and I think it's fair to say the Bible called 00:05:01.27\00:05:04.11 Sin Death. Yes. When we get resurrected 00:05:04.12\00:05:07.79 from spiritual death we don't just go back 00:05:07.80\00:05:10.32 to the life we have. We have a different 00:05:10.33\00:05:12.16 life instead of having our sinful, selfish life 00:05:12.17\00:05:15.52 that's primarily ruling us, we have 00:05:15.53\00:05:18.58 resurrection life. Yeah and I think that's 00:05:18.59\00:05:21.01 an important point. If after we are resurrected 00:05:21.02\00:05:25.77 we have the same habits, the same tastes, 00:05:25.78\00:05:28.33 the same life as before, then we haven't 00:05:28.34\00:05:30.58 really progressed. We haven't really done 00:05:30.59\00:05:32.03 anything; we are pretty much the same. 00:05:32.04\00:05:34.98 We maybe buried alive. Yeah. Yes, very much so. 00:05:34.99\00:05:37.85 However, I was thinking this could be very 00:05:37.86\00:05:41.20 discouraging to our watchers. Yeah. 00:05:41.21\00:05:43.30 Because everybody that, when we become a Christian 00:05:43.31\00:05:47.28 and receive his new life there is that old self 00:05:47.29\00:05:51.35 life still clamors for recognition. 00:05:51.36\00:05:54.37 I mean it clamors for ruling, rule and so on. 00:05:54.38\00:05:57.37 So, the old self life can be there but it's not 00:05:57.38\00:06:02.90 our primary master anymore, oh yes. 00:06:02.91\00:06:05.22 I mean the Bible says sin no longer reigns. 00:06:05.23\00:06:08.24 Yes, yes. As the King of your life, now Jesus 00:06:08.25\00:06:10.85 is the King of your life. Yes. And you have 00:06:10.86\00:06:12.95 resurrection or power, but a line that 00:06:12.96\00:06:15.57 I would like to use a lot is resurrection power 00:06:15.58\00:06:18.25 comes only to those who are dead, dead 00:06:18.26\00:06:20.46 to self. Yeah. And when I don't die to self 00:06:20.47\00:06:23.19 I can't expect resurrection power 00:06:23.20\00:06:25.63 because it's not going to compete. 00:06:25.64\00:06:27.52 You see, so, so I need to constantly stay 00:06:27.53\00:06:30.45 dead to self, if I'm going to receive resurrection 00:06:30.46\00:06:35.12 power. Now that's a crucial point, in that 00:06:35.13\00:06:38.98 there maybe someone who is saying, 00:06:38.99\00:06:40.66 why don't I have that kind of power. 00:06:40.67\00:06:42.76 Why don't I have that kind of victory? Why? 00:06:42.77\00:06:45.12 She has it, he has it I see, others walking 00:06:45.13\00:06:48.55 in that power, why not me? May be you 00:06:48.56\00:06:50.57 haven't met the prerequisite which 00:06:50.58\00:06:52.25 is dying to self. I think, to me that's 00:06:52.26\00:06:54.68 really crucial. I puzzled for years over highly 00:06:54.69\00:07:00.59 religious people, devoted people, 00:07:00.60\00:07:02.57 people that had daily devotions studied their 00:07:02.58\00:07:05.74 scriptural lesson every week. Went to church, 00:07:05.75\00:07:08.52 paid debt, all of that and yet seem to have 00:07:08.53\00:07:11.65 so little power and spiritual joy and peace 00:07:11.66\00:07:16.23 and even victory over temptation. 00:07:16.24\00:07:18.27 And my conviction is this that those individuals 00:07:18.28\00:07:22.55 are trying to put on Christ and overly Christ 00:07:22.56\00:07:26.71 on self that steal all the life. Aha. 00:07:26.72\00:07:30.01 I mean Paul says, you know, you were 00:07:30.02\00:07:31.79 talking with him regarding your former 00:07:31.80\00:07:33.10 way of life to put off your old self and to 00:07:33.11\00:07:35.97 put on the new self. Now, I think a full 00:07:35.98\00:07:40.17 Christian experience needs devotion to 00:07:40.18\00:07:42.48 two journeys, one is putting on Christ 00:07:42.49\00:07:45.77 through all of the religious spiritual 00:07:45.78\00:07:47.38 activity but also putting off self. Yeah. 00:07:47.39\00:07:50.81 Because if I, if self stays alive, I've got 00:07:50.82\00:07:55.23 the form of religion, yes, but not the power, 00:07:55.24\00:07:58.06 yes, yes, as the Jews in Jesus day did, 00:07:58.07\00:08:00.80 you know we've talked about that before. 00:08:00.81\00:08:02.84 This is both crucial and exciting. 00:08:02.85\00:08:04.63 In that you are giving a recipe for true success, 00:08:04.64\00:08:09.71 it's not cosmetology; it's not just putting on 00:08:09.72\00:08:13.22 coat of pain, because then you're just a, 00:08:13.23\00:08:14.77 wearing a separate coat, that's exactly right. 00:08:14.78\00:08:16.96 You know you look good on the outside 00:08:16.97\00:08:17.96 but inside dead man's bones. Right. 00:08:17.97\00:08:19.95 So it's not going to the beauty shop and 00:08:19.96\00:08:21.52 getting a facial and a hairdo. 00:08:21.53\00:08:22.97 It's a change that begins from within, 00:08:22.98\00:08:26.01 absolutely. Because if you just put a coat of 00:08:26.02\00:08:29.26 pain on after a while the rust is gonna 00:08:29.27\00:08:30.85 show through, exactly. And you're not gonna 00:08:30.86\00:08:32.36 that kind of success that you have, exactly. 00:08:32.37\00:08:34.87 And certainly you can't tap into the 00:08:34.88\00:08:36.48 power base that you should because 00:08:36.49\00:08:38.35 you haven't cleaned out from inside. 00:08:38.36\00:08:40.49 Oh it was precisely, yeah in fact I mean 00:08:40.50\00:08:43.39 I think the reason we are so poor at 00:08:43.40\00:08:46.30 following through on resolutions. 00:08:46.31\00:08:48.15 New Year's resolutions or any kind of change, 00:08:48.16\00:08:51.87 it doesn't have to be New Year's anytime is, 00:08:51.88\00:08:53.73 we're trying to outwardly force a 00:08:53.74\00:08:57.03 change of behavior when there has not 00:08:57.04\00:09:00.19 been an inner change, yes. And so there is 00:09:00.20\00:09:04.94 this dissidence and tension between 00:09:04.95\00:09:07.07 who I'm inside and what I'm trying to 00:09:07.08\00:09:09.34 do outwardly. And where as when I 00:09:09.35\00:09:12.75 inwardly surrender self and die, yes, 00:09:12.76\00:09:17.73 so that another power can resurrect me 00:09:17.74\00:09:20.62 and give me a whole different life. 00:09:20.63\00:09:22.48 And not just the life I had but Christ's life 00:09:22.49\00:09:25.55 then when I go after resolutions or 00:09:25.56\00:09:29.35 behavior change or whatever, why, 00:09:29.36\00:09:31.42 then that new life is going to empower 00:09:31.43\00:09:35.48 new changes and there is going to be 00:09:35.49\00:09:37.87 behaviors that stick, rather than I try it, 00:09:37.88\00:09:40.61 but I can't stay with it because it's the old 00:09:40.62\00:09:42.45 self trying to do new behaviors and it 00:09:42.46\00:09:44.13 doesn't mix. It just doesn't make sense, 00:09:44.14\00:09:45.61 it doesn't work, it doesn't work. 00:09:45.62\00:09:46.84 It's a strange kind of thing Yeah, yeah. 00:09:46.85\00:09:48.01 Now I want you just stay and maybe believe 00:09:48.02\00:09:49.71 lead down a different path, this is what occurs 00:09:49.72\00:09:51.24 to me. There are those who will tell you 00:09:51.25\00:09:54.29 because you're saying that victorious 00:09:54.30\00:09:58.42 resurrection power comes on the heels 00:09:58.43\00:10:01.90 of the death to self. Correct. 00:10:01.91\00:10:03.80 But I want you to wrestle with just 00:10:03.81\00:10:05.61 for a moment that the idea, espoused by 00:10:05.62\00:10:08.69 some that when you give your life to Christ 00:10:08.70\00:10:11.80 everything becomes for want of a better 00:10:11.81\00:10:14.81 term Hunky-dory, alright. Everything 00:10:14.82\00:10:16.16 is fine, correct; there is no battle to fight 00:10:16.17\00:10:18.51 anymore. Yes. And I think you're not saying that. 00:10:18.52\00:10:21.24 No. You're saying something totally 00:10:21.25\00:10:22.22 different. Well yeah I mean there will be a 00:10:22.23\00:10:23.68 huge battle to fight. I mean Paul talks about 00:10:23.69\00:10:27.58 put off your old self, do not be confirmed, 00:10:27.59\00:10:29.61 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 00:10:29.62\00:10:31.84 And Paul in Romans 7 talked about, he said 00:10:31.85\00:10:35.44 look something is going on, I don't do what 00:10:35.45\00:10:39.20 I wanna do, yes. And I do what I don't wanna do. 00:10:39.21\00:10:42.59 But interestingly enough he says it's no longer 00:10:42.60\00:10:46.18 I who do it, yeah, but sin living in me, 00:10:46.19\00:10:48.54 very strange words. I also, so maybe 00:10:48.55\00:10:51.70 I'm not responsible after all, I'm a victim 00:10:51.71\00:10:53.90 but you know the devil me do it or something, 00:10:53.91\00:10:56.25 but I think the reason he is saying that is 00:10:56.26\00:10:58.46 he is saying once I became a Christian, 00:10:58.47\00:11:00.56 my primary identity is Christ. 00:11:00.57\00:11:04.83 My primary authority my trained primary 00:11:04.84\00:11:07.72 master is Christ, however since living 00:11:07.73\00:11:11.63 in me sometimes I talk about a street orphan, 00:11:11.64\00:11:14.39 a kid who has no home, no name, 00:11:14.40\00:11:17.02 no base whatever and he is adopted, yes. 00:11:17.03\00:11:20.45 Given a home, given name, given a roof 00:11:20.46\00:11:22.49 over his head, given clothes, security, food. 00:11:22.50\00:11:24.86 A week after he is adopted will all of 00:11:24.87\00:11:28.40 his street life be gone? No. Probably not, 00:11:28.41\00:11:31.85 probably not, probably not, yeah, 00:11:31.86\00:11:33.39 but now that's secondary because 00:11:33.40\00:11:36.22 his primary identity is his new name, 00:11:36.23\00:11:39.88 his new family, his new security, 00:11:39.89\00:11:41.52 his new base, his new power in the sense, 00:11:41.53\00:11:43.66 but there is still street life and we 00:11:43.67\00:11:45.87 spend all of our lives trying to let the 00:11:45.88\00:11:49.46 new identity and resurrection power 00:11:49.47\00:11:51.39 in us just more and more lay aside and 00:11:51.40\00:11:54.40 just put to death, praise Lord sure, 00:11:54.41\00:11:55.78 our street life. But you know the battle with 00:11:55.79\00:11:58.70 self is the biggest battle's ever been fought, 00:11:58.71\00:12:01.00 very much so. I like your statement, 00:12:01.01\00:12:03.37 your primary identity, yes. You're playing for 00:12:03.38\00:12:06.67 a new team, you're playing for a new team, 00:12:06.68\00:12:08.71 if you're playing for a new team and it 00:12:08.72\00:12:09.69 doesn't mean that the old way doesn't prop up, 00:12:09.70\00:12:12.17 in fact that is your battle, keeping it from 00:12:12.18\00:12:13.81 doing that, that's right, but your primary, 00:12:13.82\00:12:16.16 it's a great life, your primary identity 00:12:16.17\00:12:18.43 now is Christ. Exactly, yes. And I think many 00:12:18.44\00:12:21.40 Christians feel because, I mean 00:12:21.41\00:12:23.70 I'll ask people sometime I'll say, 00:12:23.71\00:12:25.34 do you have a greater sense of who you are 00:12:25.35\00:12:27.74 in Christ or still have a greater sense of 00:12:27.75\00:12:30.41 how sin grips you and a lot of them will say, 00:12:30.42\00:12:33.53 yeah, I still feel more like a sinner. 00:12:33.54\00:12:35.73 And in fact I have a friend who for years 00:12:35.74\00:12:39.53 has fought anger and being hard on people 00:12:39.54\00:12:42.75 at home or whatever and he just has not 00:12:42.76\00:12:45.00 been able to look at this and he said 00:12:45.01\00:12:46.46 he just gets up wrapped up 00:12:46.47\00:12:47.61 in his sense of failure, his sense 00:12:47.62\00:12:49.59 of just getting irritable or losing his temper 00:12:49.60\00:12:52.77 or being controlling or whatever. 00:12:52.78\00:12:54.36 And he suddenly got it and decided, 00:12:54.37\00:12:57.69 I'm gonna wake up every morning and 00:12:57.70\00:12:58.92 say Lord I thank you that you are my primary 00:12:58.93\00:13:01.41 master that you're healing the anger in me 00:13:01.42\00:13:05.05 and the attitude in me you're changing me, 00:13:05.06\00:13:07.44 that I have a new life that I can count 00:13:07.45\00:13:09.85 myself dead to sin as Paul said in Romans 6, 00:13:09.86\00:13:12.20 yeah. And his wife told me months afterwards 00:13:12.21\00:13:16.00 she said, he has become a different person 00:13:16.01\00:13:18.55 because he is more identified and he is 00:13:18.56\00:13:21.89 more aware of his identity in Christ then 00:13:21.90\00:13:24.80 the street life, the sinful nature that's 00:13:24.81\00:13:27.20 still in him even though that still crops up. 00:13:27.21\00:13:29.21 Yes, yes that's a fabulous thing. 00:13:29.22\00:13:30.86 And I think it is a question that each 00:13:30.87\00:13:32.32 of us needs to ask ourselves. 00:13:32.33\00:13:34.17 Paul talked about humility but he also 00:13:34.18\00:13:37.61 says I know him in whom I have believed, 00:13:37.62\00:13:41.12 I know. Right. You know we're not shadow boxes; 00:13:41.13\00:13:44.01 we're not beating the air. We are fighting in 00:13:44.02\00:13:48.69 strength, fighting in power. Yes. We're 00:13:48.70\00:13:50.89 fighting with resurrection power, precisely, 00:13:50.90\00:13:52.78 but before that I need to be just overwhelmingly 00:13:52.79\00:13:56.47 committed, yes, to dying to self no matter what, 00:13:56.48\00:14:01.76 and sometimes it's just excruciating painful 00:14:01.77\00:14:05.09 to die to self. When I, when I don't and 00:14:05.10\00:14:08.50 I don't think that some people get in 00:14:08.51\00:14:11.49 this crazy thing of every time I sin is 00:14:11.50\00:14:14.21 Christ left my life. I mean I'll say to a 00:14:14.22\00:14:17.36 married couple, I say you know when you have 00:14:17.37\00:14:18.70 a fight, do you lie awake nights wondering 00:14:18.71\00:14:20.70 if you're still married. Yeah. They don't. 00:14:20.71\00:14:23.09 Right. You know. Hey Christ is in us, 00:14:23.10\00:14:25.85 and in fact I picture Jesus life in us this 00:14:25.86\00:14:30.90 way as a huge body of water, an ocean 00:14:30.91\00:14:34.44 that goes on and on. And he is in us and when I, 00:14:34.45\00:14:38.26 when self rises he doesn't suddenly leave, 00:14:38.27\00:14:40.82 he's still there but I picture this dam 00:14:40.83\00:14:43.56 with gates that control the flow of the water. 00:14:43.57\00:14:45.81 Yes. And he is in me but when self rises and 00:14:45.82\00:14:49.90 sin rises in me the gates are shutting and 00:14:49.91\00:14:53.73 now I'm living out of self, and when 00:14:53.74\00:14:56.85 I die to self and let him control me, 00:14:56.86\00:15:00.24 the gates are opening and his life 00:15:00.25\00:15:02.84 is flowing in me and through me and 00:15:02.85\00:15:05.17 out of me to others, yeah, yeah. 00:15:05.18\00:15:06.71 But his life is in me when I become a Christian, 00:15:06.72\00:15:09.16 we're identified with Christ. Yeah, so. 00:15:09.17\00:15:12.96 Yes, and I think our life was not defined 00:15:12.97\00:15:15.67 by the occasional mistake or occasional slip, 00:15:15.68\00:15:18.39 right. It's more defined by the direction 00:15:18.40\00:15:20.20 as you said it before; it's our primary 00:15:20.21\00:15:22.01 identification, our primary master. 00:15:22.02\00:15:23.75 Yeah. That's right. And that is Jesus. 00:15:23.76\00:15:25.50 Yes. Do I not have times when I make mistakes, 00:15:25.51\00:15:28.61 when I am less than perfect as a Christian, 00:15:28.62\00:15:31.78 oh yeah. There are, yeah, but my primary focus, 00:15:31.79\00:15:34.66 my primary identification, my primary principle 00:15:34.67\00:15:37.20 master is Jesus Christ. It's absolutely Christ. 00:15:37.21\00:15:39.12 Now the time I find it hardest to let keep 00:15:39.13\00:15:43.81 those gates open. Is when I'm being treated 00:15:43.82\00:15:48.47 unfairly and I know I'm right. 00:15:48.48\00:15:50.63 I mean when I know I'm right, I'll never 00:15:50.64\00:15:56.19 forget the couple coming to me a while back 00:15:56.20\00:16:00.35 and she was ticking through his sins and 00:16:00.36\00:16:03.84 he was sinning, they're agreeing with her 00:16:03.85\00:16:05.55 that he wasn't caring, he didn't help with 00:16:05.56\00:16:07.50 the kids, he was ignoring her in this and that 00:16:07.51\00:16:09.21 and the other. But she said it so bitterly with 00:16:09.22\00:16:12.47 such sarcasm, with such anger, with such 00:16:12.48\00:16:15.31 resentment. And even though she was 00:16:15.32\00:16:17.22 absolutely right, I felt very nervous about 00:16:17.23\00:16:20.26 the way she was right. Yeah. 00:16:20.27\00:16:21.96 And later I began to reflect on this and now, 00:16:21.97\00:16:25.93 now I some times say this, that we do a lot 00:16:25.94\00:16:28.10 if not most of our sinning when we're right, 00:16:28.11\00:16:30.29 when we're right, yeah, yeah. 00:16:30.30\00:16:31.92 And I think it's hardest to die to self 00:16:31.93\00:16:35.47 when I am right. And I'm not talking 00:16:35.48\00:16:37.91 when I think I'm right. Sometimes I think 00:16:37.92\00:16:40.08 I'm right I'm not. Yes. I'm talking about 00:16:40.09\00:16:42.02 what I'm already am. I mean God wants us 00:16:42.03\00:16:44.45 to have a happy marriage. He doesn't 00:16:44.46\00:16:47.26 want me to be dying with cancer, 00:16:47.27\00:16:48.88 you know he, it's not his will that the boss 00:16:48.89\00:16:52.03 be treating me badly or all those sorts of things. 00:16:52.04\00:16:55.39 And when things are not going my way then 00:16:55.40\00:16:58.68 I know even God probably wishes was different. 00:16:58.69\00:17:01.30 Yeah. Why it's terribly hard for bitterness 00:17:01.31\00:17:04.76 and for resentment and for hurt and impatience, 00:17:04.77\00:17:07.81 to rise up and I'll be sinning all over the 00:17:07.82\00:17:12.21 place even though I'm right and that blocks 00:17:12.22\00:17:15.58 resurrection power. You know, you would think 00:17:15.59\00:17:20.22 and perhaps it's the way the human mind 00:17:20.23\00:17:22.13 works that, right is almost the substitute 00:17:22.14\00:17:24.67 for being redemptive, it is not. 00:17:24.68\00:17:27.98 I think we have a, as a greater responsibility 00:17:27.99\00:17:31.46 when we are in the right to be redemptive, 00:17:31.47\00:17:34.52 to be redemptive that's right. 00:17:34.53\00:17:35.50 Yeah, yeah. See Joseph, you look at, 00:17:35.51\00:17:37.76 hey Joseph's brothers were right, 00:17:37.77\00:17:40.34 he was kind of a spoiled kid, he was yeah, yeah. 00:17:40.35\00:17:42.96 And his father's treating didn't help, 00:17:42.97\00:17:44.60 that's right, yeah. And, but in their rightness 00:17:44.61\00:17:48.32 look what it let them to do. Yes, yes, yeah. 00:17:48.33\00:17:51.50 I mean it's awful I mean hearing it, they threw 00:17:51.51\00:17:54.15 Joseph in this pit, then sold him as a slave 00:17:54.16\00:17:56.47 and all that, the contrast is that Joseph had 00:17:56.48\00:18:00.22 the right to be bitter and angry, I mean for 00:18:00.23\00:18:04.72 13 years he was in Egypt as a slave and in prison 00:18:04.73\00:18:07.89 and all of that. And here I mean boy if anybody 00:18:07.90\00:18:11.29 was justified in having a sinful you might 00:18:11.30\00:18:14.06 say bitter, critical, angry, revengeful spirit 00:18:14.07\00:18:19.61 it be Joseph and he didn't. He never 00:18:19.62\00:18:22.89 manifested. I mean so, so he didn't sin when 00:18:22.90\00:18:25.78 he was right and it's, but it's, but when we 00:18:25.79\00:18:29.17 can surrender, I'll say sometimes, 00:18:29.18\00:18:33.04 I'll say sometimes what happens to us 00:18:33.05\00:18:35.64 is relatively inconsequential, 00:18:35.65\00:18:37.80 but what happens in and through us 00:18:37.81\00:18:40.55 has huge consequences. Oh yes, yes, yes I can 00:18:40.56\00:18:43.53 agree with that. It's kind of, when we, and 00:18:43.54\00:18:46.49 we are so eager that things go our way that 00:18:46.50\00:18:51.07 without knowing it, we just, the gates of those 00:18:51.08\00:18:55.00 then shut down and we're so invested in 00:18:55.01\00:18:58.05 things turning out our way, that God's 00:18:58.06\00:19:01.74 resurrection power is just blocked from 00:19:01.75\00:19:04.51 flowing through us. It might just doesn't 00:19:04.52\00:19:07.25 happen like it ought to. So, then your thesis is 00:19:07.26\00:19:10.96 we are most in danger of having that old man 00:19:10.97\00:19:14.92 to rise again when we're in the right. 00:19:14.93\00:19:17.43 It's seems so because it's so hard not to fight 00:19:17.44\00:19:23.67 for our rights, yes, yes. And we're in a world 00:19:23.68\00:19:27.24 that says take care of number one, take care 00:19:27.25\00:19:30.12 of number one, nobody else is gonna look after 00:19:30.13\00:19:32.35 you, oh yeah. And my belief is that I should 00:19:32.36\00:19:37.34 have abandoned myself protectiveness to Christ. 00:19:37.35\00:19:40.50 And this is very tricky I know but I ought to 00:19:40.51\00:19:47.27 be more concerned about the reputation 00:19:47.28\00:19:49.53 of Jesus through me. Then I am concerned 00:19:49.54\00:19:52.28 about getting my way. Because if I get my way 00:19:52.29\00:19:56.73 and I'm contradicting the spirit of Christ, 00:19:56.74\00:20:00.78 his reputation is being hurt, is being hurt, 00:20:00.79\00:20:03.24 sure, yeah. I mean the reputation of Jesus, 00:20:03.25\00:20:05.29 I mean in Isaiah we read, your name and your 00:20:05.30\00:20:08.09 renown are desire of my heart. 00:20:08.10\00:20:09.86 So am I absolutely more invested in how Jesus 00:20:09.87\00:20:15.32 looks through me, I understand. 00:20:15.33\00:20:17.56 Then I am being right or getting my right, 00:20:17.57\00:20:21.87 yes, yes, yes. And it's so easy the last 00:20:21.88\00:20:25.13 church that our pastor to had over 2000 members 00:20:25.14\00:20:27.53 and I recall there was some disturbance 00:20:27.54\00:20:32.69 between two women in the church, I went, 00:20:32.70\00:20:34.88 you know doing the settle diplomacy back 00:20:34.89\00:20:36.76 and forth, that's right. And when I went to 00:20:36.77\00:20:39.10 visit one member she said to me, pastor, 00:20:39.11\00:20:41.77 not now, you know I don't talk about that 00:20:41.78\00:20:44.18 forgiveness stuff, I wanna be mad, 00:20:44.19\00:20:46.16 you know let me enjoy this, I wanna be mad. 00:20:46.17\00:20:47.86 I want to like my pity party. Yeah, I want to 00:20:47.87\00:20:49.51 stay here and I want to be mad, talk with me 00:20:49.52\00:20:50.99 tomorrow. But I don't want to, I don't want 00:20:51.00\00:20:52.51 you to discuss this now, you're kind of 00:20:52.52\00:20:53.88 enjoying that anger, you know that kind 00:20:53.89\00:20:55.57 of thing and reveling in that anger. 00:20:55.58\00:20:58.32 And of course it's an expression of self, 00:20:58.33\00:21:00.65 I want to be mad, I don't want data, 00:21:00.66\00:21:02.87 I don't want rapprochement, 00:21:02.88\00:21:03.93 I don't wanna to be forgiven or 00:21:03.94\00:21:06.23 offer forgiveness, I want to be mad, 00:21:06.24\00:21:08.27 I'm man and I want to be mad. 00:21:08.28\00:21:09.25 And we enjoy our mad, yes, yes. 00:21:09.26\00:21:10.62 I heard someone did that, out of the 00:21:10.63\00:21:11.60 seven deadly sins, the anger is the most fun. 00:21:11.61\00:21:13.12 I mean to just enjoy and muse over 00:21:13.13\00:21:19.19 what's been done to me and muse over 00:21:19.20\00:21:21.31 what I'm gonna do back, yeah, yeah, 00:21:21.32\00:21:23.01 and really anger is, oh my, I mean it's 00:21:23.02\00:21:27.01 I call it the most dangerous emotion 00:21:27.02\00:21:28.50 because in Ephesians it says do not 00:21:28.51\00:21:31.75 be angry, do not let the sun go down on 00:21:31.76\00:21:33.76 you're anger and do not give the devil 00:21:33.77\00:21:36.24 a foothold. Now, I don't think it means 00:21:36.25\00:21:39.01 if one second before the sun goes down 00:21:39.02\00:21:41.19 you get angry, and you better get over 00:21:41.20\00:21:42.47 in the next half second. I think it means don't 00:21:42.48\00:21:45.20 hold on to it, surely, surely, surely. 00:21:45.21\00:21:47.25 And later it says do not grieve the 00:21:47.26\00:21:48.23 Holy Spirit of God and get rid of all bitterness, 00:21:48.24\00:21:50.43 rage, anger. And in that passage in 00:21:50.44\00:21:53.13 Ephesians 4, I think it's saying that when 00:21:53.14\00:21:55.74 I hold on to anger and get angry and handle 00:21:55.75\00:21:59.55 it poorly, I'm giving the devil a foothold, 00:21:59.56\00:22:02.34 I'm opening the door to Satan and 00:22:02.35\00:22:04.04 I'm slamming the door on the Holy Spirit. 00:22:04.05\00:22:05.83 Yeah. Do not grieve that. That's about as 00:22:05.84\00:22:07.53 frightening as it can get. To open the door to 00:22:07.54\00:22:09.48 Satan and slam the door on the Holy Spirit. 00:22:09.49\00:22:11.18 Surely, surely and of course it's at those 00:22:11.19\00:22:14.09 times when you are holding on to that, 00:22:14.10\00:22:17.16 that the devil brings something along to 00:22:17.17\00:22:19.09 show you how far from Lord you actually are, 00:22:19.10\00:22:21.17 'cause you sort of cut off, you sort of divorced 00:22:21.18\00:22:23.67 out from your power source, yes. 00:22:23.68\00:22:25.63 And certainly resurrection power 00:22:25.64\00:22:26.77 is not flowing through that time. 00:22:26.78\00:22:27.91 That's true. The reason we get angry 00:22:27.92\00:22:30.23 incidentally is we don't like to feel weak 00:22:30.24\00:22:33.12 and helpless and hurt and frustrated 00:22:33.13\00:22:34.55 and scared, you probably heard that 00:22:34.56\00:22:36.39 anger is the secondary emotion that always, 00:22:36.40\00:22:39.65 it was preceded by either fear, hurt or 00:22:39.66\00:22:42.03 frustration. Yeah. And we don't like those 00:22:42.04\00:22:44.17 feelings where as it's, it feels power, 00:22:44.18\00:22:47.08 anger's power, anger's power, yeah, yeah. 00:22:47.09\00:22:49.84 And so I feel, so I go to anger to feel more 00:22:49.85\00:22:52.25 powerful 'cause I don't wanna feel weak, 00:22:52.26\00:22:53.57 hurt or frustration, precisely, yeah. 00:22:53.58\00:22:55.48 So I, get anger, but when I do self is all 00:22:55.49\00:22:59.53 alive and it just absolutely slams the 00:22:59.54\00:23:04.24 door to resurrection power. 00:23:04.25\00:23:05.68 It just slam, because self is, when self is 00:23:05.69\00:23:08.55 alive it doesn't need to be resurrected, 00:23:08.56\00:23:10.65 it's already alive. When self is dead 00:23:10.66\00:23:13.11 that's when I need a new life, 00:23:13.12\00:23:14.28 I need resurrection power. Would you 00:23:14.29\00:23:16.49 agree, do you agree that this is something 00:23:16.50\00:23:18.84 that we have to, and I use the term work 00:23:18.85\00:23:21.77 at everyday it's not like you turn the button 00:23:21.78\00:23:23.69 on and the motor runs, and it just runs on 00:23:23.70\00:23:25.52 eternally, yeah right, but it's something that 00:23:25.53\00:23:27.08 we have to reaffirm everyday? 00:23:27.09\00:23:28.33 And I think you have to reaffirm it numerous 00:23:28.34\00:23:30.83 times a day. I mean numerous times a 00:23:30.84\00:23:34.00 day things happen that are just inconvenient, 00:23:34.01\00:23:39.71 they're irritating, they're scary, you know 00:23:39.72\00:23:44.22 whatever and, numerous times a day 00:23:44.23\00:23:47.88 we can practice, you know there's a lots of 00:23:47.89\00:23:50.33 duty practice dying to self or really it. 00:23:50.34\00:23:52.46 Yeah. I love definition Dallas Willard, 00:23:52.47\00:23:56.01 some people like to read Dallas Willard he says, 00:23:56.02\00:23:58.89 "a person who is dead to self is not offended 00:23:58.90\00:24:01.39 when things don't go their way, they're not 00:24:01.40\00:24:04.07 surprised when things don't go their way 00:24:04.08\00:24:06.02 and they're not controlled by the things 00:24:06.03\00:24:08.87 that don't go their way. Oh it's beautiful. 00:24:08.88\00:24:10.70 Now that's resurrection power. Yes, yes. 00:24:10.71\00:24:14.25 So not be surprised when things don't go 00:24:14.26\00:24:15.94 in my way, not offended when things, 00:24:15.95\00:24:17.86 and not controlled by the things that don't 00:24:17.87\00:24:19.52 go my way. Ellen White, an author that we love 00:24:19.53\00:24:23.05 a lot says it's the love of self that destroys 00:24:23.06\00:24:26.18 our peace. When self is all alive when we 00:24:26.19\00:24:28.83 stand ready continually to guard it, oh yeah, 00:24:28.84\00:24:31.43 for modification an insult. Yeah, yeah. 00:24:31.44\00:24:33.44 But when we are dead and our life is 00:24:33.45\00:24:35.58 hidden with Christ the God, we'll not 00:24:35.59\00:24:37.61 take neglects or slights to heart, 00:24:37.62\00:24:39.03 will be death to reproach applying 00:24:39.04\00:24:40.57 to score an insult now. And that's beautiful 00:24:40.58\00:24:43.39 stuff, oh that's beautiful. 00:24:43.40\00:24:44.50 And it shows a life of total surrender to Christ. 00:24:44.51\00:24:46.92 Because you're not offended, you're not 00:24:46.93\00:24:49.77 surprised and you're not controlled by it, 00:24:49.78\00:24:52.26 and all of us can sort of roll with things 00:24:52.27\00:24:54.89 when they're going as we wish. 00:24:54.90\00:24:56.33 That's right, yeah. The tests of our, 00:24:56.34\00:24:57.51 our walk with Christ is when things go 00:24:57.52\00:24:59.26 contrary to what we want. But what's 00:24:59.27\00:25:01.06 remarkable and exception and a miracle is 00:25:01.07\00:25:04.00 when you see people rolling with things 00:25:04.01\00:25:06.73 when they're not going their way. 00:25:06.74\00:25:08.48 Yes, yes. And there something, 00:25:08.49\00:25:10.00 I mean to have that kind of peace and 00:25:10.01\00:25:12.53 that kind of power, you know I some 00:25:12.54\00:25:15.22 times say that it's hard to beat peace, 00:25:15.23\00:25:19.26 and power to cope with whatever life 00:25:19.27\00:25:21.58 serves up. Having peace and power to cope 00:25:21.59\00:25:24.22 with whatever life serves up and you see 00:25:24.23\00:25:26.24 people with, that just relate in powerful 00:25:26.25\00:25:31.21 and peaceful and joyful ways, when life's just 00:25:31.22\00:25:34.26 slamming him in the teeth all the time. 00:25:34.27\00:25:36.00 Surely. Who? Yeah. That's an impressive 00:25:36.01\00:25:37.86 testimony for Christ. Oh it is. It is and what 00:25:37.87\00:25:40.16 must it have been like to have been 00:25:40.17\00:25:41.44 Jesus never get any peace, never get any rest, 00:25:41.45\00:25:44.26 never get a break from Satan, to have Pharisees, 00:25:44.27\00:25:46.34 Sadducees, nipping at your heel all the time 00:25:46.35\00:25:49.05 and a group of disciples in your inner circle 00:25:49.06\00:25:52.00 whose for the most part really didn't understand 00:25:52.01\00:25:54.25 your mission and yet maintained that peace, 00:25:54.26\00:25:56.95 maintain that calm, maintain that focus, 00:25:56.96\00:25:59.32 maintain that connection, that's the kind of power 00:25:59.33\00:26:01.98 that we can have here growing up, that's true. 00:26:01.99\00:26:03.32 Yeah. Now saying all these I mean it sounds, 00:26:03.33\00:26:06.29 I'm thinking it sounds awfully negative, 00:26:06.30\00:26:07.91 hated guy to right, so you can get up your 00:26:07.92\00:26:09.72 all those sorts of thing. You've got a have a 00:26:09.73\00:26:11.48 couple things going for you, one is you've got 00:26:11.49\00:26:13.75 to be just overwhelmed with the love of Christ, 00:26:13.76\00:26:15.77 yes. You got to be just absolutely overwhelmed 00:26:15.78\00:26:18.22 and say hey his love and his reputation are 00:26:18.23\00:26:20.40 absolutely so wonderful, hey I'm abandoning 00:26:20.41\00:26:22.80 self defending us and self protecting us 00:26:22.81\00:26:24.74 and fighting for my rights. The other 00:26:24.75\00:26:27.57 thing that it seems life you have to be just 00:26:27.58\00:26:29.91 really overwhelmed with is look being at peace 00:26:29.92\00:26:34.64 and trusting Christ, yes. Has guarded all over 00:26:34.65\00:26:39.17 fighting for my rights even, even when 00:26:39.18\00:26:43.02 occasionally I win. Yes. And it's so awful when 00:26:43.03\00:26:46.39 I fight for my rights, it doesn't even work. 00:26:46.40\00:26:48.66 Yeah. So why do it when it's not even 00:26:48.67\00:26:52.52 worth it. And be losing the opportunity sometimes 00:26:52.53\00:26:54.34 to represent Christ. You know because you're 00:26:54.35\00:26:56.34 fighting, you're in that fighting mode, yeah. 00:26:56.35\00:26:57.72 And you have to say look John the Baptist 00:26:57.73\00:27:00.85 he must increase and I decrease you have to 00:27:00.86\00:27:03.45 be terribly invested in him looking great and 00:27:03.46\00:27:07.13 his reputation is far more important than 00:27:07.14\00:27:09.14 how my life is going, oh yes. 00:27:09.15\00:27:10.78 How my life is going is relatively unimportant 00:27:10.79\00:27:13.84 compared to how he's looking and how he's 00:27:13.85\00:27:16.50 living through me, oh yes. Yes, yes. 00:27:16.51\00:27:18.98 This has been a wonderful study and 00:27:18.99\00:27:21.26 I thank you so very much we've really 00:27:21.27\00:27:22.98 just sort of looked at the tip of the eyes 00:27:22.99\00:27:25.06 because the power of resurrection, 00:27:25.07\00:27:28.72 power of the ideal resurrection power 00:27:28.73\00:27:30.21 such a wonderful thing and it is dead rock 00:27:30.22\00:27:32.60 foundational to our growth in Christ. 00:27:32.61\00:27:34.57 Die to self, come alive to life in Jesus Christ, 00:27:34.58\00:27:37.59 right, and experience a growth, a power 00:27:37.60\00:27:39.92 that we've never had before, right. 00:27:39.93\00:27:41.49 A whole different. And when I didn't, 00:27:41.50\00:27:43.09 until I got this I didn't get it. 00:27:43.10\00:27:44.52 Until I got it I didn't get it, right. 00:27:44.53\00:27:47.45 Praise God. Thank you so very, very 00:27:47.46\00:27:49.81 much for being with us. Yeah, thank you. 00:27:49.82\00:27:51.33 Again Resurrection power, experience it, 00:27:51.34\00:27:53.78 pray for it, live in it and your life will 00:27:53.79\00:27:56.28 be blessed, that's all for now, 00:27:56.29\00:27:57.80 God bless you, we'll see you again. 00:27:57.81\00:27:59.26