Issues and Answers

God Has A Plan For Your Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Thomas, Stan Dixon


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000038

00:30 Welcome to another edition of "Issues and Answers."
00:33 What are you doing for the rest of your life?
00:35 You know, that was the very question
00:37 that my husband asked me when he proposed.
00:40 And at the time, I was not sure.
00:43 That's what we're gonna talk about today
00:45 with our special guest,
00:46 Pastor Stanley Dixon of Tucson, Arizona.
00:48 Let me tell you a little bit about Pastor Dixon.
00:51 He is a graduate of Los Angeles City College,
00:55 Oakwood College and Andrews University,
00:57 Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
01:00 He is a former military man, servicing in the US Navy Ships
01:03 servicemen in Armoured Guard Division.
01:06 He is currently the pastor
01:08 of the Sharon's Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:10 in Tucson, Arizona.
01:12 Welcome, Pastor Dixon, to the program.
01:14 It's good to be here. So tell us.
01:17 "God has a plan for our life"
01:19 is the topic I understand we're talking about.
01:21 Yes, and He has a perfect plan.
01:24 And if we find out what that plan is
01:27 then our lives will be more rewarding and fulfill,
01:32 but the text that I wanted to start out with
01:35 which explains this even better than I can.
01:40 It's a Jeremiah 29:11. Okay.
01:45 And the text says, "For I know the thoughts
01:50 that I think toward you, saith the Lord,
01:54 thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
01:58 to give you an expected end."
02:02 And I'd like to read that in another translation. Okay.
02:04 "For I know the plans, I have for you,
02:09 plans to prosper and not to harm you,
02:13 but to give you a hope and a future."
02:17 So God is saying that, "I don't want to harm you,
02:22 if you follow Me and you yield your life to Me,
02:25 I will not harm you.
02:26 In fact, it will be hope and I'll give you a future.
02:31 I know the plans, you may not be aware of those plans.
02:34 But if you trust Me, I'll make those plans obvious to you."
02:40 And I think the text is so important to me,
02:42 because as I look back on my life,
02:44 I have always tried since becoming a Christian
02:49 to make sure that I'm in His plans.
02:51 It doesn't matter whether it's,
02:53 you know, marrying someone or choosing a job
02:56 or location for a house, choosing a church to minister
03:00 although God doesn't leave it up to us what,
03:02 you know, to choose,
03:04 but sometimes we may have a choice
03:05 between several congregations.
03:07 But God has a perfect plan.
03:10 And recently I received the call
03:14 to go outside of the conferences where I'm pastoring now.
03:18 And it seemed like a right thing to do.
03:21 And, you know, I prayed about it.
03:23 And, but it was like the Lord was saying,
03:28 okay, go ahead, you know.
03:29 So I went just to kind of check things out,
03:31 check out the lands,
03:33 see if we can do some to my children
03:34 and everything was excellent.
03:36 I mean, they had a nice house,
03:37 the kind of living that we look for.
03:39 We wanted to get out of the city.
03:41 Tucson is a large city
03:44 and more opportunities for children in terms of education
03:48 in this area that we were moving to,
03:51 but when I got there, I decided,
03:52 you know, I've got to really pray and fast about this.
03:56 And so while I was there, the Lord began to impress me
04:00 that I don't wanted to leave my perfect will.
04:03 Now you can leave
04:04 and you'll be a blessing to that conversation,
04:06 but my perfect will for you is to remain where you are.
04:12 And I said, "Lord, I can't do that.
04:13 I already told the people I'm leaving."
04:15 And I've already said,
04:16 "God has told me to leave, right?"
04:18 And I couldn't do that, you know.
04:20 But the Lord said, "Just put down your pride
04:21 and go back and tell the people."
04:23 And so I went back the following Sabbath
04:25 and told them that I changed my mind.
04:28 And that upon praying and further reflection,
04:31 I discovered that God's perfect will for me was to remain
04:35 and applause broke out in the congregation.
04:38 200 or 300 families who were visiting said,
04:40 "We want to transfer our membership to this church
04:42 because you listen to the Lord, you know."
04:44 Yes, I was thinking the same thing.
04:46 That would the reason to applause.
04:48 And also the reason why I was leaving
04:49 was to develop a kind of a cross cultural ministry,
04:52 where-- you know,
04:54 where I was going and I didn't know it,
04:57 but I had that there at the congregation where I was.
05:01 And the Lord just, I mean, He's just been blessing,
05:04 He's just been blessing,
05:05 and I think it's because I wanted to find out
05:10 what His perfect will is-- will was for me at that time.
05:14 And I believe that God, like He says,
05:16 "I know the plans I have for you.
05:18 I know them. You're not aware of them."
05:21 And it maybe a time when it's time to leave,
05:24 but I want to make sure that I'm in His will, you see,
05:27 because there are choices, we have choices in life.
05:30 Who we're gonna marry, Bob, Joe?
05:32 Or what college to go to, La Sierra, Pacific Union?
05:36 But God has a perfect will.
05:39 And I think as we seek Him,
05:40 He'll make it plain to us, you see.
05:43 And something happened to me before I became a Christian.
05:49 When I was embarking on a career as a night club comedy performer
05:54 I remember going up on the stage.
05:57 And before we went up on stage,
05:58 a friend of mine who is also a comedian,
06:01 we both, we didn't know God, but we said,
06:04 "Let's pray that God will bless our routines tonight
06:07 because Mitzi Shore,
06:09 the owner of the comedy store is gonna be there.
06:11 So let's pray." Now we're not serving God.
06:14 We're just gonna use God to bless us.
06:16 So we knelt down and we prayed.
06:19 "Lord, give us skill, give us the ability
06:22 to make those folks laugh and, Lord, help us."
06:24 And so we got up on the stage.
06:27 It was like, everything went wrong.
06:30 The timing was off,
06:32 the punch lines weren't punching.
06:34 It was terrible, it was awful.
06:36 And the Bible says in Romans 8.
06:39 It says, 26,
06:44 "For likewise the Spirit helps us in our infirmities,
06:46 for we don't always know
06:48 what we should pray for as we ought.
06:50 But the Spirit itself maketh intercession with--
06:54 for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."
06:57 So I thank God.
06:58 Even though I didn't know Him
07:00 and even though I had the nerve to just pray
07:02 that the Lord intercepted my prayer
07:04 and prayed according to His will
07:07 which eventually let me out of the stand up comedy.
07:10 And so now I believe I'm more in the center,
07:12 well, I am in the center of His will
07:15 because that wasn't His purpose for my life.
07:18 Do you think that God reads our hearts and our character,
07:23 and when you prayed that prayer even though
07:26 it was not what you had actually prayed for?
07:29 Or you prayed for God to bless you?
07:32 Yes. Okay.
07:34 Then you did get the blessing.
07:35 Yeah, I did. Yes.
07:37 Yeah. He did bless absolutely and--
07:42 Just along the ways that you have thought originally.
07:43 And often times, you know,
07:46 God does bless us in ways that we--
07:49 'cause we're shortsighted.
07:50 We can't see the consequences of this or that action.
07:54 Although it may appear to be good for us,
07:56 even things that are illegitimate, you see.
07:58 And that's why we should, you know,
07:59 with prayer and supplication make our request known to God,
08:02 pray about everything, you see.
08:04 I may even accuse of buying shoes.
08:06 You know, Lord, which shoe to buy?
08:08 You know, maybe that's a little bit fanatical,
08:09 but I take that as--
08:12 No, I think praying for good bargains is a good thing. Yeah.
08:15 It's good use of stewardship of money.
08:16 Yeah, yeah.
08:18 So as far as trust, but we have choices to make.
08:21 And the point is you don't need a horoscope,
08:23 you don't need the physic hotline,
08:25 and you don't need, you know,
08:29 some counselor to tell you what choice to make.
08:32 You know, God will make His will plain.
08:34 In Proverbs 3:5, it says,
08:36 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
08:39 Lean not on your own understanding,
08:43 but in all your ways acknowledge Him
08:46 and He will direct your paths."
08:48 You know, my husband and I were having a conversation
08:50 about this very thing not too long ago.
08:53 And we were saying that
08:55 that people who really want to have a life with God,
09:00 they are the ones who don't really have
09:02 a lot of plans, set and plans.
09:04 But if we really want to have plans,
09:07 those who wish to stay here
09:09 or those who wish not to have eternity with God,
09:12 their plans can be executed because they're for this earth.
09:17 Absolutely, absolutely.
09:20 I think as Christians we need to be a neutral,
09:24 so that God can further reveal.
09:26 You know, this life for us is a pilgrim
09:29 and it takes the pressure of, you know, making plans,
09:32 where you're gonna sleep,
09:33 where you're gonna live, you know.
09:35 Jesus said, "These are the things
09:36 that Gentiles worry about,
09:38 but take no thought for your life."
09:40 And because our Father knows that you need,
09:41 you know, need these things.
09:43 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
09:45 and all of His righteousness,
09:47 and all of the rest will be added." Amen.
09:49 So God, you know, it's a wonderful life.
09:53 It's a blessing to be a Christian,
09:57 to be called into His body at this time,
10:01 and to be in the center of His will.
10:03 But some of our viewers maybe asking,
10:06 "You know, what is God's plan for my life," you see?
10:09 What is-- But first you need to understand
10:11 that there is a primary plan
10:14 and His ultimate will for your life
10:17 is found in 1 Timothy 2:4. Okay.
10:23 Shall we turn there? Yes.
10:24 1 Timothy-- 1 Timothy 2:4.
10:27 New Testament, 1 Timothy 2:4.
10:39 Okay. "Who--"
10:42 Oh, go right ahead. No, you go ahead.
10:44 1 Timothy 2:4, "Who will have all men to be saved,
10:48 and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."
10:52 Amen. So that's His ultimate will.
10:55 Is that for everyone first and foremost to be saved?
10:59 So when we pray, God's will be done in our lives.
11:03 We're asking, we're giving God permission
11:05 to further any plan
11:07 that will facilitate our being saved. Amen.
11:11 Closing doors that would prevent that from happening
11:15 or opening doors, you see.
11:18 So that's His ultimate will.
11:20 So whether the things, whether things good or bad
11:22 happened to us in our journey and through life?
11:26 His ultimate plan for us is to be saved in His kingdom
11:29 which is far greater than any plan
11:32 that we could have here on earth.
11:34 You see, but even while we're on earth,
11:36 God still has a secondary plan,
11:37 and that secondary plan is found in Colossians 1:28.
11:43 Okay. Colossians 1:28.
11:46 You have it? Yes, I do.
11:47 Okay, go ahead and read it.
11:49 "Whom we preach, warning every man,
11:51 and teaching every man in all wisdom
11:54 that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Yes.
11:58 So God's secondary will for us is that
12:01 we become mature in Christ. Okay.
12:04 So after being saved, He wants to--
12:08 for us to produce more fruit as John 15 tells us, you know.
12:13 More fruit, so that we can bring glory and honor to the Father.
12:17 He wants us to mature to the place
12:19 where we're not affected by circumstances
12:21 that we grow into the knowledge of Christ Jesus,
12:26 so that we're not tossed to and fro
12:29 by every wind or every situation,
12:31 according to the Ephesians 4.
12:32 So God wants to save us.
12:34 He wants us to develop and to mature to grow
12:37 as the trees of righteousness, according to Isaiah.
12:40 And finally He wants us to--
12:44 His purpose and will for us is for us to witness,
12:48 so that we can reveal to other people
12:52 the glory of God, you know.
12:54 And in this process, in this journey we may--
12:56 the things may happen to us that we can't explain.
12:59 For example, Joseph, you know, was sold by his brothers
13:03 and here he was the most favorite child,
13:05 the one who was most spiritually adept
13:08 and yet his brothers plot against him,
13:10 throw him in a pit,
13:11 and now he is in the being sold as a slave and he's wondering.
13:14 What's gonna happen to my life?
13:16 I thought God had a plan for my life.
13:17 I had dreams about people bowing down to me, you know.
13:20 What's gonna happen? Now I'm sold in slavery.
13:22 And so he sold as into slavery,
13:25 and then He run into temptation, okay?
13:28 And then he does what God tells him to do,
13:30 and now he is in jail, he is in prison.
13:32 He could again say, "Lord, what is Your plan for my life?
13:35 I'm in prison, you know,
13:37 and I don't know how long I'm gonna be here.
13:38 That must have been awful.
13:40 Yeah, must have been awful,
13:41 but he resolved that he would be faithful to God.
13:43 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
13:44 and that's what he did.
13:45 And eventually we know the end of the story,
13:48 God used those bad things 'cause the text says,
13:52 "All things work together for good
13:54 to them that loved God."
13:55 In the original it means that He causes all things
13:59 to work together for good, to them that loved God.
14:01 So ultimately what was given to him as--
14:06 to cause Him to be defeated and to be discourage,
14:12 ultimately turned out not only on a God, but to bless Joseph,
14:16 because he became the second ruler
14:18 in the kingdom of Egypt.
14:20 And not only was he able to help his family,
14:22 but the entire peoples of the world were blessed
14:25 because of Joseph's commitment.
14:27 So the text is clear.
14:28 All things work together for good.
14:30 Good things and bad things will work together for God's--
14:34 according to His purpose and they work together for good.
14:38 So it's wonderful to--
14:42 for God to give this promise
14:43 that I know the plans I have for you.
14:45 So now what happens if we breakdown on a freeway
14:48 or something tragic happens in our life.
14:50 Is that a part of God's plan
14:52 or does He workout His plans from those incidences?
14:54 Yeah, I think in the text says,
14:56 "He causes all things to work together for good."
14:59 So even those things that are bad
15:01 we can still learn something from them
15:03 even if we've brought the consequences on ourselves.
15:06 Maybe we forgot to put gas in the car.
15:09 So we'll learn, you know, from that point forward
15:12 to make sure that we have enough gas.
15:16 But even in things with simple things,
15:19 we need to consult God's plans
15:21 especially with the major things.
15:23 Now, it was my last year in the seminary.
15:26 And you know, usually around that time
15:32 seminarians are either married or at least,
15:36 you know, pursuing that or dating someone,
15:38 but at that time I was not dating
15:40 any one person in particular.
15:43 But for 7 years I have prayed,
15:45 Lord, what is your will
15:49 for my life in terms of marriage, who is it?
15:51 You know, I have friends, several, they are all--
15:53 you know, nice young ladies.
15:56 But so I prayed for 7 years and nothing happened.
16:01 And my mother was dying from cancer
16:03 at the end of that 7 years.
16:05 And I remember one night I was living on the fourth floor
16:09 of Burman Hall at Andrews University.
16:12 I was a head already.
16:14 So I could see the entire campus from my window.
16:19 And it was somewhere maybe 5:00 or 4:00 in the morning
16:23 and you know, I was just impressed to pray for my mother.
16:25 And as I was praying and pleading,
16:27 I felt the spirit of intercession.
16:30 I even felt her pain in me, you know.
16:33 And at the end of that prayer,
16:35 the Lord impressed me to pray again for a wife.
16:41 And I resolved in my mind that now
16:46 and I didn't know it but I was had not up until that time,
16:51 submitted my dating life completely to God.
16:54 You know, I always wanted a little bit what I want,
16:56 a little bit you know, I had my own criteria.
17:00 And they were all nice young ladies.
17:04 But at this time I was willing to say,
17:06 Lord, I'm leaving it all to you.
17:10 And the Lord said, you really mean that.
17:12 And I said, "Lord, I'm willing to wait,
17:14 I can go another 10 years."
17:16 You know, because I just felt this incredible love for God
17:19 and I wanted to be in so submission to His will
17:21 even if it meant being single for a while.
17:24 And I didn't care where she came from.
17:26 I didn't care if she came from China, it didn't matter.
17:29 It was just the Lord's will, be done.
17:32 And then the Lord said,
17:35 well, if you really want my will turn to Proverbs 31.
17:39 So I read Proverbs 31
17:41 and it talked about virtuous woman.
17:43 And all of the quality she possessed,
17:45 she was kind, she smug with the law of kindness,
17:48 she gets up early.
17:50 She is a good manager of resources and all of this things
17:56 and I said, "Lord, I'd never really
17:59 considered that, you know.
18:01 But the Lord said, "Well, this is what I want for you.
18:05 Is that okay with you?"
18:06 Yes, Lord, I'm okay with it.
18:10 And at the end of that prayer,
18:13 I got up off my knees, already its morning.
18:16 And Mark Finley was conducting an early Morning Prayer service
18:20 because he was holding a meeting there underneath Burman Hall.
18:24 And when I got up off of my knees
18:28 and stood up and looked out of the window,
18:30 I saw walking towards that the lower auditorium, Sheena.
18:39 And it hit me.
18:41 And you know, and it wasn't a coincidence,
18:42 I mean, just felt that's the one.
18:45 Did you know her? I had met her.
18:47 I had even try to date her, you know,
18:48 I've call her up and I said,
18:50 "would you like to go to prayer meeting?"
18:51 She would say, "what time is it and where is it gonna be?"
18:53 I said, "Well it's at Casa Felix it's about 30 miles."
18:54 And she said, "okay that's enough
18:56 I've got a lot of homework to do I'm sorry."
18:58 You know, so--
18:59 What a beautiful name even, Sheena.
19:00 Yeah, yeah, so she knew me and we had try to cross paths
19:04 and I had even been introduced to her.
19:07 And I even tried to set up the introduction they'd occur.
19:11 But I didn't know, you know, I didn't think seriously.
19:14 When I saw her I knew that.
19:15 That was the one I just knew if.
19:17 And so later on after the program was over--
19:20 I went down stairs where the meeting was taken place
19:23 then I went back to my room afterward
19:24 and I'm still trying to figure out,
19:26 what's going on here?
19:27 So PMC was having church at 11:00.
19:30 Pioneer Memorial Church.
19:32 Yeah the Pioneer Memorial Church and it was a special day.
19:35 And so I'm walking out of the door.
19:38 I'm across student center and I passed the cafeteria.
19:42 And passed the girls auditorium.
19:43 And just as I'm walking by here she is again.
19:48 And we bumped, hit in to each together.
19:51 And I say to her, "How are you, today?
19:56 Would you like to go with me to church?"
19:57 And that was our first date. Going to church.
20:01 And then text says, "Trust in me with all your heart
20:03 lean not into your own understanding
20:05 and acknowledge me in your ways.
20:07 And I will direct your path."
20:08 So here we are meeting at an intersection.
20:12 So we go into the church and we sit down.
20:14 And the Dwight Nelson is preaching.
20:17 And he gives an illustration
20:18 of how he met his wife walking on campus.
20:22 And his sermon was entitled
20:24 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed."
20:27 And I'm just I'm paralyzed, what is going on?
20:32 The Lord has answered prayer
20:34 and he has made it so plain to me,
20:36 that I would have to be either drugged out
20:39 or comatose not to really miss it, you know.
20:44 And so we eventually you know,
20:48 we got married and the Lord has blessed.
20:51 And I know He chose.
20:53 It was not something then I did.
20:55 But when I got to the place where I was ready
20:57 to surrender that part of my life,
21:00 God wasted no time.
21:01 It didn't take another three years,
21:03 it only took a matter of seconds
21:05 after the prayer before He answered it.
21:07 Praise the Lord.
21:08 So I was sitting with my mouth wide opened.
21:10 You know, trying to figure it.
21:12 The Lord, how can you could answer Prayer, it scared me.
21:14 It was, he answered so quickly.
21:17 And--but the Lord promises that I know the plan.
21:23 So He had this in mind all the time.
21:25 Isn't that amazing how--
21:26 So He orchestrated the events,
21:27 He orchestrated when she would get up,
21:29 when should leave the auditorium
21:32 and walk towards the student's centre.
21:34 He orchestrated me.
21:36 You know, coming down the stairs,
21:39 walking past the student centre.
21:41 He'd made everything just right.
21:43 So it will be clear to me and He spoke in my own language.
21:46 You see, because I understand stuff like that.
21:49 God is so good. Yes, yes.
21:51 And the ideas is that--
21:53 He really does have plans for us.
21:55 He has plans. Yes.
21:56 You know, a lot of times the old people say
21:58 and also the Bible says,
22:00 "Well, before you call I'll answer."
22:02 That's what God says. Yes.
22:03 Right. Yes.
22:05 So sometimes we wonder how things are gonna
22:07 actually turn out when we're faced with a dilemma. Yes.
22:12 But clearly from what your personal testimony is that
22:14 God does answer prayer
22:16 and God has a sequence that He puts in events. Yes.
22:19 And we'll just follow that sequence in order
22:22 we will be much better off before we even go further.
22:24 I want to have time to share your address
22:27 with our viewing audience.
22:28 Sure. Sure.
22:30 If you'd like to talk to Pastor Stanley Dixon
22:31 about plans for your life or if you'd like to reach him
22:35 to come your church for a speaking appointment.
22:37 You may contact Pastor Stanley K. Dixon
22:40 at 5133 West Condor Drive, Tucson, AZ 85742.
22:48 The telephone number is 520-622-2218.
22:54 And the email address is
23:01 If you're interested in having someone
23:04 praying with you right now.
23:05 If you are not certain what God's plans are for your life
23:09 please dial that 800 number that you're see
23:11 in front of your screen right now. Amen.
23:13 And there'll someone
23:14 who will be more than happy to pray with you.
23:17 If you'd like to have materials
23:18 on how to have peace in your life
23:20 there is a great book called 'Finding Peace Within'
23:23 that you can obtain via that 800 number.
23:25 Amen. Amen.
23:28 And I appreciate the emphasis on prayer
23:31 especially with this program because it really--
23:34 "prayer is the key that unlocks heaven storehouse" someone says.
23:38 And you know,
23:39 we have difficult choices to make in life.
23:42 Sometimes it may be a matter of life and death.
23:46 About nine years ago my wife and I had a serious challenge.
23:54 She was about six-and-half months pregnant
23:59 and she went to the doctors office
24:01 and I won't mention the hospital but--
24:05 and they said that we have to have an emergency c-section
24:08 because your child is not getting enough nourishment.
24:13 He's a little small and so forth
24:16 and that early, that morning in my prayer that the Lord said,
24:20 "that when the enemy comes in like a flood
24:23 the Lord will raise up a standard against him."
24:25 Amen. Well how does it fit?
24:27 Well, prior to that we had made some changes
24:29 and we talked about diet.
24:31 And I believed what I learn
24:33 and we immediately began to put those things in the practice
24:36 and it just seemed difficult for me to understand
24:40 that that was-- what was happening
24:42 that they needed an emergency c-section.
24:47 In spite, of the fact that we were putting into practice,
24:51 you know, those superior principles that will assure,
24:55 you know, healthy delivery and a healthy child.
24:58 And it was just a gut feeling inside
25:00 and so to make a long story short,
25:03 we'd signed a paper said, no, we won't have the operation.
25:06 And 2 months later the child was born
25:09 with Apgar score and perfect timing.
25:12 I mean, he's healthy today.
25:14 I mean, he's wonderful. Praise the Lord.
25:15 And I'm glad I listened to the Lord
25:16 because the temptation was
25:18 okay, go ahead and have the surgery
25:19 would had more bills, more complications.
25:22 But when we seek God's perfect will,
25:24 He will lead us and guide us and direct us.
25:27 Well, I'm very happy that you're able to come
25:30 and talk with us about the fact
25:33 that God does have a plan for our lives.
25:36 And again we're gonna invite those at home with us as we--
25:39 as our custom to come into Prayer time
25:43 into spiritual agreement for God to direct
25:46 every single aspect of our lives.
25:49 And if we are not sure,
25:51 if we have some very specific plans
25:53 we want to pray God's blessings
25:55 so that we're in the center of His will.
25:57 Will you please pray for us, Pastor Dixon? Yes.
26:00 Our Father Lord, we're delighted that You have plans for us.
26:04 We thank You, God that ultimate plan is salvation.
26:09 But even here Lord, we see evidences of Your love
26:12 as You direct us in the daily choices that we make.
26:15 Some of us or some of our viewers
26:17 may have challenge us today, O God,
26:19 and I pray that You will guide them.
26:21 Praise Lord.
26:22 And understanding of Your perfect will.
26:24 You're specific will for their lives,
26:27 bless their choices, O Lord.
26:29 And let them here that still quiet small voice
26:31 that says, "This is the way walkie in it."
26:34 We ask these blessings in Jesus name, amen. Amen.
26:39 Thank you again for coming to our program.
26:40 It's been a pleasure being here, yes.
26:42 It's been great.
26:43 So what you're planning now for the future.
26:45 I have no idea, I am waiting on God.
26:48 I like that answer that you gave.
26:50 Yeah, I have no idea.
26:51 I don't even know how I got here but I'm here.
26:55 I'm talking about the transportation problems
26:57 there was no way logically why I should be here.
27:00 But the Lord worked it out.
27:02 And from here we'll just let the Lord leave.
27:04 I got to go back to Tucson, I know that.
27:06 I'll be in trouble if I don't.
27:07 Yes, you've got a wonderful group of people
27:10 that are waiting for your return. Yes.
27:13 And we're looking forward to that.
27:15 Well, I tell you thank you so much
27:16 for traveling so far to come to this program.
27:19 Yeah, it's been a blessing.
27:20 And for those of you at home
27:22 again we invite you to dial at 800 number.
27:25 It's so wonderful to be able to take our plans,
27:29 our concerns, our petitions, and our request
27:31 directly to the throne of grace.
27:33 Because when we go there, we know we can have answers.
27:36 And it is true,
27:37 we've heard the testimony that Pastor Dixon has given.
27:40 Before we call the Lord we'll answer
27:43 even in the case of being able to the very second
27:46 knowing when the best time is.
27:48 God will answer our prayers.
27:51 God does have a specific plan for our lives.
27:54 And until next time, may God bless you.
27:57 And we look forward to see you
27:59 in another edition of Issues and Answers.


Revised 2014-12-17