Participants: Karen Thomas, Stan Dixon
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000037
00:30 Welcome to another edition of "Issues and Answers."
00:32 And thank you, friends, for joining us today. 00:35 Can we talk about something that's a little touchy? 00:40 Here it is. Is God concerned about our health? 00:46 Good question, isn't it? 00:48 I mean, is God really concerned about our health? 00:51 We're gonna be talking about that today 00:53 with none other than Pastor Stanley Dixon. 00:55 Let me tell you little bit about him. 00:57 He's a graduate of Los Angeles City College, Oakwood College, 01:01 and the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary 01:03 at Andrews University. 01:05 He's also a former military man, 01:08 US navy ship serviceman and honor guard. 01:11 He has been a former stand-up comedian, 01:15 has worked on youth task force around the country, 01:18 has won awards with writing 01:22 and other type of seminars that he's presented. 01:25 He's done evangelistic crusades. 01:28 He's done television and radio 01:30 and now he's here on our program to talk about health. 01:33 Welcome, Pastor Dixon, to the program. 01:35 Good to be with you again. 01:37 Is God really concerned about our health? 01:39 Oh, absolutely, absolutely. 01:41 And it's one of the myths, 01:43 I guess, in the Christian world today 01:45 that God is not concerned about health. 01:47 We tend to see God and health as--as separated, 01:51 that God is not concerned about that. 01:53 But ironically in Scriptures we find 01:56 Jesus doing more healing than teaching. 01:59 He's always laying hands on the afflicted 02:01 and healing the sick and the-- 02:04 the dumb, the maim, the blind. 02:07 So he was concerned about health because it opened them-- 02:10 opened their hearts to receive the gospel. 02:13 And I think if we follow that vision, that practice, 02:17 we would see more results in our ministry today. 02:22 And one reason why I think 02:24 that God is so concerned about our health 02:27 and this is the evidence that I see in Scripture, 02:29 at least one evidence in 3 John 2, it says, 02:35 "Beloved, I wish above all things 02:41 that thou mayest prosper and be in health, 02:45 even as thy soul prospers." 02:48 Tell us more about that. 02:50 So what John is saying that it is God's ideal 02:53 that as we progress spiritually, 02:58 we are progressing spiritually 03:01 with the state of the blessing of having health. 03:07 In other words, as you enjoy the blessing of health, 03:12 I desire and I'm praying that you grow spiritually. Okay. 03:16 Okay. So that's what John is praying for. 03:22 And I think there's a Greek concept 03:24 where the body and the soul are separate 03:27 and it sort of invaded Christian circles today. 03:29 But Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22. 03:34 1 Thessalonians... 5:22. 03:36 New Testament Book. Okay. 03:41 It's great to be able to look into the Bible 03:43 and to get an understanding of what God wants to tell us. 03:46 That's right, and the Bible is always clear 03:51 and if we follow its guidelines we will be safe 03:54 in our understanding of how God is leading. 03:58 Do you have it, Karen? Sure do. 1 Thessalonians 5-- 04:00 Can you read it for us? 04:02 Verse 2? Verse 22. 04:03 Verse 22, okay. 04:05 No, verse 23. Yeah, go to verse 23. 04:07 "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, 04:11 and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body 04:16 be preserved blameless 04:18 unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 04:21 So again we find Paul agreeing with John 04:25 that the body is important. 04:30 And he's praying that our whole body, 04:32 the body, mind and the spirit be preserved 04:34 blameless unto the coming of the Lord. 04:36 And I submit that, that's God's original purpose for us 04:40 that we grow spiritually in the state of health. 04:43 It doesn't mean that we might not get sick, 04:45 but it's His will, 04:46 I mean, it's His purpose that we develop-- 04:50 because when you're trying to be patient and you're sick, 04:55 I mean, it's more difficult. 04:57 If you're trying to watch and pray, 05:00 you know, as the Scripture tells us to do and we're tired, 05:04 you know, it's hard to do. 05:06 So Paul and John are saying, 05:09 you know, as you grow, as you operate in the spiritual realm, 05:13 I'm praying that you would do it 05:15 from the standpoint of having health because it's easy. 05:18 You're more effective if you have health. 05:22 Because, you see, God never created disease. 05:25 I mean, we've gotten so used to it. 05:26 So how we got disease in this world? 05:29 Well, it all started with Adam and Eve. 05:31 You know, with the fall of sin. 05:32 So it's a sin problem? 05:34 First it was health and then there was disease. 05:37 First it was life, eternal life and then it was death. 05:40 And so we are products of what our fore-parents did 05:45 and sin and death are intruders. 05:50 You know, it's not something that originates with God. 05:52 God never intended that we be sick. 05:55 But because of sin 05:56 that's why we have illnesses and infirmities. 06:00 And so when Jesus came to the earth, 06:01 He sought to show the heart of God, 06:04 that God was not pleased. 06:06 You know, God is compassion. 06:07 He doesn't enjoy us being sick. 06:09 In fact, He would prefer that you were in health. 06:12 And so he would literally lay His hands on people 06:15 and heal them physically before-- 06:17 I mean, not over a period of time, 06:19 but right then and there. 06:20 If a person was lame for 38 years, 06:22 couldn't and hadn't used his limbs, 06:23 He would say "get up and walk," 06:25 you know, "according to your faith." 06:26 So we see the heart of God, 06:28 you know, as manifested in Jesus Christ 06:30 and His ability to perform healing 06:32 and His compassion on those who are afflicted, 06:36 we find the very heart of God. 06:39 And let me say a few things about disease. 06:42 Disease--when we're disease our body functions, 06:47 at least, our basic body functions are impaired. 06:50 And the two functions that we need to be concerned 06:53 about is our circulation, you see. 06:56 Because when there's a little bad circulation, 06:58 you're gonna naturally have disease. 07:00 And then the other basic function is our respiration, 07:04 the ability to breathe. 07:06 And if you cut out circulation, you cut off respiration. 07:11 You have death. So those are the two most important things. 07:14 Well, I was fully surprised to learn that. 07:16 As you're sharing that, 07:18 I thought surely would have been our heart or some other part. 07:21 But you're saying no, just the basic circulation 07:24 and then the ability to breathe well-- 07:26 Right, right. Is impaired. 07:27 Right. And God has given us a plan to aid those functions, 07:33 to work at its optimum level. And God has certain laws. 07:38 Not only does he have the Ten Commandments, 07:40 he has-- but he has health laws, 07:43 you see, laws that govern our being. 07:45 And if those laws are violated, 07:47 then we will have impaired circulation, 07:50 impaired respiratory process. 07:54 But also above the-- the body functions 07:57 or the basic functions there are higher functions 08:00 that are also impaired when we violate God's laws. 08:04 Higher functions? Higher functions. 08:05 Higher functions such as discrimination, you know? 08:09 Discriminating between this and that 08:11 or one thing and another thing. 08:14 Memory is also impaired by violation of God's law. 08:18 If you don't get enough sleep you're gonna have, 08:22 you know, poor memory. 08:23 So it's more than drinking. 08:25 You know, drinking can impair your memory 08:26 but there's also other thing. 08:28 Not getting enough rest, you see. Okay. 08:31 Because when, in fact, someone has suggested 08:33 that if we go to bed 2 hours before midnight, 08:37 it helps to promote some of the natural body chemicals 08:42 that help the filing system of the brain-- 08:44 Yes, melatonin. Yeah. 08:45 So that we can have a better memory. 08:49 Another function is judgment. 08:52 And you mentioned the alcohol. 08:54 Alcohol will affect your judgment. 08:56 And we live in a time 08:58 where you've got to have good judgment. 09:00 Because if you don't, you know, it may be, 09:03 you know, a disastrous experience. 09:05 And self control. 09:07 You know, someone has said that appetite and passion 09:11 are the common means of man's downfall. 09:15 Even entire cities have gone down because of intemperance, 09:19 because of passions out of control. 09:21 You know, I think of Rome. 09:22 You know, the fall of Rome-- 09:24 Yes. It's a result of that. Yes. 09:26 But with these higher functions, 09:30 they become important when we think 09:32 about the ability to discern right from wrong, you see. 09:39 And it's not that having good health will save you, 09:43 but having good health 09:44 will at least age you in thinking more clearly 09:48 about the issues of salvation and the choices that we make. 09:52 So that, you know, while we may not obey, 09:56 at least, we'll be clear about some of those issues. 09:59 You know, the Bible says in the last days 10:00 in Matthew 24 that the deceptions, 10:03 the deceptive power of Satan will be so--so intense 10:08 that even the elect would be in danger of being deceived. 10:12 So we as the people of God I believe need discernment. 10:17 That ability to discern what's right and what's wrong 10:19 and that's why we have so many interpretations of the Bible. 10:22 Because the gift of discernment is not operating. 10:28 And so these are functions that God is concerned about. 10:33 And, yes, God is concerned about our health 10:38 because of these reasons. 10:39 He wants us to be able to think clearly. 10:41 He wants us to be able to make a right decision 10:43 on who to marry, for example. 10:46 About a Bible topic. 10:51 I think of Daniel who was asked 10:58 to eat a certain diet 10:59 that was against and violated the principles of God's law. 11:03 And Daniel said, "No, we can't. 11:06 Give us time to pray about it." 11:07 So they prayed about it and of course, 11:09 you know, the Bible says that, 11:10 that Daniel because he stayed on God's plan 11:14 that him and his companions were 10 times wiser. 11:18 And I believe God wants to do that today. 11:20 He wants to make us 10 times wiser, 11:22 not to show the world 11:24 that we're anymore important than anyone else, 11:26 but to show the world how God loves us. 11:28 Well, I'm glad you raised up the issue of diet. 11:32 You know, there's a lot to be said about what we eat 11:38 and there's a lot of debate about what we eat. 11:41 And when you add the fact 11:42 that from what you've shared with us 11:44 that God is very concerned about our health-- Yes. 11:50 And then also our health-- 11:53 the higher abilities are affected by our health-- Yes. 11:58 Is it okay maybe to bless the food? 12:01 I mean, doesn't the blessing kind of cover these issues 12:04 as far as what we eat? 12:05 Is it so important what we eat 12:07 or is it most important 12:09 that we have God's blessing in our lives? 12:12 Yeah, and that's another misconception. 12:15 And that's where I'm going with this topic. 12:20 When Jesus was in the wilderness 12:21 the first temptation that was aimed at Christ 12:26 had to do with getting Christ to bow down to pressure, 12:31 because His, maybe appetite was, 12:34 you know, in conflict with health, you know. 12:38 And so he pressured him to give up His commitment to God 12:43 or to violate God's will 12:44 in order to feed His physical appetite. Okay. 12:49 And the devil still brings pressures like that. 12:52 And in the last days we may see more of that 12:54 where the devil will say, 12:56 "Okay, if you like, if you do this, 12:58 you know, I'll let you eat or if you sacrifice, 13:01 you know, God's principles I'll give you this job." 13:04 So he works in that way. 13:06 But the second commandment speaks to the issue 13:08 that we're dealing with-- 13:10 the second temptation speaks to the issue 13:12 where the devil comes at Christ, 13:15 not this time putting pressure on physical needs, 13:18 but giving a religious excuse 13:21 to disobey and violate God's commandments, you see. 13:25 And a religious excuse is even more powerful 13:28 if you can back it up with Scripture. 13:30 So Satan says, "Look, I want you to violate God's will. 13:35 You know, cast yourself down, for it is written," 13:39 you know, 'God will give his angels charge over you.'" 13:43 And so he misinterprets Scripture 13:45 to give Jesus an excuse to violate God's will for His life. 13:51 And I believe in the Christian world 13:52 we're seeing much of that today 13:55 where the devil twists the Scriptures 13:59 so that we now can say according to Romans 14:5, 14:04 you know, it doesn't matter what day you worship. 14:10 Let no man judge you in food or drink 14:12 or respect of the Sabbath days. 14:14 But when you analyze the text, 14:16 Paul is not discussing Sabbath days or the fourth commandment. 14:21 He's talking about those ceremonial Sabbaths, you see. 14:25 So the Sabbath day is not up for grasp, 14:27 but the devil has twisted the text 14:29 to pervert our understanding 14:31 so that we will violate His laws. 14:34 Another misconception is found in Matthew 15:11 14:39 where the Bible says, 14:40 "It's not that which goeth out of the mouth 14:43 that defileth the man, 14:45 but that which cometh out of the mouth, 14:49 this defileth the man." 14:50 So it's not so important what goes in-- Right. 14:53 Okay, that defiles, but what comes out. Right. 14:58 As far as in what we're saying with our speeches. 15:00 Right, well, actually, you know, the subject of health laws 15:05 or the ceremonial health laws 15:07 are not the subject of discussion here 15:10 but the tradition of the elders 15:13 and that was the ceremonial washing of hands. 15:16 And so what Jesus is contrasting is, 15:18 you know, the tradition of men with, 15:21 you know, the inner workings of the heart. 15:23 It says, it's no use in you, 15:24 you know, washing, having all these man-made traditions, 15:27 the ceremonial washings with which, 15:29 you know, may be good in and of themselves. 15:32 But the most important thing is what comes out of the heart, 15:36 like blasphemies, murders, thefts, adulteries. 15:39 So health laws are not the object of discussion here. 15:43 Well, let me ask you, Pastor Dixon, 15:45 what can a person take into their body 15:49 that can actually be harmful to them? 15:51 Oh, well, there are many things. And in fact-- 15:54 As far as foods and other things? 15:55 What type of things specifically can we take in, 15:58 going with the principle 16:00 that God is concerned about our health? 16:02 Well, Leviticus 11, list a number of foods 16:08 that are prohibited 16:10 and also you'll find it in Deuteronomy 14 16:14 where it talks about, you know, pigs and certain types of fish 16:20 like catfish and the fish that have scales are to be eaten 16:25 and fish that don't are not to be eaten. 16:28 And then it lists certain animals. 16:30 Well, I know, some people would ask 16:33 even if they're cleaned, 16:34 I mean, if they're thoroughly cleaned 16:36 and the blood is drained from some of these animals-- 16:39 Is there still certain things about them 16:41 that could be harmful to humans? 16:44 It could be because, 16:45 you know, the animal kingdom is more and more diseased. 16:49 And, I mean, that animal that died that we're eating, 16:55 you know, is carrying also what its mother and grandmother 16:59 and whatever generations before, it is carrying also. 17:02 So--so I think in today's climate, 17:07 today's time, you know, there would be a question 17:10 about whether it really is clean. 17:12 Now there are certain animals 17:14 that are listed in Leviticus. I am familiar 17:16 with Leviticus Chapter 11-- Yes. 17:18 That are listed as clean animals and then you hear some others 17:20 that are listed as unclean animals, clean and unclean. 17:25 I'm just wanting to know 17:29 if they're both prepared the same way. 17:32 Does that make a difference or is there-- 17:34 what is it about the system of the clean animals 17:37 that makes them better to eat than say the unclean animals? 17:41 Well, the unclean animals were scavengers. Okay. 17:44 God had a purpose for the unclean animals 17:47 and that takes me to my next text 17:49 which is another misconception of-- 17:52 that we find in the Christian world 17:54 that if we pray over something or bless it, 17:56 that makes it okay. 17:58 And turn with me to 1 Timothy 4:4. Okay. 18:03 1 Timothy 4:4. All right. It's okay if I read? 18:10 You're pretty quick. Okay. 18:12 I don't have those--I have this new Bible and the pages stick. 18:13 This Bible, yeah-- you guys see at home 18:17 how thick this--okay, this is like--this is my--my Bible. 18:19 Yeah, that's a broken in Bible. 18:20 I had this Bible for, I don't know how many years now. 18:22 This is my wife's Bible. She hasn't used much. 18:23 Okay. You're got to have your own sword, right? Yeah. 18:25 But I appreciate you-- 18:27 willingness to even use this sword. 18:29 Yes, yes. Okay. 1 Timothy Chapter 4. 18:33 Yes, verse 4. Verse 4? 18:35 Okay "For every creature of God is good 18:39 and nothing to be refused, 18:41 if it be received with thanksgiving." 18:43 Yes, and so the idea is that all-- 18:46 any food is good as long as it's-- 18:48 So we're not to refuse it if we ask thanks for it, right? 18:50 If you ask thanks over-- 18:52 but would you ask thanks over a rat's liver? 18:54 I mean that-- I mean that's created 18:58 and you could actually eat it if every creature is good. 19:01 Yeah, but in some places people eat rat's liver. 19:05 So, I mean, it's considered a delicacy in some places. 19:09 But, I mean, how can we really-- 19:11 do we go by taste or do we go by principle? 19:13 Well, the principle is that the Bible is not talking 19:17 about every creature is good for eating. Okay. 19:19 But every creature is good for its own purpose. 19:23 Now the scavengers, those list of animals 19:27 that are listed in Leviticus 11, were created for a purpose. 19:32 So that creature is good for its own purpose. 19:34 I mean a pig will eat anything. 19:36 A pig is like a garbage can. 19:37 It would be good if you had some, 19:39 you know, if we didn't have the waste companies 19:41 that we have today. 19:43 And there are other animals, scavengers. 19:46 Animals that will eat anything and clean anything. 19:50 So you don't want to eat that. 19:52 And the Bible said, as long as it is sanctified by God, 19:57 then you can pray over it. 19:59 That's what it's saying. 20:00 It's not in conflict with the Levitical health laws. 20:03 Wasn't there this big controversy 20:04 in the New Testament church between those meats 20:09 that were offered to Diana 20:10 who was the popular goddess at the time? Right. 20:13 And apparently they would dedicate these meats 20:17 and then they would go into the market place and sell them. 20:19 And there was a big debate between believers 20:22 whether or not they should actually buy 20:24 this meat and then serve it. 20:27 Yeah, but even this passage is not in conflict 20:30 with Levitical health laws 20:32 and what Paul is simply saying is 20:34 as long as the food is good for food, 20:38 even if it has been sold 20:41 that if it does not violate your conscience, 20:43 if it doesn't bother you 20:44 because you know where it comes from. 20:45 You know, that food is food. 20:47 They he says that, you know, be persuaded by your own mind. 20:50 But by the same token, if you're eating foods 20:53 that others may be aware, 20:55 foods that have might have been offered to idols as he said, 20:57 if that causes a brother to stumble 20:59 then it's better to refrain from, 21:02 you know, buying foods that are offered to idols 21:06 or even eating in front of someone. 21:08 That's a brother who doesn't have as much faith. 21:12 Yes, that reminds me when you said eating in front of someone. 21:15 If you know someone in your-- a friend or a guest, 21:18 a dinner guest for example, is diabetic. 21:21 I'm wondering if that would be a good idea to come 21:24 and serve cake and all these sugar pies and other things, 21:27 when you know, your guest is a diabetic. 21:30 That would be offensive I would think. 21:31 If I was a diabetic going to someone else's house, 21:33 I would feel very left out. 21:35 Yeah, absolutely. 21:36 And I think what Christ calls us to do 21:39 is to be sensitive to where people are. 21:42 And health ought not be a kind of a point of conflict, 21:47 but it's an opportunity, 21:49 you know, through the grace of God 21:50 to exhibit these kinds of graces. 21:51 I know that in our churches, the churches where I've been, 21:55 we eat differently, you know. 21:58 I'm a total vegan, don't eat any animal products 22:01 and that's been our way of life because the Lord has showed us 22:04 and we have strong convictions. 22:06 And so my church tries to, 22:09 you know, if they invite us over, 22:11 we don't make a big fuss over it. 22:12 Of course we will eat around anything. 22:14 We don't make any special demands. 22:16 But over a period of time just educating 22:19 I've watched people even change themselves, you know. 22:23 So it's very important how you handle, 22:26 you know, these subjects and teach, 22:28 you know, these health laws 22:29 because habits that have been formed for years 22:33 are very difficult to break. 22:35 Now tell me-- I see that you're slim and trim. 22:38 Do you exercise? I exercise. 22:40 Yes, I try to and I-- and at this point 22:43 I think I should give a testimony. Okay. 22:47 When I first became aware of that God had foods 22:53 that are good for life, you know, and first-- 22:56 in fact God said in the Old Testament, 22:58 "Don't eat the fat. Don't eat the blood." 23:01 And much of the degenerative diseases 23:03 have resulted from blood and fat. 23:07 And that's why even the government today 23:08 has changed its stance by saying, 23:11 you know, it's safer and it's recommended 23:12 that you lower your fat and lower meats and so forth. 23:17 Because in Bible they really didn't-- 23:18 they trimmed the fat and they didn't drink the blood. 23:21 And good reason. 23:23 Scientifically it's proven now 23:25 that when we partake of fat and blood, 23:28 you know, blood is a way to transmit diseases. 23:31 That's why people with AIDS can transmit that disease, 23:36 you know, through the use of hypodermic needle 23:38 or thorough sexual contact. 23:40 Because disease is transferred or carried through blood. 23:43 And God knew all of this, you know, years ago. 23:45 And so when I got to Oakwood college, 23:47 when I first became a Christian, 23:49 came out of the night life and the comedy world, 23:52 the first thing that happens, I changed my diet. 23:54 And I went to Oakwood College 23:57 and, man, it's like everything got worse 24:00 because of the allergies. 24:02 And I had asthma. 24:03 It was like, you know, going outside 24:05 seemed like walking around with a closed pin on your nose. 24:07 I couldn't breathe. 24:09 I had allergies, asthma and all of these things. 24:13 And so later on I learned about the dairy products. 24:18 And actually at Oakwood College it even got better 24:20 after a period of time because, 24:21 you know, I used to eat meats like steak 24:24 and, you know, three times a day 24:26 and so I was a very strong meat eater. 24:29 But after a while 24:31 and progressing in my knowledge of health, 24:34 I began to see these things disappear. 24:36 My wife had allergies and asthma, you know. 24:39 But she cut out milk and her asthma disappeared. Wow. 24:42 She threw away the inhaler 24:44 and saved me a lot of medical bills. 24:46 Let me tell you. 24:48 And so the Lord is good 24:52 and if we're open to His leading He will lead us. 24:56 And the Bible talks about the evil diseases. 24:59 It said if you eat none of these things 25:00 according to Exodus 15 and 26, 25:02 "I will place none of these diseases 25:04 that I placed on the Egyptians." 25:06 Well, what were the diseases of the Egyptians? 25:08 They did an autopsy on the Egyptian mummies recently 25:11 and it was found that these Egyptians had died 25:17 of the same diseases we're dying of today. 25:20 The four leading killers. 25:22 Heart disease, cancer and stroke and high blood pressure. 25:29 And God says if you follow My laws, 25:31 My health principles, I'll put none of these diseases on you. 25:36 And, you know, God's original diet was a vegan diet. 25:39 Actually in Genesis 1:29, it talks about eating the fruits 25:43 and the grains and the nuts 25:46 and of course vegetables were added after the fall. 25:50 But the reason why vegetables were permitted was 25:52 because, you know, there weren't many--I mean, animals 25:57 were permitted at least, 25:59 because the vegetation the very scarce after the flood. 26:02 Well, I tell you, Pastor Dixon, you have certainly given us 26:04 a lot to think about in terms of our health. 26:08 You've definitely let us know 26:09 that God is very, very concerned about our health. 26:12 But if we're gonna make changes we really do need 26:14 the power of the Lord to help us do that. 26:16 And I know at home, some of these concepts 26:18 that you may have heard have really been earth shattering. 26:21 And I know everyday I'm tempted, 26:23 maybe to eat something that I know is not helpful for me. 26:27 But we must pray and ask God to help us 26:30 to be able to make those type of choices. 26:32 Don't we, Pastor Dixon? 26:33 Yes. Can I say one thing? Sure. 26:35 Yeah, I'm 44 now and I can do 44 pushups. 26:39 If I had time, I would demonstrate it. 26:41 But when I was 18, I could only do 25 26:44 and this is fresh out of boot camp. 26:47 So they've been, you know, it does away with the myth 26:50 that if you become a vegetarian, 26:52 if you eat the way they ate in the Garden of Eden 26:54 that you're gonna be weak. 26:56 It's absolutely false. I feel better. 26:57 I'm more healthier. 26:59 And I could just go on and on, but--yes. 27:01 Well, praise the Lord for that. Pray for those of us. 27:04 And we all need to constantly-- 27:06 I mean, I'm sure that's how-- Me too. 27:07 You were able to make that commitment. 27:09 It was your spiritual connection with the Lord Jesus. Yes. Yes. 27:11 Let's pray for those at home 27:12 who'd like to make those changes in their lives. 27:15 Heavenly Father, Lord, you've given us 27:19 many blessings in Scripture. 27:20 And I pray oh, God, that you would help us to progress. 27:24 As we progress spiritually, to also progress physically. 27:31 We pray, oh, God, that you would bless each viewer today 27:35 that they will incorporate the light that You've given them 27:39 and also aid to accept the fact 27:42 that not only are You trying to save us, 27:44 but You're trying to make life better for us down here. 27:47 And You love us so much. 27:49 I thank you, oh, God, for hearing our prayers. 27:51 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. 27:54 Pastor Dixon, thank you for coming 27:55 and thank you for watching 27:57 another edition of "Issues and Answers." |
Revised 2014-12-17