Help Yourself to Health

Dermatology Pt 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller, Rhonda Clark


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000246

00:01 Hello! Skin problems can cause quite a lot of annoyance
00:05 or sometimes fright and to know a little bit about the skin
00:10 and how it operates and what can go wrong with it can help
00:14 you to feel more comfortable as you deal with skin lesions.
00:17 We hope you will join us for this program, we think you will
00:20 learn some things and we know you will enjoy it.
00:43 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
00:45 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:48 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
00:54 A lot of books are being written today on how to take
00:58 care of the skin.
00:59 One such book is like the one that I am holding, it's
01:04 a very good book it's called Encyclopedia of Foods and
01:08 it's in two volumes and you can find this from the
01:12 Education and Health library published by Dr. Pamplona Roger
01:20 is the editor of it and several people have contributed,
01:24 I think you will find it very helpful.
01:27 Now I enjoy so much understanding about the skin and
01:33 other diseases that can be treated with foods or that can
01:39 be treated with herbs and then a lot of things that can't be
01:43 treated with either food or herbs can be treated by other
01:47 very simple things and skin diseases and skin afflictions
01:51 are among those.
01:53 Now I have asked Rhonda Clark who is one of our instructors at
01:58 Uchee Pines and counselors to join me and Rhonda you are
02:02 going to talk to us today about something that I find
02:04 very interesting, tell us about that.
02:07 Well I brought the subject today of head lice,
02:10 any one who has had head lice or who had a child that had
02:13 head lice knows these are very contagious and difficult
02:15 to get rid of. - And sometimes can just go
02:17 right through a school. - Oh, so easily contagious
02:21 it spreads so very easily.
02:22 I have been called several times by the principal of a school
02:26 saying Dr. Thrash please come and examine all the students
02:30 in the seventh grade or the second grade, we have several
02:35 cases of head lice and then you go and you just look through
02:39 the hair and there's one or there is a nit which is the
02:44 little egg stuck to the hair.
02:46 - Oh, it used to be that people thought that head lice occurred
02:50 only in people who were very unclean,
02:52 - Yes, - But that isn't the case.
02:54 - The other side of the tracks but now it's on Carriage Hill
02:57 as well. - Exactly!
02:59 And it can be spread through coats, scarves, coat hooks,
03:03 ear phones, upholstery, sitting after someone with
03:07 head lice at a theater or a bus or any place where your
03:10 hair is resting against where their hair just was, very
03:13 easily contagious, and the traditional treatment for
03:17 head lice can be quite toxic and so it's nice to know that
03:20 there are some natural treatments for head lice
03:22 and I'm excited to share these with you today.
03:24 One thing, just to talk about the whole environment
03:29 if someone in your home has come down with head lice
03:32 the whole family should be very carefully inspected.
03:35 Head lice occurs most predominately of the back
03:37 of the head or scalp and especially behind the ears is a
03:42 good place to look and it appears a lot like dandruff
03:45 little white flakes but they won't be easily combed out,
03:49 when you try to comb them out they will stick very firmly,
03:52 especially right at the shaft of the hair up against the scalp.
03:55 The clothing and bedding should be laundered on the
03:59 hottest cycle in the washing and drying machines,
04:02 the upholstery and carpets should be very thoroughly
04:06 vacuumed, you may have to do that more than once.
04:08 The entire house should be cleaned as well as possible,
04:11 any item that can't be laundered could be sealed in a plastic bag
04:15 and kept sealed for 10 days that would give enough time
04:18 for the lifecycle to complete and the living lice and the
04:21 little eggs to hatch and those to die, so after 10 days
04:24 protected it should be safe.
04:26 To actually get rid of the head lice themselves, kerosene
04:30 of all things is one of the three treatments that's a good
04:33 natural treatment, kerosene mixed in equal parts with
04:36 olive oil can be massaged into the hair and scalp,
04:39 it should be left on for a couple of hours and then
04:42 shampooed out, a very fine tooth comb can be used to
04:46 help comb the hair to see if there is any remaining evidence
04:49 of the lice or their eggs, the little nits.
04:52 Another treatment that you can use is garlic,
04:56 if you blend several cloves of garlic in the blender with
04:59 some water and then apply that to the hair and scalp,
05:03 leave that on for two hours then shampoo out again,
05:06 that should take care of all of them and maybe the whole
05:09 rest of the family and the neighbors as well,
05:10 because that will be quite a potent smelling
05:12 treatment indeed.
05:13 The last treatment to recommend is citronella oil.
05:17 - I like the smell of citronella.
05:19 - Yes! It has a nice smell
05:21 and bugs don't like it so that's a wonderful advantage
05:24 for it, citronella oil can be obtained at a health food store
05:27 and it can be massaged into the scalp and into the hair,
05:31 the hair covered with a cap and then left on overnight.
05:35 Now some people can have an allergic reaction or an
05:39 inflammation of the skin from the citronella oil, so if any
05:42 burning or discomfort occurs it should be shampooed out
05:45 and one of the other remedies tried, but after over night
05:49 with the citronella on, often those can completely eradicate
05:52 the head lice.
05:54 So try those if you ever come across an infestation
05:58 of head lice, which can happen to the best of us.
06:01 - Absolutely! I was doing some research one time in
06:05 a rural area in the Appalachian Mountains and one day
06:12 after about four days into the research I had a
06:17 little itchy place and OH! there was something up there
06:20 so I brought my fingernail down and there under my fingernail
06:24 was a head louse, oh what to do, I was very embarrassed
06:30 and I didn't want to tell anybody about it but
06:32 a day or so later somebody else did the same thing
06:35 they reach up and brought out another louse so I felt I
06:39 was in good company, so we did a number of things
06:41 one thing that we did was the kerosene treatment and
06:45 another thing that we did was some soap that was particularly
06:49 strong, we just soaped up the scalp and put a scarf
06:56 around it for several hours and then shampooed and we
07:01 got rid of it, I don't remember that we had any residual problem
07:05 I can't even remember that we had to deal with the nits.
07:07 But they make these very fine tooth combs that you can comb
07:13 the hair with a strand at a time to comb out the nits,
07:17 now if you can't get all the nits and sometimes there will be
07:20 hundreds on each hair, then what to do is simply to shampoo
07:26 frequently to get rid of the lice.
07:28 Well thank you so much for coming I appreciate it
07:32 very much. - Thank you for having me!
07:34 I was looking at this book called The Green Pharmacy
07:38 written by James Duke who is a friend of ours, who has done
07:43 some really powerful research in a number of areas,
07:47 one of those is making data bases of a lot of food chemicals
07:55 that can be helpful for all sorts of disease and he has one
08:00 for head lice, one is Neem, Neem oil which Neem grows in
08:06 India and in Hawaii, and various other tropical areas
08:11 and Neem oil is readily available in this country
08:15 and can be massaged into the scalp, it's very good and
08:19 turmeric can also be used, just ordinary kitchen turmeric
08:22 can be mixed with a little olive oil and especially if you
08:26 mix it with Neem oil, that's very good and then it's massaged
08:30 into the scalp and then shampooed out after a few hours,
08:33 very good for that turmeric by itself or Neem by itself
08:37 can also be effective.
08:39 Then another one is Sweet Flag, there is an American species
08:44 of this plant and you can find this Sweet Flag in herb stores
08:48 in America it's an aromatic root is what is used and that's
08:54 very good for head lice and for other body lice.
08:59 We always hope that we will never get these companions
09:03 but if you do there are very natural things to do and
09:08 not to have to use the substances that can be obtained
09:12 from a physician that may be toxic to your body.
09:17 Now I have asked Dr. Donald Miller if he will show us
09:22 some things about how to make some very nice things for the
09:25 skin, welcome Dr. Miller!
09:27 - Thank you! - I am happy to see your
09:30 little things here. - My little things, yes!
09:33 - I almost want to say what is that?
09:35 - You know I like my little things and I've become a
09:41 collector of these little things, this comes from
09:44 Malawi. - May I see that,
09:46 from Malawi, oh yes!
09:49 Now that is a work of art. - Yes it is!
09:52 - I can see that it is quite functional too,
09:54 it has been used a little. - I use them!
09:56 This is part of a thing that is vital, a person that works with
10:02 herbs a little pharmacopeia there, so I was working with
10:08 some student at Uchee Pines, it was one summer and mid summer
10:12 and it had been a moist summer a little bit and the weeds were
10:16 high and the blueberries were plump and I had a family staying
10:20 in my home and the children used to love to go out in the
10:23 early morning when the grass was a little bit dewy wet and
10:26 pick those blueberries and of course if you've ever been in a
10:29 southern area in the summer time in weeds,
10:32 there is something else that lives in there.
10:34 - Oh yes! The little chiggers! - The little chiggers!
10:37 - We have about three moths of the year we have the chiggers
10:40 at Uchee Pines. - This summer had to be the
10:44 worse that I could remember in my 20 years at Uchee Pines,
10:46 "it was terrible!" - At least 4 months and I wasn't
10:49 even certain that in January as warm as the weather was
10:53 we weren't having a few.
10:54 - Well you know some people are more allergic to things
10:57 like this than others, and there is one of these children
11:01 staying in my home that just had a terrible case.
11:05 Well I was working with my students in making different
11:08 types of herbal preparations trying to experiment
11:11 and just show them the technique for making them, not so much
11:14 that we are making them for a purpose, so I decided to
11:18 use some poke root, now poke grows all over the country
11:22 as far as I know, I saw some growing in Japan one time
11:24 so it is not indigenous to the southeast.
11:27 There is a lot of poke around, I wouldn't take it internally
11:32 at this stage in the summer time, I took the root and
11:35 what we did was we cleaned it off and I had someone use a
11:39 grater and grate it until it's real fine pieces,
11:42 put this into a pot along with some oil, vegetable oil,
11:52 and I put that double boiler type, put that inside another
11:56 pot and heated that for about 4-5 hours,
12:01 slowly heated this oil, and the oil was extracting what I
12:06 wanted out of the poke root.
12:08 Then I brought it back and poured the oil through a
12:12 strainer back into another pot and put that on top of the
12:16 boiling water, and what I was trying to make was a salve
12:21 or an ointment and depending on where you live the conditions
12:26 if you are living in an area where the weather is
12:29 going to be very warm you want a little bit more solid,
12:31 if you are living in a cold area not quite so solid as far as
12:36 what you put in there, because the heat is going to make it
12:39 softer and might pour it out of your bottle.
12:41 So what I use to harden it is bee's wax,
12:47 - Oh yes! - Now this is an amazing product
12:49 this is something that the bee makes, so I have some of this
12:53 bee's wax and this is unbelievably hard stuff.
12:56 - I can hear.
12:57 - So what I would do is up the temperature, I would slice
13:02 pieces of the bee's wax into the pot until it melted,
13:06 stir it around a little bit, and you experiment with this
13:10 after you have put in enough and you think it might be right
13:13 you take out a small spoonful and you pour it on a piece of
13:17 glass or metal and blow on it until hardens and then you
13:22 test it's consistency. - If it is to hard you
13:26 add a little more oil and if it's to soft you add
13:29 a little more bee's wax.
13:30 - I would rather go in the direction of having to add
13:33 more bee's wax because more oil is going to dilute
13:37 the product you want, so I put a little bit in test it,
13:41 if it's still to soft I scrape that back put it in there
13:44 let it set some more, put some more bee's wax until I get
13:48 a product just right.
13:50 Once I've got it just right I pour it into my clean
13:53 containers and that's my salve.
13:55 Now I was teaching my students this and when I got done
13:58 I though well I've got some nice salve here,
14:01 and then here's this child and I was reading in my
14:04 herb books that poke root is very for itching and
14:08 different types of inflammations so I gave the mother of these
14:11 children a bottle of this salve, within two days
14:15 it was all gone, not the salve but the lesions on the leg,
14:20 and the child was completely well and this child would
14:21 have been itching for a month.
14:22 - Yes! That's wonderful! - Now you know I believe
14:28 in the Bible of course, and in the Garden of Eden there was
14:32 the tree called the Tree of Life and what happened to the
14:36 Tree of Life, what happened to the Garden?
14:38 I don't think it was destroyed in the flood, I think just
14:39 before the flood God took that garden back up to heaven
14:43 again, but I believe that the branches of that tree still
14:48 hang over the walls and trail down to the earth and we can
14:51 find the healing properties in tree and in shrub
14:55 and in flower. - Very good spiritual lesson.
14:57 - This is one that I'm very thankful for, it's a green herb
15:03 it's comfrey. - Oh yes the comfrey that grows
15:07 it's also called Russian weed because it grows so readily
15:10 and in so many places.
15:12 - Most of these things are just good old weeds.
15:14 - Yes! - Well I had had an accident
15:16 with a table and cut off the tips of my fingers and I used
15:20 comfrey poultices after cleaning the wounds and having them,
15:25 you couldn't repair them, it was right down to the bone
15:27 fingernails, everything was gone used this comfrey poultice.
15:31 Every night I just make a little bit of a paste,
15:34 put that on my finger tip take the tips of a rubber glove
15:38 pull it down over my finger tips, my two fingers that
15:41 had been cut off and three weeks later I could play the
15:44 guitar again.
15:45 - You replaced the tip of your fingers?
15:48 - They couldn't find it!
15:49 - Because I see that you've got them all and I...
15:51 - It was this hand. - They must have re-grown
15:53 very nicely. - Well this is a cell growth
15:56 proliferator, it accelerated the growth, and I have no scars,
16:01 I have full sensation and like I say in three weeks,
16:06 this is the fingers that you push the strings with,
16:08 and I can do it without discomfort.
16:10 - Don't tell my that you've got fingerprints also.
16:13 - I have fingerprints, everything is there,
16:16 you can not tell anything happened to these fingers.
16:18 Now there is another thing that you can find commonly in the
16:21 yards, pretty much around the world is a thing called plantain
16:26 or Plantago which would be the Latin name,
16:28 there's a broad leaf and a narrow leaf and it's just about
16:34 the same as comfrey. of you have a wound on the skin
16:38 you can take that stuff and bruise it, that's where a
16:42 mortar and pestle comes in handy, put it in there
16:45 and just get it pulpy, take that out and apply it
16:48 right over a lesion, and that is extremely good.
16:51 If you have a cut, a bite, an itch, there is everything
16:55 you need in nature.
16:57 - Comfrey is very anti- inflammatory.
16:59 We have had flat wound injuries that we have treated with a
17:05 compress of comfrey and it has been most effective
17:08 and the anti-inflammatory effects are...
17:12 the person can sense it almost immediately,
17:16 within ten minutes they can tell that the congestion
17:21 the pain, the inflammation is not as bad as it was.
17:25 - Right! Another one I like very much and you've got this
17:29 tree growing right next to your house, Elderberry!
17:33 - Yes! I like this tree, it's a bush that grew up there
17:38 by itself and I use a lot of the berries for a lot of things.
17:47 For infections on the skin, for colds and flu,
17:50 for any kind of infection, I like the berries but
17:54 I see you have the leaves.
17:55 - Yes, well you probably see me sometimes over there
17:58 picking your berries. - I don't mind a bit.
17:59 - Now the thing about herb gathering is what we call
18:04 wild crafting, getting your own, there's lots of
18:06 Elderberries along roads but there going to pick up the
18:10 pollution from the vehicles so in your side yard there is
18:14 no pollution, so gather these berries...
18:16 Yes, I have taken leaves and put them in alcohol to
18:22 let the alcohol extract the properties that I want,
18:25 this is very good for bruising and for external inflammations.
18:29 Again we are just experimenting with my students to see
18:32 what can these things do, this was rubbing alcohol so
18:35 you can only use it externally but I would use this on any
18:38 type of external inflammation and even over painful joints
18:43 to see if that might give some relief.
18:44 What I am trying to do is awaken in your mind an interest
18:47 in God's healing properties, into the herbs that
18:50 God has given us.
18:51 We know many of them, some of them are extremely important
18:55 to us today: Echinacea, every one knows about Echinacea.
18:58 - It grows nicely in a garden. - It's a perennial,
19:01 it's a purple coneflower, it's a very attractive flower.
19:04 - It has seeds that you can plant for next year.
19:07 - Yes! Everywhere I go in the world I find Echinacea.
19:10 I don't find Golden Seal as much.
19:13 - Golden Seal grows apparently in higher elevations.
19:17 - So I am thankful for what God has given us in the
19:21 simple remedies here in nature.
19:24 If you are using a powder, this is beauty berry leaves
19:29 that we dried and just ground up.
19:30 - Beauty berry leaf made into a little ointment is good for
19:37 chronic skin disorders, it's a very good little leaf.
19:42 - It's also good for the complexion from one thing
19:44 I read.
19:45 What you can do here if you make up a powder out of
19:49 an herb and you want to get it right on the body but
19:51 you don't know how you are going to keep it there
19:53 you can just mix it with some Vaseline, just mix it really
19:57 nicely until it's the same color as the herb - green
20:00 just enough to hold it together and put that over the area
20:04 that in itself could hold it there and give you some
20:06 properties that you are looking for.
20:08 - Very good idea, thank you so much, I appreciate your
20:11 discussion of these things.
20:13 I appreciate your being on this program.
20:15 Now with the herbs you should learn a few and use those
20:21 for yourself, those that you know are non-toxic and helpful
20:26 and the Lord will bless you by these very simple things.
20:30 Now I have some pictures that I would like to show you
20:33 that will show some other problems with the skin
20:37 and these pictures can be themselves instructed
20:40 then I will tell you a few things about how to treat
20:45 people who have these various afflictions.
20:49 So you will see here on the screen a picture of something
20:54 that I hope you will not see, while this thing that I am
20:59 showing is not exactly what I want to teach you from but you
21:04 will see that there is a central portion of this picture that's
21:09 a little redder, then a little pale zone around that white
21:14 nipple looking thing and then a little bit redder,
21:18 then another pale area that's bigger and then way out on the
21:23 periphery you will see more reddening.
21:26 This disease is the disease that I want to teach you about
21:31 is Lyme disease, Lyme disease is caused by the deer tick
21:35 and the deer tick bites one then there may be a red spot
21:40 in the center followed by a very pronounced pallor,
21:47 or pale zone, then the pale zone spreads out and
21:53 much more reddening on the outside.
21:56 This Lyme disease can be a serious problem and in some
22:01 people it's not serious, but if you get the Lyme disease
22:05 one of the best things that we have found for this is hot
22:09 baths, sit in a tub of very hot water and after about
22:14 a half an hour of being in the hot water, about as hot as you
22:17 can stand keeping your face cool, your head cool as much
22:21 as you can with cold cloths to the neck and the face,
22:25 after a soak in the tub for about half an hour, you are
22:30 very likely to already be able to tell that you are better.
22:33 But if you do this daily for five days then skip a couple
22:37 of days repeat it again for five days, skip a couple of days
22:41 and yet a third week in this way five days doing the baths
22:47 and two days then you are finished at the end
22:50 of that time having done 15 hot baths.
22:53 This can be a curative for cases of Lyme disease,
22:59 the Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete and the spirochete
23:05 can be treated by very hot baths.
23:09 We learned this is when I was in Medical School
23:11 treating another spirochete which causes syphilis,
23:15 Syphilis' vary and Lyme disease as well, spirochete is very
23:21 sensitive to a little heating or a little chilling
23:25 but you can't get the body cold enough to kill the
23:28 spirochete by chilling but you can by getting the body hotter.
23:33 Now my next slide, this is another slide that has some
23:39 instruction with it, this one is Leprosy, you'll remember
23:44 that Leprosy in the Bible was a serious disease that required
23:50 quarantine of the person.
23:52 Leprosy today is usually confined to more tropical
23:59 countries but we do have some cases in the United States.
24:03 Now the next picture that I will show you is on the screen
24:09 now, this is a common disorder of the fever blisters.
24:15 This shows a patch of fever blisters on a pink base
24:22 it's a little tan lesion with a pink base, a little patch
24:29 of fever blisters, this was on the side of the face.
24:32 Now the next graphic shows another form of herpes
24:37 which is what a fever blister is caused by a herpes simplex virus
24:45 and this is caused by another virus, the Herpes Zoster.
24:50 This is chicken pox, most people have never seen
24:53 chicken pox because even doctors often have not seen
24:58 a lot of chicken pox because if we think the case is
25:01 chicken pox, please don't come to the office or please
25:04 don't come to the hospital keep the child at home.
25:07 But you will notice that the lesion is what we call a
25:11 dewdrop on a rose petal, and that is what the chicken pox
25:16 looks like and it's disseminated all over the skin.
25:19 The next picture is another form of the Herpes Virus,
25:24 this is also Herpes Zoster, but this one is shingles.
25:30 You will notice that this starts in this 11 year old child
25:35 at the spine and comes down across the hip and goes on to
25:41 the thigh.
25:42 This has the same typical lesion of dew drop on a rose petal.
25:48 This is usually not very painful but if it is painful
25:53 then it can be treated with hot compresses or hot baths
25:56 and a charcoal compress, very good to keep the disease of
26:03 shingles from going into the postherpetic neuralgia,
26:07 which is quite painful.
26:09 The next slide you will see is a slide that tells us how
26:14 chronic pain affects the body, in cases of postherpetic
26:20 neuralgia where the pain is what we might call senseless
26:25 that is it is not something that we are going to work with
26:30 directly because it is going to hurt the body,
26:33 but you will see that pain can can come into the place where
26:40 the blue dot is, pain impulses can come in through those
26:45 parallel lines and if you have a lot of
26:50 other input such as from a neutral bath,
26:54 or a hot bath, then you cannot get a lot of impulses
26:59 through this gate into the place where the blue dot is
27:04 so if you cannot get pain impulses through this channel
27:10 that has to go to the place illustrated by the blue dot
27:15 which is the interpretation center in the brain, then
27:19 this kind of senseless pain cannot get through.
27:23 So hot baths or a massage or a neutral bath, just ordinary
27:29 tepid water, these kinds of things can be most helpful
27:34 in treating people who have senseless pain.
27:38 The Lord has provided for our successfully dealing with
27:43 pain, infection, hereditary diseases, by the things of
27:48 nature, the things He has provided for our comfort
27:52 and I hope that you love the Lord more
27:54 because of these things.


Revised 2014-12-17