Help Yourself to Health

Overlooked Laws

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller, Rhonda Clark


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000235

00:01 Hello! We generally think of eight laws of health
00:06 but actually when we start counting the laws that we know
00:10 we find there are more.
00:12 There are more than maybe fifteen,
00:15 there may be even more than twenty, we'll be talking about
00:20 some of these overlooked laws of health,
00:23 or frequently overlooked laws of health.
00:25 We hope you will join us, we think you will enjoy considering
00:28 some of these frequently overlooked laws of health.
00:52 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health with Dr. Agatha Thrash
00:56 of Uchee Pines Institute, and now here is your host
01:00 Dr. Thrash.
01:01 I love living by law, I love knowing about laws,
01:08 think what it would be like if we didn't know the laws
01:12 having to do with sleep, with rest, with food, with fresh air,
01:17 we would be at sea with the health, so I love living by law,
01:22 I love studying about law.
01:24 Not only physiologic law that has to do with health
01:28 but all manner of law, I like to study the law that has to do
01:32 with the starry heavens, and I think if we enjoy studying
01:38 about law, we can know more about the nature of God
01:42 because He has a character that has a transcript of law,
01:48 and so we would like to invite you today to join us as we
01:52 consider some of these wonderful things about law the things
01:58 having to do with sort of overlooked laws.
02:02 I'd like for Rhonda Clark to join me and thank you Rhonda
02:07 for being on our program today.
02:10 - Glad to be here.
02:11 - And you are going to talk with us about some very interesting
02:15 aspects of an overlooked law.
02:18 - Yes!
02:19 - What are you going to talk about today?
02:21 - Well I wanted to talk about the principle of dress,
02:23 It's interesting that how we dress has a great deal to do
02:27 with our health, and there are principles of dressing
02:30 that we have received through Inspired Writings that science
02:33 is showing are very important.
02:35 What I specifically wanted to focus on is how important it is
02:39 that we dress with even coverage over our bodies,
02:43 not having a lot more layers in one place with no layers
02:48 in another, especially important in covering
02:51 the extremities.
02:52 Our arms and legs have large blood vessels that are intended
02:56 to bring a rich blood supply to our hands, fingers,
03:00 all through our arms and legs and yet often we leave these
03:04 extremities completely uncovered making those blood vessels
03:09 stay in a state of constriction.
03:11 When we have many layers Dr. Thrash, I know you know
03:15 that's where we have vessels that are open, dilated,
03:19 lot's of warmth there in those areas, and then the areas where
03:22 we have very few layers, the vessels constrict,
03:26 some of the little capillary beds where oxygen and nutrient
03:30 delivery takes place are actually completely bypassed
03:35 when the vessels are constricted and things are very chilled.
03:39 - It's interesting that the anatomical structure of the
03:45 blood vessels of the face which is expected to be out in the
03:49 open, that these vessels are all together different from
03:53 the vessels on the neck which are down just below...
03:55 just inches away from the face and yet the
03:59 architectural pattern is different
04:03 from the face to the neck, so I think that
04:06 is an indication to us that the creator intended that we
04:10 should respect certain parts of the body by being more careful
04:16 about the dress.
04:17 - Yes, you know it's not uncommon in someone
04:20 who has left their extremities uncovered frequently
04:25 or regularly that they will have
04:27 high blood pressure, and part of this is because the heart is
04:29 constantly having to push harder to deliver blood through areas
04:33 that are tightened and constricted.
04:35 It's also a common cause of headache, uncovered extremities
04:40 the way that the blood is distributed has been changed.
04:43 - Have you read about these studies of certain polar bear
04:46 clubs where they... now my understanding is
04:51 they take a warm sauna, they are breathing warm air,
04:56 they get all sweaty and then if I'm not mistaken they run
05:01 out and roll in the snow or bathe in the ocean,
05:03 and a study was done of these individuals and it was found
05:07 that among these athletes, these hardy ones, these very
05:12 macho people, that they had more hypertension than the
05:18 general population by far more than double the population
05:22 of hypertensives.
05:24 - Hmm that's so interesting.
05:25 - That helped me to know I was on the right track by keeping
05:29 my extremities warm and by not enjoying a cold plunge
05:35 into icy water.
05:36 - It makes me think to when our extremities are chilled
05:40 not only can we not deliver a good circulation,
05:45 our heart is trying very hard to push some circulation there
05:48 for oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to these tissues
05:51 but waste products in those tissues accumulate.
05:54 One of the ones that is most concerning is potassium,
05:58 when the extremities accumulate levels of potassium and then
06:02 they become warmed, large amounts of potassium can enter
06:05 the blood stream and as these reach the delicate organs
06:08 especially the heart, they can cause an irritation.
06:11 The heart can actually beat irregularly as a response to the
06:15 re-warming of the extremities that have been chilled for
06:17 some period of time.
06:18 This is another reason why tight bands in our clothing
06:23 are concerning, they act very much as chilling does,
06:27 to restrict circulation to parts of our bodies below
06:30 that band allowing very limited delivery of oxygen and nutrients
06:34 and restricting the release of waste products to be
06:38 brought back up in normal volumes and eliminated.
06:41 - This then could account for the increased probability
06:46 that we will have arrhythmias or heart rhythm disturbances,
06:51 they complain of it more when they go to bed.
06:55 - Yes!
06:56 - It's not only that they can be more aware of it
06:59 because there are fewer distractions, but it is also
07:03 because there are actually more arrhythmias, the potassium
07:06 coming back into the blood stream goes to the heart,
07:09 triggers an arrhythmia.
07:11 - Yeah, it's important to keep our extremities covered
07:14 and to dress in layers where we have equal layers, having
07:18 to many layers in an area can be equally harmful,
07:22 there is some interesting research being done in
07:24 breast cancer, that as there are heavier layers over the
07:27 chest, and the breasts are kept warmer than the other areas
07:30 of the body, there's a greater increase of breast cancer.
07:33 So having equal coverage over the course of our body
07:37 is really that which is best for our good health.
07:39 - I often tell people who come to the south, they say oh
07:44 how can you stand this heat, well when I see the way
07:48 they dress, I can understand why they are having a problem
07:51 with the heat in the south because the first thing they do
07:55 in the morning, they wake up and they think oh this is cool
07:58 and nice, this is shorts and halters weather and so they
08:03 put on their shorts and halters and their limbs are exposed
08:08 to the air, and if you just go up and touch their arms
08:12 in this area, you can tell that the back of the arm
08:16 is a little chilled, so I tell these people who come from
08:21 other parts of the world to the south.
08:23 In the morning dress as warmly as you possibly can,
08:28 not to be so uncomfortable that you are just pouring off
08:31 sweat, and if people will do this on a regular basis
08:35 they will find that by 3:00 in the afternoon when it really
08:38 gets hot in Alabama, then you can remove the outside clothing
08:43 that you've put on and you feel quite comfortable.
08:46 But if you acclimatize your extremities to the Arctic
08:50 at 7:00 in the morning, by 3:00 in the afternoon
08:55 you have nowhere to go, you just hope you can retire to the
09:00 air conditioning and be comfortable in it.
09:03 So I think that's an illustration of how we dress
09:06 in a wrong way, whereas if we studied the matter
09:10 and dressed accordingly we could be much better at this
09:15 matter of finding some of these hidden laws, these
09:19 frequently overlooked laws of health, and that is one,
09:24 thank you so much.
09:26 - You're sure welcome.
09:27 - I appreciate that.
09:28 Now another thing I like to do is to put on multiple layers
09:34 such as might be with these leg warmers, now leg warmers
09:39 can be simple like these, or I've seen them where they are
09:43 quite fancy with gold threads or silver threads and lots of
09:46 embroidery and really quite elegant garments but these
09:52 leg warmers are simply utilitarian and I don't guess
09:55 they look to bad, but these can be layered on
09:59 over long johns and then when it warms up then these can be
10:06 removed, or if you go indoors, you've been outdoors and you've
10:09 needed these then when you come indoors, just as a sweater
10:12 these can be taken off the legs and then you can keep
10:16 the extremities quite warm in this way.
10:18 Warmed extremities are healthful in a number of ways
10:22 just as Rhonda pointed out, breast cancer and other
10:26 breast diseases are known to be more common in women who have
10:33 customarily chilled extremities.
10:36 Now Dr. Donald Miller is also going to join us with some of
10:41 these frequently overlooked laws of health, Dr. Miller
10:46 I see that you have a problem.
10:51 - I have a sore foot, - You have a sore foot.
10:54 - I have a sore foot. - How long has it been sore?
10:56 - Well that's a good question, that's a good question to be
11:01 asked, whenever someone tells me they have a problem
11:04 the first thing I say is, how long have you had it,
11:06 did anything happen at the beginning of it that might
11:09 precipitate what your problem is.
11:11 Now this is going to be a law of health that I have not really
11:15 spoken about when I teach this class, but as I think about it
11:19 this is a very important law of health.
11:21 Let me just explain what this person's problem is
11:23 the person has a sore foot, and so he goes to the doctor
11:27 and says doctor my foot hurts and the doctor says,
11:30 I've got just the thing for you we'll give you a little shot
11:33 of pain killer and that will take care of your problem
11:36 and the guy says I really don't want to take any shots
11:39 of pain killer.
11:40 So he goes to a second doctor and he says doc I've got a very
11:46 painful foot, and the doctor says I got just the thing
11:49 for you, take a handful of these pain medications and that
11:52 will take care of your problem of the pain in your foot.
11:55 He may have thought I don't want to take all of these pills
11:57 and so he goes to a third doctor and the third doctor says
12:02 here just the thing you need, here's a nice cane,
12:05 when you walk you can lean on it an don't put quite as much
12:09 pressure on that foot and it will make you feel better.
12:12 He may have thought I don't want to have to carry a cane,
12:14 I've got a pain in my foot, so he goes to the fourth doctor.
12:17 I would hate to go to this doctor if I had a headache,
12:20 so he goes to the fourth doctor and says I've got just the thing
12:22 for you, what we'll do is we'll just take the foot off
12:26 and you'll have no more pain in the foot.
12:27 Well I'm glad I don't have a headache, the guy goes jumping
12:31 out of the office on that one.
12:32 He goes to the fifth doctor he says doctor I got this pain
12:35 in my foot could you help me?
12:36 The doctor says hmmm! How long have you had this
12:40 problem, and then he says how about lets remove your shoe
12:44 and he takes the shoe off and what do we find down in the shoe
12:48 but a large stone, that was the cause of the pain.
12:52 So what's the law of health here, the law of health is
12:54 reason from cause to effect.
12:57 Try to figure out using your common sense, why don't I
13:01 feel well, now we can start to drink lots of water,
13:03 going to sleep on time, we should be doing these things
13:06 anyway but the curse without a cause the Bible says will not
13:10 come, we look back and try to find the rock.
13:12 What was it in my lifestyle, what was it in the last few days
13:16 that caused me to have this problem, once we find that
13:20 problem out, we have a better opportunity of removing what
13:23 ever that cause was.
13:25 You know I see people, and I used to do the same thing
13:28 I would get sick and I really don't do anything else
13:32 about it, I don't look back and see the fact that I just
13:34 pigged out on ice cream or candy a couple days before
13:37 and so I continue these things, as a matter of fact I'm
13:40 always amazed, I remember one of my earliest memories
13:45 I had had a tonsillectomy when I was a child unfortunately
13:49 and I remember being in the hospital bed, I must have been
13:53 two and a half, three years old but I still remember this.
13:56 The person came to my bed and said, after the operation,
14:00 what would you like to eat, you can have anything?
14:02 - What's a three year old going to say?
14:05 - I don't know what it was that I said but I told him something
14:07 and he said you can't have that, you can only have Jell-O
14:11 and I said ok I'll take it, and I told him my favorite,
14:13 probably lime Jell-O, and he said you can't have that,
14:16 it boiled down to one type of Jell-O.
14:19 But when you think about what Jell-O is, it's highly sugared
14:23 gelatin in a water base which basically is going to cause
14:28 the same problem that caused my tonsils to swell up to try to
14:31 fight whatever's problem because my immune system was suppressed.
14:34 - Colored flavored sweetened water.
14:36 - That's what it is, and gelatinized which means that it
14:39 has the bones, tendons, ligaments of some type of a
14:42 dead animal in there to make gelatin, so I thought well,
14:45 maybe the best thing to do in my life is to try to find out
14:48 what's causing this persistent problem, and when people have...
14:54 I get a stomach ache once in a while, I say keep a food diary.
14:59 For me especially when I travel in Eastern Europe,
15:02 it seems like Eastern Europeans have a hard time cooking legumes
15:07 well enough, and if I have an uncooked legume,
15:10 a bean that has not been properly cooked
15:13 I know it's going to hurt me.
15:16 So what I do now, whenever I have any food with a bean in it
15:19 I'll take one out and I will put it in my mouth and I will
15:23 taste it, and if it has that little bit of crunch,
15:26 that little bit of mealiness, I might sacrifice that one
15:29 and swallow it, but I will not eat another one.
15:32 We have to be careful with people to enjoy their
15:37 hospitality, but we have to also be very careful with this
15:41 machinery God has given us.
15:42 - Yes! - And making sure we're not
15:44 going to hurt ourselves.
15:45 - With partially cooked foods, beans are just one of them
15:50 but grains can also be partially cooked and that can also make
15:55 a problem, we may not feel it internally but it can cause
15:59 a general problem for us of inadequately
16:03 hydrolyzed starches.
16:04 - Well that's another one of these unknown laws,
16:08 or unspoken about laws that we have but there's a
16:10 wonderful book called Ministry of Healing
16:12 and on page 301 it says, grains used for porridge or mush
16:19 should have.
16:20 - Several hours of cooking.
16:21 - Ok! So I go to Europe and what do they serve muesli
16:25 which is raw oats, and I'm sitting there thinking,
16:29 now in medical hypothesis I think about 1989 came out
16:33 with a study that said that probably the reason why many
16:37 people over 30 have many lacunar scars in their brain
16:40 is incomplete breakdown of the starches from incomplete cooking
16:45 of the grains, now you did an experiment in your kitchen
16:48 about this didn't you?
16:49 - We did in the laboratory at Uchee Pines, we took a number
16:53 of pots set them to boiling with different kinds of cereals,
16:58 oatmeal, whole grain oats, oat groats, and cracked wheat,
17:07 rice, corn grits, and corn meal, and every 10 minutes for the
17:12 first hour we took a little alley quote from each pot
17:16 and we examined it for hydrolysis and we found
17:21 that there was very little hydrolysis in anything except
17:25 the corn meal which was very finely ground, and by the end
17:30 of two and a half hours millet was all done.
17:35 But rolled oats did not get done for 90 minutes, that's
17:39 an hour and a half, and corn grits do not get done for
17:44 five hours, oat groats do not get done for five to six hours
17:50 and whole kernel rye didn't get done for about 6 hours,
17:54 barley also took about that long.
17:55 - How about minute oats?
17:58 - Minute oats, we found that that required about
18:00 20-30 minutes, the quick oats required 45 minutes to get
18:05 well done.
18:07 - And if we don't do that then we have these large
18:09 chain starches and they can get into our blood stream,
18:12 they do get into our blood stream, and can affect our
18:14 brains, get into the small capillaries and cause little
18:16 lacunar scars, a little bit of tissue death,
18:18 into our kidneys, our bones, our adrenals, it can cause havoc
18:23 in the body and we never even know it and wonder why
18:26 our memory is slipping, could it be part of our
18:29 memory problems?
18:30 - I think so, I think one of the reasons why, in fact it was
18:33 postulated, it has been postulated by those who have
18:36 studied this, that one of the reasons for slippage of memory
18:40 and old age is because of years of eating inadequately cooked
18:45 grains.
18:47 - I read another place about some very large loaves of bread
18:51 being made that were very heavy and moist on the inside
18:55 so the servant girl who had made these things feeling
18:58 oh my master won't like this, so she took it out and put
19:01 it in the pigs trough, the guy had a couple great big sows.
19:05 Well the next morning he went out and do you remember what
19:08 happened to both those sows?
19:09 - Yes! Umm! - They died.
19:13 - They had died during the night, yes!
19:14 - And he looked in the trough and there was some crumbs
19:17 of this bread left and the woman confessed that
19:19 I put the bread there.
19:20 Our loaves should be small well baked loaves,
19:23 so that they could be dry on the inside, and that browning
19:27 on the outside, some people cut away the crust,
19:30 the crust is one of the healthiest parts because that
19:32 has the Maylard reaction, it has started the complete
19:36 hydrolysis and it chain reacts down into the bread.
19:39 I like to toast my bread, when it first starts to get
19:42 a little bit of a brownness that means that is has good
19:45 hydrolysis is going to be much better for me.
19:47 - Very good and I'm glad when you said when it first starts
19:50 to get brown, because if it gets very brown, then we have
19:55 advanced glycation and products and that can also cause a
20:00 problem, it accelerates the rate at which we age and also
20:04 makes is so that we are more susceptible to such things as
20:08 cancer and hardening of the arteries.
20:11 Now another thing that we have found to be a frequently
20:15 overlooked law of health, people think that it's a law
20:18 of spirituality, and it is, but prayer and meditation
20:23 and work that we do in church with our characters,
20:28 these are also laws of health, they are not just spiritual laws
20:33 and I have asked Rhonda Clark to join me again and talk
20:39 a little bit about meditation and it's benefits as a
20:43 health giving activity.
20:45 - I'll be happy to, you know when I first heard of this
20:48 principle of meditation, I was thinking of sitting in the
20:52 corner and humming and I didn't understand really this
20:55 principle of meditation in the Christian perspective.
20:58 I have learned that it is just really taking time to ponder
21:03 and roll around in your mind a principle that you have found
21:07 in scripture, something that you have heard from a sermon
21:10 that meant a great deal to you, and really looking for ways that
21:13 you can apply that in your own life.
21:14 - So that little word Selah in the Psalms is really "Stop
21:20 and Meditate," think about this factor, so that's
21:24 sort of what you are thinking about.
21:26 - A little description meditation right there.
21:28 As I was a student at Uchee Pines, one of our instructors
21:32 Dan Viss let us know about a ministry that he had,
21:36 it's called Fast Ministries and he teaches a principle
21:40 about meditation and application, he actually teaches
21:42 you how to meditate on a spiritual thought and apply
21:47 that into your life.
21:48 This meant a great deal to me so I appreciate the opportunity
21:51 to share with the folks who are watching the show today.
21:54 This principle of meditation and application is so simple
21:58 as you read the scriptures or a devotional or
22:02 inspiring message that you are finding in a book,
22:05 that's speaking to your soul, take in small bits,
22:08 as you read a verse in the Bible or a short passage
22:12 in the Bible, stop, spend some time looking for principles,
22:18 concepts, things that are spoken about the character of God or
22:22 principles that you can apply into your daily life,
22:25 that's that process of meditation, taking something
22:29 very short, simple and then pondering on it thinking on it,
22:33 and the very best way to apply that into your life is to think
22:38 about how can I today make this real in my life.
22:45 Maybe you will read a passage that has something about
22:49 how important it is for us to keep our thoughts on the Lord
22:53 and so you will think ok today every meal I'm going to stop
22:58 before I have my meal and spend a few moments
23:00 thinking about the Lord, praying to Him, pondering
23:03 on things about this day that I am grateful for that He has
23:06 given, I mean simple things, the sky is the limit with this
23:09 and I like it because it's very individual to each of us.
23:12 Sometime he would give us an assignment to take the same
23:15 verse and we would come back the next day and share
23:18 the applications that we had found as individual students.
23:21 It was interesting to see how with one verse, all of us would
23:25 have something different, all of us would have found a way
23:28 to apply that in our lives that day that was very unique
23:31 individual and made the Bible seem very rich to me, very rich.
23:36 - Well it's been interesting to me for many years to read
23:40 medical reports that people who are deeply religious
23:44 have much better health, they recover from surgery,
23:48 from amputation of legs, from childbirth and many other things
23:52 better if they are deeply religious, and I think it's not
23:55 just that they are more relaxed and happy, I believe that there
23:59 is a physiologic process that occurs that comes from the faith
24:05 that we have, from the exercises that we do of a
24:11 spiritual nature.
24:12 And concerning church attendance, there have been
24:15 several studies that have been done showing that people
24:19 who attend church are more likely to recover from
24:24 heart attacks very quickly, so that's another good thing
24:27 that we can recognize, is a law of health, it's not just
24:33 a spiritual law but can be engaged in because we know that
24:38 the Lord wants us to take care of His equipment,
24:41 and so entering into these spiritual exercises is a part of
24:47 the way that the Lord wants us to take care of the equipment
24:51 that He has entrusted to our care.
24:54 Another of the frequently overlooked laws of health is
25:00 cleanliness and order in the home.
25:03 Some people feel that they can just live in squalor
25:10 or in disorder and disarray all the time and that this is
25:15 alright, it's not the externals that matter to the Lord
25:20 but I can say that from the standpoint of a physician,
25:24 people who live in these surroundings are more likely
25:29 to become upset in the immune system as well.
25:33 The immune system and the nervous system are very closely
25:37 related to each other, and people who are not orderly
25:41 tend to become a little disordered in the mind
25:44 that disorders the body secondarily.
25:47 Another thing is being creative, a number of years ago
25:53 a study was done on people who were being creative and whether
25:58 that acted as something to prolong the life, and it was
26:03 recognized as the study progressed that people who
26:09 were more creative tended to be in better health.
26:13 Then another thing I like a lot is the Bible's idea of our doing
26:20 charitable acts, doing charitable acts will do good
26:24 for those for whom we do that charitable act,
26:28 but the charitable act also reacts upon ourselves
26:34 and gives us a beneficial effect in the health, where as the
26:41 converse of that is also true, that is if you do evil things
26:45 to other people, it reflexively reacts upon yourself
26:50 and you find that because you have done things that are evil
26:54 to others, your own health tends to suffer, so we need to pray
27:00 that the Lord would help us to have this good law of health
27:04 that's frequently overlooked, that law of doing
27:07 charitable deeds for others.
27:09 We had a patient a Uchee Pines one time who had severe
27:12 diabetes, she also had a lot of serious physical complaints,
27:17 she was nearly blind, she had difficulty in digesting her food
27:23 and a number of other difficulties, we suggested
27:27 to her that she stop thinking so much about herself
27:31 and start giving herself to her neighbors.
27:34 This dear lady began to be Mrs. charity itself,
27:40 and the interesting thing to us was as she promoted
27:45 charity to others, her own heal began to return,
27:48 and her life was made sweet not only in the community
27:52 that she lived in, but in her family and in herself.


Revised 2014-12-17