Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller, Rhonda Clark
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000231
00:01 Hello! I love to treat people with problems with the
00:06 respiratory tree, there are so many things that you can do. 00:10 Many of these are applicable to a home setting and we'll be 00:14 showing you whom of these in this program, 00:16 we hope you will join us and that you will enjoy our program. 00:39 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health 00:42 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute 00:45 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash. 00:48 Every well equipped home has those items in it that are 00:57 required for doing simple treatments on the human body. 01:01 Such things as tubs, and towels, and salt, and water, 01:07 those things are what we need, there are some special things 01:12 but for the most part every well equipped home will have 01:15 anything that will be needed. 01:18 As a matter of fact you have probably been for all of your 01:21 life treating yourself for colds and sore throats 01:25 and tummy aches and the like and maybe we can help you 01:29 to know a few other things that we will show and tell 01:33 that can make your disease a little shorter, and make the 01:37 complications that you get from respiratory problems less. 01:41 So I would like to invite you to come with me to my little 01:47 laboratory which has in it just simple things from the kitchen. 01:53 Notice this first thing, this is just onion, onion is a common 02:03 household kitchen herb if you will, we use it as a food 02:09 but it's also an herb. 02:10 The definition of an herb is any food or plant that has a 02:15 healing benefit, an onion has so many, it has Quercitin in it, 02:20 which is so good for us, it's an anti-inflammatory 02:24 substance, it has anti- cancer properties, it has anti-germ 02:31 attachment properties, so it has a number of good properties 02:36 that make it a good healing agency. 02:37 Now another healing agency is honey, and here is some honey 02:43 that I have, this honey is about a cup here of honey 02:50 and this honey came from the honey comb directly so it still 02:55 has a little honey comb on it, but we don't mind that, 03:00 we can eat that as well, the honey comb is a very good 03:04 anti-microbial substance for us, it also has some 03:09 anti-allergy properties for us. 03:13 Now the onion and honey recipe that I am going to show you is 03:17 so simple you will think it probably does not work 03:21 but I can tell you that it does, and so what we have to do 03:24 is to put the honey on the onion, and it is simply layered 03:30 on in this fashion, notice how thick the honey is as I 03:35 put it on, and I just layer the honey on in this way 03:39 and it is just enough to cover it well, and it looks like I'll 03:48 need a spoon here to cut this off and make it so that it 03:53 will be not quite so messy. 03:54 Then I can stir it, or I can just leave it as it is 04:01 because it's going to become liquid, you might think is that 04:04 going to become liquid, yes it does, within a few hours 04:09 this honey will have drawn all of the healing properties 04:14 or many of them, from the onion and then the onion honey 04:22 is taken as a very nice cough syrup. 04:26 Now the way to use it is every time you cough just take a 04:31 teaspoonful of the liquid, now you have to take my word 04:35 for it right now, that it is going to become liquid 04:38 then you pour off the liquid and squeeze the limp onion 04:44 to get the rest of the liquid from it and then you are ready 04:48 then to take the cough syrup, one little item at a time. 04:55 Now I have asked Arianna Hartsfield to be my 04:59 cooking assistant here, and so Arianna can now help me to... 05:04 If you will just help me to keep these things going so that 05:08 I can show another recipe, now this one is another very 05:14 simple thing, for it you need a very simple teaspoon, 05:19 every well equipped home has a teaspoon, and you need some 05:23 salt, and again it's located all the time in homes. 05:28 So one teaspoon, one level teaspoon of salt in a pint jar 05:36 is the best, just a pint jar and then fill the jar with 05:42 water, just plain water from the tap or purified water 05:48 if you prefer. 05:49 This will probably be used for an irrigation substance for 05:53 the nose or for the throat if you have an inflamed throat. 05:59 So this can be simply stirred in this way to dissolve the salt 06:04 and then everything in fine. 06:07 It is ready then for you to use as an irrigation substance. 06:14 Now what I do when I have made it up is to simply set this 06:22 aside, it doesn't need to be refrigerated because it has 06:26 some anti-germ qualities of it's own, so I just set it aside 06:31 let it stay at room temperature, then it's ready to use or almost 06:38 ready to use, you may want to warm it up if you are doing a 06:41 nasal irrigation. 06:42 And now you can take this and this for me, thank you so much! 06:50 I will just keep this on hand in case I should need it for an 06:55 irrigation material, so we will set that aside. 06:59 Now irrigations are not used as much as they should be, 07:03 irrigations are so beneficial let's say to the nose, if you 07:09 have an allergy, a nasal irrigation just with this saline 07:13 and using a small bulb syringe or simply pouring a teaspoonful 07:19 in the palm of your hand and snuffing it up into the nose 07:23 this way and then allowing it to drop into a sink. 07:27 That will remove impurities from the air to which you may 07:32 be allergic causing your allergy or your hay fever, 07:36 and it's most beneficial for this kind of thing, 07:39 so I recommend that to you. 07:42 If your beginning to get a cold sometimes again 07:45 an irrigation with warm saline, very warm, as warm as your nose 07:51 can tolerate it nicely, can be very helpful. 07:54 Now Dr. Donald Miller has had a good bit of experience 07:59 in various parts of the world where he travels and lectures, 08:03 welcome Dr. Miller to our program today. 08:06 - Thank you! - I would like you to tell us 08:08 about some of the irrigations that I know you have done 08:12 I have heard some of your case history's about irrigating 08:14 wounds and sores and feet and ears and noses, what are you 08:20 going to talk with us about today? 08:21 - You know one of the challenges when you get into other 08:24 countries, especially third world countries is finding 08:27 ways to irrigate, you don't have running water, 08:29 you don't have hoses and so what do you do? 08:31 I was in India one time and there was a man that they said 08:35 you need to see this man he hurt his foot, 08:37 so I went to see the man and he had the most horrible 08:40 looking foot, it looked like hamburger on the bottom, 08:43 it was full of some black particulate matter, 08:45 I saw him at night under an oil lamp, I figured how am I 08:48 going to clean this thing, there is no running water 08:51 no way you can sit there and squirt this out, and so what I 08:54 did is I took a water bottle, just a simple plastic 08:57 water bottle which you carry and I had a little percussion 09:01 hammer that had a needle in the end, a little nail, 09:03 and I took it out and put a hole in the lid of my bottle 09:06 then I just turned it up and squeezed the bottle and got a 09:09 good strong jet of water that very nicely irrigated that foot. 09:14 I could keep filling it back up with water and irrigating 09:17 the foot and then I was able to see what I was working with 09:20 took a little surgical scrub brush and scrubbed a 09:22 a little bit more, cleaned it very nicely. 09:25 - My how innovative that is, necessity is certainly the 09:30 mother of invention I can see. 09:31 - What else are you going to do I couldn't pick it off 09:34 and use my toothbrush, you had to find some way to irrigate 09:37 the wound and it is so important, as you know you've 09:40 been in surgical fields where you've got to irrigate a wound 09:44 and what do you do when you don't have all the modern 09:47 technologies. 09:48 We had one man with us on the team who was a medical doctor 09:53 and, I remember one day at lunch he said I'll never do this 09:56 again, I will never come on a mission trip as a doctor again 09:58 because I can't do anything and if you are held to the small 10:03 box of comfort, your comfort zone of what you learned in 10:07 all the fancy dan things that if you haven't learned that 10:10 what am I going to do. 10:11 I remember in the Marine Corp we had what was called a 10:13 speed march reaction course where you were put in the 10:18 situations where you had maybe five Marines and they would say 10:21 ok, this is going to happen you've got to do this and 10:24 get over here in a certain amount of time and you had to 10:27 think very quickly and so using things like water bottles 10:30 comes in very handy. 10:32 - And I can see that learning to think quickly because 10:36 there you are with an oil lamp and a patient and 10:38 you need to go home and get some sleep. 10:41 - Plus there are a hundred more people that wants to talk to you 10:44 also, it's tough. 10:46 The bulb syringe, Dr. Thrash has mentioned using this as a 10:50 nasal irrigator, I like to take a piece of cloth or here I've 10:54 got a Kleenex wrapped around it so it can close off one 10:58 nostril, and then insert that into the nostril this keeps the 11:02 water from coming back out and then slowly squeeze and 11:05 will bring the water through the sinus passages, usually out 11:09 the other side or out the mouth and the more you do this 11:12 especially the warmer the better and it has to be saline. 11:15 The first time I learned about this I sat there in class 11:19 and I said oh that's a good idea, when I tried it on myself 11:22 I forgot that one word, "Saline," I took warm water. 11:27 - So it burned a little! - Oh! It was excruciating! 11:30 I thought it must be doing good because it hurts awfully 11:33 bad, you know the old mind set, if it hurts it must be 11:36 good, that's not the case here. 11:38 - The worse it hurts the better it is for you. 11:40 - That's what you sometimes think but it hurt me bad. 11:43 - And it doesn't have to you just use the saline. 11:46 - Just use the saline! - Just keep it on hand, 11:49 or keep the salt and the water on hand and then you can warm 11:52 it up some if you want to. - No problem! 11:54 - That's nice! - Many of you have probably gone 11:57 swimming in the ocean and especially when they've got 12:00 waves and all of a sudden that wave hits you just right and 12:02 your top over end and you are rolling around, 12:05 you are finally up on shore and you are sputtering and 12:07 muttering and you have cleaned out your nasal passages 12:10 very well, it's on you lip, it's on your chin, 12:12 it's on the floor, but you "sniff" that was fun, 12:15 that felt really good. 12:17 This is the same thing although the ocean wasn't quite as warm 12:20 as our saline is going to be, warm saline, clean it out 12:24 it does a very nice job, Dr. Thrash has mentioned 12:26 using the palm of your hand, I've used a spoon before. 12:30 One of the nicest ways if you have the modern equipment 12:33 if you have a waterpik which has a nasal applicator 12:38 it's just a little L-shaped thing or almost an L with a 12:41 big bulb on the end, you put that in your nose turn the 12:44 thing on low, push the button and it just slowly pumps it up 12:49 and it will come out by itself. 12:51 You do this over a sink, or you'll make a mess otherwise 12:54 it just goes down the sink, some will go back up your throat 12:58 you could either spit it up or swallow it if you don't mind 13:02 a little bit of salt water, it's not going to hurt you 13:03 unless you have really high blood pressure, 13:05 so these are some nice things that you can do. 13:08 - I can just hear a young person say "Oh gross," I suppose 13:11 it is gross. - When I took this course at 13:15 Uchee Pines the Lifestyle Counselor Course 13:17 which is an excellent course 13:19 and believe me we've had doctors take this course, 13:23 we've had grandmothers take this course, we've had 13:25 high school students take this course, it's an excellent 13:27 course, but I remember we had the class and that person 13:32 said... the instructor said who wants 13:34 to be the demonstratee and a young woman, a French girl, 13:39 Isabelle who is a concert harpist, very proper person 13:48 and very dignified person says I'll do it, and so if Isabelle 13:54 can do it anyone can do it. 13:56 - And it's actually not so gross, especially if you are 13:59 in the privacy of your own bathroom, you are doing it right 14:02 by yourself. - The though of it like... 14:04 I guarantee you, if you put this spoon of water under your 14:09 nose and breathe it up, I promise you, you will not drown. 14:12 People worried they are going to drown or do something 14:15 strange, but if you are tired of having a stuffy feeling 14:18 all the time, try cleaning out your sinus passages with some 14:21 saline and it works extremely well. 14:23 - Yes! It is a very good one! 14:25 Now you mentioned the sinuses. - Yes! 14:28 - How are you going to treat the sinuses, they can't be 14:31 irrigated nicely, you irrigate past them but is there something 14:35 that you can do for the sinuses? 14:38 - We do a sinus pack and along with the sinus pack, 14:43 I can show you another way to do a nasal irrigation by 14:47 someone being prone, which is something I learned not long ago 14:51 when I was teaching up at Andrew's University, which is 14:53 an extremely interesting way of doing it. 14:56 - Good! I'm looking forward to seeing this new one, 14:59 I don't think I have seen it have I? 15:01 - You haven't seen it and it will be a 3ABN debut also. 15:04 - I love new remedies, I go everywhere looking for new 15:07 remedies, so I am really happy for this one. 15:09 I have asked Arianna Hartsfield to be your demonstratee 15:14 for this so Arianna if you will just lie right up here, 15:17 that's fine, and lie back right on this pillow, 15:22 are you comfortable there, ok, this is going to be... 15:26 - This is very fundamental, this is just basically a sinus pack. 15:31 - Ok! - Now if I would usually do a 15:34 sinus pack, I would have the person in a hot foot bath also, 15:37 that means I would have their feet in a hot basin of water 15:40 or a hot basin of water and slowly raise the temperature 15:44 until it's tolerable for them. 15:46 But now what we're working on is the face here and so I take 15:50 a hand towel and I fold it, basically this is folded in 15:54 fourths, I still have the length of it, and then I just do a 15:57 simple movement like this and make it into sort of a mask. 16:00 I put this in hot water and wring it out, you don't 16:04 want to steam this because you are going to lay this 16:05 directly on the skin of the face, but you want it to be 16:07 quite warm, and once you've got it ready, 16:10 you lay it over the face so it is covering the entire 16:16 sinus area. 16:17 You've got your sinuses all in the forehead and underneath 16:21 the eyes, next to the nose, they are all completely covered, 16:25 once you've got that on there then you take another towel 16:28 and I do exactly the same thing, I do a little flip with it 16:32 and lay this over the face. 16:35 Now the reason why I do it this way is the person for some 16:39 strange reason still needs to breathe, and so this way they 16:42 can still be breathing in and out, they are having no 16:44 discomfort, and you just put it there, now might wonder 16:49 well how do you know if it is to hot or not? 16:50 There are a few way that you can tell, one, you can ask them, 16:53 is that to hot, sometimes they will say it's a little bit warm 16:57 and all you have to do is just bring it up and wave it a 16:59 few times, lay it back down it will loose a degree or two 17:02 with just a small amount of waving. 17:04 Another way that you can tell is just watch the person 17:08 watch their nose, watch their mouth, watch their body because 17:12 usually body language will tell you when they are uncomfortable. 17:15 What you do is you leave this on for three minutes, 17:17 while this is on you've got yourself a basin of cold water 17:22 with a cloth, when the three minutes is up, you remove 17:26 the towel, I just lay it down, take the hot one off, 17:29 which is not longer extremely hot, take a cloth and do a 17:34 little rubbing all over the area where you have had the 17:38 the hot compress which will... 17:40 - Now that's with cold water? - This is with cold water! 17:42 - With the hot you've had a vasodilatation but deeper down 17:47 you've had a constriction, now this is going to do the opposite 17:50 and you want to get some fluxion some inflow of blood 17:53 into and out of the area. 17:54 Once you've cleaned it off nicely, you take your hot one 17:59 again, put it in hot water, wring it out and just lay it 18:01 right back down again and then put your other towel on 18:05 top which will hold the heat give some good heating 18:10 into the area, another way you can do this, a simple way is 18:14 just put someone in front of a lamp and let the lamp shine 18:17 in their face, it's the heat that we are looking for 18:19 which is going to help open up the sinus passages 18:22 get some of the sinus fluids that whatever might be 18:25 stopping it up moving and it will work very nicely 18:29 having the foot in the hot water... 18:30 - Just bend the knees and put the feet in a tub of hot water 18:37 as hot as they can stand. - Try not to let the back 18:39 of the legs hit the tub because it is just uncomfortable for the 18:42 person, this will be drawing down the blood decongesting 18:48 the head and the chest and we will be drawing more blood 18:51 down to the feet, this is derivation and there by 18:54 relieving some of the pressure in the head, the sinuses, 18:58 the chest, where ever it might be, giving some 19:00 very nice results. 19:02 How many times do you change it, three minimum, 19:05 I would go up to seven to eight at a time, the more the merrier 19:09 in this particular situation. 19:11 Now I mentioned that other irrigation that I have not yet 19:15 shown you Dr. Thrash, and what this one requires is a 19:19 little bit more interesting, what we are going to do 19:22 is we're going to slide Arianna this way until her head is 19:25 completely off the table, so if you can just lay there 19:28 Arianna, we can sort of slide the whole kit-n-caboodle over, 19:32 Ok I want your head all the way, that's all right, 19:35 just let your head fall, a little bit more, ok, 19:38 I want it all the way back, that's perfect! 19:40 and then what we do is we take an eyedropper and we take the 19:47 saline solution that we have made, I'm not going to actually 19:51 do it Arianna but this is what you do, you take a simple 19:54 eyedropper, you would fill it with the saline and then you 19:58 have the person open the mouth, open your mouth and breathe 20:01 through your mouth, and they you would slowly fill up each 20:04 nostril with the saline solution until it's completely 20:07 full, now it's going to slowly drain back into the back 20:11 of her throat, she can either swallow it or I like the 20:15 thought of taking a flexible straw and put a flexible straw 20:19 in her mouth and she can just expectorate out through the 20:22 flexible straw and you can take the whole pint of saline 20:28 and slowly run it through the sinuses patches. 20:30 Now you've got a couple of things working, 20:32 you've got gravity Dr. Thrash moving the saline down into 20:36 the sinus passages, you've got the salt which is very 20:39 soothing to the sinus patches and it's healing it's own right 20:43 and this is going to give her a very nice cleaning out of the 20:47 sinus passages. 20:49 Now one more thing that you can do in addition to these 20:52 things, if a person having real sinus problems is put some sage 20:56 in water and do some inhalation of sage steam, sage is very 21:02 cleansing and very healing for the sinus passages, 21:05 just a regular old can of sage. 21:07 So these things work very nicely, when I first experienced 21:11 this thing at Andrews University it was so interesting, 21:14 and the nice thing about it is you are laying down, you are not 21:17 sitting there trying to snuff it up your nose, you are just 21:19 laying there and let somebody else fill your nostrils 21:22 full of the water, you won't drown, your mouth is open 21:24 you are breathing through your mouth, if you breathe 21:26 through your nose you will just suck it all through and 21:28 it will all be in the back of your throat, no problem there 21:30 but I find this to be an extremely nice way to do 21:34 a nasal irrigation. 21:35 - Yes, it sounds very nice and sounds as if it might be 21:41 effective, I look forward to trying it myself and prescribing 21:46 it for other people. 21:47 Thank you Arianna! 21:49 - Now we can sit Arianna up here. 21:51 - Yes, I appreciate... I love learning new remedies 21:54 especially learning things that are dependent only on very 21:59 simple things that you have in your own home. 22:02 Now I'd like to review for you the anatomy here so that you 22:08 can see just what it is, just where we have been working. 22:14 Here are the sinuses and if the person leans backward 22:21 we will be irrigating past the sinuses just in the nose 22:28 which when Arianna was lying down the saline would 22:34 come into this area and stay. 22:37 Of course the sinuses are back in here and you would be 22:41 irrigating past those and you might get some of the saline 22:46 into the sinuses and that would also cleanse them if you did 22:51 and then it can be expectorated through the mouth, 22:54 very interesting new treatment and I am very happy that 22:57 I could learn a new one. 22:59 Now I have asked my colleague at Uchee Pines Rhonda Clark 23:07 to join me now for some more instruction, 23:10 this is Rhonda Clark who works with me at Uchee Pines 23:14 as you are an RN. - Yes! 23:17 And you have been working at Uchee Pines as a lifestyle 23:20 counselor and a person who does counseling by telephone. 23:25 - Yes! I have benefited from the education program that 23:30 Dr. Miller was mentioning and I received additional training 23:33 at Uchee Pines as a student and have benefited, 23:35 now I really enjoy the privilege of sharing what 23:37 I've learned with people who call with health concerns. 23:40 - I understand that your students really like you at 23:43 Uchee Pines because you make the subject live. 23:46 What are you going to show us today? 23:49 - Well I know that many people are concerned about the quality 23:52 of air in their homes and so they use machines such as 23:55 humidifiers or air ionizing machines to help improve the 23:58 quality and I just wanted to mention Dr. Thrash how very 24:01 important it is that these machines be cleaned properly 24:06 and cared for properly. 24:07 Everyone who has had one of these machines, 24:10 the package should come with manufacturers instructions 24:13 for cleansing the machine. 24:15 Even when very pure water is used in them they can harbor 24:19 bacteria, and ionizing machines if they are not cleaned 24:22 regularly can accumulate quite a lot of pollutants on the 24:26 device that helps to do the ionizing and so I just wanted 24:30 to mention how important it is to know the manufacturers 24:33 instructions for cleaning the humidifier or the ionizer 24:36 they require cleaning usually at least every day and 24:39 fresh water to be used in the humidifier to ensure that you 24:43 truly are improving the of quality of air in your home 24:45 and not worsening it. 24:48 And another little tip for improving the quality of air 24:52 in your home is to bring in house plants, some people 24:56 love them, I know that you have house plants in your home 24:59 and I was very interested to read a recent study from NASA 25:04 that they were looking at improving air quality on 25:07 space stations and we're looking at what types of plants might 25:11 be the very best for improving air quality in a home and 25:16 how many plants did you need. 25:18 I have a list here of the plants that they found that were the 25:22 best for purifying the air, and some of these are 25:24 very common: The Bamboo Palm. - The one that's tall. 25:28 - Yes! It's very decorative and many people have them in 25:31 their homes they fill a corner very nicely, wonderful for 25:34 filtering and purifying the air. 25:36 Spider plants, these are very common. 25:39 - They are also tall because they are long, they fall down 25:43 from the bowl, or the pot, and can fall all the way to the 25:49 floor, they grow all the way to the floor. 25:52 - And they are so easy to take the little baby spiders 25:56 that come off the end, the little spider plants... 25:59 - And make some new plants. - Yes! 26:00 I think in dormitory rooms we saw a lot of spider plants. 26:05 Flowering Mums, this is another one, and Peace Lilies which are 26:09 so beautiful, Mother-in-law's Tongues, now this was a plant 26:13 that I had not heard of, is this one that you are 26:15 familiar with? - I am familiar with that! 26:17 - Uh huh, and wonderful for purifying the air, 26:20 English Ivy - very common plant and the Gerbera Daisy, 26:25 I think I am saying that correctly, the daisies are 26:28 wonderful for purifying the air. 26:30 These were the top plants that they found and when they 26:34 looked to see how many do you need for an 1800 square foot 26:38 area between 15 and 20 plants and so quite a few actually. 26:43 - And that will actually purify the air? 26:45 - Yes! Help purify, help bring in... 26:48 - They take out gaseous impurities like carbon dioxide 26:53 of course, but also many other pollutants. 26:57 We can be thankful to NASA for that, and thank you for sharing 27:02 this with us. - I'm very grateful to! 27:04 - Well as you have seen these simple things that we can do 27:08 to improve the air and to improve the health of the 27:13 respiratory tree, I am sure that you are thrilled as I am 27:16 with the knowledge that we have. 27:19 I think that to live in this age would be the greatest 27:24 privilege ever, we have not only the hope of the soon coming 27:28 of the Lord, but we also have all of this information 27:32 that is being discovered day by day. 27:34 New applications of old principles, like the principle 27:38 of heat, the principle of cleanliness, the principle of 27:41 irrigation, all of these things are very simple, very important 27:47 things, but things that we enjoy experimenting with to make it 27:53 so that we can love the Lord more for His goodness 27:56 and His provisions. |
Revised 2014-12-17