Help Yourself to Health

Respiratory Pt.1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Calvin Thrash, Don Miller, Rhonda Clark


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000230

00:01 Hello! We breathe so frequently
00:04 we don't think anything about it, it never crosses our mind
00:08 until something happens to the nose or the throat,
00:12 or the lungs, and then we know that we have a
00:16 respiratory tree.
00:17 It's not just lungs, it's a whole tree,
00:20 we'll be talking about things that can go wrong,
00:23 and we hope that we can tell you a lot of things to do
00:27 about things that can go wrong with the respiratory tree,
00:30 we hope that you will join us for the program.
00:52 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health,
00:54 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute,
00:57 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
01:01 I think that stopping of the breathing process
01:07 is one of the most frightening that we have, probably even more
01:11 frightening than pain in the chest, which we think might be
01:14 a heart attack.
01:16 When we can't get air into the the nose, or we can't open up
01:20 the lungs properly, that can cause real anxiety.
01:25 So we will be talking about a few things that can help us
01:30 to know just what to do when we have these kinds of things,
01:34 and what things we should not do so that the respiratory tree
01:39 can act the best.
01:40 So I would like to invite you to come with me while we make
01:44 some of these explanations, and I have asked Rhonda Clark
01:49 to come with me and give some talk about just how we can think
01:56 about one kind of problem, Rhonda how are you?
02:00 - I'm fine.
02:01 - Welcome to our program today, and you are going to talk about
02:04 a very umm, it's not an unusual thing, but it has an
02:09 unusual name.
02:10 - It does, we will be talking today about
02:12 Lady Windermere's Syndrome.
02:14 - Lady Windermere.
02:15 - Lady Windermere is the name of a person who was a character
02:19 in a play written by Oscar Wilde, a Victorian Era Play,
02:22 and she was most fastidious, and that is why her name
02:26 was particularly chosen for this condition,
02:28 because it is most frequently seen in individuals who
02:31 habitually suppress the cough.
02:34 It is a bacterial infection and it's formal name is
02:38 micro-bacterium avium complex, and that micro-bacterium
02:43 might make you think, oh, that's the same bacteria
02:46 that causes tuberculosis.
02:48 It is in the same family but not nearly as serious
02:51 a condition.
02:53 Lady Windermere Syndrome is found most commonly in
02:58 thin post-menopausal women who are non-smokers,
03:02 it also can occur in men who have underlying
03:05 respiratory disease, or in men who have occupations
03:09 that put them frequently in contact with water vapor.
03:12 It's interesting that water vapor seems to be the thing
03:16 that is the avenue in which the bacteria enters the lungs,
03:20 this bacteria is found in soil and water, animals carry it,
03:25 it's found in milk, but it's most commonly believed to
03:28 be water vapor, such as people might inhale from a humidifier,
03:32 a hot tub, or an occupation where they are around
03:35 water vapor, that causes the bacteria to enter the lungs.
03:38 You might imagine Dr. Thrash that one of the most important
03:41 parts of treating this syndrome is healthy deep
03:45 coughing, and making sure that our respiratory tract
03:49 is as healthful as possible.
03:51 - Yes, breathing deeply encourages blood flow
03:55 to the lungs and to the bronchi and that keeps the healthy.
03:58 - Yes! In the presence of fresh country air, fresh air that
04:03 isn't filled with pollution the cilia, the little hair like
04:07 structures that line our respiratory tract are able
04:10 to work more efficiently, so deep breathing of fresh air
04:13 is one part of healing this syndrome.
04:15 Another part is very logical, avoid the source of the
04:19 water vapor, otherwise some of the treatments that we will be
04:24 demonstrating on the show today may be of benefit.
04:26 There are simple home remedies that can help relieve the
04:31 chest congestion, if you are familiar with simple
04:34 home remedies, you may know that chest fomentations
04:36 would be very in order for this.
04:39 Inhalation treatments of antibiotic herbs may be of
04:42 of benefit, and taking antibiotic herbs such as
04:45 Echinacea, Golden Seal, garlic would also be of benefit
04:49 in helping to treat the this interestingly named condition.
04:53 - Garlic! Is garlic good for the lungs?
04:56 - Oh, garlic is excellent for the lungs.
04:58 - Ok, there are a couple of reasons that I can think:
05:01 One is that it keeps other people from being to close
05:04 to you, who might have some kind of germ that you might get.
05:07 - Uh hu!
05:09 - But another is, the reason that people don't want to come
05:13 near you if you have been eating to much garlic,
05:15 and that is that the garlic is excreted through the lungs.
05:19 Is there something about garlic itself that makes it so
05:23 that it is good for germs in the lungs?
05:25 - It has several properties that are beneficial in this way,
05:29 garlic is amazing in that it fights against bacteria,
05:32 viruses, all types of pathogens and as it is excreted
05:37 from the lungs, it does help break apart congestion,
05:40 relieving things that can freely be expressed,
05:44 and it helps us get rid of that bacteria down in the lungs.
05:47 - So that would be good also for asthma then, wouldn't it?
05:50 - Indeed! Yes!
05:51 - An acute attack of asthma can be nicely treated
05:55 with the garlic.
05:56 - Yes!
05:57 - Well, thank you so much, I appreciate knowing about
06:00 the Lady Windermere's Syndrome, I will try to remember that.
06:05 Lady Windermere, and it's a micro-bacterium.
06:09 - Yes! - Thank you so much.
06:10 - You're welcome.
06:11 - Now another thing that we will talk about is a sore throat,
06:16 with a sore throat the biggest problem is the pain that one has
06:23 with swallowing, and I have asked Cal Thrash to show to us
06:28 something about the sore throat, and Cal, you are home based at
06:35 Uchee Pines, is that right? - That's correct!
06:36 - Are you a long time resident there?
06:39 - Oh yes! I was there from the beginning, 1970.
06:43 - From 1970, and what do you do there now?
06:47 - I am the president, which means that no one really knows
06:50 what I do.
06:51 - You do anything from janitorial to talking on
06:54 the phone to anybody who calls.
06:56 - Seriously the usual things are the administrative duties,
06:59 and I teach in some of the classes that we have there also.
07:02 - So you teach, if they need a preacher, you preach,
07:06 if they need a janitor you do janitoring work.
07:09 - Mow the lawn, do a little bit more.
07:11 - Alright, and today you are going to do something else,
07:16 you are going to tell us about how to put on a heating compress
07:21 and cure a sore throat.
07:23 - Well the theory behind a heating compress is very simple
07:28 actually, the action that you want to do is to heat up
07:32 the throat, and the reason why you want to do that
07:36 is to bring blood flow into the throat area so that
07:40 the blood can then assist the immune system in
07:44 taking the sore throat away, and of course that's
07:47 a very simple thing, but because our throats are exposed
07:51 most of the time, it is difficult to do,
07:54 and so I've asked Arianna Hartsfield if she would
07:57 come over here and then we can explain exactly how we are
08:00 going to do the heating compress.
08:03 The heating compress is...
08:05 - Arianna Hartsfield is one of our elementary school students.
08:08 - You remember Mom when my kids were young, your grandchildren,
08:13 that they made these as a school project,
08:16 and they called them horse collars,
08:18 - horse collars, I remember those
08:19 - for when you are really horse they use them.
08:20 - They sell these as a school project.
08:23 - The action of cold on the skin is of course to cool,
08:28 but the reaction of the body to the cold is to heat up
08:33 the area, and that's of course what we want,
08:35 so we have wet this strip down a little bit with cold water
08:40 and then we put it on the neck, is that a little bit on the
08:43 chilly side? - Um hum!
08:45 Ok, but it starts to heat up quite quickly,
08:49 and then we cover that with this thin strip of plastic
08:53 which keeps the heat in and also keeps the moisture from
08:58 evaporating to quickly, and then we cover all of this
09:03 with a cloth that is nice material that keeps the heat in,
09:09 just what we want to do.
09:11 This can be wool or it can be cotton, but something thick
09:17 is good, and then we take a safety pin and pin it up
09:22 on the side, now I'm not going to pin you Arianna, but
09:25 it makes it easy to stay, you want to keep this in that
09:29 position for several hours and then afterwards,
09:33 you want to remove the safety pin very carefully and take the
09:37 whole procedure back off again, then when we take it off
09:40 what we want to do is close off the pores because
09:44 by this time the throat will have heated up quite nicely,
09:48 and then you will take a cold cloth, which we will simulate
09:56 this being in lukewarm water actually, and then go over
10:01 the neck again, rubbing to try to keep the pores closed off
10:08 and take a dried cloth, and dry it as well.
10:11 And that basically is the heating compress treatment.
10:15 I remember my own personal experience with this was when
10:18 I was not a whole lot younger than you Arianna,
10:21 and I had a really good experience where I had caught
10:25 the sore throat right at the beginning,
10:27 where you need to catch it if at all possible.
10:29 What we did was we took the little thin strip of material
10:33 and actually dipped it in the cold water then put it in
10:36 the freezer for about 10 minutes which made it nice and stiff,
10:39 and I don't recommend that you necessarily do that
10:42 you don't have to, but it certainly increased the thrill
10:45 of the experience considerably and then we put that on
10:48 and by the next morning, this was in the evening when
10:51 that happened, but by the next morning my sore throat
10:54 was gone, and I didn't have any more symptoms from that
10:57 sore throat so that was very nice,
10:59 I was happy that such a simple treatment as a heating
11:03 compress could take away a sore throat.
11:06 - Yes, it is amazing that such a simple thing as
11:11 increasing the blood flow to the throat can benefit
11:15 the deeper tissues, but that's a part of the reflexive action
11:19 that we have from blood vessels, that when you do something to
11:24 the blood vessels of the skin on the outside,
11:27 you will reflexively manage some dilation and increase
11:33 in circulation in the tissues and structures that are beneath
11:38 the skin in that area.
11:40 I believe that the Lord specially gave us that nice
11:45 vascular reflexive device so that we could apply heat or cold
11:52 to a tissue to effect treatment down below, and I would like to
11:57 show you some of the structure of the anatomy of the entire
12:02 respiratory tree so that you can see how complex this is.
12:05 And for this I have some charts, and if we could just
12:09 take a look at this area right here.
12:14 This is the place where we have the sinuses,
12:19 these are air cells that make for a sounding board for the
12:26 voice and also make the head a lot lighter because they are
12:30 light weight, then what people don't often think of is
12:35 a part of the respiratory tree but it really is,
12:38 this is the ear, the external ear as you can see this is
12:43 labeled outer ear, all the way down to the ear drum,
12:47 from the ear drum to this area back here you can recognize
12:53 the semi-circular canals and the cochlea, this area to the
12:59 semi-circular canals is called the middle ear,
13:02 and that's where earaches usually have their beginning.
13:07 Then the inner ear consists of the semi-circular canals
13:12 and the cochlea, with the cochlea we are able to hear
13:17 various notes, in fact we can hear from the tiniest notes
13:22 which actually cause a vibration of tiny nerve fibers
13:27 which are at the thin end of the cochlea and we hear
13:32 very low notes right over here in the broader end
13:37 of the cochlea.
13:39 And the semi-circular canals are arranged is such a way
13:43 that you cannot move your head in any direction
13:46 without setting up a current in the direction that you just
13:50 moved your head.
13:51 If there are nerve cells in there you can easily see how
13:55 we could sense the direction that we have moved the head
13:59 and that is of course very true.
14:01 There are nerve cells, thousands of them inside this fluid filled
14:08 tube, all of them are fluid filled and also richly endowed
14:13 with nerves, and that helps us to know where we are standing
14:18 or which direction we have moved the head, just where all parts
14:22 of the body might be.
14:23 In the middle ear we have of course the eardrum
14:27 the ossicle's, the hammer, anvil, and stirrup which you are
14:32 very familiar with from fifth grade health classes,
14:34 and then we have... this is an air filled space which
14:39 connects with the Eustachian tube on the back of the throat.
14:43 Now the back of the throat is where we sense the little
14:49 bubble, if you have ever been aware of the little bubble that
14:53 comes out or tries to go back in when you go up or down
14:58 in an airplane, if you are aware you will feel that
15:03 little bubble when the ears begin to pop, that appears
15:07 at the back of the oropharynx, back up in behind the palate.
15:14 Well that's because the Eustachian tube has lost some
15:18 air as the airplane has gone up and the pressure has gone down,
15:23 that means that there is more pressure in the middle ear
15:26 than here and the little bubble comes out.
15:29 The real problem comes when you go back down, air needs to
15:34 come back in through the Eustachian tube,
15:36 but it doesn't go back in as easily as it comes out
15:40 and that may cause you to have an earache.
15:41 Now here we have greater detail, here we see that the
15:46 auditory canal, which is from the outer ear all the way down
15:53 to the middle ear, the eardrum separates the ear canal
15:58 from the middle ear, and the bony structures which you can
16:02 see here have been eroded away by nature to accommodate the
16:10 cochlea where we hear, and the semi-circular canals
16:13 where we have balance.
16:15 Here again we see the sinuses with the semi-circular canals
16:22 and the cochlea almost shown behind the cheek,
16:26 and that is where they are located in the petrous portion
16:31 here of he wings of the sphenoid bone.
16:37 So we have the ear, the auditory canal, and all of this
16:42 as you can see, then here we have the nose,
16:46 interesting portion of the nose is what is called the
16:51 turbinates, these are fleshy mounds inside the nose
16:56 which when we breathe in through the nose, these are all moist
17:01 and have mucous on them so that anything, any contaminant
17:07 in the air that we breathe in will stick to these
17:11 mucous surfaces and will also the air will be warmed
17:16 and air conditioned, moisturized before it goes down into
17:23 the lung where the major portion of the benefits of air will be.
17:30 Here we see another aspect of the nasal turbinates
17:34 right here, very nicely created an all wise designer
17:42 who knew just what to do to make the air that we breathe in
17:46 the very most useful to us, because moist and warm air
17:51 can be exchanged in the lungs better than dry cold air.
17:58 And just to say a little word to my evolutionist friends
18:06 I suspect you would think that another several billion
18:10 years would be required just to develop just this one thing
18:15 the nasal turbinates, and if there were nothing else
18:19 than these nasal turbinates that would make me believe in a
18:24 divine designer, this one thing would do it.
18:28 Of course I have mentioned a dozen things already
18:31 just in the respiratory tree that are marvels of
18:36 divine engineering, what a marvelous piece of equipment
18:41 we have been entrusted with, and it does not belong to us,
18:44 entrusted is the proper word it belongs to our Creator.
18:49 Now we have also the throat which we can examine with a
18:54 hand mirror, and then we have the epiglottis which
18:59 we cannot see, and the vocal folds also which we cannot see.
19:05 This structure is called the larynx and this the glottis
19:09 then we come to the lungs, another marvel of
19:15 divine engineering is the ribs, they slant downward
19:20 so that they are attached in the back to the vertebrae
19:24 and then they slant downward, that's so when we elevate them
19:28 that spreads the diameter of the chest.
19:33 Don't you agree that that is a marvel of divine engineering.
19:37 As the chest is expanded the lungs inflate, and that brings
19:45 not only air in but blood as well, now when we have a
19:50 deep inspiration, here is the diaphragm, and the abdominal
19:55 contents are down here, when the diaphragm goes down
20:00 to help to inflate the lungs this massages the
20:06 abdominal contents, and makes the abdominal contents so that
20:10 they are benefited by the massaging action.
20:15 So as we see the very anatomy of the lungs themselves
20:21 and the respiratory tree, we are led to marvel at how much
20:27 we have been beloved by a divine designer.
20:30 I have just an ordinary hand mirror in which one can use
20:35 to just open the mouth and look right in and see the
20:39 tonsils and the throat that we can treat with the
20:43 heating compress.
20:44 Now I have asked Dr. Donald Miller to assist me with showing
20:50 some of the things that we can show that are so practical
20:54 in treating the respiratory tree.
20:58 What do you have for us Dr. Miller?
21:00 Well this is one little thing it is called the bulb syringe
21:03 and wherever I go I like to carry some.
21:05 I went to Africa one time with 20, because depending on
21:09 how you use it, it's a one person operation.
21:11 Although if I do it for certain operations, like we are
21:14 going to do today with an ear irrigation,
21:17 as long as you protect the tip and do not suck any of
21:20 the contents back into it, then I say it's pretty well
21:22 safe to use, but we are going to do an ear irrigation
21:26 on Arianna, just sort of a dry run.
21:28 I'm sure she's going to be very happy it's a dry run,
21:31 rather than a wet run and have water pouring all over the area,
21:36 we're going to sit her down in this chair...
21:39 There are a few things you need to do, one you need
21:44 to protect the area, and so I'm going to put a towel
21:49 over her shoulder and neck area, to keep from getting water
21:53 now matter how close you hold the bowl to the head
21:56 it's still going to leak some water.
21:57 We will use just a regular household container but,
22:01 I like to use what we call a kidney dish, which is sort of
22:03 curved which fits up against the head and holds it nicely,
22:07 and then you put it there and it's very important
22:10 when you treat somebody to get them involved in the
22:13 treatment process, the more they are involved
22:16 the less they are going to be afraid of it.
22:18 It's like you are examining a person who is extremely
22:21 ticklish and every time you touch them they start to giggle,
22:24 well if you put their hand on top of your hand and touch it
22:28 normally they won't giggle because they are a part
22:30 of the process, and it's very hard to tickle yourself.
22:33 And so getting Arianna involved in the process of holding the
22:38 container rather than me trying to do this and balance
22:40 everything gets her concentrating making sure that
22:43 she is holding it tight enough against her head.
22:45 Then I take the bulb syringe, we need to use warm water
22:50 cold water is going to throw the balance off,
22:52 hot water might scald the ear, you use basically tepid water,
22:56 body temperature water, it doesn't have to have any saline
23:00 in it, sometimes you might want to put a little bit
23:02 of saline or salt into the water to help it break down
23:05 what's in there.
23:06 If a person's ear is really impacted,
23:09 it's got a lot of things in there I first like to put some
23:12 ear drops into the ear.
23:13 What ear drops?
23:15 I usually will take some oil, heat up the oil just slightly
23:18 like putting the bottle of oil in warm water until it gets
23:22 slightly warm and maybe mixing that with a little bit of
23:25 of vinegar or a little bit of alcohol, drop it into the ear
23:28 put some cotton in there to hold it for just a short period
23:31 of time, and then remove the cotton, and then do your ear
23:34 irrigation.
23:35 What you do for the ear irrigation, is you bring the
23:39 water, well I just say I've got my water in this jar
23:43 you try to fill the bulb with water as much as possible
23:46 you don't want to sit there and put air into the ear
23:49 but you bring as much as you think that you can,
23:51 when you think you've got it you bring it out
23:54 and then I like to express it until water starts coming out,
23:58 so I know I'm not going to puff water into the ear
24:01 and then I take the ear, and I pull it a little bit up
24:05 and out and backwards and try to straighten out that ear
24:09 canal, and then, let me get this a little lower Arianna,
24:13 and then I try to shoot at an angle, you don't want to
24:17 sit there and put it right in the ear and "whampo"
24:19 you go right up there against the ear drum.
24:21 What you want to do is sort of play around the inside,
24:24 you don't want to go in very far, sometimes I will take
24:26 my finger and put it at a certain point, because I know
24:29 that the eardrum is not going to be that deep,
24:31 and then go ahead and insert it into the ear and then slowly
24:35 start pushing with my thumb and then playing around
24:39 the inside of the ear and watching what might be coming
24:43 out into the bowl.
24:45 I have done this with some people and have gotten large
24:49 amount I wish I had kept all the particulate to show
24:51 the person how much was in there, and so what I like to do
24:54 is take the container once I have some of the water
24:57 and pour it through a piece of gauze, and hold that
24:59 particulate, put it back in there and then go in for the
25:03 second try.
25:04 Get some more water into your bulb syringe and again
25:09 play around the inside working, so it is sort of
25:14 going inside and sweeping whatever might be attaching
25:17 to the walls and sweeping it out and it comes back out if you
25:20 put this to far in, it might block it from coming out.
25:23 You don't need it to be in very far because you are
25:25 putting a stream of water in there, a slight stream,
25:28 but a stream none the less, which will help the wax
25:33 the bugs, whatever might be in there to come out into your
25:36 container... and I once had a person come to Uchee Pines
25:40 who had lost their hearing just about,
25:43 they said I can't hear any more, I did not use a bulb syringe,
25:47 I like to use a water pik with an ear applicator,
25:51 it's a long wand, and I probably worked on this young
25:54 man's ear for a half hour and took out what appeared to be
25:58 at least a half a teaspoon full of strange looking things
26:02 Dr. Thrash, I was amazed he could hear at all.
26:04 But he was amazed that he could hear again.
26:06 - They are so grateful, especially old people who
26:09 have been deaf for a month they think their hearing
26:12 is gone and you wash things out of the ear, a lot of wax and
26:17 they hear again.
26:18 - And sometimes little bugs come out, this is amazing
26:20 what got in there.
26:22 - Now you mentioned that you could mess up the balance
26:24 by having it to hot or to cold, why is that?
26:28 - You get different blood flows and nerves are going to react
26:31 you are going to have some constrictions, some vacillation
26:34 and the ear likes to protect itself, and so those little
26:38 bones are going to sit there and be affected by the cold
26:42 and all of a sudden, the inner ear that you talked about
26:46 that's going to be affected by...
26:47 - Semi-circular canals are right there aren't they?
26:50 - All of a sudden you have vertigo and you are falling
26:52 out of the chair, and we have to watch Arianna so she doesn't
26:54 beat her head on the floor.
26:55 - Very good, well that's most useful, especially in old people
27:00 with ear wax and in young people with bugs.
27:04 - Yep! Absolutely!
27:05 - Well thank you so much I appreciate that.
27:08 - Thank you Arianna.
27:09 - Now these simple things that we have shown you
27:14 using very simple household things can be so important
27:18 to the proper functioning of the respiratory tree.
27:22 When you have a cough or a cold you want to be sure
27:26 the material is allowed to have free access to the body
27:31 because that's the cleansing and healing fluid that the body
27:35 has to make it so that it can properly carry out it's function
27:40 of maintenance and healing.
27:42 Now I hope that our discussion here not only of the structure
27:49 but also of the very simple things that God has provided
27:53 will help you to love God more.


Revised 2014-12-17