Help Yourself to Health

Breast Diseases

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Rhonda Clark, Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000221

00:01 Hello! Mammals are animals that have a number
00:05 of specific characteristics, one of which is
00:09 that they suckle their young.
00:11 They produce milk, and the mammary glands
00:14 being rather complicated and subject to a number
00:18 of influences, can have certain diseases to happen
00:22 to them, both men's as well as women's breasts
00:25 so we would like to talk about some of these
00:27 in this program.
00:29 We believe that you will learn some things
00:31 that may be of assistance to you, so join us in this program.
00:54 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health,
00:57 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute,
01:00 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
01:03 Now mammary glands are the only gland that I know
01:11 that is not fully developed at the time of birth.
01:15 But the mammary glands do not fully develop until the time
01:20 of puberty, and then women's breasts because of various
01:25 specific hormonal changes and because of certain germ
01:30 cells that lie in the area of the breasts
01:34 are susceptible to the influences from outside
01:39 of the cell itself, these germinal cells,
01:43 and can therefore develop into the female breast.
01:47 Now I would like to talk with you some about
01:50 these various aspects of breast disease,
01:54 and breast health, and some lifestyle patterns,
01:58 that can make for healthy breasts, because healthy breasts
02:02 are resistant to a number of different kinds of diseases.
02:05 To help me to explain these matters to you more fully
02:11 I have invited my colleague from Uchee Pines
02:14 Rhonda Clark, who is a registered nurse,
02:18 and at this time is one of the counselors at Uchee Pines.
02:22 Have you enjoyed your work as a telephone counselor mainly?
02:28 - Yes! A great deal, and I'm always surprised by the new
02:32 diseases that I get calls about, that I have the opportunity
02:36 to research, and really appreciate the opportunity
02:39 to help people.
02:40 - It's amazing how many different kinds of disorders
02:44 people inquire about by telephone,
02:47 it gives one quite and opportunity.
02:49 Now one of the diseases that you have had some experience
02:53 with is that of fibrocystic breast disease,
02:56 and other breast disorders, would you like to talk a bit
03:00 about fibrocystic breast disease, and what we can do
03:03 to help alleviate that problem?
03:06 - I wanted to share today a story, a case example of
03:10 a woman who was in her mid forties, she was pre-menopausal
03:14 a little over weight and had fibrocystic breast disease.
03:18 For her it manifested as breasts that felt very lumpy,
03:22 the lumps would change according to her monthly cycle,
03:25 and she would have a lot of breast tenderness
03:27 in relationship with her monthly cycle.
03:29 In her case the interventions that helped relieve her symptoms
03:34 were very simple, weight loss was a big component
03:38 of her treatment, the adipose tissue or fat cells
03:42 store estrogen which is normally broken down
03:46 and eliminated from the body by the liver,
03:48 and that increased estrogen in the body can contribute
03:52 to fibrocystic breast disease, and also to breast cancer.
03:56 In fact women with fibrocystic breast disease,
03:59 have six times greater risk of developing breast cancer
04:02 than women without this condition.
04:04 She lost weight by following a very simple plant based diet
04:09 avoiding all animal products was another successful part
04:13 of her treatment.
04:14 Animal product coming from animals who themselves
04:17 produce hormones, hold within them hormones that
04:20 can contribute and exacerbate symptoms of fibrocystic
04:24 breast disease and other disorders.
04:25 So that was a very essential part, she also took a supplement
04:30 of Evening Primrose Oil, one gram per day,
04:34 this she felt had been a beneficial component
04:37 of her treatment, and she also very strictly avoided caffeine
04:43 even substances like chocolate which contain caffeine
04:47 even is smaller amounts, she was very careful
04:49 to avoid all of the brown drinks, sodas, anything
04:52 that would have caffeine within it.
04:54 In learning more about fibrocystic breast disease
04:59 to help this woman, and give her counsel on the best
05:03 treatment to pursue, I happen to cross some very interesting
05:07 research about how our dress affects the health
05:11 of our breasts, as early as 1978 a physician by the name of
05:16 John Douglas had his research published in the reputable
05:20 medical journal The Lancet, and that was the first link
05:24 between breast cancer and the temperature
05:28 of the breasts.
05:29 He hypothesized that bra's especially heavier material
05:33 bra's contributed to elevating the breast temperature,
05:37 which in turn contributed to increased breast disease.
05:40 Harvard University took this on and published some research
05:45 in 1991 that showed indeed women who did not wear bra's
05:50 had a 60% less incidence of breast cancer, than women who
05:56 routinely wore bras.
05:57 Further studies were done and in 1995 a really interesting book
06:03 entitled Dressed to Kill, the author is Sydney Singer,
06:07 has fascinating research about dress and breast health.
06:12 In fact a quote from Sydney Singer says "throughout
06:16 the world, the only cultures that have breast cancer
06:19 are those where there are bras. "
06:22 In addition to increasing the temperature of the breasts
06:26 the bra being a snug garment, compressed the skin,
06:30 and the breast tissue full of lymph tissue and lymph glands
06:34 the compression prevented the natural and easy flow
06:40 of lymph.
06:41 Waste products could then accumulate in the breast tissue
06:44 and it was felt that it was these that contributed
06:47 to an increased incidence of breast cancer.
06:50 A study in Japan in 2000 confirmed this saying that
06:54 not only did the compression of bras eliminate full and free
06:59 flow of lymph, but interestingly this compression
07:04 decreased the production of melatonin.
07:07 Melatonin is a hormone in our body that's very essential
07:10 to the full functioning of our immune system.
07:13 In Spain in the year 2000 a study was published in
07:18 night workers or women who were exposed to great amounts of
07:22 light during the night hours that was something
07:26 that was know to decrease melatonin production,
07:29 as there melatonin levels were low, the incidence
07:33 of breast cancer rose, so we were seeing an interesting
07:37 link here.
07:38 The Glasgow Royal Infirmary here in 2001,
07:42 published research that cancerous breasts were at least
07:46 one half degree centigrade higher than breasts that were
07:50 healthy, and as recently as 2002 some breast surgeons
07:55 in Britain did a study of women where for three minutes
07:58 they wore a bra, three minutes they wore a non-restrictive
08:02 camisole top and studied the
08:05 difference in breast temperature,
08:06 breast pain, characteristics of breast tissue,
08:09 and they found that even in a time period as short as
08:12 three minutes, the women had improved health by taking
08:17 a camisole top as their undergarment rather than a bra.
08:21 Some interesting quotes that I wanted to share,
08:24 on this one from a book Child Guidance that said tight bands
08:29 hinder the action of the heart and lungs and should be avoided.
08:33 No part of the body should at any time be made uncomfortable
08:37 by clothing that compresses any organ,
08:39 or restricts its movement.
08:41 The other quoted is from health reformer,
08:44 I have heard of young ladies complain of pain is the side
08:48 when in a sitting position, I have found upon examination
08:51 that the only cause was the tight bands pressing upon
08:54 the tender nerves and veins impeding the free circulation
08:58 of blood, when the underclothing as well as the dress waist
09:01 was made loose, and the garments were suspended
09:05 from the shoulders by straps the pain disappeared.
09:08 The clothing should be worn so loose as to give the most
09:12 perfect freedom of circulation, respiration, and the exercise
09:17 of every portion of the body.
09:18 So a further recommendation if you have breast disease or
09:22 are concerned about breast disease, is to consider
09:25 this issue of dress.
09:27 If you must wear a garment that is binding
09:30 limit that to as short a time as possible,
09:34 and explore alternatives camisole tops, or undershirts
09:38 that can be non-restrictive.
09:40 One important thing is to avoid overheating
09:44 so the layering of clothing on the upper body is important
09:48 to consider that there are not greater numbers of layers
09:50 over breast tissue, than over the arms for example.
09:54 Equitability in coverage of the body is important
09:58 for that perfect circulation leads to perfect health.
10:01 One final consideration is that the undergarment should be made
10:05 of fabrics that are natural products such as silk or cotton
10:11 which help release heat, rather than hold in heat.
10:15 I don't know if you have any further experience
10:19 with fibrocystic breast disease Dr. Thrash,
10:21 I'm sure this has come your way.
10:23 We have had quite a lot of experience with
10:26 fibrocystic breast disease, in fact one of those things
10:30 that we have done to treat fibrocystic breast disease
10:34 is to use a large charcoal compress over the painful area.
10:39 If a woman has a painful breast we will make a large charcoal
10:43 compress, just made by mixing charcoal powder with water
10:49 putting it on some kind of material, such as
10:52 one of these under patient bed pads,
10:56 cut a portion that's the size that we want
10:59 not a dainty little compress just big enough to cover
11:03 the painful spot but to cover the entire breast.
11:08 This can also be used for mastitis,
11:11 the mastitis that women have during lactation
11:15 when they are nursing their children.
11:17 So that can also be very helpful, the charcoal compress
11:21 the charcoal material is simply spread on the cottony part
11:26 of the under patient bed pad, and then the filmy part is
11:30 replaced and then the edges taped with something like
11:35 masking tape, then the charcoal side
11:40 is put next to the skin and held in place by something
11:45 like a snug fitting sweat shirt.
11:47 I find this thing of the garments to be quite fascinating
11:53 I need to do more research on that and see some of the reports
11:58 that have been made already on breast health
12:02 and the kind of dress that women wear.
12:05 We have known for a long time that in cold climates
12:08 there tended to be more breast disease, and breast cancer
12:14 than in warmer climates and it was felt the chilling of
12:17 the extremities on a habitual basis was a part of what caused
12:23 the breast disease in women who lived in colder climates.
12:28 I have some pictures that I would like to show you
12:31 about the subject of breast disease, and the first one is
12:36 a disease of the nipple, or a disorder of the nipples,
12:40 and you will see on your screen a nipple in an older woman
12:45 with a little droplet of blood right at the nipple.
12:51 Now interestingly enough one would think right off
12:54 "well oh blood from the nipple" that must surely mean something
12:59 really serious like cancer.
13:01 It is often a little lesion but, it's most likely
13:05 a benign lesion, in this case you will see,
13:10 in the next graphic that I have for you,
13:12 you will see what caused the problem
13:15 in this nipple discharge.
13:17 You will notice that on the right of your screen
13:22 there is a little V which actually represents
13:26 the suture material that the surgeon left he took out
13:30 this little portion of breast, and he opened the duct
13:35 which you can see as sort of a bluish streak,
13:39 a broad bluish streak pointing toward the left of your screen
13:44 from that V shaped suture material.
13:47 Then immediately after that a lavender colored bump,
13:53 or little lump that sticks straight up.
13:57 That is the intraductal Papilloma, and it was this
14:03 that caused the bleeding.
14:05 You will see also a little spot where there had been
14:08 an ulceration of the duct and that too
14:10 was a cause of bleeding.
14:13 It's a very benign disease and taking it out is a complete cure
14:17 for this kind of disorder, rarely it is felt by some
14:23 that these Papillomas can become malignant.
14:26 I don't know that I have ever actually seen one
14:29 become malignant, but some authorities researching
14:33 in this field do believe that they can be.
14:36 Now the next graphic shows a more serious disorder.
14:40 This is what is called a breast cancer in situ
14:45 In situ is a Latin term meaning in the site where it formed.
14:50 So inside this duct you will see a mass,
14:54 you will see the round outside perimeter of the duct
14:59 and then a bunch of reddish pink, or pinkish red
15:04 granular material, then on the very inside
15:08 some crumbly material which actually represents blood.
15:11 That blood may be there from the operation that was done
15:16 to take this out.
15:17 This in situ carcinoma of the breast is the most favorable
15:21 type of cancer of the breast, it is 100% curable
15:25 with surgery, so just take it out, it's cured, gone for good.
15:31 But if it is left in, it may cross the boundary
15:35 of that outside perimeter, so my next picture will show
15:39 you where it is breaking through, this is still
15:42 a cancer in situ, but is breaking through the boundary
15:48 of the duct itself, the structure that holds
15:53 the duct in place.
15:55 You will see that almost in the center, a little to the left
15:57 of the center, you will see certain round nests of tissue
16:01 that's where it's breaking into the breast tissue itself
16:06 and can become an invasive cancer.
16:09 But there is an interesting phenomena that you see going on
16:12 here, do you see those tiny black dots in the left upper
16:17 corner of the screen?
16:19 Those blackish dots are actually deep, deep purple,
16:23 they are lymphocytes that are guarding the breast itself
16:29 from invasion and also from the conversion of this in situ
16:35 cancer to and invasive cancer.
16:38 Very important reaction on the part of the body itself,
16:42 now we can encourage this kind of defense,
16:45 this is a powerful defense and doubtless has kept this
16:49 person from getting and invasive cancer for years.
16:52 And as long as those lymphocytes are there as a garrison
16:58 against the spread of this cancer it will be inhibited
17:02 in it's growth.
17:04 So we need to learn how to keep this army of this garrison
17:10 of soldiers in good health and one way is by of course the
17:14 most healthful lifestyle that you can lead.
17:19 Plenty of outdoor exercise, and air, and sunshine,
17:23 plenty of water, good food, high in fiber, high in
17:29 a lot of natural nutrients, all of this can keep this army
17:33 in good health.
17:34 Avoid high sugary foods, high fat foods, refined protein foods
17:41 we're learning now can also be a hazard to this army.
17:46 Now the next slide shows the full blown cancer of the breast,
17:52 notice here that these ducts are just spreading all over
17:59 it is at this point that it may also spread to organs other than
18:05 the breast itself, and so here you have seen the progression
18:09 of a lesion of the breast one that was benign totally and
18:15 not a problem, to one that was a potential threat,
18:20 to one that was definitely a threat, to one that was
18:24 a life threatening problem, full blown invasive ductal cancer
18:31 of the breast, that's the common garden variety
18:34 of cancer of the breast.
18:35 That kind of cancer has stimulated a reaction
18:39 on the part of the body, but that reaction has not stopped
18:43 the cancer, it has become aggressive, and is now able
18:46 to invade the tissue that the body itself has put up as
18:53 a barrier, and it even makes some of its own support
18:58 so it can stay as a malignant tumor that will not be stopped
19:07 by your ordinary means.
19:09 Surgery may be curative but is less likely now than it was
19:15 in the beginning, for this reason we recommend that
19:18 women stay always in good health, follow always
19:22 a good lifestyle, and do breast self-examination
19:26 since 80% breast lumps are discovered by the women herself
19:32 and not by her physician.
19:34 So learn when the lesion is small, at that time
19:39 it is very likely to be 100% curable.
19:42 Now we've been talking about women's breasts,
19:46 do men get cancer of the breast?
19:48 Yes! and they get other afflictions as well,
19:52 and I have asked Dr. Donald Miller,
19:54 Dr. Miller is one of our colleagues at Uchee Pines
19:58 and also does global trotting in the global mission work
20:03 that you do, we are very happy that you could be with us
20:07 in between your appointments over seas.
20:09 Welcome!
20:10 - Thank you! It's good to be here!
20:11 - You're going to talk with us today about some of the diseases
20:16 of the breast that men can have.
20:18 - Yes! You know men don't realize that we as well as women
20:22 can get breast cancer. - Yes!
20:24 And frankly if you are talking about men with breast cancer
20:26 we should be talking about the same preventions
20:29 as for a woman, there's really no difference.
20:31 A man, I forget how many thousands each year
20:35 in America die of breast cancer.
20:37 So men should do some breast self-examination also
20:40 and should live the same lifestyle, again treatment
20:44 is no where near as good as prevention, eat the good diet,
20:48 especially high is isoflavonoids like soy products are very good
20:53 you go to stores and you see these soy milk cartons now
20:56 with the pink ribbon on there, and that little loop
20:59 which is basically talking about women's breast cancer.
21:02 Men should be drinking the same soy milk, because they too
21:05 need to protect themselves, plus it has lots of other
21:08 protective values.
21:09 The main one I would like to discuss is gynecomastia
21:14 which is basically breasts in young boys.
21:17 We've all seen it, I believe we are seeing a rise in it
21:22 because we see a rise in something else in our society
21:24 or a few other things.
21:26 One there is a great rise in childhood obesity,
21:29 it's amazing how many young people now are obese
21:33 not just in this country, I do a lot of work in Japan
21:36 and even that thin nation is becoming much more corpulent
21:41 if I can use that term, since World War II
21:44 they are becoming much more westernized.
21:46 Almost anywhere you go in the world, you can see
21:48 the typical American restaurants are there too,
21:52 the fast food restaurants, so young boys developing breasts.
21:56 They can be either unilateral or bilateral, it's basically benign
22:02 there is really no major problem with it, although
22:04 there can be real social implications,
22:06 usually it will correct in a couple of years
22:10 as long as the child gets the weight under control.
22:14 I have seen grown men with what you might consider
22:17 gynecomastia, because of the fact that they've got breasts
22:20 but a lot of it is just fat hanging off the chest.
22:22 So you get the young boys get them on a good diet,
22:26 now the good diet is primary to taking care of this problem
22:30 because of the fact that... well let me just give you an
22:32 illustration here, a fact.
22:37 A cow left out in the field that just takes care of itself
22:40 eats the grass, eats the grain, and raises a calf
22:44 every once in awhile, it's not used for milk
22:46 will produce between four and six quarts of milk a day,
22:49 enough to feed it's calf.
22:51 Your low end producer in a factory farm for milking will
22:56 be twenty five quarts, it can be up to forty, eighty.
23:00 The world record cow that produces milk is 140 qts of milk
23:04 a day, now where in the world is it going to get that
23:07 capability, is only through the introduction of hormones
23:11 into the body which accelerates the growth of the mammary tissue
23:16 which accelerates the production of milk.
23:18 So if you are drinking a product coming from the cow
23:22 you yourself are taking into yourself those growth hormones,
23:26 those estrogens and whatever they are,
23:29 which is going to do the same thing in your body
23:32 make your mammary glands grow larger.
23:34 This is a real problem for women as well as men,
23:38 my recommendation is this is not wholesome food
23:41 any more, there was a time yes, no longer wholesome food.
23:44 There has been to much tweaking with those foods
23:47 that it's not safe any more so: One get the young boys
23:52 under control as far as their diets, get them away from
23:54 dairy products, especially the more refined dairy products
23:57 concentrated like cheeses, that's just got those hormones
24:02 are just packed in there Dr. Thrash.
24:03 - Yes! That is true and your recommendation is a very
24:07 good one, and that is weight control in the young boys.
24:12 We're seeing it much more, as a matter of fact
24:15 it's probably the major public health concern today
24:19 is the great rise in obesity that we are seeing.
24:23 Now a few more things about the breast,
24:27 I would like to say a few more things about
24:30 breast discharge since I showed you the blood
24:35 in the nipple due to the Intrauctal Papilloma
24:38 but I would like just to mention that most nipple discharge
24:43 is not from a malignancy.
24:46 Milky discharge is the one that we see most frequently
24:51 and both breasts when they are involved
24:54 we feel very good about that, when both breasts are involved
24:59 rather than just one alone then we feel much more confident
25:04 that it is a benign lesion.
25:06 Many more things that we could say about milk discharge
25:09 but let me say a few things about cancer of the breast.
25:12 One thing is that seaweed is know to have an inhibiting
25:18 influence on the production of breast cancer.
25:22 In various parts of Asia where seaweed is used a lot,
25:29 But when women begin to cut down on the amount of seaweed
25:37 that they eat, breast cancer rates rise,
25:39 even in Asian countries.
25:43 lodine deficiencies known to increase the likelihood
25:47 of several breast diseases, including fibrosis,
25:52 and the fibrocystic breast disease
25:54 that we spoke of earlier.
25:55 Pain in the breasts, painful breast or Mastalgia
26:01 as we call it, can be due to very simple things and not
26:05 a big problem at all.
26:07 Rosemary has been used in chili as a treatment for
26:12 breast cancer, now in this country we recommend
26:16 that women use Rosemary to diminish the likelihood
26:22 that they will get breast cancer, but we have not
26:25 in this country yet used Rosemary as a treatment for
26:30 breast cancer, but certainly it would be a good thing to
26:32 encourage one's diet to include.
26:38 I know it is a bit controversial right now, but there have been
26:44 several reports on therapeutic abortion, or abortions done
26:50 prior to the term of pregnancy and the likelihood that
26:56 there might be a relationship to cancer of the breast.
27:01 Certainly there is another reason why we can encourage
27:07 young women not to engage in abortions.
27:10 Then of course breast feeding of babies does indeed cut down
27:17 on the probability that a woman will have a
27:20 breast cancer, so we should encourage a woman to breast feed
27:24 their babies.
27:25 Now if a woman gets a cancer of the breast, then if she has
27:31 good social support, if her husband is firmly behind her
27:36 and helps her in every way that he can
27:38 to change her lifestyle, and to have a very healthful
27:42 lifestyle, then she is likely to out live her peers,
27:46 who do not have this kind of social support.
27:49 Now I hope this discussion of breast diseases,
27:52 male and female will be a blessing to you.


Revised 2014-12-17