Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000219
00:01 Hello!
00:03 Lifestyle is a very commonly heard word these days 00:07 and yet a lot of people don't understand what 00:10 good lifestyle is. 00:11 So we would like to talk with you some about 00:14 good lifestyle, especially as it impacts the digestive 00:20 process, all the way from the selection of food 00:23 right down to the way that food is assimilated into the tissues 00:27 so stay with us, I think that you will learn some things 00:30 that are nice. 00:51 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health 00:54 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute 00:57 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash. 01:00 Now I would not want you to think that lifestyle 01:06 is inconsequential just because there are a lot 01:10 of people talking about it and one person might present 01:13 this kind of lifestyle, and another person might present 01:16 that kind of lifestyle. 01:17 Now let's study this thing a little bit about lifestyle, 01:22 and I think that if we come to understand perfectly 01:27 about lifestyle, we'll know how to stop a number 01:30 of diseases: heart disease, strokes, maybe even diseases 01:34 of the skin, diseases of the digestive tract. 01:37 I would like to talk to you about diseases of the 01:40 digestive tract now, and I have asked Dr. Don Miller 01:45 who is one of my colleagues at Uchee Pines 01:48 to join me in this matter of talking about digestion. 01:53 Now Dr. Miller, I know that you are home based at Uchee Pines, 01:57 we work together there, but sometimes you are not there, 02:00 where are you then? 02:01 - Home based is a really loose term, I do have a bed there 02:05 and I have a washer and dryer and I come back sometimes 02:07 to do my laundry, but in the post 9-11 world, 02:11 things have changed. 02:12 We bring lots of students to Uchee Pines, 02:14 we used to bring a lot more, but it's hard to get Visa's 02:18 a lot of things got harder over the years. 02:21 So Uchee Pines have chosen to go where they are, 02:25 and so now that's where I go, and I go to Hungary, 02:29 I go to Romania, I go to Moldova, I go to Russia. 02:32 - How do you find students in all these places? 02:35 - God is opening up works around the world, 02:38 this is the work, Medical Missionary work, 02:40 because one thing that's not changed in this world 02:43 and that's the fact that there are sick people. 02:45 They are groping for ways to get themselves well, 02:50 and some of these countries that I go to like Ukraine, 02:52 per capita, they have more doctors than we have. 02:55 - Really! 02:57 - But they are just as sick, as a matter of fact they lead 02:59 the world in coronary heart disease, 03:01 of course if you eat their food you understand why, 03:04 extremely tasty, Ooach and kuzna?, 03:06 but it's full of oil. 03:08 So we go there to teach them some simple ways 03:10 to get themselves well, and to keep themselves well. 03:13 - How about salt, do they use a lot of salt there? 03:15 - A lot of salted foods, a lot of preserved foods, 03:18 because here we have a country that they have to preserve 03:21 their foods, and salt is one way, salt and fermentation, 03:25 both of which have a very deleterious effect 03:27 upon the body. 03:28 - How about sugar, do they use a lot of sugar? 03:30 - Yes, that's my downfall! The cookies! 03:35 - Now here are the major dietary problems: 03:39 salt, oil, and sugar, yes those would make a problem. 03:45 - One more outside of the dietary ones, although it 03:48 does have an effect upon the digestive organs, 03:51 is tobacco and alcohol. 03:53 You know America is cutting down, so we are sending 03:57 them all over to them, and it is pandemic in these 04:01 countries, and in Eastern Europe, 04:03 it just amazes me how many people smoke. 04:06 - Young people are picking it up? 04:09 - Children are picking it up. 04:11 - How terrible, what we need to do then is to 04:14 establish schools, and you help with schools in Ukraine? 04:18 - Yes help with schools, there are two schools in Ukraine 04:21 right now, there is one there at Knoshdome?, 04:23 there's one down in Koriukivka, which when you and I were 04:27 over in Ukraine in 1995 and I think that is when 04:30 the bud started down there in the Nikolayev area 04:33 and the school started... 04:35 - That's when Uchee Pines got interested in trying to 04:37 help them get new schools there. 04:40 - Yes and one of our staff members did a lot 04:42 of fund raising and going there and appointing a place, 04:45 so we have had a major role but it's sort of a behind 04:50 the scenes role, we've never said look what we're doing 04:54 in all these places, I know we're doing a wonderful job. 04:56 We just go there to help, and someone else can whatever, 04:59 so then Gnoshdome?, I was there for the last 6 weeks 05:02 before Gnoshdome? opened up in a little town called 05:05 Novihobioti? 05:06 - Now what was that name again? 05:07 - Novi- new settlement, basically it was a refuge 05:12 for those who came from Chernobyl, 05:15 - I see! - they were building this 05:17 community... Chernobyl do you want to 05:19 explain what that was? 05:20 Chernobyl was where they had the meltdown with the nuclear 05:23 reactor which is still hot and still emitting radio active 05:27 material into the atmosphere, 05:28 So you've got a lot of thyroid problems 05:30 all over Eastern Europe and Western Europe, 05:32 and so these people would come to Novihobioti?, 05:36 and then the iron curtain fell, 05:38 the building stopped, and we had all these 05:41 empty buildings, and a woman with vision, 05:44 a dentist from Vinnitsa came and started buying them 05:49 and what a wonderful place, I was there not long ago. 05:50 Again teaching the students and they have expanded out into 05:56 Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan and just wonderful work, 06:00 so we send me to these places to teach. 06:06 Down in Moldova they've got a small school there 06:12 in a place called Schratanoa?. 06:13 Moldova has gone back to Communism, a wonderful country 06:18 and some of the most dedicated students that I have found. 06:21 - Do you know why thy they went back to Communism 06:23 or is that a complex political issue? 06:26 - Democracy takes awhile, the market economy takes awhile, 06:30 capitalism takes awhile, and they are impatient for this 06:34 and under Communism, pretty much things were supplied 06:38 and it wasn't happening fast enough, so they re-elected... 06:41 matter of fact the ones that they re-elected 06:45 were Communists and they something else, 06:48 now they are back to being Communists again, 06:49 but it's an open country, I love going to Moldova, 06:54 I love the students and they are so dedicated. 06:56 - I've met a few people from Moldova and they are such 07:00 sweet people, so loving, so kind, so giving, they will just 07:04 give you anything. 07:05 Now I know that there was a time when you used to go to Africa 07:09 some, and I think you still do go to Africa, 07:11 what's happening there? 07:13 I love Africa, again, down there at a place called Riverside 07:17 in Zambia, they started four courses: 07:20 An Evangelistic course, 07:22 to train the native Africans to go out and be evangelists 07:26 in their own areas. 07:28 A seamstress course, to empower women to be able to have a 07:33 college industry, because all school children in Africa, 07:36 in India and many places, wear uniforms where you can't go to 07:39 Wal-Mart to buy uniforms, so they make them, 07:42 and do it very well, a Scientific Gardening Course, 07:46 so they can eat something besides maze, or they call it 07:49 sheema when you finally eat it, it's just a corn gruel. 07:53 So they teach them how to make other things and scientifically 07:57 a very good course, and then they started... 07:58 Oh it must be about three years ago now, 08:00 the Lifestyle Educator Course, and I was there with the first 08:05 intake with those students, helping Juanita a young woman 08:09 from South Africa who's the head of the program to... 08:12 Preytorious is the last name, to get this program off the road. 08:15 And it's very very good. - Well you have taught 08:17 in the Lifestyle Educator Course at Uchee Pines 08:20 for many years, so it was a natural for you export it 08:24 somewhere else. 08:25 Now you are going to talk with us about a topic in digestion, 08:30 what did you choose? 08:32 - Constipation! 08:34 - Well it's such a common thing and it can be very disabling 08:42 to some people, or very distressing to some people, 08:46 I'll put it that way. 08:47 - And it can cause a whole lot more problems, which problems 08:50 I see when I'm in these countries, like varicose veins, 08:53 hiatal hernia, hemorrhoids, all these things from the 08:58 constant struggling to emit those things that have gone 09:02 down the old alimentary canal and having a hard time 09:04 coming back out. 09:05 - Tell us what we can do to help that situation. 09:09 - Well the first thing that we got to do it we got to learn 09:11 how to get the food through our bodies a little bit faster. 09:14 Fiber is one of the keys, there is a doctor that worked 09:18 many years Dr. Kenneth Burkett in Africa, and he learned 09:21 a couple of interesting things. 09:22 He found out, Wow!, these people just don't seem to get 09:25 colon cancer down there, and he became known as 09:27 the fiber doctor, well fiber is the key to getting the food 09:32 through our bodies quicker. 09:33 When you move into a western society, a western dietary 09:39 program, which has lots of refined carbohydrates, 09:44 your white flour, your white rice, your white spaghetti, 09:47 your white sugars, these things devoid of fiber, 09:50 slow down the digestion and things sort of slowly 09:53 eat their way through the system. 09:56 A high meat diet, no fiber in the meat, 09:58 again, it slows down the food moving through the system 10:04 and leads to constipation. 10:06 Constipation is major problem much to the world that I have 10:09 traveled to, and if you could just teach people 10:11 go back to eating good fibrous food. 10:15 Which is fruits, vegetables, whole grains, 10:18 a little bit of nuts and seeds, 10:20 high in fiber, moves the food along. 10:22 When I go to a western country and most western countries 10:25 have this available, and when I say western countries 10:27 I mean countries that have moved into a western mindset 10:30 and economy, there is always flax seed, and I think 10:34 flax seed's one of the best things that we can do in the 10:36 United States and any of these countries, 10:38 a little bit of ground flax seed every day, 10:40 taken with your food, has a lot of good advantages: 10:44 One is and anti-inflammatory with the diets and lifestyles 10:47 we live right now, we have lots of inflammation in the 10:50 digestive tract, secondly, it is high in fiber, 10:54 moves things along, thirdly, it is mucilaginous, which means 10:58 it is going to help repair some of the damage that's been done 11:01 in the digestive tract, the stomach on down the 11:04 alimentary canal, help repair some of the damage 11:07 that's been done by spicy foods. 11:10 Now I do travel a lot, I remember very well Dr. Thrash 11:13 that day I got out of the Marine Corp, 11:14 I was in the Marine Corp for fourteen years, 11:16 I was driving off base, and the thought that came, 11:19 I still remember this thought very well, 11:21 "Uhhh my traveling days are over. " 11:24 Two months later I was at Uchee Pines for a seminar 11:28 which completely changed my mindset about life, and then 11:32 one year later I was called to go back there as a worker, 11:35 and my traveling days had not even begun, 11:38 by the time I got back, when I got to Uchee Pines, 11:41 because I do nothing now but travel. 11:43 Anyway I go to some these countries, they have a lot of 11:48 refined carbohydrates, I'm always amazed, 11:51 you go to a country that has a lot of dietary problems 11:54 and a lot of nutritional problems, 11:56 like India, for instance. 11:57 I love India, I love the people, I love everything about India, 12:00 white rice, that's what they eat is white rice 12:03 and I remember one time I was there and here's white rice 12:07 and a few other white things at my meal and a little bit 12:10 of fruit, I would eat this food, you've got to sustain 12:12 life and as you can see, I'm not very corpulent I 12:14 need to keep some meat on my bones, 12:17 and so I'm eating a lot of white rice, and it wasn't 12:19 to many days before I had the problem of constipation. 12:23 So immediately I started eating less white rice 12:27 and made sure I had plenty of papaya, and the watermelon 12:30 and the grapes and the other things, to keep more fiber 12:34 into my diet so I could move my food through 12:37 a little bit better. 12:38 I like to travel with... if I'm going to a place 12:41 like this, some flax seed with me, one of the main things 12:45 you do when you go to a foreign country 12:47 is you go out into the market and you start identifying 12:49 where can I find what I'm looking for? 12:51 Extremely hard to find whole rice in these countries 12:56 but you can find it. 12:57 I was in Japan not long ago, and we're driving down a road.. 13:01 and Japan is an amazing country, you've got these huge cities 13:06 and every time you turn around, there is a rice patty. 13:09 People are growing rice, it's as much for eating 13:14 as it is for their culture, 13:16 they just like to grow rice apparently. 13:18 While driving down the road stopping at a stop sign, 13:21 and look over, there is a small building and a man's taking 13:24 a bag and dumps it in the top of this hopper, 13:27 puts in some coins, puts the bag underneath, 13:31 and immediately I knew what was happening, 13:32 he was taking perfectly good rice putting it into this 13:37 machine and bringing out the white rice, 13:40 and he paid for that process and what's left over 13:43 they are going to take across the street 13:44 and feed to the cows and the pigs, which they are going 13:47 to give us some non-fibrous milk, non-fibrous cheese 13:51 and non-fibrous meat. 13:52 So I like to sit there and say, I'd rather eat what is 13:55 in the bag before it goes into the hopper, 13:58 than after it goes into the hopper. 14:00 Another thing you can do for constipation 14:04 when it's really bad right now a person is having a hard time 14:07 sometimes a small enema, I carry with me when I go 14:12 to certain of these countries bulb syringes, 14:14 and I don't mean just one bulb syringe, 14:16 If I use a bulb syringe on somebody to irrigate a wound 14:21 or to help with an extremely impacted constipation 14:27 then I will now present them with that bulb syringe 14:29 as a gift, because I would not want to use it on 14:31 anybody else, it becomes their tool to use in the future. 14:35 But the key is teaching them how to live a lifestyle 14:39 that eliminates the problem. 14:41 When a person gets constipated 14:43 I've already mentioned it at the beginning of our little talk 14:45 here, they have to strain in order to pass their stools. 14:49 That straining puts upward and downward pressure 14:53 in the abdomen, the downward pressure works against 14:56 those little valves and veins coming back up to the heart 14:59 until finally it stretches those things out so much 15:02 that the valves no loner work, now we got a thing called 15:05 varicose veins. 15:06 Upstairs when you are forcing, you are forcing your stomach up 15:11 that's when you stomach comes up through the little 15:13 cardiac sphincter, and you've got part of your stomach 15:18 in your esophagus, and you get things like G.E.R.D., 15:21 and other acid reflux problems. 15:24 You also as you are squeezing will be putting a lot of 15:26 pressure on that colon which will cause those little hernias, 15:31 which is what a hemorrhoid is, a little hernia 15:37 whether external or internal, which can be very irritating 15:40 very painful, and can cause some other major problems 15:43 and so the best thing to do is to eat a lot of fiber 15:46 in your diet, get away from all those refined carbohydrates 15:49 get away from all of those meat products and animal products, 15:53 and constipation would not be a problem, 15:56 and so Dr. Thrash it's really a no brainer to me, 15:58 it's just eat what God prescribed there in Genesis. 16:01 - Yes, the diet that we got from our loving designer 16:06 in the Garden of Eden. 16:07 Now I understand that water is also extremely helpful 16:12 in constipation, I'm sure you have prescribed that too 16:17 when you talk with people about constipation. 16:20 - But again water is a major problem in many of these 16:23 countries, I was just reading an article not long ago 16:25 where in certain parts of Africa, children are drinking 16:27 their urine, because there is just no water, 16:30 they've got to walk 40 kilometers, 16:31 to get enough water, and it's a small amount of water. 16:34 They've got to cook with it, they got to drink it, 16:36 and what bathing they can do they've got to bathe with it 16:39 and so I believe that most of the world is chronically 16:44 dehydrated. 16:45 Even in America people, oh I don't like water, 16:48 and so they will drink their diuretics, 16:52 they're going to drink their coffee and colas, 16:54 and start losing more water and so they are constantly 16:57 chronically dehydrated, and the stools are going to... 17:01 the colon's purpose is to take up moisture, 17:05 to start consolidating the stools, 17:08 but if there is no moisture to begin with 17:10 then it just get harder and dryer and dryer 17:14 until finally it gets to the back door, and then it's a 17:16 bullet rather than... 17:18 - Now water, I remember back in 1995, when we had a 17:25 large team in Ukraine, and if I recall correctly, 17:29 you were one of those who got pure water for us 17:33 why was that, and what did you do to get pure water for us? 17:38 - I learned my lesson in the military, 17:40 when I was in the Philippians and I love the Philippians, 17:43 I just love everything about it, but there's a river 17:45 that flows between what used to be Subic Bay Naval Base 17:50 and the small town of Olongapo, and there would be children 17:54 in the daytime swimming in the water, 17:56 and you would throw pesos down, and they would go down 17:58 and bring up the pesos in their teeth quite nice, 18:01 well I had a young marine who decided to go swimming 18:03 in that same river, and he got all kinds of strange diseases 18:07 because we're not used to that water, 18:09 if you are used to the water, no problem. 18:12 If I go to Africa, if I go to India, 18:14 I'm not used to the water, and in Russia it was the same thing. 18:17 I remember one time crossing over the river, 18:19 going in to Nikolaev and my translator, 18:21 a lovely young woman, she says this is the "Cholera River" 18:25 and I thought that was funny, the "Cholera River. " 18:27 It's because cholera is in there and if you drink the water 18:30 you would probably get Cholera, so I would use a water filter 18:35 I've got a really nice water filter, a silver ceramic 18:38 water filter, and so I would basically treat 18:41 all of my water... I've gotten sort of lazy 18:43 over the years and so what I do now is, if I think the water 18:47 is fairly clear, I will add some grape fruit seed extract 18:51 to all of my water. 18:52 It makes me glad to get back to America to Uchee Pines 18:55 because we have great deep well water, 18:57 because to have your water always bitter, 18:59 is a little bit of a bitter pill to swallow. 19:01 But I know that grapefruit seed extract is very good 19:06 as an anti-microbial, and doing away with some 19:10 of these things that might give your body some problems. 19:12 Also using charcoal, if you think there is a problem 19:15 with your water, you can run it through a charcoal filter. 19:18 A lot of people boil their water, in many countries 19:21 I remember one time when I was in India 19:22 and I was in a person's home, and they brought out 19:28 two platters of grapes, one for the man I was with 19:31 and one for me, and I thought ahhh! my mind was 19:34 like I can't eat these things, I told my translator 19:37 I can't eat these grapes, and he said you got to 19:40 you will insult the host. 19:42 I can't eat these grapes look there wet 19:43 they just washed the grapes, and he said you got to 19:46 and so I sacrificed myself in the alter of that platter 19:49 of grapes, and I ate the grapes freshly washed 19:52 in their water, and that night I had some problems 19:56 with the water. 19:57 A good friend of mine and yours too Dr. Thrash, 20:00 Dr. Bill Doll says that the greatest weight loss 20:03 program in the world is two drops of water 20:07 from the Ganges River. 20:08 - That will do it! - That will do it! 20:11 - Now there is a parasite in Eastern Europe called Giardia 20:16 Do you remember that there was an herb we took that was 20:23 prophylactic, if we took that herb we were not supposed 20:26 the Giardia, do you remember that herb? 20:31 - Well I took a thing with me called Citricadel, which is 20:34 a combination of herbs, but there are a couple of 20:36 very nice herbs: Black walnut hull is a nice herb that you can 20:41 take with that, Periwinkle is another nice herb, 20:44 Echinacea and Golden Seal are other nice herbs that I take 20:49 when I'm trying to treat my water, along with the grapefruit 20:51 seed extract, because Giardia is a major problem 20:54 and that is why, years and years ago you could go to 20:57 the nice flowing stream coming down from mountain and just 21:00 put your face in and drink the water but Giardia is pretty much 21:03 pandemic around the world and so drinking untreated water 21:07 is a good way to treat yourself to a real bad time. 21:12 - Yes and the Giardia does give quite a lot of discomfort 21:16 it indeed can make you have a diarrhea that simply will not 21:22 stop, it's amazing how intense and how painful Giardia can be. 21:28 But there are some good things that can be used for Giardia 21:32 one is that we can use ginger, ginger has some very nice 21:37 anti-parasitic properties, and it will treat even the 21:43 Anisaki's worm which we get from eating fish 21:46 not properly cooked, and that is becoming increasingly 21:51 more common in the United States, 21:54 ginger and it's extracts will just do wonders for that. 21:58 Pumpkin seed is also another thing, very good for all sorts 22:04 of worms, all sorts of intestinal worms. 22:07 The pumpkin seed, not only the pumpkin seed but also 22:12 pumpkin seed extracts can be very helpful. 22:16 A big study was done on pumpkin seed and pumpkin seed 22:20 extracts showing the benefits of this very nice food 22:26 on intestinal parasites world over, and it was found that 22:31 many different kinds of parasites could be treated 22:34 using pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed extract. 22:38 Now another one, one called worm seed. 22:42 Worm seed was first grown in Maryland by pilgrim fathers 22:49 who came here and they brought that with them from Europe 22:52 and they have done quite a great deal of work with 22:55 the pumpkin seed and the worm seed and it is still grown 23:01 I understand in America here in Maryland 23:06 in the environment of Maryland. 23:09 Garlic is another very good anit-worm substance, 23:18 garlic has so many wonderful benefits, and one of those is 23:24 that it does help you to get rid of worms. 23:26 Pinworms can be quite effectively treated with garlic, 23:31 just the juice from three or four cloves of garlic can cure 23:36 most cases of pin worms, should be taken every 23:39 couple of hours and when the itching around the anus has 23:44 stopped or subsided substantially 23:46 then one has usually gotten rid of the pin worms. 23:51 Another one that I like a lot is Papaya, and papaya seed, 23:56 the papaya seed can be used not only for intestinal worms, 24:01 but also for blood parasites. 24:04 The commonest blood parasite is Malaria, still a major killer 24:10 in the world today, so that around the world 24:14 wherever you go you may find someone who has Malaria 24:20 that you can treat with papaya seed, 24:22 it can also be treated with what the Bible calls worm wood, 24:28 or Artemisia annua, Artemisia also called wormwood 24:33 is very effective against Malaria and also wonderful 24:38 against the Giardia that we met in Eastern Europe. 24:42 Pineapple with its bromalane is also very helpful, 24:47 papaya has papain, an enzyme which helps the parasite 24:53 to turn loose from its mooring, its mouth parts get imbedded 24:59 in the lining of the bowel and it won't turn loose 25:05 and it eats what you are going to eat from around its 25:11 mouth part until the enzyme makes its mouth part sore 25:17 just a to much papaya or to much fresh pineapple 25:20 can make your mouth sore so apparently the parasite 25:25 gets a sore mouth and turns loose. 25:28 Now at that point then you need something else, 25:31 you need a very good enema, or you could use some kind 25:38 of mild cathartic to help you to pass the worms, 25:44 not a strong one, but just a very mild one, 25:47 something like licorice root, licorice root is a very good 25:51 mild diarrheic agent which can help you to get rid of 25:59 these worms. 26:00 Now turmeric, the common kitchen herb, called turmeric 26:04 is also very good with a variety of parasites 26:10 it can get rid of Nematodes even and that's 26:14 a very important one. 26:16 Turmeric has anti-inflammatory processes so that in a part of 26:24 what it does, it can help the inflammation of the bowel 26:28 caused by the worms, it can even help to kill worms. 26:33 about one half teaspoon four times daily, very good for that. 26:38 Another one that I have here on my list is cloves, 26:43 cloves has been demonstrated to be active against 26:46 many parasites including intestinal parasites. 26:50 As we see these variety of things that the Lord has 26:57 provided for us to help us to live in this age, 27:01 we can see that there are many things that He has provided, 27:05 as an example, we can make a smoothie from the cloves. 27:10 Let me just tell you how you can make a nice smoothie, 27:13 some papaya, and some pineapple pulp and blenderize that 27:19 very nicely, maybe you can add some figs which are also 27:23 filled with some good enzymes, and you might 27:27 want to add a little bit of the cloves so that it spices it up 27:33 a bit, and you can make a very nice smoothie this way. 27:38 Now the smoothie can be taken with breakfast, 27:40 and that will then help you to dislodge the parasites 27:46 and to expel them you can take some prune juice 27:49 about lunch time, and then the whole process of healing 27:53 has been accomplished. |
Revised 2014-12-17