Help Yourself to Health

How To Minimize Cancer Risk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000217

00:01 We are exposed to risks for cancer almost all the time
00:05 and it's the kind of thing that everybody hopes that they
00:09 will never hear a doctor say about them.
00:12 We're going to talk about some of the risks for cancer and
00:16 how you can minimize your risks in this program,
00:19 we think it will be very beneficial to you, we hope
00:21 you will join us for the program.
00:43 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
00:45 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:49 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
00:52 We all understand that the immune system is involved
00:58 in our getting cancer, sometimes we don't quite understand how,
01:02 we may have led an exemplary life so far as our immune system
01:07 is concerned, we have done everything we know,
01:10 we've been very faithful about exercise, we've tried to
01:13 minimize our stresses, we have eaten a proper diet and still
01:18 we get cancer.
01:19 We don't know everything about how to avoid cancer but
01:24 there are a number of things that we do know and we'd like
01:27 to talk with you about some of these, that the immune system
01:30 is involved is very clear and all of those things we can do
01:35 to keep the immune system functioning at a high level
01:38 that will give us a resistance against the cancer that we know
01:43 is certainly a plague in our population.
01:47 Cancer rates are going up and chemicals in our society are
01:52 going up, things that injure the immune system in some way
01:57 these are increasing, so as we understand these things that
02:01 can make us so that maybe I shouldn't even go out of doors.
02:04 Well we don't want to get that attitude about life we can
02:08 indeed participate in everything that goes on around
02:13 us and still have a resistance against cancer.
02:17 We know that we are not going to live forever unless the Lord
02:22 comes soon and we are translated and so with the fact that
02:29 we need to live in this life, we need to learn how to protect
02:34 ourselves from the world, with this we can then begin some
02:38 research with more concentrated and crystallized effort.
02:42 Now with the immune system we know that exercise boosts
02:46 the effectiveness of the immune system, we know that simply
02:49 staying warm, having warm extremities, warm arms,
02:53 a warm neck, the face we can have it cold, the face is on a
02:59 different circulatory system and doesn't affect the immune
03:04 system at all, but the legs, the feet need to be warm
03:09 if they are not warm then it reduces the effectiveness of the
03:12 immune system.
03:14 It is also a fact that a plant based diet is effective
03:19 in keeping the immune system in peak functioning condition
03:23 and that animal products a number of them have been
03:26 associated with certain cancers.
03:29 A high fiber diet strengthens the immune system and also
03:33 lessens the number of cancer producing agents that we keep
03:38 in our bodies.
03:40 Now I have Dr. Don Miller with me this morning and he is
03:44 going to tell you about food and how food is involved
03:51 in the production of cancer, Dr. Miller!
03:54 - Well first I'll say that rather than try to study
03:57 what is cancer and what causes cancer
04:00 is the best thing to do is to find out how
04:03 not to have cancer in the first place and so I get to have this
04:06 little piece of talk in about five seconds; fruits,
04:08 vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, that should be
04:10 enough said, that is an anti- cancer diet for the most part
04:14 now let's take it one step beyond there because
04:18 even with that there is a danger in sometimes
04:21 the foods that we have and so I'm going to go through four
04:23 simple steps once you have fruits, vegetables,
04:26 whole grains, nuts, and seeds, how do we prepare and
04:29 take these things in.
04:30 The first thing is you select them carefully, we realize that
04:34 sometimes and almost all the time in many places the foods
04:38 have been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides
04:41 and whatever else, and these themselves can be carcinogenic
04:44 so we have to make sure that our foods have been well washed
04:48 and as much as possible taken from places where we have
04:52 carcinogens in the very things that are being put
04:55 on these foods.
04:56 So we get our foods from the most healthful source,
04:59 we find that foods that already started to decompose themselves
05:04 are themselves unhealthy and could be carcinogenic,
05:07 and so what we want to do is get foods in it's best shape
05:10 as we can, second step is we want to prepare them carefully,
05:14 how do we do this?
05:16 As I've already mentioned, we clean them, make sure we got all
05:18 those things that might have been on the surface off
05:21 of them, we're talking about the grapes, we're talking about
05:24 the bananas, the apples, the carrots, everything needs to be
05:27 washed, wash your lettuce these are very good things.
05:30 Next step is ask God to bless it, if you've done your part
05:34 He will do His part, and then the fourth thing is just eat it
05:38 and quit worrying about it because if you think it's
05:39 going to hurt you, it probably will.
05:41 There's other things about the foods that we need to be
05:44 concerned with, Dr. Bruce Ames a number of years ago,
05:48 he is a bio-chemist, I don't know whether he is still there,
05:51 he was at the University of California in Burkley.
05:53 He came up with a list of things that were carcinogenic,
05:58 food carcinogens that we have in our society that are quite
06:02 common and some of these might surprise you:
06:05 one is burned foods, if you scorch your foods, as soon as
06:10 you scorch the food it has become carcinogenic and it needs
06:13 to be rotated into the compost bin, you burn your toast,
06:17 you are cooking some cereal and you burn it at the bottom
06:21 of the pot, what I do if I ever do this is usually use a
06:25 crock pot, but if I do burn my cereal I will put the pot
06:28 immediately in cold water which will draw these things that
06:36 are causing the flavoring down into the burnt part and if you
06:41 taste the top part and you do not taste the burn it's
06:44 probably ok, so stay away from burned food.
06:47 Second thing he mentions is damaged potatoes,
06:52 as strange as that may sound, when I first heard this
06:56 I said I am not going to do that any more, I used to go
06:59 to the store and buy the 10 pound bag, the 15 pound bag
07:03 of potatoes, now when I go to the store to buy potatoes
07:06 I pick each one up and I examine them all around because often
07:11 in the harvesting process they are damaged by the
07:17 harvesting tools and if they get that cut in there
07:20 the cut will somewhat heal because see the potato will try
07:24 to heal, but what's happening inside the potato when it gets
07:28 invaded by that hoe or whatever it is that hit that,
07:32 it thinks it's a foreign invader of a live type and
07:36 it starts producing some types of chemicals that will
07:39 kill that thing that's invading it.
07:42 Well after three days it's carcinogenic and it can
07:45 get you too, and so it's best not to get damaged potatoes.
07:49 Another thing he mentioned was mushrooms, I think he said
07:54 two out of three of the most common forms of mushrooms
07:57 in the markets are carcinogenic.
08:00 Now we're not saying if you eat a mushroom it's going to
08:02 give you cancer, or eat a piece of burned toast
08:04 because we've done these things all of our lives, but for some
08:08 people these things can lead to cancer so beings the fact that
08:14 we are getting older or we are in a more polluted world
08:17 and our immune systems are getting weaker,
08:18 it's the very best thing to do is to do everything that we know
08:23 to stay away from these problems.
08:25 We also realize that back in the 1800's a little old lady was
08:30 talking about cancerous germs, this was before viruses were
08:34 discovered, now we realize that cancer is often viral
08:40 related, that it's a virus being transmitted into the body
08:44 and basically those viruses many times come from animal
08:47 products, and so again to protect yourself from cancers
08:52 fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, stay away from
08:57 the animal products because they are a teaming laboratory
09:03 of viruses and bacteria's and other types of organisms that we
09:07 really don't need to fight in these already weakened bodies.
09:10 So a little bit of things about the foods there of course
09:13 keeping the sugar content down as we take sugar Dr. Thrash
09:17 just mentioned the immune system, sugar suppresses the
09:20 immune response and many other things in our environment do but
09:24 just eat a good healthy clean diet and Dr. Thrash I think
09:27 if we do this we will probably not have to meet our appointment
09:31 with cancer.
09:32 - I certainly hope not, then another thing that's a big
09:36 factor in some areas is the water, we know that certain
09:41 big water supplies for prominent cities like Chicago and Atlanta
09:47 and Los Angeles, that the fish living in those rivers and lakes
09:55 have cancer, how did they get cancer?
09:57 Well it's probably from agricultural runoff or big
10:01 feed lots of animals or some other place that pollutants
10:07 can get into the water supply, and then the second thing
10:12 that makes the water so that it can be cancer producing
10:16 is that the very purifiers themselves put into the water
10:22 to purify it to make it so that it is alright for people
10:26 to take into their homes, these things also can in some
10:30 instances apparently be involved in increasing one's risk of
10:35 cancer.
10:36 Whatever it is about water, every municipal water supply
10:40 has been tested in many of these areas, most of the big cities
10:45 just ten miles outside of the water supply district of the
10:50 municipal water supply the cancer rates are lower except
10:55 where there are farmers who are using various kinds of
10:58 chemicals on their crops, so water can be a serious
11:03 problem for us.
11:04 But then another thing that we find that's a serious
11:08 problem that increases one's risks for getting cancer
11:12 is lifestyle and Dr. Miller will talk with us about
11:16 lifestyle now.
11:17 - There are various lifestyle factors that we find are
11:20 more promoting for cancer, whether it's the lifestyle
11:23 of the occupation that you have, lifestyle in what you do for
11:27 recreation, various things are going to cause us to be more
11:31 prone to get cancers.
11:33 I have in my mind right now, when I was a child I went to a
11:37 place that's called Coney Island in Cincinnati, and I remember
11:40 seeing a man laying there and he was as brown as my shoes
11:45 and just shriveled up, he probably wasn't all that old,
11:49 but all that sunshine was setting him up...
11:53 Now a little bit of sun is not that bad, matter of fact it's
11:55 not bad to get a sun tan, but these people who lay out there
11:59 and get the sun burns... A sun burn sets you up sometime
12:03 in your life for cancer, now I'm not saying that you're going
12:06 get cancer if you've been sun burned because most of us
12:08 have been, but one sunburn in your whole life will leave
12:12 you open for melanomas, so what we want to do is protect
12:16 the skin, so those people who have either through their
12:19 recreation get to much sun or through their occupation
12:23 gets to much sun, we need to learn how to protect ourselves.
12:28 Wear a hat, wear the glasses, wear the clothes that cover
12:31 the body and you can take care of that one.
12:34 The two probably highest occupations for cancers are
12:40 dairy farmers and poultry farmers, now whether that's
12:43 because they are so much of their own products or they are
12:47 just around these different animals, I don't know which
12:50 one it is, probably a little bit of both, this is a potent
12:54 form of certain types of cancers so stay away from these things.
12:58 Radiation, one of my first patients at Uchee Pines
13:02 had worked for the Savannah River Plant, where there was
13:05 lots of radiation somewhere along the line and he got cancer
13:10 basically it was an oral cancer.
13:12 So radiation whether it is through the sunshine during
13:17 the peak times of the day basically between 10:00 in
13:19 the morning and three in the afternoon we have more of the
13:22 harmful rays it could also be in the medical type of an
13:26 experience, if you have ever gone to the hospital or the
13:30 doctor's office and they were going to give you an x-ray
13:33 what do they do, they come out and they wrap certain parts
13:37 of your body in this lead jacket and they skittle out of
13:42 that room, they are not going to stay in there with you.
13:43 they wear this little tag with them, this little thing that
13:46 absorbs x-rays, and they have it tested periodically to see
13:50 how much it is absorbed because if it has absorbed it,
13:53 he has absorbed it.
13:55 Once you get x-rays those x- rays are with you in your
13:58 body and so the deal is limit the amount of x-rays
14:02 that you get, some people to and get x-rays all the time,
14:07 dental x-rays and x-rays for the most innocent causes.
14:11 I would not get an x-ray unless I really felt like I really
14:15 needed this x-ray.
14:16 I've know people with broken bones that said look you
14:17 can tell the things broken, just fix it I don't want an x-ray,
14:22 so those are the causes of one of those things.
14:26 Pollution, there are different types of pollutants that are
14:29 carcinogenic, now one that we know very well from
14:33 30- 35 years ago was Agent Orange that they use a lot in
14:37 Vietnam, those people who were sprayed with it were in
14:40 the area where agent orange was are now coming down with
14:44 many problems.
14:45 Asbestos, now they are trying to get it out of all the
14:47 buildings, but you know it is interesting when the
14:50 World Trade Centers were destroyed, that was some of the
14:55 last buildings built that used Asbestos inside the building.
15:01 I heard recently, but I have to check this out, upwards of 50%
15:07 of the policeman and fireman who were in the area who survived
15:11 now are out on disability because of the asbestos that
15:14 was in the air, and asbestosis leads to cancer of the lung,
15:19 they could have never smoked a cigarette in their lives
15:22 and this could be a problem.
15:23 Cigarette smoking there is another one, whether it is
15:25 active or passive these things are potent forms of cancers
15:29 in the body so we need to stay away from any form of cancers
15:33 alcohol can precipitate cancers of the mouth, of the throat,
15:38 of the stomach, stay away from the alcohols.
15:41 Dress, lifestyle, the way people dress, people who
15:46 bundle up, you know lots of people in the cold weather like
15:49 to wear these big down vests and leave their arms hanging
15:53 out, if you don't have much covering on your arms
15:56 or your legs, it causes the blood to shunt to the trunk
16:00 and when you conjest the trunk it leads to more breast cancer
16:05 so we find that women who live in colder countries
16:09 seem to have more breast cancer, probably because of the
16:12 fact that we are slaves to fashion, we want to sit there
16:14 and look all this neat because of our whatever it is,
16:18 I don't know what drives a person to live an unhealthy
16:20 lifestyle Dr. Thrash because I've seen some of these people
16:22 dying of cancer and it's not a pretty site.
16:24 - Yes! We do have a lot of knowledge that can help us
16:29 in these areas.
16:31 Concerning overheating, not only overheating the chest
16:35 but also overheating the pelvic area in men can lead to
16:39 cancer of the testes.
16:41 For decades we have know that if a little boy was born with
16:47 his testes not down in the scrotum but up in the canal
16:52 then that testes that was in the canal, that never did
16:56 come down is something like 60 times more likely to get a
17:02 cancer in it than the normally descended testes into the
17:09 scrotum, so what urologists do is at about the age of
17:13 seven years, or certainly by the age of 15 years, a little boy
17:17 whose testes has not descended properly, that testes will be
17:23 simply removed.
17:24 Most of the time the other testes is quite capable of
17:28 performing all the needs, all the functions that the
17:32 young man would need ever.
17:35 Now another thing that we don't know much about but has been
17:39 implicated in cancer is exposure to high tension electric lines,
17:45 this has not been proven yet and some studies seem to refute
17:49 the idea that electricity is involved in the production of
17:54 cancer, but from the very first study there was enough evidence
17:58 to make me feel that we should try to locate our homes away
18:03 from these high tension power lines believing that if it could
18:08 interfere with the radio reception or TV reception
18:12 that it might be able to interfere somewhat in the
18:15 electrical impulses that the body has and thus interfere
18:19 with the immune system.
18:20 There are some infections very clearly shown to be involved in
18:27 cancer, one of those is hepatitis C, hepatitis C is
18:34 common and getting to be more common, and we need to learn
18:38 as much as we can about that so that we can avoid getting
18:42 hepatitis C, Dr. Miller would you talk with us some
18:45 about hepatitis C and what to do to keep from getting it
18:49 and so forth.
18:51 - Well hepatitis C as we understand is transmitted
18:54 through blood and body fluids, and the problem with Hepatitis C
18:59 is it's incubation period, it incubates in about 6 months
19:03 and all during that time a person who has been infected
19:06 with the hepatitis C virus is infectious and they can
19:10 pass it on to other people in their environment and so it's
19:13 very important to be careful, and how are you careful
19:18 you don't know who has it out there.
19:19 Well for the most part, those people who are at risk,
19:23 and I'm not going to try to classify all those people who
19:26 are at risk for hepatitis C, but certainly those who get
19:30 blood transfusions if somehow or other the blood bank has
19:33 been polluted with this particular virus, those who are
19:39 intravenous drug users, those who engage in risky sex,
19:45 anything outside of marriage is risky sex, those things can
19:49 be a major problem with transmitting it and if someone
19:51 doesn't know then it passes it on down the line, so we need to
19:55 learn how first of all not to get hepatitis, it's a serious
19:58 problem that a person has it attacks the liver and when a
20:03 cell gets weakened the cell opens itself up, or it's cell is
20:09 opened up, it is exposed to the opportunity of becoming
20:12 invaded by cancer, becoming cancerous itself.
20:15 So we find that people who have hepatitis C, down the line
20:19 they are set up for things like cirrhosis of the liver or
20:23 cancer of the liver, so what we need to do is first,
20:26 don't get it, but if we do get it there are some simple
20:28 things that we can do to take care of ourselves.
20:31 One, we need to take care of the liver that's where it's
20:34 going to attack, we can do hot fomentations, just a hot
20:37 compress over the liver and leave that there for awhile
20:41 and do a cold sponging after that and then you take a shower
20:45 you might even do a series of hot fomentations and then cold
20:50 rubs, hot fomentations, cold rubs, what this is going to do
20:54 is bring some more circulation and some healing into the
20:58 liver area.
21:00 The diet has to be as clean as it can be, you have to stay
21:04 off the sugars, you have to stay off the fats, you have to
21:06 stay off the animal products and eat a pure diet,
21:10 as pure a diet as you can find.
21:12 Grapefruit Seed Extract would also be good for recovering
21:16 the liver, I like to for patients who have liver problems
21:20 or want to sit there and rejunivate their liver take some
21:22 lemon juice in some water each day, lemon juice is extremely
21:26 good liver tonic and it will be good for the liver.
21:29 Garlic, extremely good for the liver and I would recommend
21:32 somebody with hepatitis to eat a lot of garlic, it may come out
21:39 of their pores a little bit and make them a little bit
21:41 anti-social but I'd rather... If I had hepatitis you
21:45 don't need to be all that close to everybody in the neighborhood
21:47 any way.
21:48 There a few herbs that you can take, you can take Milk Thistle
21:52 one of the best herbs for the liver, you can take Bilberry
21:55 another nice herb for the liver, Goldenseal, and then of course
22:00 doing the hot and cold treatments I have
22:01 already mentioned.
22:02 I knew a person a few years ago who all of a sudden out of the
22:08 blue it seems, developed hepatitis C and immediately
22:13 went to work on it, doing these simple things you've got that
22:18 diet right, did the hydrotherapy right, took the herbs right,
22:22 and within 6 months she was negative for the hepatitis C
22:26 and I saw her a few years ago in Austria and she has been
22:29 completely well now for awhile, it's been seven or eight years.
22:32 So if we grab the reigns immediately if we do get out
22:37 of control, grab the reigns immediately, bring this thing
22:40 under control, it's a good chance that you could even
22:43 beat this terrible disease Dr. Thrash and that's what I
22:46 recommend.
22:48 - Yes! Hepatitis is a very serious disease and we can
22:52 combat it, we've had some cases at Uchee Pines,
22:56 we have advised their treatment and they have gone through
23:01 the herbal things and the lifestyle factors and they have
23:07 had a reduction in the liver enzymes that they have had,
23:12 I personally have not had a case that has become negative to
23:17 the serology tests for the virus.
23:19 The stresses that we are subjected to all the time
23:25 these can weaken the immune system and make it so that we
23:28 are more likely to develop cancer.
23:31 People who have mental illnesses, especially those who
23:35 are institutionalized, they tend to get more cancers
23:38 than do people who are not institutionalized, I don't know
23:42 why that is whether it's the medications that they take
23:45 it may have some cancer promoting activity or whether
23:50 this may be some innate feature of being mentally ill
23:55 that weakens the immune system, whatever it is just as a
23:59 class of patients they do tend to get more cancers and to die
24:04 a little earlier than other people do.
24:07 Perhaps some of the inflammatory substances which produce many
24:13 chronic progressive illnesses, maybe some of these are involved
24:18 in the shortened life span of people with severe
24:24 hospitalizable types of mental illness.
24:26 Now there is sexually transmitted diseases that are
24:29 known to be associated with cancer, one of those
24:32 is syphilis.
24:33 When I was in medical school I remember that the man who
24:38 taught us eye, ear, nose, and throat diseases said that
24:43 there were three causes of cancer of the mouth and throat
24:48 and those were syphilis, and poor oral hygiene, and carious
24:54 teeth, so I have come to believe that many of the sexually
25:01 transmitted disorders or diseases can be associated with
25:06 an increased risk of getting a cancer.
25:10 Cancer of the cervix may be classified as a sexually
25:15 transmitted disease, there is the human Papillomas virus
25:20 and it can be transmitted from one sexual partner to another
25:24 and especially when there are multiple partners in the life
25:29 of an individual, we do know that there is an increase in the
25:33 number of cases of cancer of the foreskin and cancer of the
25:38 cervix, the human Papillomas virus is one that is a virus
25:42 that's involved in that.
25:44 Then we know that the Burkitt's Lymphoma, this lymphoma that's
25:52 characteristic of people with AIDS and people who live in
25:56 countries such as Africa, this is also apparently somewhat of a
26:02 sexually transmitted disease, that matter is not entirely
26:08 clear yet but certainly there are some indications
26:12 that it is true.
26:13 Thyroid disorders, maybe because of a weakening of the immune
26:19 system possibly because of the taking of a hormone on a
26:26 long term basis, this could also be a feature in the
26:30 formation of breast cancer, not much has recently been
26:34 presented in that in the medical literature but a number of
26:38 years ago there was an indication that in women who
26:42 did not need to take thyroid hormone but were taking it
26:47 just because of some symptom that was apparently related to
26:52 some other problem such as being chilly in mild weather
26:57 or having some lack of energy, or some other symptom that was
27:08 just general that these individuals would take thyroid
27:13 over a long period of time to boost these functions and they
27:18 tend to have a slightly higher risk of getting cancer
27:21 of the breast.
27:23 Now with studying all of these things we see that infections
27:27 are involved, that pollutants in our surroundings are
27:32 involved, that certain lifestyle factors and food
27:35 factors are involved in increasing our risks for getting
27:38 cancer, there are many others we've only scratched the surface
27:42 of the known risks for cancer, we invite you and encourage
27:47 you to study about these matters and to make yourself
27:50 knowledgeable so that you can resist these increasing numbers
27:55 of cancer risks in our society.


Revised 2014-12-17