Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000216

00:01 If you were to stand by in most doctors offices today
00:04 and listen to the presenting complaint of the patient
00:08 you would find that in many instances,
00:12 maybe the majority of times, the patient would say
00:15 I have an allergy doctor, is there something you can do
00:19 for me.
00:20 Well there are some things that can be done
00:22 for people with allergies, and we would like to talk
00:24 about some of these issues in this program,
00:27 so we hope you will be with us during it.
00:48 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health with Dr. Agatha Thrash,
00:52 of Uchee Pines Institute, and now here is your host,
00:56 Dr. Thrash.
00:57 A host of disorders are associated with a sensitivity
01:04 or an allergy.
01:06 There are a number of these that if you will pay very close
01:11 attention to some very common things,
01:13 very simple things, you will find that your ability
01:19 to live successfully in life with good health
01:22 and being happy, will be very much better
01:26 than if you didn't know these very simple things.
01:29 Such as overweight, being a sensitivity
01:33 or allergic reaction.
01:35 Not everybody is agreeing with that statement but
01:40 there are enough people I think, who have proven that
01:44 one of the reasons why they are overweight is
01:47 because they are addicted to a food.
01:50 Now an addiction to a food almost always means that
01:53 the person has a sensitivity to that food.
01:56 Let us say that a person just loves sweets,
02:01 they are so into sweets that they would rather die
02:07 than not have their sweet things for their meals.
02:10 You take the sweet things away, say for three months
02:14 and they never even think of them again,
02:17 unless they see them.
02:19 When they see them, then they remember ah!
02:22 I used to be addicted to that, and they want to have it again.
02:26 Just like with drug addiction, which is also to some degree
02:30 a sensitivity a capturing of the immune system
02:34 so that the immune system becomes unable to resist
02:39 or to tell the mind that it should resist
02:42 that particular drug.
02:44 So if you know someone who is overweight,
02:48 or you yourself struggle with a weight problem
02:51 try eliminating some of those favorite foods
02:55 that you have, that food that you think,
02:57 I just couldn't live happily without this food.
03:00 Eliminate that and see if that simple thing does not
03:03 make it so you can live happily in life.
03:07 Don't forget that there are so many foods
03:10 that you will not go hungry and you will not come to
03:13 not enjoy your food.
03:15 If you lived in one country as compared to living in another
03:21 you would find that often you would love the foods
03:26 served in that country.
03:27 If you moved to another country you adopt their lifestyle,
03:31 their diet, you will find that you love the food
03:34 served in that country, maybe after a little
03:37 adjustment period.
03:39 So give yourself the opportunity to get rid of those foods
03:42 to which you are sensitive or to which you are allergic
03:46 and see if that doesn't help you with your weight.
03:48 Now I have Dr. Don Miller with me today,
03:51 and he is going to talk about a very prominent
03:55 fortunately not highly common disease called Asthma.
04:01 Dr. Miller tell us about asthma.
04:03 Well it may not be highly common, but it's becoming
04:06 more common in the last decade, and it's gone up by
04:08 one third, it's a major problem for people who have it
04:12 and it's becoming a major problem in really
04:15 developed countries.
04:16 It is not so much of a problem in countries
04:18 that are not developed, because there are certain things
04:20 about asthma that are going to be, causing asthma
04:26 in lifestyle.
04:27 Now there are two types of asthma,
04:28 we'll start with intrinsic, and there's extrinsic.
04:31 The extrinsic is basically from an outside source,
04:34 it could be from a pollutant of some sort, from pollen,
04:38 from animal dander, from the food that you eat.
04:40 Then there's intrinsic asthma which could be caused by
04:44 emotional upset, infection, exercise, cold breeze
04:50 in the face, various things can cause it,
04:52 but basically has nothing to do with an allergic reaction
04:56 to something else.
04:57 But we're going to see that both of them basically have
04:59 the same reaction on the body.
05:01 It's going to cause a swelling of the bronchial tree,
05:05 basically a muscle tightening of the little bronchi
05:09 through which the air travels, plus the mucous becomes thicker
05:12 in there, and the person has a hard time exhaling.
05:15 They can inhale pretty well ok, but it's exhaling
05:19 where they get their problem.
05:21 There are a few things we can do for a person who has asthma,
05:26 and one is we need to lower what we call the
05:29 allergy threshold, because 80% of the people are extrinsic
05:34 asthmatics.
05:36 It basically means that something from the outside,
05:39 they are allergic to something out there,
05:40 so what we want to do is lower that threshold.
05:44 We have various thresholds that we go through in life.
05:48 We have a thing called the pain threshold, some people
05:50 just looking at something painful makes them hurt.
05:55 I remember when I was a child, when the doctors used to make
05:58 home calls, and I would be sick and he would come in,
06:00 and always, it seemed like his favorite thing was to open
06:04 up that big black bag and pull out that big long needle.
06:08 As soon as I saw the needle I hurt, I mean I started crying
06:11 because I knew it was going to hurt me, and so that is
06:14 a threshold, some people's threshold is very high,
06:16 and they can take a lot.
06:17 Same thing with allergies, there are some people who,
06:22 it's a blessing from God, that their immune system is
06:25 so strong, their bodies are so strong that they aren't
06:28 allergic to very many things.
06:30 I have always fallen in that class, now as you get older
06:33 you start to loose some of this immunity.
06:36 This takes something like poison ivy,
06:38 I've never been allergic to that stuff, and foods,
06:41 I don't know of anything that I am allergic to.
06:43 So we need to lower though if we are allergic to things,
06:48 allergic threshold, if you are allergic to dust, and
06:51 to animal dander, and to cockroaches, the little dander
06:55 that they live along, that's one of the big causes that
06:59 as a matter of fact they find that many children growing up
07:01 in areas where there's lots of cockroaches have Asthma
07:04 and they are tracing it to all those little black things
07:06 you see in your closets.
07:08 That can be a very prolific cause of the asthma in children.
07:13 So we lower that threshold as much as possible.
07:16 There are a few other things we can do:
07:18 One is we need to stay well hydrated.
07:21 Mucous is in our lungs on purpose, it covers the
07:25 little cilia and basically we breathe something in
07:28 that got past the hairs in our nose and all the protections
07:31 and it gets down in to our lungs, it sticks to this mucous
07:34 and the cilia is always sweeping it up and we end up
07:38 either expectorating it, spitting it out,
07:40 or we swallow these different things.
07:42 But it can become very, very thick, and we need to drink
07:46 plenty of water to keep it from getting so thick.
07:49 Another thing that we can do if a person has asthma
07:52 is teach them how to play a wind instrument.
07:55 Blowing causes some back pressure and it causes the
08:00 bronchial tree to sort of expand a little bit,
08:04 and so somebody who is learning to play the trumpet
08:07 or the tuba, or some type of instrument,
08:08 get them a set of bagpipes, that will really open it up,
08:12 it will open up that bronchial tree.
08:15 Let's say somebody's getting ready to have an asthma attack
08:20 put their lips to their hand, and have a very small hole
08:26 in your fist and blow very hard, that gives some
08:31 back pressure and can expand it, or have them
08:34 blow up a balloon, or blow through a straw.
08:37 A person who has asthma needs to learn how to
08:40 breathe deeply, and should practice drawing air
08:45 through the nose, and blowing it out through
08:48 pursed lips, and see how long they can blow it out
08:53 and they need to make sure that they are completely
08:55 exhaling all the air they have in there.
08:57 This is going to give you some good lung health anyway.
08:59 It will help to keep those muscles that surround
09:02 the bronchi strong and supple and keep them expanding out.
09:06 There's other things we can do, garlic is probably bar-none
09:12 the best herb that you can take for an asthma person
09:15 and especially an asthma attack.
09:17 So when going into an asthma attack, have somebody make them
09:21 a cup of garlic tea.
09:23 Just take some hot water, chop up a couple of garlic in there,
09:26 put in the water stir it up, and have them drink it.
09:29 Now often, and that's all you have is water and garlic
09:32 often that will cause the gag response and sometimes
09:36 to the point of throwing up.
09:37 Now if you have ever regurgitated, ever thrown up
09:39 you know what happens when you do, once it's all out
09:42 you are going to find that you have a runny nose,
09:44 and watery eyes.
09:45 This is a reaction the body goes through,
09:48 which is a perfect reaction for somebody who is having
09:51 an asthma attack.
09:52 Throwing up loosens up the secretions of the lungs
09:56 and of the body, and allows things to flow more freely.
09:59 The nice thing about garlic, and you'll find this out just
10:03 take a piece of garlic, and when after you've eaten it,
10:06 when do you first know, or somebody else first know
10:09 that you've eaten it, it's expressed through the mouth.
10:13 So as you take the garlic, it expresses itself through
10:17 the lungs which is what you are smelling
10:19 when a person breathes out
10:21 and so it's very good for the lungs.
10:23 Another very good herb is mullein, M-U-L-L-E-I-N.
10:28 The person should be drinking Mullein tea if they are having
10:31 an asthma attack, another thing and excellent treatment
10:35 for someone having an asthma attack, we give you two simple
10:37 treatments: 1. You apply hot to the back of the neck,
10:42 and hot to the chest, at the same time,
10:47 but the very best one, and I heard a doctor talking about
10:48 this one time, and her son was an asthmatic,
10:51 and he was having a severe asthma attack, to the point
10:54 she could no longer pick up lung sounds in his breathing,
10:58 he was getting some air in there,
10:59 but he was in serious condition.
11:01 She laid him down on the bed with his head hanging over,
11:05 put a basin on the floor under his head, and the got a gallon
11:09 of cold water, held it about two feet above his head,
11:13 and slowly poured it so it hit the nape of his neck,
11:17 because his head was hanging down, it ran over
11:19 the back of the head, down over the forehead,
11:22 and into the basin on the floor.
11:24 Pouring it slowly so it took between sixty and ninety seconds
11:29 for this water to be completely poured out of this gallon jug,
11:33 and it reversed the asthmatic attack.
11:37 So simple things that you can do
11:39 if you are having an asthma attack.
11:41 It is a serious problem, some people even die of an
11:45 asthma attack, and so know what to do, get the garlic out,
11:47 do the cold water, do the fomentations,
11:50 open up that bronchial tree, blow in your hand,
11:52 and send a prayer upstairs, and Dr. Thrash I've seen
11:56 this happen, and I've seen it work for people.
11:58 Yes, we're very confident that these things can help.
12:02 One of the things that has increased the death rate
12:07 from asthma, the standard people feel that the main thing
12:14 has been the increase in the great variety of drugs
12:18 used for asthma.
12:19 Not necessarily that asthma is getting so much worse,
12:24 intrinsically, but it's being treated in ways that
12:29 put such a stress on the body that, that can be the thing
12:33 that increases the death rate.
12:34 There are ways that you can test yourself for allergies,
12:38 one of the best ways is elimination and challenge diet.
12:42 There is another one called the pulse test,
12:46 I don't know if it works or not, it seems to work but,
12:49 it may not work for you.
12:51 Here is the way that it's done, you will see immediately
12:54 why it's not so popular.
12:55 A person sits for ten minutes and is at rest before
13:00 they begin their "meal," and the meal is going to be
13:04 of just one item, so after the ten minutes are up,
13:09 then with a stop watch preferably, but if not,
13:12 for one full minute using a watch with a second hand,
13:15 test what the pulse rate is and write it down.
13:20 Then the single food is eaten, the whole meal is made
13:24 of that single food, nothing else.
13:27 Then at fifteen minutes after beginning eating that food,
13:31 take the pulse again, using preferably a stop watch,
13:35 then at thirty minutes, then at sixty minutes.
13:38 Then the person's pulse rates, all three of these,
13:46 are checked to see if there is an elevation in the pulse rate.
13:51 If there is an elevation of more than ten points,
13:56 then that food is one that probably is causing you to have
14:02 an allergy to it.
14:03 Now there are so many things that can interfere,
14:06 if you get excited during the meal, if somebody comes
14:09 to visit during the meal, if you have to get up and
14:12 get something for someone else during the meal,
14:16 then that's going to make you so that you're not in the
14:18 resting state.
14:20 Most people will not be very happy to learn that they
14:24 can only have one food at a meal, and if they check
14:28 themselves in this way, they only want to do one of these
14:31 per week, well that stretches it out quite a long time.
14:34 The elimination and challenge diet is the one that I use
14:37 almost all of the time, and it's very simple to use,
14:40 maybe not any more acceptable to the patient.
14:44 Well I guess it is a good bit more acceptable
14:48 than the pulse test, eating only a single food.
14:51 But what happens is that a list of foods that are known
14:54 to be allergenic types of foods.
14:57 They of course begin with dairy products,
14:59 since that's the food that causes more allergies
15:03 and disabilities, than any other food that we eat.
15:06 It causes 60% of them, hands down.
15:09 Then the second one is coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate.
15:13 Then the third is citrus foods and juices,
15:15 and so forth, you can get a list of them from any allergist
15:19 who is practicing today, or you can get one from a library
15:23 or from the internet.
15:24 You can also get it from our web site, which you can
15:28 obtain by simply logging on to 3abn. org and then
15:33 you find Uchee Pines and click on that ucheepines. org
15:38 and we will be happy to provide that for you.
15:41 Then once the symptoms of the allergy have gone away
15:48 then the person starts adding back a food, one every
15:52 five to seven days, until you run across a food that makes
15:56 your symptoms come back.
15:57 Once the symptom comes back, then you start making
16:00 a list and wait until the symptom..., you eliminate
16:05 whatever food it was that caused it,
16:06 then wait until your symptoms have gone, add another
16:10 food back, and you keep on doing this until you have
16:14 discovered all those foods that cause you to have a problem.
16:17 We find this to be the most reliable and essentially
16:22 the most simple way of finding those foods to which
16:26 one is allergic.
16:27 Now always somebody asks well I want to find those foods
16:32 that I'm allergic to, that I can take a shot, so that I
16:34 won't have it any more.
16:35 If you know a shot like that, that's good, but most people
16:42 are not able to find such a shot.
16:45 Avoidance is still the very most important remedy
16:52 for allergies, so until you know some better method
16:57 then the safest..., we don't know about the safety
17:00 of these shots, the safest method, and also that one
17:04 that is most likely to bring you success is the elimination
17:08 and challenge diet.
17:10 Now Dr. Miller is going to talk about the subject of hay fever
17:14 which is another very common cause of allergies.
17:17 It is a common cause of allergies,
17:19 I would say at the onset, it's not so much to do with hay,
17:22 and it's not so much to do with fever.
17:23 It can have to do with hay, because hay produces pollen,
17:30 produces dust, but fever is not usually one of the symptoms.
17:34 You've got a reddening of the eyes, you've got running
17:36 of the nose, you've got itching and scratching,
17:38 and sneezing and dripping, and it's just not a very good
17:42 experience, and some people really suffer
17:44 with this particular problem,
17:46 it's really an allergic rhinitis,
17:50 it's something happening in the nose, and it's normally caused
17:53 by pollens or molds that are in the air.
17:57 I've know people who have walked into basements
17:59 that were completely moldy and gotten an attack
18:02 just from taking one breath in the basement,
18:04 we got to be careful where we're at.
18:05 It's often seasonal, and what seasons?
18:10 It's usually going to be in the spring and in the fall
18:12 when the pollens are most likely to be in the air.
18:16 Living down in Alabama where we are,
18:18 in the spring time, our cars will be yellow
18:22 puddles will be yellow with the pollen coming from the
18:24 pine trees, and people who are allergic to that particular
18:28 pollen, have a miserable time for that two or three week
18:32 period of time, and then it's gone.
18:34 Now the person seems to have this problem all the time
18:38 then it could be another cause, it could be related to
18:41 some food that they are eating, it could be related to something
18:45 that they have in their home, like an animal, or other things
18:48 like this.
18:49 So what they need to do is to try to fare it out,
18:51 if you have hay fever, what we call hay fever
18:54 all the time, find out what it is, it could be the feathers
18:57 in your pillow, it could be the dust on your floor,
19:00 find out what these things are and eliminate them.
19:03 I've already talked about the allergy threshold,
19:06 find out what yours is.
19:08 Now the thing about the allergy threshold, is our immune systems
19:12 are able to endure so much, and the stronger we make our
19:16 immune system, the less we're going to have the
19:18 allergic reactions to foods and other things
19:21 in our environment, because you are not going to be able
19:23 to avoid dust, you are not going to be able to avoid pollen
19:26 unless you live in a bubble, and I don't recommend that
19:29 as a good place to live.
19:30 You are out in the world, learn how to get your body well,
19:33 but there are some simple things that you can do
19:36 for this thing.
19:37 Now ragweed is 75% responsible for hay fevers,
19:43 so during ragweed season maybe it is best to try to stay
19:47 upwind of the ragweed, although it's going to be all over
19:50 the place, in many places that you are.
19:53 Emotions can also precipitate a hay fever reaction,
19:59 and so try to keep your emotions under control.
20:02 You know we worry about things and we fret about things,
20:05 and we get angry about things, we need to learn
20:07 to just sit there and just rest in the Lord, and say Lord,
20:10 I can't handle this problem it's much to big with me,
20:13 He says come unto me, all ye that labored and heavy laden
20:16 and I will give you rest from your worries, your cares,
20:19 your troubles, your angers, He says I will take all of these
20:21 on Myself, you just take my yoke, and I think these are good
20:24 suggestions that you can do.
20:26 You need to be on a good diet, and that's without
20:30 saying if you are on a good healthy diet,
20:32 we strengthen our immune system, we strengthen our bodies
20:35 to be able to ward off some of these viscous attacks
20:39 by our environments today.
20:41 Grape seed extract, a very good remedy that you take
20:47 it's a thing that you can buy in a health food store
20:50 it has a lot of bioflavonoids and anti-allergenic properties
20:55 in there, and what they do is strengthen the cell walls
20:59 of your basophiles and your mast cells, now these
21:02 are the ones when they burst open, they release
21:04 allergic chemicals.
21:05 If we could strengthen those cells, we won't have so much
21:09 of an allergic reaction, so grape seed extract
21:11 is very, very good, for someone who has these problems
21:14 and I recommend that if you are getting ready to suffer
21:16 with it, or are suffering with it, give it a try,
21:19 it can't hurt to try it.
21:20 Garlic, extremely good for congestion,
21:24 you can take garlic tea, you can just chop it up and eat it,
21:27 however you want to take it,
21:28 it will help with allergic reactions.
21:30 Drink plenty of water, get plenty of exercise,
21:33 and if you are having a particularly bad attack,
21:36 try a hot foot bath, putting your feet in hot water
21:38 will sit there by just derivation,
21:41 draw blood down from the upper part of the body,
21:45 relieving congestion in the face and your nose area
21:49 and in the chest, and you can find some good results
21:52 just from something as simple as a hot foot bath.
21:55 I like God's simple remedies Dr. Thrash.
21:57 Yes, there not only simple, but there inexpensive.
21:59 One of the problems that we associate with an allergy is
22:03 that of Eczema
22:04 It often comes on the hands so that the entire hand,
22:07 the back of the hand and the front of the hand,
22:09 or the palm of the hand, may be involved in it
22:13 and it starts out with tiny little cracks in the skin,
22:17 that follow the skin lines as well on the palm,
22:22 as on the backside, and these little cracks can be
22:25 widened by scratching, and they are itchy.
22:28 So the person scratches, that widens the little cracks,
22:32 and then you get a red rash too, and the little cracks
22:36 may actually become oblivious to the little cracks
22:42 because they have been buried in the rash
22:46 that comes following it.
22:48 So you don't really realize that what you have done
22:50 has caused the rash.
22:52 So here is what you must do, if the Eczema on the hands
22:58 is caused by something you are contacting every day
23:03 such as dish water, or cleaning agents, or just water with
23:09 the things with the purifying agents in it that come from
23:13 the municipal water supply where you get your water.
23:16 These things can cause an Eczema in some people,
23:19 so if they keep the hands covered with Vaseline
23:24 that will help to a large degree to get rid of the Eczema.
23:30 This is one of the treatments of choice when you have
23:33 the Eczema with these..., sometimes they will weep
23:36 in these little cracks, so take a lump of Vaseline,
23:41 just about the size of a large bean,
23:44 put that in the hand, and then wet the hand with
23:48 a little water, and then rub it around like that,
23:51 and it takes a good bit of effort to do that, because
23:54 friction develops, once you try to emulsify
23:57 with the water, and so your hands don't slide
24:03 as nicely as they do with a hand lotion.
24:06 Once you have made an emulsion, which will look sort of milky
24:09 on the hands, then you smooth that over the hands
24:14 in the direction of the skin lines,
24:16 not against the skin lines, which would open up these
24:20 little cracks again, so you need to be careful
24:23 about that point.
24:24 Then there are some things that you can take
24:27 in the way of supplements, Bee Pollen is one of those,
24:31 Ashwagandha is one of the things that you can take
24:34 that can be very helpful, Quercitin which is common
24:38 in onions, very good constituent in onions
24:41 that can also be very helpful.
24:44 Of course Stinging Nettle, one of the herbs we always use
24:50 for any kind of allergy, for hay fever,
24:52 for any allergy, for an addiction, such as an addiction
24:58 to foods or whatever.
25:00 We always use Stinging Nettle, that's probably when you hear
25:05 allergy, immediately you should think Stinging Nettle.
25:09 Then Cat's Claw and coleus, a number of herbs that can be
25:13 used for Eczema.
25:16 Painful menstruation is thought to be due to a food sensitivity
25:23 so you should give it a try, and see if you find that,
25:27 that is a factor in that person's painful menstruation.
25:33 Dr. Miller do you have any other thing you would like to share
25:37 on the whole topic of allergies?
25:39 Well, we were talking about thing that I really have never
25:41 had problem with, one of which is poison ivy,
25:44 poison oak, or poison sumac, I'm not allergic
25:47 to these things, so if you have it, call me over
25:49 I'll pull it off the trees, I'll pull it out of your gardens
25:52 because it just doesn't affect me, but for some people
25:54 like my mother, if she is down wind from where they,
25:57 are burning it, she'll get poison ivy.
26:00 It's got this volatile oil that gets on to the skin,
26:04 and it can cause an extreme allergic reaction
26:07 to a human body.
26:08 Animals don't get it, but this is another problem
26:11 your dog or your cat is out there playing, and it comes home
26:14 and you pet the dog or cat, the oil is on the dog or
26:17 the cat skin, you get it on your skin, and now you have it,
26:21 that's a major problem.
26:22 Now for everything noxious out there, I believe that
26:25 God has a solution, right in the area, if you find where
26:29 poison ivy is growing and you know that you have come in
26:31 contact with it, there is usually in the area some
26:34 Jewel Weed or some Virginia Creeper, you just take this,
26:38 and take some of the leaves and crush them
26:40 up in your hands, and rub some of the moisture from
26:44 these leaves over the area where you have come in contact.
26:47 Now you want to if you have been in contact with poison ivy
26:50 and you are allergic to it, wash yourself right away.
26:53 You can use some basically yellow detergent is very good,
26:58 some good detergent and you flush your skin, wash it well
27:02 flush it well, it is very nice for that.
27:05 Sometimes we get the itching, you don't want to scratch it,
27:08 you can use oatmeal baths, put oatmeal in a sock
27:11 and put it in water and sort of dab that on there.
27:13 Saline on cloths wrapped around there is very good,
27:16 Aloe Vera is astringent that is very good,
27:19 you can make some golden seal paste is very good.
27:22 A few simple things you can do, but I guess the best
27:25 thing you do Dr. Thrash is don't get it,
27:27 and if you have it near your home, get rid of it
27:29 and you won't have the problem.
27:30 Avoidance is again one of the best ways to deal with
27:35 an allergy, another thing is to make certain that your home
27:40 is free from all of these kinds of allergenic substances
27:44 as well as you can make it.
27:46 Our divine designer has also designed nature so that
27:51 it can be our helpers in these things, and I hope you will
27:54 learn to love our Heavenly Father more because of the
27:57 study on allergies.


Revised 2014-12-17