Help Yourself to Health

How We Got Interested

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller, Justina Thomas


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000213

00:01 A number of years ago I graduated from medical school
00:05 expected that through the drugs and surgery that I had learned
00:10 to use well in medical school and then subsequently in my
00:13 training, I though that disease would respond to all these
00:19 things, and that I needed never to be looking anywhere
00:24 else for any kind of remedy, apart from that, that I learned
00:27 in medical school.
00:28 Four years of intensive training made me feel pretty confident
00:34 that all the diseases that were known, we knew a remedy
00:37 for them except for a certain handful that we had not yet
00:42 discovered how to treat those but I was certain that before
00:46 to long we would.
00:47 So it came as somewhat of a surprise to me that when I
00:51 went into practice, people weren't cured as well as I
00:54 thought they should be, so we began to think about some other
00:58 kind of remedy, and I remember the discussion that my husband
01:01 and I had, there must be some other way to treat people than
01:07 just the allopathic types, in investigating we found that
01:12 yes indeed, there a lot of those.
01:14 Maybe some of you have had the same kind of thought
01:17 how does medicine stack up with some of remedies that there are?
01:22 Maybe you would like to join us for this program because
01:25 we intend to discuss how some of us became interested in
01:30 natural remedies, what we might call physiologic remedies,
01:34 we hope you will join us.
01:54 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
01:57 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
02:00 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
02:03 Now I have with me today two people who are from
02:08 very different backgrounds, I would like to introduce them
02:12 to you now, one is Justina Thomas, and the other is
02:16 Donald Miller, Justina is a young woman, and Donald is a
02:23 middle aged man, and so you can see that right off there
02:28 are some big differences between these two.
02:30 Justina where did you grow up, where were you born,
02:35 how did you get where you are?
02:36 - I was born if Ft. Worth, Texas and then my family moved to
02:42 Lincoln, Nebraska, and I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska,
02:46 right close to the college.
02:48 - I see, have you always lived in those two places in Texas
02:53 or in Lincoln, or have you somewhere else also?
02:56 After Lincoln we moved to Michigan and for the last
03:01 four years I've lived there. - Near a college?
03:04 - Yes actually! Andrews University.
03:07 - Your family have been closely associated with two universities
03:12 then, one in Lincoln, Nebraska, and one in Michigan.
03:16 How did you grow up, did you go to the usual public schools,
03:21 or just what kind of schooling have you had?
03:24 Well I started out in a little grade school it's one room
03:29 all the way from first thru seventh and then I did opposite
03:35 of what most people do, and I home schooled through
03:37 high school. - I see home schooled
03:41 all the way through high school.
03:42 - Yes! - Now you went to regular
03:46 school, was it a public school or a church school?
03:50 - It was a church school!
03:51 - One room school, few students! - Yeah! I think 27 or less!
03:56 - How many teachers did you have?
03:58 - There was two teachers! - Two teachers, so each one had
04:01 about 13 or 14 students, pretty high student to teacher ratio.
04:08 And then you were in home school, was that a one to one
04:13 ratio, or were there others, do you have brothers and sisters?
04:16 - I do, for me that was a one to two ratio!
04:19 - One to two! - Myself and my younger brother!
04:21 - I see! Now how many children are in your family?
04:25 - There are eight in my family! - Eight in your family!
04:28 Oh, and I understand that you have a twin!
04:31 - Yes! - That's a bit of a distinction!
04:34 - Yes! - So I'm sure that growing up
04:39 in a small school, two students in the school, principally gave
04:46 you a lot of teacher attention, you had both experiences
04:52 church school and home school, which did you like the best?
04:58 - I would say probably the home school because you can dive into
05:05 more what you are interested in, I got to learn to ride horses
05:09 and the opportunity was much less when I was in school.
05:12 - Oh yes! I guess so, they don't usually have horses in
05:16 grammar school. - Right!
05:18 - What about, did you have a garden at your house?
05:22 - We did, in Lincoln we lived in the city, but my step dad
05:26 loved to garden so he pulled up all the plants, the flowers
05:29 and he planted tomatoes and peppers, so we had just around
05:33 the house. - He plowed up the lawn and
05:35 planted vegetables. - Yep!
05:38 - Well that sounds very innovative, what about
05:41 in Michigan, did you have an opportunity for a garden there?
05:45 - In Michigan we didn't have a garden.
05:46 - You didn't have a garden, and lived in a town!
05:48 - Yes! - I see!
05:49 Were you required to do chores as you grew up?
05:54 - Oh yes, lots of them! - I see, How did you come to
05:58 know the Lord? - I guess for me partially
06:03 you could say from me growing up with my family!
06:06 But for me one day sticks in my head and I remember I was
06:10 scrubbing the floor downstairs at the bottom of the stairs
06:14 and I was doing it very self righteously because my brothers
06:19 were out playing and I was the only one working, so I was
06:23 scrubbing this floor and my step mom called me upstairs
06:27 and I can't remember exactly what the conversation was about
06:31 but I remember that the Lord really impressed me that I was
06:35 a sinner and that I really needed a Saviour,
06:37 and so I asked her, well, what do I do, and she repeated to me
06:42 if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive
06:45 us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,
06:48 so we prayed and I asked Jesus into my life.
06:51 - That's very good, it sounds as if you had a very good
06:55 experience there with your step mother.
06:57 Now it seems that home schooling, gardening, and
07:03 home remedies go together, did you practice home remedies
07:06 in your home?
07:07 - A little, to the best of our ability.
07:10 - Do you remember any that you've practiced?
07:14 - I did whenever I got a sore throat my mom used to put a
07:17 wash cloth around my throat and I would sleep with it.
07:21 - I see, well that's a good remedy, actually the home remedy
07:26 of putting a heating compress around the throat, it's a very
07:29 physiological remedy, one that can do a lot of good for a
07:34 sore throat, even for a cough put the cloth around the neck,
07:39 a heating compress around the neck, the wash cloth with
07:43 something around it to keep it from evaporating, and then
07:46 bind it on with a bandage, let it stay on overnight
07:49 then you will find that the next morning you will have a
07:54 much nicer throat than you would have had if you had not
07:57 used that very nice physiologic remedy.
08:00 Now I like to call the remedies physiologic because they are
08:05 based on physiologic principles.
08:07 Don Miller, where were you born?
08:12 I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. - Cincinnati, did you grow up
08:15 there? - I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio!
08:18 - Home schooled? - No, no, no, I was one of those
08:23 that went to school at five years like everyone else did
08:27 and we're told that some boys especially should not go to
08:31 school that early, I remember distinctly my first day
08:34 of schools in Kindergarten.
08:35 In my school, it was Oakley Elementary, it was a huge
08:38 cavernous school there in the Oakley suburb of Cincinnati,
08:42 and there were two kindergartens, one on one side
08:46 it had windows all the way around one side, it had a
08:51 playground right outside, it was a beautiful, beautiful
08:53 dwelling, the other one was way down in the basement
08:56 next to the cafeteria, I was assigned to the college prep
09:01 kindergarten as it were, and I remember that day walking in,
09:04 my mother walked me to the school, let me off at the door,
09:07 and here I was the first time away from my mother,
09:10 away from my grandmother and my great grandmother who I
09:12 grew up with, and this big lady walks up and she says
09:16 what's your name?
09:18 I looked up and my mouth fell open and I couldn't say a word,
09:23 and it wasn't to long before they took me by the hand
09:27 and led me down to the other side of the building into the
09:30 other kindergarten class, and I believe that act marked me
09:34 for the rest of my schooling because I never liked school.
09:36 Did not like school!
09:38 - It's amazing that you have gone on and on and on
09:43 in school until now you have a doctorate.
09:45 But let me learn a little bit more about schooling,
09:50 you never had a day of home schooling?
09:52 - I can't remember a day! - What about a garden?
09:55 - Well, you know if I was home schooled at all it was maybe
09:59 if I got sick my grandmother might have read to me, but
10:03 at a certain point in my life we bought a farm, we had a home
10:07 in the city, and my grandmother and greet grandmother lived
10:10 on this farm where we had a huge garden, and I did do a lot
10:14 of gardening in the summer time when I went up there
10:16 and I loved the farm, I think children should be out free as
10:19 lambs in the gardens and in the fields and that's where I
10:22 loved it the best.
10:23 - Yes! Now what about home remedies?
10:26 As I mentioned home schooling, home remedies, and doing chores
10:33 and gardening, they seem to go together.
10:37 You didn't have the home schooling, only part of
10:40 your life did you have the garden, did you have the
10:43 home remedies?
10:44 - Well I can remember when I had a bad sore throat,
10:47 my mother would paint my throat with iodine, that was a natural
10:51 simple treatment back then, I don't remember any other
10:56 natural treatments in my young life, just grin and bear it.
10:59 - When you grew up did you have any kind of military training?
11:05 - Any type of military training! I spent my entire adult life
11:10 institutionalized.
11:12 After college I joined the Marine Corp, and I spent
11:15 14 years in the Marine Corp, three years enlisted,
11:18 11 years officer, got out, I spent one year in a small farm
11:22 in Missouri, and then I came to Uchee Pines, so I spent
11:26 a lot of time in the Marine Corp which I really attribute to why
11:29 I am in pretty good shape now, because you are very active.
11:33 The more you are active as a young person, the better it's
11:36 going to protect you as an older person, so I am thankful
11:38 for that one part or experience in the military.
11:42 - That's good! What about how did you become
11:44 interested in natural remedies then if you didn't have a lot
11:49 when you were growing up?
11:50 - Ok, when I was stationed in my last duty station Cherry Point,
11:53 North Carolina, I had come back into the church,
11:57 I was basically raised in the church, left the church for
12:00 a long period of time, came back in when I came back from
12:02 over seas in 75, in Key West, Florida, I had a pastor and his
12:07 wife who had just come to that church, Pastor and Sister
12:11 Zill and they loved me into the church, I spent every
12:15 afternoon on Sabbath in their home up to the evening time.
12:19 That's where I got my first natural treatments, I had a
12:22 bad cold one time and Sister Zill 20 hot fomentations
12:26 on my chest and back.
12:28 She had been 20 years in India and that's what they did
12:31 over there, but when I got to my last duty station
12:34 Cherry Point, North Carolina, I met another family in the
12:37 church that were interested in natural remedies...
12:39 My mother went to a seminar in her church in Cincinnati and
12:44 there was a lady that came to the church giving a seminar
12:47 by the name of Dr. Agatha Thrash.
12:49 - Oh! - Yes! And my mother always buys
12:52 a stack of books, and she sent me some of the books,
12:54 one was Home Remedies, well I look at this book and I shared
12:57 it with my friend, this book Home Remedies, and we thought
13:00 well! let's do these things, and then we got the wild idea
13:03 let's have Dr. Thrash come to our church, and
13:07 it's interesting she was on the tour at the time,
13:11 and we called Uchee Pines, and the word was passed
13:18 to Dr. Thrash, yes! we can come down we have a two day opening!
13:20 Well I was out of the Marine Corps by then, so I was out in
13:24 Missouri but my friend found out that you all have simple
13:29 remedies in preventive medicine seminars, and so two months
13:32 after the Marine Corp, you used to have a
13:35 Christmas seminar, I was at Uchee Pines December 1984,
13:39 at a Simple Remedies of Preventive Medicine Seminar.
13:41 - Did anything ever happen when you were growing up, or at any
13:44 time in your life that made it so that you could say,
13:48 I developed an interest in the human body and it's illnesses
13:53 and how to treat it, did anything of that nature ever
13:57 direct your thoughts towards eventually going in to this
14:01 kind of work?
14:02 - It's funny Dr. Thrash, I was always interested in Anatomy
14:07 and Physiology as a child, I used to like to play with
14:09 modeling clay, and I would make little human beings
14:12 out of modeling clay, with all the little organs in there,
14:15 and then I would put them all together, and then I would
14:18 open them up and I would do operations.
14:19 I had a teddy bear, I remember getting a teddy bear as a
14:23 young child, my poor teddy bear, had surgical scars all over it.
14:27 I like to do..., now this is really natural remedies,
14:30 maybe replacing some stuffing is a natural remedy, but I was
14:34 interested in these types of things, but beyond that I really
14:37 can't say that I had a whole lot of interest in really
14:40 natural things, I was sort of into the tincture of cold steel.
14:44 - Justina, did anything in your life make it so that you
14:50 developed in things medical?
14:51 - Umm! For me I am kind of like Don Miller, I always liked
14:58 medical things that I would learn, for natural remedies
15:02 for me the thing that really solidified it in my mind
15:05 was when I was in Guyana and I got to watch the people
15:11 that would come to the clinic, and we would treat them mostly
15:14 worms and headache, but once in awhile they would come in
15:16 needing suturing. - I see!
15:18 - And when I finished that I felt really like this is what I
15:22 want to do. - Who did the suturing,
15:24 did you have a physician there?
15:26 - No there was a nurse! - And she did the suturing?
15:29 - She did the suturing! - Really! Well you know it this
15:32 country nurses don't do suturing, you think she did a
15:34 good job? - Yeah!
15:36 - So a person may not need especially to be graduated from
15:43 a medical school and put the M.D. after the name to be able
15:47 to do some of these procedures, is that correct?
15:49 - Yes! That's correct! - I believe that too,
15:51 I think that while physicians have been specially trained in
15:54 this, we can train other people in field situations, we need
15:59 people trained so that a person who is sick or injured need not
16:04 suffer endlessly without some kind of help that nurses and
16:09 physical therapists, and people who have been trained as
16:13 Lifestyle Counselors, that all of these kinds of people can be
16:17 trained to do very simple procedures that otherwise
16:20 would not be done, or not be done well, so I think we should
16:24 train people to do these procedures well so that they
16:27 could go to any mission station in the world and do a really
16:31 quality work.
16:32 How did you become interested in the student program
16:36 at Uchee Pines?
16:37 - I was coming back to the states from Guyana and thinking
16:43 about where am I going to go and to what place to get
16:46 schooling, and different members of my family had your
16:50 book, so we heard of Uchee Pines and so we just looked them up
16:54 on the internet and learned about the student program
16:57 that way. - I see!
16:58 How long have you been at Uchee Pines now?
17:01 - I think about a year and a half!
17:03 - A year and a half, you have taken the lifestyle educator
17:06 course, and the lifestyle counselor course, and I was
17:10 one of your teachers in both of those courses, as we have
17:15 been very happy to have you as a student.
17:17 Dr. Miller did you come to Uchee Pines as a student?
17:21 - No! No, it's funny, I came to Uchee Pines as a result of a
17:26 call to Uchee Pines, my friend who was from North Carolina
17:30 came to the same seminar, he stayed on staff a year later
17:34 he talked with the administrator, the administrator
17:37 gave me a call to come work in public affairs and so I was
17:40 working in public affairs and my mindset was always,
17:44 I don't have the time to take a year off to take the course.
17:47 The Lord is coming soon, there is to much to do, I am going to
17:50 do this work, but I kept hearing the students coming and giving
17:54 testimonies in front of our assemblies about the wonderful
17:59 experience with their patients and all that they were doing
18:01 and I was sitting there drooling almost, thinking oh! I want this
18:04 experience, and after three years I decided I am going to
18:07 take a year off, and of course that was about 16 years ago
18:11 that I took the year off and took the course and I will
18:14 be forever grateful to take that year off and to study
18:19 natural remedies that I can be able to be a benefit to
18:21 people right now all around the world.
18:24 - When you first heard of natural remedies,
18:27 I heard you mention something about
18:30 the cold steel and doing these little operations.
18:33 Did you believe from the start
18:35 that natural remedies would really work?
18:37 - No! You know natural remedies take us a little bit of faith
18:42 to begin with, when you learn a treatment you will receive
18:48 I believe and opportunity shortly thereafter to use that
18:51 treatment and if you don't you will loose it, but it's using
18:54 the treatments over and over again that really gives you an
18:57 unbelievable profound belief in these treatments,
19:00 and I have had them work on myself, as a matter of fact
19:02 I let them work on me first.
19:04 If I have a problem, I use a natural remedy, when I see
19:07 the unbelievable results of the treatment it makes it
19:11 in my mind a sure thing.
19:12 When I was in the military, if you get a cold you go to the
19:15 dispensary and you ask for a cold pack, now at Uchee Pines
19:18 if you ask for a cold pack, you'll get a bag of ice
19:21 or something like this, a cold fomentation, a cold sits bath
19:25 or something.
19:26 There is a bag of Cepacol and aspirin and other things
19:30 like this, and so I like the simple remedies, having used
19:34 them, and I have seen miraculous results in using
19:38 God's simple remedies, and I am totally and completely
19:41 convinced and convicted.
19:43 - Justina how about you did you look at natural remedies
19:47 an you think, well these will work?
19:48 Was that your attitude also?
19:51 No, I would say I was a doubter until I saw them work on myself
19:59 and on others. - I see, what cured your doubts,
20:02 was there some special remedy that you had for a sickness
20:06 that worked?
20:07 Do you remember any special case of sickness that you had
20:13 and you had a remedy work for you?
20:15 - I know I was sick once at Uchee Pines and the girls were
20:21 like oh yes, let's work on you, so they loaded me into the
20:26 bathtub for a fever treatment and I remember I was kind of
20:31 surprised that it actually worked and I didn't ever get
20:34 really sick. - Yes! That was my experience
20:38 too, I had no faith in it, I really felt that we ought to
20:43 do these remedies, because they at least would not do any
20:46 harm, and you could support the patient's psychologically
20:50 until they just naturally got well, but I don't know that I
20:54 really understood, I didn't understand that they were
20:57 physiologic from the beginning, but very shortly I began to
21:02 recognize that they are based on firm physiologic principles.
21:06 So I got out my physiology books that I had had in
21:10 medical school, I had always loved physiology,
21:13 but it was mainly the physics that I liked of it,
21:16 it was not the clinical application of physiology.
21:18 So I got out these books and began to pour through them
21:22 again and study just how blood vessels respond to such things
21:28 as heat, and pressure, and massage, and also how the
21:33 chemistry of the body responds to herbal remedies,
21:36 and it wasn't long before I had firm faith in the simple
21:42 remedies, just as firm faith as I ever had, even in my most
21:48 adoring phase of loving medicine, I have gotten so that
21:53 I have that same intense faith in the simple remedies.
21:58 Now we have graduation once a year at Uchee Pines,
22:03 we don't call it graduation, we call it a dedication,
22:06 do you know why we do that Dr. Miller?
22:09 - Well you know graduation is not a bad term, basically
22:12 it probably comes through something that graduates,
22:15 you go from one level to the next level and truly graduation
22:20 is that, we've gone from one level to the next but when we
22:24 train our people it's not just an academic training or even a
22:27 training in Anatomy and Physiology and natural remedies
22:30 it's a holistic training where we train the spiritual person
22:34 and mental person and social person and the physical person
22:37 so we have classes in each one of these facets, and so when
22:41 they get done we're setting them aside for a special work.
22:46 We believe that God needs medical missionaries
22:48 in the last days and rather than say of you're graduated,
22:51 move the tassel to the other side, here's your paper
22:53 go to the other side of the line, we have them come forward
22:57 and they kneel and the elders come forward and lay their hands
23:00 upon them and we have a dedication, dedicating them to a
23:04 work ahead of them because there is a big work to do
23:06 all around the world, and we have students from all around
23:09 the world who have come to Uchee Pines, and right now
23:11 we have workers all over the world and we dedicate them
23:14 setting them aside as something special, so that's basically
23:19 why we do this Dr. Thrash.
23:20 - What are some of the places in the world that Uchee Pines
23:24 has missionaries practicing right now?
23:26 - Oh Wow! That's a tough question to take off the top
23:30 of my head, we've got them in Switzerland, France,
23:35 we're talking about graduates from Uchee Pines, or people
23:38 who have been trained by people from Uchee Pines, we've got
23:40 them in Russia, Ukraine, Africa, we've got them in the Far East,
23:46 Japan, Korea, India, matter of fact your granddaughters right
23:50 now are practicing in India. - Right now they are right there
23:54 in India, they went through the Tsunami a few hundred
23:59 miles away, we were glad for that, we have them also in
24:02 Nepal, and northern and southern India, and South America,
24:10 and all over the Orient.
24:13 - I think every where but Antarctica.
24:14 - Yes, and we have sent missionaries there on
24:18 brief missions, no not to Antarctica, yes, Arctic.
24:23 What are some of the ways that our graduates find to work
24:29 when they leave Uchee Pines?
24:31 - It's a creative process, there are calls all the time
24:35 of people needing, you know this Macedonian call is out there,
24:39 now we have some missionaries, some graduates from Uchee Pines
24:42 who have gone with Adventist Frontier Missions and they are
24:47 serving right now, and have served with Adventist Frontier
24:49 Missions, so that's a ready place to take people up.
24:52 We have had our graduates go to other institutions that we
24:55 are associated with, and we have helped to establish,
24:59 there are a couple in Ukraine, and we are working on a third
25:04 one in Ukraine, we've got places in France and all around
25:08 the world and so basically these places, Uchee Pines is
25:11 always needing qualified workers and so many times we absorb
25:15 them into ourselves.
25:16 But many times as people coming from a foreign country
25:19 getting the training and going home to help their own people.
25:23 We've got people go back into regular jobs, but they are
25:26 trained to do home to home- work, we've got people who
25:30 work in Sanitariums and help start Sanitariums,
25:33 we had one person come for a seminar, you might remember
25:37 Phil Brewer a number of years ago came for a two week seminar
25:39 went home and started a Sanitarium in British Colombia.
25:42 - Yes, it functioned for many years, until he retired.
25:46 Yes, they did a wonderful work there, any overseas places
25:50 that your have been to that were started by Uchee Pines?
25:53 - Well I remember there was a place called Nash Dom in the
25:56 little village of Naviabyhoti? in Ukraine, that I was there
26:02 and I worked training the workers who worked in there
26:04 and helped finish the building and when it opened a couple of
26:07 winters ago, it was opened with people who had been trained by
26:13 Uchee Pines, there was some Uchee Piners and other
26:15 institutions, Wildwood is involved in this, Koriukivka
26:19 down near the city of Nikolaev was basically started by
26:22 a doctor who... One of the people who started
26:25 it who came into the knowledge of this through a seminar that
26:28 we gave in Ukraine in 1995, Riverside Farms, there is a
26:34 Sanitarium being built, it might be built by now called Riverview
26:39 I've gone over there and trained the workers there, the students
26:42 there and so that's just a very few of them, so there are
26:46 institutions literally all around the world that we've got
26:50 our fingerprints on.
26:51 - Yes! And there are also some home institutions where a person
26:55 who has been trained at Uchee Pines will take in to
26:59 her or his home, a patient or two and do what they can
27:05 for the patient, we have one of these in New York
27:09 and one in California, we have one in Colorado,
27:13 there are some all over, many that I am not even remembering.
27:17 We have one in Puerto Rico that's functioning today just
27:21 a person trained at Uchee Pines decided to take people into
27:27 their own homes and do a quality work there, the same kind of
27:32 thing that we do at Uchee Pines.
27:34 We have a person in Jamaica, many people in Jamaica,
27:38 who are doing this same kind of work.
27:40 It's a really wonderful work, we are thankful to be in this
27:45 work, it's a solid work, a substantive work, and it's
27:49 especially blessed by God, we love being there,
27:52 we hope that you will come and visit us at Uchee Pines any time
27:56 you have the urge.


Revised 2014-12-17