Help Yourself to Health

101 Uses Of Charcoal

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000212

00:01 I'm constantly amazed as I go from place to place
00:04 to find the number of remedies that people tell me about.
00:08 Remedies that sometimes are rather strange,
00:12 but sometimes they are very interesting, very common,
00:17 using something that is inexpensive
00:20 and very easy to obtain.
00:22 Charcoal is one of those remedies
00:24 and while I've known about charcoal for several decades,
00:27 I constantly find people who are using it in different ways.
00:32 We would like to tell you some of these ways that we have found
00:36 to use charcoal, and we hope this will be of help to you
00:39 We hope you will stay with us during this program.
01:01 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health with Dr. Agatha Thrash.
01:05 of Uchee Pines Institute, and now here is you host Dr. Thrash.
01:10 Charcoal is not only inexpensive,
01:14 it just lasts forever, you can put it in storage,
01:17 and it just never goes bad.
01:19 In fact if you keep it nice and dry
01:21 you keep it away from various things that it might absorb
01:27 it should be an heirloom, and you can pass it down
01:30 to your children.
01:31 But there are some things that make charcoal not a very good
01:38 thing for us, and the fact that it is messy and black,
01:43 is one of those things.
01:45 Dr. Don Miller is going to talk with us a little bit about
01:49 some of the things having to do with the
01:51 acquisition of charcoal.
01:53 What can you tell us about this thing with charcoal,
01:56 did you just suddenly find out about it on your own one day?
02:01 - No I heard it from a pharmaceutical company.
02:04 - I'm sure.
02:07 - No it wasn't from a pharmaceutical company.
02:11 I believe that the great pharmacist, the great doctor,
02:14 the great physician, the Great Creator,
02:17 puts something in nature, knowing the condition that we
02:21 would be in towards the end of the days.
02:23 Not just the end of the days, we've been using this treatment
02:26 for hundreds and thousands of years.
02:28 I believe that God has placed something special in charcoal
02:32 that we can use for many, many different things.
02:36 It's extremely available.
02:37 I hate my home with wood, I've got a stand alone fireplace,
02:42 I put my wood in, I damp it down at night time.
02:46 In the morning I open it up, and if I leave it down, like
02:48 before I left on this trip, I had a nice fire going,
02:51 damped it down, when I go back and open it up,
02:53 I'm going to have charcoal, nice pieces of charcoal
02:56 in my fireplace.
02:58 I can do it in other ways, and I'll tell you how to make
03:00 charcoal a little bit later.
03:02 But it's also readily available in other places.
03:04 No matter where I go in the world,
03:06 I find there's charcoal there, especially in the developing
03:09 countries, in Africa, in India, that's how they cook.
03:13 You will find people selling charcoal for the very purpose
03:16 of cooking, but this good charcoal.
03:17 In America you wouldn't want to go to the store and buy
03:21 some charcoal briquettes because they've got fillers,
03:23 and things to help them burn better,
03:25 but you just buy this charcoal...
03:27 I was treating a man in India one time with it,
03:29 and it worked very very nicely.
03:30 You know when we have all these forest fires,
03:33 in different parts of the world, we've had many here
03:36 in the United States, that charcoal can be very helpful
03:39 in other things.
03:40 I heard of a case not long ago, of them taking the trees
03:44 that had been charred by the fires, and had a lot of charcoal
03:48 laying around, and started piling it at the base of other
03:51 trees in other areas, that were dying from some unknown reason,
03:55 acid rain, some type of a blight, and they find
03:58 that the charcoal piled around the base of the tree,
04:01 is restoring them to health.
04:03 So God gave us charcoal, not just for the benefit of man,
04:06 but for all of his nature.
04:08 It is a very very nice treatment.
04:10 Whereas we are not going to talk about 101 treatments today
04:13 because there is a whole lot more than that.
04:15 There are many, many more and we're going to talk
04:17 about some of these, Dr. Thrash do you have some more?
04:19 - Well I have one thing that I would like to say
04:21 about the drawbacks of charcoal.
04:24 When I talk about drugs, I have some drawbacks that are
04:29 sometimes even life threatening, but apart from
04:33 an accident when you might fall face down in charcoal powder,
04:37 there aren't a lot of drawbacks that are threatening
04:41 to your health.
04:42 But there are some drawbacks in the use of charcoal,
04:45 one is that of mixing it with water.
04:47 When you try to mix charcoal with water,
04:49 you find that it is an extremely light powder,
04:53 even getting from the canister into a glass of water
04:56 sometimes gives you a lot of problems.
05:01 You may spill a little bit on the way, or you may have
05:04 some problem in stirring it up, as you begin to stir
05:07 if you stir to fast, it's going to be all over,
05:11 because it is such a light powder,
05:12 it just becomes airborne immediately.
05:15 In order to make it more easily mixable with water,
05:21 just mix something like flax seed with it, or some Sorbitol
05:27 with it, it is sometimes mixed with Sorbitol in emergency rooms
05:31 to make patients who are poisoned,
05:33 find it more acceptable.
05:35 But if you mix it with that, you can much more easily
05:39 stir it up, but one of the best ways to mix it
05:42 is to put it with the water in a little jar with a screw cap
05:46 put it on quite tightly and just shake it back and forth
05:50 this way, and it will much more get easily wet.
05:53 It's the getting of it wet, that's the thing
05:56 it's certainly not a good wetting agent.
06:00 Another of it's drawbacks is that children
06:04 don't tend to like it.
06:05 They don't like the fact that it is black,
06:07 they don't like the fact that it has a consistency in the mouth
06:11 that they don't like.
06:13 But for small children, you are trying to get one to take
06:17 the charcoal, they simply look at it and decide
06:21 "that's not for me. "
06:22 So then ensues a struggle with the mother,
06:24 but if you will just call Grandmother,
06:27 Grandmothers know how to get children
06:30 to take charcoal, or any other kind of thing
06:32 they don't want to take down.
06:33 It generally means that you need to hold the head still
06:38 and that can be done by putting both arms
06:41 right above the ears, and fixing the head with that,
06:46 in fact with a child you can bring their forearms
06:50 over the head, and that fixes the head,
06:53 so that they can't move.
06:55 One person can usually do that with the head fixed in that way.
07:00 Then another person holds the body down,
07:03 and Grandmother stirs the charcoal,
07:06 and puts it by the spoonful into the child's mouth.
07:09 For a little older child, if they are accustomed to drinking
07:14 things from a straw, if you've got an opaque container
07:18 of some kind, and you put a straw in it,
07:20 and put a cover on it so that they can't see that it's black
07:24 and unpleasant looking, hand it to them and tell them
07:27 to drink this down, now if you've got a little fruit juice
07:30 mixed with it, that will often make it much more acceptable
07:33 to the child.
07:34 These are some things that will help to relieve
07:39 these not very good ways of handling charcoal.
07:44 But so far as any drawbacks in the body,
07:47 the only one that we have really, is that it does slow
07:51 down the bowels a little, so that a bowel movement
07:55 is a little more sluggish than is normal.
07:58 Some people will try to get over that drawback
08:02 by mixing a little magnesium sulfate, or Epsom salts
08:07 with it, and in this way make it so that the person
08:11 can get it through the intestinal tract
08:14 a little quicker.
08:15 Unfortunately with the Epsom salts, you mix it with water,
08:19 and then it doesn't taste good.
08:21 So you've got two things that are unpleasant,
08:23 the charcoal, and the Epsom salts.
08:25 You can just put the Epsom salts on the back of the tongue,
08:31 swallow that down with a little water, and then
08:33 drink the charcoal in the water.
08:35 Don't let it enter your mind that you can take that
08:39 charcoal powder just dry.
08:41 It can be done, but it requires a determination to do it,
08:48 and you can only take it in very small quantities.
08:51 One time I was in Mexico, and needed to take some charcoal,
08:56 for a little food poisoning that I had gotten,
08:59 and I managed to get some down dry by taking
09:05 very small quantities and mixing it with saliva,
09:08 and then swallowing it down.
09:10 But most of the time remember that charcoal needs to be mixed
09:14 with a goodly quantity of water.
09:16 The more water you have, the easier it is to pass through
09:20 the intestinal tract.
09:22 Now Don Miller is going to talk to you about another
09:26 of the wonderful properties of charcoal,
09:28 just wonderful properties,
09:30 and that's it's deodorizing properties, Dr. Miller.
09:34 - Thank you. You know we were going to
09:36 Ukraine, I think it was 1995 Dr. Thrash,
09:38 a small team from Uchee Pines, we left one morning is a van,
09:42 we had our food with us, and we drove all the way up to
09:45 Washington area, we spent the night and left the next day.
09:49 What we are going to do is leave the van there,
09:51 and then I would come back a couple of months later
09:55 and drive the van back, they would have come back
09:57 a month and a half earlier than I did.
10:00 Made a mistake, when I took the van...,
10:04 someone else drove us to the airport,
10:06 so they could take the van back to an area,
10:08 I still had my cooler in the van, with food in it.
10:13 We left for Ukraine as I remember, around the 14th
10:17 of June, I got back the very end of August.
10:20 I get into the van, I open up my cooler,
10:24 and you can imagine what it was like for the cooler
10:27 to be sitting through the hot summer months
10:30 in Washington area, in Maryland, the northern Virginia
10:33 area for that period of time.
10:35 It was putrid, inside that cooler, I had to dump it
10:39 and put the lid right back on, it smelled so bad.
10:42 I took it home I scrubbed it, I used all kinds of cleaners,
10:46 nothing I could do would get that smell,
10:49 that smell had permeated the plastic, completely filling
10:53 this cooler with the smell.
10:55 Finally I got the idea, and I got a container,
11:00 and I dumped some charcoal in it, I sat it down
11:03 in the bottom of the cooler, put the lid on,
11:06 and left it there for quite some time.
11:07 After that was done, I took the lid off,
11:10 I took the charcoal out, and the cooler smelled perfectly
11:13 normal again.
11:14 I do this every once in awhile, and now when I travel
11:18 with my cooler, I will take a salt shaker
11:21 I will put some charcoal in the salt shaker, put the lid on
11:24 and I will place this in the cooler,
11:26 just to take up any smells that might be emanating
11:29 from the foods, so that I don't have anything
11:32 that cross contaminates as far as smells,
11:34 that's a very nice idea.
11:35 I meant to mention earlier when I was talking about
11:39 the divine properties of charcoal,
11:41 God has made it in such a way that it takes up
11:44 just the bad guys.
11:45 In saying that, one of the other drawbacks that Dr. Thrash
11:51 did not mention in charcoal, is that it will take up
11:54 medications, because it recognizes these things as
11:58 foreign poisons in the body,
12:00 so if you are taking blood pressure medications
12:02 which are synthetic somehow, rather than taking
12:06 a natural product, the charcoal will take up that medication.
12:11 The same thing for heart medication,
12:12 the same thing for medicine for epilepsy
12:15 and so if you are going to be taking medications,
12:18 and you receive some type of a food poisoning,
12:21 we're not saying don't take charcoal,
12:23 but you might want to take it at least two hours
12:27 or the time it takes for the drug that you are taking
12:30 to be absorbed by your body,
12:32 and then you want to take the charcoal so that it can absorb
12:35 the properties of whatever is giving your stomach upset,
12:40 your food poisoning, or whatever.
12:42 One time I was in Dr. Thrash's office there at Uchee Pines,
12:49 I had been working underneath the office
12:53 shoring up part of the floor that for some reason,
12:55 was starting to sag, I came back out, and left it open.
12:59 Well some days later I came by and said uh oh,
13:02 I left the door open, so I put a piece of something
13:04 in front of that, and put some weight up against it,
13:07 to keep animals from going in there.
13:09 The trouble was, I did not check underneath there
13:11 to make sure that an animal had not already
13:14 gone underneath there.
13:15 Well, about two weeks later, Dr. Thrash's son,
13:19 who's office was also in this building, started complaining
13:22 about a pretty bad smell, and I knew what had happened
13:25 so I said Cal, don't you worry about it,
13:28 it's my fault I'll do it.
13:30 I went underneath there and a wild animal had been underneath
13:35 there and had expired, thankfully on top
13:38 of a piece of roofing, so I was able to drag it out
13:43 but it still smelled absolutely horrible just to get underneath
13:46 there, I didn't want to smell it,
13:47 so I took a piece of cloth I sprinkled charcoal on it,
13:51 I rolled it up and I placed it as a mask over my nose
13:54 so I really couldn't smell while I was under there.
13:56 Then I went back under after I had the animal out,
13:59 took a jar of charcoal, and just sort of threw it,
14:02 just sort of whoosh, this big black cloud over the area
14:06 where the animal was, and the next day you could not smell it.
14:08 It's a great absorptive of odors that are in the air,
14:12 so if you have any smelly area, I suggest you take a salt shaker
14:16 with charcoal and keep it in your refrigerator.
14:18 If you have a child that always keeps his smelly sneakers
14:23 in the closet, put a container of charcoal in there,
14:26 it will take up these odors, any place that you have an odor
14:29 problem it will take up the odor.
14:31 How about bad breath, take a toothbrush, get it wet,
14:35 dip it in some charcoal, brush your teeth,
14:37 again it will take up the odors that are in your mouth,
14:40 and then rather than spitting it out, swallow it,
14:42 if you have any other problems going down the line
14:45 it will help take up things that are causing bad odors,
14:47 so I think one of the great properties Dr. Thrash,
14:51 of charcoal is the fact that it absorbs odors.
14:54 - Yes, and I was just looking at the great list of things
14:58 that are already known that charcoal takes up,
15:01 we have this little book called RX Charcoal,
15:06 which is the clinical uses of charcoal,
15:09 and on certain occasions it is necessary to find out
15:15 just what can be absorbed by charcoal.
15:18 I was just looking here and I found two columns
15:22 here of chemicals that can be taken up by charcoal.
15:28 The very first one on the list is acetaminophen or Tylenol.
15:32 People often take Tylenol enough to become intoxicated
15:37 with it, and when they do the treatment of choice
15:40 probably is that of charcoal because it so readily takes up
15:45 Tylenol.
15:46 But then a lot of other things narcotics and arsenic,
15:51 aspirin, barbiturates just a host of things can be taken up
15:56 by charcoal.
15:57 Even a while after you have taken a poisonous substance
16:02 charcoal can still take it up from the intestinal tract,
16:06 in some instances.
16:07 I would like to draw on the board for you a little diagram
16:11 that will help you to see how it is, that charcoal helps
16:17 with the taking up of things that are already
16:20 in your blood stream.
16:21 Let's just say that this represents an intestinal villas
16:26 for you, here it is like this, it's in your intestinal tract,
16:33 and on the inside, there are all manner of little blood vessels
16:38 that supply blood to the area, to take up anything
16:44 that's inside the intestinal tract.
16:48 This is a normal pattern for the way that
16:52 an intestinal tract looks.
16:54 Now if you have charcoal, and I will just represent it
17:00 as this blue line here, you have taken it and the granules are
17:08 passing by in the intestinal tract, this is where
17:12 the food is going by, and here is the wall of the
17:16 intestinal tract here, as the charcoal goes by
17:20 of course things that are in the blood,
17:24 not only is the blood taking up things that are going this way,
17:30 but the blood is also oozing out this way.
17:34 So it usually comes out from the blood stream,
17:37 makes a circle around, comes back in having picked up
17:41 something that was in the intestinal tract,
17:44 nutrients, or drugs, or whatever.
17:46 So if you have charcoal here when this transit is made
17:50 from the bloodstream to the outside, to go back in again,
17:54 whatever is in the blood, can then be taken up
17:58 by the charcoal.
18:00 Essentially you can call this a mini dialysis,
18:04 so a person who has taken some kind of poison
18:08 or drug even hours ago, when the person takes the charcoal,
18:13 it will still remove from the blood,
18:16 a lot of the poisonous substance.
18:19 This is the kind of thing that we find in what we call
18:23 the micro dialysis function of charcoal.
18:27 You might wonder, is it possible for me to make
18:30 charcoal myself in my own home.
18:34 Dr. Miller mentioned the fact that it could be made
18:37 in the forest, or it could be made in his wood stove
18:41 but is there another way that you can make charcoal?
18:44 - Well, I'm going to say yes, and I'm going to say
18:46 about two ways, a good way and a bad way.
18:48 One, you can sit there and put your toast in your toaster
18:50 and turn it all the way up until it becomes black,
18:52 and you've made what you think is charcoal,
18:54 don't eat it, don't eat scorched food,
18:57 that is carcinogenic because it produces properties
19:01 when you scorch proteins and carbohydrates, and minerals
19:05 which are not healthy, but you can very easily make charcoal.
19:09 We are going to go back over the board
19:10 I've erased the intestinal tract here, and we're going
19:14 to do a very simple illustration.
19:17 What you do is you go out in your back yard
19:21 and you dig a hole, how big of a hole?
19:23 How much charcoal do you want?
19:25 I like to dig a rather large hole, and then inside the hole
19:29 I will stick some wood, you want to get some fresh wood,
19:32 you don't want to get wood that has been treated,
19:36 green wood, treated green wood, painted wood, shellacked wood,
19:41 you want to get wild wood, and you want to get it rather dry
19:44 you don't want to get wood that you just broke off
19:46 of a tree because it's going to have a hard time burning.
19:48 Then you fill this hole up with the wood,
19:50 and then you set it on fire, get a good fire burning,
19:54 I mean a really good fire burning, until you have
19:56 a good layer of hot coals at the bottom,
19:59 still fire going, and you build a fire up until you have a
20:02 blazing fire going well consuming the wood.
20:05 If you keep it going, it will completely consume or
20:08 almost completely consume the wood.
20:10 When you know that you have this wood extremely well ignited,
20:14 not just burning a little bit, but really going well,
20:17 what you want to do is find some type of covering
20:21 to cover this hole with.
20:23 You can use a piece of tin, a hood of an old car,
20:27 something that will cover the hole completely
20:30 to block off the air.
20:31 Then what I will normally do, is I will pile the dirt
20:36 that I took out of the hole, on top of this thing,
20:39 it will sort of insulate it, and keep the heat inside.
20:42 You need three things to have a fire:
20:44 One you need fuel, you've got your fuel in your wood.
20:50 You also need oxygen, and you had that in there
20:54 when you started the fire.
20:56 You also need heat, which you got when you started the fire.
20:59 As your wood is in there, it will start to consume the oxygen
21:04 quite frankly, do it quite quickly, but the heat is so high
21:07 it will still continue to eat away at the wood
21:10 I would leave it here for at least a day, if not two days
21:13 depending on how big your fire was, at the end of this time,
21:16 you come out and you lift up this piece of metal
21:19 and just throw everything to the side,
21:20 and inside you should have some very nice charcoal.
21:24 It should be very light, the lighter the better,
21:26 because that means that it is more fully consumed.
21:28 Often you will find pieces in there that still have white wood
21:33 inside, just take the outside, but you don't want to get
21:36 down where it is sort of hard to have to dig it off,
21:38 you want stuff that is pure light charcoal.
21:41 You take this, you put it in a jar...
21:44 It's important that you put it into a jar,
21:46 because of the fact that charcoal is so absorptive
21:50 that it will start taking up odors,
21:52 and start taking up things as soon as you take the lid off.
21:55 You want to put it inside a jar, put a lid on tightly,
21:59 and save all of its surface area for the time when
22:03 you are going to need it for some other event,
22:05 like a gastrointestinal event, like a mouth...,
22:08 whatever you want to use it for.
22:10 You can powder at the first, or you can sit there and
22:13 powder it later on, whatever you want to do.
22:15 Powder it when you need it, powder it right away,
22:18 I would powder it right away
22:20 because you might need something...,
22:22 When it's time for charcoal, you need it right away.
22:24 So Dr. Thrash, I know you've had times when you needed
22:27 charcoal right now and it's good to have it ready to go.
22:30 - I always have charcoal on hand, charcoal is so needed,
22:35 and you need it right now.
22:37 Poison Control Centers, are listed in the book that we wrote
22:42 on the clinical uses of charcoal, and all of the
22:45 Regional Poison Control Centers in the United States,
22:49 are listed here in this little book.
22:52 There are seven of those, seven states, that have
22:55 Regional Poison Control Centers.
22:58 When I need to talk with poison control,
23:00 I usually call the regional center rather than
23:03 some of the local centers, because they are often
23:07 better manned, and you can get better information from that.
23:10 I mentioned that acetaminophen the treatment of choice
23:15 for that was charcoal, but if you call a local
23:19 Poison Control Center, they may tell you,
23:22 that there is a drug that is better for it,
23:24 and that's Mucomyst, so I don't usually call the local ones,
23:28 but I call the regional ones, I don't want my patient
23:31 to have to buy a drug if I can get by with it,
23:34 if charcoal is just as good and it is so inexpensive
23:37 that we should go that route if we can.
23:39 Now for other things, it's the treatment of choice,
23:43 like nausea and vomiting and diarrhea,
23:45 the treatment of choice is always charcoal
23:48 as a first aid measure, then later you may have to go
23:52 to something else.
23:53 There are also odors that develop in the mouth
23:56 because of one reason or other and Dr. Miller
24:00 is going to mention some of these now.
24:02 - Very easy to take care of those too.
24:04 Again, you take some charcoal...
24:07 You can do it two ways, you can just take charcoal,
24:09 wet your toothbrush, put it in the powder, and bush your teeth.
24:13 If you go to the store now days, and you've got a whole new
24:17 panorama of tooth whitening agents,
24:20 you can make these different things you can put
24:23 in your teeth, put it in there and leave it there for so long,
24:26 put strips on your teeth.
24:27 Why don't you just brush your teeth with charcoal?
24:29 Quite frankly while you are doing it,
24:31 it doesn't look like you are doing much
24:33 for whitening your teeth,
24:34 but it is a tooth whitener.
24:35 It is very mildly abrasive, it can clean your teeth
24:39 quite nicely.
24:40 Another way you can do it is, take some charcoal,
24:43 mix it with some water, to make a little paste
24:46 and you can put that on there just like toothpaste,
24:48 and you can brush your teeth.
24:50 Besides the whitening effect, because the charcoal
24:52 is absorbing odors, it can do very nicely
24:56 in taking up any odors that are in your mouth,
24:58 any pockets of infection, you would want
25:02 to do this if you have an infection in your mouth.
25:05 Brush your teeth at night with charcoal
25:07 and then don't spit it out, leave it in your mouth.
25:10 Leave a large amount of the paste down between
25:14 the cheeks and the gums, up above and below,
25:17 and during the night that will be pulling out.
25:19 If you have any types of problems like this
25:22 infection in your jaws, it's going to cause some odor.
25:26 Smelling between the teeth, if you have any decomposing
25:29 things between your teeth.
25:31 There's a good way to find out pretty much what your breath
25:33 smells like, you can't sit there and go whoosh,
25:36 some people breathe into their hand,
25:37 all you are smelling is your hand.
25:39 Get yourself a pine needle, a tooth pick, a brush pick,
25:45 or even a piece of your dental floss, floss between the tooth
25:49 bring it out and then smell it,
25:50 that's what your breath smells like.
25:52 If it smells bad, charcoal outside will help
25:56 take up that odor.
25:57 It will also help you with any type of throat infections,
26:00 and any types of problems back in your throat,
26:02 that could also be causing some dis-odor.
26:04 So put this in your mouth and it will help clean up
26:09 the infections, it will help clear out the problems,
26:11 whiten the teeth, and then swallow the whole thing
26:14 in the morning, you have a good transit time marker,
26:16 clean out your system, see if you have any
26:18 problems down there.
26:20 Some nice things to do with charcoal,
26:21 there's probably a whole lot more you can do in the mouth
26:24 but that should be enough for right now,
26:25 that's a mouthful for right now.
26:27 - Those are very good tips on what to do with charcoal
26:29 and the mouth, you can also swallow it as a detoxifying
26:34 agent if you think that you might have encountered
26:37 some kind of toxin, and it will take up most kinds of toxins
26:42 it just absorbs it and takes it out of the body
26:45 in a harmless way.
26:46 We learned one time a use for charcoal, in a very
26:49 accidental way.
26:51 We had a baby born at Uchee Pines
26:55 that developed very shortly the jaundice of the new born.
26:59 The little family were very poor,
27:02 they didn't have the money for all the exchange transfusions
27:07 and the testing that needed to be done.
27:10 But I felt that I could not handle the case unless
27:13 I could get a lab test every six hours, so we were going in
27:17 every six hours, finally the mother said don't you have any
27:20 thing here at this place that has natural remedies
27:23 that can help my baby, she wept when she said it
27:26 well honey the only thing that I can think of to try
27:30 is charcoal, and that day we learned something,
27:33 because the moment she started giving the baby charcoal
27:37 that very moment, the lab tests started correcting,
27:42 and we didn't have to do the exchange transfusion
27:45 on the baby, it was later that we learned
27:48 that standard medicine had also learned that little trick.
27:52 Wonderful medicine Charcoal.


Revised 2014-12-17