Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host)
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000211
00:01 Through the years we have had a lot of patients at
00:04 Uchee Pines Institute at our lifestyle center, 00:06 who have sort of stood out as exemplary patients 00:11 for one reason or another. 00:13 I would like to tell you the story about several of these 00:16 so if you like stories about people who have had 00:19 a good healing, maybe you will like to stay with us and 00:22 we will discuss some of these cases at this time. 00:45 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health, with Dr. Agatha Thrash 00:49 of Uchee Pines Institute, and now here is your host 00:52 Dr. Thrash. 00:54 The first case that I would like to tell you about 00:57 is a little 10 year old girl. 00:58 She was a very pretty little girl, came to Uchee Pines 01:02 as a patient, she had a number of symptoms, 01:06 and it turned out that she had Celiac disease, but 01:08 she had never been diagnosed. 01:11 She had a number of the symptoms that I'm going to show you 01:14 on the screen, as of being typical of patients who have 01:18 Celiac disease. 01:19 Celiac disease is rather serious affliction of children, 01:24 and older people, and we will see on the screen those symptoms 01:29 that usually have their onset in childhood. 01:33 The symptoms of a gluten sensitivity include diarrhea, 01:38 weakness, lassitude, fatigability, weight loss, 01:43 which can be rather profound, especially in adults. 01:46 A poor appetite, they may have an enlarged abdomen, 01:51 they may be pale, they may bleed easily. 01:54 When they put a little strain on a muscle, or when they 02:00 relax it fully, they may get a little jumping of the muscle, 02:04 which is called tetany, they may have a sore tongue, 02:08 and strange sensations in various places. 02:11 Muscle cramps are rather common, a scaly skin sometimes, 02:16 bone pain sometimes and depression. 02:18 Not every patient will have all of these symptoms, 02:23 and our patient didn't have them all, in fact she didn't 02:27 have enough that people could really recognize it as Celiac 02:31 disease, or a gluten sensitivity. 02:33 But she indeed did have the gluten sensitivity, 02:38 and when we removed gluten from her diet, 02:41 she began to improve right away, she at first 02:46 looked to be about six years old, although she was actually 02:50 ten, so when we put her on the gluten free diet, 02:55 it was only a few days, before a lot of the abdominal symptoms 03:00 that she had, went away. 03:02 This kind of success story we are always very happy to have, 03:07 because it indicates something that's really serious, but 03:11 then has a very simple answer. 03:16 If you know someone with a gluten sensitivity, 03:19 you may want to give them an address of Gluten Free Living 03:23 which I will show you on the screen right now. 03:25 This address is a place where people can write off to 03:29 and get information. 03:39 People with gluten sensitivity are very frequently 03:43 seriously affected, but they don't have a diagnosis even. 03:49 Another case that I would like to tell you about, 03:53 is one very interesting. 03:55 We had a woman who was about 50 years old, 03:58 came to Uchee Pines with an ovarian cancer, 04:02 it was in both sides, and we really don't know what to make 04:06 of this case, but the diagnosis was made else ware, 04:10 and when she came, there was a large mass on the left side, 04:14 firmly attached to the hipbone, easily palpable, 04:19 from the abdomen, she could easily feel it herself, 04:23 and her relatives could feel it. 04:25 You couldn't feel the about five centimeter mass, 04:30 in the right ovarian area, but it was easily palpated on a 04:37 pelvic exam. 04:38 During the time that she was at Uchee Pines, we gave her 04:42 a totally grape filled diet. 04:45 It was grapes for breakfast, grapes for lunch, grapes for 04:49 supper, sometimes she had grape juice, 04:52 we got all different kinds of grapes. 04:54 We fed her red ones, and white ones, and green ones 04:57 and purple ones, those with seeds, and those without seeds. 05:01 We gave her also grape juice, and she could even have some 05:05 raisins, but only grapes. 05:08 Actually we did give her a little green drink 05:10 because her hemoglobin was so low, that we felt 05:14 she needed to be built up with some chlorophyll containing 05:18 compounds, that are also high in iron, and high in Vitamin C. 05:22 During the time that she was at Uchee Pines, 05:26 the tumor on her left side, went down to about half the size 05:32 it was when she came in, and was no longer so tightly fixed 05:38 to the pelvic wall. 05:40 After she went home, she continued on the diet 05:43 that we had given her at Uchee Pines, 05:45 and the tumor mass completely went away. 05:49 Again we say we don't know what to make of that, 05:52 she hasn't been long enough for us to have 05:56 repeat tests on her, but we have certainly been 05:59 very encouraged by a simple routine, and this leads us 06:03 to believe that every disease of mankind has a cure in nature. 06:09 I don't know if grapes is a cure, if this treatment 06:13 is a cure for ovarian cancer, or can even put it in remission 06:19 even for awhile, we don't know the answer to that, 06:22 we just know that in this one case, there was a reduction 06:27 in the size of the tumor, and it appears to the woman herself 06:32 that it has gone away. 06:34 We also gave her hot fever baths, and that has been 06:38 associated with a good report in some people who have cancer. 06:44 Another woman who had cancer and a very good result was, 06:49 a woman from New York, she was a good school teacher, 06:55 very active in her school, she also was a good church member, 07:00 and very active in her church. 07:02 She had a large breast cancer, she was very much overweight, 07:06 the breast was removed and, some lymph nodes in her Axilla, 07:11 the lymph nodes contained the cancer, 07:14 and some four years later, the cancer recurred under her 07:19 collar bone, on the same side that she had the mastectomy. 07:23 When she went to her physician the second time, 07:27 her cancer was a large orange sized mass, 07:32 just under the collar bone. 07:34 She already knew that it was a cancer 07:36 before she went to see the doctor. 07:38 He said well, we've already given you the maximum 07:41 of radiation, I don't feel we should take it off, 07:45 but we can offer you some chemotherapy. 07:49 She said no, the chemotherapy that you gave me before, 07:52 almost killed me, and I recognize that this cancer 07:57 is going to be the death of me, so I will just go home 08:01 and set my house in order. 08:03 Well she heard about Uchee Pines about that time, 08:06 so she came to our institute, and with our treatments, 08:10 the fever treatments and a very strict diet of total vegetarian 08:15 nature, the big orange sized mass, shrank down to the size 08:22 of a large walnut. 08:23 She was just delighted and so were we. 08:28 She went back home to her New York residence, 08:32 and began teaching school again. 08:35 She taught school for four more years, 08:38 that was eight years after the initial cancer was discovered. 08:42 At the end of the eighth year, she began to get depressed, 08:48 she was in a situation at her home that was not 08:52 really comfortable, and she was having a little friction 08:56 at home, got depressed over that, decided she would 08:59 spend the summer with her brother who was living in a very 09:04 free lifestyle, he drank a little wine with every evening 09:10 meal, and sometimes drank a cocktail, 09:12 and she joined with her brother and his wife 09:14 with these activities, they went out to eat every night, 09:18 of the week, and ate a large dinner. 09:21 Slowly during the summer she began to be less depressed, 09:26 but she was gaining an enormous amount, 09:29 she had lost about 60 Ibs. during the time 09:33 that we were treating her for the breast cancer. 09:36 With this great gain in weight, she could tell that her chest 09:40 was also getting quite large. 09:42 When she got back home at the end of the summer, 09:46 and started to teach, she began to realize that she had a 09:50 tumor in the opposite breast. 09:52 As she began to investigate this, her surgeon said "yes" 09:58 you have a recurrence there. 10:00 If you don't accept the chemotherapy, 10:02 we have nothing that we can offer. 10:04 She didn't accept the chemotherapy, 10:06 again she went home and set her house in order, 10:09 and even though she went back on the program that 10:12 we had taught her at Uchee Pines, 10:13 she could not get the cancer in remission a second time. 10:18 This brings up a principal that we have seen several times, 10:21 in treating cancer at Uchee Pines, that a person 10:26 may have the cancer in remission and then they for some reason, 10:32 decide to go off the program, and going off the program 10:36 puts them in an irretrievable position. 10:39 Even though we may try diligently to get them in a 10:42 remission again, we are unable to do so. 10:45 We tell people, when the Lord has given them the healing, 10:49 don't throw it away for any reason. 10:52 Don't let anything come up, so that you would not be so willing 10:58 to stay on the program that has put your tumor in remission. 11:02 Another case that I would like to tell you about, 11:05 is a case of type 1 diabetes. 11:07 Just as I wish we could say with all cancers, 11:12 that they all react like these two that I told you about. 11:15 We have scores, that have not been so successful. 11:19 We may put them in remission but, or we may slow down the 11:25 advance of the cancer, but we have had very few 11:29 what we would call cures. 11:31 There is no known cure for cancer at the present time, 11:35 unless it can be totally removed by surgery. 11:38 Nor is there any cure at the present time, 11:41 except for transplanting of a pancreas, or some eyelet cells 11:46 into the pancreas, of diabetes type 1. 11:50 But just so that I can report a case that was cured, 11:55 at least for a time, or controlled, I can't say cured, 11:59 but was controlled. 12:00 We had a man who was a psychologist, who came to 12:04 Uchee Pines, with type 1 diabetes, 12:07 he really was highly motivated, 12:10 to get his diabetes under control so that he would not 12:15 have to have insulin. 12:16 Normally we expect that a type 1 diabetic, 12:20 will never get off insulin. 12:21 We so informed him,that so far as we knew, no known case, 12:28 and we didn't expectation that he would be successful. 12:33 We sailed right into a treatment for him, suppressing the thyroid 12:38 and trying to make his other hormones also be quite low, 12:43 so we gave him three heads of cabbage every day, 12:48 and two heads of lettuce, now that was to suppress 12:51 the functioning of the thyroid. 12:53 We also gave a lot of walking, he walked 8-12 miles every day, 13:00 and sometimes 15 or 18 miles a day. 13:04 He spent most of the day in walking, or jogging. 13:09 At the end of about three weeks, we had continued 13:15 to take him down, until by the end of the three weeks, 13:18 we had him down to one unit of insulin per day. 13:24 We asked him if he wished to continue, he said "yes" 13:27 he wanted to try to go off insulin totally. 13:30 The next day, continuing this same very active program, 13:34 eating all this cabbage and all this lettuce every day, 13:37 we got him off insulin, and he went about a week 13:42 without insulin at all, keeping up with that program. 13:47 But one day he said, I can't maintain this program, 13:52 I've got to go home and work again, I'm not a wealthy man, 13:56 and I can't afford this kind of routine. 14:01 So we said let's continue with a little bit of insulin, 14:06 but just so that you can see through natural means, 14:11 diet, and exercise, he ate some other things besides lettuce 14:15 and cabbage, but, that was the thing 14:17 that we felt had suppressed 14:19 the thyroid sufficiently, so that his need for insulin 14:22 was maybe not so great. 14:24 We had another man who was from Ohio, who had incipient gangrene 14:33 in both feet. 14:34 On one side he had big blisters on the ankle and all along 14:39 the sides of the feet, and on the other side, 14:42 on the top of the foot, and around and behind, 14:44 he had large blisters from poor circulation, 14:49 the skin was simply dying. 14:50 His surgeon had told him, when he suggested that he take off 14:56 both his legs, his surgeon had told him, well if you won't, 15:01 take the surgery now, just go home and wait 15:05 until the gangrene is bad enough, and then come back 15:08 and I will take off your legs at that time. 15:11 Well about that time he decided that he would try to get 15:16 his severe type 1 and type 2 diabetes under control. 15:22 He had both of these mingled, he was quite overweight, 15:27 and he decided he would come to Uchee Pines, 15:29 and see if we could help him to get his diabetes under control, 15:33 and to do anything for his poor legs. 15:36 We did some rather unconventional thing for him, 15:40 we gave him charcoal soaks, of his legs, all the way up to 15:46 the knees in slightly warm water, of course for a diabetic, 15:50 you never give them a hot water soak, because the circulation 15:55 is not adequate to take care of the increased metabolism 15:59 that comes with increasing the temperature in the legs. 16:03 So, we gave him these warm charcoal baths to his feet, 16:08 several per day. 16:10 We give him one in the early morning, one midday, and 16:14 one in the late afternoon. 16:16 In between times, we gave him walking. 16:20 Well he had another problem, if he walked a little way, 16:23 he would get to the place where his legs hurt so badly, 16:27 that he couldn't take another step, at that point, 16:30 he would either sit down, or he would stop walking, 16:34 until the circulation caught up again with the needs 16:40 that his legs had, for continuing to contract 16:42 the muscles. 16:43 His wife would walk with him, and she would look around 16:47 at the flowers, or listen to the birds, while he rested his legs, 16:51 and got ready to walk again. 16:53 Little by little, we could see that the blisters were improving 16:59 they were getting smaller, the areas where the blisters 17:03 had actually ruptured, those were getting smaller 17:06 they seemed to be improving quite a great deal, we 17:09 gave him a type 1 diabetic diet, which is totally vegetarian, 17:16 with no animal products of any kind, an no sugars, 17:21 and no free fats, he did very well on the diet, he enjoyed it 17:26 from the start. 17:27 We stopped his smoking, he was smoking over a pack a day, 17:31 that stopped on the very first day, and little by little 17:36 he began to improve. 17:38 To make a long story short, they were with us for about 17:41 two months or maybe three months, his incipient gangrene 17:44 had completely healed, and he was walking quite nicely 17:48 without the severe pain that he had, had for so many months 17:53 before he even came to Uchee Pines. 17:55 I wish I could tell you that he did well, 17:58 he went many more years without having any problem, 18:03 with his legs, unfortunately, within six months he 18:07 was smoking again, when he went back home. 18:09 We were very disappointed, his wife called us just in tears, 18:13 can you please talk with my husband, and help him 18:16 not to smoke these cigarettes. 18:17 I talked with him but he said, you know I'm just hooked 18:20 with these things, and my legs are really doing quite well, 18:23 so he continued his smoking, but it wasn't long before he 18:27 made some other indulgences, and his gangrene came back, 18:30 and he did finally lose his two legs. 18:33 But at any rate this is a good success story, if the man 18:39 had only maintained his program. 18:41 I've given you some programs that failed, because the person 18:47 was not disciplined enough to stay on the program, 18:50 Or something happened, making it so they didn't want to stay 18:53 on the program any longer and they had a remission 18:57 of their disease. 18:58 Now I would like to tell you one that has gone now, 19:02 almost 40 years from the time we began the treatment, 19:05 to the present. 19:07 This was a woman with ulcerative colitis, she had 19:11 really quite severe ulcerative colitis, she would have up to 19:14 25 bowel movements every day. 19:17 She was the sole support for her two young girls, 19:21 and had to work, but her disease interferes so much 19:26 with her working, that she was beginning to feel a little 19:31 embarrassed with her employer, 19:34 having to be so frequently in the bathroom. 19:37 What we did was very simple, we gave her some hydrotherapy, 19:43 some heat treatments, followed by massage. 19:46 This happened three times a week at a minimum, 19:51 and sometimes five times a week. 19:53 The hot baths we continued for a series of 15, 19:57 and then started doing them once a week, followed by a massage. 20:01 Right away we were rewarded by her having fewer bowel movements 20:06 they got down to less than 20, then less than 15, 20:11 less than 10, she was making major dietary changes 20:15 at the same time. 20:17 She became a total vegetarian using no animal products, 20:22 of any kind, and no refined food products of any kind. 20:27 A high fiber diet, she took even some pectin, apple pectin, 20:32 separately in addition to the high fiber diet, 20:35 and eventually all the bloody stools that she had been having 20:39 all the frequency of stools that she had been having, 20:42 had gone away, at most she had 20:45 gotten down to three or four bowel movements a day. 20:48 Now this lady has maintained this, 20:52 she is now in her late 60's 20:54 and she is entirely well and has been for these nearly 40 years. 20:59 This is a good success story, bolstered by the fact 21:04 that she managed to stay on the treatment all that time. 21:09 Another one is a young man from Tennessee, 21:13 who came to Uchee Pines carrying a Kleenex under his arm 21:18 and having the thing that we have begun to call 21:22 the allergic salute, it is this kind of thing, 21:25 where they rub the nose like this, 21:28 that's the allergic salute, he had that. 21:31 And he also had this kind of salute, which is sort of a 21:35 Heil Hitler type of salute, he had both of those. 21:38 He was so severely allergic to so many things, 21:43 that he always carried a box of Kleenex around with him 21:46 all the time, he had Allergic Rhinitis. 21:49 When he got to Uchee Pines he began to eat our typical 21:54 Uchee Pines diet, which is totally vegetarian, 21:57 without any animal products. 21:59 This young man was with us only about six months, 22:04 before he was not carrying a box of Kleenex 22:07 with him all the time. 22:08 I inquired about that, I said what are you doing 22:12 that's different? 22:13 He said nothing really, I'm only eating the diet 22:16 and being very careful with it, I also eliminated all sugar 22:20 from my diet, so that I don't have that anymore. 22:23 He was so thrilled that the fact that he was not having 22:28 to carry the Kleenex around with him anymore, that he shared 22:33 with me this little fear that he had, that when the fall came, 22:38 and we went through the ragweed season, he was quite certain 22:43 that he was going to have to start carrying the Kleenex 22:45 with him again. 22:46 Well, the interesting thing is that the ragweed season came, 22:51 and went, and he did not have to back to the Kleenex. 22:54 We find this frequently, in people, when they find 22:59 one thing, maybe it's diet, causing their allergic rhinitis, 23:04 they may go through all sorts of seasons, spring, 23:11 if they are allergic to the pollens of the spring, or 23:13 summer, if they are allergic to the pollens of the summer, 23:16 or all the fall pollens that come, that make it so difficult 23:22 for people to live through the fall. 23:24 If the person will control one thing that they are allergic to 23:29 most of the time people who have some kind of allergy to an 23:35 airborne pollutant, will also have many food sensitivities. 23:39 Milk is the commonest one, we find that milk gives people 23:42 a lot of disability, so we try very much to get people 23:47 off of milk, if they have any kind of allergy. 23:50 I will say about this man, it's been about 15 years since he 23:57 was at Uchee Pines, and he still has no allergies. 24:00 Another patient I would like to tell you about, 24:03 is one, a 70 year old man, 70+ who came to us with Parkinson's 24:09 Disease, he'd only had it for about a year, 24:11 but he was already taking quite a large number of medications 24:15 for it, he had gotten so he was depressed, and for the last 24:19 several months he had not been able to write 24:22 his checks for his bills, he had no interest in going to church, 24:26 which for this man was very unusual, because was an officer 24:31 in his church, and was always a very faithful church goer. 24:35 When he came to Uchee Pines, his wife brought him, 24:39 and he said I don't know why I'm here, I know that I can't 24:43 get any better, I've got this dreadful disease, 24:45 it's Parkinson's you know, and there's no better for that 24:49 and so I'm just expecting that it will just take me 24:52 down to my grave. 24:54 Well we started working with him, we gave him a good 24:57 vegetarian diet, which he had not been having, 25:00 and we started treating with some herbal anti-hypertension 25:07 medications for his hypertension, we gave him some 25:11 herbal remedies for his sleepless nights, 25:15 and we also gave him fava beans and CoQ10 for his Parkinson's 25:21 disease. 25:22 Now fava beans have eldopa in them, so we suggested to him 25:28 that he might like to leave off his eldopa, after he had been 25:31 on the fava beans for a few days. 25:33 He also could not walk very far, it was difficult for him to get 25:37 started walking, it was difficult for him 25:39 to get out of a chair, and he could walk only halfway up 25:43 Uchee hill before he had to stop and rest a bit, 25:47 and then turn around and come back. 25:49 After about three days on the fava beans, 25:54 he decided that he would leave off the eldopa, 25:57 right away he was able to go all the way up the hill, 26:01 and before he left at three weeks, he was walking 26:05 all the way around the circle at Uchee Pines and enjoying 26:09 the walk very much. 26:11 He is not yet cured of his Parkinson's, but you can believe 26:16 that when he got back home, he was very eager to keep on the 26:20 very same program that he had learned at Uchee Pines. 26:22 He is now an avid exercise person, whereas before he came 26:28 to Uchee Pines, he wouldn't even get out of his house, 26:31 much less walk, he was very much house bound 26:36 and now he not only walks on the level, but he walks up the hill 26:41 next to his house, even in the rough ground. 26:46 A very good success story with Parkinson's Disease. 26:50 Not all Parkinson's Disease will behave in this way, but 26:54 we believe that enough people with exercise, a proper diet, 26:58 the fava beans, or some other kind of bean that is very high 27:02 in eldopa, such as velvet beans, that these can make it so that 27:08 a person with Parkinson's, can indeed be maintained without 27:13 the medication, and in this man's case, this 70+ year old 27:18 man, he was able also to do without his sleep medication 27:21 and without his medication for his blood pressure. 27:27 Now it's several months since he was at Uchee Pines, 27:30 and he is just doing wonderfully, he calls us 27:33 from time to time, talks much better, moves around much better 27:37 and is going to church again. 27:40 We believe that the Lord has provided for us in nature, 27:46 the ways to handle all kinds of diseases, we just wish 27:50 that we knew them all, and that they had all been 27:53 discovered by now, but maybe the Lord will give us that 27:55 blessing soon. |
Revised 2014-12-17