Help Yourself to Health

Skeletal Problems, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller, Justina Thomas


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000210

00:01 Skeletal problems represent the commonest cause,
00:04 or one of the commonest causes of absenteeism from work
00:08 in this country.
00:09 As we learn how to handle skeletal problems,
00:14 we learn techniques that can help us with a wide variety
00:18 of other problems, that the human body suffers from.
00:21 In this program we will be talking about various skeletal
00:25 problems, and we hope that you will join us, so that you
00:27 can help people that you know or yourself,
00:30 with very common skeletal problems.
00:53 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health, with Dr. Agatha Thrash
00:56 of Uchee Pines Institute and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
01:01 Even people who generally do not have broken bones,
01:07 may get broken ribs, and a broken rib can be so painful.
01:12 A person thinks, how can I ever, maybe I won't ever,
01:16 get rid of this pain, I'm going to have this pain
01:18 in my chest, wherever it is.
01:20 I'm going to have this the rest of my life.
01:23 But actually broken ribs do eventually heal,
01:27 and the pain does go away.
01:29 Dr. Don Miller is going to talk with you some
01:32 about broken ribs, and help you to understand this problem
01:35 a little better.
01:36 - Well I've been there to with a broken rib,
01:38 this is an extremely painful process, and the reason why is:
01:42 Every time you breathe your rib cage goes out,
01:46 you exhale they come in, and that's painful enough
01:50 now try to sneeze or try coughing.
01:53 Sneezing is one of the most strongest impulses you can have,
01:58 and it can be stopped by the very thought of how much pain
02:02 it's going to cause you.
02:03 I've been in mid sneeze before, and just dreading it happening,
02:07 and as I get ready, it says I don't want to do this, and
02:10 my body tells it don't sneeze.
02:13 So it is extremely exquisite pain.
02:16 Often it is not a broken rib, it could be a tear in the
02:21 intercostal region, it could be some, whatever, something
02:26 is torn in the chest area.
02:28 No matter what it is, it's going to be very painful
02:31 just to breathe, to cough, to sneeze, any of these things,
02:34 and to put any pressure on it, don't even think about it.
02:37 You can't put a cast on your chest,
02:40 your chest is going to move.
02:42 To think about how to treat it, I go back in my mind,
02:45 to a farmer back in eastern Europe 150 years ago named
02:54 Priessnitz
02:55 Priessnitz was coming back from the fields one day,
02:57 riding on a wagon full of hay, for some reason, somehow,
03:03 he fell off the wagon, and the wagon wheels
03:06 rolled over his chest, he had a mess on his hands.
03:10 The doctors of the time says, "sorry," you are not going to
03:14 survive this injury.
03:15 That was an acute injury, serious, fatal injury,
03:19 in his time.
03:20 Well he did not like the diagnosis or the prognosis,
03:24 so what did this simple farmer do?
03:27 He went to a window, there was a window glass,
03:31 it was cold out, and he pressed his chest up against
03:35 the window, transferring some of the cold to his chest.
03:39 He also then took rags and cloths and dipped them
03:43 in cold water, and would apply them to his chest,
03:46 sometimes wrapping them all the way around his torso,
03:49 to cover the area of his injuries.
03:51 It wasn't a very long time before he started to heal,
03:55 of course he got extremely well, and perfectly well,
03:58 to the point that he thought, I have something here.
04:01 and he started a school in a sanitarium, more or less,
04:07 that he would bring patients in, and his major treatment modality
04:11 was "cold", cold cloths, cold pours, cold water of any type.
04:15 He was unbelievably successful, Kings and Queens, heads of state
04:20 would come to his simple little place, to learn what to do.
04:23 What does that tell us that we can do?
04:25 If you injure yourself, I would recommend applying cold
04:30 to the injured area of the rib, cold is extremely good,
04:33 it's analgesic, it brings more blood to the area,
04:38 and it can speed healing.
04:39 After you've done cold, you can't keep cold on 24/7,
04:43 I like to, whenever I injure my ribs, I will put something
04:47 confining around, perhaps a very wide ACE bandage,
04:50 just to try to keep myself in place.
04:52 There is something else you can do for the ribs,
04:56 if you have some surgical tape,
04:58 about 11/2 or 2 inches wide surgical tape
05:01 find approximately where the injury is,
05:04 and take about an 8 inch piece of tape,
05:07 and place the center of it right over the injured area,
05:11 push it on one side of your chest, and then pull it tight
05:14 to the other side.
05:15 Take a second strip, and put it at right angles,
05:19 making a big X on your chest there,
05:22 and then take a 3rd piece, put it between two of those legs
05:25 and a 4th piece between those, until you have
05:28 about 8 pieces of tape, you are stretching these things
05:31 across your chest area, and until you got these 8 radiations
05:36 coming out of your injured area.
05:40 This will help you hold the ribs in place,
05:43 now you want to keep this in that situation
05:46 for a number of weeks, two or three weeks.
05:48 You might get a little bit of irritation from the tape,
05:51 if so, try to get some hypo- allergenic tape,
05:53 or some tape that does not give you the problem.
05:55 But we find that this is a pretty nice treatment
05:58 for mobilizing and stabilizing the rib area,
06:02 other than that, it just takes time, it takes vitamin R.
06:06 Vitamin rest, vitamin T, vitamin time, to finally
06:10 heal this wound.
06:12 It's a serious wound, but it's not a death dealing one.
06:15 Now if you got a real full break that might go down
06:18 and puncture the lung, this is a serious one,
06:20 and you've got to get to a hospital
06:22 and get it taken care of.
06:23 But most of them are just small fine cracks,
06:26 in the ribs, they will repair in their own time.
06:29 So Dr. Thrash, it is hard to breathe when you have them
06:32 and everything else, but that's nature's way
06:34 of saying don't mess with me, I want to get myself well.
06:37 - Yes and strapping of the chest it will indeed relieve the pain.
06:43 I would like to talk to you a bit about scoliosis.
06:47 Scoliosis is something that begins often in childhood,
06:51 and I've asked Justina to assist me
06:54 with this little demonstration.
06:56 It's a thing that happens on the back, and a lot of times
07:01 it begins in childhood.
07:03 The child does not have any awareness at all
07:07 that it is going on, the parent notices that the spine may be
07:13 getting crooked.
07:14 With Scoliosis it is an S shaped curve, or a C shaped
07:20 curve that you get with the Scoliosis.
07:23 With kyphosis, that means that the chest is out like this,
07:30 a great big hump out like this, may even be a barrel chest
07:34 which is out in front and out in back, with the ribs holding
07:40 the chest in a kyphotic condition.
07:43 A big chest that is humped out this way, that's kyphosis.
07:49 Some kind of curvature down here in this area, where there is an
07:55 exaggeration of the lower dotic curve,
07:57 that's a very common place for people to get a back curvature.
08:03 If a child is getting scoliosis, the parent may not be aware
08:12 of it by seeing an S shaped spine,
08:15 but if the child will just bend over,
08:20 and let the arms hang down, one shoulder blade or the other
08:27 depending on where the major part of the scoliosis is,
08:30 will stick up.
08:32 If one shoulder blade is a little higher than the other,
08:37 then you know that the child is developing scoliosis,
08:42 and that can be very helpful in making an early diagnosis,
08:46 so that things can be rectified if possible,
08:49 or if not, the orthopedic surgeon can assist
08:54 with some kind of treatment.
08:55 The kind of treatment that you can do in the home,
09:00 is to avoid tight bands around the waist, and if
09:05 you can do that, that will be helpful.
09:09 If the child is not wearing tight bands,
09:11 then you are not going to have much help from that.
09:14 Another thing, is somebody over weight?
09:18 With any kind of skeletal problem, the child or the adult
09:23 will be much better off, if they have a normal weight.
09:27 I have a graphic for you that illustrates what
09:31 good weight is, what proper weight is.
09:34 I will first show you what the weight is in an average adult.
09:39 By a rule of thumb, 100 Ibs. for the first 5 feet,
09:44 and for women 5 Ibs. per inches thereafter,
09:48 for men 6-7 inches thereafter depending on how muscular
09:53 the man is.
09:54 That's the average, the average for a person who is in health.
09:59 But often we are very interested in the health when a person
10:02 is not well.
10:03 Perhaps a they have cancer, or perhaps they have emphysema,
10:08 or some other serious health problem, and it's advantageous
10:13 for them to weigh less than the
10:16 average healthy adult would weigh.
10:19 So the therapeutic weight for women is different from the
10:23 average weight for women.
10:25 Here you see therapeutic weight in disease and the elderly.
10:29 For women, multiply the height by 3.5 and subtract 108,
10:35 and that equals the total weight.
10:38 An example is a 5'6" woman 66 in. multiply that by 3.5
10:46 and that gives us 231 Lbs, then if you subtract 108 from 231
10:54 that gives us 123 o approximately 7 Lbs less
10:59 than the same person would, we would expect that she could
11:03 weigh healthfully, in good health and not fighting
11:07 any kind of disease, and also in youth.
11:10 For men the formula is about the same except that the factors
11:17 are a little different.
11:18 In a man, it's the height times 4 minus 128,
11:24 and that should be the total weight.
11:26 As an example a 70 in. man multiply that by 4, equals 280,
11:33 280 minus 128 is 152 Lbs., and that should be
11:39 the therapeutic weight for a man who's fighting some kind
11:42 of serious illness.
11:44 Being thin is a blessing in a lot of ways, and there are some
11:52 diseases that people can have that can make us very
11:57 happy when they weigh the therapeutic weight.
12:00 TMJ or tempromandibular joint problem.
12:06 This is a serious matter for some people, they can't eat
12:11 they can't chew, they don't have an easy head,
12:15 and this makes a serious problem in some peoples lives.
12:19 Dr. Don Miller is going to talk with you now about
12:22 tempromandibular joint disease.
12:25 - This is one I don't have, and I'm glad I don't have it
12:29 although I am surprised I do not.
12:31 TMJ can be caused by a number of things,
12:36 one that I've read about, and I can see how it can happen,
12:40 have you ever gone to the dentist office,
12:42 and he's sitting there looking in your mouth,
12:44 or she is looking in your mouth,
12:46 and they give you a shot of Novocain,
12:48 because they really wanted to get in there without much
12:51 impediment, and then say open wide, and you do, and they say
12:54 open wider, and you open wider, and pretty soon your head is
12:58 completely wide open, and this can cause some serious problems
13:03 later on, because you over extend your jaws which really
13:07 don't go back together right again, so what you want to do
13:10 is when they say open wide, you want to open it not quite as far
13:18 and that might be good.
13:19 The TMJ can be caused by separate different problems,
13:24 like you could have some arthritis in your joint,
13:26 basically a wearing away the articulating joint,
13:29 so when your lower jaw moves up and down where it connects
13:34 back here at the tempromandibular joint,
13:36 it causes some rubbing, which causes the pain, and therefore
13:40 you've got your TMJ, your tempromandibular joint
13:43 dysfunction.
13:44 Normally it is characterized by pain right about where
13:48 the joint is, that can radiate up to the temples, or down
13:51 to the neck.
13:52 There are a few things that you can do with that,
13:54 you can try doing some pressure on the area, we call it,
13:59 trigger point therapy, and sometimes you can get relief
14:02 by pressing on an area and holding it there for awhile
14:06 and then releasing your pressure.
14:08 One thing I've learned, when I'm doing some trigger points
14:11 on people, they can be extremely sensitive, and when you press
14:15 on these things, and you've got it smashed down pretty good,
14:19 they are going through some pain, what you want to do is
14:22 divert their attention by doing something with your other hand.
14:26 What I like to do, I like to go back and give a little scalp
14:30 friction with my finger tips as I'm pushing here,
14:33 or I might massage their shoulder while I'm pushing here.
14:36 Now that I've got two major inputs of sensations coming
14:42 in, and the brain really can't deal with them all,
14:45 and so they will both be lessened,
14:47 and you want to lessen the pain as much as you can.
14:50 There are some other things that you can do,
14:53 applying heat three or four times a day,
14:57 a lot of heat, you can use a heating pad,
14:59 you can put it in front of a heating lamp,
15:01 but you want to heat up the area.
15:03 You can tell if a person has TMJ, if when they open
15:06 and close their mouth, you hear a clicking sound.
15:09 That clicking sound means that they don't have good functioning
15:12 in the joint and that can cause a lot of pain.
15:15 TMJ can be very, very painful for the person.
15:19 We recommend a person with TMJ to fast, at least one day
15:25 a month, but perhaps even a few times a week
15:29 not the whole day, but a meal a week,
15:31 you need to let your jaws rest.
15:34 A person with TMJ should eat a meal and rest
15:37 at least five hours in between that meal and the next meal
15:41 to let their jaws completely recover.
15:44 A person with TMJ should not keep their jaws clenched
15:48 all the time, when they are sitting there,
15:52 keep their teeth apart when they are not talking,
15:56 or doing anything else, and a good way to do this, it to put
15:59 your tongue on the roof of your mouth, when you do that
16:03 you pretty much force your bottom jaw down a little bit
16:06 and your teeth aren't together.
16:07 People with TMJ have a tendency to grind their teeth at night,
16:12 and if you practice keeping your jaws apart during the day,
16:16 it might carry on over in to the night.
16:19 But there also some nice things that you can purchase
16:21 that you can put into your mouth which will keep you
16:24 from injuring your teeth in this grinding process.
16:27 There are other bite plates that you can purchase
16:29 that will keep you from grinding your teeth at night.
16:32 Good Things To Do. You need to learn how to relax,
16:35 people are just to tense all the time,
16:38 learn to relax the jaws and that will help out.
16:42 Keep away from chewy foods, things that take a lot of
16:46 chewing, I'm not talking about a carrot, yes it takes a lot
16:49 of chewing, so you might not want to eat a whole lot
16:51 of carrots, you might want to chop them up first.
16:53 But especially that are gummy, that gives you a clue
16:57 right there, don't chew gum,
16:58 not a very good thing to be doing if you have TMJ.
17:02 You will want to drink through a straw, which will be helpful
17:06 for a person, and chew on both side of the mouth,
17:09 even though one side might be tender, chew on both sides,
17:13 so you do not strengthen one muscle, and weaken the other
17:16 muscle, you want to chew on both sides.
17:18 There are some exercises that you can also do,
17:21 you can take your hands, wash them nicely,
17:24 you never put your fingers in your mouth,
17:26 unless they have been washed, because you don't know where
17:29 they have been the last time.
17:30 You will want to take your finger,
17:31 and lets say your pain is behind your right eye,
17:34 you take your right index finger put it in the right side
17:37 of your mouth, put it up behind the upper molar,
17:42 and push behind that molar, pointing in the middle
17:45 of your head, and give it a good push for two
17:47 or three seconds and then relax it, and push it again
17:51 and relax it, do this a few times, you could also do some
17:55 jaw exercises, put your thumbs below your jaw, and then
17:59 open your jaw, giving a little bit of pressure, exercising,
18:04 then put a hand on the side of your jaw, and push over, a hand
18:09 on the other side and push over, another nice one is
18:13 take your fingers, put them inside your cheeks,
18:15 you know how children do this sometimes, and you pull it out
18:19 until you just start to feel the pain, hold it for a slight
18:23 period of time, and then release it again.
18:25 Some people, when they are talking on the telephone,
18:28 they cradle the telephone in their neck,
18:30 so they can go about other business, don't do that.
18:33 If you have a tendency to do this, get a headset,
18:36 and so you do not have to do this type of an action.
18:40 When you are sleeping at night, don't sleep on your
18:42 stomach, don't sleep on your side, don't sleep with your
18:45 hands behind your head, try to lay as much as possible,
18:48 straight on your bed, and it will help you.
18:52 Ice can be extremely good for this, wherever you might
18:55 feel your tension and your pain.
18:56 Let's say you feel the tension from your TMJ radiating
18:59 up and down your neck, apply ice to this for a short period
19:02 of time, and then start doing some stretches to that area,
19:07 stretch and do ice on the other side, stretch it,
19:10 do stretching of your head, even if you do not have TMJ,
19:15 it's good to do some stretching exercises, right, left,
19:19 forward, backwards, with resistance, pushing against
19:23 resistance, pushing against resistance, these things
19:27 can find very good benefit if you have the TMJ.
19:31 Some simple things you can try to do, again I can't talk
19:36 as an authority, because I've never had it, but if you had it,
19:39 try these simple things, and I believe that no matter what,
19:42 you are going to get some relief, if not complete relief,
19:45 from your problem, I think those things are pretty good,
19:48 and I think you know someone that has TMJ,
19:50 do you know anything else than they do?
19:51 - Yes, No, those things are very good,
19:55 I do know someone who has TMJ, someone in my family,
19:58 and an allergy turned out to be big cause of her bruxism,
20:05 which is the grinding of the teeth at night.
20:08 The bite plate can be very helpful that's worn at night,
20:12 and sometimes has to be worn for some years.
20:16 We do hope that these simple things that Dr. Miller mentioned
20:20 for you, can be helpful for the TMJ.
20:24 If a person has dislocations, these can be nicely treated
20:29 with just some very simple things that you can usually do
20:33 at home.
20:34 Now if these occur in a place where you can get professional
20:37 help, you may want to do that, because there may be some
20:41 problem with the joint, that makes it slip out of joint.
20:45 I've asked Justina Thomas to help me with this,
20:50 and we will start with a pretended elbow
20:53 that is out of joint.
20:55 Now if she actually had an elbow out of joint,
20:58 she would not be so free in moving this arm,
21:02 but would probably hand it to me in a very gentle way.
21:06 When someone has an elbow that is out of joint,
21:11 you can usually tell it by simply looking at it.
21:13 It looks out of joint, and so you simply put your thumb
21:18 between the two bones, and put a little traction on it,
21:23 like this, and then rotate, so it's pressure there, pull,
21:30 and twist a little bit, and usually it will roll right back
21:36 into joint, and by looking at it you will be able to tell
21:39 which direction you should turn it most of the time.
21:43 That's very helpful with an elbow joint, that's out of joint
21:48 and you don't have a doctor available.
21:50 Another thing is a shoulder out of joint.
21:53 Same kind of thing, these often occur in children,
21:59 when they are walking along with a parent,
22:00 they have the hand over the head, the parent is holding
22:03 the child's hand, and then the child starts to fall,
22:07 and the parent jerks the child's arm, and jerks it out of joint.
22:12 That's a typical scenario, and if you are the only person
22:16 around, who can put it into joint, you may want to just
22:19 put one hand up here, the patient won't like it,
22:23 so don't spend a lot of time doing it,
22:25 pull, you are putting a little pressure here, and pushing away
22:30 and a little traction, and again it's a little twist,
22:34 and it will often just go right back into joint,
22:36 and the person has very little difficulty with that.
22:40 A hip out of joint, is much more difficult, but again,
22:47 if you are the only person around, you should try to do it.
22:51 The person lies down, you put your foot in the groin
22:55 on the side where the out of joint hip is,
23:00 then pull on the foot, and again it's rotated a little bit,
23:06 and often it will go right back into the joint,
23:10 with a great big scream from the patient.
23:12 Thank you very much Justina.
23:15 Osteoporosis has some very good causes,
23:21 and we're going to show you some things that cause
23:25 osteoporosis, and Dr. Don Miller is going to talk with you
23:28 those causes of osteoporosis.
23:32 - Well you can't really have a discussion on bones and things,
23:37 unless you discuss what causes the problems with the bones.
23:40 Bones are made up of a lot of calcium and it's lack of calcium
23:46 that causes us to get osteoporosis,
23:48 and we're going show you on the screen a few things that
23:52 cause us to loose our bone calcium.
23:55 You see the first thing on the list is protein,
23:58 protein goes up, calcium goes down, you see alcohol,
24:01 It's a bone waster, tobacco, 1% of your bone calcium lost
24:05 every year, if you are post menopausal.
24:07 Coffee and tea, cola and chocolate,
24:09 1.4% of your bone calcium every year if you are post menopausal,
24:14 it's gone right down the drain.
24:15 Then you have the soft drinks, phosphoric acid,
24:18 they call them soft drinks because they make your bones
24:20 soft, that's what I say anyway.
24:23 The next things Aluminum compounds - like antacids,
24:27 baking powder, pickles with alum, all cause us
24:30 to loose our bone calcium, high phosphorous compounds
24:33 like soft drinks, baking powder, diets high in sodium,
24:37 sounds like the American diet to me, that causes us to loose
24:40 our bone calcium, A diet high in sugar,
24:43 here we are America, thyroid supplements,
24:46 drugs, steroids, tetracycline, all of these items cause us
24:50 to loose our bone calcium, and the bone calcium
24:53 is what we need to keep our bones strong.
24:55 So as we stay away from these things, we don't have the
24:58 major problem of loosing our bone calcium.
25:01 The countries that lead the world in osteoporosis,
25:06 lead the world in violating these particular things we
25:10 just saw, they use these things in abundance.
25:12 Go to a country that does not have osteoporosis,
25:15 and see how they live, and then live like them in one sense,
25:19 as far as their dietary habits.
25:21 So I think we should stay away from these things.
25:24 Another thing we need for osteoporosis, our bones need
25:27 a daily shake up, we need to get out and exercise.
25:30 It's a woman who gets good exercise,
25:32 bone stressing exercise, making those muscles
25:35 pull on those bones, you are going to find that you have
25:38 stronger bones, because every time you stress the bones,
25:41 the bones say we need some more calcium over here.
25:44 Those are some simple things Dr. Thrash that will help us
25:47 to have good strong bones until we die of old age.
25:49 - Oh yes! And osteoporosis is one of those things that
25:53 hastens death in some people.
25:55 Interestingly one of the places that a lot of people get
25:59 osteoporosis is in the maxilla, or in the mandible,
26:04 the two jaw bones, around the teeth, and one of the reasons
26:09 for that is because of infection.
26:11 A little pyorrhea can start with a little infection,
26:16 the change in the PH of the surrounding bone, can encourage
26:22 the loss of bone and fairly soon the tooth becomes wobbly
26:28 in the socket, and all because of a little infection,
26:32 and this then makes the tooth ready to fall out.
26:36 So the patient goes to the dentist, the dentist says
26:40 "Sorry" I'm not going to be able to save your tooth.
26:44 That's one of the commonest causes of tooth loss in those
26:49 in those who are over the age of 35.
26:51 How do you keep from getting pyorrhea?
26:54 One of the ways is not to eat a lot of sugar,
26:57 Sugar encourages infection around the gums,
27:01 around the teeth and the gums and up into the tooth socket
27:07 which then encourages osteoporosis.
27:10 With thyroid supplements, for some reason they cause the
27:16 bones to become soft, so thyroid supplements,
27:21 especially if they are not needed, but are just given
27:24 because of some symptom that is unpleasant,
27:26 like being cold in the morning, or not having good energy.
27:31 Those things may not mean that you need thyroid supplements
27:35 at all, and then having celiac disease.
27:38 That also can encourage the getting of osteoporosis.
27:43 So armed with this knowledge you may be able to help
27:47 yourself not to get osteoporosis with it's humped back,
27:50 and it's painful bones here and there, and loss of tooth.


Revised 2014-12-17