Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000207

00:01 The nervous system is one of our most complete systems,
00:05 it permeates all of the cells of the body, if you touch here
00:09 there are nerves there, if you touch here there are nerves
00:12 there, and if you touch down on the bottom of your foot
00:15 there are nerves there.
00:16 With all of these nerves, it's quite possible that something
00:21 could go wrong with some of them.
00:22 We will discuss some of these things that go wrong with the
00:26 nervous system in this program, and we hope you will join us
00:30 with our talk on Neurologic Problems.
00:53 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health, with Dr. Agatha Thrash
00:57 O f Uchee Pines Institute.
00:59 Now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
01:02 It's a wonderful age to live in, in which we are learning
01:07 so many things for so many diseases.
01:09 I just love living in this age because I love understanding
01:13 some new things about what is happening to people,
01:16 especially those with neurologic problems.
01:18 There was a time when we didn't have much that we could do
01:23 for a lot of neurologic problems that now we know more
01:27 about the disease, and we know more about the nervous system
01:31 and how it functions.
01:32 So we can help people who have neurologic problems
01:36 and one that I would like to talk about is
01:38 Multiple Sclerosis.
01:39 It's really a quite common disorder and we have of course
01:46 a little bit more frequently in women, than in men,
01:48 but in all areas of society, all levels of the geography
01:55 end of the socio-economic levels people have Multiple Sclerosis.
02:01 Now we do find however, that in tropical areas
02:06 they have far less than they do in more northerly climbs.
02:11 Why is that? We aren't entirely certain, but one thing may be
02:15 that something happens to the nervous system
02:18 in early childhood, in people who live in tropical countries
02:23 that protects them throughout their life
02:25 from Multiple Sclerosis.
02:28 What that is we don't know, whether its the continual warmth
02:33 or whether its the kind of food, or the way they live,
02:36 or what it is, we are just not certain.
02:40 But if a person from the tropics goes to a place in the very
02:46 northern most parts of the world, they carry with them
02:50 the risk of Multiple Sclerosis that they had in their
02:55 home area, not in the area that they are transplanted to.
02:59 Those who are born in northern climates carry with them to a
03:05 tropical area, the same risks that they would have if they
03:09 still continue to live in the more northern climate.
03:13 Some things about Multiple Sclerosis are quite puzzling
03:18 why it is that some people get a type of Multiple Sclerosis
03:22 that goes to death in just a few weeks, its just a very
03:27 accelerated form of Multiple Sclerosis.
03:30 Why does that happen? No one knows.
03:33 Why is it that some people will get Multiple Sclerosis
03:36 and they have a very slow progress through
03:41 a long life eventually succumbing to the
03:45 Multiple Sclerosis, but only after decades have passed.
03:48 This is puzzling, we don't know exactly why this is.
03:52 There are things that we know to do for the person with
03:56 Multiple Sclerosis to slow down the process,
03:59 and I will mention a few of those, there are many of them,
04:02 so in order to get the full picture, you would need to make
04:07 a study of Multiple Sclerosis, which we have done,
04:10 and have written up at Uchee Pines and by
04:13 simply going on the web to the 3ABN web site and clicking
04:20 on Uchee Pines in the contacts, you can find how to get in touch
04:26 with us to get that written paper on Multiple Sclerosis.
04:32 But some of the things that we have found, are that
04:36 diet is very helpful.
04:38 The kind of diet that one should use is one that has no hard fats
04:43 in it, you can use just the all soft fats that you would like
04:48 and they will furnish the amount of saturated fats that you need
04:52 for your essential fatty acids, without giving you those
04:58 fatty acids that may be harmful to your nervous system.
05:01 Then of course the diet shall be of a nature that
05:05 will make it so you will not gain weight,
05:07 because if the muscles get weak with the disease, the more
05:11 weight they carry, the more difficult it's going to be
05:14 for you to get around.
05:16 So the person with Multiple Sclerosis should
05:19 guard the weight very carefully.
05:21 Now another thing about diet is that it should principally
05:25 vegetarian.
05:26 Vegetarian people do better than people who are not
05:29 vegetarian, who have Multiple Sclerosis.
05:33 Another thing you should know about what we have discovered
05:37 about the cause, is that in Multiple Sclerosis
05:41 people who have chilled extremities
05:44 early in life, maybe this has to do with
05:46 the place that they live,
05:48 this may have to do with multiple Sclerosis.
05:52 There was some research done a number of years ago
05:55 that indicated that sick animals, pets, or livestock
06:01 that the child may have been exposed to, sick livestock.
06:06 That there was some thought that that might be involved
06:10 in the persons background.
06:13 Certainly for any household with children in it, they should
06:18 not have pets, in the same household.
06:20 The pets should live somewhere else,
06:24 and children should be taught that when they have contact
06:26 with the animal, they always wash the hands
06:29 before they touch the face, or the mouth, or any other thing
06:33 that might go into the mouth.
06:36 In addition to Multiple Sclerosis, there is another
06:40 very serious type of neurological problem
06:43 called epilepsy and Dr. Don Miller who is with me today
06:47 will talk with you about epilepsy.
06:51 Dr. Miller.
06:52 Thank you Dr. Thrash.
06:53 I was in Zambia a few years ago, it was the Sabbath
06:57 at lunch time, we were gathered in the cafeteria there
07:00 and it sounded like someone dropped a bowling ball
07:06 or a watermelon, across between the two on the other side
07:09 of the room, I looked, and one of the African young men,
07:13 on the floor writhing around, I went straight over there
07:16 and he was having a seizure, an epileptic seizure.
07:20 So he went through the stages of the seizure, he finally got
07:24 done, he was in the sleep phase afterwards, I went and talked
07:28 with him, I said how long have you had epilepsy?
07:32 He said I've never had a seizure before, I've never had epilepsy.
07:36 So we started doing a little bit of investigation,
07:39 what caused this problem?
07:41 It turned out he was having a bout of Malaria,
07:44 and he was taking a new Malaria medication,
07:46 and one of the side effects was seizures,
07:51 so we could trace it back.
07:53 Whenever a person is having a seizure, try to find out...
07:57 Let's say someone is having a seizure and they have never
07:59 had one before, they may not be epileptic.
08:02 Although it is a seizure of an epileptic nature,
08:05 but find out what might have precipitated this one.
08:09 A very common cause for seizures today is the food additive
08:15 called Aspartame.
08:16 Its been shown to cause seizures in humans and so
08:20 we should make sure we are taking none of these things
08:23 with Aspartame in the ingredients.
08:25 That means most of your diet colas, many of the little
08:29 artificial sweeteners that you
08:32 put in whatever you might be drinking that needs sweetening.
08:35 Stay away from Aspartame!
08:36 Basically an epileptic seizure is a disturbance
08:41 in the transmission of electrical signals in the brain,
08:45 and it can be caused by many different things.
08:47 A head injury, now you may have had a head injury
08:51 ten years ago, and it might be starting to manifest itself now
08:55 in seizures. It does not happen immediately, so look in the past
08:59 Have you injured your head, Have you injured your neck,
09:02 have you injured your spinal cord, all these things can
09:05 precipitate, and lead to epileptic seizures some time
09:09 down the line, so be aware of those things.
09:11 There are some other causes: high fevers.
09:15 Again a high fever some time in the past,
09:18 can set you for seizures in the future.
09:21 Infections: many infections can set a person up the seizures.
09:26 Constipation in the transverse colon.
09:30 Where is the transverse colon?
09:32 Basically your small intestine leads out into the cecum,
09:36 which is down in the area of your appendix.
09:38 As a matter of fact, hanging off your cecum,
09:41 is your little appendix, and then it goes up in the
09:44 ascending colon, and then across just below your diaphragm
09:48 you might almost think a little bit lower is your transverse
09:52 colon, and then it goes down to your descending.
09:55 It is congestion and constipation
09:57 in the transverse colon
09:59 For over 100 years this has been one of the
10:02 supposed causes and probable causes of epileptic seizures,
10:08 and that is normally caused by, and one of the reasons they
10:13 have been talking about... for over 100 years is soft bread.
10:16 These old things, you can take a whole loaf of bread,
10:19 and wad it up in your hand.
10:21 Basically they recommend that a person, that has epilepsy
10:24 stay off of, especially soft bread, maybe all breads,
10:28 and all mushy grains, because they can tend to constipate
10:33 the transverse colon.
10:34 Good thing to stay away from!
10:36 Also the malfunction of the Ileocecal valve.
10:41 You've got this little valve, that just as your
10:44 small intestine goes into the cecum,
10:47 it's called the Ileocecal valve.
10:48 If there's a malfunction there, powerful toxins can back up
10:53 from the colon into the small bowel, and cause some
10:56 toxification of the small bowel, and then there could be some
11:02 leakage into the peritoneal cavity, and it could get into
11:06 the blood stream, and affect the neurological apparatus
11:10 in the brain.
11:12 So this could be another cause, so stay away from...
11:14 You really can't stay away from a malfunctioning Ileocecal
11:19 valve, but you can try to keep yourself from having distention
11:23 in the bowel over to much pressure from constipation
11:27 or straining, things like this.
11:30 Stay away from those things and keep that valve
11:31 in good shape.
11:33 What are some things you can do for epilepsy?
11:35 We're not going to say you can take this herb and its ok.
11:38 If there was a simple cure, we wouldn't have epilepsy today,
11:42 but there are things that we do to help with it.
11:45 #1. The person that has epilepsy needs to be
11:49 on a regular schedule, they have got to be religiously
11:53 regular in their schedule.
11:54 They need to be in the exercising programs.
11:57 We find that people have any type of neurologic problem,
12:00 exercise is extremely beneficial for that particular
12:03 person.
12:04 They need to have a lot of raw vegetables and fruits,
12:08 It is extremely good, their nutrition has to come up far
12:11 higher, than it probably already was.
12:13 So fruits and vegetables, a lot of them raw,
12:16 they should do some B6 supplementation,
12:18 which can also help the nerves in the body.
12:23 Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.
12:26 I like the way that God has made the fruits and vegetables,
12:28 he color codes them.
12:29 So if you have this type of a problem,
12:32 eat the yellow and the orange thing.
12:34 Then do some other supplementation.
12:38 You can do some manganese 25 mg. a day, some magnesium,
12:43 about 1 gram a day, or 1,000 mg. a day can also help,
12:47 and exercise.
12:49 If a person has epilepsy.
12:52 It comes in four stages:
12:54 The first stage you need to be aware of, it's called the "aura"
12:58 Most people who are going have a seizure
13:02 go through this thing and they know
13:04 and anyone who knows what their "aura" is can tell
13:08 this person is getting ready to have a seizure.
13:10 There are a few things that you can do at this point.
13:13 Over 100 years ago John Harvey Kellogg,
13:16 recommended that you get a cold treatment, a cold pail pour
13:20 at this time, can sometimes short circuit
13:23 the epileptic seizure.
13:24 I've heard about people when they get into this "aura"
13:28 if they realize that their "aura" is a little bit
13:30 longer than normal, if their aura normally is a long "aura"
13:35 they should get outside and get in some intense
13:38 physical activity, and sometimes that alone can
13:42 short stop the seizure, and you not have the seizure.
13:45 Doing these simple things getting the body back in shape.
13:49 When we are in a disease situation, we need to no matter
13:53 what the disease is, do everything that we know to do
13:56 right, and sometimes the body itself then will say ok
13:59 we are finally doing things right, and correct
14:01 the situations itself.
14:03 I think that's pretty good advice Dr. Thrash,
14:05 no matter what we might have.
14:06 That sounds very good.
14:07 Parkinson's disease, another form of serious neurologic
14:13 disorder, is fairly common in our society,
14:17 and involves about equally men and women.
14:22 Maybe just a little bit more men than women, and the neurologic
14:27 problems that they have, begin often with a little tremor
14:30 and the tremor may be at first barely discernable,
14:34 but eventually it get to be quite a lot more.
14:37 In addition to the tremor, there is rigidity, and the rigidity
14:43 may be of a very special kind, so that when you pull on the arm
14:48 instead of getting a smooth movement, such as you just saw
14:54 they will do something like this, called cog-wheeling
14:58 they relax spasmodically and so you get this cog-wheeling
15:04 effect that comes on with the Parkinson's disease.
15:09 The tremor, the stiffness, or rigidity, those are two very
15:15 important symptoms, and almost always have them.
15:18 The tremor may also be what is called the pill rollers
15:21 type of tremor, where the person has a little bit of
15:25 rigidity involving the major part of the hand,
15:30 but the finger do this little pill rolling thing,
15:32 that the pharmacists used to do when they made their pills.
15:37 Some other things that are very important in Parkinson's,
15:42 in making the disease, is the fact that Parkinson's people
15:47 will have a slowness in speaking, a slowness in uptake,
15:55 a slowness in walking, they tend to get into an activity
16:00 rather slowly.
16:01 Those are the major symptoms, there are a bunch of minor ones
16:06 as well, and I will just mention a few of these:
16:08 They may have a problem with a masked face,
16:13 balance can be a pretty major problem, lack of balance,
16:19 or loss of the ability to stand upright.
16:23 Then writing, with very small letters, they often do that.
16:29 They may get a greasy face, that tends to go
16:33 along with Parkinson's as well.
16:34 They may have difficulty in speaking, they may get a low
16:38 voice, in fact sometimes this may cause
16:41 a little marital distress.
16:43 Before the wife understands what is going on
16:45 with her husband, he begins to talk in this low rather slow
16:51 voice, and she may think that he is being hostile toward her.
16:56 When actually he is just having a phase of his disease.
17:00 Sometimes a year or more will go by from the onset of fairly
17:06 marked symptoms before the diagnosis is made.
17:09 Families will often make excuses for their family member,
17:12 and try to cover these up in front of other people.
17:16 The emotional liability, that they have, crying at the drop
17:21 of a hat, if they see somebody that they haven't see for a long
17:24 time, even though they may just be acquaintances,
17:27 they may have an emotional response
17:31 of bringing forth tears.
17:33 Tears that may require a little while to get under control.
17:38 They have also difficulty in swallowing, they may have that,
17:45 this is one of the minor symptoms as well, and a number
17:49 of other minor symptoms that can come with
17:52 Parkinson's disease.
17:54 Once the diagnosis is made, then there are several things that
17:58 the person can do to slow down the disease,
18:01 one is never over eat, has been associated with the development
18:07 of Parkinson's, that of over eating,
18:10 it's just overeating of all food.
18:12 Even people who are eating basically a very good diet,
18:16 can because of the mere fact that they over eat, they get
18:20 symptoms of Parkinson's, and many people, especially if they
18:24 get past the age of 60, when they over eat a single meal,
18:28 they will find that an ordinary steady hand,
18:31 becomes a little unsteady and tremulous.
18:34 Another thing is that the person should move.
18:38 We see also that in individuals with Parkinson's, often they
18:44 are not exercisers, but with the stiffness that comes with
18:48 Parkinson's disease.
18:49 If they keep the muscles moving,
18:51 just as a moving stream will not freeze, so the moving
18:56 muscle will not get stiff, so they should make a very definite
19:01 effort to stay moving, and any kind of exercise
19:05 that they can do will be helpful.
19:07 Fava beans and velvet beans are also very helpful,
19:14 they have L-Dopa in them, the very best source of L-Dopa,
19:18 in the vegetable kingdom is from fava beans, these are big
19:23 broad beans, you can buy these at a health food store,
19:28 and if you can find those that are sproutable,
19:31 you can increase the quantity of L-Dopa by about 10 times.
19:36 Velvet beans, another form of good bean for L-Dopa.
19:42 Then there are some exercises for the shuffling feet,
19:46 of course the flexibility exercises,
19:49 be certain not to wear shoes that have
19:52 gripping type of soles, because shoes that slide,
19:56 can help a person who has Parkinson's, who is doing
20:00 the shuffling gate, can help them not to fall.
20:03 If the shoe, when they are going to slide the shoe and
20:08 it grips the surface, then they are more likely to topple.
20:11 Learn where the support groups are for Parkinson's disease,
20:16 in your community, and join one of those so that
20:20 you can learn how best to deal with this problem.
20:22 Another interesting feature of neurologic disease
20:27 is, that of depression.
20:29 While not basically a problem with altered nerves,
20:33 or sick nerves, it is certainly a problem of the
20:37 central nervous system, and Dr. Don Miller is going to
20:40 talk with you about depression now.
20:42 There are various forms of depression,
20:45 we will just talk about the garden variety depression.
20:47 There is a thing called seasonal affective disorder,
20:51 that a person going in to a certain season,
20:54 usually the winter seasons, the Christmas holidays,
20:57 whatever else they get into this depression.
20:58 These things can pretty much be covered by some of the things
21:02 I'll be talking about right now.
21:04 Basically, you can have physiological,
21:07 or psychological causes for your depression.
21:10 If a person has a chronic illness, like hepatitis,
21:13 or some other type of long term illness,
21:16 it can be very depressing for the person.
21:18 But also if there is a loss, if the person looses a loved one,
21:23 or looses a job, it can send them into a depression.
21:26 You can tell if a person is in a depression, you can just look
21:29 at their face, there face is expressionless.
21:31 Basically, they are pretty much flat lined
21:35 on many of the different areas, their appetite goes away,
21:38 their ambitions go away, they don't sleep very well.
21:44 Their energy is low, they just don't think straight,
21:47 a lot of different things are just sort of flat,
21:49 it's just a boring existence.
21:51 What can you do for a person
21:53 who is in this type of depression?
21:55 1. There has got to be a way to lift up the thoughts.
21:59 There is a law that I like very much, it's called
22:02 The Law of Reciprocal Influence.
22:04 As a person thinks in his heart, so is he.
22:08 If a person feels depressed, and he goes around telling
22:11 everybody how depressed he is
22:12 it only reinforces that depression.
22:15 The best thing that you can do for a person who is in
22:18 depression, is to find some way to turn their thoughts,
22:21 and their minds, and their expressions, their words,
22:24 into something more elevating.
22:25 Often if you talk with a person depressed,
22:29 they are going to tell you all their problems
22:31 it's always good to listen to them, but somehow
22:35 in that conversation keep trying to find a piece
22:39 of blessing, that they can find in their darkness.
22:43 Always try to lift their thoughts up, and say,
22:45 what went good for you yesterday, or if you can think
22:49 of something that's good about them, tell them,
22:51 and you are going to find that as they express positive things,
22:55 their spirits are going to rise,
22:57 A person with depression needs to have sunlight.
23:01 We find that people who live in northern climates, have more
23:05 depression than those who live in the southern climates.
23:07 We recommend for people with depression, that as soon as it
23:11 is time to get up in the morning, they turn on all the
23:14 lights in the room.
23:15 Bright lights in the eye are extremely good for someone
23:17 who is depressed.
23:18 The person who is depressed should get a lot of outdoor
23:20 activity, exercise is good for depression, sunshine is good
23:25 for depression, fresh air is good for depression.
23:27 So we need to get them into these particular things.
23:29 Deep breathing exercises is extremely good for depression.
23:35 There is a very easy exercise, and I'm going to
23:37 teach you right now.
23:38 What you basically do, your are taking a walk.
23:40 It's a good time to do your deep breathing exercise.
23:43 As you walk, count how many steps it takes to draw in
23:48 one breath of air.
23:49 Let's say you are walking along and you start to inhale,
23:53 you are counting 1, 2, 3, 4 steps, you got your air in,
23:57 that's your factor of one, and then what you want do
24:02 is multiply that factor by 4, so that makes it up to 16.
24:08 So what you do is you hold your breath for a factor of 16.
24:13 So you have walked along breathing in to the count of 4,
24:18 holding it for a count of 16 or 16 steps, and then you exhale it
24:23 for a factor of 2, which means 8, so sssss
24:29 and some- times it's pretty hard to get
24:32 the last bit out, because 8 steps is a long time.
24:36 You are going to find this to be very good
24:38 for many different problems.
24:40 Exercise, regularity, sunshine.
24:43 There is an interesting study that came out of
24:45 Ohio State University.
24:47 They found a good way to eliminate depression,
24:50 mood swings, irritability, nightmares,
24:54 and did three to do this.
24:56 Now you write these three things down, if you have
24:59 somebody who's depressed this could be the cause:
25:02 Sugary junk foods, refined carbohydrates, and caffeine,
25:07 caffeine type beverages, like coffee, tea, cola,
25:12 and then chocolate, eliminating those three things, found that
25:16 many people who had depression, eliminated all these things,
25:18 it was completely gone, a good suggestion and it doesn't cost
25:22 you any money to do it.
25:23 Often certain drugs can cause a person to be depressed,
25:28 so look at the side effects of drugs.
25:30 If a person is taking a drug, if a side effect is depression,
25:34 then try to find a different drug that does not
25:37 give them that problem.
25:38 There are some herbs that you can take,
25:41 Dr. Thrash has mentioned them, and many times the same herbs
25:44 that are for one thing in the neurological system,
25:47 is good for another, St. John's Wort, of course is good for
25:50 depression, you are going to hear that they are saying,
25:53 oh St. John's Wort is not good.
25:56 The reason why they many times say this,
25:58 for a person who is depressed, because they are already
26:00 taking anti-depressants, and the St. John's Wort
26:04 is so effective, it's like getting a double whammy,
26:06 so we recommend the St. John's Wort.
26:09 Valerian is another very good tea, and Ginkgo Biloba,
26:14 another good tea for someone who has depression.
26:16 So lift your spirits, be happy, talk positive things,
26:20 and Dr. Thrash, I believe if you talk positive things
26:23 your spirits will rise.
26:24 Oh yes! It does, and it has been shown also, that the expression
26:28 that you have on the face can also make a difference
26:31 in how you feel inside.
26:33 So if you don't feel really bright and cheerful,
26:37 put a cheerful look on the face anyway, and that will help
26:41 not only you but the people around you.
26:43 The exercise of taking a breath for a certain number of steps
26:50 and then multiplying by a factor of four,
26:52 holding the breath for that length of time, and then
26:55 exhaling on the factor of 2, that little exercise
26:59 is also very good for hypertension.
27:00 Hypertension is also related to the nerves in many ways.
27:05 The way that we think can influence the tightness
27:10 of the muscle strength in our small blood vessels,
27:16 and that of course does have a very profound effect
27:19 on the blood pressure.
27:21 So learning how to breathe in a proper way,
27:23 even if you need to get one of these recording devices
27:28 that gives you a signal when to breathe in,
27:30 and when to breathe out, that can be also
27:33 very good for hypertension.
27:34 In neurologic diseases we need to study everyone
27:40 that we may have, so that we can find the very best
27:43 treatment for the neurologic disorder we have not covered
27:47 everything by any means, and new things are being developed
27:51 all the time, so that there are constant changes.
27:53 May the Lord bless you with a good neurologic system.


Revised 2014-12-17