Help Yourself to Health

Genitourinary Problems

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller, Justina Thomas


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000204

00:01 The Genito-urinary tract is
00:03 probably the most wonderful the most complex system in the
00:09 body apart from the central nervous system.
00:12 It's so complex it is so wonderful that sometimes
00:16 it has some problems with it and we will be discussing
00:19 some of the problems that the genito-urinary system can have
00:23 in this next program, we hope that you will join us for it.
00:45 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
00:47 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:51 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
00:54 Because of it's complexity and because of the diligent work
01:01 that it does all the time day and night, because of that
01:05 kidney is subject to certain problems that other parts
01:09 of the body may not be subject to.
01:11 One of the things that it has to do is to take care of every
01:17 bit of the blood that courses through the body,
01:20 all the blood that the heart pumps through the kidneys
01:24 at one time or other to get cleansed and to get purified
01:28 also to have some readjustments of the PH, of the blood and
01:33 of a variety of other things.
01:34 The kidney is responsible for taking excess water out of
01:39 the blood or if the blood is a little bit slow on getting
01:45 water from your elementary tract, then the kidney is
01:50 responsible for conserving water.
01:52 It has a wonderful mechanism for re-absorbing all the water
01:58 from the blood that flows through the little nephrons
02:02 that make up the functioning units of the kidney.
02:07 Now the kidney is constantly busy day and night and while it
02:13 has a little rest during the night, it doesn't work quite
02:16 so hard and certain of it's units rest today and then they
02:22 wake up and work tomorrow, then after a few hours
02:26 of working they rest again and then wake up and work again.
02:31 It's a very marvelous mechanism to control which nephrons work
02:36 and which ones don't work at any given time.
02:38 Now as blood flows through the kidneys if it has germs
02:43 in the blood then because of the complexity of the workings
02:49 of the little blood vessels inside the kidney,
02:52 because of that these germs can be filtered out and can
02:58 setup housekeeping in the kidney.
03:01 Now the kidney is pretty resistant to infection so it
03:04 doesn't get infected often, but when it does get infected
03:07 it can cause a very serious problem, the fever goes
03:12 sky high, the person is prostrate, they can't get out
03:16 of bed, they can be so sick that they have no appetite,
03:20 they may have pain in the back, they may have pain on urination
03:24 and they are really quite sick, quite intensely sick.
03:27 Now to get some idea of how the kidney is fairing
03:35 you can do a very mild examination and I have asked
03:38 Justina to help me showing you how to do an examination.
03:45 This is Justina Thomas and we will need to examine her from
03:49 the back, it's a very simple operation to do this little
03:53 maneuver, you first find the waist and that's here,
03:57 and then you find the inferior angle of the scapula,
04:01 that's right here, so half way between the waist and
04:06 the scapula is right here, now if you will slide your
04:10 finger once you have found that toward the spine
04:13 so here is spine and if you'll slide your finger towards that
04:18 you'll be just about at the upper pole of the kidneys
04:21 so the kidney is going to be right here.
04:24 So the first thing that you can do is simply to rub it
04:28 just like this, you rub it, Justina does that hurt?
04:31 - No! - No, well now if she had acute
04:36 pyelonephritis she might say yes, now once you have done
04:40 that and that doesn't cause pain, then you put your hand
04:45 on it take your fist, and you do that, did that hurt?
04:49 - Yes! - It didn't hurt her but if she
04:53 had had pyelonephritis it might have, she might have been
04:57 very much hurt by that, so with a normal person
05:01 you can give them a good sharp blow and there is no problem
05:04 but a person with pyelonephritis don't give them a hard blow
05:08 like that, you just make a little tap and then ask them
05:11 did that cause pain?
05:12 If it does cause pain, then you have a very sick kidney
05:16 now at the same time that you have done this little
05:20 maneuver on the patient, you can ask them the questions
05:25 the questions that I have just gone over that is:
05:27 Do you have pain on urination, is there a problem with pain
05:31 when I don't pound on it, how high is the fever,
05:35 all of those things are things that can help you to know
05:38 if the patient has pyelonephritis,
05:41 thank you Justina.
05:43 Now understanding this about pyelonephritis does not give you
05:49 much of the understanding of the seriousness of this disease
05:54 it can be so serious that it can make little abscesses that
05:58 then heal with a scar, the kidney can loose a great deal
06:03 with a very serious case of pyelonephritis, the person can
06:08 get a third or a half of the kidney destroyed by these
06:13 abscesses that occur in the kidney, so it can be
06:16 quite serious.
06:17 Very fortunately most of the time the pyelonephritis
06:21 is not very serious, does not give the serious symptoms
06:25 that I have mentioned but merely have the person to be
06:31 like having the flu or a cold, they may ache a little
06:36 and have a little fever and they may want to lie around
06:39 the house for a day or so and they do have some urinary
06:42 tract symptoms with pain or burning on urination.
06:45 When they look at the stool after they have passed their
06:52 urine they see in the commode bloody urine or smoky urine.
06:56 The smoke color is very specific of blood in the urine,
07:01 so this smoky color can alert you that the problem is still
07:05 going on even when the patient feels quite good.
07:08 Now what can you do for this problem if you don't have
07:12 professional help and of course for something as serious as
07:16 pyelonephritis you'll want the best professional help that
07:20 you can get, but let's say that you are in a field situation,
07:22 you don't have a physician near by and you believe that your
07:27 patient has pyelonephritis, the look of the urine,
07:31 the symptoms that the person has, your examination which
07:34 reveals tenderness in the proper area, then what can you do?
07:38 the first thing is to give hot packs to the abdomen,
07:43 these should be fairly short so that you put the pack on
07:48 the back and after a short while you make a change so that it's
07:54 an ice pack, so it's a hot pack and then an ice pack,
07:59 three minutes for the hot, about 30-60 seconds for the
08:04 cold, the icy cold and then when you have finished with
08:09 that part then you repeat that five times and then you give
08:14 a massage.
08:15 Now the massage is not one that you really go in there
08:18 after it and you do all sorts of things that may be very nice
08:23 for a person who is in good health, but for the person
08:27 with pyelonephritis you make the massage rather gentle
08:32 except that you want to friction the skin, so the skin can be
08:35 frictioned with a quick movement but not with a lot of pressure
08:40 and that is a very good hydrotherapy and finish for
08:45 the patient with pyelonephritis.
08:47 Now in addition to that you can use a number of
08:50 anti-microbial herbs, and the very minute that you suspect
08:54 that a person may have a urinary tract infection start right in
08:59 at that time with the herbal preparations,
09:03 those that are anti-microbial include those that contain
09:08 Golden Seal, Astragalus, Echinacea, maybe Elderberry,
09:16 perhaps some Grapefruit Seed Extract, garlic, Myrrh,
09:22 Calendula, all of those are anti-microbial and there are
09:26 many others in countries far flung all over the world
09:30 there are the anti-microbial herbs which you can find
09:34 in that area and apply those.
09:37 Now having done all of these you may still have a sick
09:42 patient, so one of the things that you can do additionally
09:47 is to put an ice pack on the lower end of the sternum,
09:51 that's the breast bone, so at the lower end of it
09:54 you put an ice pack there so that increases inflectively
09:59 the flow of urine.
10:01 Now having done these things you can feel that your patient
10:06 is going to have the very best chance of getting well,
10:10 persist in the treatment, don't feel that when the patient's
10:14 symptoms subside a bit your work is done, you must continue
10:19 as long as you continue to have blood or pus in the urine.
10:23 So just look at it and catch the urine in a clear glass
10:29 or a little jar and just look at it with the light,
10:32 and if it's cloudy then you are probably still having
10:35 white blood cells and puss in the urine, and germs
10:40 in the urine, so in this way you can help your patient
10:44 to get over pyelonephritis.
10:45 Now there is another problem with the kidneys that you need
10:49 to know something about, and that's kidney stones and
10:53 Dr. Don Miller will tell you something about kidney stones,
10:58 it must be the most exquisite pain that a person
11:01 ever experiences Dr. Miller. - Well, exquisite pain for sure
11:05 as a matter of fact if you never had one you don't know
11:08 unless you've had a baby, they say that passing the stone
11:13 is similar to having a baby.
11:15 So if you've had a baby you know what it must be like
11:18 to have a stone, well God be with you because it's a
11:23 miserable experience.
11:24 We have to understand that some people happen to be
11:27 stone formers, that doesn't mean that you are going to have
11:31 stones, it means that you have to be so much more careful
11:34 lifestyle because it's many lifestyle related things
11:37 that are going to cause the stones.
11:39 You can go to some parts of the world they don't have
11:41 kidney stones, it's because their lifestyles do not promote
11:44 kidney stones.
11:46 The symptoms of kidney stones are initially you have a
11:50 dull dragging from the lower part of the back towards
11:52 the front of the abdomen and that's a sign that you are
11:58 going to have some problems but you really get the
12:00 kidney stone when it's passed from the kidney into the ureter
12:03 now is when you have the big problems.
12:05 Excruciating pain at times blood and puss in the urine
12:11 all these are signs that you have a stone, you won't be
12:14 mistaken when you have one of those things because the
12:17 pain will tell you.
12:19 There are some things that you can do for it.
12:20 I had a friend one time that had a really bad kidney stone
12:25 attack, and whenever he would have one of these things
12:27 he would take a very warm bath.
12:29 We find that warmth has a tendency to be very analgesic,
12:33 to let the pain go away, it relaxes the vascular system
12:37 relaxes the ureters, allows the pressure to be taken off
12:42 and therefore a good relief was gained,
12:44 but that does not solve the problem.
12:47 Let's go back a minute and find out why do we get the
12:49 stones in the first place, there are various types
12:52 of stones, about 70- 80% of the stones are
12:55 calcium oxalate stones.
12:57 Basically the body is excreting calcium oxalate foods,
13:01 if a person is a stone former and they realize that their
13:04 stones are calcium oxalate they need to stay off of the
13:08 oxalate containing foods which are these: First of all
13:12 I recommend that we stay off of these foods that I am going
13:14 to mention this first group of foods all the time,
13:17 for any reason, these are the brown drink foods, your tea,
13:22 coffee, colas, and chocolate, these things are not fit for
13:26 human consumption, these things are high in oxalate
13:30 and they are going to cause you to loose calcium and
13:33 if you loose a lot of calcium then you are going to form
13:35 the stones.
13:36 There are other things, good foods like beet greens,
13:39 probably the highest oxalate food that there is Rhubarb,
13:43 Rhubarb is not the best food to take especially if you are
13:49 a stone former, citrus fruit is high in oxalates, grapes,
13:55 so there are some good foods that we have to stay away from.
13:59 Sweet potatoes is an oxalate food, now I am just talking
14:03 to you people who are stone formers who have formed
14:07 calcium oxalate stones.
14:09 Everyone else, these last few foods go ahead and enjoy them
14:13 as much as possible.
14:14 Figs, tomatoes, and plumbs, are high in oxalates,
14:19 if you are an oxalate former stay away from these.
14:22 The other ones are uric acid stones, people who have high
14:26 blood urea because they are high meat eaters or
14:29 dairy products, cheese, you are going to have a high
14:33 uric acid level and you are going to pass this to the
14:36 kidneys, it's going to crystallize, form a stone
14:39 and that's about 10% of the stones, so the cure there is
14:43 or at least wise the prevention is get off the meats,
14:46 that's the number one thing get off the meats and you
14:49 will probably not have the problem with those
14:51 particular stones, dairy products is always one of
14:54 those things that you need to leave off.
14:55 Stones normally form in middle aged men, women seem to get
15:01 gall stones, men seem to get kidney stones and it's usually
15:05 middle aged, not to say that you can't get them younger,
15:08 I've know young people with the stones, it is becoming
15:12 more and more common.
15:13 You see our lifestyles today are such that we're causing
15:16 our bodies to always be flushing calcium, we are told to take
15:21 take more calcium, but they don't tell us how to retain
15:25 the calcium that we are taking.
15:27 First of all to retain your calcium take it in a more
15:30 bio-available form which is in your foods like greens
15:35 and fruits and vegetables, not in animal products,
15:37 these are not very kind to the body they like to dump right on
15:41 out of the body so stay away from those foods that do this.
15:45 Mineral loss of all types, we realize that the Para-thyroids
15:52 are monitoring your blood level of your calcium, and when the
15:56 calcium goes down in the blood it says look we have to bring
15:59 the calcium back up and so it sends to the bones to give up
16:03 some of it's calcium to go back into the blood,
16:05 but then if we have a high protein diet which causes
16:08 the calcium to go down through the kidneys it works all over
16:11 again, so besides having the kidney stones,
16:14 as a matter of fact American's lead the world in
16:16 kidney disease, we also lead the world in osteoporosis
16:19 we also lead the world in dairy and meat consumption
16:22 so maybe this is not so curative after all, that we do not need
16:27 these products.
16:28 Dehydration, people are just not hydrated, we are finding that
16:35 osteoporosis is becoming a childhood disease because of
16:38 the high soda intake which is high in phosphoric acid
16:42 the phosphoric acid also causes the calcium to flow out
16:46 of the body, the calcium concentrating in the kidneys
16:49 forming the stones and therefore we have the
16:52 kidney stone problem, so we need to get a diet that is
16:55 friendly, a kidney friendly diet, and water is the thing,
16:58 now there are some things that we can do to help us
17:00 to pass more water, things like watermelon seed tea.
17:03 In the summer time eat lots of watermelon it's a good
17:07 diuretic, and then as you are eating the watermelon
17:10 save the seeds, take the seeds grind them up and store them
17:15 in a glass jar for the wintertime when you can make
17:17 watermelon seed tea.
17:18 Also in the summer time eat lots of corn and save the silk
17:22 dry it, powder it, put it in a jar make corn silk tea,
17:26 these are very nice diuretics, help you diurese, pass a lot
17:32 of water, keep those kidneys clean, you have to flush those
17:35 kidneys, they filter about 50 gallons of water a day
17:40 or fluids a day, your blood is going through there,
17:43 lot's of things are going through, if you have good
17:46 quality of water in your system you will keep them clean
17:49 and the stones can not form.
17:51 Cranberry juice would be good to try to dissolve some of these
17:56 stones so we have a person go on either cranberry juice
17:59 or vitamin C supplementation to help make the urine
18:04 a little bit more acid to dissolve the stones.
18:06 You can make a potassium broth, take thick peelings of potatoes
18:11 along with onions, garlic, and carrots simmer this
18:15 for 30-40 min, make a broth and drink this about 3 or 4
18:20 glasses a day is a good thing to help with the stones.
18:24 There are certain herbs that you can take, licorice herb
18:27 is a good ureter relaxer, you realize that when you have this
18:31 stone passing down through the ureter, it's the pain of
18:35 pressure on the ureter itself that causes the pain.
18:39 We realize that some of these things don't have pain sensation
18:42 other than this distention, it's like the bowels, you can stick a
18:46 knife in them you won't feel it but if they get distended
18:49 by gas you have excruciating pain, so it's that stone
18:52 in there so the licorice will cause that to relax a bit and
18:57 take away some of the pain.
18:59 Horsetail tea, this is one that is quite popular in the
19:05 German countries, I have read some here in this country
19:08 we need to be more aware of the benefits of horsetail tea.
19:12 Parsley tea and Stinging Nettle, I was first introduced
19:18 to Stinging Nettle in Uchee Pines when I was walking
19:20 out in the woods and I sat down and happened to sit on a
19:23 Stinging Nettle and I found out why they call it
19:26 Stinging Nettle, but it also makes a very good tea,
19:29 very good for kidney stones, and there is various ways
19:33 I'm sure a lot of folk literature on
19:35 this and that's where we get
19:36 our simple remedies is from basically the folklore but
19:39 there is one way that I have read about and heard that it's
19:42 quite effective in dissolving the stones.
19:44 Basically here is what you do, you take between 3 quarts and
19:48 one gallon of hot water with lemon juice or cranberry juice
19:53 in it and you drink that for three days, that's what you are
19:56 doing, you are drinking a lot of water, hot water with
19:58 lemon juice or cranberry juice in there, on the third day you
20:01 take two ounces of olive oil, this may set yourself up to
20:06 pass that stone or to dissolve the stone.
20:09 But again the best way to take care of your kidney stones
20:13 is don't get them in the first place, get a good dietary that
20:16 will stay away from them and you won't have that
20:18 child birth feeling, especially for men, I don't think we
20:22 want to go through that experience, you have Dr. Thrash
20:25 do you think I want to go through that?
20:27 - I don't think so but I understand from those who
20:31 have had it that kidney stone is worse than having the baby.
20:36 It may be similar, but for those women who have had both
20:40 kidney stone and child birth they say that the kidney stone
20:44 is worse.
20:45 Those who have had heart attacks and stones say that the
20:48 heart attack is not as bad as the kidney stones,
20:53 it must be excruciating and I have seen people walking
20:57 up and down wringing their hands just waiting for
21:01 their shot of a narcotic, and there certainly is
21:04 justifiable if you can't control the pain in any other way
21:08 to have them take a narcotic.
21:10 Now some of the foods that you can eat I was glad to hear the
21:15 formula of the potato with the celery and carrots and
21:23 onion in it, I'm not sure that celery was mentioned but
21:26 celery should be in the soup that was given to people who
21:31 have kidney stones, and avocado, bananas, soy,
21:35 buckwheat, barley, oats and rice,
21:37 all of these are high in magnesium, they are
21:40 very good foods for a person with kidney stones to eat.
21:44 Then there are some excellent herbs they are good for any part
21:47 of the genito-urinary tract including the incontinence
21:51 that I'm going to talk about next, these herbs are dandelion,
21:55 that's a hot tea if it's for stones, use it as a hot tea
21:59 and golden rod hot tea, and the demulcent herbs,
22:04 these are all of those that soothe the body in some way
22:10 that would include marshmallow root, and slippery elm,
22:14 and a large number that are like that.
22:16 Couch grass and corn silk, all of those are demulcent herbs and
22:21 can be very helpful for the people who have the pain
22:25 of kidney stone.
22:26 Now incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine
22:31 either day or night, sometimes caused by urge and sometimes
22:37 caused by other things, some of the reasons why people have
22:43 incontinence one is that there has been retention
22:47 and there is overflow after the retention and that can be
22:51 from paralysis or from nerves or whatever, or delay in
22:56 answering the call to urinate, and whatever it may be if the
23:01 bladder has become so distended that it now sort of is paralyzed
23:07 and cannot empty itself, then you may just have overflow
23:11 incontinence from that, stenosis of the urethra which is the
23:18 tube that leads to the outside of the body, a stricture in that
23:22 can cause retention in the bladder and that can be most
23:27 uncomfortable once it happens.
23:30 Benign prostatic hypertrophy in men can cause
23:35 urinary retention and over distention followed by
23:39 incontinence and of course a spinal cord tumor or a spinal
23:43 cord injury can also cause retention of urine and then
23:48 with overflow incontinence.
23:50 Stress incontinence is probably one of the most distressing
23:54 because it can occur with coughing, giggling, laughing,
23:59 with any strong emotion, with crying, sneezing,
24:03 or lifting something, that can cause a great deal of
24:08 embarrassment for people and the incontinence that we get
24:11 with that is a little bit difficult to handle as well.
24:16 If there has been a prostatectomy, especially if
24:20 it's been a super pubic prostatectomy that can leave
24:23 the person with a damaged internal sphincter,
24:26 which is the muscle that holds the urine right at the bladder
24:30 neck or the external sphincter which is the little muscle
24:35 bundle that encircles the urethra to keep it from loosing
24:39 urine, you have more control over the external than you do
24:42 the internal which is largely controlled by psychological
24:46 factors and the pressures inside the bladder.
24:50 If you have those kinds of things then you can expect
24:55 that at times you may have incontinence.
24:57 Now as we get older, older women in particular who have had
25:02 multiple children, they tend to be more afflicted by
25:07 incontinence than younger women, and one of the
25:12 nice things that an older woman can do is the kegel exercises,
25:16 they are very simple to do and don't take much time
25:20 because a woman can do the exercise when she's riding
25:24 along or when she's sitting at her desk, or washing dishes,
25:27 or doing a number of other types of activities that don't
25:32 require a lot of thought.
25:34 Now the kegel exercises contracts the same muscles
25:39 that one would contract if one wants to
25:42 turn off the flow of urine when one
25:45 has begun to void, so if she begins to void and then stops
25:49 the flow of urine.
25:50 Pay attention to the muscles that are involved in that
25:54 process and then what she does after that is simply do a series
25:59 of ten three times she contracts holds it for three seconds
26:05 relaxes, three seconds more, relaxes, for ten times
26:09 and repeats that three times at that time, three sets of them
26:13 at one time.
26:15 Then another time of the day she does three more sets,
26:18 another time of the day she does three more sets for
26:21 a total of 90 contractions through the day and that's
26:26 the kegel exercise it's very simple to do, very effective,
26:30 but many women think that's so simple that couldn't
26:34 possibly help me with my serious problem, mine is much to serious
26:38 for that to be effective and so they don't even try it
26:41 and unfortunately because of that they may not get the
26:47 benefit that they require.
26:48 Now of course there are some psychological factors that
26:52 can cause incontinence but they are not very important for you
26:58 to know about, they require generally some kind of
27:02 professional help.
27:03 The last thing that I would like to talk about is that of
27:07 kidney failure, kidney failure is that of that happens when
27:11 at least 90% of the functioning units of the kidney have been
27:19 lost for one reason or other, they do require dialysis
27:22 of one kind or other, and the kind of diet that you have
27:27 can be a vegetarian diet, although most dialysis centers
27:32 don't have nutritionists who are knowledgeable enough to help
27:36 you with that but if you look carefully you will be able
27:39 to find a good diet that will work in harmony with
27:43 your dialysis.
27:44 Now these are a few of the problems that can occur with
27:50 the kidneys and the entire system, and we hope that our
27:53 discussion of it will be a great blessing to you.


Revised 2014-12-17