Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000202
00:01 There are a lot of diseases in our age
00:03 that we just don't know 00:05 what makes them come about. 00:07 Some of these we have had 00:08 for just a few years, 00:10 Some we have had for a number of years 00:12 and diseases tend to wax an wane. 00:15 There are several of these 00:17 that we're still in the waxing phase. 00:19 They are still not waning yet. 00:21 We'd like to talk about some of these diseases 00:23 in this program and 00:25 we hope you will join us for it. 00:44 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health 00:47 with Dr. Agatha Thrash, of Uchee Pines Institute. 00:51 And now here is your host Dr. Thrash. 00:54 Some of the diseases that we are suffering from 00:59 in this modern age, have a fairly clear 01:02 relationship to some kind of lifestyle 01:06 We also have a number of diseases in this modern age, 01:10 that are fairly, clearly related 01:12 to diet, in some way, 01:13 and one of those is endometriosis. 01:17 Some things in lifestyle may be associated 01:20 with endometriosis, but then some things 01:23 in diet may also be associated. 01:26 Endometriosis is a planting, 01:29 or a transplanting of some of the lining material 01:33 of the uterus, in some other place. 01:37 Now some other place may be the uterine wall itself, 01:41 normally this membrane 01:43 lines the interior of the uterus, or the womb. 01:47 But in endometriosis some parts of it 01:51 may be transplanted into the wall of the uterus. 01:56 Then when the uterus contracts at all 01:59 that causes pain. 02:01 In addition to the uterine muscle, it can be these 02:06 little bits of endometrial tissue can be 02:10 transplanted on to the surface of the uterus, 02:13 or on the surfaces of the tubes, 02:15 or inside the tubes, in which case 02:19 there may be an infertility problem. 02:22 These little bits of the 02:25 lining material called endometrium 02:26 may transplant on the inside of the abdomen 02:31 They may transplant even on the liver 02:33 or on the intestinal tract, during the mesentery 02:37 or in some other place. 02:39 They may inbed in the umbilicus, 02:44 or in some cases they may even go to some distant place 02:48 such as to the skin. 02:51 I saw one case of endometriosis 02:54 that, the skin of the upper chest was 02:57 involved with an endometrial transplant. 02:59 It's quite weird to see this strange looking thing 03:03 that became very congested with blood 03:08 with her menstral periods, and then when 03:12 the tumor was taken out 03:14 it had very tipical lining material, 03:17 the same kind thing that we find 03:19 in the lining of the uterus. 03:22 Such cases of course bring forth a lot 03:27 of interest, and a lot of study, 03:30 and some of the studies that have been done 03:32 have shown some factors of lifestyle to be involved. 03:36 Some have felt that sexual excitation 03:41 during the menstral period, may be involved 03:44 in endometriosis. 03:46 The way that is beleived to happen, 03:49 if it does, it has not been proven, 03:52 is that the contractions of the uterus 03:56 at a time when the lining material 03:59 is usually sloughing off, that these contractions 04:03 cause certain viable portions of little streaks 04:08 of the endometrial that are still living 04:10 they have been shed, but they are still living 04:14 and they can be squeezed back along the lymphatics 04:17 into the wall of the uterus, 04:20 or can be squeezed out through the fallopian tube 04:24 into the tube, and out into the abdomen 04:27 where they can implant on the ovaries, 04:30 or on the tubes themselves, or in distant areas. 04:34 If this is true, we don't know, but it is certainly 04:38 well worth the Bible injunction 04:41 to avoid marital relations at that very tender time 04:46 of a womans monthly cycle. 04:49 Now another theory, as to how endometriosis occurs 04:54 has just been published, a very short time ago. 05:00 This one inculded 70 patients with endometriosis 05:05 who had various studies done on their tissues 05:09 and on their tissue fluids, 05:11 and all of the fluids and tissues showed 05:15 a high level of iron, and the researchers 05:19 came to the conclusion, at the end of their study period 05:23 that they were dealing with something having to do with 05:26 iron metabolism, or perhaps even iron overload 05:31 that it might have to do with the origin of endometriosis. 05:35 Now whatever its origin might be, we do know 05:38 what it is, where it implants 05:40 what kind of symptoms that it gives. 05:43 These are usually a worsening of symptoms 05:46 just before, and at the time of the menstral flow. 05:52 These symptoms, being largely pain, 05:56 maybe pelvic pain, 05:57 maybe pain on the floor of the pelvis 06:00 or in the abdomen generally, or in one side or other. 06:04 Or in any place where there is an implant 06:08 of the endometrial tissue, as the endometrium 06:12 swells just prior to the onset of the menstral period. 06:17 That swelling causes pressure on adjacent nerves 06:22 and that of course can cause 06:24 a woman feel quite a lot of pain. 06:27 So pain control is one of the important ways 06:30 that we treat endometriosis. 06:33 This can be with heating pads, ice bags, 06:36 massage of the extremities 06:38 which tends to distract the person from the pain 06:42 that they are having elseware. 06:44 Hot footbaths can be most helpful 06:46 in this kind of problem, and then a very spare diet 06:53 can be helpful in endometriosis. 06:54 Some of the anti-pain herbs are such things as, 06:59 White Willow Bark, some of the anti-imflammatory 07:04 herbs, such as Hawthorn Berry, 07:08 or Stinging Nettle, or Kava 07:13 or dandelion, a number of these ant-inflammatory 07:16 agents, flax seed is also an excellent 07:19 anti-inflammatory agent and can be a excellent remedy 07:23 in endometriosis. 07:25 Now an interesting feature of endometriosis 07:27 is that it will eventually sort of burn itself out. 07:31 Because every month 07:32 there is a bleeding from these implants 07:35 as well as from the lining of the uterus 07:37 because of the hormonal cycles 07:39 that involve these implants as well. 07:42 After a little while the pressures on the inside 07:46 and the scarring that comes 07:49 from the repeated bleedings 07:50 will cause the implant to just sort of burn itself out. 07:55 So if the woman can tough it out for long enough, 07:57 the time is coming when she will be better 08:00 with endometriosis. 08:02 Now another thing I would like for us to discuss 08:06 is that of pollutants in modern society 08:10 and I have Dr. Don Miller 08:12 who is going to talk with you about pollutants 08:14 and he has become aware of these 08:17 as he has traveled around so Dr. Miller 08:20 would you tell us something about pollutants. 08:22 Well I look fondly back at the days 08:25 when your main pollutants you had to worry about 08:27 stepping in. 08:28 Now you have to worry about breathing them. 08:29 Now I've been in some cities in the world 08:32 that are sort of noted for the amount 08:34 of pollutants in the air. 08:35 A Bangkok, is one of the most highly polluted areas. 08:40 Tokyo is very polluted, but, how big of an impact 08:44 does this pollution have on the body 08:46 is the question that you need to ask? 08:48 There is a very interesting study that I have read 08:50 that came out of Utrecht the Netherlands 08:53 basically it wasn't done there 08:54 it was done by people in the Netherlands 08:56 on a small town in the country of Switzerland 09:00 the small town with the highway moving through 09:04 the middle of it, which would carry about 09:06 5,000 vehicles a day. 09:08 They found that people who lived outside 09:13 the 50 meter line, from the highway 09:16 outline of 50 meters would have a significantly 09:20 lower amount of cancers than with those living 09:23 within that 50 meters. 09:24 Here's what it looked like 09:25 Of 75 deaths, over a 12 year period, 09:30 due to various carcinomas, various cancers 09:32 in this 12 year period of time 09:35 Only three lived outside of this 50 meter ban 09:40 so apparently 47 people 09:42 living within this 50 meter ban 09:44 might have been profoundly affected by the exhaust 09:47 and the pollution coming out of the vehicles 09:49 traveling down this road and quite frankly 09:52 5,000 vehicles is not that many vehicles. 09:54 But there is something else he found out 09:56 not only were his patients dying of cancer, 09:59 because of living within this zone. 10:01 Here's what else: headaches sleep disorders, fatigue, 10:04 depression, digestive disorders, and nervousness 10:08 were twice as common, and in those people living within 10:11 50 meters of the highway, they were taking four times 10:15 as many analgesics, than those living outside 10:17 the 50 meters. 10:18 So what do you do about this? 10:20 Well we recommend very strongly vitamin M. 10:23 And what is vitamin M, 10:24 "MOVE", move away from the area 10:26 Now sometimes that may seem overly simplistic 10:28 you just can't do it. 10:30 But realize that with the proximity to the pollution 10:34 source, you are opening yourselves up to 10:37 a source of danger, and a source of disease. 10:41 What can you do? 10:42 If you cannot move everything else you do 10:44 needs to be done as carefully as possible. 10:48 They say that people who cook over gas ranges 10:51 and that is my favorite way to cook. 10:53 If they do not have proper exhaust, 10:55 they are breathing as much exhaust and pollutants 10:59 as if they were living in the city, 11:01 so we need to have a good exhaust fan over our range 11:05 or over our stoves. 11:06 But another very interesting one, 11:09 I found looking through the internet. 11:11 Chemicals, in newly installed carpets, 11:15 we have this problem called outgassing. 11:18 Almost everything now days outgasses. 11:21 Our paint has anti-fungal agents, 11:24 and they have anti-mold agents. 11:27 We have carpeting with different agents in there. 11:30 This is what they did, 11:31 they took pieces of carpeting 11:33 and they blew a fan over the carpeting 11:36 into a cage of mice, so it would forcing the mice 11:39 to breathe air that was 11:41 coming over newly made carpeting. 11:45 Between 40 minutes and 24 hours 11:50 every single mouse was dead within this cage. 11:54 Now a mouse is very small and does not have the capacity 11:58 to basically take care of some of these pollutants. 12:01 But what do we do when we have a home thats 12:03 wall to wall carpeting. 12:06 Our drywall has agents in there, 12:08 the paint on the dry wall, 12:10 the curtains have agents in there. 12:12 The upolstry on our sofas and chairs 12:15 all have outgassing agents and we are living 12:18 in a very potent stew of pollutants, 12:21 and its not the healthiest thing. 12:23 Now some people, because of vital capacity 12:27 because of good genes or whatever, good lifestyle 12:30 in other ways are protected, but some people are 12:33 profoundly affected by the stew that they are living in. 12:38 There are other things, the preserving things 12:42 that we have nowdays. 12:44 The plastics, I read an article not long ago 12:46 that people who put food in the microwave oven 12:49 and have some of this shrinkwrap type plastic 12:51 over the top, as the microwave heats it up, pollutants 12:55 drip off, zeno estrogens drip off into the food, 12:58 you are eating this stew, and these things 13:00 cause infertility, as a matter of fact just wrapping your food 13:03 in these types of plastics are not the best thing. 13:08 What I like to do when I finish my all fruit 13:10 jelly jars, or whatever jars I'm using. 13:13 I save all my glass jars and I put my leftovers in glass. 13:17 They don't outgas and they stay pretty well. 13:20 Put a tight lid on them, put them in the refrigerator 13:23 at the proper temperature, 13:24 but try to eat them as fast as possible, 13:27 because everything now days in this society is giving off 13:30 some type of pollutant. 13:32 So the best thing is to do is be careful, 13:34 if you are going to move into a new home. 13:37 they are building some new homes at Uchee Pines right now 13:40 and maybe some day we will finish one 13:42 and I'll move into it. 13:43 I've already got the hard wood floors, those pine floors. 13:47 I've already got the floors ready to put down. 13:50 No carpets in the house, I'm gonna have mini blinds 13:53 no curtains. 13:54 I feel that I'm getting into that age where you got to be 13:58 a little bit more careful, and you might be in that age too 14:01 but no matter how old or how young you are 14:04 Take care of yourself beginning right now 14:07 and you might some real benefits along down the road. 14:10 So Dr. Thash this pollution thing is a major problem. 14:14 Yes it is. Did I miss it or did you not mention 14:17 about cigarette smoke. 14:19 Well,you know they find that cigarette smoke, 14:21 a person who smokes a cigarette in a room 14:24 and then leaves the room. 14:25 The effects of that cigarette remains in that room 14:29 for seven days, and that's in there. 14:32 Now there's another thing that's very interesting 14:34 sort of written by a very inspired writer some years ago 14:38 says that if a child, and we've all had this happen 14:41 who are parents. 14:42 Remember sitting there sleeping and your little child 14:45 comes up and says can I sleep in bed with you. 14:48 If the parent smokes, father or mother smokes 14:51 and the child sleeps with them in the bed. 14:54 We're not talking about the parents smoking in bed, 14:57 we're just talking about the "aura" 15:00 that comes off the person, 15:01 that person will have weakend lungs, and could be affected 15:05 for their entire lifetime. 15:06 Just being around where someone has smoked. 15:08 It is great that we are moving to the area nowadays 15:11 where people are not allowed to smoke in public areas. 15:14 I love our airports, 15:15 you walk down through our airports in America 15:18 and every once in awhile you come to a glass cage 15:21 and inside this glass cage are death defying people 15:23 all smoking their cigaretts. 15:25 You go to other countries, and people are smoking everywhere, 15:29 and its pretty tough to take, but cigarette smoking is an 15:32 unbelievably dangerous thing in our society Dr. Thrash 15:36 we need to be careful. 15:37 Now I used to think that this idea that just the skin 15:43 of a person with a smoking history would exude materials 15:48 that would cause a child to be affected by it. 15:51 I thought that, that was a little overstated, until 15:55 some major research came out showing that indeed it is true 16:00 that even the skin and the breath 16:03 of a person who is a smoker can affect their child, 16:06 their unborn child as well. 16:09 No I would like to talk just a bit about the eyes 16:13 Most marvelous organ, 16:15 one of the most marvelous organs in the entire body. 16:18 It's a precision organ, something in the eye is 16:22 constantly moving. 16:23 The diaphram of the eye is constantly opening 16:28 and closing for the available light. 16:30 The lens of the eye is constantly changing its shape. 16:34 because of the distance that we are looking, 16:38 whether its long or short, and the changing of the eye, 16:42 just to look from a long distance to a shorter distance 16:46 to a very short distance, or to a very distant object. 16:49 The lens has to make some major changes. 16:53 Very precision instrument, the eye. 16:57 So are there some special things that we should 16:59 do to take care of it, and the answer is yes, 17:02 we have a lot diseases of the eyes and the structures 17:06 that are near the eyes that we should be aware of 17:10 I would like to talk with you 17:13 about a few of the things that have to do with conjunctivitis. 17:16 This is an inflammation of the sac, the moist sac 17:21 that covers the outside of the eye. 17:26 If you pull your eyelid down, 17:27 you will be right in the conjunctival sac. 17:31 A germ can get in there or you can get injured because 17:36 of trash or a bug or something that falls 17:39 in the eye, or some fumes 17:41 or chemical that comes into the eye. 17:45 So that you can get an irritation that can be 17:47 followed by an infection. 17:49 So what can you do that will help your conjunctivae 17:54 Well it will be of no surprise to you 17:56 that the same things that we have always talked about 17:59 are good for the eyes, are good for the conjunctiva 18:01 Vitamin A and foods that are high in vitamin A 18:05 such as apricots, and squash, 18:07 sweet potatoes, pumpkin 18:13 anything that is orange or yellow or deep green. 18:18 All of the greens, the more deeply green they are, 18:21 the more vitamin A they will contain 18:23 and that helps the cinjunctiva 18:27 It helps to keep it moist, so people with the dry eye 18:31 syndrome should emphasize these foods in the diet 18:36 Apricots can be very helpful to provide vitamin A 18:40 But now the B vitamins are also important for the 18:44 proper conjunctival health. 18:46 B vitamins help with the healing of diseases, 18:52 the growth of new membrane and so the B Vitamins 18:57 should of course be emphasized. 18:59 Now cataracts, this is a cloudiness 19:03 of the lens of the eye. 19:06 This cloudiness tends to grow once it begans 19:10 so that the person who starts getting a cataract 19:14 may wait for a good while before it gets so bad 19:18 they can't see, before they have the lens 19:20 operated on, and a new lens put in. 19:23 So what can help us with cataracts? 19:26 Well the same good fruits and vegetables 19:29 that will help with the conjunctiva, 19:32 will also help with the lenses. 19:34 But then there is another whole class of foods 19:36 should be avoided, and these are the dairy products. 19:41 I have here a number of the dairy products that have 19:45 as their offending agent that of galactose. 19:51 Lactose is the principal carbohydrate in 19:54 cow's milk or breast milk either, and lactose may cause a 20:02 serious problem for the eyes in adulthood, 20:06 so people who are prone to cataracts should eliminate 20:09 dairy products, because the lactose comprised of 20:13 glucose and galactose can break down, 20:16 or does break down during the digestive process 20:19 and the galactose that's released is the offending 20:23 agent for the lenses. 20:26 Then of course the total fat that one takes in 20:31 can affect the lenses as well. 20:34 Butter and margarine 20:37 these are very injurious to the lenses 20:41 of a person who is prone to get cataracts. 20:45 Now what about salt, the excessive use of salt 20:48 and very salty foods can also affect 20:52 the production of cataracts. 20:55 Glaucoma is an increase in the pressure 20:59 inside the eyes, and anything that will increase 21:03 the blood pressure will also increase the 21:05 pressure inside the eyes. 21:07 So coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate 21:12 these can all increase the interior pressure 21:16 of the eye, to make glaucoma, which can then 21:19 injure the retina, and can cause blindness 21:23 because of damage to the retina. 21:24 A very high protein diet 21:28 can also damage the internal structure 21:32 of the eye and cause one to get glaucoma. 21:36 Then another one which is so serious 21:38 is that of Macular Degeneration. 21:41 The macula is the place of 21:44 the most fine focus 21:48 in the eye, and the macula can be 21:52 damaged by a wide variety of things 21:55 aspirin being one 21:57 various food substances can 22:00 such as those that are deficient in zinc, 22:04 those that are deficiant in anti-oxidants, 22:08 aged foods, foods that are rancid, 22:11 those kind of things can be a problem for the macula. 22:15 There also some wonderful foods 22:17 that can help the macula 22:18 spinach is one, 22:19 if a person who has already developing 22:23 macular degeneration 22:26 that can reverse the process 22:29 of macular degeneration 22:31 and can give the person a little bit better 22:34 acuity of vision, than one had before 22:38 the spinach routine was taken. 22:41 Cabbage is also good, 22:43 oranges are good, and foods that are high in zinc 22:46 and high in anti-oxidants. 22:48 All of these can be so beneficial for a person 22:53 with eye problems, that I think that it is 22:56 well for us to study these various things. 22:59 Another problem is that of night blindness 23:02 and Dr. Don Miller 23:04 will talk with you about this problem. 23:07 You talked about Macular Degeneration 23:09 Dr. Thrash, you know my mother had this 23:11 Oh! And she's right now is 81 years old 23:14 and to the point where she already had the 23:17 blindness in the center of her eye 23:19 and she could no longer drive at night 23:21 cause she could not see at night 23:22 and she could not even see in shadows. 23:24 She started all this about two years ago 23:25 taking a herbal combination that is good for the eyes 23:29 and she recently got her full drivers license back 23:33 she has no visible macular degeneration anymore. 23:36 Is that right, I'm sure she took bilberry tea, 23:40 and maybe she ate bluberries alot. 23:42 Every time I go home I try to take her some 23:45 during blueberry season. 23:46 But there are good things that you can do for the eyes. 23:48 Did she take the spinach? 23:50 I had her taking spinach at least three times a week. 23:53 Uh huh! Extremely good! 23:54 Anything that Dr. Thrash has mentioned 23:57 for the eye problems that she has mentioned 23:59 is good also for the night blindness. 24:01 The eye is, when you think about the eye 24:04 if you study the eye you wonder how in the world 24:08 can anyone have the audacity 24:10 to even think about evolution. 24:12 How could you evolve this unbelieveably complex 24:16 part of our visible brain. 24:18 But our eyes, she's already talked about the macula 24:22 she's talked about othe parts of the eye 24:24 we have rods and cones in our eye 24:26 that receive certain types of light. 24:28 It's the rods that receive basically alot of light 24:32 which is not color sensitive 24:34 its basically black and white type light 24:36 and this is where we get our night vision 24:38 those who have good rods can see very well at night. 24:42 People who have night blindness, 24:45 the rods are not as strong as they should be 24:48 So what can we do about this? 24:49 Everything that Dr. Thrash just said about 24:52 everything else in the eye you do those things. 24:55 You eat the green leafy vegetables, 24:57 you eat the orange and 25:00 the yellow vegetables and fruits 25:01 When I'm in India, I have alot of patients 25:04 come to me with this problem, 25:06 I've got night blindness, 25:08 Now for some reason in the developing countries 25:10 that eat rice, 25:12 they eat almost always refined rice 25:14 which is depleated rice 25:16 which is going to deplete them of their 25:17 vitamins and their minerals. 25:19 I tell them because, 25:20 there are plenty of them over there. 25:22 Start eating alot of papaya, 25:24 a very good source of vitamin A. 25:26 If you have night blindness 25:27 I would suggest you start off 25:29 with about 25 international units 25:31 of vitamin A about twice a day, 25:34 which is going to help. 25:35 Also a zinc deficiency 25:38 Dr. Thrash had mentioned a zinc deficiency. 25:39 If we have a zinc deficiency 25:42 the liver is not able to convert the carotene 25:45 in the vitamin A, and so we need to have 25:47 plenty of zinc, and so you take 25:48 either a zinc supplement, but I'd rather you take 25:51 zinc containing foods. 25:52 I've already mentioned in another program 25:54 Things like popcorn, things like pumpkin seeds, 25:58 there are good sources of zinc out there. 26:00 If you are eating a good 26:01 whole food dietary 26:03 which is rich in your vitamins and minerals 26:06 you won't have the problem with these particular things. 26:09 Carrot juice is another very good thing 26:13 you could eat the carrots, 26:14 but also take the carrot juice, 26:15 and the green and yellow foods 26:17 and then the bilberry, Dr. Thrash mentioned bilberry. 26:19 You can also take the American form 26:21 which is blueberry, bilberry/ blueberry, extremely good 26:24 for the eyes and you are going to find that 26:26 you might just have a reversal 26:28 of this nightblindness problem 26:30 its a major problem. 26:31 people with nightblindness 26:32 should not be driving at night. 26:33 But we feel like if we take good care of our eyes 26:37 with proper nutrition, the body is unbelievably 26:41 able to repair itself Dr. Thrash. 26:43 Yes it is I'm constantly amazed at wonderfully well 26:47 we have been designed to repair ourselves. 26:49 Another thing is just visual accuity 26:53 of course cataracts, 26:54 and macular degeneration, 26:56 are involved in that, but there are also 26:58 things having to do with the muscles of the eye 27:01 and the place where we interpet vision. 27:05 The central portions of vision. 27:08 Where we, when some light rays come into the eye 27:13 they have to go back, 27:14 to the very back of the brain 27:16 in the occipital area for the interpretation. 27:20 If there is some hardening of the arteries 27:23 going to the brain in that area, 27:26 then the person, although they may see quite well 27:29 They will not be able to interpret what they have seen 27:33 So hardening of the arteries 27:35 can be a factor in poor vision. 27:38 To avoid hardening of the arteries 27:40 of course the arterial tree 27:42 must be kept in the most excellent health. 27:45 and to do that you need 27:47 exercise and diet, plenty of water 27:50 and a good lifestyle. 27:51 May these be your portion in life. |
Revised 2014-12-17