Help Yourself to Health

Modern Society Diseases, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000201

00:01 There are many diseases in our day which are
00:03 not recorded in history, so we can call these
00:07 Modern Society Diseases.
00:09 Of course everybody knows there have been a number of
00:12 infectious diseases that have arisen in the last
00:15 twenty five years or so.
00:17 But there are many other diseases as well
00:20 that are new on the scene.
00:24 We want to discuss a few of these in this program
00:27 so we hope you will join us for this discussion.
00:49 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
00:50 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute,
00:54 And now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
00:57 The food for the body
00:59 and the food for the mind
01:01 are similarly quite effective in shaping who we are.
01:05 Of course the food for the body
01:07 must be as good as we can possibly make it
01:10 and we should not discount the fact
01:12 that food for the brain should be just as carefully
01:16 chosen, as is food for the body.
01:18 So that means that, the thoughts that we have
01:21 the reactions that we make toward other people
01:26 just what we do with our lives when we are alone.
01:30 All of these things are things that can influence
01:34 the way that we think.
01:35 There is a disease called Schizophrenia.
01:38 It has many different forms.
01:41 It can be catatonic, it can be simple,
01:44 it can be hebephrenic, a number of different names
01:48 that the psychiatrists put on
01:51 this topic of Schizophrenia.
01:54 Generally the symptoms are,
01:57 that the person may be withdrawn
01:59 they don't quite have a sense of reality
02:04 and just where they are, and where they are themselves
02:07 positioned not only emotionally and mentally
02:10 but also to some degree, in their physical world as well
02:14 so they are not fully in touch with reality.
02:18 They may have habits of being alone.
02:22 They may at times do destructive acts.
02:25 They tend to have a flattened affect
02:29 that is they don't generally have emotions
02:33 that you would expect at the right time.
02:36 If they do express an emotion, it is often
02:40 either improper or out of place.
02:42 So this describes to some degree, what Schizophrenia is.
02:47 We don't have anything that exactly fits that
02:52 in ancient history.
02:54 Some people point to the King Saul in the Bible
02:58 as being an example of Schizophrenia,
03:02 but I think that he was mainly depressed and angry,
03:08 and this made his strange reactions, because he was still
03:12 quite functional in his position,
03:15 and people with Schizophrenia
03:17 are often non-functional.
03:20 There is a so called walking type of Schizophrenia
03:24 that requires just a little medication, and the person
03:28 can carry on quite well.
03:29 But for the most part people with Schizophrenia
03:33 are really quite sick with their disease.
03:38 Now the negativism they show often makes them
03:42 not good companions,
03:44 and people often don't enjoy being around them
03:47 they don't enjoy having them in their home.
03:50 Sometimes poor woman will decide, if I were just
03:55 to marry this man who shows some mild signs of
04:01 Schizophrenia, I could just straighten him out very nicely.
04:04 But she marries him and the stresses of marriage
04:08 precipitate a full blown crisis,
04:11 and he has to be hospitalized
04:13 sometimes for quite a long time.
04:15 So we need to know that marriage to a person with
04:20 a mental illness, is not the cure, it is often
04:25 the thing that causes the disease to become extremely
04:29 difficult to handle.
04:30 With Schizophrenia approximately three out of
04:35 every hundred in our western population will have
04:39 Schizophrenia.
04:40 So is there a way that we can handle this so that we
04:43 can treat it with success?
04:46 And the answer is Yes,
04:48 we can treat some of these cases
04:50 so that they are quite successful.
04:52 We have a young man who came to us from a large
04:56 Catholic family in Florida.
04:58 He was a fine young man, very strong and very handsome
05:04 young man, but he was definitely mentally ill.
05:07 He was about 24 years old, at the time that he came
05:10 to Uchee Pines for treatment,
05:12 and at that time he had been in the hospital
05:17 since he was 18.
05:18 This young man was given a treatment of various
05:23 herbal things, a completely plant based diet,
05:27 and hard labor.
05:28 We also did some very good hydrotherapy for him
05:32 and within about six or eight months he was very well.
05:37 Not completely well, but he was so well that
05:40 he began to communicate with his family.
05:43 They came to visit him several times.
05:46 We felt that it was not safe yet for him to go home
05:50 that his being better was still so fresh and new
05:54 that perhaps he should stay in the program
05:56 at our Institute for a full year.
05:59 So at the end of the year he did hard farm labor,
06:03 many hours every day.
06:05 We think that was very good for him.
06:07 The totally plant based diet was good for him,
06:10 and the hydrotherapy, we gave him
06:12 A long slow hydrotherapy such as a neutral bath.
06:19 We sometimes gave him a wet sheet pack
06:22 which is quite a comfortable treatment, he enjoyed that
06:26 and made improvements with this hydrotherapy.
06:30 And at the end of the year he was sent home
06:34 not maybe as completely mentally balanced
06:38 as someone else,
06:39 but certainly well enough to function is society.
06:42 He got a small job, he married,
06:45 and I understand he now is raising another family
06:51 in his Catholic tradition in Florida.
06:55 There was a time when mental institutions
06:59 in the United States were using hydrotherapy
07:02 quite extensively, for Schizophrenia,
07:04 and for depression, and one psychiatrist who was with
07:10 The Veterans Administration Hospital
07:13 was accused of "empting the hospital. "
07:17 He got all of his patients well, and sent them home
07:20 and he enjoyed that kind of reputation, because they often
07:25 sent him some rather serious cases of Schizophrenia.
07:30 Now the kind of herbs that we use are just general herbs
07:36 for the brain or for the mind
07:39 one of those is St. John's Wort.
07:41 Now you may have heard that St. John's Wort is no good
07:45 for depression or for any kind of mental illness.
07:49 A man by the name of Shelton did a large study
07:53 and published that, I think it was in 2003
07:57 or 2004, and he concluded that in the end of his study
08:02 that there was no benefit in St. John's Wort.
08:05 No more benefit than in a placebo.
08:09 When I saw that study published
08:12 in a prominent medical journal
08:16 I thought there must be something wrong
08:18 with this research, because we have had some very good
08:22 results at Uchee Pines Institute, with St. John's Wort.
08:26 So I investigated a little bit, I found out that
08:30 Pfizer a prominent drug company in United States
08:34 funded the research.
08:36 Immediately some red flags went up
08:38 and I thought Pfizer is the manufacturer of Zoloft
08:44 A very commonly used anti-depressant agent
08:49 available in drug stores all over.
08:53 So I thought that was one big red flag
08:57 I thought here is something to be suspicious about.
09:01 Then the second thing that I was suspicious about
09:06 that there were five very large studies done on
09:10 St. John's Wort, showing to be effective
09:14 using very carefully structured research projects
09:19 and those researchers discovered that St. John's Wort
09:24 was really quite effective.
09:25 So I wondered if these two things might be sufficient
09:31 to make it so that I should just
09:33 just discount this study altogether, but as I read
09:37 some reviews done by some
09:39 researchers in the field of agriculture
09:41 and botanicals, at The Department of Agriculture
09:47 in Washington.
09:48 I found out that there were some other things as well
09:52 One was that they virtually told the patients
09:56 that they were giving them
09:58 something that was ineffectual
10:00 because they instituted very strong anti-suicidal
10:05 programs to let the patients know that,
10:08 if they felt suicidal just let them know
10:11 and they would help them with something
10:15 that would affect their mental brightness.
10:19 Well that would essentially tell me
10:21 if I were on that program
10:23 that the test agent is something that is not effective
10:27 either it's the placebo, or its an agent
10:30 they don't expect to be very effective.
10:33 Then the fact that the researchers did not compare
10:39 St. John's Wort with Zoloft
10:42 was also very interesting
10:44 why did they not set up the double blinded study
10:47 with three agents, the placebo, the herb, and their own Zoloft.
10:53 That was the thing that had been recommended
10:56 by all of the researchers who had done research
10:59 on St. John's Wort prior to that.
11:01 So as with many studies that have been done
11:05 using herbal remedies, or herbal substances
11:10 I have flawed the study
11:13 because it was not properly structured,
11:16 and this one I think we can also flaw,
11:19 you may feel quite free to use St. John's Wort
11:24 in any kind of emotional or mental disorder
11:27 and expect that you will get some benefit.
11:30 Now in addition to St. John's Wort
11:33 I usually use something like Ginkgo which increases
11:39 the blood flow to the central nervous system
11:41 and can be very effective that way.
11:44 Furthermore if the person has some dominant symptom
11:49 like, they are excited or anxious, or irritated,
11:54 or nervous, I will usually give something like catnip,
11:59 or skullcap, or valerian root that tends to be calming
12:04 to these individuals.
12:06 So armed with this kind of information
12:12 I hope that you can feel that you can be of benefit
12:16 to those who have some kind mental or emotional difficulty
12:20 who are among your friends or family.
12:24 Now we have a number of other problems
12:27 in our modern health scene.
12:32 One of those is bio-accumulation
12:35 and bio-magnification.
12:37 Those are very big words, and Dr. Miller
12:41 what do those big words mean?
12:43 There very simple, as a matter of fact,
12:45 if you live where we live down there on the
12:47 Chattahoochee River you will find that this is a major topic
12:50 they don't these words
12:52 but the problem we have living near the
12:54 Chattahoochee River, although we don't have it
12:56 those in Columbus do, is up river
12:58 it goes to the city of Atlanta.
13:00 Now Atlanta likes to dump some of their sewage
13:04 into the Chattahoochee River.
13:05 See the old mindset used to be that dilution
13:10 was the solution to pollution.
13:11 You put a certain amount of a pollutant,
13:15 in a large amount of water or air, or land
13:18 and it will dilute out no problem.
13:21 Trouble is we're finding toxic levels of raw sewage
13:25 in the water now a hundred miles south in the
13:29 city of Columbus Georgia.
13:30 That's what we might call bio-accumulation,
13:32 basically at the first atrophic level
13:35 we start having pollutants accumulating
13:38 wherever that might be.
13:39 Now as we have that problem
13:41 we have the people down there on the banks of the river
13:44 fishing for fish, who are living in this polluted water.
13:48 Well sometimes you've got in that water
13:49 or always in that water, you've got little plankton
13:52 that are living off of the water and the sunshine
13:55 and they will be absorbing into the little organisms
13:58 a certain amount of the toxins coming down from upstream.
14:02 You will have some herbivorous fish
14:04 which will eat this plankton and it will further accumulate
14:08 or magnify, this is where we have bio-magnification
14:12 in its little body, then we have a big old bass
14:15 a carnivorous fish eating that little herbivorous fish
14:18 it will magnify more it its body and then the fisherman
14:22 catches this bass, very proud of himself
14:24 goes home, filets it, fries it, and eats it
14:27 not knowing that he is getting a huge amount of the toxins
14:31 that came from upstream.
14:32 Now there are various things that we have in our society
14:37 that are giving us great problems with this problem
14:39 of bio-magnification, and bio-accumulation
14:42 we see this in our food chain.
14:44 I read a book some years ago by a veterinarian
14:47 and basically the way they were feeding the chickens
14:50 is, the conveyor belt goes in front of chickens
14:53 with their food, and another conveyor belt behind them
14:56 picks up their waste, and it gets to the one end
14:59 and they mix the waste with more food,
15:01 and more growth hormones,
15:03 and goes right back through again
15:04 and so, the animal eats over and over again,
15:07 this more and more concentrated levels of these nutrients
15:10 or these growth hormones,
15:12 which are going to cause a huge problem
15:14 in their particular bodies and so we need
15:16 to stay away from this.
15:17 A really good example in the 1950's of this problem
15:21 before we really recognized it as a problem.
15:24 You see back during World War II
15:25 in the South Pacific during World War II
15:28 there was a big problem with Malaria.
15:30 Well the scientists got together and came up
15:32 with a very good insecticide
15:35 to kill the mosquitoes.
15:36 That insecticide is called DDT.
15:38 In the 1950's they were having a Malaria breakout
15:42 in the country of Borneo
15:44 and so the world health organization
15:46 had airplanes fly over and spray the whole are with DDT.
15:51 It worked like a charm, see the people were dying
15:54 of Malaria, now they killed the mosquitoes
15:57 and Malaria fell, that's the good news.
16:00 The bad news is, besides the Malaria falling
16:02 the roofs started falling.
16:04 You see the DDT, was killing the little parasitic
16:07 wasps that flew around there
16:09 and the parasitic wasps would kill
16:11 the thatch eating caterpillars.
16:14 Well now the thatch eating caterpillars were thriving
16:16 and so they were eating the thatch
16:18 and causing the roofs to fall in.
16:20 But the other insects that were being killed
16:22 were falling to the ground and being eaten by the geckos,
16:24 and start to magnify in the bodies, and the cats
16:27 would eat the geckos, because they are easy prey now
16:31 accumulate in their bodies to the point where
16:33 they would die of the DDT overdose
16:35 and then the rats started to thrive
16:38 and they started to be threatened with Typhus
16:39 and the Plague.
16:40 So what the World Health Organization had to do
16:43 is fly over airplane, and parachute cats down
16:46 to this area of Borneo, because
16:50 Bio-accumulation and Bio-magnification
16:53 so upset the eco-system, that they had to somehow
16:57 try to get back in there and restore it
16:59 into the proper levels.
17:00 and so we see this a lot in our societies today
17:04 as we see our oceans.
17:06 I remember a number of years ago
17:07 when Jacques Cousteau died, within a month
17:11 they had written his memoirs, or published his memoirs
17:14 and he said within 20 years the oceans will be dead
17:17 Now there not dead yet, but they are dying
17:20 you go to the deepest rifts of the oceans,
17:23 and pull up any living organisms you will find
17:26 significant amounts of different toxins
17:28 and one of them which will be DDT.
17:31 As we consume these products, as we consume products
17:36 especially animal products, which seem to store the toxins
17:41 or accumulate these toxins and magnify the toxins
17:43 in their bodies.
17:44 If we eat those animals, we ourselves are getting
17:47 a massive dose.
17:48 It is better to buy the fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
17:51 nuts, and seeds, wash them off and eat them.
17:54 You may be getting a small amount of pollutants but
17:58 no where near the amount
17:59 that you are going to get from eating animal products
18:02 that accumulate them and magnify them
18:03 and so I think Dr. Thrash
18:04 that we should just stay away from these things.
18:07 Dr. Miller I understood that in this country
18:09 the DDT had been outlawed.
18:11 It has been outlawed in this,
18:13 of course it has been replaced with DDD
18:15 and what we did when we were no longer producing
18:18 DDT for ourselves, we start selling it overseas
18:21 and we get much of our exotic produce from overseas
18:24 and so we are going to get the residues from there
18:26 plus a fish that grows over here
18:28 swims a thousand miles over here
18:31 or they catch the fish over there,
18:33 we're going to get it one way or the other.
18:34 Yes, I can see how that would certainly be true.
18:37 Another problem that we have in modern times is Aids.
18:42 Aids are auto-immune deficiency disorder
18:46 is a very serious problem in some countries of Africa.
18:50 There are very few adults alive in cities.
18:55 The major people who are there are just children
18:58 under 20 years of age.
19:01 So it can be a most serious problem.
19:04 Is there something that we can do that can help
19:08 with the disease after it has already developed
19:11 or when it develops in children who have a lifestyle
19:18 that is not conducive to the disease
19:20 but never the less, they get it from their parents.
19:23 Yes there a number of thing that we can do
19:25 we had a man who had full blown Aids,
19:29 was in the hospital with pneumocystis pneumonia
19:33 in France, we never did see the patient,
19:36 but he called, his family called urgently
19:40 requesting that we take him at our institute.
19:43 They realized that there were no drugs
19:47 and standard medicine at that time that were effective,
19:49 and they wanted to try some simple remedies
19:53 and felt that we were the best place possible for him to get,
19:58 that they knew of for him to get this treatment.
20:01 The family were quite well to do and they were willing to
20:05 fly him in an ambulance plane
20:06 all the way to Uchee Pines
20:09 so that we could treat him.
20:11 We explained to them that
20:14 we don't take Aids patients
20:17 because of the way that we are set up with students
20:20 and the like, and the fact that our situation
20:23 is not such that we can have an infectious patient
20:27 in with our other patients.
20:29 So we said we can't take him here,
20:33 but we will do what we can to try to help you
20:36 to treat him there.
20:37 So we them all the things that we would do
20:41 the herbs that we would use,
20:43 the various hydrotherapy measures that we would use
20:47 the kind of diet for the man,
20:49 and the outcome of it was that in a few months
20:54 his lymph nodes had gone down,
20:58 and he was feeling much better
21:01 eventually after almost a year he went back to work again
21:06 and he lived on for several more years.
21:08 Then the time came when he decided that he did not like
21:14 staying on the routine that we had given him
21:16 he did not like being in the lifestyle
21:19 that we felt would be the most conducive to good health
21:22 and so he went back into his old lifestyle
21:24 with drinking and carousing
21:27 and the things that he had been prone to do beforehand
21:31 and within about six months he was dead.
21:34 Now was he going to die anyway?
21:36 We don't know that, but, we do know
21:38 that he did have a good response.
21:41 We had another man in California
21:43 almost the same scene, including the fact
21:46 that he went back into the old lifestyle
21:49 and was dead in just a few months
21:51 after he returned to it.
21:53 So these two patients that we have had
21:55 that we have not taken to Uchee Pines
21:57 but have treated them through the families
22:00 this has nerved us to feel that the simple remedies
22:05 can be quite effective in at least forestalling
22:09 the immediate outcome of a full blown case of Aids.
22:13 and making that disease regress into a HIV positive state
22:18 but without the full blown Aids.
22:21 Now some refinements of what we did
22:24 we gave fever treatments
22:26 in which we brought the fever of the person
22:30 up to 104, at first they were not able to take
22:34 that high level of raising the body temperature
22:38 but as time progressed, they were able to take
22:42 the heat treatments, so that the mouth temperature
22:46 went up to 104.
22:48 This is done every day for five days
22:51 then a rest of two days
22:52 they repeat this three times for three weeks
22:56 and then take a rest of a week
22:58 then the series is repeated,
23:01 another rest of a week
23:03 the series is repeated a third time
23:05 and this time a rest for a month.
23:08 This kind of treatment with a fever
23:10 is carried on for a full year.
23:14 A plant based diet is the most effective
23:19 to boost the effectiveness of the immune system
23:21 and a number of herbs are also very good.
23:25 Garlic is very good, it is also anti-microbial
23:29 and for any benefit that it might be for the retrovirus
23:33 we use that as well.
23:35 We use ashwaganda, the golden seal,
23:41 the Echinacea, all of these are know to boost
23:44 the effectiveness of the immune system
23:46 and to help the person get in full control
23:49 of their disease if that is possible.
23:52 So we know that there is
23:55 benefit for the person with Aids
23:57 whether we can ever see a person cured
24:00 is a matter for research.
24:03 Now another problem that we're having in our age
24:08 is that of zoonoses,
24:11 we have several that are known today to be
24:15 associated with the animal kingdom
24:18 and Dr. Miller is going to talk with you about that now.
24:21 Of course it is interesting that is zoonosis are peculiar
24:25 to the animal kingdom basically a zoonotic disease
24:28 is a disease that is transmissible from an animal
24:30 to the human.
24:31 Let me just read off a little list as Dr. Thrash
24:34 has been talking, I just decided to write down
24:36 a small list, and think about what all these have in common:
24:39 SARS, Aids, West Nile Virus Ebola, E-coli, monkey pox,
24:44 flu, worms, lymes, Creutzfeldt-Jakobs
24:48 and we could go on and on.
24:50 As a matter of fact I was on the internet
24:51 the other day, and I was looking up diseases acquired
24:54 from animals.
24:55 I've got a long list from horses,
24:57 a long list from cows,
24:58 a long list from sheep and goats,
25:00 a long list of course from rodents,
25:02 a long list from rabbits, hares, and pikas,
25:05 cats, dogs, mans best friend.
25:10 We see a large amount of new diseases
25:13 coming from this basically melting pot of disease sump
25:18 that we have.
25:19 Matter of fact I read an article
25:20 not long ago saying that, probably at least
25:23 75% of all new diseases are coming from the animal kingdom.
25:28 Where do are flu come from?
25:30 Our flu come from that little melting pot
25:33 of diseases over there in the
25:34 China and Hong Kong area where you have got
25:36 ducks, chickens and pigs, and humans and drugs
25:40 drugs all living in close proximity.
25:42 They are growing these super strains of bugs,
25:45 and that's why we get all these different strains of bugs
25:47 the Hong Kong flu, the swine flu,
25:50 the Avian flu, all these different things
25:52 are coming into our systems.
25:54 I was in Siberia a couple of years ago
25:57 just after this big SARS thing came out,
26:00 and one of the doctors in the seminar
26:03 that we were teaching there.
26:04 She said you know it's interesting
26:06 I just came from a symposium before I
26:09 came here to this seminar, way over
26:11 there in Eastern Russia and they were talking about SARS.
26:16 There was something interesting
26:17 they found out about Sars.
26:19 Vegetarians either do not get it, or get
26:22 very mild cases of the SARS.
26:25 I thought well that's a pretty nice reason
26:28 to become a vegetarian, because SARS was
26:30 a really scary thing over there.
26:32 We find that lifestyle and the Aids,
26:34 and many of these diseases, if just take care of ourselves...
26:37 We are living in a time when I believe
26:40 the whole animal kingdom is diseased,
26:43 and we need to be as much as possible
26:45 putting some type of a barrier between animals and ourselves.
26:48 Especially don't eat the things,
26:51 and if you have an animal in your environment,
26:53 make sure that animal is healthy.
26:55 You are finding today that animals have
26:58 the same diseases as humans:
27:00 Diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease
27:03 they all have the same thing because, they're
27:07 eating like we are eating, and we are starting
27:10 to get diseases passing between the species.
27:13 This is a dangerous thing Dr. Thrash
27:15 So I think that zoonotic diseases need
27:17 to be studied a little bit more carefully.
27:19 Yes, and interestingly also some of the
27:21 same things that we found in humans,
27:24 will help them, will also help animals.
27:26 So veterinarians, I have a friend who is
27:29 a veterinarian who comes to me often,
27:31 and has some little pet that she is
27:35 really working at diligently, and asks
27:37 me how I would treat a human if they had that same disorder.
27:44 So while we can't claim to cure a lot of diseases
27:50 that are Modern Society Diseases,
27:53 we can try to understand them
27:55 and protect ourselves from them.


Revised 2014-12-17