Help Yourself to Health

How To Plan Meals

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000200

00:01 This is a WONDERFUL age to be alive!
00:03 I'm so glad I didn't miss it.
00:06 I think sometimes if I had lived 100 years ago,
00:09 I would have missed SO many things that are now
00:11 very commonplace.
00:13 Of course, in that age, people who lived then
00:16 also enjoyed living then...
00:18 But in the area of health, which is my field,
00:22 so much has been discovered just in the last 15 or 20 years
00:26 that just almost puts you in a dizzy spell just to think
00:31 of all that's being learned.
00:33 How to plan a menu... How to get our meals together
00:38 all of this has come under a great deal of scrutiny
00:40 in the last few years in university centers,
00:43 and we'll be talking about some of these things
00:45 in this program... We hope you will be with us!
01:07 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
01:09 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
01:13 and now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
01:18 Some work having been done in some of the big
01:22 university centers will usually strike our fancy
01:27 a lot better than something done in a very remote area
01:31 such as Uchee Pines Institute.
01:34 But, even in rural Alabama, where we live,
01:36 there is much being learned about how we can
01:41 fashion a diet that makes it so that we can be just right
01:47 at the cutting edge of the research being done today.
01:50 I have here an article that was published by some researchers
01:55 from Harvard
01:56 And this was published in 2004,
02:01 and these researchers found a very simple thing.
02:05 Something that we had found at Uchee Pines fully
02:09 35 years ago, and that is...
02:11 "Fruit and vegetable intake will reduce your risk of
02:16 chronic diseases" Oh, that's good news!
02:18 But, of course, if you follow the very best that
02:22 we knew EVEN THEN, even 35 years ago, or 50 years ago,
02:27 the best that we knew then was to emphasize
02:30 fruits and vegetables in the diet.
02:33 When I was a very little girl, my mother was
02:37 always saying, "Eat your vegetables. "
02:39 Sometimes she would even say, "You can't have this
02:42 until you eat your greens. "
02:44 Well that was not as difficult for me, as it was for my
02:47 little brother... He could not abide greens!
02:51 And so, he would choke them down so that he was
02:55 enabled to eat something else.
02:58 Now, today, he is able to tolerate greens just right along
03:02 with the best of us.
03:03 But, let's say you are not the kind of person who understands
03:08 that fruits and vegetables are important in your meals
03:12 Then, what you need to do is to get on the internet
03:16 and take a look at the research that's being done
03:19 in various research centers.
03:21 One of things that you should consider in your menu planning
03:27 is where you live.
03:29 The closer the garden is to the table,
03:32 the healthier the children will be.
03:33 So if you have your OWN garden...
03:35 and if you live in a geographic area where it's possible
03:38 for you to have a good garden, by all means, DO SO.
03:41 Gardens are one of the best things to make the diet healthy.
03:45 So we hope that you will avail yourself of this
03:49 good bit of research.
03:51 Fruits and vegetables reduce the total amount
03:54 of chronic disease that we have.
03:57 Now, the next thing that I would like for us to
03:59 talk about is... What do you do when you
04:01 have to eat elsewhere than in your own kitchen at home?
04:05 How do you handle that?
04:06 I have Dr. Don Miller here who has been in that
04:10 kind of situation, I guess, thousands of times!
04:13 A lot of times!
04:15 And, in fact, your experience in the Marine Corps
04:18 probably led you to have a lot of meals
04:21 that were taken away from home.
04:23 What can you tell us about eating elsewhere?
04:26 Well you know, you have to be careful sometimes,
04:29 and you have to be, not only careful, but you've got to be
04:31 sensitive to other people.
04:33 When I was in the Marine Corps, if I was going to be traveling
04:36 in foreign lands, we'd always get a sheet,
04:41 sometimes a little booklet from the port of call officer
04:44 telling us how we are supposed
04:46 to do certain things in certain countries.
04:49 There are certain things that are absolutely taboo
04:52 in other countries... that we find perfectly normal.
04:55 Which hand you reach for the food with?
04:58 What you do at the end of a meal?
05:00 How you eat your meal in the first place.
05:02 You have to be sensitive.
05:04 Years ago, when I was a young man, I read a book called...
05:06 "The Ugly American"
05:07 And that has sort of put a stamp on my mind ever since.
05:11 I don't remember much about the book but the impression
05:14 I got was... Americans go to foreign
05:16 countries, and they talk loud and they flash money
05:19 and they feel so superior.
05:21 I try very much to get where the people are.
05:24 Now this can be a real challenge sometimes... a fun challenge.
05:28 Let's say, like India...
05:30 If you've ever been to India, you will find that,
05:32 for the most part, they eat with their fingers...
05:34 which I did when I was 2 and 3, but I sort of got away from that
05:38 and use forks and spoons...
05:40 And I could not master the art of taking rice and curry
05:46 and eating it with just my hand.
05:48 And you eat it with one hand.
05:50 You don't put both hands in there and make a big ball
05:52 of rice... It's a one-hand deal.
05:54 The left hand you don't usually use for
05:56 this process, it's your right hand.
05:57 And, I remember only one time did I get through a meal
06:01 using just my right hand, and I made such a huge mess
06:04 that I sort of went away from that technique.
06:07 Now eating there in that country,
06:09 I remember one time I was going to make some type of a
06:14 herbal preparation and I wanted some cayenne pepper...
06:18 And so I asked the houseboy where we were staying,
06:20 I need to get some cayenne pepper...
06:21 and he said, "Oh, we don't have any cayenne pepper here"
06:24 I said, "Well, you know, just red peppers"
06:26 ..."We don't have any red peppers here"
06:29 And I remember looking out the window and seeing
06:31 a bus go by with a great big bag of what looked like
06:34 cayenne pepper on top.
06:35 And so, I went out on the street, walked up the road,
06:38 and you'll find in many of these countries,
06:40 the food is sold right out there...
06:43 It's fully exposed to everything that can wander by,
06:45 and here is this mountain of what I thought was
06:48 cayenne pepper, or red peppers.
06:50 So I asked the man in my arm and hand signals,
06:54 for a little bit and I ended up with 2 big bags of this stuff
06:57 I went back to my room, took one out,
06:58 and took a bite, and found out that it was, indeed,
07:01 cayenne pepper, but they don't call it cayenne pepper,
07:04 those were chili peppers!
07:06 And so you have to find out to make sure you're calling
07:09 the right thing by the right name.
07:10 Growing up, we always had stuffed mangos.
07:13 My mother would make stuffed mangos for our suppers.
07:16 She was from New York, and up there, as far as I
07:19 can understand... that's what I grew up understanding
07:22 a mango was a green pepper!
07:25 Then I went down to Florida, and found out the mango
07:27 was one of the most delicious fruits that there are.
07:29 So learn what they're talking about when they have their food.
07:32 Then we go down to Africa.
07:34 Africans also... many of the places,
07:36 especially out in the bush, eat with their hands.
07:38 There, the main staple is nshima which is made out of
07:43 mealie meal or cornmeal.
07:44 And it's made into a very, very thick porridge
07:47 to the point where it's almost congealed,
07:49 and you'll get a large lump of this stuff, and then usually
07:53 2 small splatters of what they call a relish.
07:57 Now, in this country, in America, we consider relish
08:01 to be some pickles that are sort of sweetened or whatever
08:03 and you put it on something else...
08:05 There, that's not what relish is.
08:07 Their relish might be some simmered cabbage,
08:11 or some simmered eggplant.
08:12 And then learning how to eat it properly...
08:14 I had to ask my student, and say...
08:16 "How do you eat this thing?" I didn't know how to eat...
08:18 There were no knives or forks around.
08:19 You tear off a piece of it, and you form it in one hand...
08:22 And, it's an art! You form it in one hand,
08:24 and you stick your thumb in it and make a little indentation,
08:26 and then you scoop up some relish in the middle,
08:28 and then you pop the whole thing in your mouth.
08:30 I LOVED eating the food there in Africa!
08:32 Learning how to do it, but you have to also learn
08:35 what is it that they are cooking WITH in this meal.
08:38 Now, I found them to be GREAT vegetarians.
08:41 As a matter of fact, many countries I go to that are
08:44 deprived countries... I don't know if they're
08:46 really "depriving" that we can say...
08:47 They are basically on a basic vegetarian dietary like that
08:52 and so I like eating in those countries.
08:54 But you have to learn their customs to make sure
08:56 that you don't do offensive things,
08:58 but also make sure that you're getting things
09:00 that aren't going to hurt you.
09:01 You have to understand that if you're in a foreign country
09:03 you're not used to the bugs that may be inherent
09:07 in their foods.
09:08 And so, you have to make sure that either it has been
09:10 properly washed, or properly cooked...
09:14 that it's not going to give you some type of an
09:16 agent that's going to give you either a short-time
09:19 acute problem, or a long-term chronic problem.
09:21 And I've seen both of these things arise,
09:23 and I've had a couple of the short-term acute problems
09:26 with a bug that my body wasn't used to.
09:29 But now, we come right here to our country,
09:32 or to a Western country...
09:33 And, often we eat out.
09:37 Well, there has to be some close considerations
09:40 about what you're eating when you're eating out.
09:42 You'll go to a salad bar, and you say,
09:45 "Well, they have a great salad bar"
09:46 And the salad has been sitting there for 2 hours,
09:48 and it looks great... What did they do TO THAT SALAD
09:51 to keep it looking so fresh?
09:53 There are often things that they add to the lettuce
09:55 to keep it looking fresh.
09:57 Things that you do not want to put into your body.
09:59 Going one step beyond there...
10:02 Who is in the back room, and what's happening
10:04 in the back room when they cut this food up?
10:08 There is the problem... and it's a BIG problem with
10:11 cross-contamination.
10:14 Someone is back there chopping up the chicken,
10:16 and then they chop up the lettuce, and you get the lettuce
10:19 and you also get whatever organisms
10:21 that were on the chicken.
10:22 And so you want to make sure that wherever you're eating
10:24 As a matter of fact, I will sometimes ask ahead
10:27 what is this flavored with?
10:28 If I go to an Oriental restaurant...
10:31 and I LOVE Oriental food...
10:32 I've spent a lot of time in the Orient.
10:33 And I'll ask them, how do you season your food?
10:36 How are you flavoring your food?
10:38 And often, they flavor it with a lobster sauce,
10:42 or a crab powder, and you need to stay away from it.
10:45 I found that to be a major problem in Bangkok.
10:47 I could find a way around it, and they could prepare food...
10:51 The interesting thing is...
10:53 They will be willing to prepare it the way you want it
10:55 because most restaurants want to please you
10:58 because they want your business.
10:59 And so, be up front with them.
11:01 Be courteous, be kind with them...
11:04 And say, "Look, I've got a real food situation here...
11:06 Can you help me?"
11:07 Now, there's another problem we run into when we're
11:10 traveling in other countries, and we go into somebody's home
11:13 And this happened to me a couple of years ago in Ukraine.
11:18 The family had been told beforetime that we were
11:21 vegetarians. Complete vegetarians. Total vegetarians.
11:25 And we come to the mealtime, and it was a Sabbath, lunchtime
11:30 And there on the table was a great big platter of sandwiches
11:33 The sandwiches consisted of a slice of bread,
11:36 with butter on it, with a dead fish,
11:39 and 2 slices of hard boiled egg,
11:42 and a WHOLE platter of these things.
11:45 What do you do?
11:47 Do you, to keep from offending these people,
11:51 go ahead and eat it?
11:52 Or, to keep from offending yourself, not eat it.
11:56 What do you do?
11:58 I find that if I've done due diligence...
12:01 and this is what due diligence is,
12:02 make sure that whoever is going to be your host or hostess
12:05 knows where you stand on the
12:07 dietary idiosyncrasies that you might have.
12:12 I am a vegetarian, I cannot eat...
12:14 and I don't say, "I don't like to, I won't"
12:16 I say, "I cannot," because I really, for myself,
12:19 consider that I CANNOT eat anything that
12:21 comes from an animal... Any type of an animal product
12:24 And if they know that ahead of time,
12:25 and it's still on the table, I will usually say,
12:29 as I did this time... I said, "I'm sorry, it looks SO good,
12:34 but I just can't eat it"
12:35 And you know, the lady says, in Ukrainian to my
12:40 translator, "Oh, no problem," took the tray away,
12:42 went back... and within 2 minutes, she had a big
12:44 tray of varenykies potato varenykies, on my table.
12:49 Now, what happened there? Was this a test?
12:54 Or, was this just a mistake?
12:56 Sometimes it's a test.
12:58 This person says this, but what are they going to do?
13:02 So consider when you're with other people, am I being tested?
13:06 We are always being tested in this life.
13:08 And if we are faithful to God, and faithful to ourselves,
13:11 and to our bodies, we're going to find that we're not going
13:13 to run into these problems quite as much, Dr. Thrash
13:16 I think that's good advice.
13:17 Now you said, you're a TOTAL vegetarian...
13:20 TOTAL vegetarian!
13:22 And you are strong?
13:25 I consider myself strong.
13:27 I still run. I still lift weights.
13:28 You don't have any kind of disease?
13:30 I hope not. I haven't found any lately.
13:33 Are you weak and wobbly?
13:35 I'm not weak and wobbly.
13:36 I'm pushing... I'll be 58 here pretty soon,
13:39 And I think I'm doing pretty good for 58.
13:41 Well, actually, I have seen you out chopping wood,
13:46 for your wood heater, and I'm quite impressed with
13:50 the fact that even being on a totally vegetarian menu,
13:55 or cuisine, you can be so active and so strong
14:01 in chopping that wood.
14:03 Now, I'd like to mention just a few things having to do
14:06 with the time of the year, and what it has to do
14:10 with the kind of diet that you have.
14:13 In the summertime, you will notice that the garden
14:15 produces a lot of succulent vegetables,
14:17 and we have a lot of succulent fruits, and these can
14:21 be very helpful to give us the extra fluids
14:23 that we need during the summertime.
14:27 But in the winter, our foods tend to be more dense
14:32 in calories... such things as winter squash,
14:36 and potatoes, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins,
14:40 these come off in the wintertime,
14:42 and they are more calorie-dense.
14:44 So we do need things that are more calorie-dense
14:47 in the winter, than we do in the summer.
14:51 Iron needs should be considered when there are growing
14:56 children in the family, and women in the family
14:59 under the age of 50, then you will need foods that are more
15:03 iron-high.
15:04 But the MEN in the family, do not need extra iron.
15:08 In fact, iron overload is one of the big problems that
15:11 we have in planning a menu these days.
15:14 Iron overload can imbalance the calcium,
15:17 so calcium goes down, and that encourages osteoporosis.
15:21 And zinc goes down, and that encourages various hormonal
15:26 problems and with the problems with iron,
15:31 one of those is that it is an oxidant, which is the reverse of
15:36 an antioxidant... which slows down the aging process
15:40 So an oxidant accelerates the aging process
15:44 and makes a conversion of LDL to oxidized LDL,
15:51 which is much more damaging to the arteries,
15:53 than just plain LDL.
15:55 So that increases your problems with possibility
16:00 of kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes,
16:04 and hardening of the arteries...
16:05 and, of course, we want to try to avoid that if we can.
16:08 Alzheimer disease, or a type of dementia, is related to
16:15 hardening of the arteries and that can be a problem with
16:18 iron overload as well.
16:20 Interestingly, the eyes are a part of the target of
16:25 iron overload, and the retina in particular,
16:29 and macular degeneration is now the commonest cause of
16:33 blindness in the Western world...
16:36 even ahead of the diabetes that we have always
16:39 understood to be a problem with blindness in this country.
16:45 Now, some of the antioxidants you may be interested in them.
16:51 I'll just read a list of a few of these...
16:54 The first is, of course, carotenoids...
16:56 These are any food orange, bright yellow, deep green;
17:04 those are foods that are going to be high in carotenoids.
17:08 And, they are very high in antioxidants.
17:13 Then, ascorbic acid, or vitamin C...
17:15 Of course, everybody thinks of citrus and that is true
17:18 It's high, not as high as kiwi, and maybe not as high
17:22 as tomatoes or potatoes even, and with the cooking of
17:27 potatoes, 30% of the vitamin C, or ascorbic acid,
17:32 in the potato, is retained even with adequate cooking.
17:36 But then some other vegetables that are high in vitamin C
17:40 brussel sprouts and broccoli.
17:44 Buckwheat also has a fair amount of ascorbic acid in it.
17:49 Now the tocopherols... these are substances in foods related
17:55 to vitamin E.
17:57 So we have a number of vegetables, and wheat,
18:01 and some other grains; many of the cereals
18:06 are high in tocopherols.
18:08 And, of course, avocados, and nuts are high in the tocopherols
18:15 This is just to name a few of these foods.
18:18 Flavonoids... these are the berries.
18:21 These are also things in the seeded fruits like
18:28 apples and citrus fruits, broccoli as well, onion
18:33 Onion is high in flavonoids.
18:34 Onion is also high in quercetin which is an antioxidant.
18:40 Anthocyanins, or anthocyanidins ... these are also high in most
18:47 of the berries, particularly in blueberries.
18:50 And I recommend that you get some blueberry bushes
18:53 and learn to grow these very nice berries.
18:55 They're easy to grow, have no natural enemies,
18:59 and they produce abundantly.
19:02 Lignans are present in flaxseed, and in legumes,
19:08 particularly soybeans, and sesame seed.
19:10 Indoles... these are nutrients that are present in
19:16 broccoli and brussel sprouts.
19:18 And the isothiocyanates, they are also antioxidants
19:24 and they are present in radishes, turnips,
19:28 and others of that nature.
19:29 So the time of the year, can help you to concentrate
19:34 on those foods that are going to be produced
19:36 during that time of the year.
19:37 Get some good books. Learn to study these things
19:41 and make a good meal program for your family.
19:46 Now, with all this talking about meals, and foods,
19:51 we want to discuss the quantity of food to eat at a meal.
19:55 And, Dr. Don Miller will be talking with you about that.
19:59 That's always a big question...
20:00 How much food should I eat?
20:02 When I was in college, somebody was reading through a book,
20:07 and they read me a little bit about this man by the name of
20:09 "Diamond Jim Brady"
20:10 So I got on the internet the other day,
20:12 and I looked him up and I wrote down a little synopses
20:16 or I had a little synopses off the internet about
20:18 the way Diamond Jim Brady would eat.
20:20 Let me just read you his dietary,
20:22 and we'll see how he got here.
20:24 His day started off right, it says.
20:26 A breakfast of eggs, pancakes, pork chops, cornbread,
20:29 fried potatoes, hominy, muffins, and a beefsteak...
20:32 And he washed it all down with a gallon of orange juice.
20:35 For a mid morning snack, he'd have a couple of dozen
20:39 oysters or clams,.
20:41 A typical lunch consisted of 2 lobsters,
20:44 deviled crabs, clams, oysters and beef.
20:46 He finished it up with some pies.
20:49 Not slices of pies, but whole pies, and then sometimes
20:53 he would take, in the afternoon, he'd gobble
20:57 down a heaping platter of seafood.
20:58 Well, those were his small meals of the day.
21:01 Then it came time for his supper.
21:02 This was his normal supper...
21:05 Now he ate at a restaurant called...
21:07 "Charles Rector's" in New York City...
21:09 and Mr. Rector considered Diamond Jim Brady,
21:12 in his best 25 customers.
21:14 So, here's his usual evening meal...
21:17 He began with an appetizer of 2 or 3 dozen oysters,
21:22 6 crabs, a few servings of green turtle soup.
21:25 That's the appetizer!
21:27 The main course was 2 whole ducks, 6 or 7 lobsters,
21:32 a sirloin steak, 2 servings of terrapin,
21:35 and a variety of vegetables.
21:37 He did eat his vegetables anyway.
21:39 He topped it off with a platter of pastries,
21:42 and often a 2 pound box of candy.
21:45 He really liked the candy.
21:46 And then he drank a lot of lemon juice along
21:50 with his particular meal.
21:51 So, how did HE KNOW when he'd had enough to eat?
21:54 Eating that much food, you would have thought...
21:56 "How does he know when to stop if
21:58 you're that far out of control?"
21:59 He had a very easy way of
22:01 knowing when he had enough to eat...
22:02 He'd sit down at the table, he'd pull a chair up,
22:05 and he'd pull out a little measuring device
22:07 and he'd measure between his stomach and the table
22:10 5 inches!
22:11 And he stopped eating when his stomach touched the table.
22:15 So, is that what you do?
22:18 I'd have to be right up next to the table for me to do this.
22:21 Now the Bible has a very good example of how much
22:25 food we are to eat.
22:27 We find this in the Book of Exodus 16:16...
22:31 This is during the time of the manna raining down
22:33 every morning, except for the Sabbath.
22:35 It says, "This is the thing which the Lord hath commanded...
22:38 All right, here's the commandment of the Lord...
22:40 how much to eat...
22:41 "Gather of it every man according to his eating
22:45 1 omer for every man. "
22:47 So you can eat an omer of food every day.
22:50 So how much is an omer?
22:53 Now, I've heard various things between 1 and 2 quarts of food.
22:56 I had a friend one time who decided...
22:58 ahh... He didn't know how much to eat, so he decided
23:00 to do the omer thing.
23:01 I think he had it down to a quart.
23:03 So he'd come to breakfast, and he would have a
23:06 little measuring device, and he would measure
23:08 a half a quart of food, and he'd eat his omer of breakfast.
23:12 But he was still hungry... He was a big fellow.
23:14 So, he borrowed a little bit of omer from lunch.
23:16 And at lunchtime, he only had about a third of an omer
23:19 left, and he'd eat that and still be very hungry.
23:21 So he borrowed some omer from tomorrow morning's
23:23 breakfast, and he'd eat that, and then the next morning
23:26 for breakfast, he was a little bit low, so he borrowed
23:28 and borrowed, and by the end of the week,
23:30 he was so in debt with his omers,
23:31 he just quit his program.
23:32 So, maybe that's not a good thing anymore because
23:35 this was perfect food that God
23:38 had sent for the Children of Israel.
23:39 So, how much should you and I eat?
23:41 Some very SIMPLE rules of thumb...
23:44 #1... We eat enough food to maintain a proper weight.
23:49 We don't need anymore than that.
23:50 We should eat enough food so that we can leave the
23:53 table still feeling like we could eat a little bit more
23:56 ...leaving the table just a little bit hungry.
23:59 We should eat the amount of food that within 4 hours
24:03 we feel as if it is completely left the stomach.
24:05 Many people, after 4, 5 and 6 hours, feel like
24:09 they're still carrying their meal and they will still
24:11 eat another meal on top of this because they've
24:13 eaten SO much food, or foods that their body
24:16 cannot take care of, that they're having a hard time
24:18 getting rid of it.
24:19 And so, we need to make sure that we're eating the right
24:21 amount of food at the right times,
24:23 and those things are some really basic suggestions,
24:27 Dr. Thrash, but I think they work for most people.
24:30 I'm amazed that anybody could eat the things that
24:32 you have just read that Diamond Jim Brady ate!
24:37 I'm certainly glad that I don't have to eat that much food
24:40'd have to spend almost all your time just eating,
24:42 and life is composed of so many more things than that.
24:46 How many items should you prepare in one meal?
24:50 Generally speaking, it's 2 or 3 items for people who are
24:54 fairly sedentary...
24:55 And for those who are very active,
24:57 you can add another dish.
25:01 So it's from 2 to 4 dishes at a single meal,
25:05 that with bread and spread should be plenty adequate
25:08 for any kind of diet that you might like to plan for.
25:14 Now, the state of mind that you're in when you eat
25:17 should always be relaxed, and cheerful...
25:20 even if you are weighted down with a lot of cares from
25:24 your business, or from your ministry, or from your schooling
25:30 ...whatever it may be that would weight you down
25:32 with very heavy burdens...
25:35 Lay those aside at the mealtime.
25:38 If you need to, take a short walk,
25:40 and talk with our Savior, and ask Him to give you
25:44 freedom from care, so that you can eat your meal
25:47 without being burdened down with these cares.
25:52 The temperature of the food that your eat should be
25:54 not too hot, nor too cold.
25:58 Now let's say the meal is served to you either piping hot,
26:01 or icy cold, then what can you do?
26:04 Must you sit there and wait for 20 minutes or so
26:08 until it cools, or until it warms up?
26:11 And the answer is... No, we're quite able
26:13 to handle that in the mouth.
26:15 Take a small bite of something that isn't the proper
26:18 temperature, and let it stay in the mouth until it
26:21 reaches the proper temperature for the stomach
26:24 to be able to handle it.
26:26 Bear in mind that with very cold things,
26:29 cold slows down chemical processes in most instances
26:34 and the stomach being a chemical factory,
26:38 it will slow down the processes that need to
26:42 go on in the stomach.
26:43 So, adjust the temperature of your food before you swallow it
26:48 Now what about food storage?
26:51 Food storage is very important for the proper constituents
26:55 of nutrients.
26:56 You need to see that foods are not kept for
27:00 long periods of time, especially once they've been
27:03 prepared for the table.
27:05 You can do some food storage, but bear in mind
27:09 that as food is stored longer in the refrigerator,
27:13 longer and longer periods of time will cause the
27:15 food to accumulate nitrosamines which are very potent
27:20 cancer-producing agents.
27:21 Then in the pantry, don't let things stay for years
27:25 in your pantry, but keep things moving so that
27:28 you're constantly moving those things that are the oldest
27:32 toward the front, and don't overstock.
27:34 That's the case with almost anything.
27:36 If you buy large quantities of something,
27:40 it tends to make you overeat and it also tends to
27:43 make the food get rancid, or old before it's ready
27:49 for you to eat it.
27:51 Now I hope these very simple things will help you
27:54 to be able to plan your meals for the very
27:56 best of health!


Revised 2014-12-17