Help Yourself to Health

Prenatal Program

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000197

00:01 When an obstetrician engages a patient for
00:06 the prenatal period, he has at least 2 patients...
00:09 the woman, and the unborn child.
00:13 Ideally, there should be more people involved than that
00:16 in the patient's care
00:18 ...the father of the child, sometimes the grandmother,
00:21 and the grandfather, and other siblings...
00:23 So it's quite a group of people who are involved in
00:26 1- patient care.
00:28 To get all the things that a prenatal program requires,
00:34 requires some study, and so we hope that you will be
00:37 with us as we make a study on this subject
00:39 during this program.
01:00 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
01:03 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
01:06 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
01:10 A prenatal program comes at a very receptive time
01:14 in the life of a woman.
01:15 Most of the time, if you talk with a woman
01:18 about changes in her lifestyle, she will do almost anything
01:22 She wants to have the very best program possible
01:25 for the unborn child, and she wants to ensure that her own
01:29 health will be good after the baby is born.
01:32 So, whatever reforms you think you could make in the
01:36 entire family, NOW is the time to do it.
01:39 So, the obstetrician, or the midwife can use this
01:44 GOLDEN opportunity to make certain that there are changes
01:47 in that family, so that these changes in lifestyle can spread
01:52 to a community.
01:53 And in this way, much good can be done that would otherwise
01:56 be missed at the most favorable time.
01:59 Let's start with diet...
02:01 Diet is a very basic thing, and most pregnant women
02:05 believe that diet is something that they should control
02:09 very carefully, and so they're willing to listen
02:13 to any kind of prenatal program that you're wishing
02:16 to establish in that family.
02:18 And, the first thing is an abundant diet.
02:23 At any time that a woman is restricting her diet,
02:27 she may cut out whole classes of foods.
02:31 She may cut out all breads, all sugars, all fats.
02:37 She may cut out all nuts.
02:39 And just with a big sweep, she just cuts out things that
02:43 she knows to be fattening.
02:45 But, this is not the time to make those sweeping changes
02:50 in a person's diet.
02:52 What you need to do if you're pregnant,
02:54 is to know that you're eating for 2 people, and
02:58 therefore, you need to eat enough for your own maintenance
03:01 needs, as well as for the growth of the baby.
03:03 The baby is going to grow from just a fraction of an ounce
03:09 to several pounds by the time of birth.
03:12 To make this growth, the baby needs an abundance of
03:15 nutrients supplied by the mother.
03:18 Now the mother's diet should have fruits, vegetables,
03:21 whole grains, nuts and seeds.
03:24 Now these are basic to all women.
03:26 It's the most favorable diet that a woman can have
03:30 to have those items in her diet.
03:33 Anything else that she adds besides fruits, vegetables,
03:36 whole grains, nuts and seeds, ANYTHING else that she adds
03:40 is either superfluous, or may not be the best thing.
03:45 Now, what can we say about other things that could be added
03:50 Heavy sweets... for some reason many women CRAVE
03:55 heavy sweets during pregnancy.
03:57 Very salty foods... again, some women CRAVE very salty foods.
04:02 Very highly spiced foods... some women crave those things,
04:06 and some women are just repulsed by the very thought
04:09 of eating something that's highly spiced.
04:11 So the whims of the appetite, get to be a prominent thing
04:14 during pregnancy.
04:16 A woman has a craving for this, or she has an aversion to that,
04:19 so she may leave out some very good foods, and take some
04:23 that are not good for either her, or for the baby.
04:26 What are some of those foods that are not good?
04:30 Things like ice cream, those should be avoided,
04:34 unless the ice cream is made from something very healthful.
04:37 A banana ice cream can be substituted for the heavy
04:41 and unhealthful forms of commercial ice cream
04:44 that are often available.
04:45 And by doing so, she can improve her general nutrition
04:50 and also satisfy her appetite a bit.
04:54 How does one make a nice banana ice cream?
04:57 Well, it's very easy.
04:58 Get a nice ripe banana, peel it, freeze it.
05:02 Then if you want to make it in a blender,
05:04 you can cut it into a number of pieces, maybe 8 or 10 pieces
05:09 ...put it in the blender along with some pineapple juice,
05:13 or other kind of sweet, fruit juice, and blend that
05:16 until it's about the consistency of soft-serve ice cream
05:20 and then it's very delightful!
05:22 It can be eaten with a waffle, or just on hard toast
05:26 ...hard, whole wheat toast
05:28 And it's a remarkably delightful dessert,
05:31 and is just made of fruit.
05:34 She can, if she would like, add to the banana something
05:38 like a few blueberries, or a few strawberries,
05:41 and she's got strawberry ice cream, or blueberry ice cream,
05:45 or any other kind of fruit... peach ice cream,
05:48 just any kind of frozen fruit can be added at that time
05:51 and blended up nicely, and you've got a good ice cream.
05:56 Now, the Champion Juicer can also be used as that thing
06:02 that you use to make the ice cream...
06:05 Of course, it's the champion maker of ice cream.
06:10 I have a Champion Juicer for that very purpose.
06:13 In the south, on a hot day, sometimes very pleasant
06:17 to have a small dish of some kind of ice cream.
06:21 Banana makes up the very creamiest ice cream
06:24 of all the fruits, and so I always use the banana
06:27 as a base for making the ice cream, and add the more
06:32 icy fruits, and crumbly fruits to the banana,
06:36 so that it can be aerated, and creamy,
06:39 and taste very good, and have a good consistency.
06:42 Now in addition to the very heavy sweets, heavy fats
06:47 and heavy salty things also tend to be
06:50 those things that women crave.
06:52 They may crave chips.
06:53 They may crave unhealthful, very salty pickles.
06:58 Or unhealthful, very salty, very fatty, hot dogs.
07:03 And, all of these kinds of things are unhealthful for her.
07:07 One study done a few years ago, showed that if a woman
07:11 ate a lot of hot dogs during pregnancy,
07:13 that her offspring was more likely to develop a brain cancer
07:18 in the future, so we just recommend that those
07:22 are refuse meats anyway, so that hot dogs just not
07:26 be taken ever, but especially not during pregnancy.
07:30 Now with the diet, we need to understand also the times
07:35 of day that one would eat.
07:37 Normally, we recommend a 2- meal plan for women
07:41 and for men as well, but especially for women since they
07:45 tend to get overweight more readily.
07:47 Two meals a day represents the ideal number of meals
07:53 for a human being.
07:54 But during pregnancy, because the entire digestive tract is
07:58 slowed down, we usually recommend the third meal.
08:03 It should be a small meal...
08:05 something like bread and fruit, and she should be able
08:09 to gain weight properly with that, and also to be
08:11 quite satisfied with her meals.
08:13 There are BIG changes in a mother's body during this time.
08:20 and the gastrointestinal tract is one of those organs
08:23 making these big changes.
08:24 We can understand why when we consider the fact
08:27 that certain hormones in a woman's body are
08:31 50 thousand times higher in pregnancy, than they are
08:35 in the unpregnant state...
08:37 So, she's making quite enormous changes
08:40 in her body's mielur? and to keep up with this
08:46 she needs to make certain changes in her lifestyle.
08:49 The emotional state is one of those important areas
08:53 where she needs to pay close attention...
08:56 and Dr. Don Miller is going to talk with us about
09:00 the emotional states of women during pregnancy
09:04 and what can be done to help control that... Dr. Miller
09:07 Thank you so much...
09:08 You know, a woman who is pregnant, as Dr. Thrash is
09:12 explaining, is carrying a precious bundle within her...
09:15 And whatever the woman has going on in her body
09:18 will be going on in the child's body in many ways.
09:21 She talks about this great influx of hormones;
09:25 well, the hormones and other emotional things that are
09:28 going on in a woman's body passes into the child
09:31 and her mental state is extremely important
09:34 during the time of her pregnancy.
09:36 If a woman is happy, if she is just cool during
09:41 the whole time of her pregnancy, the child, itself,
09:44 when the child is born will seem to have the same nature.
09:47 But if the woman is agitated, and if she's unhappy,
09:50 if she's combative, if she's battled by her husband,
09:54 all these different things...
09:55 Because basically when a woman is going through the pregnant
09:57 period, there are changes going on,
10:00 and the husband, sometimes, is not in tune with these things...
10:03 And, his treatment of the wife has a profound effect
10:06 upon the baby once that baby is born.
10:07 You know, you see examples, once of the examples
10:11 that I like to think about is in the Bible
10:13 Let's over here to 2 Chronicles 23
10:17 I find this an interesting study.
10:19 As you study down through the kinds of Israel and Judah,
10:23 it almost always mentions something significant
10:26 Here in the first verse, chapter 23,
10:28 Amaziah was 20 and 5 years old when he began to reign
10:32 and he reigned 20 and 9 years in Jerusalem...
10:35 And then the next thing is very significant...
10:38 "... and his mother's name was Jehoaddin of Jerusalem. "
10:44 And then the next statement always follows, whenever
10:48 it talks about the mother, it says something else about
10:51 the child... It says, "... and he did that which was
10:54 right in the sight of the Lord, and did it with a perfect heart"
11:01 It was the fact that in his mother's womb, and under her
11:05 tutelage, as he was growing up, the Lord was with him
11:09 because the Lord with the mother.
11:11 And so the mother needs to be very sure and very clear
11:14 that when she's raising that child in her womb,
11:16 that she's giving it the very best environment that she can.
11:20 What she listens to, what she sees, what she even thinks
11:24 in her mind, will have an effect upon that baby.
11:27 You know, the baby, upon the point of conception,
11:31 is a human being... 9 months from being born,
11:35 but it's as much a human, as you and I are human,
11:37 as far as I'm concerned...
11:38 And EVERYTHING that goes on in that mother
11:40 is transferred to the baby,
11:42 so we need to be very careful... Dr. Thrash
11:44 Yes... Very good.
11:46 The clothing of the mother also needs to be carefully
11:49 designed... it should be loose, and it should be warm
11:52 Those 2 features are the major features of the
11:56 clothing of the mother.
11:57 No tight bands anywhere... not around any of the
12:00 extremities; especially not on the legs
12:03 or above or below the knees.
12:06 Not around the ankles because the circulation is also not as
12:10 brisk during that time.
12:11 Then warmth, because of the fact that the extremities
12:15 need to be nicely warm so that the circulation
12:20 to the trunk can also be very nicely balanced.
12:24 So warm and loose clothing... we need to be very careful of
12:30 for the pregnant woman.
12:31 Tests have shown that cold feet will reduce the circulation
12:37 to the pelvic organs, and we could assume that that would
12:41 also include the placenta.
12:44 So with a reduced circulation to the placenta,
12:46 the nutrients that would get to the baby
12:49 would also be diminished.
12:51 Now, water for the pregnant woman needs to be abundant.
12:56 The baby is surrounded by a sac of water,
13:01 and the mother's body is also laying in a store of water,
13:05 that at the time of the birth of the baby,
13:08 she can release this water which is now in the form of
13:12 blood serum, or blood plasma...
13:14 And at that time, she can release this extra fluid which
13:18 which can wash out some of the products of conception
13:22 from the uterus, and thereby, cleanse the uterus of these
13:26 products and blood and membranes that might otherwise be retained
13:31 These can be nicely washed out.
13:34 And also, she has in her body fluid that can be put into the
13:40 bloodstream to give her essentially a transfusion.
13:45 So, if she loses some blood during the time of the
13:48 birth of the baby, she has this little transfusion of extra
13:54 fluid in her blood vessel system so that it makes it so that
13:58 she is in much better health than she could otherwise be.
14:02 Now what about the rest that a woman needs during pregnancy?
14:06 Certainly during the nighttime hours, she needs a good, full
14:12 8 hours sleep, and at other times during the day,
14:16 she may also need a nap.
14:18 But, the nap should preferably
14:20 come before the meal, rather than after the meal.
14:23 So before lunch, or before the little supper that she should
14:27 take, she should take a nap...
14:29 maybe 10, 15, 20 minutes.
14:31 Such a nap will refresh her enormously,
14:35 and also make her better able to take care of those
14:39 internal changes that are going on with her.
14:43 The mental health of the mother needs to be carefully guarded
14:48 because she is going to give a legacy to her offspring
14:53 of those emotions that she experiences during her pregnancy
14:57 Now consider this fact, during her pregnancy, at various times,
15:03 during the pregnancy, she's going to be
15:06 putting neurohormones into the bloodstream,
15:10 her own bloodstream, because of thoughts she has had...
15:14 If a person is angry, if they are irritated,
15:18 if they are lonely, or sad, or angry, or oppressed
15:22 by the husband, or if she is fearful,
15:26 whatever her emotional state, she'll be putting neurohormones
15:30 into the bloodstream that reflect her state of mind.
15:37 The baby is developing brain cells at an enormous
15:42 rate of speed.
15:43 And sometimes, during the pregnancy, the baby will be
15:47 grinding out as much as 100,000 brain cells per minute
15:53 What an enormous factory of brain cells...
15:56 So that at the end of the pregnancy,
15:58 the baby has between 50 and 200 billion brain cells.
16:05 Well, it takes a long time to develop all these.
16:07 Now when 100,000 brain cells are being ground out,
16:11 that means that any kind of emotional reflection
16:16 that she has by the hormones that she is producing
16:20 by those thoughts, these hormones can DRIVE
16:25 the development of the neurons in the baby.
16:29 So if she is angry at a certain time, her neurohormones will
16:37 sway the development of the neurons in the brain
16:41 a certain direction.
16:43 We want those to be peaceful, calm, joyous, studious,
16:48 spiritual, laid back...
16:51 We want all of those things and not high-tension,
16:54 high-strung types of emotions that are possible.
17:00 Then, of course, there are spiritual considerations
17:03 both for the mother, and for the baby.
17:05 And in keeping with that thought,
17:08 Dr. Miller is going to present to us some things from
17:12 the Bible, and also some thoughts that he has
17:15 from inspired sources.
17:16 You know, going back to the Book of Judges,
17:19 we see one of the first instances of someone who was
17:22 preplanned... Of course I think that we're all preplanned.
17:26 Going back to the Book of Judges 13, we find an angel
17:35 visiting a man's wife, and the man's name was Manoah
17:38 It says in verse 3, chapter 13...
17:41 "And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman
17:44 and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and barest not;
17:49 but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. "
17:51 So heaven already had a plan for the delivery of Israel
17:56 through the child that this woman would bear
17:58 who had formerly been barren.
18:00 Verse 4, "Now therefore beware"
18:02 BEWARE, and that's the subject we're trying to
18:05 talk to women about today.
18:07 BEWARE of what you do, or don't do!
18:10 "I pray thee, and drink not
18:12 wine, nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing"
18:16 ...Because you are basically the vessel from which this
18:20 vessel that I'm preparing is going to come from
18:22 ...the Lord is telling them through the angel.
18:24 "For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son,
18:28 and no razor shall come upon his head; for the child
18:31 shall be a Nazarite unto the Lord from the womb"
18:34 From the very womb, this child was set aside as somebody
18:37 SPECIAL, as somebody the Lord had specially chosen for work
18:41 And I believe that EVERY single human being that comes
18:44 into this world, God has a SPECIAL plan for.
18:46 From the womb, they have a job to do.
18:49 And God is telling the mother, take care of this child
18:52 starting right NOW
18:53 And, basically, right now, she wasn't even pregnant yet.
18:56 That was going to come some time later.
18:58 "From the womb and he shall begin to deliver Israel. "
19:02 From the WOMB... something is going to happen
19:05 that child will start to grow to become the deliverer of Israel
19:09 Now, I'm going to go over to a very precious Book of the Bible
19:11 It's called the Book of Luke.
19:13 It's a little book that Luke wrote,
19:16 and we're going to find a couple of good situations in there.
19:19 Luke 1:15... Again, an angel talking to a man
19:26 who is in the temple... And here is what it says
19:30 in verse 15, "For he shall be great in the
19:32 sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine,
19:35 nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost,
19:38 even from his mother's womb. "
19:41 Talking about John the Baptist here.
19:43 From the very WOMB, the child was to be... what?
19:46 Filled with the Holy Spirit.
19:48 Filled with the Holy Ghost.
19:50 That means it's not just a piece of something developing
19:53 until it's born, it's going to become a human being.
19:55 From the WOMB, this child was filled with the Holy Spirit.
19:58 And I think our children today have the same opportunity
20:01 to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit,
20:02 if we're giving it the proper experience.
20:05 Okay, let's go on to over here, still in chapter 1, verse 38
20:10 "And Mary said"... now the angel has come to Mary,
20:14 and tells Mary that you are going to become the mother
20:17 of the Messiah, and what is her response?
20:20 "And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord;
20:24 be it unto me according to thy word"
20:29 And Jesus Christ was SO submissive to His Father.
20:32 The mother was SO submissive to God's will,
20:36 and the Son so submissive to the same Father's will
20:40 ...this is what we can put into our children.
20:42 And then going over to verse 41
20:44 Now we see that John the Baptist's mother is
20:48 pregnant, Jesus' mother is pregnant,
20:50 and Jesus' mother, Mary, goes to visit Elizabeth
20:53 and this is what happens...
20:55 "And Mary arose, verse 39, in those days and went
21:00 into the hill country with haste unto a city of Judah,
21:04 and entered into the house of Zacharias,
21:07 and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, that,
21:11 when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary,
21:14 the babe LEAPED in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled
21:19 with the Holy Ghost. "
21:20 So the child, even within the womb,
21:23 already filled with the Holy Spirit, recognized
21:26 that the Messiah was near,
21:27 and for JOY, LEAPED in the womb!
21:30 There is a lot that happens to that child
21:32 when it's in the mother's womb and we have to make sure that
21:35 we are just like Mary... mothers are just like Mary
21:39 "Lord, whatever you want me to do...
21:41 I'm going to raise this child for you. "
21:43 Elizabeth, knowing that this child is going to be
21:45 filled with the Holy Spirit...
21:46 Even Samson's mother, knowing that this child is going to be
21:49 filled with the Holy Ghost,
21:50 even from the womb, and deliver Israel.
21:53 These are some precious privileges that we have.
21:55 As mothers and fathers have an equal role,
21:59 I like to hear what fathers are saying now...
22:01 "We are pregnant" "We had a baby"
22:05 ...Because it is a WE situation.
22:07 And as we both get involved with the process of
22:10 raising our children for the Lord, according to the
22:13 BEST pediatric book ever written... and that's the Bible,
22:17 we're going to raise children that can truly be
22:19 filled with the Holy Spirit even from the womb... Dr. Thrash
22:23 Very good. I really appreciate these texts from the Bible
22:27 that indicate to us the prenatal state of babies
22:31 and help us to know that they are, indeed, individuals
22:35 and are truly people from the very beginning
22:38 of their conception.
22:40 Now, can a woman predict the day that the baby is
22:45 going to be born? Yes, to some degree,
22:47 but as we all know, babies can be born a month,
22:50 or even 2 before the date that we expect...
22:54 Or, they can delay, and be born even 2 or 3 weeks
22:59 after the day we expect.
23:01 But generally speaking, if a woman will subtract 3
23:06 from the month of her last menstrual period,
23:10 and add 7 to 12 days, that will usually give her
23:14 a ballpark estimate of when the baby is going to be born.
23:19 But you can't hold nature to any kind of schedule
23:23 It may be that day, or it may be a little bit before
23:26 or a little after.
23:28 Once the baby gets to the place of maybe 2 or 3 days
23:32 before the birth, the obstetrician can often
23:35 say when the birth is going to be, but even that
23:40 is freighted with a good bit of difficulty.
23:44 Now who should deliver the baby?
23:46 The mother has choices these days.
23:49 Once, we only had the choice of an obstetrician,
23:52 but now, there are very good midwives who practice
23:56 in most of the states of the United States,
23:59 and can do a very acceptable job of delivering babies
24:04 In fact, may of them are far more skilled at this,
24:08 than the obstetricians who are their backup people.
24:11 I remember when I was getting my training in obstetrics,
24:15 after I graduated from medical school, some of the nurses
24:21 who had been 15-20 years in the delivery rooms
24:25 that I worked in, many of them had even delivered more babies
24:29 than I had even seen pregnant women.
24:32 So, I leaned on them very heavily for instruction
24:36 on the practical aspects of delivering babies.
24:39 They were extremely good.
24:42 And today, we have the same kind of thing.
24:44 There are many nurse-midwives who are SO skilled
24:47 that anyone would be privileged to have
24:49 them to be your delivery attendant.
24:52 Where should the baby be born?
24:55 Well, I can't deny the training that I had
25:00 back more than 50 years ago when my professor of obstetrics
25:04 said, "The most ideal place for a baby to be born is
25:08 in its own home. "
25:09 But the reason why we don't do it that way is
25:12 principally because of the convenience of the physician.
25:16 Well since then, we have developed a lot of high tech
25:19 procedures for women, and for babies
25:25 and delivery schedules, and these, I think, make it so that
25:30 we DO need to have a hospital nearby if you're going to
25:34 enter into those kinds of procedures.
25:37 Generally speaking, home births done in a very simple way
25:41 drugs at all administered, can be the most safe and
25:45 the most pleasing of all deliveries.
25:48 Many of you, listening today, will say...
25:51 "I was born in the home, as I was"
25:54 and we, of course, felt that that was the only way
25:57 to be born because the nearest hospital was 35 miles away,
26:01 and that, by ox cart, was not very pleasant.
26:06 Now, what about breastfeeding the baby?
26:08 Every baby that is possible to breastfeed, should be given
26:13 that great privilege; otherwise, it's a poverty
26:18 program for the baby's nutrition.
26:20 But mother's milk is ideally designed to satisfy all
26:24 the needs of the baby, and the mother, and the baby
26:28 can benefit from this very convenient method of feeding
26:34 the baby.
26:35 Using a bottle is inconvenient, at the very best,
26:38 whereas, breastfeeding is hardly inconvenient at all.
26:42 Now nausea and vomiting of pregnancy can be
26:45 somewhat of a problem, and if the mother has this,
26:49 she can often handle it very nicely with ginger,
26:53 or with mint oil... just a tiny, little taste of
26:58 mint oil is usually all that she needs and that will
27:01 take care of matters.
27:04 Most women will develop some varicose veins during pregnancy
27:08 and if she does, she can just know that the time of the
27:13 increased intraabdominal pressure is self-limited
27:19 and the time is coming when she won't have that anymore,
27:24 and the varicose veins will go down to some degree.
27:29 Let cramps can be a serious problem during pregnancy
27:33 and most women have 1 or 2, either leg cramps,
27:37 or cramps of the muscles of the abdomen,
27:39 or cramps somewhere else.
27:41 Not too much can be done for that, except to rub the place
27:45 where the cramp is, and hope for the best that
27:49 they won't last long.
27:51 I hope these very simple things on how to handle
27:54 a pregnancy can be of great help to you.


Revised 2014-12-17