Help Yourself to Health

Syndrome X

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000196

00:01 Syndrome X is growing worldwide.
00:04 You may sort of like the name of the disease, "syndrome X"
00:08 But, it's actually a cluster of diseases.
00:11 We're genetically predisposed to get syndrome X.
00:15 We'd like to talk with you on this program about
00:17 some of those things that can make it so that you will know
00:21 more about how to avoid
00:23 this cluster of diseases.
00:46 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:48 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:51 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
00:56 Now while we are genetically predisposed to get syndrome X,
01:02 we can do MUCH to keep ourselves from getting this,
01:05 and especially when we understand the mechanisms
01:09 that are involved in getting syndrome X.
01:12 One of those things that we have with syndrome X
01:16 is hypertension.
01:17 Hypertension is a problem that we can say is
01:22 both familial, as well as lifestyle, and the lifestyle
01:28 is one that can be easily changed.
01:31 So, we'd like to talk with you about a number of things
01:34 having to do with this lifestyle-triggered genetic
01:39 mechanism... syndrome X
01:42 First to define the syndrome, it's associated with
01:47 a variety of serious adult problems...
01:51 hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and strokes,
01:57 and overweight, and perhaps cancer as well.
02:02 So all of this cluster of disorders associated with
02:07 a familial likelihood of getting it, and called "syndrome X"
02:12 Now it also goes by the name of the "metabolic syndrome"
02:17 I actually like that one better because it describes the
02:20 conditions that occur a little bit better.
02:24 It's a metabolism-driven problem that we have.
02:29 Now syndrome X... Let's start with the discussion
02:33 of hypertension, and what you can do for hypertension.
02:37 Of course, everybody knows that if a person has hypertension,
02:41 if they are also overweight, and they lose weight,
02:46 that can be a GREAT help to them.
02:49 How does one get rid of overweight?
02:52 Well there are a very good variety of things that you
02:57 can do including the kind of exercise that you have.
03:00 The best kind of exercise for you is
03:03 that kind of exercise that YOU like to do.
03:06 If you like gardening, that's good.
03:09 If you like running, that's also good provided
03:13 you are a constant runner, and not just a once-a-month
03:16 runner, and you've been doing it all your life...
03:19 that could be helpful to do running or jogging.
03:22 But, for most people, I can say that walking is the
03:27 very best exercise... We NEED to do walking
03:31 Gardening can be both aerobic, as well as
03:35 strength training, and flexibility-inducing.
03:38 So, I like gardening very much, and it has one MAJOR advantage
03:43 and that is that it's coercive...
03:45 You need to get out there, and do your gardening.
03:48 You look out and you see... Oh, those weeds are
03:51 getting higher every day!
03:54 So you take the hoe, and go out there and REALLY
03:57 ATTACK IT... maybe you only have 20 minutes
03:59 to work in the garden, but you've got 5 rows to hoe out.
04:04 So, if you need to use a hoe 30 minutes more,
04:08 or 20 minutes for 5 rows, you're going to have to have
04:11 that hoe flying pretty fast.
04:14 That gets the heart rate up,
04:16 that gets you a little breathless,
04:19 and that means a good amount of exercise...
04:22 You're exercising at a proper speed.
04:25 Now, if that's not enough for you,
04:29 then you need to lift some weights, or do some
04:33 other kind of exercising to make sure that your muscle
04:36 masses are quite large.
04:38 Larger muscle masses, as a general rule,
04:42 will produce certain substances that help to bring the
04:46 blood pressure down.
04:47 So, keep good muscles!
04:49 Make sure that your muscles are always pretty much
04:53 maximum for your frame, and your kind of family.
04:59 Now another thing that you need to be VERY aware of
05:03 is the kind of diet that you take.
05:05 Diet is important in a number of ways for hypertension.
05:10 #1... Don't eat too much.
05:12 People who eat too much can measure their blood pressure
05:15 after the meal, and find that the before-meal blood pressure,
05:20 and the after-meal blood pressure is MUCH higher
05:24 if they have overeaten, than if they've just eaten a little
05:27 ...or if they've eaten a proper amount.
05:29 How much is enough?
05:30 Most of the time, for most people with syndrome X,
05:34 it's a lot less than they thought they needed.
05:37 It's as little as you can get by with without being
05:40 just exhausted before your next meal,
05:43 or that you lose a LOT of weight very rapidly.
05:49 So, try to judge the amount of weight that you lose
05:53 by a proper scale which is, generally speaking,
05:58 no more than about 1 pound a week for the long haul.
06:03 You can lose as much as you can in the first week,
06:05 but then after that, you don't want to lose quite so rapidly.
06:10 Now in addition to that, you want to be certain that the
06:14 quality of the food that you eat is appropriate.
06:16 #1... Be very careful that you don't eat salty foods
06:20 or fatty foods.
06:21 Hypertension does not do well with either one of those.
06:25 The amount of salt that you should take is about
06:28 1/2 teaspoonful in all that you eat.
06:30 That's not very much salt.
06:33 So if you prepare your food completely without salt,
06:37 that means no salt in the factory, no salt at the stove,
06:41 and no salt at the table,
06:43 and then, measure into a salt shaker a 1/2 teaspoon
06:47 of salt... Then you can use that
06:48 ANY WAY you wish, but that's all you get all day.
06:52 And if you have some left over, that's all right too.
06:54 But 1/2 teaspoonful is about right for the amount of salt
06:59 for a person who has hypertension.
07:01 Now if you don't have hypertension, you may not
07:03 need to be quite so rigid in the amount of salt
07:06 that you take, but no one should really eat salty foods.
07:10 If we eat very salty foods, even one salty meal,
07:14 can adversely affect the kidneys
07:17 And throughout our lives, the kidneys lose 1 nephron
07:22 here and another nephron there,
07:23 so that in a lifetime, you can lose a large proportion
07:28 of the nephrons that you're born with...
07:31 So you want to avoid that loss if at all possible...
07:34 so that the probability of your ever having kidney failure
07:39 is diminished.
07:40 Now, how much fat should one take?
07:43 The smallest amount probably... the better.
07:47 I think in the Dean Ornish Program, which is
07:52 probably the most famous lifestyle program
07:55 in the world today, Dean Ornish aims at about
07:59 10% of the diet in the form of fat.
08:02 That would almost eliminate all forms of free fat,
08:05 such as margarine, mayonnaise, fried foods, cooking fats,
08:09 salad oils, and nut butters.
08:11 You would just almost eliminate that totally.
08:15 And just get your fats, you have to have fats.
08:18 There are essential fatty acids that are necessary for the body
08:22 You can get those from nuts, and seeds, and grains,
08:27 and olives, avocado...
08:30 In these ways, you can get a very good quality
08:34 fat that will supply all your requirements for fat,
08:38 but will not injure your body at all.
08:41 Now, one of the things that I've been interested in following
08:45 in recent years has been the studies on soy.
08:49 Those studies have been very interesting.
08:53 Here is an article that came out in the
08:55 "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition"
08:57 last year and it showed that soy protein has a
09:02 cardioprotective effect, and we can capitalize
09:07 on that... I wish it were more strong, but
09:11 we, at least, what we do have in the way of the
09:14 soy protection, we want to capitalize on that.
09:18 Where do you get these protective qualities?
09:22 It's not from the highly refined foods...
09:26 it's from the whole soy.
09:28 In this way, soybeans do us the very most good.
09:33 Cook up the soybeans yourself, and use very little salt in them
09:38 No oil because soybeans are naturally oily foods.
09:43 That's where we get soy oil, as you know.
09:46 And so, if you just cook them up, just boil them as you do
09:49 ordinary beans, and take about 1/4 of a cup a day
09:53 ...that's all you need to get the protective benefits
09:56 Then that will help you to keep from oxidizing your LDL,
10:02 that's the bad cholesterol...
10:04 And the oxidized form of LDL is the most damaging
10:10 form that we have.
10:12 And soy will naturally lower the blood pressure a little bit
10:18 in people who have high blood pressure.
10:20 Now if your blood pressure is not high,
10:22 soy won't make you drop your blood pressure out the bottom
10:26 You still should take soy because it also has many other
10:31 very good functions.
10:32 It definitely helps you not to get cancer of the breast.
10:36 It probably helps you not to get cancer of the prostate.
10:40 So those are some features of hypertension that can be of
10:44 help to you, and more information on overweight
10:48 will now be given to you by Dr. Don Miller.
10:51 Well you know, Dr. Thrash talked about salt in the diet,
10:55 and I just want to give a little thing before I get into the
10:57 overweight thing.
10:58 I was working a few years ago, with a group of Koreans,
11:01 at a Korean lifestyle center, and as I went into the
11:04 experience, I found that every single patient was on a totally
11:08 salt-free diet.
11:10 And, there was one cook, and so the patients were on a
11:12 totally salt-free diet, and the staff was on a totally salt-free
11:15 diet... and that means, I WAS ON A TOTALLY SALT-FREE DIET!
11:20 Now, for the first few days, it seemed like a rather bland
11:24 and insipid dietary...
11:26 But, as we went into the program and at the end of the 2 weeks
11:30 that I was with them, to me it was EXTREMELY GOOD FOOD
11:34 I went back to my home, being a bachelor I am,
11:37 I was in a hurry and I opened up my can of beans
11:40 and dumped them in the pot, and I ate one biteful
11:44 As a matter of fact, I only put one biteful
11:45 in my mouth... I did not eat it.
11:46 It was SO salty, I dumped it all back out.
11:49 We TRAIN ourselves to like the salt.
11:52 A half a teaspoon is not hard to get used to
11:54 After just a few days, it will be something
11:57 quite natural for you.
11:58 When we think of high blood pressure...
12:01 When we think of diabetes...
12:02 When we think of coronary heart disease...
12:04 We often try to look for what might be the one thing that
12:07 might precipitate these things.
12:09 What might be the very beginning?
12:10 And basically we see these diseases all lead to syndrome X,
12:14 except for the cancer, of course,
12:16 being a continuum, and many times the foundation
12:20 of this problem is overweight, or obesity.
12:23 ...And it is a major problem.
12:25 A person who is overweight, basically their cells become
12:29 more resistant to insulin.
12:31 We all have cells in our bodies, and they have many, many
12:35 sometimes hundreds of different receptor sites...
12:38 or thousands different receptor sites,
12:40 and some of these receptor sites are for insulin.
12:43 For some reason, the cells become more resistant
12:47 and it means it loses their receptor sites for the insulin
12:51 and so our body is full of insulin, and full of glucose
12:55 but the body doesn't know this sometimes,
12:57 and so when the cells start crying out for more glucose,
13:01 the body sends a message for the pancreas to produce more insulin
13:06 And so now you start to wear out the pancreas with the
13:09 increase of the insulin, and now insulin builds up in the body
13:13 which is one of the steps towards syndrome X.
13:16 And so, we need to get the weight under control.
13:19 Now, it's easy for me to say this.
13:22 It's easy for me to talk about how it's so easy
13:25 to be underweight... Or to NORMAL weight,
13:29 because I have ALWAYS been as thin as I am.
13:32 As a matter of fact, I was just weighing myself
13:34 the other day... I weight exactly the same now
13:37 as when I went into the Marine Corps in my 23rd year...
13:41 155 pounds, and I'm thankful for that.
13:44 And YOU also, can get back down to where you need to be.
13:47 Everyone has an ideal weight, and you need to get there...
13:50 How do you do this?
13:52 There are a number of simple ways.
13:53 #1... You need to eat the right types of food.
13:56 Fruits, vegetables, whole grains nuts and seeds...
14:00 And the nuts and seeds in moderation, but the other 3,
14:03 eat plentifully at the right times.
14:06 A person with overweight... normally they got there
14:10 for a few bad habits.
14:11 And if you correct these bad habits,
14:12 you're going to find that you lose weight even if
14:15 you're not even trying to.
14:16 No snacking between meals.
14:18 Not so much as a peanut, not even an organic apple.
14:21 Nothing between meals.
14:23 You're going to find you're going to lose some weight.
14:25 Basically, after 3 o'clock in the afternoon,
14:27 no more eating.
14:29 Basically, you're now onto a 2- meal plan.
14:31 ...A good breakfast, and a good dinner.
14:34 Dinner being your lunch meal.
14:35 And then nothing else for the rest of the day.
14:38 If you want to lose weight, this will help.
14:39 Getting into an exercise program...
14:41 daily exercise, not sporadic exercise...
14:45 But you're going to get into a plan where
14:50 Now some people, when they're overweight,
14:52 they just have a hard time getting into the
14:54 exercise program, because they've got
14:55 a lot of weight to carry around.
15:01 you're out there doing some exercise.
15:04 You're out every day... The best one is walking,
15:07 just take a nice walk up to the corner and back.
15:10 The next day, up to the corner, around, and then back again.
15:13 Every day, you walk a little bit more.
15:16 Another good clue to help to lose weight...
15:19 When you get done with your meal,
15:23 Basically, many people... and I find myself
15:25 even doing this sometimes.
15:27 I get done eating, and I just want to sit back
15:29 and going to start gabbing with the people at the table
15:32 And as you're sitting there talking, you reach over
15:34 and you grab one more of those things...
15:36 and put that in your mouth and chew it, and you swallow
15:39 that thing, and you're talking some more,
15:40 and there's another little piece you're going to clean off
15:42 ...Well, this bowl is almost empty,
15:43 let's clean this one off too!
15:45 And you eat that, and you chew it,
15:46 and you keep on eating, and eating, and eating
15:50 LONG after you should have stopped eating,
15:52 so stay away from that particular problem.
15:54 Drink plenty of water in-between meals.
15:56 Many times, you know, the body sends signals
15:59 that you are thirsty, and the trouble with that signal is...
16:02 sometimes the body translates that signal as "hunger"
16:06 So, midday, you feel like, "Man, I am really hungry"
16:10 and if you feel that way, drink yourself a BIG glass of water,
16:14 and you're going to find that most times, that desire for the
16:16 food goes away quite quickly.
16:19 You need to stay away from "free fats"
16:22 That means butter, margarine, fried foods, salad oils,
16:27 cooking fats, mayonnaise, and nut butters.
16:29 If you are overweight, stay away from these.
16:32 These have a number of bad implications in your health.
16:36 #1... They're going to cause the
16:38 fat to go to places where you don't need it.
16:40 We DO need fat, as Dr. Thrash mentioned,
16:42 but we don't need as much as we have.
16:44 It goes to the wrong places...
16:46 Plus, it makes the blood a little bit thicker...
16:49 And, it will make your cells less able to receive the glucose
16:53 through the insulin receptors.
16:55 And so, stay away from free fats.
16:57 Eat a good dietary of good food.
16:59 No snacking between meals.
17:00 Nothing late at night.
17:02 Nothing after 3 p. m. is really the best way.
17:04 Get the weight under control. Those simple things...
17:08 I knew a young woman one time...
17:09 She was EXTREMELY overweight.
17:11 And she did just 2 things...
17:13 She stopped eating junk foods,
17:16 and she started exercising every day,
17:19 and within 1 year...
17:20 As a matter of fact, I once mistook her for somebody else
17:25 who was a THIN person!
17:26 And I called this person's name, and it turned out to be
17:29 the OTHER person who, the year before, had been
17:31 extremely obese.
17:32 DO these simple things...
17:34 And you're going to MISS your appointment with hypertension,
17:36 MISS your appointment with diabetes
17:38 MISS your appointment with syndrome X
17:40 MISS your appointment with an early appointment
17:43 with the undertaker.
17:44 That's very good... we all want to DO THAT!
17:47 Now with diabetes, which is probably the first of the
17:51 syndrome X diseases that we discovered,
17:54 diabetes we can do far more good with than most
18:00 of the others by simply losing weight.
18:03 How do you lose weight?
18:05 Well, Dr. Miller mentioned a few things.
18:07 We have mentioned also the fact that LONG periods of
18:11 exercise are better than short periods...
18:13 And the reason for that is that during the first 30 minutes
18:17 of exercising, you are mainly burning the carbohydrates
18:21 that you stored in muscles, and skin, and kidneys
18:25 and liver... where we can stash away
18:28 some carbohydrate for storage, we first deplete
18:32 those carbohydrate storage areas,
18:35 and THEN we start using the fat that we have stored.
18:39 Once we get past about 30 minutes,
18:42 fat starts being metabolized to furnish energy and heat
18:46 for the exercise, and both of those can go far toward
18:50 helping you to lose weight.
18:52 Now if you exercise even more than an hour,
18:56 the longer you exercise, the more weight per minute
19:01 you're actually losing.
19:02 It's getting to that first hour, that's the thing...
19:06 and especially to the first 1/2 an hour.
19:08 Then past that, you will start losing weight.
19:11 We have reversing diabetes programs that
19:15 are very helpful to people.
19:17 I recommend to people who have diabetes,
19:20 that they get on a program, and in a GROUP of people
19:24 If they get in a group, they are more likely to stay
19:28 with a weight loss program, than if they don't have a group.
19:31 It's the matter of accountability.
19:34 You go there once a week, you weigh in...
19:38 and not that you tell people what you weigh necessarily,
19:41 but you can say, "I LOST a little bit. "
19:44 Or, "Unfortunately, I GAINED a little bit. "
19:47 And in both of those instances, the accountability
19:50 will go far toward helping you to lose weight for your diabetes
19:55 Another very helpful thing, is simply keeping a diet list.
20:01 Just write down everything that you eat.
20:04 If you take your breakfast, and just write down everything...
20:08 the quantity that you ate.
20:10 The next thing and the quantity.
20:12 And the next thing and the quantity.
20:14 Try to keep the number of things at a meal down to
20:18 3 or 4 things, even down to 2... that's not wrong.
20:22 A fresh thing and a dish that's not fresh... that's cooked.
20:28 You can have a very nice meal on just those very simple things
20:34 and that helps you to lose weight.
20:35 Something about having to write down what you have eaten
20:40 makes it so that you can lose weight.
20:43 It inhibits your desire for that dish of seconds.
20:48 Many good principles can be learned by being with a group
20:53 so I recommend that for you.
20:54 Now, another part of these related diseases is gout.
21:01 And while we don't generally think of gout as being a part
21:04 of syndrome X, it is so closely related,
21:08 that we're going to discuss that for you right now.
21:10 Dr. Miller is going to present a few things for you
21:12 on the subject of gout.
21:14 Well the reason why it is so closely connected is
21:17 because the lifestyle that will lead to syndrome X
21:20 is the same lifestyle that's going to lead to
21:22 things like gout.
21:23 Gout is an extremely inflammatory form of arthritis.
21:28 And, if anyone has it, they'll know usually
21:31 where it was first felt.
21:33 As a matter of fact, that's a good diagnostic tool.
21:36 Someone sits there and says, "I've got this terrible pain
21:40 in my big toe," that is where
21:42 you normally find gout beginning.
21:44 Gout is basically caused by a buildup of uric acid
21:50 in the bloodstream.
21:52 The bloodstream goes through the kidneys,
21:54 it tries to excrete it, but the higher the levels are
21:57 in the bloodstream; finally, the kidneys say,
21:59 "I can't do all this," and so it stays in the bloodstream
22:02 and it begins to crystallize.
22:04 And it will crystallize... that's why the big toe,
22:07 about as far as it can get.
22:08 It goes all the way down to the big toe, and it begins to
22:11 crystallize in the articulating joint of the big toe
22:14 where the 2 bones come together,
22:17 and will crystallize in there; therefore, the PAIN
22:20 when that joint moves, becomes rather severe.
22:24 You find that if a person has that pain down there,
22:27 if you press the toe, or you move the toe,
22:31 if it exacerbates the pain, makes the pain much worse,
22:34 it's a good clue that this is, indeed, gout.
22:37 If it does not, that probably is not the problem.
22:40 But pressure and movement, accelerates the pain.
22:44 It heightens the pain.
22:45 And what's going to happen if you have this problem,
22:48 it's going to start moving to other joints
22:50 ...your other toes, your ankles, your knees, your hips.
22:52 And pretty soon, you've got these uric acid crystals
22:56 in ALL of your joints, and you're in pretty
22:58 miserable condition.
22:59 So what do you do?
23:01 First of all, you quit putting high amounts of uric acid
23:04 into your body... Where do you get that?
23:06 By a high level of meat products in your diet purines
23:10 These things all are carrying lots of uric acid.
23:13 Basically, when the animal was killed,
23:17 it had uric acid in his bloodstream...
23:20 It's in the meat. That's what gives it the flavor.
23:22 You eat it. It's in your bloodstream
23:24 and now we've got the major problem.
23:26 And so, get away from the animal products.
23:28 Completely away from the ALL the animal products
23:31 will help extremely much.
23:32 And then take the universal solvent... drink LOTS of water!
23:36 The more water, the better.
23:38 You're going to find that it will start to break down
23:41 these acid crystals...
23:43 As your kidneys say, "Okay, we can handle all this now"
23:46 The blood will start reabsorbing these crystals
23:50 take them to the kidneys, and they're out of the body.
23:52 There are some other very NICE things that you can do
23:55 for this problem.
23:57 One of them is cherries.
23:58 Cherries is an extremely good food for the gouty condition
24:04 And so, when it comes into cherry season,
24:06 I wouldn't get the kind you get in a can which have
24:08 lots of sugar in them...
24:09 But as soon as cherry season comes along,
24:12 you're going to be off meat for all this time between then
24:14 unless we're in cherry season now... EAT THE CHERRIES
24:18 You're going to find that you're going to be able to get rid
24:20 of those things doing this.
24:22 Lose weight.
24:24 We've already mentioned how to do that.
24:26 And then, increase your carbohydrate intake in your body
24:30 which will help get rid of the gouty condition.
24:33 Another nice thing you can do is make some potassium broth.
24:38 Very simple to do this...
24:40 Take some white potatoes, peel them,
24:44 just really healthy peelings, don't try to scare
24:47 2 potatoes out of 1 peeling...
24:48 But get A LOT of peeling on there.
24:50 BOIL these peelings until you've got a broth.
24:53 Drink this broth... it's extremely good
24:56 in taking care of the gouty condition.
24:59 And it may take a while.
25:00 It took a while to get the problem.
25:02 You see, people are looking for the quick fix.
25:04 It takes a while to get the problem,
25:06 it will take a while to get rid of the problem...
25:08 But you WILL get rid of the problem if you're
25:10 DILIGENT with this program.
25:12 And, I'm thankful my big toes don't hurt, Dr. Thrash,
25:16 but if they did, I'd be eating cherries and drinking water!
25:18 That's a very good remedy for this.
25:21 Now heart disease and strokes are also a part of syndrome X
25:26 And, in addition to the things we've already mentioned
25:30 with hypertension, and diabetes, and gout,
25:33 those very same things will also work
25:36 for heart disease and stroke.
25:37 Major changes in lifestyle... these are really needed
25:41 ...high salt, high fat, high sugar diets,
25:45 these are out for the person with heart disease,
25:48 as well as people who have these other aspects
25:53 of syndrome X.
25:54 Always bear in mind that with this cluster of diseases,
25:59 the basic problem is a high level of insulin.
26:04 Insulin is also the best appetite stimulant known to man
26:08 And so, if you recognize that when you're appetite is
26:12 clamoring for some kind of food that you know
26:15 you should not have, simply speak to yourself
26:17 and say... "It is not that I NEED this food...
26:20 it is simply that the high insulin level in my blood
26:24 is stimulating my appetite so that I WANT to take this food"
26:29 But you don't really need to answer that call to eat
26:32 every time your appetite sends you a signal.
26:35 Now another BIG thing in avoiding both
26:39 heart attacks and strokes is that of drinking
26:43 plenty of water.
26:44 It has been shown that people who are prone to strokes
26:48 if they simply drink 1 glass full of water during the night,
26:51 when they get up to go to the bathroom,
26:54 they drink one glass of water,
26:55 that it will ENORMOUSLY benefit their vascular system,
27:02 and their blood, so that the blood will not form a clot
27:06 before it is spilled on the outside...
27:10 which is when we should form clots, and not while
27:13 it's still in the blood vessels.
27:15 Now, TIAs, or transient ischemic attacks
27:19 are reversible tiny strokes.
27:23 We might consider them to be a stroke.
27:24 They are often characterized by being unable to speak,
27:28 or unable to think, but the person is usually conscious
27:33 ...and they sit for a while, and rest for a while
27:37 and then they have a complete reversal of their symptoms.
27:40 They may get so that they are as if they have never had
27:44 that problem at all.
27:46 Now we've covered a lot of ground in this syndrome X
27:50 and we hope that our remarks will be so beneficial to you
27:54 that you can REVERSE your problems if you have them.


Revised 2014-12-17