Help Yourself to Health

Children And Teen Issues, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000195

00:01 Where does a parent get information for rearing a child?
00:04 There's a good bit written out there.
00:07 What of it is good, and what is not good has to be studied.
00:10 We will have some principles that may help you to sort out
00:14 which of the information that you have available could be
00:18 really good...
00:19 So we hope you will join us for this program.
00:43 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:44 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:47 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
00:51 Now while not everything that you will find in print
00:54 is going to be helpful for you to rear your child,
00:58 there are some things that can be very helpful,
01:01 but you will find a GREAT number of journals and
01:06 and magazines such as this one that I hold...
01:09 And as I have read through this I have found that there's a
01:12 good bit of good information in it.
01:15 But then there are some things that I would be
01:17 just as happy not to have parents believe that
01:20 that was something good.
01:22 I find that the very best thing in print all around
01:26 is a book called "Child Guidance"
01:28 When my children were very small,
01:32 I didn't have this book available to me,
01:34 but, later in their lives, I did, and I felt that
01:37 I made some corrections that were just absolutely wonderful
01:41 that helped me a lot in rearing my children.
01:45 Some of the principles there were of such a nature
01:48 that I could make certain that the program was good
01:52 even if I didn't know certain scientific principles...
01:56 or averages in the rearing of my children,
01:58 and in the control of their health habits.
02:01 I have some aids, some charts, that I would like to
02:06 show you that will help you to know about the average
02:10 height of a child, and just how nicely you can
02:15 judge just how your children should stack up with the
02:20 averages.
02:21 Now, the average height in children...
02:24 the age x 2 + 32 equals the height
02:32 To give you an example...
02:35 Let's say a 2-1/2-year-old child multiply that by 2
02:40 you'll get 5... then 5 + 32 =37
02:45 So, the height at about 2-1/2 years should be
02:49 around 37 inches.
02:51 Now, that can be a guideline for you with the height.
02:55 But now, we have the weight.
02:57 We need to know what the average weight is
03:00 ...what might be considered to be a normal weight.
03:03 Although, I guess there is no person that actually
03:08 fully falls in the normal range.
03:12 We hardly even know what a normal range is for children.
03:15 But the birth weight should be between 6 and 8 pounds.
03:19 If a person is over 8 pounds at birth,
03:22 that increases the risk that a person would get
03:25 diabetes later in life...
03:27 And it also increases the risk that the mother will develop
03:31 diabetes some time in her life.
03:33 Then at 6 months, the child should
03:36 roughly double the birth weight.
03:38 At 12 months, roughly triple the birth weight.
03:42 At 24 months, quadruple the birth weight.
03:47 So that will help you a lot to know about averages.
03:50 Now an average weight in children...
03:53 Let's give an example...
04:04 So that can help you with that.
04:08 This is in the very young age,
04:12 but now what about after the age of 3...
04:15 Then we have some different parameters that we need to check
04:18 to let us know what the person should weigh after the age of 3
04:22 If we take the age, multiply that by 5 and add 17,
04:30 that will give us the average weight after the age of 3
04:34 Let's notice this example...
04:35 A 4-year-old child, multiply that by 5, gives 20
04:40 20 + 17 gives 37, so at the age of 4,
04:44 the little child should be around 37 pounds.
04:49 So that can be very helpful to you to know just what
04:53 can be the average height and weight of children.
04:58 If your child doesn't fall within this range,
05:02 don't be greatly upset, because that probably just
05:05 means that if your child LOOKS normal height
05:09 FEELS normal weight, then you're probably all right
05:14 with your child, even if he doesn't fall EXACTLY
05:17 within this range that I gave you here.
05:21 Children who grow up very fast are subject to a
05:25 wide variety of illnesses that we never had before
05:29 because our children are growing up much too
05:32 fast in our age. Why is this happening?
05:35 Well, it's because of our lifestyle in this modern society
05:39 And, if you will study your child's lifestyle,
05:42 study also their height, and weight,
05:45 make certain they are not greatly exceeding
05:48 the height and weight charts.
05:50 In fact, it would be good if they were no more
05:52 than just average.
05:54 Now if your child is gaining WAY too fast,
05:57 getting tall WAY to fast...
06:00 they're in the husky sizes for each of the ages that
06:04 they pass through,
06:05 then you need to take better care of your child's lifestyle
06:11 ...the exercise, the sedentary habits that they have,
06:15 the diet that they have, what snack foods
06:18 they have between meals, and personally,
06:21 I see no reason for a child to have any snacks between meals
06:24 If you will train your child correctly,
06:26 they will not get hungry between meals.
06:28 Just put their meals about 5 to 7 hours apart
06:32 and they won't get hungry between meals unless
06:35 you've trained them to get hungry between meals.
06:38 Our schools tend to train them.
06:40 But one of the problems in being overweight,
06:43 is that children are now getting gallbladder disease
06:45 when they NEVER used to do it.
06:47 We used to say the signs of gallbladder disease were
06:53 fourfold... FAT, FAIR, FEMALE, and 40
06:58 We can no longer say that because they may not be
07:02 fair any more...
07:03 They are now darker-skinned individuals also getting
07:08 gallbladder disease.
07:09 The 40, you can forget that number because
07:13 we now see gallbladder disease at almost any age...
07:16 even in 12 year olds, or 8 year olds...
07:19 They may have gallstones and have to have
07:23 the gallbladder operations.
07:25 We also recognize that it's not altogether females.
07:30 Now males also have the problem because men and boys
07:36 are just as overweight as little girls are which
07:40 did not used to be.
07:41 It used to be that most of the time, it was the little girls
07:45 who tended to be overweight, rather than the little boys.
07:49 Gallbladder disease may also be the herald of some other
07:53 problems in childhood, and sometimes we may not
07:58 relate psychological problems to lifestyle,
08:03 but they certainly are related.
08:05 One of those is delinquency, or crime in childhood.
08:09 With me now is Dr. Donald Miller
08:13 and he is going to talk with you some about crime,
08:16 and crime in childhood is on the rise.
08:20 You've probably seen the study
08:22 that was done a number of years ago...
08:24 what was the major problems with children,
08:25 teenagers in the 1950s, compared to what was
08:29 the major problem with teenagers I think this study was done
08:32 in the 80s.
08:33 Some of the major problems in the 1950s was cutting in line,
08:37 talking in class, chewing gum, throwing spit wads...
08:41 A pretty rough group back then!
08:44 But then they looked at the problems with the children
08:45 in the 80s, and I would say probably even today
08:48 in our schools... What are the major problems we're having?
08:51 We're having assaults. We're having murders.
08:53 We're having rapes. We're having unbelievable
08:55 amount of problems with the children today.
08:58 Now I'm not saying ALL children, but we're seeing a very
09:01 BIG rise in the temperament of the children in our schools
09:05 today, and outside of our schools.
09:07 What is causing this unbelievable
09:09 rise in crime in the schools?
09:11 One of the things can be the unstructured home life.
09:14 Children now come home and they're raised by their peers.
09:19 They're raised by their televisions.
09:20 And what are they seeing on the television?
09:22 What are they hearing in their music?
09:24 They've got music today, if you listen to the words,
09:27 and I don't, every once in a while I hear, I catch a snatch
09:30 while filling up gas, the very music is promoting
09:34 a violent lifestyle.
09:37 There's a very interesting quote that I have...
09:39 It is by Aristotle... and he basically says,
09:43 "If you listen to ignoble music, you will become
09:47 ignoble yourself. "
09:48 "If you listen to noble music, music of a higher level,
09:52 you will rise to that same level. "
09:54 Listen to the music today, don't listen to it too long...
09:57 But you're going to find that it is driving a person back down
10:00 The television is promoting crime in the child.
10:06 But, I think one of the BIGGEST things
10:08 is these video games.
10:10 A child sits down to their computer, and they can sit there
10:14 and kill 100 people before breakfast.
10:17 It's violence, it's just pure violence.
10:21 And you cannot be exposed to this much violence
10:24 for such a long period of time and not have it make
10:27 some type of an effect on your mind.
10:29 There's a very good principle in the Bible...
10:31 By beholding, we become changed into the same image.
10:35 And so what image are you allowing
10:38 your children to observe...
10:39 And children out there, what are you watching?
10:41 WHAT do you want to be like?
10:43 Do you want to be like that Kung-Fu master over there?
10:47 Or would you like to be like Jesus?
10:48 We need to spend more time
10:50 looking at THAT which we'd like to become.
10:52 The foods that we eat today...
10:54 They did an interesting study called "The Tidewater Study"
10:57 And Tidewater is a prison.
10:59 And what they did in this prison, is they withdrew
11:03 3 different things from their lifestyles.
11:05 They withdrew caffeinated beverages,
11:09 cola drinks, things like that, and chocolate.
11:11 They withdrew refined carbohydrates,
11:13 and they withdrew sugary junk foods
11:16 ...just those simple 3 things
11:18 none of which we need for our lives.
11:20 None of which we need to make us grow
11:23 healthier, happier or anything else.
11:24 They withdrew these 3 things from criminals,
11:28 these are grown men in the prison,
11:30 they withdrew these things, and they found that
11:32 assaults diminished, robberies, thefts from other prisoners
11:38 diminished, malicious horseplay diminished
11:42 Everything went down that prisoners seemed to get
11:45 a little bit more together because their diet
11:49 just those 3 things.
11:50 Those 3 things are what our children are living on today.
11:53 Our children come home from school, the first thing they do
11:56 is grab some gooey snack food.
11:58 Grab some soda on the way home from school.
12:01 And all of these things are going to excite something
12:04 inside their bodies.
12:05 They did another interesting study with rats.
12:08 They had 1 group of rats, and they fed it the typical
12:12 teenage diet which included some good things,
12:16 some salads and green beans, but a lot of the bad things
12:19 that our children are typically growing up on today.
12:21 And then they offered them, in the cage, 2 choices...
12:25 Straight water, or water with 10% alcohol
12:29 And they observed the rats, and they found that the rats
12:32 went to the alcohol about 52% of the time.
12:36 Now you might say, "Well, a rat doesn't know
12:38 the difference between water and alcohol,
12:40 they just drank what they had, and 50% went one way,
12:42 and 50% went the other way.
12:43 Well, then they had a second cage of rats...
12:46 This cage of rats, they gave Purina Lab Chow for rats...
12:51 especially made for rats living in these types of
12:54 experimental conditions.
12:56 Same 2 choices with the alcohol,
12:59 these rats went to the alcohol 18% of the time.
13:02 But then we have a third group of rats...
13:05 Same 2 choices, but they were getting a vegetarian diet.
13:09 If I was a rat, I'd want to be in this group
13:11 A vegetarian diet, they went to the alcohol 2.7% of the time.
13:16 Unbelievable difference!
13:18 And the alcohol is a gateway to other problems.
13:21 And as we go up the line...
13:22 You see, children today are out-of-control because
13:24 they are into EVERYTHING else in the world.
13:26 We need to SLOW them down.
13:29 Get them into something that's going to cause their minds to be
13:32 placed in looking upwards to something
13:36 far better as an example.
13:38 So, we need to get our children away from these things...
13:40 the TV, the media, the radio, the CDs...
13:46 just unbelievable the assault on our children today.
13:49 And, it's going to cause a much bigger crime wave than
13:53 what we are seeing today, and we need to get our children.
13:56 We need to reclaim our children.
13:57 Dr. Thrash... We going to lose them.
13:58 That's for sure.
14:00 One of the problems with growing up too fast and being too active
14:04 in certain areas is that of nearsightedness.
14:08 I'd like to draw for you on the board a diagram of the eye
14:13 so that you can see just how nearsightedness could occur
14:16 in a person who reads too much, and who is growing up too fast.
14:23 Let's just say that this represents the eye.
14:26 This is the cornea here... just a little bit of a bulge
14:30 and then the eye comes around like this,
14:35 maybe I've made that just a little bit off center...
14:38 And we have then, here the lens just at the front of the
14:46 eye like this, and then light rays come
14:51 into the eye from afar, and we can say they come in
14:55 relatively straight, just about like this
14:58 And where they come into the lens,
15:03 they are then focused so that the rays actually strike
15:09 on the back part of the retina, and focus there.
15:14 Now that's in a person who has a normal size eye.
15:19 But in a child who is reading too much,
15:23 growing up too fast, the eyeball will actually be larger,
15:29 and so the person focuses in front of the retina
15:35 Such a person is said to be nearsighted.
15:38 Now, if the person has a failure to thrive,
15:42 they may, usually not, but they may get a small
15:46 eye and the focus is behind them.
15:49 This person is farsighted.
15:52 So, nearsightedness with the focus occurring before the rays
15:57 get to the retina, this nearsightedness is getting to be
16:02 far more common in our day.
16:04 So, ophthalmologists are seeing children who are
16:08 just 4 and 5 years of age, who have been reading,
16:12 or doing close work with the eyes for many years
16:15 ...and that, of course, encourages nearsightedness.
16:18 Now, we have also another problem...
16:22 precocious puberty in children is today a very serious problem.
16:28 In some countries of the world, it is considered to be
16:31 in epidemic proportions.
16:33 Only recently, it began to be considered to be epidemic
16:38 in the United States.
16:40 Children getting their menstrual period, or coming into their
16:46 puberty with axillary hair, and pubic hair FAR in advance of
16:52 the time that they used to many years ago.
16:54 So, Dr. Miller is going to talk with us a bit about
16:57 precocious puberty, and some of its causes.
17:01 You know, you look back in the 1880s, at the time a child
17:05 would reach puberty basically when the time that they
17:07 could reproduce their generation,
17:10 it was usually between 16 and 18 years of age.
17:13 And, there are countries in the world today... it's still
17:16 up in that area because of certain lifestyle modifications.
17:20 But we find that today, about every decade, we're loping about
17:24 6 months off of the generation age.
17:29 And today, basically, the puberty, on the average,
17:33 is around 11.
17:34 I read an article which was SO startling to me...
17:37 It said, "1 in 6 girls reaches puberty by the age of 8"
17:41 That means a child, at the age of 8 years old,
17:45 has all the hormones, and the developing equipment to be a
17:50 full grown woman, but she has the experience of a child.
17:54 A boy has an experience of a boy.
17:56 And what do you do, when you have that situation?
17:59 It's a serious, serious problem in the world today.
18:01 They were observing, epidemiologists,
18:05 a particular problem of precocious puberty.
18:07 It was happening in Puerto Rico some years ago.
18:10 And I've seen the studies, and I have seen the pictures
18:13 which were some extremely alarming pictures.
18:15 They found a whole group of children to be developing
18:20 extremely quick... we're talking about young boys
18:23 5, 6, 7 with developed breasts.
18:27 We're talking about all the secondary
18:29 sexual characteristics... pubic hair, everything,
18:33 the voice dropping...
18:34 We're talking about children WAY before their teens
18:37 coming into this problem.
18:38 They started saying, "What is the problem we're having here"
18:41 This was a serious epidemic.
18:43 So they sent the epidemiologist down there to search out
18:47 why are all these children...
18:48 They found out that all of these children were from homes
18:52 of parents who worked right down the road at the chicken
18:56 factory.
18:57 We find that a chicken... I was raised partly on a farm,
19:01 and every spring we'd buy a whole clutch of eggs
19:05 and we'd incubate them, and they'd hatch out
19:07 And it took about 12 weeks, at the minimum for them to get
19:10 to be what we call, a garish thought... "fryer age. "
19:14 They've got that down, in many places, to 8 weeks.
19:19 But I was in Japan not long ago, and a man was telling me
19:23 that he has a friend in South America,
19:25 that his father runs one of these places,
19:28 and they've got it down to, I don't know how they
19:30 did this, 18 days!
19:31 Now can you imagine taking a little fluffy chick
19:36 to the size so they can be killed and eaten in 18 days.
19:41 I mean, 8 weeks is bad enough.
19:42 How do they do that... hormones.
19:44 The children are receiving these hormones through the food
19:47 because if you give the hormone to an animal,
19:49 and you eat the animal, you get the hormones.
19:52 And these are hormones that accelerate the growth,
19:55 and that's what we're seeing in children today...
19:57 an acceleration in their growth.
19:59 That's was we call "precocious puberty"
20:01 We need to slow it down.
20:04 How do you slow it down?
20:05 I would recommend you get on the most simple diet
20:07 that you can... fruits, vegetables,
20:10 whole grains, nuts and seeds.
20:12 If they eat those things,
20:14 they're getting all the calcium they need.
20:16 They're getting all the protein they need.
20:18 Throw in some organic vegetables, have them eat it
20:20 without peeling it.
20:22 You're going to get your vitamin B12.
20:24 Have them eat a simple diet.
20:26 But there are other things that cause this
20:28 precocious puberty... is the avenues to the soul.
20:31 We need to guard, carefully, the avenues to the soul.
20:34 I've already talked about it in the crime in children.
20:36 We've got to watch what goes in the ears.
20:38 Watch what goes in the eyes, as well as what goes
20:41 in the mouth... and slow this process down
20:43 because you see precocious puberty OPENS THE DOOR
20:46 to all kinds of adult diseases.
20:49 And we find that the sooner a child grows up,
20:52 the sooner and the quicker they will grow down.
20:56 When I say grow down, start developing the adult diseases.
21:00 Adult-onset diabetes, osteoporosis,
21:03 coronary heart disease... all of these things are now
21:06 childhood diseases... It's a crime.
21:08 It should never have happened.
21:09 But you're going to find that a child who is
21:12 raised very simply...
21:15 Now the trouble with our society, you see this is also
21:18 a societal mindset.
21:20 You take the child out in public and your child
21:23 happens to be a little smaller.
21:24 they don't have all the muscles already and all the bulk to them
21:28 and they think that the child is being abused...
21:30 And they look over at this other child who already is a
21:32 foot taller, and already developing...
21:35 When I see a child, 10 years of age, already developing
21:39 their adulthood characteristics, I grieve for the parents
21:46 and I grieve for the child because that child
21:48 has things going on in their body that they have no idea
21:51 how to control because of their small experience.
21:54 And with that small experience, it's going to open up a gateway
21:58 to many, many problems.
22:00 And we need to SLOW this process down.
22:02 And if your child is growing slowly, don't worry
22:05 they will grow as tall as God has made them to grow
22:08 at the proper time.
22:09 Let them grow up at 18 and 19, not 8 and 9.
22:13 Those who are growing up at 8 and 9, are going to be
22:15 old people by the time they're 40.
22:17 Those who are growing up slower, will live to 60, 70, 80 and
22:21 still have that youthful vigor.
22:24 You see, taking all these things to our systems,
22:27 we do what's called, "we use up our vital force,
22:30 our vital capacity.
22:31 Moses, we're told, that at 120, his eye was not dim
22:36 nor his natural force abated.
22:39 But burning these types of fuels in the body,
22:42 these unclean fuels of these bad foods,
22:45 and this bad lifestyle, causes an acceleration of the burning
22:49 of our natural forces...
22:52 And so that when we get to those older ages,
22:54 we've found that we've worn ourselves out by
22:57 the time we're 40s and 50s
22:59 I've known people in their 50s who were OLD people already.
23:03 And I've known people in their 80s and 90s who were
23:06 still, in many ways, young people.
23:08 I want to keep my youth as long as possible, Dr. Thrash.
23:11 Amen!
23:12 One of those diseases that we get from growing up too fast,
23:16 getting too large is that of diabetes.
23:19 Again, this is a disease now of children.
23:22 We used to call this type 2 diabetes, adult-onset diabetes,
23:26 but now, we just call it type 2, because children
23:30 are also getting diabetes.
23:32 The cure, or the way to help it is, of course,
23:35 to slow down the process of development
23:39 in the ways that Dr. Miller mentioned so that
23:42 the child does not get that priming that will be obtained
23:47 from being overweight, too tall, too soon.
23:53 We have found that even the diet of the mother
23:57 primes the cells of the unborn child
24:02 so that they are more likely to get overweight later in life
24:06 So, for the woman to eat LARGE quantities of sugar,
24:11 or LARGE quantities of fat just because the appetite
24:14 calls for it during pregnancy, is a wrong thing for the child.
24:19 Some of these things are worse for the child, than the forms of
24:23 child abuse that everybody makes a large outcry for.
24:27 So, we want to be careful to handle that in a proper way.
24:32 Now, an unrelated problem, but actually pretty common
24:37 nowadays, is head lice in children.
24:42 In schools, they will have an outbreak,
24:44 and it will go through the school.
24:46 So Dr. Miller is going to talk with you a bit about
24:49 this problem of head lice, and what we can do about it.
24:52 I lived in Hawaii for a few years,
24:55 and there, they call lice a different word...
24:58 A lot of the language in Hawaii is Hawaiian,
25:03 so they call them "ukus"
25:04 And about once a week or so, a nurse would go through,
25:08 and check every single child's hair for ukus.
25:11 And, of course, we call them head lice.
25:13 We've got head lice, body lice, and pubic lice called "crabs"
25:17 and these things are basically transmitted by
25:20 SHARING our things.
25:21 Now we're told to train our children to share,
25:24 and sharing is a good thing,
25:25 but it's sharing the hats, sharing the combs,
25:29 sharing the brushes, sharing the clothing,
25:31 that will cause us to transmit these lice...
25:34 and they are a real problem.
25:36 I remember a number of years ago, some friends of mine
25:39 at Uchee Pines had gone out in the community
25:41 and found 2 young children living in a home,
25:45 and being raised by their grandparents,
25:48 and their grandparents were willing to let them be
25:50 taken over and every once in a while, they'd come to visit
25:54 and these children's hair were unbelievably infected
25:57 with lice.
25:58 You could look and almost every hair follicle had a number
26:02 of these little white things called "nits," the little eggs
26:04 and their hair was just teeming.
26:07 And, back then, I'm afraid what we used was some
26:10 of these antilice-type shampoos which are all toxic.
26:14 They all cause problems... we do not recommend them
26:17 anymore, and they didn't work anyway.
26:20 We had tried a nit comb, and tried to comb the nits out,
26:22 and they just would not get them all until we finally just
26:25 had to cut their hair off and start over fresh.
26:29 But trouble is, we take them back to their homes,
26:32 and in their homes, the bedding would be infected,
26:34 their clothing would be infected.
26:36 When you have lice, everything has to be cleaned up.
26:39 Also, you might think that washing you hair
26:43 and staying clean will help avoid getting these lice
26:47 Lice like cleanness, especially those head lice
26:50 They LIKE clean hair.
26:51 What they do, is they get up there...
26:53 they lay some eggs, and they live by sucking your blood.
26:55 There are a few things you CAN do besides
26:58 avoiding getting them by not
26:59 sharing with people, and every once in a while
27:02 checking to make sure you don't have them.
27:03 You can take some Neem oil, mix it with some turmeric,
27:08 and make a paste, and apply that to the hair,
27:10 and leave it on for a couple of hours.
27:13 You can take some kerosene, be careful with this,
27:15 but you can take some kerosene, work that into the hair,
27:18 wrap it up with a towel, leave that for a couple of hours.
27:21 Garlic is another one...
27:22 Make some garlic paste, work that into some oil,
27:25 work that into the hair.
27:27 The lice won't like this.
27:28 There are a number of things you can do...
27:30 The body lice don't like heat.
27:32 If you have the lice, you've got to sit there and wash
27:35 EVERYTHING in your surroundings...
27:36 ALL your clothes, ALL your bedding.
27:38 Take everything out, get everything clean
27:40 so you do not re-infect yourself.
27:42 There are some other things you can do
27:44 Citronella oil... we use that for mosquitoes.
27:47 But there are lots of things we can do for
27:48 nits and lice and I like them.
27:51 I'm sure that all these things will be very helpful
27:54 for you in dealing with these problems of children.


Revised 2014-12-17