Help Yourself to Health

Gastrointestinal Problems, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000193

00:01 A happy stomach goes far towards making a happy person.
00:04 If you would like to have a happy stomach
00:08 we have some tips for you that may help you in that line.
00:11 So if you would like to happily join us
00:14 we'd happily accept your company.
00:35 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health
00:38 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:41 and now here is your host, Dr. Thrash.
00:46 This happy stomach is not too difficult,
00:52 but the stomach is probably the most abused organ
00:57 in the entire body.
00:58 As infants we start right away teaching our children
01:02 that they can get comfort from eating,
01:08 so any time they are uncomfortable in any way
01:12 or they are crying or upset, we simply give them
01:16 something to eat.
01:17 Some times it is not the very best since it may be
01:20 not at meal time.
01:21 They may get something that we would consider a snack,
01:25 or even junk food, and of course we don't want to do that.
01:29 So the resulting inflammation in the stomach can cause
01:33 the child to be just a cranky and irritable child.
01:38 and it may even have a variety of difficulties with the
01:43 appetite and their food habits and they may have
01:48 some problems with constipation and diarrhea,
01:53 pain in the abdomen.
01:56 These are common childhood complaints and unfortunately
02:00 they often persist into adult life as well.
02:03 Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach,
02:07 it looks when we actually put a scope down,
02:11 or we open the stomach up, it looks as if it may be raw beef.
02:17 It may be totally red, it may be bloody, Aspirin, other drugs
02:23 can cause a gastritis, but so can irregular eating habits.
02:28 Eating off schedule, drinking a lot with one's meal,
02:31 especially if it is very hot or very cold,
02:34 those can cause a big problem for the stomach.
02:37 Eating when one is upset or very tired, sad, or angry,
02:45 always the person who has any strong emotion,
02:48 they should wait to eat until these emotions have subsided
02:53 or been resolved.
02:55 It's not at all wrong if you simply decide to skip a meal
03:00 because of some strong emotion or excess fatigue
03:04 and just wait until you are more rested.
03:07 Does that mean to wait an hour or two and then take your meal?
03:11 Not usually... usually the best thing is
03:15 for you to skip the meal entirely, not eat again until
03:18 your next scheduled meal.
03:20 O course two meals a day are the best for the stomach of any.
03:24 So we want to obey these laws that we know and stick strictly
03:30 to them so that we can have a very happy stomach.
03:33 One of the problems that we can get with the stomach
03:37 is called a hiatus hernia... Hernia because the stomach
03:42 herniates back up into the chest from the abdomen,
03:47 the diaphragm separates the chest from the abdomen
03:51 and the esophagus comes down, goes through the diaphragm
03:58 and immediately forms the stomach.
04:00 Now when it forms the stomach, the stomach is an
04:04 abdominal organ, but if there is increased intra-abdominal
04:09 pressure, then the stomach can push back up through the
04:14 hiatus in the diaphragm so it is called a hiatal hernia.
04:19 Now because if the stomach pushes back up through the
04:23 diaphragm it may bathe the lower end of the esophagus
04:26 with gastric juices.
04:28 They are very powerful and the esophagus is not designed
04:33 so that it can have that very strong acid,
04:39 and the very strong digestants that the stomach is designed
04:43 to have.
04:44 So with these irritating substances from the stomach
04:48 in the esophagus, we can actually get an ulceration
04:51 of the esophagus because of that.
04:54 So esophagitis, and gastritis, as well as the discomfort
04:58 of the stomach pushing back up into the chest.
05:02 If we do x-ray studies on just our general population
05:07 we find that between 30 and 40% of the population at large
05:11 will have this kind of sliding hernia where a bit of the
05:16 stomach goes back up into the esophagus.
05:18 If the person is asymptomatic, they don't have pain,
05:22 or indigestion, or heartburn, then that probably means
05:26 they have a very strong cardiac sphincter.
05:30 That cardiac sphincter is the tight muscle at the top of the
05:34 stomach that keeps material from the stomach from going
05:38 back up into the esophagus.
05:40 All of these things are helpful things to know but increased
05:45 intra-abdominal pressure can come from being overweight,
05:48 from overeating, from having intestinal gas, from having
05:52 abdominal fat, pregnancy, from a tumor inside the abdomen.
05:58 So all of these things are helpful things to know
06:01 that can make it so that you do not need
06:04 to have the problem that you may have with a hiatus hernia.
06:11 Now the next thing that we are going to talk about is something
06:16 that I think you will be very interested in, it's a
06:18 common thing and Dr. Donald Miller is going to talk with you
06:21 about that.
06:22 You know it's funny Dr. Thrash we talk about these subjects...
06:26 it strikes me that if I were to give this lecture in Zambia
06:30 or Zimbabwe, or India, they would all sit and look at me
06:33 with blank stares saying, what are you talking about.
06:35 Because most of our problems that we talk about are
06:39 problems of the west, of our opulent lifestyles,
06:43 of our rich lifestyles.
06:44 Peptic Ulcer is one of those things that people usually
06:50 only get when the live in the west.
06:51 It's a terrible problem, it can be a life threatening problem
06:56 if you start getting a bleeding ulcer that a person could
06:58 bleed to death from.
06:59 But basically a peptic ulcer is the result of this
07:06 mucous barrier that we have all the way through our
07:09 alimentary canal that protects ourselves from the very foods
07:13 that we eat and the digestion thereof.
07:16 Let's take for example we eat some protein,
07:20 which is basically digested in the stomach.
07:23 The way we digest protein is with hydrochloric acid.
07:26 The interesting thing is the stomach itself is made up of
07:30 protein, so how do we keep from eating our stomach
07:34 with the same thing that's eating on the protein
07:36 that we are eating?
07:37 We've got a mucous barrier that protects the stomach
07:40 from it's own digestive juices, but what happens to that
07:44 protective barrier if we take things like vinegar, spices,
07:50 aspirin, it burns a whole or washes it away
07:54 and then the stomach lining itself is susceptible to the
07:59 hydrochloric acid.
08:00 For years the treatment for peptic ulcers was to drink
08:08 a glass of milk, naturally right away that buffered
08:12 the hydrochloric acid and it took the pain away.
08:15 But when you take down that much Calcium,
08:18 what happens is the body produces gastrin,
08:20 gastrin says we need some more hydrochloric acid
08:23 and so a short time later the hydrochloric acid
08:26 goes back up, you've got the problem back all over again.
08:29 Milk is not the solution, bland food is the solution.
08:32 You may think, or you may have a problem with too much
08:37 acid production, there's a good way to find out whether
08:39 your problem is over production of hydrochloric acid.
08:42 When you are having the pain, take the juice of a lemon
08:46 and mix it with a small amount of water and drink it.
08:49 If your pain goes up, you are producing to much acid.
08:52 A good way to put out the pain is to drink some water
08:56 or eat some more food which will neutralize or dilute the
09:01 acid that is out there.
09:02 But I would not recommend that you say that you ate breakfast
09:06 and two hours later you got the pain,
09:07 don't eat food then because that is just going to
09:09 exacerbate the problem on down the line,
09:12 you need to do other things to modify your problem.
09:15 So the problem is to much acid production,
09:18 you are eating a whole... Or they found some people
09:20 who take aspirin... they've looked in the stomach's
09:22 and found an aspirin stuck to the stomach wall,
09:25 burning a whole right through it, and that's a very
09:28 bad problem.
09:29 So people who take aspirin, steroids, tobacco, alcohol,
09:33 all of these things will help to promote peptic ulcers.
09:38 So what do you do for a peptic ulcer?
09:40 You need to eat more alkaline foods,
09:44 potatoes are extremely good.
09:47 As a matter of fact we would recommend that you take some
09:48 potato peelings from the white potato and you boil them,
09:52 and make a thick broth out of those and drink that.
09:56 Extremely good for peptic ulcers.
09:58 One of the best things for peptic ulcers is cabbage juice.
10:02 Just get a juicer if you can, and juice some cabbage.
10:06 If you can't get a cabbage juicer, just eat some
10:08 raw cabbage, you are going to get some of the effect
10:10 of the juice in your stomach which is extremely good
10:13 for that particular problem.
10:15 Stress is a great causer of peptic ulcers.
10:21 We found that people who have...
10:23 There is a story that I once read about a man who had been
10:28 shot by a shotgun in the stomach and the wound did not
10:32 properly heal, and so the doctor placed a scope in there
10:35 and he could observe what was going on, and he observed many
10:38 interesting things, especially when the person was upset
10:41 he could see that the blood would start oozing out
10:45 of the stomach wall.
10:46 So this stress problem, the best thing to do for stress
10:49 is to get some exercise.
10:50 A very easy thing to remember: "Exercise neutralizes stress. "
10:56 Stress is a good thing, but for peptic ulcers,
10:58 you have to find a way to get rid of the stress.
11:01 Very important is to eat small meals.
11:06 When we eat large meals it causes the body to rally
11:09 in more forces to digest food, hydrochloric acid goes up,
11:12 you have a compromise down there, so the best thing is
11:16 eat small meals.
11:17 Three small meals a day if you must, two small meals is better.
11:21 Dark green leafy vegetables are extremely good
11:26 for peptic ulcer, so go out and grow them and eat them.
11:31 Make sure your food is extremely well cooked,
11:33 especially your grains.
11:34 This is one time that we would recommend when you have an
11:37 active peptic ulcer, perhaps some well cooked white rice
11:41 would be ok, but even better would be millet.
11:44 Millet is extremely bland food and it's quite good for us
11:49 in many other ways.
11:50 Our fiber needs to be increased in the diet,
11:54 that goes without saying no matter what our problem is,
11:56 we need to get more fiber in the diets.
11:59 Chew your food well.
12:01 When you don't chew your food well, you have large amounts
12:04 of food in your stomach that is un-chewed, which means
12:07 it is going to be very hard to digest it.
12:08 The body puts in a herculean effort to digest the food
12:12 through the action of the stomach, which is going to
12:15 cause more acid to be produced and more trauma to the stomach.
12:18 So chew your food to a cream before you turn it loose is the
12:22 best way.
12:23 I don't say count, chew 30 times.
12:27 It's interesting when you try to do that, you sort of
12:30 loose track of what you are doing.
12:31 Here is what I would recommend, when you are eating your meal
12:34 you sit down and you get your fork full or your spoonful
12:38 of food, put it in your mouth, and they lay the
12:40 instrument down and fold your hands, sit on your hands,
12:44 put your hands behind your neck, do something
12:46 with your hands and chew your food.
12:48 We have a tendency that when we get a fork full of food
12:51 and put it in our mouth, we dive right back down for
12:54 the next fork full.
12:55 While you are getting that ready and is almost ready,
12:58 your mind sees this, it can even be subconscious
13:01 and all of a sudden that food is on the back of your tongue.
13:04 That half chewed olive, that big piece of tomato,
13:07 whatever it is ready, and all of a sudden it dives down
13:10 the gullet and pretty soon it is in your stomach
13:12 and your body says what are you doing to us down here?
13:15 And you are going to have big problems so chew your food well,
13:19 eat smaller meals, and there are some other nice things
13:22 that you can take.
13:23 I have already mentioned, don't take vinegar, don't take spices,
13:26 they are extremely bad for that mucous lining.
13:28 You can also help the mucous lining with a few nice things,
13:32 you can take slippery elm, find it in the powder form
13:35 in a herb store, mix it with a little bit of warm water,
13:39 and you are going to find if let it sit long enough
13:40 it becomes very gelatinous like mucous.
13:45 Drink that down it will coat the lining, extremely good
13:48 for the stomach.
13:50 Garlic is extremely good for that, so is charcoal.
13:54 Charcoal is probably one of the best things that I would
13:56 recommend if you have a peptic ulcer.
13:58 You mix about two or three spoonfuls of charcoal with
14:03 some water and drink that a few times a day,
14:05 very soothing for the stomach and will help you
14:08 along these lines.
14:09 Don't chew gum!
14:12 Chewing gum is bad for the peptic ulcer because you are
14:16 constantly working your salivary glands, you are constantly
14:19 swallowing down, your digestive amylase gets down in stomach,
14:23 and you've got some more problems being
14:25 formed down there.
14:26 So peptic ulcer in not the end of the road,
14:28 but if you start finding that you have coffee ground stools,
14:32 basically it looks like coffee grounds, which is
14:34 basically well digested blood because it has gone
14:37 all the way through your system,
14:38 you've got a serious problem, see your doctor.
14:41 If you start vomiting blood, very serious problem,
14:44 see your doctor and take care of it but I would start working
14:48 on that peptic ulcer right now, and if you don't have one
14:50 you start working on the prevention for peptic ulcers.
14:54 Prevention is always Dr. Thrash the very best way,
14:57 rather than the cure.
14:58 Yes, it's far better especially in gastrointestinal problems
15:02 to prevent the problem if it is at all possible.
15:05 There is one that we have not yet understood how to prevent,
15:10 that's Chron's Disease.
15:11 Chron's Disease probably has a preventable cause,
15:15 but we don't know what it is yet.
15:17 Causes may be an autoimmune disorder in which case we
15:21 wouldn't have a lot that we can do at this time
15:24 to prevent it but it may be an infectious agent
15:28 and if it is then there is much that we can do.
15:30 There are many ways to treat naturally the infectious agents
15:36 that can involve the gastro- intestinal tract.
15:39 One that I like a lot for a peptic ulcer which is involved
15:43 with the H-Pylori germ is Myrrh, Goldenseal, Echinacea,
15:50 Myrrh, Garlic, all of theses that Dr. Miller mentioned
15:55 and also some grapefruit seed extract, and maybe some
16:00 Elderberry extract.
16:03 All of these can be helpful, these so called anti-microbial
16:07 herbs, they are very helpful for any kind of infectious agent
16:11 in the gastrointestinal tract.
16:13 If Chron's Disease is related to an infectious agent
16:17 then all of these may be helpful in these individuals,
16:21 as well as some hydrotherapy.
16:22 Hot packs over the abdomen, maybe hot baths to bring the
16:27 mouth temperature up a good bit, all of this may be helpful
16:31 in infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
16:36 But another thing that we have found may be a factor,
16:41 it may not be the total cause but it may be the factor
16:43 in Chron's disease is an allergy.
16:46 Allergies for the gastrointestinal tract
16:49 can be very simple, can be nothing more serious than milk
16:56 or a lactose sensitivity, or a casein sensitivity,
17:01 in those cases and the elimination of milk and
17:04 all dairy products can be very helpful, very curative in fact.
17:09 But often there are some other things that are involved in a
17:13 sensitivity in Chron's disease, one of those is citrus fruits
17:18 and juices, and of course any kind of irritating substance
17:21 like coffee, tea, colas, chocolate, those can also be
17:26 irritating to the person with Chron's disease even if they
17:31 are not a part of that that one is allergic to.
17:33 Interestingly enough the person with Chron's disease can develop
17:38 a lot of allergies that they haven't always had.
17:41 Chron's disease came on, then the allergies developed
17:44 because the intestinal tract not as strong to resist
17:50 an allergy as it would have been if it had not gotten sick.
17:54 Where does Chron's hit the person?
17:58 Well it's usually... We can always say that
18:00 Chron's will almost always affect the terminal portion
18:04 of the ileum.
18:05 That's the small bowel, the terminal portion of the
18:09 small bowel, and the end of that is almost always
18:13 involved in Chron's disease.
18:15 The first part of the colon may also be involved,
18:18 and in individuals who have a very severe case of
18:23 Chron's disease, practically the entire gastrointestinal tract
18:27 from the esophagus to the anus may be involved.
18:31 These are very severe cases and fortunately they are not
18:35 really common.
18:37 Now there are some treatments that can be used besides the
18:43 anti-microbials, we can use certain vitamins and minerals
18:49 that these individuals tend to be low in already,
18:53 so we can use those: Magnesium, and perhaps Zinc.
18:56 Sometimes there is an iron deficiency anemia,
18:59 in which case we need to supplement with iron,
19:03 and then the use of Pectin and other fibers.
19:07 Pectin in particular is very good and any kind of rough
19:12 or fibrous foods such as the vegetables, grains, fruits,
19:18 nuts, and seeds.
19:21 Those can all be very helpful for the person who has
19:24 Chron's disease, making certain of course that the person with
19:28 Chron's disease is not sensitive to these foods.
19:32 The onset of Chron's disease is usually around the age of 20,
19:39 that's the peak incidence, and by 40 almost all cases of
19:44 Chron's disease have already had their beginning.
19:46 So we can be thankful that the symptoms of Chron's disease
19:53 don't usually occur in later life, or don't usually have
19:57 their onset.
19:58 Now at this time Dr. Don Miller is going to talk with you
20:02 about Ulcerative Colitis, a very distressing disorder,
20:06 Dr. Miller!
20:07 Ok, you can pretty much tell where that is at,
20:11 Ulcerative means you have some ulcers, colitis is in the
20:15 colon, a major problem, and it's manifest by bloody
20:21 diarrhea, mucous in the blood, or bloody mucous in the
20:26 stools, bloating, sometimes people loose weight,
20:30 a lot of pain and discomfort in the abdomen area.
20:33 Basically the number 1 cause would be constipation.
20:38 It's not just the fact that the person is constipated
20:41 it's what is causing the constipation.
20:44 It's causing an irritation... people who have a lot of spices
20:49 in their food, a lot of meat in their food,
20:51 a lot of milk in their food, are opening the door for
20:54 Ulcerative Colitis.
20:55 Again this is one of those things that you do not see
20:58 in the developing countries.
20:59 It's just one of those things that is feedingly rare.
21:01 There was a doctor years ago working in Africa for years
21:06 named Dr. Dennis Burkett, he became known as
21:09 "the fiber doctor. "
21:10 He noticed that the people that he dealt with,
21:12 none of them ever got colon cancer and finally he determined
21:16 that the reason why is these people have a high amount of
21:19 fiber in their diet.
21:20 So colon cancer is one step beyond Ulcerative Colitis,
21:27 people who have this constant irritation because of the
21:30 impaction of the fecal material in the colon are going to tend
21:34 to have more of those problems.
21:36 So what do you do about it? 1. Almost the same as we talked
21:40 a little bit ago about Peptic Ulcer is you eat
21:43 smaller meals and you chew your food well.
21:46 You eat a high fiber diet, it is extremely important.
21:49 But going again to this cabbage juice thing is extremely
21:52 important, but at the same time at the onset of the
21:55 treatment you will probably not want to eat to many raw
21:58 grains, and you do not eat raw fruits on an empty stomach.
22:04 You need to eat some cooked foods first,
22:06 but again with the cooked foods, and this is something
22:09 that we don't get in our society, our grains should be
22:13 well cooked.
22:15 The inspired book that I once read said that grains usual
22:19 porridge or mush should have several hours cooking,
22:21 and we believe that the long starch chains that are put into
22:26 the blood stream are very damaging to the body.
22:28 every single part of the body so we want to have
22:31 well cooked grains in the body and it will help move this
22:35 problem along.
22:36 There are other things that you can do,
22:38 hot fomentations over the abdomen area is extremely good.
22:42 Doing a massage over the colon area,
22:46 basically down around where your appendix is...
22:49 people always know where there appendix is.
22:50 You put your fingers and just do a circular massage up the
22:55 Ascending colon, get just below the rib cage,
22:58 go across the Transverse colon, and then get the other side
23:03 of the rib cage and you go down the Descending colon
23:06 and you do that a number of times.
23:08 A few years ago we had a patient at Uchee Pines
23:10 who had some type of a severe gastrointestinal problem
23:17 and really it had not been diagnosed what his problem was,
23:20 he had been to 23 different doctors,
23:22 spent a quarter of a million dollars and he spent 21/2 years
23:25 trying to find the solution to his problem.
23:27 Came to Uchee Pines and by God's grace he, for me anyway,
23:33 he got to be my patient, I enjoy working with these
23:35 challenging people.
23:36 One of the treatments that I decided to do...
23:39 When I was ready through John Harvey Kellogg's
23:41 hydrotherapy manual trying to find out what did he do
23:45 with strange problems in the colon area and basically
23:48 what I did was after I gave him a Russia Steam Bath
23:52 which would give him a lot of relaxation,
23:55 I take a hose with cold water and I would spray it right there
23:59 in the appendix area and then sort of just play it up the
24:03 Ascending, across the Transverse and down the Descending colon
24:06 and I would do this over and over again.
24:08 Now whether that helped or the Russian Steam Bath helped
24:12 or the two other treatments that I was giving him helped,
24:15 whatever it was, he was told one night...
24:18 He was woken in the middle of the night...
24:19 He heard his name and he woke up and he looked over to see
24:22 what his wife wanted... she was sound asleep over there,
24:24 he turned back over and he heard his name again and he realized
24:28 it wasn't a human speaking to him,
24:30 and the voice in his room said "YOU ARE HEALED"
24:33 and he was completely healed of this particular problem.
24:37 So the simple things that we can do, again I would recommend
24:40 the slippery elm, I would recommend the garlic,
24:43 I would recommend staying away from the irritating
24:45 substances, the coffee, colas, chocolates, and the alcohol,
24:50 and of course the meat and the milk, and eating a
24:52 bland diet to help this problem cure itself.
24:56 If you do this it is a whole lot better than the other options.
25:00 Yes, and often these very simple things can be helpful
25:05 Ulcerative Colitis which is a perplexing and
25:09 distressing disorder.
25:11 Another disorder of the colon is that of polyps.
25:14 Polyps are small finger like projections, or they begin small
25:18 and they grow and they can get to be quite huge,
25:23 almost golf ball or the size or a peach and these
25:29 individuals can have major symptoms from polyps.
25:33 There is another kind of polypoid disease called
25:37 Adenomatous Polyposis of the colon.
25:40 This has some hereditary components of it and sometimes
25:47 these individuals require even a Cholectomy.
25:50 The entire colon being bleeding and raw but fortunately
25:55 that is not a common disease, but individuals who have it
25:59 can be helped by following a very careful lifestyle.
26:04 Now with polyps, they are often due to lifestyle transgressions
26:10 and you know the eight natural laws of health expanded to
26:16 all of those that we generally talk about up to 14 or more
26:21 laws of health and apply all of these in your life as you can.
26:26 Polyps of the colon can progress to cancer of the colon,
26:32 polyps are considered to be pre-cancerous and with
26:36 cancer of the colon there is really a serious problem.
26:39 But even with cancer of the colon there are things that
26:43 can be done that can slow down the growth of the cancer and
26:46 make it so that the individual with colon cancer can have a
26:51 partial remission or sometimes a complete remission.
26:55 We had a woman at Uchee Pines one time who went 18 years
27:00 from the diagnosis of an annular cancer,
27:03 which grows in a circular fashion around the colon
27:08 until the time that she got widespread metatheses and died,
27:12 but we felt that her remission was a great tribute to
27:16 changing her lifestyle, becoming a total vegetarian
27:20 eating just high fiber plant based diet and trusting in
27:27 divine power.
27:28 There are symptoms that one has throughout one's life
27:34 that can indicate the probability or an increased
27:38 risk of getting a cancer of the colon and these are
27:40 such things intestinal bleeding, and hemorrhoids,
27:44 and a variety of symptoms such as that.
27:48 Now we hope that our discussion of these problems with the
27:53 gastrointestinal tract will give you a more peaceful
27:56 colon and gastrointestinal tract.


Revised 2014-12-17