Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000191
00:01 What is sleep? How does it occur?
00:03 How much does one need? 00:05 Am I getting enough? 00:07 These are all questions that we often hear. 00:10 Perhaps you've had some of these questions too. 00:12 If so, maybe you might like to learn some of the 00:15 scientific and very practical aspects of sleep. 00:18 We'll be talking about some of these during this program 00:21 We hope you will join us. 00:41 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" 00:43 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute 00:47 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash 00:50 Sleep is a very interesting phenomenon. 00:54 It's not just an ordinary thing. 00:57 It's actually a temporary loss of consciousness... 01:01 but why do we do this? 01:02 That loss of consciousness is quite normal. 01:05 There are some losses of consciousness that are NOT 01:08 normal... such as getting struck on the head, or having 01:12 some kind of toxicity in the body that eliminates 01:16 conscious awareness. 01:18 But the kind of sleep that we're talking about is that very 01:23 normal, very natural sleep that comes from the positive 01:29 action of the brain in putting the person to sleep. 01:33 So, I'm very happy that we can present this for you. 01:36 There are some important things that happen during sleep 01:39 that we can talk about, that we hope will be 01:42 helpful for you to know. 01:44 Sleep is restorative to the body. 01:48 It also sort of rearranges the some of the 01:52 chemicals of the body, such as the hormones 01:55 of the body. 01:56 It helps also to relax the nerves... 02:00 to recharge some of our systems. 02:02 Sleep is a very useful time in a person's experience. 02:08 We often, when we are young, 02:11 and something is going on in the house, 02:14 and mom says, "It's time for you to go to bed" 02:17 ...we don't want to do that. 02:18 We're missing something. 02:20 And we think that life has just about come to an end because 02:24 we have to go to bed and sleep. 02:27 Sleep is SO unimportant, it seems to us. 02:30 But as we get older, we realize that sleep is a 02:33 VERY important part of life, 02:35 and if we don't have it, then we're going to have some 02:39 serious consequences that come. 02:42 When you turn off your computer for some reason, 02:46 it isn't good to immediately turn it back on, 02:49 you need to wait a few seconds. 02:51 Well, the same thing is true with many of our body processes 02:54 and as we wait for this period of time while we sleep, 03:00 many of our body processes are restored that could not be 03:04 restored if we did not work in that way. 03:07 There are periods in the day when sleeping is the best. 03:11 And, some of these are called "rhythms" 03:15 One of these, the biggest one, is called a "circadian rhythm" 03:19 And, I have Dr. Don Miller here who is going to talk 03:23 with us about circadian rhythms. Dr. Miller 03:27 We have many rhythms that our bodies go by... 03:29 We've got our monthly rhythms, and an 18-month rhythm... 03:33 But, the most pronounced one is our circadian, 03:36 or the 24-hour rhythm, and we're all on it. 03:40 Now there's has been something that has changed, in the last 03:42 100 years, our patterns and our lives, 03:45 and that thing is called the electric light bulb. 03:47 Now man stays up later because before, he had to build a fire, 03:52 or burn some oil from a whale, or whatever it was, 03:55 and it was more economical to go to bed with the chickens! 04:00 The old saying, "Go to bed with your chickens. " 04:01 As a matter of fact, it's still the best thing to do. 04:03 But we're not going to do that. 04:05 We're going to sit up there with our lights on, 04:06 our televisions on, our computers on, 04:09 and we spend late nights, but our body says, 04:11 "Look, I don't work this way. " 04:13 Now, you're going to find people who say, 04:15 "But I can't sleep at night... 04:16 I can't go to bed before midnight, 1 o'clock. 04:18 And that may be true, but why is that true? 04:21 Did God create some people to be owls, 04:24 and some people to be larks? No 04:26 We TRAIN ourselves to be night people. 04:29 I will normally tell a person... 04:31 "Well, if you want to get out of that 04:32 bad habit, here's what you do" 04:33 "Tomorrow morning, get up at 4:30... I mean get UP at 4:30, 04:38 don't lay there in bed at 4:30 because you will finally wake up 04:41 at 7 or 8 or 9. 04:42 Get up at 4:30 and become active 04:45 Become active and stay active the entire day. 04:48 You don't take any naps, you get plenty of exercise. 04:50 I can almost guarantee by 9 o'clock at night 04:53 you're going to be ready to go to bed. 04:54 And if you're not, you do the same thing the next day 04:57 And it won't be too many days before... you are willing to get 04:59 back into your circadian rhythm. 05:01 And this is how the circadian rhythm works. 05:03 Our bodies are in fine tune. 05:05 Let me give you one example... 05:06 You take a meal at 8 o'clock in the morning. 05:09 And immediately, your blood level of amino acids 05:13 goes way up because your body is 05:16 processing the proteins, breaking it down into the 05:18 building blocks of amino acids. 05:20 The same meal eaten at 8 p. m. very small rise in amino acids. 05:25 Our body knows when we're supposed to be doing 05:28 certain things, and it will not vary from its schedule. 05:31 You will suffer because you were off that schedule. 05:34 Here's how it works... 05:36 You go to bed at night... Let's say that you go 05:37 to bed at the good time at night ... 9, at the latest 10 o'clock 05:41 You go through some sleep phases which we will 05:44 talk about later, and usually around 2 to 3 o'clock 05:48 in the morning, you are at the lowest phase of your night. 05:51 It's called the nadir. 05:52 Your respiration is the lowest. 05:54 Your pulse rate is the lowest. 05:57 Your blood pressure is the lowest. 05:59 Even your temperature is the lowest, 06:01 about 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. 06:03 You are asleep. You are resting. 06:06 And during this resting time, repair is going on. 06:09 If you go to bed late, after midnight, 06:12 repair does not take place nearly as well 06:14 as it would have taken place had you gone to bed 06:17 2 to 3 hours before that midnight... 06:20 And when I say midnight, I'm not talking about 12 o'clock 06:22 I'm talking about midnight, calculate it yourself. 06:25 What time does the sun set, what time does the sun rise? 06:28 Find midnight, and you should be going to bed before that. 06:31 Okay, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock passes, about 4 o'clock 06:34 5 o'clock starts coming up... 06:36 Your pituitary starts sending out some signals, 06:40 some hormonal signals to your adrenal cortex saying... 06:43 "Produce some hormones to start waking up the body" 06:46 They go up and wake up the thyroid, and pretty soon 06:50 your glands are talking to each other waking them up. 06:53 About the time you wake up, you are ready to wake up 06:56 because your body has gone through the circadian rhythm 06:59 to get you to the point... when you eat at your regular time 07:03 and regularity is extremely important in our 07:06 physical functioning. 07:07 Let's say you eat every morning at 6:30... 07:10 which is about the time I eat my breakfast... 07:12 At 6:30, if we have been on our rhythms, 07:15 and we did everything right, about 5:30, the body says, 07:19 "Okay, we're going to eat in 1 hour, let's start getting 07:22 the digestive juices ready" 07:23 ...because you don't have your salivary glands completely full 07:27 of digestive juices all the time. 07:30 They concentrate themselves between meals. 07:33 It's before meals start, they start reconstituting; 07:37 moisture starts going there, you're reconstituted. 07:39 Now you've got your bulging salivary glands ready 07:44 to pull ALL that digestive amylase into the food 07:47 that you're chewing up, and your body 07:48 is ready to receive the food. 07:50 After you get done with the meal, 07:52 it puts everything away. 07:53 You've got your concentration going back on again. 07:56 We go through the morning... 07:58 Well let's say, you have not gone to bed on time... 08:00 you've gone to bed at 1 o'clock in the morning... 08:03 You will STILL have a nadir. 08:05 You will still have a time when your blood pressure is 08:08 the lowest, your heart rate is the lowest, 08:10 your temperature is the lowest, 08:11 and that might be at 10 o'clock in the morning. 08:13 Now, how do you feel at 08:14 10 o'clock in the morning sometimes? 08:16 Do you ever feel like you're just a little bit drowsy? 08:18 And what do we normally do? 08:20 We grab a cup of coffee. 08:21 We grab some sugary sweet things to get a big boost 08:24 of adenosine triphosphate, or sugar into our bodies 08:29 to give us some energy because we have 08:31 missed our appointment. 08:33 Our nadir has been moved too far forward. 08:35 And so, as we go through the day, if we're doing it right, 08:39 in the afternoon, things start to slow down, 08:42 and around 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening, 08:44 our blood pressure is going down, our heart rate is going 08:48 down, and we're starting to get into the mood where 08:51 the body says, "Let's go to sleep" 08:54 And if you go to sleep by 9 or 10 o'clock, 08:56 you're right on your schedule. 08:57 They have shown that in certain animals, 09:01 if they reverse their light/dark sequence, 09:05 only one day out of 7 days, just one day, 09:09 they have significantly shorter life spans. 09:12 That means... let's put it in human terms, 09:16 you've worked all week, or you've studied all week, 09:19 or you've done something all week, 09:21 and Saturday night comes, and you decide this is the night 09:23 we're going to do something else, 09:26 and you stay up late at night because... hey, we can sleep 09:29 in tomorrow morning, and by doing that very thing, 09:32 you are cutting off... is it minutes, is it hours, 09:36 is it weeks, is it months... from your lifespan 09:39 We need to be regular creatures, 24/7, 365 09:42 we are on the schedule that the body has set up 09:45 And when we do this, our bodies are going to reward us 09:48 with not only a longer lifespan, but also a healthier life. 09:52 So I suggest we get on the rhythm, and stay with the rhythm 09:55 and I think that's a good suggestion 09:57 Yes, those are very good suggestions, 10:00 and anything that makes you feel better, 10:02 makes you enjoy life more... that certainly is a good 10:05 suggestion. 10:07 I like the fact that by being regular in all your habits, 10:11 you can expect that you can increase your lifespan. 10:14 Most of us like life well enough that we are very happy to 10:19 continue to live. 10:20 When you sleep, is there a side of the bed that's 10:24 better for you, than another? 10:26 Well, maybe yes, maybe no. 10:29 If you've slept on one side of the bed for the last 25 years, 10:33 it may be well if you change to the other side of the bed. 10:37 The physical therapists say that if a person constantly 10:41 gets up on one side, they put a little strain 10:44 on the skeleton, and it increases the likelihood that 10:48 they will get a bulging disk when they 10:51 make a movement on that side. 10:52 The same thing is true with how you load your 10:55 washing machine, or how you lift your briefcase, 11:00 or whatever things are done on a routine and regular basis 11:04 It's better if you switch sides from time to time. 11:07 If you carry your books on this side, switch and carry them on 11:10 this side... that's especially true if you're quite young. 11:14 So, the same kind of thing is in effect with the side 11:18 of the bed that you sleep on. 11:20 Sometimes husbands and wives need to switch. 11:23 She may say, "But that's his side of the bed. " 11:26 And he may say, "I don't want to sleep on her side of the bed" 11:30 But it's good to just change everything around, 11:33 and make that so that when you're getting up, 11:37 you're not always getting up from the same side. 11:40 What about the posture that you have during sleep? 11:44 You should sleep essentially in the neutral position. 11:48 That means that the spine is straight, 11:51 the head is in a good position, and good alignment. 11:55 The neck does not have a strain on it in any way, 11:59 and if you sleep on your side, the head is not tilted 12:03 strongly to one side, but is kept almost in the neutral 12:08 position for all parts of the body. 12:10 The spine, the chest, the waist, the hips should all be 12:19 kept, for all parts of the body, should be kept in a nice line. 12:24 Now what about the lower extremities? 12:26 If the knees are uncomfortable when they are close together, 12:32 and especially when one is lying on top of the other, 12:35 then simply use a pillow between the knees... 12:38 Just place the pillow there, or a cushion, something that 12:42 feels comfortable, does not interfere with your sleep. 12:45 So simply put it there, and that will enable you to 12:50 sleep more comfortably. 12:52 Some people may want to use these body pillows. 12:56 They are sort of a U-shaped pillow, and go all the way 13:01 around, so that when you turn this side, you can rest the 13:04 top knee on the cushion, or the pillow on that side. 13:08 If you turn to the other side, you rest your top knee 13:12 on the other side without waking up to move a pillow. 13:16 A lot of people begin to snore when they are about 13:20 50 years of age, and if you're one of those, 13:23 then you'll want to assume a posture in sleep 13:25 that does not encourage snoring. 13:29 Generally speaking, sleeping on the back is going to 13:32 encourage snoring. 13:33 A lot of people are overweight and that also 13:38 encourages snoring. 13:39 So, this is one of the reasons why you should lose weight 13:43 ...that, plus all the skeletal benefits that you get from 13:46 losing weight... all the way from a bulging disk 13:49 which has as its #1 enemy, that of overweight 13:54 all the way to the feet and what happens to them. 13:59 So, the same kind of thing is true with the posture 14:05 that we have concerning snoring. 14:08 So, sleep on one side, or on the other... that's the best way 14:12 to avoid snoring. 14:15 Usually snoring does not bother the snorer. 14:18 It's the bed partner that snoring interferes 14:23 with THEIR sleep. 14:24 Usually when the couple are young, it's the husband 14:28 only that snores, but by the time they get to be 14:31 about 50, especially if they have gained some weight, 14:35 the wife also begins to snore. 14:38 So, sometimes it's necessary to have 2 bedrooms 14:42 for the wife and one for the husband, 14:44 so that they can get a good night of sleep. 14:46 It often happens that when one wakes up and 14:50 goes to the bathroom, then comes back and 14:52 goes to bed, begins snoring, the other one can't 14:56 go to sleep again. 14:57 Or, if the other one is asleep already and is not awakened 15:03 by the arising of the first one, then the first one cannot 15:08 get back to sleep because the second one is snoring. 15:11 So, in this way, they interfere with each other's sleep 15:14 and it's necessary for them to sleep in separate bedrooms. 15:17 That doesn't mean that they are enemies now... 15:21 they can still be close friends, 15:23 they just don't sleep in the same bedroom. 15:26 Now, with these things already learned, 15:32 let's learn one more thing... 15:33 And that's the time of day to have your sleep. 15:37 The most favorable time is at night. 15:40 There are people who work in the night and they must 15:43 sleep in the daytime. 15:44 It's best if, after you get past about the age of 45 or 50, 15:50 that you change your schedule so that 15:53 you're the one who works in the daytime 15:56 and sleeps at night... 15:58 and let some of those who are younger bear that responsibility 16:02 The older we are, the more essential it is 16:05 that we have a good nighttime of sleep. 16:08 Now, there are certain phases of sleep, 16:13 and the phases of sleep are very interesting to study. 16:19 And Dr. Don Miller has a study on this, 16:21 and he is going to talk with you now about 16:23 some phases of sleep. 16:24 First I want to mention something that you've 16:26 talked about... this snoring business. 16:29 I knew a couple, and the man snored a lot. 16:35 And, the wife liked it because it gave her the assurance 16:39 that he's THERE... He's alive and he's with me. 16:42 It reminded me of a story years ago when I was going 16:44 to academy at Mt. Vernon, Ohio 16:46 and there was a man in the church that Sabbath morning 16:51 who had received an artificial valve in his heart, 16:55 and it made a little clicking noise every time his heart beat. 16:58 And I remember sitting there, and the pastor asked him... 17:01 He said, "Brother, does that noise every bother you?" 17:04 I remember the thought in my mind... 17:07 It would really bother me if I quit hearing that sound. 17:10 And so, it's the way we look at these little 17:13 irritations of life... whether we're going to 17:14 accept them irritations, or we're going to accept them 17:18 as BLESSINGS! 17:19 There are other ways you can, I think, take care of 17:22 this snoring problem without something as drastic 17:26 as 2 bedrooms. 17:27 I like something as simple as this... 17:30 This is a little earplug, and I carry these with me 17:33 because I go to places where you're going to hear 17:36 people snoring... and you just roll it up 17:38 and you place that thing in your ear 17:40 and it swells up and pretty soon, 17:42 it's just a little muffled sound in the background. 17:46 It's good also if you're living in an area 17:48 where there are lots of mosquitoes... 17:49 Nothing can wake me up more than a little mosquito 17:51 buzzing around the room. 17:53 Just stick a couple of these pills in my ear... 17:55 I don't hear the mosquito... 17:56 They get their supper... Everything is over with... 17:58 And everyone's happy in the morning. 18:00 But going back to the phases. 18:02 There is the pre-sleep phase. 18:05 Basically, your body is riding, what we call, an alpha wave. 18:08 It's sort of an active wave. 18:10 The same wave as when you're awake, 18:12 but you are sort of getting into the sleeping time. 18:16 Then you go into phase 1, it lasts about 5 or 10 minutes 18:19 Basically, the waves start to get a little bit deeper 18:23 as you're going into it. 18:24 If you go into phase 2, it lasts for about 20 minutes. 18:27 Your eyes start to roll slowly back and forth. 18:30 And again, the waves are getting deeper. 18:33 You go to phase 3, which lasts oh, upwards to an hour sometimes 18:37 Again, this is where your muscle tone is almost zero, 18:41 although you might be doing a little bit of involuntary 18:44 twitching, your muscle tone is almost zero, very deep sleep. 18:48 Then you go into phase 4, which is deep sleep 18:50 And this is what we call riding a delta pattern 18:53 on an electroencephalogram. 18:55 It's a very slow, deep pattern... 18:58 almost the same as the pattern of somebody watching 19:01 a regular television program. 19:02 They go into a delta pattern which means their minds 19:05 aren't really paying attention to what they're getting. 19:07 And then, after that phase, we go into the most important 19:11 phase which is called "rapid eye movement sleep" 19:14 This is usually a very short phase. 19:16 It can go upwards of an hour. 19:18 But this is where your eyes... you can tell, 19:20 because the eyes are going very fast in their sockets. 19:23 But this is where a person dreams... 19:25 And the body has to have REM... REM sleep 19:29 If they're deprived of REM sleep, 19:32 they're going to have to make it up some time down the line. 19:34 Now, there are certain things that we do in our lives 19:38 that rob us of this REM sleep. 19:40 One of these things... is taking sleeping aids. 19:43 And to take a sleeping pill will get you out of the 19:46 REM sleep... You will be able to sleep, 19:48 but you normally wake up drugged. 19:50 You wake up feeling like you've not had a good night's rest. 19:54 The REM sleep gives you that refreshing. 19:57 Now, an interesting little thought about the dreaming... 20:01 What about your dreams? 20:02 What if you have these horrible dreams? 20:04 Well, usually horrible dreams come because you did 20:06 something wrong before you went to bed. 20:07 You saw something horrible, you ate something horrible... 20:10 And now, it's reacting upon you. 20:12 The BIG thing about the dreams is... 20:14 If you remember, vividly, your dreams, 20:17 it's not as good as if you say, "I dreamed something last night, 20:20 ...sort of the Nebuchadnezzar type thing... 20:21 but I can't remember what it is. " 20:23 It's really best not to sit there and dwell upon 20:25 your dreams, unless you feel like "The Lord has given me 20:28 this dream last night," but He'll make that manifest to you. 20:31 And so, we want to go through these phases. 20:33 We normally cycle through these phases 3 to 4 times 20:36 every single night. 20:38 But the best way these off-phases into your sleeping 20:42 pattern is... 20:43 1. Make sure your room is quiet. 20:46 And again, if you don't have a quiet place to have your sleep, 20:48 go ahead and get yourself some simple, little earplugs 20:51 that will help you have a quiet room. 20:54 Your room should be dark. 20:55 Okay, let's you don't have a dark room for some reason... 20:59 Get yourself an eye mask. 21:01 I carry these things with me when I travel because 21:03 sometimes you're not going to find darkness... 21:05 So you're going to have quiet, and dark, 21:08 and you want your room cool. 21:09 Sometimes that's not very possible when you're sleeping in 21:12 India or Africa is not as easy as it can be 21:16 ...But as much as possible, your room should be cool, 21:19 and it should also be neat! 21:21 There are various reasons for this neatness... 21:23 And one thing I want to mention about sleep, 21:25 it you wake up at night, and you turn on the light 21:28 for what ever reason, you reset your biological, 21:31 your circadian rhythm clock, and it's going to take a 21:34 number of days to get it back on schedule. 21:36 So, at nighttime, don't turn on lights. 21:39 If you have to go to the bathroom, 21:40 that's one of the reasons why your room needs to be neat. 21:43 You know where it is... you're not going to trip over your 21:46 shoes, your clothes, whatever it might be. 21:48 You're going to go right to the bathroom. 21:50 I have a little nightlight in my bathroom. 21:52 I have plenty of light, a very soft glow... 21:55 It's not going to cause my brain to wake up 21:57 anymore than it already is. 21:59 And so, have your path cleared out, 22:01 have your room neat, clean, cool and quiet 22:04 and you'll get a much better night's sleep if you have those 22:07 simple things going in your program... Dr. Thrash 22:10 Very good. 22:11 I like to think about sleep because one of the 22:15 things I like to do a lot is take a nap. 22:18 It's a very refreshing thing, and I always thought... 22:20 "Well, maybe I'm just a little bit lazy" 22:23 ...although, I've been doing this all my life, 22:26 and I've never been what I consider to be lazy otherwise, 22:30 except that I like the naps. 22:32 And here, I find in a medical journal, 22:35 a very good article that says that, 22:38 "Mental rejuvenation occurs in short naps... 20 minutes or so" 22:42 A 20 minute nap is really quite good, 22:45 and that's usually all that I require. 22:48 Sometimes even 5 minutes can be just so refreshing 22:52 and can make it so that I perform much better 22:55 in the next task that's at hand. 22:57 So I recommend naps as an interesting and pleasing 23:02 way to get mental rejuvenation. 23:05 Now, what about dreams? 23:07 They can occur in any time, any part of sleep 23:11 from the first phase to the last phase 23:14 but sometimes, there are disorders of dreams. 23:18 Nightmares, or night terrors, or early arousal because of a 23:25 dream, early arousal in the sleep period. 23:27 Children often do this. 23:29 They go to bed and they have a night terror, 23:32 and they wake up very quickly after they go to sleep 23:35 and this can be very interrupting and 23:39 disturbing to the child. 23:40 Now normally, the rapid eye movement sleep occurs 23:45 after we have some non-rapid eye movement sleep. 23:49 The first thing that happens is we go into the non-rapid eye 23:53 movement sleep, and that persists for about 60 minutes. 23:57 Then after that, you have a period of REM sleep. 24:02 The younger you are, the longer that period of time 24:06 generally speaking. 24:07 In people who have done a lot of learning the day before 24:11 the night where the REM sleep was measured, 24:14 those people generally tend to sleep a little longer 24:19 than people who are not in a learning situation. 24:25 Now nightmares are not usually associated with any kind of 24:30 psychiatric disorder... except in people with 24:33 PTSD, or posttraumatic stress disorder. 24:37 In these people, they may have a recurring nightmare 24:41 It may be the same thing that they have dreamed 24:45 again and again, or a variation of it, 24:47 just a little modification of the nightmare they have already 24:51 had many times, and that's one of the characteristics 24:55 of PTSD, or posttraumatic stress disorder. 24:59 Now, there are some sleep disorders that are associated 25:05 with sleeping too much. 25:08 One of those is narcolepsy. 25:09 Narcolepsy is a disorder that has a number of problems 25:15 associated with it. 25:16 It is more and more being considered to be fairly common 25:21 We once thought that it was quite a rare disorder. 25:26 But now, more and more people seem to be having it. 25:30 This may be related to our general upset lifestyle 25:35 which makes it so that we don't sleep so well at night 25:39 but we do sleep well in the daytime. 25:41 People with narcolepsy typically do NOT have 25:44 a good night of sleep... it's a restless sleep 25:47 and they simply don't sleep enough during the night 25:50 So sometimes, some very simple herbs... like St. John's Wort 25:55 St. John's Wort is noted for its good benefits for people 26:00 who are depressed, but in my experience, 26:03 St. John's Wort is actually better as a sleep-producer 26:07 than it is as a depression-reliever. 26:10 So I often prescribe 1 tablet, or 1 capsule 26:15 of St. John's Wort at night which gives a better quality 26:18 of sleep, and people who tend to go to sleep 26:22 very easily... such as in meetings, 26:24 or anytime they are still, or sudden and unexplained 26:29 overpowering sleep... just suddenly they are asleep 26:34 This kind of thing is benefitted by having a good night of sleep 26:38 So if this can be produced by exercise, by a neutral bath, 26:43 or by an herb, then often people who have 26:46 narcolepsy, will do better. 26:48 Narcolepsy is also characterized in some people 26:52 by a thing called, "cataplexy" 26:54 This is a sudden loss of muscle tone. 26:58 They are just SUDDENLY without muscle tone. 27:02 If they are standing, they may fall. 27:04 If they're holding onto something, they may drop that. 27:08 Some of these episodes are associated with 27:12 an EXTREME emotion, such as extreme fear, or anxiety, 27:17 or anger... and they suddenly have a loss of muscle tone. 27:22 They may also have a problem called "sleep paralysis" 27:26 They awaken from sleep, they would like to get up, 27:30 but the find that they can't move a muscle, 27:33 and these individuals are much troubled by this kind of thing. 27:38 Narcolepsy may have ALL of these, 27:41 or may have only 1 or 2. 27:43 So, if we protect our sleep, 27:47 make certain that sleep is of the best quality, 27:49 we can avoid a lot of the problems that are also 27:53 associated with poor sleeping. |
Revised 2014-12-17