Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller, Justina Thomas


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000190

00:01 There are some people who don't like to exercise.
00:03 They think it's just sort of a drag,
00:06 and so they don't go out to exercise.
00:09 Introverts are of this kind.
00:11 They prefer what goes on inside the house, better than they
00:14 prefer what's going on outside.
00:16 But whatever your mental attitude is towards exercise,
00:20 you STILL need to exercise.
00:23 If you're the kind of person who doesn't like
00:25 that matter of moving, then we'd like to give you
00:29 some tips that I think will help you a lot.
00:31 So this program will be devoted
00:34 to a lot of those things.
00:55 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:58 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
01:02 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
01:05 Now if you are that kind of person who just never
01:09 likes to exercise, one of the best tips that I can give you
01:12 is to get a companion...
01:14 a person who does like to exercise preferably.
01:17 Because if that person who DOES like to exercise
01:21 is coming to your house, or to your place
01:24 where you are going to meet your companion,
01:26 that person will ensure that you get out and get to moving!
01:31 So, that's one of the first things that you can do.
01:35 Select a good companion who loves to exercise,
01:39 or at least who wants to see that YOU exercise.
01:42 Now some of the benefits of exercise are very well known.
01:46 And Dr. Don Miller will tell us some of these.
01:49 You know, this thing about getting a companion,
01:52 I was teaching a class one time and the students were all
01:55 complaining that they just didn't have time for exercise
01:58 and they couldn't get out of bed in the morning...
01:59 I said, "I'll tell you what we'll do...
02:00 I'll meet and exercise with you. "
02:03 Well, all the students wanted to exercise with the teacher,
02:05 so at 5:15 every morning, I had the students out there,
02:08 and it really does help to have a companion to help
02:11 you exercise, just to get you motivated to do this.
02:15 The Bible has a very interesting quote, it says,
02:18 "The fool folds his hands and consumes his own flesh. "
02:24 If we sit around and do not exercise, we're going to start
02:28 losing our mass.
02:29 We're going to lose muscle mass.
02:30 We going to lose bone mass.
02:31 As a matter of fact, exercise lessens osteoporosis.
02:36 Every time you exercise, and stress your bones,
02:39 you cause the bone to call for more calcium,
02:42 which lays down more matrix, which keeps you from having
02:45 osteoporosis.
02:46 The Earl of Derby said something very interesting...
02:49 He said, "He who has not the time for exercise,
02:53 will have to find time to be sick. "
02:55 ...And that's very true, we find that exercise strengthens
02:59 the immune system and makes us stronger all the way around.
03:02 There are other benefits of exercise...
03:04 It speeds up recovery from surgery.
03:07 Years ago, when a woman would have a baby in a hospital,
03:11 they'd keep her in, on her back for a week.
03:14 Now, sometimes they have her walking out of the delivery room
03:16 I had surgery a number of years ago when I was stationed in
03:19 Key West, Florida, and after the surgery,
03:22 I asked the doctor, "Doctor, will it hurt me to
03:24 start running right away?"
03:26 And he said, "Well, it will hurt you,
03:28 but it won't do you any harm. "
03:30 So basically, I started right into my running program
03:34 ...true, it did hurt, a little bit of pain,
03:36 but I recovered a whole lot quicker...
03:39 The skin, the muscles didn't sit there and become
03:42 rigid and tense, and so exercise is extremely good after surgery.
03:47 It improved collateral circulation.
03:50 There are some people who say,
03:52 "My hands are always cold, and my feet are always cold. "
03:54 I recommend, get more circulation going,
03:57 and the best way to circulate is to get exercise.
04:00 So going out there... and when you exercise,
04:02 especially when you're taking your walks,
04:04 or whatever you're doing, SWING THOSE ARMS!
04:06 Get that centrifugal motion moving the blood out
04:10 to the end of the fingers.
04:12 There are 2 foundational health principles...
04:14 The first one is... The life is in the blood.
04:17 The second one is... Perfect health requires
04:19 perfect circulation.
04:21 Exercise increases circulation.
04:23 And to have perfect health, you need to have
04:26 perfect circulation.
04:27 It also reduces blood clotting,
04:30 and blood clotting is a major problem.
04:33 Many people are at risk for strokes and heart attacks,
04:36 but exercise will reduce that risk of throwing an inadvertent
04:40 clot which is going to cause some type of a coronary
04:44 or other type of event that our bodies really don't want.
04:46 Many benefits to exercise... that's just a very few of them
04:50 I bet you'll find some if you get out there, Dr. Thrash,
04:53 and that they start exercising.
04:55 Yes, all of those things are true that you said,
04:59 and the very BEST exercise for YOU is the one that
05:03 you will STAY right with as long as you live.
05:07 Now if it's an exercise that you really just DON'T like at all,
05:10 it's unlikely that you're going to stay with it a long time.
05:13 Some people love to swim, that's a good exercise for them
05:16 provided they're pretty skilled.
05:18 But if you simply stay in the water and just move a little bit
05:22 that may not be good enough for what you need.
05:24 Now when you are under 60 years of age,
05:28 the experts in exercise say that you can stay fairly
05:32 physically fit if you exercise 20 to 30 minutes 3 times a week,
05:38 that will help you to keep good cardiac health,
05:42 and will help you to be in pretty good physical shape.
05:46 But once you pass the 60-year mark,
05:50 then you need more than just aerobic exercise.
05:55 You then need some strength training as well...
05:59 Because there are a number of things that older people
06:02 MUST have out of exercise.
06:04 Only one is that of cardiovascular health.
06:07 Another is that they need to keep from getting
06:10 humped shoulders, and they need to prevent osteoporosis,
06:16 or thinning of the bones.
06:17 They also need to have exercises that will keep them strong
06:21 so that they won't fall.
06:23 It's an important thing not to fall.
06:25 Most of the breaks, most of the fractures that
06:29 people have in their bones after the age of 60,
06:32 come because the person simply wasn't strong enough,
06:36 or agile enough to make it so that they could keep
06:39 from falling... So that can be very helpful for you.
06:42 If you exercise for weight loss, you need more than just
06:48 aerobic exercise and strength training.
06:51 You also need long duration.
06:53 During the first 30 minutes of your exercising period,
06:58 you will be burning up mainly carbohydrates.
07:02 But during the rest of the time that you
07:05 exercise in that exercise session,
07:07 you'll be burning fat.
07:09 So, for the person who is overweight,
07:11 wants to exercise to lose weight,
07:14 they need to stretch out the DURATION.
07:18 ...LONG period of time.
07:20 An hour is just about minimal,
07:23 and then if you can do it for more than that...
07:25 as you exercise longer, you're going to have even
07:29 more loss of fat.
07:32 So, that's an important thing for you to know.
07:35 Now when you exercise, you need to be exercising at
07:39 about 50% or more of your maximum capacity.
07:43 Now how are you going to know what is that?
07:46 Do you have to be a physicist so that you can
07:49 figure these things out?
07:51 Well, I think there are some good rules of
07:53 thumb that can help you...
07:54 One is, that you should be able to do the exercise
07:58 that you do without getting so short of breath,
08:02 that you can't talk while you're doing the exercise.
08:05 So that's one key.
08:07 Now if the exercise that you are doing is of such a low
08:11 grade nature, that you don't have any problem
08:15 at all in talking, you're pulse rate has not gone up,
08:18 your respiration has not increased,
08:20 then you're not exercising at a fast enough pace.
08:25 You will get some benefit from it,
08:27 but it's not enough to make it so that you can have
08:31 all the benefits that you need.
08:33 Now as we get older, we also need flexibility.
08:37 Now flexibility makes it so that the shoulders
08:41 are not so likely to get rounded,
08:44 and that you're not so likely to shuffle as you walk along.
08:49 And shuffling increases the likelihood
08:52 that an older person is going to fall.
08:54 So, we'll show you some things in this program
08:57 that will help you with all of those things.
08:59 Keeping your bones firm will keep you having
09:03 very nice posture, and will also make it so that you're
09:10 less likely to fall.
09:11 So I've asked Justina to help me with a number of these things
09:15 and Justina can do some of these exercises to show you
09:20 just what you're going to need to do.
09:23 Now the first thing is we need strength training
09:27 when we get past the age of 60.
09:29 You can keep the upper body fairly strong by just
09:35 ordinary things that you can do...
09:36 You can lift weights if you would like,
09:39 but to do some leg presses, you need a gymnasium
09:45 unless you know some very simple things that can help
09:48 you to do the exercises that you need for strength.
09:52 So, one of the ways that you can do to keep your biggest
09:56 muscles strong, and healthy, is a half squat.
10:04 So, Justina, would you just show us with this desk
10:08 just how a person can make a half squat,
10:12 and do very well with that.
10:15 If you're not very powerful, you can do what Justina
10:18 is now doing.
10:19 Against a desk, you can support yourself, and go down as far
10:23 as you feel comfortable...
10:24 And then you can slowly come back up using your
10:28 hands and arms to help you.
10:30 So, do that again, and let us see just how that is done.
10:35 Now if you're a bit more strong,
10:37 then you can do this right against a wall
10:39 not putting your hands on anything,
10:42 except maybe on your thighs.
10:45 So as you do a half squat, put your hands on your thighs,
10:50 and they won't help you much when you rise up again...
10:53 Hold that for about 10 seconds and then rise again,
10:56 and your goal is to do that 15 times on a stretch.
11:00 You can do it all 15 at one stretch,
11:03 and if you're doing it, fine... That's good.
11:05 Now another very good exercise also builds up these
11:12 largest muscles of the body, the quadriceps muscles
11:15 here on the front of the thigh.
11:17 Another very good one is a knee extension,
11:20 or a straight leg extension.
11:21 And so, Justina, would you show us with this chair
11:25 just how that can be done.
11:26 A straight leg extension is simply done by moving
11:31 the leg straight out, and that will strengthen the
11:37 quadriceps muscles.
11:38 Now, as she is doing this, you will notice that
11:41 one of her legs has a weight on it.
11:45 And that weight can be moved from one leg to the other.
11:49 You can start with a 5 pound weight,
11:52 that 5 pound weight can be put on both legs,
11:56 or it can just be put on one.
11:59 And, as you continue to do that, that will strengthen
12:04 these largest muscles of the lower extremities,
12:10 and that will help you much in force and power
12:15 in muscle strength.
12:17 Now, we need to work also on flexibility.
12:21 And I'd like for Justina to show you now,
12:24 standing here beside me, what you would do
12:28 with a wall, with a door...
12:32 If you go into the door, you can lock both hands
12:36 or you may just lock one hand at a time on the door.
12:40 So Justina, here using me as if I am a door post
12:46 you show how it's done.
12:48 You just turn away from the wall,
12:51 and you can see that she's putting a good bit of force
12:53 on my arm... that is the door facing
12:56 Then she holds that for 5 seconds,
12:58 comes back again, and then relaxes it a bit,
13:03 and then does it another time.
13:05 So that repeatedly, doing that, holding it 5 to 10 seconds
13:10 each time can stretch out the pectoral muscles
13:13 and, of course, if you stretch out the pectoral muscles,
13:16 that will keep from rounding the shoulders
13:19 which is the first step in making the person get
13:23 round shouldered.
13:25 Now, because of the fact that the legs can get stiff
13:32 in the feet and in the lower legs,
13:36 we need to do a stretching exercise for the feet
13:40 and calves, and soleus muscles on the front of the leg.
13:45 So, standing... you can do this standing,
13:48 you can do it against a wall,
13:50 but you can also do it just plain standing.
13:52 Just bend your forward knee a good little bit,
13:58 and keep the backward leg straight.
14:01 Heel flat on the floor, and as you can see, she goes forward
14:06 on the bent forward knee, and then straighten up
14:09 and it's repeated with the opposite leg.
14:12 Hold that about 15 seconds, and continue to do that
14:16 until you know that your calf and soleus muscles
14:23 on the front of your leg are very flexible.
14:27 Also the feet become flexible in that way too,
14:30 because it puts quite a stretch on the feet as well.
14:33 Thank you very much, Justina.
14:36 I'm glad that we can show you how to do these simple little
14:39 exercises because that will keep you from shuffling.
14:42 And now, Don Miller is going to show you some exercises
14:47 for backaches. Dr. Miller
14:49 I'm going to ask Justina back
14:51 onto the set because there's something... All right
14:54 You know, I've read an interesting study about why
14:56 do we get so many backaches.
14:57 And, backaches are probably one of the major causes for
15:02 people going to doctors...
15:03 you've got backaches and headaches...
15:05 but there is a reason for it.
15:06 Now I want Justina to sit over here in this chair...
15:09 I'm going to ask her to do something very simple
15:12 I'm going to say, "Justina".. and we've already went
15:14 through this because she did it right because I taught them
15:16 when she was my student...
15:18 Justina, stand up...
15:21 Most people stand up just like that...
15:23 Now what was wrong with that? Let's try it again, Justina
15:25 Let's see if we could see what you did wrong.
15:27 Stand up... notice what she did.
15:31 She leaned forward... now sit back down again.
15:33 Let's go over this slowly, and see exactly what is happening
15:37 I want you to stand halfway up, the way you just did.
15:39 Get halfway up... look right there
15:42 All of her weight, from her head down to her waist
15:45 is placed on her back, especially on the lower back.
15:49 This is not good mechanics.
15:51 Now I want you to sit back down,
15:53 and stand up the way I hope you remember that I
15:56 taught you to stand up in class, okay?
15:58 Right! Basically, you slide to the front of the chair
16:02 you put a foot underneath you, and then what you do
16:05 is you put your hands on the chair and you push and you stand
16:09 straight up, rather than this leaning-forward thing.
16:12 So, that was very good.
16:13 Thank you so much, Justina.
16:14 Now, there are other things you can do to help
16:17 with back problems.
16:18 There's a thing called "passive exercise"
16:21 Now what is passive exercise?
16:23 Passive exercise happens to be massage.
16:27 If you've ever received a massage,
16:29 you know how good it feels to have a good massage.
16:32 And so, we need to learn how to GIVE simple massages.
16:36 Just go to a good book store, buy a good massage book,
16:40 and read some of the basics of massage.
16:42 Now there are hundreds of massage books out there
16:45 If you learn some of the very basics of massage,
16:48 when someone in your family or a friend of yours
16:51 is having back problems, DO some simple massages
16:54 on those particular muscles.
16:55 There are other good things you can do for back exercises,
17:00 and I think the best back exercise...
17:02 this is going to sound like an oxymoron... is exercise
17:04 The best thing to do when you have a really bad back,
17:07 is just exercise.
17:08 Now, many people when they start hurting there back think
17:10 "I need to go and have surgery"
17:14 It's been pretty much, some people believe,
17:17 and I believe with them, that unless you're bowel
17:20 function, or your kidney function is being impaired
17:23 by your back, surgery is not the best route to go.
17:27 There are other routes to go.
17:28 One of the nicest ones I like to do sometimes,
17:32 is do basically hanging by my ankles, or hanging by my hands.
17:37 Just finding a bar, grabbing hold of the bar,
17:39 and letting all my weight of my legs pull.
17:43 It's basically a tractioning of my spinal column.
17:47 It's extremely nice doing it upside-down.
17:49 There are some nice devices that you can get a hold of
17:52 One I use when I go to Austria...
17:55 I put my feet in it and I pull a little thing up,
17:56 which sort of tightens something against my shins,
17:59 and then they just grab these things and pull them back
18:01 and I'm hanging until a point where
18:04 I am swinging in the breeze.
18:05 Now, I can't stay that way very long because of the pressure
18:09 in my head, but I can stay there for a minute or 2
18:12 and it's amazing, the benefit you get from this.
18:15 And it's increased if before you hang, you have applied
18:20 some type of heat to the back causing the muscles
18:23 then to relax.
18:25 Relaxed muscles then can take care of this.
18:28 One other thing about taking care of the back,
18:30 and Dr. Thrash has alluded to this...
18:32 I had a friend that worked at a radio station,
18:35 and one day they went off the air, and here's why...
18:38 Some person out there in the woods,
18:40 did not like the light on top of that tower.
18:43 And so he took his high-powered rifle, and he aimed up
18:47 to shoot out the light... trouble is he missed the light
18:50 and he severed one of the cables.
18:53 Now, this is one of those types of towers that stands on a
18:55 single pedestal way up there in the air,
18:58 and is supported by cables
19:00 ...At the top, in the middle, and towards the bottom.
19:03 One cable caused that tower to collapse.
19:06 Consider that column, that tower, to be your
19:11 spinal column...
19:12 Consider the cables to be your muscles.
19:16 When those muscles get weak, you can no longer hold
19:19 that back in the proper form, and you WILL have back problems
19:23 And so, what we need to do is, at all times,
19:26 practice good posture.
19:27 A few years ago, it was a Thanksgiving day,
19:29 I was out in the woods, and I was pulling some
19:31 vines out of trees.
19:32 And one was especially hard to pull out.
19:36 And so I was pulling on this thing,
19:38 and to get some more power, there was another tree leaning,
19:42 and so I walked up the trunk of this tree, holding on,
19:45 and then I gave a MIGHTY pull...
19:48 the old pine tree leaned over, and I was saying...
19:51 "Great! I'm going to get it this time!"
19:53 And I took up a few hand lengths and then the tree
19:57 decided to stand back up again.
19:58 And as it stands up, the vine went, I went... I went swinging
20:03 HIT the tree, and as soon as I hit the tree,
20:05 the vine finally breaks, I fall on a little stump coming up
20:10 out of the ground and it hit me square in the back!
20:13 I had to crawl out of the woods in so much pain.
20:15 A couple of days later, Dr. Thrash loaned me
20:18 a back brace.
20:19 One of these things that you have to stand straight
20:21 when you put this thing on.
20:23 I found that I could not wear that thing longer than
20:26 ...Oh, 5 or 10 minutes before my back was really screaming.
20:30 As soon as I took it off, I relaxed.
20:32 I went back into bad posture.
20:35 Our problem is, poor posture.
20:38 If we would keep ourselves always properly aligned,
20:41 causing those muscles to pull us into proper form,
20:44 we would not injure our backs in the first place
20:47 and if you happen to get into a situation where you do
20:49 injure your back, you'll be much quicker to recover
20:52 from that particular injury.
20:54 And so the thing is, keep those back muscles strong
20:56 with good mechanics, good posture, some good exercises,
21:00 some massage, some hydrotherapy, hanging by your ankles
21:04 and you're going to find that your back problems
21:06 aren't quite as bad as you thought they were.
21:08 That sounds very good!
21:09 Now exercise is also very GOOD to keep people from ageing!
21:13 That's an important point for everybody to know...
21:17 from infancy to old age,
21:19 if you exercise, it will keep you more youthful.
21:22 As we pass the age of 60, that puts a premium on exercise.
21:27 And I have some things from the current medical literature
21:30 that I'd like just to refer to a bit, so that you can see
21:34 just how it prevents excessive ageing.
21:37 This is one that tells us about C- reactive protein.
21:41 Now, if you've had any medical background,
21:44 you know that that is a protein that's present
21:46 in the blood, that signals the fact that we have
21:50 inflammation going on inside the body.
21:52 Particularly, it indicates an ageing process that
21:57 makes you more susceptible to heart attacks and stroke.
22:01 Here is an article that's says that...
22:03 "Just by doing a little bit of low intensity activity,
22:08 it doesn't take very much... this low intensity activity
22:12 can safeguard your heart, and your brain against a stroke
22:19 EVEN if you don't lose weight"
22:21 Well, that's important to know...
22:22 that helps to make the CRP, or C-reactive protein to go down
22:28 Here is another one...
22:29 This one came out from the "International Journal of
22:32 Sports Nutrition Exercise and Metabolism"
22:35 and here, a large study was done showing that exercise
22:41 protects the kidneys against damage.
22:45 Now the kidneys, have a certain number of nephrons,
22:49 or functioning units... these are microscopic units,
22:52 in the kidneys, those we're born with.
22:55 But through our lifetimes, we have a little damage
22:59 to a nephron here, and a damage here, and these may die.
23:03 So we have a constant loss of a few nephrons
23:07 throughout our lives.
23:09 But this article, showed that exercise protects the kidneys,
23:14 particularly, it helps the kidneys not to have damage
23:19 from protein.
23:20 Now we know that diets that are very high in protein,
23:24 can damage the kidneys and the damaging effects
23:28 of protein on the kidneys was shown here in this study
23:33 to be protected.
23:35 The kidneys are protected by exercise from the damage
23:38 done by protein.
23:39 Now here's another one...
23:41 In a 14-year study, among a group of residents
23:47 in a home for the elderly, they found that just mild
23:54 exercise even, was a significant factor in the helpfulness
24:00 of these residents in this home for the elderly.
24:06 That came out in the archives of "Internal Medicine,"
24:09 it was a very nice study.
24:11 And here is another study on the elderly...
24:14 It showed that 22 elderly people who just used a stationary bike,
24:21 these were people who were 88 years of age, or older,
24:24 and they just used a stationary bike for 20 minutes a day,
24:28 very small, very low intensity exercising...
24:34 They found that just this small amount of exercise, very modest,
24:39 caused a moderate increase in oxygen turnover in the body.
24:45 Now, oxygen consumption by the cells is actually
24:48 the gold standard of how physically fit a person is.
24:54 So to increase the oxygen consumption of the body,
24:58 indicates that a person is in better condition physically.
25:03 Now often, people will say...
25:05 "Well, how much do I need to exercise?"
25:07 Do I need to go out and spend 2 hours at a time,
25:10 or an hour at a time, or can I take the exercise
25:13 in smaller increments?
25:15 And the answer is... Yes, you can take the exercise
25:18 in smaller increments.
25:19 As an example, here was a study that was done
25:23 on a number of people.
25:24 They divided the people into 2 groups;
25:27 one exercised 10 minutes 3 times a day,
25:30 and the other group exercised 30 minutes once a day.
25:35 And the interesting thing was that they found that the
25:39 oxygen intake, or oxygen UPtake of the cells,
25:44 or the oxygen consumption, was actually GREATER in
25:47 those with 3 small periods of exercise, than in one large
25:52 period of exercise.
25:54 So don't feel that you have to have ALL of your exercise
25:57 done at one time, in one large increment.
26:00 Now at this time, Don Miller is going to show you
26:04 a little bit about plantar fasciitis...
26:07 and tell you something of that.
26:08 Okay, any time you see the word "itis," it means "inflammation"
26:13 And, plantar fasciitis is an inflammation
26:16 at the bottom of the foot.
26:17 I'm going to ask Justina up here again,
26:20 to help me with a little demonstration.
26:21 There is a simple exercise that you can do to help
26:25 with plantar fasciitis.
26:26 And Justina, if you'll just go up there...
26:28 And what she's going to do, is she's going to put her toes
26:32 on this little block of wood... a little block of wood that
26:34 would be higher, might be even better.
26:36 And then what I want her to do, keeping her heels
26:39 on the floor, and her legs straight,
26:41 she's going to lean into the table.
26:44 You can also lean into the wall.
26:46 And what she's doing is stretching the plantar fasciitis
26:50 area underneath her foot and up across the calcaneus
26:53 on the back of her foot, which is extremely good for
26:56 plantar fasciitis.
26:59 You might want to do this 10 times a day.
27:01 She can stretch it out for about the count of 10,
27:03 come back up again, rest for a moment,
27:06 go back down for a count of 10, come back up again...
27:09 And the more she does this, the more she's going to reduce
27:13 this inflammation on the bottom of her foot.
27:15 Now there's something else we can do for plantar fasciitis
27:18 Any type of an inflammation... and that would be
27:21 hot and cold contrast baths.
27:23 She could take a container of hot water,
27:26 and a container of cold water...
27:27 Hot to tolerance, put her feet in the hot water,
27:30 and leave them there for 3 minutes...
27:31 Shift them over to the cold water for 30 seconds
27:35 After she's done this, the inflammation is going to
27:37 sort of go out into the water because more blood comes
27:40 to the area, and the more blood that comes to the area,
27:43 the more oxygen.
27:44 Dr. Thrash was just talking about oxygen
27:46 Oxygen is very important.
27:48 Is that correct, Dr. Thrash?
27:49 That is correct, and all of these things
27:52 can help you to have a stronger and better
27:55 functioning skeleton!


Revised 2014-12-17