Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller, Justina Thomas
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000187
00:01 Physicians should be teachers.
00:04 In fact, that's what the word means. 00:05 "Doctor" means a teacher. 00:08 And I'm very happy that I can be both a doctor and a teacher. 00:12 It's such a privilege to teach a person how to take care of 00:16 this most marvelous of ALL machinery... the human body. 00:20 So I hope you will stay with us, and I hope you will 00:22 learn something. 00:43 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" 00:45 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute 00:49 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash 00:53 Now it's true that the physician should be a teacher, 00:57 but it's also true that the patient should be a learner! 01:01 And it's the responsibility of the patient to learn how 01:05 to take care of this body temple. 01:07 It's a most MARVELOUS mechanism. 01:10 The person will never have about his self, about his home 01:13 all the equipment that he has, vehicles, 01:18 motorized equipment, computers, whatever the person might have 01:22 NOTHING even approaches the complexity of the human body. 01:28 Now as we study the human body, we come to know 01:31 about some of the marvels of the human body. 01:34 It's made up of millions of small units, 01:38 each of which is a miracle! 01:40 Sometimes I tell my evolutionists friends 01:44 that they don't have alveoli in their lungs, 01:48 or they don't have nephrons in their kidneys, 01:50 or they don't even have teeth... 01:53 because in my estimation, it would have taken 01:55 another 25 billion years just to work out teeth 02:00 And the evolutionists' estimate isn't but about 02:05 4.5 billion that this earth has been in existence. 02:09 So I know they couldn't possibly have those 02:11 precious things of equipment that our Creator made for us. 02:15 And turned it out before He ever put us in charge 02:18 of the human body. 02:20 Let's just study the human tooth for a moment. 02:22 The tooth is not just a solid bridge of bone 02:28 across the upper and the lower parts of the jaws, 02:30 but are built of individual units. 02:35 So that if something happens to one, you've still got 02:38 maybe 31 left. 02:40 And, if something happens to another, 02:42 you've still got 30 left... 02:44 And that's plenty adequate to do one's chewing. 02:47 A lot of people lose their wisdom teeth early in life 02:50 because they don't come in in the correct place, 02:54 or they point in a wrong direction. 02:57 Sometimes, a wisdom tooth will point at the tooth 03:00 that's right next to it, and cause an erosion 03:03 in that tooth which eventually makes a cavity, 03:07 which then forms an abscess, and the person loses 2 teeth; 03:13 a wisdom tooth, and the tooth next to it. 03:16 So, we lose 4 teeth immediately, but we still have enough to 03:21 do plenty of chewing... that's not a problem! 03:24 But as we go through life, sometimes people lose 03:28 another tooth here, and another tooth there 03:30 So finally they're just snaggletoothed 03:33 and don't have enough teeth left to be able to chew properly 03:38 The amount of chewing that we do, to some degree, 03:42 determines how long we're going to live. 03:44 And, therefore, when we have a toothache, 03:47 immediately, we are concerned. 03:49 Am I going to lose that tooth that I have the toothache in? 03:53 So let's talk just a little bit how you can understand 03:57 about a toothache. 03:58 When a toothache comes, it's often a sudden pain 04:02 in the tooth, or it may, at times, develop 04:06 over a number of days, or even weeks, 04:09 so that you feel a little tenderness in the tooth, 04:11 or when you drink something that's cold, a tooth 04:16 or more than one tooth hurts... 04:19 Or when you eat something sweet, that tooth hurts. 04:23 If cold and sweets are the things that make the tooth 04:29 have pain, then it's probably just a carious tooth 04:33 that just requires that you get a filling, or a replacement 04:37 of an existing filling. 04:39 Now if you understand that about sweet and cold, 04:44 and the superficiality of that kind of pain, 04:49 then you're prepared to understand what kind of 04:52 infection or involvement of the tooth 04:56 could involve the pulp itself. 04:59 Now the pulp is the place where the nerve is located 05:02 and if it's heat that causes your pain, 05:07 then the pulp is probably involved with it 05:11 and you can make a diagnosis of a more serious 05:14 tooth involvement. 05:15 Such a tooth is going to require specialized care from a dentist 05:20 most of the time. 05:21 But, there are some things that you can do 05:24 even for a bombed-out tooth that's very 05:28 carious but does not yet involve the pulp 05:32 Such a tooth, if you change the environment 05:34 of the mouth, and make it so that the conditions 05:38 that encourage cavities... that those conditions 05:43 have gone, then it's very likely that you could just 05:46 keep that bombed-out tooth... 05:48 that very serious affection of a tooth 05:53 that results in a definite cavity. 05:56 If you take care of it, there are dentists who will 06:00 tell you that you can make a scar on that tooth 06:05 and refinish that bombed-out area. 06:09 Now it's not nice, white enamel as you had in the beginning. 06:12 It will look very dark, in fact, almost black, 06:15 but it will be a very hard repair... a hard scar 06:20 on that tooth and that's very helpful to know. 06:22 But of course, the best thing is to get it filled, 06:26 and have a complete restoration of the tooth. 06:29 Let's say you wake up in the middle of the night, 06:32 and you have a SERIOUS toothache... 06:34 Is there anything that you can do immediately 06:37 so that you don't have to pay the extra fee 06:39 of calling a dentist out of bed at night to attend your tooth? 06:43 There are a number of things... 06:44 and most of them are quite effective. 06:46 The first thing to do is to make a little charcoal compress 06:51 Get a little piece of paper towel, maybe a square 06:53 about an inch or 2 inches square, 06:56 hold it in the hand, and put some charcoal paste right there. 07:00 You'll put that on a spoon then, shift it so that it goes onto 07:03 a spoon... then you can just maneuver it to the place 07:07 where you have the painful tooth, and bite down 07:10 on it... hold the charcoal paste in place 07:12 And often with a few minutes, the toothache has gone away. 07:17 Another thing that you can use is clove oil. 07:21 Clove oil smells very nice, and if you put a little 07:25 on a Q-tip, or on a toothpick, and just put it right up 07:29 next to the tooth, and on the gum, around the tooth, 07:32 and in-between the tooth... 07:34 you can get a very good relief of pain right away. 07:38 Now, an abscess can occur in a tooth, and in that case 07:44 the tooth will feel as if it's about an inch longer 07:47 than all the other teeth in your mouth, 07:51 and that's one of the diagnostic clues that you can have 07:55 that you've got an abscess of a tooth. 07:57 Also, if you just press on the area where the tooth is, 08:01 that you think might be abscessed, 08:03 and if it's very painful, then that's probably 08:07 an abscessed tooth. 08:08 If you tap on the tooth, and that gives you pain, 08:11 that's probably an abscessed tooth. 08:13 But let's say you can tap on all the teeth on that side, 08:17 that's probably not an abscessed tooth... 08:19 that's probably a maxillary sinusitis up here in the 08:23 maxillary sinuses. 08:25 And so, you don't have to go to the dentist for that 08:28 most of the time, you just treat the sinusitis. 08:30 And so applying heat, and then alternating with cold 08:34 every 3 minutes or so, that can be very helpful. 08:38 Or a mouthwash... if you use a mouthwash that's warm 08:41 but not hot if it's an abscessed tooth, 08:43 or a toothache that involves the pulp, 08:47 just use warm water with salt in it... quite a lot of salt. 08:52 Salt is a bit of an astringent and that will help you 08:55 with a tooth that's giving you pain. 08:59 Or, you can use turmeric in the warm water. 09:04 Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory agent 09:06 and will act as an anti-inflammatory 09:09 agent in the mouth. 09:10 You can swallow some of the turmeric. 09:13 Use a teaspoonful of the turmeric to a glass 09:16 of warm water, and use it as a mouthwash 09:19 And, you can spit out most of it, but about half of a 09:23 teaspoonful... you can swallow that 09:25 as an anti-inflammatory agent that works internally. 09:30 So those are a few things that you can know about 09:34 how to handle a toothache. 09:36 Keep a little clove oil on hand all the time 09:38 just for such an emergency. 09:41 Now, there are a lot of other things about the 09:45 head and neck that give us some difficulty, 09:49 and I think that Dr. Miller is all prepared to give us some 09:54 instruction on how to take care of an ear problem. 09:57 Is that correct? That's right, ear problems. 09:59 You know, the ears are located quite closely to the teeth 10:02 and sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between 10:04 this a toothache, or an earache? 10:07 And there is a very simple test. 10:09 Just take the earlobe and give a good, firm tug on the ear. 10:12 If it increases the pain, you probably have an earache. 10:16 If it does not increase the pain, 10:18 you probably have a toothache. 10:20 All right, now you've located it ... it's an earache 10:22 Now you take the top of the ear, and just wiggle it. 10:26 If it is an external earache, it will give you a lot of pain. 10:30 If it does not increase the pain, it is probably 10:32 an earache in the middle part of your ear... 10:37 so those are nice things to do. 10:38 I was in the country of Zambia one time teaching 10:43 natural remedies to a group of students there 10:45 and they loved to go out into the community 10:48 and try to find somebody who had problems. 10:50 They had all kinds of problems they could find. 10:53 They found a little girl who was in constant 10:58 24/7 pain, and her ear was completely infected. 11:02 Pus was running out of the canal. 11:04 There were large holes. 11:06 There was a hole behind her ear. 11:08 There were holes all around her ear. 11:10 The child was absolutely miserable. 11:13 Her parents had taken this child to every doctor, 11:16 every clinic, every hospital that they could within 11:19 the area where they live. 11:20 And that's as far away as the capital Lusaka 11:24 all in that area. 11:25 And, much like the woman there in the Bible, 11:28 the child did not grow better, but rather grew worse. 11:32 And, also, her parents had spent everything that they had 11:35 and they were ones that lived in a rather nice house. 11:38 They were now having to sell this house 11:41 to move to a mud hut just to pay the bills. 11:44 Well, my students found this little girl. 11:46 And, they came back and said... 11:48 "What can we do?" Well, what CAN you do? 11:50 Here we are out there in the middle of Africa 11:52 Well, we did what we could with what we had. 11:57 We put together a number of herbs. 11:59 I took some oil. I took some garlic. 12:01 I had brought with me some goldenseal powder... 12:04 sort of cheating there... but I had some goldenseal powder 12:06 But they had lots of herbs growing in an herb garden there 12:09 Took a number of things, made an ointment, 12:11 added some charcoal to it, 12:13 and then had the mother irrigate the ear 12:16 Dr. Thrash has mentioned in another program how 12:19 she likes to have bulb syringes. 12:21 I had taken with me on this particular trip, 12:23 20 bulb syringes. 12:25 I recommend if you're going to travel in a foreign country 12:28 especially in a third world country, you take bulb syringes 12:31 ...extremely versatile in many different areas. 12:35 I had the mother irrigate the ear. 12:38 As a matter of fact, my students did it first... 12:39 getting out some of the pus. 12:41 And then we applied some of this ointment that we had made 12:45 into the ear canal, and then put a piece of cotton in the ear. 12:49 That would be all day long, and then all night long, 12:52 we put a charcoal poultice... taught the mother how to do it 12:56 Put a charcoal poultice over the ear. 12:58 Now the child, because of the pain and the irritation, 13:02 was always scratching which really made it worse. 13:04 So we had her put little socks on her hands so she could not 13:09 scratch as well, and within a week, 13:12 the sores were completely scabbed over 13:15 She was completely out of pain, and she was 13:17 doing quite well. 13:18 And it cost nothing. 13:20 Even if she had had to pay for it, 13:22 it wouldn't have cost more than $5 13:23 And so we can see, God has some simple ways 13:26 to take care of the ear. 13:27 Earaches are extremely bad. 13:30 We had a woman call Uchee Pines some years ago 13:33 when Dr. Calvin Thrash was still alive, and she said, 13:37 "My daughter, she just has all the time, earaches, 13:40 and throat infections and she's been scheduled to 13:43 have her tonsils taken out, her adenoids taken out, 13:47 and tubes to be put into her ears... What can we do?" 13:51 And, Dr. Calvin, sage man that he was, 13:54 he said, "Ma'am, I'm not going to ask you whether your 13:58 daughter is on dairy products because I know she is. " 14:00 "Take her off the dairy products. " 14:01 And then give her some garlic, give her some Echinacea, 14:04 a few natural antibiotics. 14:06 Within a week, she was completely well. 14:08 Well the mother took the daughter back to her 14:12 pediatrician, and the pediatrician examined her 14:14 and said, "Well, you're doing fine. The medications worked. " 14:17 And the mother said, "I didn't give her the 14:19 medications. I just got her off the dairy products. " 14:21 And the doctor says... "That would have worked too. " 14:25 And the mother thought, "You were going to do all 14:29 these surgeries and that would have worked," and so 14:31 she took her daughter on out of there, and her daughter did fine 14:34 She's now a grown woman, married, has a child... 14:36 doing quite well. 14:37 And so, often our ear problems are caused by sensitivities to 14:42 foods... and the #1 food sensitivity in the entire world 14:46 is dairy products. 14:47 If you have a child who has throat infections, 14:50 ear infections... get them off of all forms of dairy 14:53 You got to really look at the labels... all forms of dairy 14:56 And if it stays gone for about a week, 14:59 off the dairy and you don't have any cessation of 15:02 of symptoms, maybe that wasn't your problem. 15:04 But I can almost guarantee that dairy is going to have 15:07 some type of deleterious effect upon your health. 15:09 And so, staying away from it might do you better. 15:11 There are other things you can do for an earache. 15:14 And I like to... Sometimes a person has an 15:16 earache, you take an ice cube, and you have them just 15:20 lay their head over and let the ice water drip into their ears. 15:23 For some people, that's all they need. 15:25 For other people, it will drive them through the roof! 15:27 For that person, you put warm air... 15:30 and you might take a hair dryer, 15:33 stand back about 2 feet, and just let that warm air 15:36 head towards the ear. 15:37 Sometimes just putting a heating lamp just outside 15:41 the ear and letting the heat get on the ear 15:43 is very good for an earache. 15:45 You could also take an onion, and bake the onion 15:48 until it's soft, and just place the onion 15:50 over the ear area, and strap that on the head. That's good. 15:54 A charcoal poultice will work very nicely for some people 15:58 in the ears when they have the ear infection. 16:00 Another problem we have with ears, 16:03 and I'm afraid this is probably pretty common 16:05 impacted wax. 16:07 You know the old way they used to... the old mussel loader guns 16:11 They'd sit there and they'd pour some stuff in it 16:12 and they'd ram it down... 16:14 Well, that's what many people do with 16:15 a Q-tip... they reach in there, and they poke around 16:19 and what they often do, they start pushing wax 16:23 pushing wax back there. 16:24 It wasn't too long ago, I received a phone call 16:27 that someone was going to come visit Uchee Pines 16:30 and they wanted their ears cleaned out. 16:32 I said, "Fine, no problem, I like doing that. " 16:35 So the person arrived that day, 16:38 and I figure, "Well, since they wanted their ears cleaned out, 16:40 I'll just start cleaning it, and then I'll look later. 16:43 I could have gone ahead and used an otoscope, 16:45 and looked in there and looked at it. 16:46 I'm glad I did not because I probably would have 16:48 been pretty freaked-out with what I was seeing. 16:52 Anyway, what I used was a Waterpik. 16:56 And a Waterpik comes with a special attachment 16:58 can buy a special attachment, 17:00 that you put on the end of a Waterpik and then you 17:03 put it up, and you always whenever you do an 17:06 irrigation of the ear, you shoot up. 17:08 The ear canal goes down, but you shoot up because 17:11 you don't want to shoot the eardrum itself. 17:13 And I started working around, and I was holding, 17:17 while I was doing this, a kidney dish outside the ear 17:20 What I basically do is, I have the patient hold this 17:23 next to their ear, and then I'll also have them 17:25 holding a towel to pick up the excess water... 17:28 And I was just playing around on the inside of the ear 17:32 and things started to come out. A lot of things! 17:35 And so I stopped and I went and dumped that and 17:36 refilled the water in the bowl of the Waterpik 17:40 and I did it again, and I did it again, 17:43 and I did it again... And then all of a sudden 17:46 appearing right on the outside of the ear 17:49 was a LARGE glob of something... 17:51 And I thought, "I don't know what I just got done 17:53 washing this guy's brains out! 17:54 I don't know what the problem was. " 17:56 This man had SO MUCH wax, and other things in his ear 18:01 I'm surprised he had any hearing. 18:03 As a matter of fact, that was his problem 18:04 He could not hear out of that ear. 18:06 I had another patient the same way. 18:08 I irrigated, probably for a half an hour, on each of these 18:12 ears and got a copious amount of ear wax and other 18:15 particulates out of their ears. 18:17 When that happens, the ear is going to be very sensitive. 18:20 And it also might be a little bit prone towards some 18:23 type of an infections or leastwise fungal infections. 18:27 And so what I did was, I mixed a little bit of vinegar 18:30 about 3 parts of vinegar, with 1 part of alcohol 18:33 and I had him tip his head over and I poured it into the ear 18:38 and then I shook it. 18:39 You always take the top of the ear and you shake it. 18:42 That straightens out the ear canal 18:43 ...letting all that liquid get down in there 18:45 the vinegar being antifungal, the alcohol being a drying agent 18:51 and an astringent agent, as Dr. Thrash has mentioned. 18:53 Then just had them pour that back out. 18:56 And they were completely well with that particular 18:59 simple treatment. 19:01 Now there is another way of doing an ear irrigation 19:04 and again, that's why you should always have a bulb syringe 19:08 Now, they make different types of bulb syringes 19:11 ...some with a much more streamlined nozzle on it, 19:16 some with a big bulb for doing nasal irrigations. 19:20 But, this is the one I Like to use for an ear irrigation. 19:23 And I'm going to have Justina come forward and sort of 19:26 demonstrate on her how you would do an ear irrigation. 19:30 I'm going to have you step on this side, Justina. 19:32 Now basically, you get the person involved 19:36 in their particular treatment. 19:37 You know, there are certain things that exacerbate pain, 19:40 and one is helplessness. 19:42 If you can get the patient involved in their treatment, 19:45 you're going to have them have a little bit less pain 19:48 and trepidation about... "What's this guy doing?" 19:51 Now they are part of the action. 19:53 And so, Justina, I'm going to have you just hold this 19:55 just below your ear, and the towel, again, is to 19:58 pick up the excess water because water will come out. 20:01 Now what you want to do is you want to put 20:04 water in here about body temperature. 20:06 Cold water can make an upset stomach. 20:09 It can make them very dizzy. 20:11 So you want to put just warm water in here 20:14 And I try as much as possible to expel all of the water 20:19 out of it and get it down to just water and no air. 20:24 And then what we do is, I grab the top of the ear 20:28 and I pull it up, and now that I've got just water 20:34 to the very surface, I put this thing inside the ear 20:37 ...hold your thing down just a little bit further... 20:40 so that I can shoot upwards. 20:43 And I SLOWLY, SLOWLY, increase the water, rather than just 20:48 You don't want to just squirt it in there because 20:51 that would make you both unhappy. 20:53 You play it around, you play it around the side, 20:57 you play it around the top 20:59 And as you do this, you're going to find some 21:01 particulate matter coming out. 21:02 You keep on playing this, 21:04 every once in a while, you have to refill the bulb. 21:06 I like to have a container of water that's full of warm water 21:09 Put my bulb syringe completely down in there 21:11 and then let it refill so that it's filled up to the very top 21:16 ...go back up, and continue playing around until you've 21:20 completely clean it out. 21:22 You can go to a store and buy some very inexpensive 21:27 otoscopes, and these otoscopes are good for looking in the ear 21:31 making sure you've gotten everything that's in there. 21:33 And then again, I would recommend you put some 21:36 alcohol, some vinegar in there to take care. 21:38 Now the vinegar is good for... 21:39 Let's say Justina had been swimming in a lake or a 21:42 swimming pool and got, what we call, "swimmers ear" 21:44 Always, the best treatment for swimmer's ear is 21:48 vinegar in the ear. 21:49 So what you basically do is you have them put them 21:51 put their head to the side, you put vinegar in the ear 21:54 let them hold it there for a while, dump it out 21:57 and that will pretty much kill the fungal infection... 22:00 And that's a nice thing to have done... Dr. Thrash 22:03 Thank you, Justina. 22:04 Well I like very much these simple things that are so 22:08 relieving for a lot of people for so many things. 22:11 Now, I want to talk with you just a moment about where 22:16 the water is going. 22:17 Sometimes people think, "Well, they must be washing 22:21 around on the inside of the ear, way up in the internal ear, 22:25 or the middle ear, or maybe even they're 22:28 as far down as the brain. 22:30 But I'd like to draw a little diagram so that you will 22:33 see just where the water is going when you irrigate the ear 22:37 And really, for an eardrum that's intact, 22:41 the water is only going to go, actually what we might even 22:46 think of as being the outside of the body. 22:49 But if we say that this is the ear, then here is the 22:56 canal like this, and let me point this a little bit better 23:03 this way so that it goes up this way... 23:08 And at the end of this is the tympanic membrane 23:13 or the eardrum. 23:15 And this, of course, is open to the outside so when you 23:18 put the bulb syringe in, you direct the stream upward a bit 23:25 and that encourages the entire external ear to get the fluid. 23:34 And in this way, whatever may be there, 23:36 whether it's bugs, or some kind of debris, 23:41 or whether it's the ear wax... 23:42 Whatever it may be, that will enable you 23:46 to get rid of it nicely. 23:47 Now another thing that's a good thing to know how 23:51 to deal with is a sore throat. 23:53 Gargles for a sore throat can be very helpful. 23:56 Hot gargles with just plain table salt in it, 24:00 or it can be goldenseal tea made very strong 24:03 ...or some other kind of astringent tea 24:06 can be used and that soothes and heals the tonsils 24:10 and the back of the throat. 24:11 Now another thing that we find people often suffering from 24:16 is acute sinusitis... 24:18 And it often occurs right across the cheekbones, 24:21 and right across the upper part of the eyebrows 24:25 and the mid portion of the forehead. 24:27 Acute sinusitis in contradistinction to 24:31 chronic sinusitis, which is usually caused by a 24:34 food sensitivity. 24:35 Acute sinusitis can be caused by either a virus, 24:39 or by a germ such as a streptococcus that 24:42 gives you an infection in the sinuses. 24:46 The same kind of thing that causes the sore throat. 24:49 For that, hot compresses to the face can be 24:53 very relieving of the pain and can also heal the person. 24:58 To sit in a tub of hot water, will sometimes just 25:03 almost instantly cause a relief of that pressure 25:06 and discomfort, the pain, the gripping discomfort 25:12 in the sinuses. 25:13 Now, there are certain ways to eat that have principles 25:17 involved in those, and there are several principles 25:22 that you can learn that will help you to know how to eat. 25:25 Dr. Don Miller will tell you something about these 25:29 4 principles on how to eat. 25:32 These are very simple and I think you need to 25:34 write these down and make sure you follow them at all times. 25:37 The first one is choose your food carefully. 25:40 Now what does that mean? 25:42 It means you don't go to the store, and go to the 25:44 bargain table and get the stuff that's all 25:46 shrink-wrapped in cellophane because it's sort of 25:49 bad on the other side. 25:50 If it's bad on the other side, it's bad all over... 25:52 Don't take that. You choose your food carefully 25:55 every time you go shopping. 25:57 Does that mean buy all organic produce? 25:59 It doesn't mean that... if you can't afford it. 26:01 You get the BEST you can buy for the money that you have. 26:04 You try to stay away from things in bags and boxes 26:07 and even cans... because they always 26:09 got things in there, whether it's salt... 26:12 there's going to be sugar, preservatives, 26:13 all kinds of strange things. 26:15 Eat as fresh as you can. 26:16 Second point... Prepare your food as carefully as you can. 26:21 The first point in preparation is WASH IT. 26:23 You wash your grapes. You wash your bananas. 26:25 You wash your carrots. You wash everything 26:28 before you put it into your body. 26:29 And then you prepare it healthfully... 26:32 You don't sit there and cook it to death. 26:33 You don't put lots of salt, sugar, oil on it. 26:36 You prepare it as carefully as possible. 26:37 The third step... very simple. You ask God to bless it. 26:41 If you've done point 1 and point 2, 26:43 He WILL indeed do His part... in point 3 26:46 And the third step is... just eat it, 26:48 quit worrying about it... because if you think it's 26:50 going to hurt you, it probably will. 26:52 And so we realize that if you sit down with a meal 26:54 and you've done all that you can, 26:56 and you've asked God to do all that He's willing 26:58 to do, you can eat that food... 26:59 and the Bible says there in Mark the 16th chapter... 27:02 "If you take any deadly thing, it will not harm you. " 27:05 And I believe that's the promise for these last days 27:07 when everything around us wants to harm us. 27:09 God wants to take care of us, and so let's just listen 27:11 to His simple ways and He'll teach us... Right, Dr. Thrash? 27:15 Yes, that's a very important thing 27:17 that you can always count on. 27:19 If you're careful in doing what your part is, 27:22 our Heavenly Father has pledged Himself to be 27:25 responsible for His part. 27:27 We cannot keep ourselves healthy... 27:29 We cannot be the ones who decide how strong we 27:32 come into this world, but we can be the ones 27:35 who determine how well we take care of the body. 27:37 And to take care of it means that you bring 27:40 into the body only fresh and pure things 27:43 as well as you are able. 27:45 Fresh air, fresh sunshine, fresh things that have 27:50 to do with the feeding of the mind. 27:52 Everything fresh, clean and pure, 27:55 and God will bless you! |
Revised 2014-12-17