Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Don Miller
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000185
00:01 Now I realize I can't make you a physician in one short program
00:07 But I can tell you a lot of things that can help you 00:11 with non-serious illnesses that afflict the vast majority of 00:16 mankind at one time or other. 00:18 So, I hope you'll stay with us and we'll discuss some of these 00:21 on this program. 00:43 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" 00:45 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute 00:49 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash 00:55 Most people, if you ask them about common illnesses, 01:00 they will immediately tell you that a headache 01:04 is probably the commonest illness. 01:06 And it is one of the very common ones... 01:07 It's probably not THE most common one, 01:09 but it's common enough that any understanding 01:13 of simple remedies and illnesses and how you deal with 01:16 these at home should be discussed. 01:19 So I'd like to start talking with you about 01:21 headaches with the simple recurring headaches 01:25 that a lot of people get. 01:27 They occur today... They were there yesterday... 01:30 They had a headache or 2 the day before... 01:33 And so the headache can be something that keeps on 01:36 coming, and they've had it for years. 01:39 Now #1... If you've had a headache for years, 01:43 it probably is due to some kind of allergy, 01:47 ...or some kind of skeletal problem. 01:49 That skeletal problem may be something with your neck. 01:52 It may be poor neck posture. 01:55 You should learn to have the best neck posture possible 01:59 and, essentially that means having the cheekbone 02:03 right over the collarbone. 02:05 Now, putting the cheekbone over the collarbone 02:08 isn't difficult, but it may be almost impossible 02:13 for you to tell yourself whether your cheekbone 02:16 is right over your collarbone. 02:17 So how do you tell? 02:19 You have someone stand to your side, 02:22 and just tell you when you have achieved that... 02:24 Then try to visualize in your mind 02:26 just what kind of muscles are needed to keep that 02:31 just in that way and do that. 02:33 That is called the "neutral position of the head. " 02:37 And for a lot of people who have headaches because of 02:40 neck problems, that will be sufficient to handle 02:44 that little problem. 02:46 Now, the next probably most common cause... 02:50 In fact, it may be even the first most common cause 02:52 of recurring headaches, is a sensitivity to something. 02:56 Often that is something in the environment. 02:58 It may be something in your house... 03:00 House dust, or something that comes off the drapes, 03:05 or that comes off the walls, or from masonry in your home. 03:10 Whatever it is, it's something that you're being exposed to 03:15 all the time, and with that exposure comes a sensitivity 03:18 that eventually gives you a headache. 03:21 Now, headaches can be intense, or they can be quite mild. 03:25 They can be associated with a sinusitis, or an inflammation 03:29 of the sinuses which are behind the forehead and 03:33 behind the cheekbones... 03:35 Those are important sinuses that can be inflamed 03:40 to make you have a headache. 03:41 Sinusitis is, unless you prove that it's due to something else, 03:48 you should always consider that it's due to a food sensitivity. 03:51 It may be also associated with some environmental thing 03:56 such as pollens, or fumes that come into your home 04:01 from a nearby industry... can be associated with those, 04:05 but most of the time, it's food. 04:07 That means that you can control that by simply finding 04:11 the food to which you're sensitive and removing that 04:15 from your diet. 04:16 Now how do you determine that? 04:19 Get a list of foods that most people are sensitive to 04:23 in the United States, or whatever country you live in 04:27 ...the diet is different there than in other parts of the world 04:31 and so wherever you are, get that list of foods 04:34 from an allergist, or from a library, 04:39 and simply remove those foods from your diet. 04:42 You may think... "Well, if I remove tomatoes, 04:46 and milk, and cheese, and coffee, and citrus fruits, 04:51 and apples, bananas, legumes, nuts... 04:54 If I remove all those... that is my entire diet. 04:58 What will I eat, if I don't eat those things? 05:00 Well, the interesting thing is that we become sensitive 05:05 to those foods that we have a repeated exposure to, 05:09 especially those things that we eat every day. 05:11 So, go to the market, look at those foods that are 05:15 available... buy those things that you don't customarily eat 05:20 and make your menus from that. 05:23 Now if you find that after you have eliminated all that 05:28 group of foods that you have been eating, customarily, 05:31 day by day, and your headache has gone away, 05:34 then you know that you have hit pay dirt. 05:37 So then, you can start adding back one food at a time 05:41 every 5 to 7 days until your headache returns... 05:45 And once it does, then you know that thing you added last 05:48 is one of those things causing your headaches. 05:51 Now I talked with you about simple sinus headaches, 05:54 or sensitivity headaches, or recurring headaches... 05:57 These are very common, and a lot of people have them. 06:00 But there is another kind of headache called "migraine" 06:03 And, of course, everyone is familiar with that, 06:05 and Dr. Don Miller is going to talk with you about 06:08 migraines at this time. 06:10 Dr. Thrash, I don't know what you're talking about... 06:13 Headaches... you don't get headaches? 06:16 I'm one of the lucky ones! 06:17 Not lucky, I'm blessed. 06:19 I don't get headaches. 06:20 But, I've known people who are completely debilitated 06:24 by headaches. 06:25 Migraine, as Dr. Thrash has mentioned, 06:27 comes from a Greek word, "hemicrania," 06:31 which means "half a head" 06:33 Sometimes you feel like your whole head wants to be taken off 06:35 But usually a migraine headache is in one-half of your head. 06:40 Sometimes, it's the front half... either the forehead, 06:43 the temples, the eyes, the jaw area in extremely intense pain. 06:50 Now, there are other types of headaches 06:52 that you might get confused with, 06:53 but you look at the duration, and the other symptoms 06:57 that come with that type of a headache. 06:59 There's a tension headache... usually it lasts from 07:01 4 to 24 hours... Not such a severe pain, 07:05 and it's just caused by tension. 07:06 There is a terrible headache called a "cluster headache" 07:10 This one can last between 60 and 90 minutes 07:13 but it will come over and over... 07:16 It comes in clusters and this might last for years. 07:19 They say that this is probably the worse headache that there is 07:22 But the migraine headache will last from 4 to 72 hours, 07:27 and it will be a severe pain but often with other 07:31 types of symptoms. 07:32 There will be, often, nausea because the pain is so bad 07:36 it causes a person to become nauseous. 07:39 There's also sometimes watery eyes or running nose. 07:43 And these are things that when you have those 07:46 along with the headache, you figure... 07:47 "I have a migraine headache. " 07:50 If you have a migraine headache, 07:52 you know you have migraine headaches. 07:54 Now Dr. Thrash has mentioned the sensitivity to the foods 07:58 and one of the main causes of migraine headaches 08:01 is that very thing... sensitivity to foods. 08:04 And, I'll just mention a few of the major foods 08:07 that will be extremely easy... 08:09 I say that because I'm not addicted to these things, 08:12 extremely easy to get rid of out of your diet. 08:15 One is, coffee, or the cola beverages, 08:18 or the caffeine beverages. 08:20 These things will produce migraine headaches. 08:23 Another one is cheese. 08:25 Cheese has a particular property that will 08:28 precipitate a migraine headache. 08:30 Another one is chocolate. 08:32 Now I've talked about addictive... 08:33 Chocolate is an addictive substance... 08:36 So when people eat chocolate, 08:38 they've got to have their chocolate. 08:40 And this gets so bad, that a person, even though 08:44 a meal with cheese, or chocolate will bring on 08:48 a migraine headache, they'll continue to use 08:50 those offending items, and then take some type of a 08:54 medication to, hopefully, get rid of the headache. 08:57 ...Not a good thing to do. 08:59 Another thing that can cause a migraine headache 09:01 is low blood sugar... 09:03 And if a person wakes up in the morning with a headache, 09:06 what they should do right away, is drink some 09:08 type of fruit juice. 09:10 Get a little bit more glucose into the blood, 09:14 raise the blood sugar. 09:15 If the headache goes away, you realize your problem is 09:18 low blood sugar. 09:20 People are sometimes photosensitive. 09:23 Lights! They come out into the bright lights, 09:25 and that can precipitate a migraine headache. 09:28 A person who is apt to get that type of a headache 09:32 should wear a shaded brow, sunglasses... 09:36 Stay in the shade, especially when the sun is in its zenith 09:39 in the brightest time of the day. 09:41 Stay out of the sunshine. 09:42 A person who's retaining too much water 09:46 can have a migraine headache. 09:48 You have so much interstitial pressure 09:50 that it can cause the migraine headache... 09:51 And so what you want to do there... is 09:53 take some type of... and I would recommend, 09:55 natural diuretics... Something as simple as watermelon. 09:59 In the summertime, eat watermelon. 10:01 When you're eating the watermelon... 10:03 My grandmother once told me, the reason why 10:04 watermelons had so many seeds, is because 10:07 God didn't want you to eat it too fast. 10:10 But it's also there, because he wanted us to have some 10:12 natural diuretics. 10:14 So you save all your summer watermelon seeds, 10:16 dry them, and then in the wintertime, 10:19 you can grind them up and make watermelon seed tea 10:22 an excellent type of a diuretic. 10:25 You can also use corn silk tea. 10:27 So in the summertime, when you're out there 10:29 shucking your corn, you eat the delicious corn, 10:32 which is also a diuretic, 10:33 but you take all that silk, and you dry it... 10:36 Pulverize it, put it in a jar, 10:39 and save that for your wintertime diuretic. 10:42 A nice, natural diuretic. 10:44 And so, too much water can cause you to diereses. 10:47 Now, an important point, when you are going to get 10:53 a migraine headache, you will have what's called an "aura" 10:57 Sort of like a person with epilepsy, 10:59 the first stage is aura. 11:01 When you feel that aura, usually it's about a day before, 11:05 and there are a few things that will happen 11:06 in a person's experience. 11:07 #1. They become a little bit more moody. 11:10 Now some people are moody all the time... 11:11 But when they know they're having migraine headaches, 11:14 and they know that every time I'm going to get a migraine 11:17 headache, I get moody the day before... 11:19 Or, your 5 senses become a little bit more extreme, 11:24 or there are some strange actions in your 5 senses. 11:28 Just before the migraine comes on, 11:31 it could be some type of flashes in the eyes, 11:34 in the mind, some sparkling lights. 11:37 When you have the aura, that's the time 11:40 to start fighting that headache... 11:42 Don't wait until you have the headache. 11:43 What I would recommend, you feel that aura coming on... 11:46 intense outdoor exercise! 11:49 Now if you're photosensitive, go ahead and put your hat on, 11:52 put your shades on. 11:53 Get outside, or anywhere you can, and do intense exercise 11:58 ...That itself might waylay the onset of your migraine headache. 12:03 There are some other things you can do 12:05 once the headache has arrived. 12:07 As soon as it's there, or even as you feel it just coming on, 12:11 ...many people wait until something is full-blown 12:13 before they start doing something about it. 12:15 I am thankful for auras. 12:18 We all have auras... Let's say if you're going to get a cold, 12:20 you all know when you're going to get a cold. 12:22 You feel that tickle in the throat... 12:24 that little headache over here... 12:25 You start fighting it right then. 12:27 SO... you've got that migraine coming on, 12:29 go to a dark room, lie down, put on an ice cap. 12:32 That could help. 12:34 You could also... and this has been around for about 120 years, 12:38 a hot enema at the onset of a migraine headache, 12:43 will help to shorten the duration of this 12:46 particular headache. 12:48 You could also put a cold compress behind the neck, 12:53 and a hot compress over the facial area. 12:56 This will help with the migraine headache. 12:59 So these are some very simple things. 13:01 But again, watch the diet, watch those food items. 13:04 We should all keep food diaries. 13:06 It's not just headaches that would be affected by 13:09 a food sensitivity. 13:11 It could be other types of allergies. 13:12 So, if you are prone to anything that comes in sort of a 13:18 sporadic basis, try to find out... 13:21 What is it that causing this problem? 13:23 I recommend you keep a food diary. 13:25 And you say, "Man, every time I eat potatoes... 13:29 I knew someone like this... every time she ate potatoes, 13:31 she got really tired. 13:33 Well potatoes, make her tired. 13:35 If those things that are going to cause you 13:38 to get a migraine headache, are in your dietary, 13:41 get rid of them forever. 13:43 So those are some simple things about migraines, Dr. Thrash. 13:46 Maybe they'll help somebody? 13:47 Those are very good things, too. 13:49 I especially like that hot enema. 13:52 That's a very good remedy for a migraine. 13:55 Now there are some VERY serious things that can cause 13:59 migraines, or can cause headaches, and one of 14:03 those is a stroke. 14:04 Sometimes a stroke can begin with a ruptured blood vessel. 14:10 And if it does, then the person may start getting a headache. 14:13 It can be explosive, as with the rupture of a berry aneurysm 14:18 Or, it can be very subtle and begin very subtly 14:22 with a little leakage from a capillary, 14:25 or from a little blood vessel that gets weak in the wall 14:30 and begins to leak. 14:32 If the headache mounts, 14:34 you've never had a headache like that before, 14:36 and it gets worse and worse, and finally is blinding, 14:40 and you're in the age group for a stroke, 14:44 and you may have some other precipitating factors that 14:48 make you think you might have had a stroke. 14:50 If so, that may be the cause of a 14:54 once-in-a-lifetime type of stroke. 14:56 This is not the recurring headache that everybody 14:59 has had for years, or decades 15:02 they've continued to experience those. 15:04 This is a sudden and intense... 15:07 the onset may be a little subtle 15:11 But the suddenness of it, 15:13 and the unexpectedness of it, 15:15 is that that can identify a headache as being stroke origin. 15:21 Now another thing that can cause a headache, 15:24 that's new, not one that's been going on for years, 15:28 is a cancer inside the head, or some kind of tumor. 15:31 It may be a benign tumor inside the head, 15:34 but as it expands, then it can cause the head not to have 15:39 enough room for all of its organ, 15:41 and that then makes pressure on very sensitive tissues 15:45 And that can cause a serious headache. 15:49 If your headaches have had recent onset, 15:52 and you're unaware of anything that could have precipitated it, 15:57 then, of course, you should think along those lines. 16:00 Now, some of the headaches that we have talked about, 16:03 have not been common, have not been simple, 16:05 nor nonserious, but have been serious headaches 16:09 But now, we want to go to something that's very common 16:12 not serious at all USUALLY. 16:15 And that's the common cold. 16:17 Occasionally, it can be serious. 16:19 It can leave serious sequelae, 16:21 but most of the time, it's not of much importance, 16:25 except the inconvenience of of having it. 16:28 And, Dr. Don Miller, is going to talk with you about colds. 16:31 Now I'm going to say something rather radical, 16:34 "A cold is a cure for a prediseased condition. " 16:39 Basically, we get colds normally because we are rundown. 16:44 We allow ourselves to be rundown. 16:46 We're living in the 21st century now, 16:48 and we're so busy with all these different things, 16:51 we don't get our rest, we don't get our exercise, 16:54 we don't drink our water, we don't eat the right foods 16:56 We get ourselves rundown, and the body says, 16:59 "Hey, we gotta make this person slow down, 17:01 so this is what we'll do... 17:03 We're going to sit there and turn on the nose... 17:05 we're going to turn on the eyes, 17:06 We're going to turn on all these different things 17:08 and make this person feel like they just can't move anymore. " 17:11 They're going to lay down, and the body is going to 17:13 catch up with where they are. 17:15 So again, a cold is just a warning that your body 17:19 is just going into a position where you don't want it to be 17:23 And again, I've already talked about the aura 17:26 When you first feel the cold coming on, 17:29 although a cold will come on extremely quickly. 17:31 The body says, "That's it, we're going to 17:34 make this person stop this thing. " 17:36 But if you feel that first inkling, 17:39 that's when you got to sit there and say, 17:40 "I've got to rest. " 17:42 A number of years ago, I was giving a lecture, 17:45 and I was talking about certain herbal preparations 17:48 which are good for colds and the flu, and whatever else 17:52 And I was also talking about the laws of health. 17:54 So I gave the talk about the laws of health, 17:57 and then I gave the talk about the herbs, 17:58 and I had recommended a certain herbal preparation 18:02 make it into a tea if you feel a cold coming on, 18:05 or have a cold. 18:06 A few months later, I was giving this lecture in another state 18:09 and at the end of the lecture... it was the same lecture 18:12 A woman raised her hand and she said, 18:13 "You know I was in your audience the last time you 18:15 gave this lecture over there in the other state, 18:17 and you talked about these things, 18:20 and I felt a cold coming on, and I drank your tea 18:22 and it DIDN'T work. " 18:23 And I thought, "Just who I need in my audience... this lady. " 18:26 But then the Lord said, "Well, ask her a few questions. " 18:29 And I said, "Well ma'am, are you drinking your water?" 18:32 "I don't like water. " "Are you eating the right food?" 18:35 "Well, you know, it's Christmas time. " 18:36 It was around Christmastime of the year, 18:38 and it's all that good, sweetie stuff. 18:40 "How about getting your rest?" 18:41 You talk about rest this time of the year. 18:43 I'm so busy packing and shopping... all these things. 18:45 I went down all the laws of health... keeping none 18:48 and expected one cup of tea to take care of her problem. 18:51 It won't do it. 18:53 So what we want to do is be careful. 18:55 Now usually a cold is going to manifest itself 18:57 in the respiratory tract... a runny nose, 19:01 mucus production... certain things like this 19:07 Now, what's the difference between a cold and the flu? 19:10 It's interesting or is important to know 19:12 because the flu can be life-threatening as we all know. 19:15 The 1918-1919 flu epidemic killed 19:18 20 million people around the world... 19:21 And we're looking at, perhaps, one of these days 19:23 very soon, having another such occasion 19:26 because we're getting more and more different types of flu. 19:29 But what's the difference between a flu and a cold? 19:33 One, is the fever. 19:34 Normally, a flu has a fever... 19:37 A cold does not have a fever. 19:39 Achiness and body pain normally that's not so much in the flu, 19:47 but it's more common in the cold. 19:49 Headache... very common with the flu 19:54 Uncommon in the cold. 19:56 Fatigue... extreme fatigue in the flu 20:00 In the cold more of a moderation in those different things. 20:04 And in the flu, you're going to have a cough... 20:06 Usually not a cough in the cold. 20:09 And so we can take care of it that way 20:11 as finding out the difference between those 2 different things 20:13 What can you do about the cold? 20:16 Simple... #1 Rest 20:19 Drink plenty of fluids. 20:21 You've heard the old saying, "Feed a fever, starve a cold. " 20:25 Basically, during a cold, you should not be doing much eating, 20:28 but drinking lots of fluids. 20:29 Try to get yourself rehydrated. 20:32 Most of us, and I won't just say most of us, 20:35 most people in the world are chronically dehydrated. 20:38 We need to get ourselves rehydrated during that time. 20:41 We need to get plenty of rest during that time, 20:44 and take care of our bodies. 20:46 We can also do things like salt-water gargles. 20:50 I like doing, at the onset of a cold, 20:53 doing what's called a "nasal irrigation" 20:56 Basically taking some saline which is basically a pint of 21:00 water, usually warm water, about the body temperature 21:03 with a teaspoon of salt stirred in until it's dissolved 21:06 And then I basically just snort that into my 21:09 nasal passages... the whole pint of water. 21:12 It's not the most pleasant thing to do, 21:14 and certainly not probably a pleasant thing to see being done 21:17 But you do it in the privacy of your bathroom 21:19 and this will clean out your mucous linings of your 21:23 nasal passages, and it will give you better breathing 21:26 and this is a nice way. 21:27 As a matter of fact, it's a good thing to do. 21:30 I've heard this suggested, and I'd recommend it... 21:32 At the beginning of flu season before you even have 21:35 a cold, DO a nasal irrigation. 21:38 And do one, perhaps once a week. 21:40 I have another friend of mine who recommends what he does 21:44 when he feels a cold first coming on. 21:46 He'll squeeze a lemon, and then, I don't know how he does this 21:49 ...He'll put the lemon juice in his mouth, and lean back 21:53 and allow the lemon juice just to hang there on his throat. 21:56 Now when he has to swallow, he just leans forward, 21:58 swallows, not swallowing the lemon juice, and goes back again 22:02 allowing that to be back there about 20 minutes 22:05 Now that's a long time to have that lemon juice on the throat 22:08 But is very, very healing for the body. 22:11 You can be fighting those diseases. 22:13 You know, God has given us some special organs 22:16 in the body to watch over us and to protect us from 22:19 the onslaught of these diseases 22:21 And one is the things called the tonsils. 22:24 Now, my tonsils are probably in some pathologist's jar 22:27 and they've been there over 50 years. 22:29 They find that people who have had tonsillectomies 22:33 have more problems with the throat, 22:36 and with the esophagus. 22:38 And so we want to take care of the tonsils 22:40 We do that by the lemon juice, by salt water gargles, 22:45 by keeping the neck warm. 22:47 But more than anything else, when you start to 22:49 feel the cold coming on, you're run down, start resting 22:52 take care of yourself, and you probably won't have it very long 22:55 Usually the cold is going to be as long as it's going to be. 22:58 Don't go out and take an aspirin. 22:59 They have found that people who take aspirin 23:01 with colds, will have more severe complications, 23:06 have more complications, and a longer duration. 23:09 What they're going to benefit by is a momentary 23:14 and a short-term cessation of the symptom 23:17 they took the tablet for. 23:19 Stay away from the tablets, get back to nature. 23:21 Let God take care of you, 23:23 and He's an EXTREMELY good Doctor, Dr. Thrash. 23:25 Yes He is... He's the GREAT Physician, and the One that 23:28 we can count on to be our Physician when we're sick. 23:32 I'd like to just say a few words about the flu... 23:36 as Dr. Miller mentioned, it can be life-threatening 23:40 because of the fact that it's much more serious. 23:44 It's caused by a variety of viruses. 23:47 You'll hear of the Hone Kong flu, 23:49 and the Asian flu, and the swine flu. 23:51 There are a number of viruses... all of them distinct 23:54 But the treatment is essentially the same in the home 23:58 Those things that you would treat a cold with... 24:01 good diet, light diet, maybe even juices... 24:05 those can be used, and keeping the body warm, 24:09 making sure the temperature of the room is perfect 24:13 for the person... that can be helpful. 24:15 And then, hot baths... as long as the person is able to do them 24:19 Hot baths, and then when they're not, the use of fomentations 24:23 in the bed... that can be very helpful 24:26 with the hot foot bath, or without. 24:27 All of these types of remedies are discussed in our book 24:33 called, "Home Remedies. " 24:34 And the treatment of a flu can be successful 24:38 in your home as many of you can attest to. 24:41 You've had it happen just with those simple things that you do. 24:44 Avoid the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 24:49 such as Tylenol, and others. 24:52 And make certain that you don't knock the props out 24:55 from under your immune system with those. 24:58 Now, you may have had a nosebleed in the past 25:04 and if you have, it may have just baffled you. 25:06 Dr. Miller is going to talk with you a bit about 25:08 what you can do for the nosebleed. 25:11 You know, they are pretty common in children. 25:14 I have had my fair share of the ones when I was a child. 25:16 Usually, a child's nosebleed is caused by 25:19 some type of trauma in the nose. 25:21 And, what I would recommend is to not put a child on the spot 25:27 What you want to do, if a child has a nosebleed, 25:30 you say, "Well, what we need to do is look in your eyes and 25:32 have them"... and you do it for them... 25:33 Put your fingers up on your eyes, and just pull down 25:36 a little bit and have them do that, and when you're doing 25:38 that, under the idea that they're thinking you're looking 25:41 in their eyes, look at their fingertips. 25:43 You'll normally notice whether one of the fingertips 25:45 has a little bit of blood under it, 25:47 and you know the reason for the nosebleed then is because they 25:50 have traumatized their nose by picking their nose. 25:53 And so, that's a very common reason for the nosebleed. 25:56 Another one can be dryness. 25:58 I seem to get this a lot if I'm in a dry area. 26:01 What we have to do there is make sure the air 26:03 around us is more humidified. 26:05 I have a wood stove in my home and I always have a 26:07 pot of water on top, boiling to keep the area humidified. 26:12 It can be a very big danger, for older people 26:16 who are taking some type of blood thinner. 26:18 Even the "aspirin a day, keeps the stroke away" 26:21 type of a thing, because people who take these 26:23 types of items will become bleeders. 26:25 And, they get a trauma, they get some type of high blood pressure 26:30 They get a nosebleed, and sometimes it has a hard time 26:33 stopping... So how can you stop them? 26:34 One way... what you want to do is, you want to sit down 26:37 and you want to lean back but keep your head 26:40 leaning forward... Don't lean your head back 26:42 because then your blood will go down 26:44 into your throat and you'll swallow it. 26:45 You want to sort of lean forward 26:47 and then just take, just a piece of cotton, or a piece of 26:50 tissue, and moisten it. 26:53 Place it in the nose, and then squeeze your nose shut 26:57 for just a short period of time... 26:59 not hard, just squeezing it for a short period of time 27:03 And then gently remove it. 27:05 Sometimes removing it will pull a clot loose, 27:08 so you want to replace it, and again squeeze it. 27:10 You can try ice on the face. 27:13 That sometimes will do. 27:14 Sometimes if it's a really bad one, 27:16 place the arms in contrast baths... 27:19 hot water and then cold water, hot water, cold water 27:23 This is derivative... it will the blood down into the 27:25 periphery and keep it from being so much up here 27:28 in this part of the body. 27:30 Simple things you can do for a nosebleed. 27:32 First thing you want to do is just make sure 27:35 you're not getting them again... 27:37 the trauma, picking at noses, blowing too hard, 27:40 high blood pressure... things we need to look at, Dr. Thrash 27:43 Well, I'm certain that we have not made you into physicians 27:47 in this short period... 27:49 But we do hope that you're better equipped 27:51 to handle those common things that happen in every 27:54 home every day. |
Revised 2014-12-17