Help Yourself to Health

Non-serious Illnesses, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash (Host), Justina Thomas


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000184

00:01 Health does not depend on your lucky stars, or on your
00:05 horoscope, or on the month you were born in...
00:08 Health depends on altogether different principles.
00:11 Even a healthy person can get sick.
00:14 This sickness can be anything from an infected splinter,
00:17 to a serious infection of the bowel.
00:20 How you relate to the illness, and what you do for yourself
00:24 can determine to a great degree, whether you get a
00:27 scar, or whether you get crippled,
00:29 or whether you're restored to full health!
00:32 So, we'll talk about some of those things on this program
00:35 and I hope you will join us.
00:56 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:58 with Dr. Agatha Thrash, of Uchee Pines Institute
01:02 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
01:06 Obedience to law... the laws of health
01:09 will determine, to a large degree,
01:11 just what happens to you after you have been sick.
01:15 And so I'd like to talk with you some about
01:17 those things that you can do to help yourself to
01:20 make certain that all those nice remedies
01:25 that we've been talking about for years come to you
01:28 as new and vibrant principles!
01:31 And these principles can, indeed, be something that
01:34 will help you to recover from an illness without serious
01:38 consequences.
01:39 Now, most people, in their homes, have some kind of
01:43 tray, or box such as this one... that they keep their
01:48 health things in... those things relating to health
01:51 ...the equipment that they have, or any kind of
01:54 problem of this kind, we can certainly see that we can
01:58 use some kinds of equipment that will be helpful.
02:01 Let me show you what can happen with this little device
02:07 This device is a very interesting one...
02:11 If you press this little button right here,
02:14 it will make a little spark.
02:16 And if you put your finger down there,
02:18 it will give you quite a spark.
02:21 So let me just show you how that happens...
02:24 Did you see the spark?
02:25 Let me show you again... right here... there's the spark!
02:29 Now, if you put your finger there,
02:31 where you have been bitten by some kind of venomous
02:35 animal, or stung by a bee,
02:38 if you just give this a number of nice sparks,
02:43 it will denature the venom and that can help
02:47 you not to get such a serious problem with your venomous bite.
02:52 Now there are people who use this very same kind of
02:56 instrument, except a little larger for snakebites.
02:59 We have never used it for snakebites.
03:02 we have only used it for fire ant bites,
03:04 for beestings, and for chiggers.
03:07 We have a lot of chiggers where we live and certain
03:09 seasons of the year, they may sting you, especially
03:13 in creases of the body, and it's very nice to
03:18 denature the venom as soon as you know it's there
03:21 so that you don't have to itch quite so much.
03:24 Now in most people's medical kit,
03:27 they also have something that looks like this...
03:30 This kind of device is called a stethoscope,
03:33 and a stethoscope can be very useful...
03:36 It can be monaural, as you see this one,
03:38 or as you usually see it, it fits in both ears.
03:42 Those can be purchased from any kind of department store
03:45 for very little, under $15 usually, and most of the time,
03:50 even under $10.
03:52 One of these is very good, some people use it actually
03:55 even to listen to their car motor.
03:59 It has a lot of uses.
04:01 It can also be nicely used when a person has
04:05 a deaf person around, and you have difficulty hearing them...
04:09 You just let them talk into this part, and especially if you have
04:12 one that's longer... They talk into this part
04:14 and you can hear them better,
04:16 or if they are the deaf person, then they listen with this
04:22 and you talk into that part.
04:24 So those are some uses for a stethoscope.
04:29 Of course most people use it also with a
04:31 blood pressure cuff;
04:32 likewise, you can buy that a department store for
04:36 not very much money, usually under $25.
04:40 I like to keep this kind of cup in my box...
04:45 This kind of cup is called a C- cup, or a kidney cup
04:48 and it can have numerous uses.
04:51 For a person who is bedfast and they need to
04:56 brush their teeth, this kind of thing can be useful.
04:59 If a person is in bed and they're vomiting,
05:03 they can use this kind of cup.
05:05 You can use it for numerous kinds of irrigations,
05:08 and the like, and it's very nice in your kit of medical things.
05:13 I also like this kind of device.
05:15 This is an eye cup.
05:17 An eye cup is filled with whatever fluid
05:20 you're going to use, such as saline...
05:22 And saline can be nicely made up by yourself
05:25 just 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 pint of water,
05:29 and then you fill the cup with the saline
05:32 and then bend over it and just bat your eye
05:35 as fast as you can in the saline...
05:38 And it can wash things out of the eye,
05:40 or if you have an irritated eye, such as from
05:43 some kind of fumes, it can be very useful
05:46 for that kind of thing.
05:48 Now, there are a lot of devices such as this...
05:52 that can help you if you have a person in your home
05:55 who is older, and they get some kind of callus,
06:00 or corns on the feet, or on the toes,
06:04 or the heel, or the sides of the feet
06:06 This kind of device can be very nice... it's a stone
06:11 and it can be very nice for just filing off some kind of
06:16 thick corn, or callus on the foot.
06:21 Now in addition to this kind of thing that's operated
06:24 by hand, there are also some very nice ones that
06:27 you can buy inexpensively from a department store
06:30 such as this one.
06:32 This one runs by battery, and you can
06:35 get the little mechanisms that fit on it
06:40 and they fit very nicely, just pull one out of its
06:44 little shield here, and put it on the little device
06:50 like this, and then you simply switch it on.
06:55 You hear that? Well, it makes a little.
06:58 As you can see, you can file down nails, or you can
07:00 file down nails, or you can file off corns,
07:06 or file off calluses with this, and just plane them right down.
07:10 Sometimes it takes a little time, but it's very nice
07:14 for the person who is old, and who is getting lame
07:18 because they are having difficulty in walking
07:23 with painful corns, and painful calluses.
07:27 You can be a real medical missionary in your family
07:30 just with such a device.
07:32 This kind of device, I think, costs under $20 at a
07:37 department store, or a discount store.
07:40 I like to have several kinds of tissues, maybe a roll
07:45 of towel, or a box of tissue that's just dedicated to
07:52 my box, so that if I want to take my whole box
07:58 with me to deal with someone's problem, I have everything
08:02 there that I'm going to need.
08:04 And, one of the things that I often need is this kind of
08:08 device... This is for tennis elbow
08:11 and I have asked an assistant to come and help me
08:15 with this kind of device.
08:16 You buy these from a discount store, or a drug store
08:21 and it has a very fine use with tennis elbow.
08:25 This is Justina Thomas, and she is going to
08:30 let me show you how this is used for tennis elbow.
08:35 Look at this... very simple.
08:37 You simply put it on the arm, just below the crease
08:42 of the elbow, as you see right here
08:45 Then, you can put it on by yourself, and then just
08:48 snap it shut like that.
08:50 It's very easy to work with this because it's
08:55 designed for you to put it on by yourself.
08:58 Now a person with tennis elbow has pain
09:03 not only in the elbow, usually it's right back here
09:07 on this little knob that you can easily feel at your own
09:11 elbow... just right here, the most prominent place right there
09:14 Or, it may be in these muscles right down between the 2 bones.
09:20 These interosseous muscles can be VERY tender...
09:25 So that doing this kind of movement, can be
09:28 quite uncomfortable for the person who has a tennis elbow.
09:32 Putting this on, and letting them go about.. just a support
09:35's not worn tightly, but just a support and then as they
09:39 move the arm, it massages gently these muscles
09:44 in here, and that helps them quite a great deal.
09:48 Now, there is another kind of device, such as this
09:51 which you can also purchase at a pharmacy, or at a
09:54 discount store and it is just worn in the same way.
09:58 It's worn right here, or it can be worn on the arm right here.
10:04 This one is made for a person with a more hefty arm
10:08 than Justina has, but you can get the idea.
10:12 Thank you, Justina.
10:15 Now, these are kept in your kit so that when someone has
10:19 that kind of affliction, then you are ready
10:23 for them right away.
10:25 I like these charcoal pads... They work very nicely
10:31 This is for the eyes, and if a person has inflamed eyes,
10:36 simply put this on the eyes, and this fits around the head
10:41 and can stay on while they sleep.
10:44 The charcoal, even though it's dry, it's not wet...
10:48 even though it's dry, it has a very good benefit
10:52 for the person who has inflamed eyes.
10:56 If the person only has a single inflamed eye,
10:58 they make them that are like this,
11:01 and you can use that on one eye with simply
11:05 putting on a piece of tape.
11:06 Now, if a person has a sensitivity to tape,
11:09 and a lot of people do, then you can bind it around
11:13 the head with an Ace bandage and then use the tape
11:18 on the Ace bandage to hold it in place.
11:20 And this kind of thing is a cravat...
11:24 It can be worn around the neck for a sore throat,
11:28 or for painful neck muscles.
11:30 Sometimes when people sit in a car for a long time
11:35 with a bucket seat, and they don't realize that the seat is
11:40 leaning backward a little too far, and so when they are
11:44 traveling many miles, these neck muscles get quite tender
11:49 and they may even think they're getting a sore throat,
11:51 but it's actually just tender neck muscles.
11:54 Sometimes the back of the neck can also be quite tender,
12:00 and with this kind of thing, it can be very helpful.
12:03 They just wear it at night,
12:04 or they can wear it in the daytime too.
12:07 It has a very nice appearance so that you don't have to
12:11 look as if you're wearing
12:12 some kind of rag around the throat.
12:16 You might not have this kind of device,
12:18 but if you're overweight, you may want to
12:20 get this kind of device.
12:22 It simply lets you measure how thick the fat is
12:29 in various parts of your body.
12:31 Such as, the key area is probably over the biceps
12:36 And, if you just pick up.. don't pick up muscle, but
12:39 just pick up the subcutaneous tissue in the skin,
12:42 and then, with this little device, you simply measure.
12:45 For a man, it should be a half centimeter,
12:48 and so I'll put it on the half centimeter mark...
12:51 that's not very much, is it?
12:53 You might just measure yourself and see
12:56 just how much you measure.
12:58 Now a woman, can measure up to a centimeter in this area.
13:03 We women carry a little bit extra fat in the subcutaneous
13:09 tissue normally, than men do.
13:11 But that's a very rigorous test.
13:13 If you only test one place, that's where to test.
13:16 But, of course, we have more fat back here,
13:18 and, of course, a lot more fat down here or here, or down there
13:21 And so, this kind of device can help you to know and
13:26 by checking in your library for the kind of person you are,
13:31 whether you are Caucasian, or black, or whether you are a
13:37 native American, the storage of fat is a little different in
13:43 some races than in others, and you might want to check that.
13:47 Now I have here some devices that people like to have.
13:53 I don't know that they are particularly necessary
13:56 in the average home medicine kit,
14:00 but you might like to have one.
14:02 And these can be picked up... these are percussion hammers
14:06 which will test for the briskness of your deep tendon
14:13 reflexes, and sometimes if there is a sharp point
14:16 down on this end, you can test some of the
14:18 superficial reflexes as well... the skin reflexes.
14:22 That works out very nicely.
14:24 And then, this particular one has a measuring device
14:28 so that it measures a centimeter a half centimeter, and so forth
14:31 right down to about 3 mm...
14:34 You can see that this device is provided by
14:39 some drug companies, and sometimes they work nicely
14:43 and sometimes they're just nice gimmicks but either way,
14:46 it's sort of fun to have this kind of thing.
14:50 Now where can you test deep tendon reflexes?
14:52 Well, one of the nice ones is this bit tendon right here.
14:56 And the way to do that is very simple
14:59 and I have asked Justina to assist me in showing you
15:04 this very nice little deep tendon reflex.
15:08 Now it's very important that you put your finger right on
15:12 the place where there is the deep tendon.
15:16 You put your thumb on it, and then with a little sharp...
15:21 this kind of thing...
15:22 You will not be able to see it very well,
15:25 but I can feel it very well!
15:27 I can feel her biceps contract when I simply do that
15:32 And I don't know if you can see the little contraction
15:34 that occurred there.
15:35 And, of course, everybody knows what the knee jerk is.
15:38 You just have the person sit on the edge of the table
15:42 and then with the knee dangling nicely, the leg quite relaxed,
15:47 then you just strike the place just under the kneecap...
15:53 and, of course, everybody has had that experience
15:54 since they were quite young.
15:56 The only time that you would need that kind of thing
15:59 would be if someone had been in an accident,
16:02 or someone is sick, or they have some kind of
16:04 neurologic problem, and you aren't certain whether
16:07 they have neurologic damage, and you can see if you can
16:11 elicit these deep tendon reflexes.
16:14 Now let's say you don't get one...
16:17 you do this when the patient is very relaxed
16:21 ...they have to be relaxed.
16:22 Often they are tight here, and that spoils the reflex,
16:27 but if they are quite relaxed, and you're quite relaxed,
16:30 and you've got your thumb on the right place,
16:33 and you strike it just right, and they don't have a reflex...
16:35 You can't feel any kind of contraction of the biceps
16:40 which then moves this tendon.
16:42 So, then what do you do?
16:44 Well, you test the other side...
16:45 Now if the other side also gives you no reflex,
16:50 then probably, she's all right.
16:52 There's probably no problem with her nervous system
16:57 ...she's just not reacting today.
16:59 And she may NOT react most of the time.
17:02 But with the knee jerk, if you simply have the person
17:06 put the hands together like this, and press
17:09 and then while they're distracted doing this,
17:12 and pressing hard, it enhances the reflex
17:16 if you strike it at that time.
17:18 So while they're busy doing this, you're busy
17:20 tapping the reflex, and sometimes you get a
17:22 perfectly normal kneejerk with that simple little maneuver
17:29 Now with your patient, who has some kind of splinter,
17:36 you've got some other things that you can do.
17:38 Let's say she gets a splinter under the fingernail,
17:41 I like to have magnifying glasses, and I have
17:44 a number of them.
17:46 This one is a little table one, and it fits very nicely this way
17:51 so that it fits on the table and you look through it
17:54 and you can see the splinter VERY well, and dig it out.
18:00 Now, is there something that you should keep in your kit
18:06 that will be always on hand, so that you can dig out splinters
18:11 and the answer is... yes.
18:12 And I have a nice little kit... You see this little kit
18:16 has here some suture material which
18:20 you may, or you may not want.
18:22 I always keep some in mine, I have rarely used it...
18:26 I think twice in all my experience as a physician,
18:29 I've used it... you've probably would never have such an
18:33 opportunity or desire...
18:35 But let's say you were in some kind of field situation,
18:38 way out in the middle of nowhere, and someone
18:43 gets cut... Is there something you can do?
18:45 And the answer is, yes... if you have a needle
18:47 and you have some thread.
18:49 Make it as clean as you can.
18:51 It doesn't have to be sterile, because the cut
18:55 was not made in a sterile way.
18:57 And so, you're sewing it up, it doesn't usually have to be
19:01 sterile... it just needs to be very clean
19:03 And the body can handle that fine.
19:06 But I have here a number of surgical instruments that
19:09 you might not want...
19:11 But this one has a needle in it, along with some
19:15 suture material, so I'll just show you how that works
19:19 You just keep the needle in some kind of little tube like this
19:23 and then, here is a large needle.
19:27 You may need a large one, or you may need a small one.
19:30 I have both in this little tube that I keep all the time
19:35 ...small needles and large needles
19:37 But I think most of the time, you will use a large needle
19:41 more than you will a small needle.
19:43 I keep this all the time so that I can be just ready
19:48 to use the little magnifying glass and remove
19:52 a splinter from beneath the fingernail,
19:55 or embedded somewhere.
19:57 The worst thing for you to have to remove is glass.
20:01 When the person has glass, you may need the needle
20:05 and the magnifying glass...
20:08 You may also need forceps, or tweezers.
20:12 Most homes have tweezers in the home,
20:16 and as you work with this,
20:19 you will find that it's easy to work with...
20:22 The person with the splinter, you simply take hold of it
20:26 if you can reach it, and then pull it out.
20:29 And the needle can help to pull it so that it's within
20:33 the reach of the tweezers, and then you pull it out.
20:37 Now this is a surgical instrument,
20:39 and I think I picked these up at a flea market somewhere.
20:42 You can buy these from a surgical supply house
20:45 for probably $18 to $25 a piece...
20:48 But you can get them for a couple of dollars
20:50 or less at a flea market if you can find them.
20:53 I have a number of other things as well...
20:56 And here is a very nice kind of scissors.
21:02 You can see that they have an angle in them,
21:07 and that makes them very helpful.
21:09 And here is a special kind of scissors.
21:12 That kind of scissor... I also picked this up at a flea market.
21:16 Sometimes you can get these at pawn shops,
21:22 or once in a while, at a thrift shop, you can get these.
21:26 And they are very nice to take out sutures.
21:28 Let me just show you how that could work.
21:31 I put a suture in this little device here so that I
21:37 could show you this.
21:38 If you have sutures put in, sometimes you are going to
21:42 go on a trip right after a surgeon has put some
21:45 sutures in for you, and you don't want to have
21:48 to come back at the time the surgeon tells you
21:50 he wants to take out the sutures...
21:52 Justina, would you just hold that for me...
21:56 Let's say this is the person's hand...
21:59 You take the suture that has been put in,
22:02 and hold it by some tweezers like this.
22:05 Then you take the little suture removal scissors,
22:08 and this tiny part, you just put under and you cut it
22:13 right over here at one edge.
22:16 If you will just turn that up, you can see...
22:19 I don't cut it in the middle, because if I cut it
22:21 in the middle, then this part that's dirty, is pulled through
22:24 the skin, but it's better to just pull it,
22:28 cut it, right on one side.
22:30 Now let's say you don't have one of these
22:32 nice little scissors... little suture scissors,
22:35 then just get any kind of small scissors, small point scissors
22:40 Things like cuticle scissors will work very nicely
22:43 and then you just cut it right over on the side,
22:46 and pull it out, and then very little of the part that's
22:51 been out in the air and in the dust, and so forth
22:53 will go through the skin.
22:55 Thank you, Justina.
22:57 Now all of these kinds of instruments are nice to have.
23:02 Here is another one that's very good for working on
23:05 old people's corns, and toenails, and fungus nails
23:12 ...this can be used very nicely for that.
23:14 Again, you can often pick these up for a little of nothing
23:18 These are bandage scissors, very nice to have separate
23:23 And then once in a while, you'll need something like
23:26 hemostats... I think I've used a hemostat more for
23:31 picking out splinters, or picking up some small
23:37 thing from a very small tube that I have for use
23:41 in medical things.
23:43 Now this... you'll recognize this right away...
23:46 it's a dental mirror, and very nice for looking
23:50 in the mouth when the mouth has some kind of affliction...
23:55 You simply look in the person's mouth and you can sometimes
24:00 see things that you're not able to see otherwise.
24:03 Now I showed you the table-type of magnifying glass,
24:07 but there are many others.
24:09 Here is one that you can look in your eye
24:12 and just take a tissue and remove something
24:15 with this kind of magnifying glass,
24:17 it's very nice to do... it's a magnifying mirror.
24:21 And then, here is one that can keep the dust
24:25 off it just by this kind of device.
24:29 And, here is a similar one, you find these in all
24:33 kinds as all sizes, shapes and conditions.
24:38 This one is very fancy with the stainless steel,
24:41 I like it very much.
24:43 Now, occasionally, you will have someone who lives in your home
24:49 who may be hard of hearing.
24:50 And, if you want to see whether they are getting very deaf,
24:54 you can take something like a tuning fork,
24:57 and just listen to it yourself, and then let them listen to it.
25:01 And if you can hear it, and they can't,
25:06 then you think that probably they are deaf,
25:09 at least they are deafer than you are.
25:12 And that can be very helpful to know sometimes.
25:16 If you have a diabetic living in your home,
25:18 this kind of kit is very helpful.
25:21 It's the kind of kit that has the little machine
25:26 for testing the blood sugar.
25:28 And, it has stylets in it, and the reagent materials
25:34 and the strips... has all of that.
25:37 And this one has a little device that has a little
25:41 stylet in it so it fits right in here, just like this
25:46 And you can see that that's a pretty sharp
25:49 little device that will stick into the person's finger.
25:54 It has to go in a good little way, and this one has a
25:57 little trigger device that if you just do it that way
26:00 it works very neatly there.
26:03 I always have some kind of washing syringe in my kit
26:12 so that I can irrigate, or clean out ears,
26:16 or that kind of thing.
26:17 Something that people with young children will want to have
26:21 is an otoscope.
26:23 You can purchase an otoscope for under $20 usually
26:27 on the internet, or sometimes at a discount store
26:34 or sometimes at a flea market if you happen to be there.
26:39 I like also to have something like this charcoal salve.
26:44 Charcoal salve is really good for infected splinters
26:49 and this kind of thing.
26:51 And so, a number of herbal remedies stay in my kit.
26:56 Depending on who you have living in your home,
26:58 you may even want to have something of this nature.
27:01 This is a little epilation device.
27:04 It takes off hairs.
27:05 Again, you can buy these from a department store
27:10 like Wal-Mart, or somewhere like that.
27:13 And this simply has a little needle at the end
27:17 that fits into a hair follicle and you just give it a little
27:23 spark and the hair follicle just falls out.
27:27 And these are some very simple things that you can have
27:31 in your home all the time.
27:32 And when you have a problem, you simply pick up your kit
27:37 and take it to the patient.
27:39 And by doing so, you can evaluate how they're doing
27:43 and also give them very simple treatments.
27:46 Now I hope by showing you the home kit,
27:49 and some things that you can put in it,
27:51 it will help you to help those that you love very much.


Revised 2014-12-17