Help Yourself to Health

Gastrointestinal Tract, Etc.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000183

00:01 Hello, my name is Agatha Thrash.
00:03 I'm on the medical staff of Uchee Pines Institute.
00:07 We have a program for you of gastrointestinal problems,
00:12 and anything that involves the mouth, down all the way
00:16 through the intestinal tract... we might be talking about it.
00:19 So we hope that you will join us
00:20 and I think you'll enjoy our program.
00:43 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:46 with Dr. Agatha Thrash, of Uchee Pines Institute
00:49 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
00:54 If someone said to you, "I have an ulcer"...
00:57 You would probably think "peptic ulcer," wouldn't you?
01:01 Now that's strange because most of the time
01:04 when people have an ulcer, it isn't an ulcer of the stomach
01:08 It's an ulcer of the skin...
01:10 but when we say, "I have an ulcer,"
01:12 this is such a serious affliction, that most of the
01:15 time, people understand that you mean you've got a
01:18 peptic ulcer in the stomach, or in the esophagus,
01:21 or in the duodenum, or even in the jejunum
01:24 But most of the time, it's in the stomach, or the duodenum
01:29 Now peptic ulcers are so-called because the pepsin
01:34 in the stomach has somehow gotten so that it has
01:38 reached the very tissue of the stomach itself
01:44 and has actually eroded the tissue itself.
01:48 Pepsin is a very powerful digestant...
01:51 and can digest the stomach itself if it actually touches it
01:54 ...And so, for that reason, there is usually a very
01:57 nice layer of mucous all along the lining
02:03 of the intestinal tract from the esophagus
02:07 all the way down through to the anus.
02:09 Now because of that, the powerful digestants
02:13 which we produce, cannot actually get at the lining
02:19 and digest the lining, so that it makes an ulcer for us.
02:24 So what would cause an ulcer to develop?
02:27 Well one of the important things is a GERM.
02:31 A germ called "Helicobacter pylori"
02:34 This germ has been around for a long time
02:37 and yet, we did not know that it afflicted the stomach
02:42 in this way until just the last very few years.
02:45 When I was in medical school, there was one thing
02:48 that we knew for sure about peptic ulcers...
02:50 and that was that it was NOT an infection.
02:53 We knew that it was caused by the pepsin, the peptic digestion
02:59 And so, we called it a "peptic ulcer"
03:02 That's how it got its name.
03:03 And interestingly enough, we continue to act on that
03:10 premise and we treated people for all sorts of things
03:12 having to do with too much acid, too much pepsin,
03:16 too much motility of the stomach,
03:18 too much hyperactivity of the individual...
03:21 a lot of stress...
03:22 We gave them tranquilizers...
03:24 We went in and cut the nerves...
03:26 We did all sorts of things to people to try to
03:29 treat peptic ulcers, and we knew that our treatment
03:32 was not successful, but we didn't understand
03:35 that the reason it was not successful... was because
03:37 it was caused by a germ, and we should attack the GERM
03:41 and not the nerves, or the acid, or the pepsin, or whatever.
03:45 In recent years, we've learned how to treat the people with
03:50 peptic ulcers by attacking the germ itself.
03:54 Now, can you do that with natural remedies?
03:57 Yes, as a matter of fact, I believe that the natural
04:00 remedies are actually more effective than the antibiotics
04:03 that are given for this.
04:04 We have people come to us frequently... who have been
04:08 treated with antibiotics for their peptic ulcers...
04:10 their Helicobacter, and they have not had a success...
04:15 And they come to us and we give them very simple things
04:17 that we treat with... the goldenseal, echinacea,
04:22 the myrrh, the garlic, the grapefruit seed extract,
04:27 and with these things, treatment for a month,
04:31 which is about the standard treatment
04:32 using any kind of treatment...
04:34 we treat them for about a month and most of the time,
04:38 they are completely free of symptoms.
04:40 Even though they may have had the symptoms
04:43 for years and years, they are completely free of symptoms
04:47 usually in about a month.
04:48 And, so we feel very good about the treatment of peptic ulcers
04:53 using these very simple things.
04:57 Of course, at the same time that we tell a person
05:00 about the treatment for peptic ulcer using these herbal things,
05:04 we also tell them how to change the lifestyle...
05:06 Because often, a change in lifestyle is needed so that
05:10 they will not become re-infected with the Helicobacter...
05:15 and that is, indeed, quite a possibility.
05:19 So, one of the things that we tell them to do
05:22 is to make certain they get plenty of exercise.
05:25 Now how does a person get GOOD exercise?
05:28 Well the very best quality exercise is purposeful labor.
05:33 Now purposeful labor is something like doing gardening.
05:37 Or, it may be yard work... Or, painting the house
05:42 ...something that requires that you do some vigorous
05:47 physical labor that has a purpose to it.
05:51 Now if you plant a garden, the weeds that are growing up,
05:54 or the vegetables that mature, they're going to be coercive
05:58 to you to get out there and deal with the garden.
06:01 And so, every day, you must go out there and, for an hour or 2,
06:05 you must work in your garden...
06:07 That's VERY GOOD exercise. It's ideal.
06:10 One more thing that can make exercise ideal is
06:13 that of an exercise partner...
06:15 especially if that's a neighbor, a person who comes from
06:19 a little bit of distance to your house, or you go a little
06:23 bit of distance to her house, and there, the 2 of you
06:27 begin some kind of exercise that's hard, physical labor...
06:31 such as clearing an area that has been neglected
06:36 and maybe you make a little park out of an otherwise
06:40 neglected bramble patch.
06:42 That can be very good labor...
06:45 And because it is purposeful, and because you have a
06:48 partner, both of those are coercive,
06:51 and they sort of give you a little shove to get out of
06:55 doors and get moving.
06:57 Now, I have Don Miller with me here today
07:00 and Don Miller is going to talk with you about
07:02 some things having to do with the gastrointestinal tract
07:06 ...and it looks as if you may be prepared to deal with
07:09 any part of the intestinal tract...
07:11 Well, quite a few things, but the one I want to talk about
07:12 right now is a thing called "GERD"
07:14 One in 5 people have it at some time.
07:17 Even I think sometimes I have it...
07:19 You get that little bit of burning in your esophagus.
07:21 That's what GERD stands for... gastroesophageal reflux disorder
07:27 You've got things bubbling up from your stomach
07:29 into your esophagus which can be very, very irritating...
07:32 And can lead to some long-term and very chronic problems.
07:36 It can even lead to esophageal cancer.
07:39 It can lead to a narrowing of the bottom part of your
07:43 esophagus which will make it hard to swallow.
07:45 It just makes life miserable for many people,
07:48 and some people have it all the time.
07:49 Some of the main factors causing GERD
07:53 are obesity... and, we're going to talk about, briefly,
07:57 how we can avoid that particular problem
07:59 ...a lack of exercise, overeating is a main problem
08:03 because we get so much food down there,
08:04 our stomach tries to force the food back up into the
08:09 main part of your stomach to get even the first part
08:11 of digestion begun, and if we're pushing too hard,
08:14 some of that will come back up through the cardiac sphincter
08:17 and start burning the esophagus because it's got digestive
08:22 juices already in there...
08:23 and it's not made to receive digestive juices.
08:26 Also, taking certain drugs like aspirin, is very bad
08:31 actor when we're talking about GERD.
08:35 What can we do about GERD?
08:37 1. We need to stop eating so much food.
08:39 We need to lose weight.
08:41 We need to eat in a relaxed climate...
08:43 And I would recommend to a person, after they get done
08:46 with a meal, get some of the exercise that
08:48 Dr. Agatha Thrash talked about.
08:50 Many people, when they get done with a meal,
08:52 they go into the other room, and they plop down
08:54 and... watch the TV? Or, go to sleep?
08:57 They are so tired from all that eating,
08:59 they just got to get some rest!
09:01 And I teach people a good habit
09:04 I want them to learn when they're eating...
09:07 The habit that we have when we eat...
09:08 is we have our plate of food, we get a nice big spoon
09:11 or a forkful... we put it into our mouth,
09:14 and the next thing that we do, is we dive RIGHT back down
09:17 to the plate of food, and we start carving
09:19 out the next portion.
09:21 Now our eyes are seeing this, and our brain is interpreting
09:23 all this saying... "Look, here comes another one,
09:26 dump what you've got. "
09:27 And so this unchewed food, is now pushed back to the
09:31 tongue, and as that next spoonful comes up,
09:34 you swallow... and that food is NOT ready to enter
09:37 into your stomach, and you take the next spoonful...
09:40 So what do we do? Here's what I recommend...
09:42 you take a spoonful, forkful, knifeful;
09:44 however, you eat a food... chopstickful,
09:47 put it in your mouth and then lay your eating instrument down
09:51 and chew your food.
09:52 Just chew it and relax as you chew your food.
09:55 Don't sit there and chase one bite after another,
09:58 and don't drink with your meals.
10:00 You need to drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
10:04 This will be very healthy.
10:05 It helps to build up the digestive juices
10:08 but we don't drink the water or any liquids with our meals
10:13 because of the fact that it will dilute the food
10:16 It will dilute our digestive juices, and when it gets diluted
10:20 the body says... "we need more," and it just pumps more
10:23 into the system.
10:24 We should be in a 2-meal plan.
10:26 As a matter of fact, it will sound as a broken record
10:28 as we talk about all of these intestinal tract problems.
10:31 We need to go to a 2-meal a day plan.
10:33 1. It will lessen our instance of obesity.
10:36 2. It will help with the GERD problem.
10:39 We need to prop up the head of our beds.
10:41 This is a very easy one.
10:42 Now, often GERD is precipitated by a thing called
10:46 a hiatal hernia...
10:47 That little cardiac sphincter has become weak,
10:49 and we've got part of even the stomach protruding up
10:52 in to above the stomach wall there at the cardiac sphincter
10:58 So what we need to do, is raise the head of our bed
11:01 usually by something as simple as putting a couple of bricks
11:04 underneath the 2 legs at the head of your bed
11:07 Now we're laying at a little bit of an incline;
11:09 therefore, all night long, gravity is working to keep
11:12 that food going down.
11:14 Another great reason not to go in and lay down on the
11:16 couch after you eat, if you have GERD,
11:17 because you will have some problems from that.
11:19 Aloe vera and slippery elm...
11:23 Take a couple of ounces of aloe vera every day
11:26 Take some slippery elm tea, it comes in a powder
11:28 You mix it with water... it becomes sort of gelatinous
11:32 You swallow that down. It will coat the lining
11:35 and if you do have some GERD, some reflux,
11:37 it's going to keep from burning it so badly,
11:40 and you can slowly start working on
11:43 taking care of that in the future.
11:45 Avoid sphincter-relaxing foods.
11:47 We've got things like... all of your animal products
11:49 especially milk. Citrus is a sphincter-relaxing
11:52 food, tomatoes... coffee is another one,
11:54 Coffee, alcohol... will all relax that sphincter,
11:59 and when that sphincter relaxes,
12:02 food starts coming back up, and that's what we call GERD.
12:06 And so, rather simple...
12:08 but it's a problem if you don't take care of it.
12:10 Yes, it's an extremely important problem because a large
12:13 number of people are now suffering from it.
12:15 And there are some things needing to do with
12:18 eating hygiene and, of course, Don Miller mentioned
12:21 a number of those...
12:22 Being regular in one's habits, that's very good
12:25 Being very careful not to overeat
12:28 Don't drink a lot of water with your meals.
12:30 Never lie down after you've just finished eating
12:34 because that can, of course, encourage more reflux...
12:38 All of these things represent good eating hygiene.
12:41 Now there is a little affliction of the person called "hiccups"
12:46 Are you equipped to tell us how to handle hiccups?
12:51 Hic- hiccups!
12:52 I think everybody, anywhere, has about 15 different ways
12:55 to take care of the hiccups.
12:56 And, the nice thing is, many of them do work!
12:59 As a matter of fact, in one of your books,
13:01 you have a whole section on just hiccups. Yes
13:03 And I don't think you sat down and thought all those things up.
13:06 No, I learned them from a lot of people who told me
13:07 "This is the way I do it"
13:09 That's right... Well, sometimes the way they do it works
13:11 and sometimes it doesn't...
13:13 Different strokes for different folks.
13:15 But what it basically is, is an irritation of the phrenic nerve
13:19 that plays out along the diaphragm...
13:21 Basically, it's only at one side... that one side
13:24 will have a contraction, and when it contracts,
13:26 it forces air up, and then we get that "heh"
13:29 That sound, and in some people, it's a really loud sound
13:32 Some with just a little tinky sound
13:33 But, what ever it is, it's quite irritating
13:36 if it happens for a period of time.
13:37 And so, what can we do about it?
13:39 Again, you've got your own suggestions
13:41 and I'm going to just give you just a very few things
13:43 that you can do...
13:44 1. We feel if we just put some pressure just below the sternum,
13:49 where the breastbone comes together,
13:53 a little bit of pressure there ... that will take it away
13:55 A doctor once tried this, he had a person sit on the
13:58 edge of a chair, came up behind them, and he sort of
14:01 gently pinched the nape of the neck,
14:04 and then went down and did a little massage
14:06 down both sides of the spine with his thumb.
14:08 And that itself... it took that person's away.
14:12 We've heard about scaring a person...
14:14 will take away the hiccups.
14:17 I don't really recommend that, because scaring a person
14:19 is not a nice thing to do.
14:20 You've heard about people drinking water
14:23 on the other side, you know, almost turning yourself
14:25 upside-down... Perhaps pouring the water
14:27 up your nose, which usually happens, takes it away.
14:30 One way I have found, works very, very good...
14:35 Because of the fact that we do have
14:37 the phrenic nerve involvement.
14:39 It comes down from the brain, it plays out in the mouth,
14:42 roof of your mouth, your uvula, goes on down your throat,
14:45 a little bit on your lungs but, basically it ends up down
14:48 on your diaphragm...
14:49 So what you do, when you have the hiccups,
14:51 you go to a mirror, and you take something like the
14:55 other end of your toothbrush, and you look into the mirror,
14:59 and you open your mouth real wide...
15:00 and you look at that little uvula... that little thing
15:02 that hangs down in the back of your throat,
15:04 which I, when I was young, I thought that was my tonsils
15:06 until they took my tonsils out,
15:07 then I wondered they left one in there but that's your uvula
15:10 What you do is, as you're looking at that thing,
15:12 you go back there with your toothbrush,
15:14 and you touch the side of it, and just move it to the side...
15:18 just a little bit... don't keep it back there
15:21 long enough to gag you, but just a little bit.
15:23 What will happen, is the phrenic nerve
15:26 gets so involved with what you're doing with the uvula
15:29 that it forgets to send the signal to cause the contraction
15:33 on your diaphragm and I have seen it STOP
15:36 hiccups in a heartbeat!
15:39 So I like those things!
15:41 Some of them actually are funny!
15:44 And I like to deal with hiccups.
15:47 In a baby, they can get the hiccups for so long, that
15:51 finally they just get frustrated with them and begin to cry
15:54 every time they hic...
15:55 So if you just take your little finger, slip it in on the corner
15:58 of their mouth, reach back and just massage the palate,
16:02 for a minute or so, they won't like that,
16:05 and that's a part of the treatment too
16:07 and usually it will stop their hiccups if you're willing
16:10 to fight with the infant long enough to massage
16:14 the back of the throat... be sure your fingernail is short
16:17 when you're doing this.
16:19 Now, I see that you have here a treatment for nausea
16:24 and an unset stomach... Yes... yes
16:26 You want to tell us about that?
16:27 I firsthand experience with nausea... Firsthand
16:31 Ohh... first everything... First knees because I spent
16:33 2 days on my knees hanging over the side of a boat
16:36 I was stationed in Key West and I had a friend who was a
16:38 fisherman and I thought... "What an easy job, he fishes all day"
16:42 I used to be, in my old life, I used to love to fish,
16:45 and so he let me go out with him for 4 days
16:47 and for 2 days, I never got off my knees.
16:49 I was SO seasick.
16:51 And, I wish I had some of these simple things with me
16:54 at the time.
16:55 One is something as simple as a product called carob.
16:59 I suggest you have some of this around.
17:02 It's an excellent replacement for chocolate.
17:05 You can make all kinds of nice products with carob.
17:09 You could mix it with soymilk, and make carob sauce
17:12 But this is a nice treatment for upset stomach
17:14 What you do is... you take a spoonful of the carob powder
17:19 and you put it in a glass of some sort and then you add
17:24 a little bit of water...
17:26 And what you're looking to make is a little charcoal paste
17:31 ...sort of, oh maybe the consistency of pudding
17:36 I'm going to get it all over the table, but that's all right...
17:38 Because what we're trying to do is get something
17:40 that's going to take care of my upset stomach
17:42 Once you've got your paste made up,
17:45 you take a spoonful of the paste...
17:49 You can see I've got a lump of the paste here
17:51 A nice carob paste...
17:53 Nice carob... it's not unpleasant-tasting.
17:55 Smells good. It is.
17:58 If you took chocolate powder, it would be bitter,
18:02 but this is LOVELY food!
18:04 You put it in your mouth and just suck on it.
18:06 As a matter of fact, make it a little bit drier than this
18:09 ...Put it in your mouth and just spend some time
18:11 holding that in your mouth and slowly sucking on it.
18:14 We've found that this is a very nice way to calm
18:18 the upset stomach.
18:19 All right... if you don't have any carob, what can you do?
18:22 Now I'm going to mention a few things,
18:24 and if you say, "I don't have these things,"
18:26 my recommendation is go out and get some of these
18:28 particular products because you are going to want to
18:31 have them around for that time the upset stomach comes.
18:35 Another thing you can do is, use charcoal powder.
18:37 Never take a spoonful and put this in your mouth!
18:41 You mix it with water... into a nice slurry, you drink it down
18:45 That is an EXCELLENT remedy for an upset stomach
18:50 Now, when I used to travel a lot with my daughter
18:53 when she was quite young, I would carry these small cans of
18:57 fruit juice with me, and she invariably would get carsick
19:01 I would pop the top, pour it into another jar,
19:04 I always carried another jar around with me
19:07 ...a little bit larger,
19:08 I'd put a couple of spoonfuls of charcoal powder in...
19:10 I'd put the lid on and I would shake it up.
19:13 If you've ever tried to stir charcoal powder,
19:15 it looks like Mount Vesuvius!
19:17 But if you shake up the bottle, no problem.
19:19 Take a lid off, put a straw in there and my daughter could
19:22 taste the fruit juice coming through.
19:24 Now, quite frankly, I mean, you know... realistically,
19:26 the charcoal will take up, or be bound a little bit
19:29 by the juice, but she was getting enough charcoal
19:32 down into her stomach and it ALWAYS took care of her problem.
19:34 There are other nice things that you can do...
19:36 I carry with me, a little bottle of peppermint oil...
19:41 And if I feel nausea coming on, I do this when I'm in an
19:44 airplane... I'll put a little toothpick in there
19:46 and just put that toothpick in your mouth!
19:48 Peppermint oil has been shown to relieve upset stomach.
19:52 Another thing you can do is use ginger.
19:54 Just some ginger powder, swallow that down
19:57 That's also been shown to relieve nausea.
20:01 And, I knew a woman one time, I believe she was
20:05 inspired by God with some of the things she came up with
20:07 But she was out in a boat, and it was very, very stormy
20:11 and she was very, very seasick, and quite frankly,
20:13 seasickness can cause some very, very large problems.
20:17 And so probably for the one and only time in her life,
20:19 she took a little bit of coffee.
20:21 And that little bit of coffee,
20:23 even took care of her upset stomach...
20:25 So for medicinal uses, once in a RARE period of time,
20:29 we will allow you to have some coffee if you don't have
20:32 anything else, because I'm afraid, one of the things
20:34 about coffee, Dr. Thrash, it's ubiquitous...
20:36 That stuff is everywhere!
20:37 I mean, it's the world's most used psychoactive drug
20:40 So what's out there?
20:41 So I say, when you have an upset stomach,
20:43 and you have nothing else along these lines,
20:45 I'd say try a little bit of coffee... I'm afraid.
20:48 In a similar way, a coke will also be settling to the stomach
20:52 It has a little potassium in it, and it does settle the stomach
20:58 and soothe the irritation, and sometimes
21:01 it will take up, or cause to move out some of those things
21:05 that might be irritating.
21:06 Now with charcoal, you can take the dose,
21:10 and then if you feel inclined, and you vomit the dose,
21:14 that's fine too... because sometimes vomiting
21:17 what is in the stomach, will make it so that the stomach
21:19 ceases to be upset at all.
21:21 Now I'd like to spend a few minutes talking with you about
21:25 gallstones... and I happen to have some from
21:27 my museum here.
21:28 These gallstones came from different individuals.
21:32 Every gallstone here came from a different individual.
21:35 You can see that some of them are different colors from others
21:39 Some are a bit more fragile than others.
21:41 This one is white, and that makes it quite a rare stone
21:46 It's a good gem stone, and I rather like to have
21:50 this kind of stone, but you have to have a special license
21:54 to go prospecting for this kind of stone.
21:58 I have many different gallstones in my collection
22:02 and they are as specific to the person as their fingerprint is.
22:07 They are all unique and, in fact, a person, when they begin
22:12 making gallstones, may make one type, and then as the
22:17 physiology of the gallbladder changes,
22:19 they start making another type.
22:21 Sometimes they are tiny, and black...
22:24 and sometimes they are big and grey.
22:26 Sometimes they are medium size and white.
22:29 The color is specific for the kind of chemistry
22:34 that the person has in the gallbladder and in the liver
22:37 at that particular time.
22:39 Now, what can one do for gallstones?
22:42 Gallstones often come about in those people
22:48 who have some altered metabolism in some way.
22:52 They may be metabolizing fat in a wrong way...
22:56 Or, they may be eating more fat than their particular
23:00 physiologic mechanism can handle.
23:03 And they need to cut down on the free fats,
23:06 and maybe even some of the combined fats,
23:08 such as nuts and beans, and avocado and olives
23:13 ...Any of the fatty foods, that they may be taking,
23:17 they may need to cut down on those...
23:20 so that the mechanism that they have for dealing
23:23 with fats is going to be sufficient to be able to
23:27 handle those fats.
23:29 In addition to that, taking fats with sugar
23:32 ...the 2 things together, fats and sugar
23:35 Some people can tolerate, really, quite large quantities
23:38 and not seem to be harmed;
23:39 whereas, other people can take only a small quantity
23:42 and they get gallstones from it.
23:44 The Alaskan Eskimos are of this kind...
23:47 They took LARGE quantities of fat and had no problem
23:51 with it... They took whale blubber,
23:52 and seal blubber and the fats in the foods,
23:56 the fats in the fish that they ate, these gave their
23:59 diet an enormous amount of fat, and yet,
24:03 they did not have gallstones UNTIL they added sweets to that.
24:07 So when the Alcan Highway went through,
24:10 and along with it came a lot of sugar...
24:12 Adding the sugar to the already high fat diet
24:15 spelled for them a lot of problems.
24:17 It spelled for them gallstones.
24:19 It spelled for them acne...
24:21 carious teeth, hardening of the arteries,
24:24 and many other problems that they had never had before
24:27 the advent of sugar.
24:29 Even though their diet would not be one that we would think
24:32 would be very healthy, or one that is at all well-balanced.
24:38 Now, what can you do if you have gallstones...
24:42 One thing is drink PLENTY of water...
24:43 Because with the water, comes a little better
24:47 physiologic surroundings for the gallbladder,
24:52 and the gallbladder works better.
24:54 So, just the drinking of a lot of water, can in itself,
24:58 be helpful.
25:00 The second thing, if you're at all overweight,
25:02 lose weight.
25:03 Now, how much should a person weigh?
25:05 Well a woman and gallstones are far more common
25:08 in women, than in men...
25:09 That's not to say men don't have them
25:11 but just that the affliction is more common in women.
25:16 And so, for a woman, she can have 100 pounds for her
25:19 first 5 feet; then 5 pounds per 1 inch thereafter.
25:27 So if she is 5 feet 1 inch, she could weight 105 pounds.
25:33 One-hundred pounds for the first 5 feet
25:35 and 5 pounds per inch thereafter.
25:37 For a man, he gets 100 pounds for his first 5 feet,
25:43 and then after that, he gets 6 or 7 pounds per inch
25:48 depending on how muscular he is.
25:50 So if you're over that, then of course, you can start
25:54 losing weight... How do you do that?
25:57 By simple things... such as becoming a total vegetarian
26:01 Only eating breakfast and lunch and not eating
26:05 anything between meals...
26:07 And if you eat ANYTHING at all for supper, it would be
26:10 like a piece of fruit and that will help one.
26:13 Usually with just these very simple measures,
26:16 it will help a person to lose weight.
26:18 If more is needed than that, then one can eliminate
26:21 all free fats such as margarine, mayonnaise, fried foods,
26:25 cooking fats, salad oils and even nut butters
26:28 until the time comes when the person has lost
26:31 weight sufficiently that they say they are now normal weight.
26:34 Now in addition to those things, adopting an ALL vegetarian diet
26:40 is the most favorable for gallstones.
26:43 Now here you have a gallbladder filled with stones...
26:47 Should you have your gallbladder operated on?
26:49 Well a lot of people say, "No, just keep your gallbladder
26:53 full of its stones. "
26:54 I'm one of those... I think that we will do better
26:57 if we just keep the stones, rather than
26:59 having them operated on.
27:00 Some people say, "But, if you keep the stones,
27:03 you're more likely to get cancer of the gallbladder"
27:05 Yes, cancer of the gallbladder is rare and the fatal
27:13 operations for gallbladder are also rare.
27:17 So both of these are rare conditions
27:20 but one is about like the other...
27:22 So I would say that your chances of dying of the surgery
27:27 are about like your chances of getting the cancer of the
27:33 gallbladder... So I would take my chance
27:36 with the cancer of the gallbladder...
27:37 and I think that you would be unlikely to get the cancer
27:42 of the gallbladder.
27:43 Now I hope that these things that we have talked
27:46 with you about the gastrointestinal tract
27:49 will help you to know what an important organ
27:52 this system is...
27:54 and to take VERY good care of yours.


Revised 2014-12-17